Trigger fish

By Alicia Harding

Transcript of Trigger fish

By Alicia Harding

What country does this animal live in? Since this animal is a fish, it does’nt have a specific

country in which it lives.

Triggerfish are found in almost every tropical type ocean or sea.

Where does this animal use as a habitat? This creature uses the great wide oceans.

Its able to float about in the open because it’s a predator fish.

However it uses its “triggers” to lodge itself into caves to hide from bigger fish.

The “trigger” is located at the top and bottom of its body.

What does this animal eat? The triggerfish can grow quite large and has sharp

scary teeth, this is great from finding food

Triggerfish will eat just about anything they can find.

That includes snails, crabs, shells, coruscations, and small fish.

So, why is this animal so unique? The triggerfish is unique because of its triggers. It has

the ability to lodge itself so it can sleep safely and cannot be pulled out and become food.

The triggerfish also makes a loud grunting or clicking noise this can scare enemies ! And its not too often you get a pet fish who is vocal!!

Special adaptations? The special adaptations are the trigger located on top

and bottom of the fish.

These fish can be seen in the wild and in tanks, some are brightly colored, as bright colors ward off many enemies.

Interesting facts There are around 40 species of triggerfish around the world

While triggerfish may be very big beautiful fish, they are very mean.

Some Triggerfish have been known to “attack” divers, though this usually consists of only a bite, its very painful, and may scar.

Can you say this five times fast? !

In this photo is a type of trigger fish commonly known as the humu humutriggerfish. This fish is Hawaii's state fish, and its true name is the Humuhumukunukuapua fish! Its design is unique and so is its name!

Biggest and Smallest!The Stone triggerfish grows largest of all triggers! They can grow a little over 3 feet!

The Bluechin triggerfish is the smallest! Only growing 8.4inches!

Keep swimming!!As you can see triggerfish are very beautiful and interesting there's so many species! I hope after having had read through this, you have taking some kind of interest in these fantastic creatures, and I encourage you to go find out as much as you can about them!I would say they are about the only fish iv ever experience to having some what of a “personality”!!