Tricks of the Trade in ePortfolio Implementation: A Case Study

Tricks of the Trade in ePortfolio Implementation: A Case Study
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Eportfolios are increasing seen as a pedagogical tool to meet the external and internal requirements of a higher education institution. How to approach the embedding of eportfolios can be a challenge in a changing institutional environment. One option is a trial method which can falter if the institutional will for implementation is not forthcoming. Alternatively, course champions can travel the solo road but wider adoption may be a problem. The University of the Sunshine Coast recently undertook a six month Feasibility Study to determine whether the university community value using ePortfolios for student learning. This model enables a stepwise progression towards a staged sustainable eportfolio implementation by gauging interest and collecting evidence through collegiate workplace practices to gaining high level institutional support. The study resulted in a fully supported Early Adopter Phase in 2013 with two programs implementing ePortfolios and a larger staged implementation process to be undertaken next year.

Transcript of Tricks of the Trade in ePortfolio Implementation: A Case Study

PowerPoint Presentation

Tricks of the Trade in ePortfolio Implementation: A Case Study

1 Welcome

Christine SladeePortfolio Project ManagerCentre for the Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching (C~SALT)University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)eP Journey since July 2012

Where is USC in the ePortfolio process?

Start an Email Interest GroupAll staff email sent out initiallyDiverse number of responsesWithin this group volunteers to trial ePortfolio software packagesFeedback/showcase event

Gauge Interest Feasibility StudyInvestigate purposes USC community require from an ePortfolio system Develop set of criteria of functional requirements Investigate appropriate software applicationsd. To provide future recommendations for ePortfolio use

Work with Colleagues

Academic and professional colleagues appreciated our approach in asking their opinions about use of ePortfolios for student learning

Faculty teaching and support staffCareersGraduate AttributesTertiary preparationAdministration

Collect EvidenceStaff want their own eP for PD, PPR continuing accreditation and career enhancement

Address All Inquiry Levels

Different levels of understanding about ePortfolios. What is an ePortfolio? Interested but questions See value but inexperienced in use Staff (students?) who have previously used ePortfolios successfully.Learn from OthersOther universities report (and confirmed by our participants) that it is vital to provide an extended support structure not only for students, but to staff who are involved.

There are problems with implementing ePortfolio trials within programs prior to gaining university endorsement of ePortfolios.

There is merit in a staged implementation process.

Get to Know the eLearning Staff

Gain Institutional Support EarlyFeasibility study approach enabled early institutional buy-in

Recommendations accepted Dec 2012- enough interest to use ePortfolios- PebblePad software suitable- Develop application for implementation

Dont go too far without this support!

Early Adopters2013Bachelor of OT (100 first year students)Reflective assessment taskMasters of Midwifery (15 students)Case studies

Benefits of Early Adopter Phase

Opportunity to begin a staged ePortfolio implementation process increases the likelihood of successful outcomes.Undergraduate and postgraduate level.Collaboration between faculty and C-SALT to provide support for staff and students. Preparation for wider implementation in 2014 -showcasing ePortfolio use -training of other interested program leaders from email interest group at same timeChallenges of Early Adopter PhaseReactionary facilitationLarger group to manageLimited budgetStaff training - Management team - L&T staff - Academics including sessional staffStudent trainingPressure to be a positive experience

Balance Action with Support

Driving change is constant BUT

Teachers and students need technological support

Teachers also need pedagogical support to adapt Resource: Slade & Readman New pedagogical e-spaces: Keeping pace with staff readiness, HERDSA refereed paper, July 2013 Aim for a Positive Experience for All

Not burdensomeStepwise change and adaptionWell supportedAddress problems quicklyPlan strategically

Keep Hold of the Reigns

Take a measured and timely approach

Look past peoples excitement with a new technology A Staged Implementation

Supported, steady rollout thats the plan!

We will see.. Go the Extra Mile & Research

Join community of practice through publishing.

Wish list - Knowledge from others about a Feasibility Study approach

Contact DetailsIf you would like further information please contact: Christine Slade, ePortfolio Project ManagerC~SALTUniversity of the Sunshine CoastEmail: [email protected]