Triangular Antenna

A Novel Triangular Antenna for UWB Communications Dr. Arun Raaza 1 , P. Sathish Kumar 1  and K. Ramesh 1 1 Centre for Advanced Research and Development, VELS University, Chennai - 600117, India ABSTRACT A novel triangular antenna for beam steering applicatio ns is proposed . The triangula r antenna has three feeding points each on the edge points of three conducting strips, which when excited one at a time steer the beam at step of 120° through out the 30° of space and the antenna operates at .!"#$ and %"#$ thus providing multi&chann el operation in the '() region.  KEYWORDS Beam Steering, Triangular Antenna, Ultra Wide Band and Multichannel Correspondence Dr. Arun Raaza, Research Scientist, Centre for Advanced Research and Development, VELS University, Chennai - 600117, India 1. INTRODUCTION The modern era of commun ication has witnessed wide incorporatio n of pat ter n ste era ble antennas. The recentl* proposed s+uare loop antenna 1- for pattern steerable applic ations when fed one at a time steers the  beam at step of %0°, operates at .2"#$ and has a gain of /.%d). This letter prop oses three feed tria ngu lar anten na str uct ur e wh ich wh en fe d one at a time generates a titled beam, steers it in steps of 120° and operates in .!"#$ and %"#$ providing multi&channel operation in '() region. The multi&channel operation and high gain is the e* advantage of the triangular antenna over 1-. oreover, since the triangular is a s*mmetric antenna lie s+uare loop 1-, it also tacles the problem of polari$atio n randomness and parameter var iations whi ch wer e introduced b* the sing le or mu lti&tur n rectan gular be am ste eri ng spira l t* pe antennas 2&- . As with 1-, the design of the triangula r ante nna is inte nde d for ver tica l pola ri$a tion s*stems onl* and hence, all the tilted beams of interest have the  polari$atio n dominan ce in the direction of 4. The triangular antenna is depl o* able in base station s for (iA5 applications, smart wireless devices and has hu ge po te nt ial for fu ture ge ne ra ti on wi re less transceivers. 6n addition, the beam steering propert* of triangular antenna maes wireless device to steer most of its radiated power at a target direction, resulting in a mu ch low er los s of sig na l powe r in the unwa nte d dire ctio ns and improv es the longev it* of the dev ice  batter* . This propert* maes triangul ar +uite suitable for militar* based applications. 2. ANTENNA CONFIGURATION 7ig. 1 shows the top and side view of the triangular antenna, the antenna has conductor arm side length l830mm, trac width and the whole unit is  baced b* a condu cting ground plane . The antenna has a permittivit* of 3. and a thicness of h812mm. The antenna has a total of three feeding points. 6n view of the fac t tha t the ante nna is fe d fro m the edg es its fee ding config urat ion is refe rred to as 9dg e poin ts fe eding : and is de noted b* 9:. #e nc e, the three feeding point configurations are A, ), and ;. <ince the whole structure is s*mmetrical, the < 11 and other  paramet ers for all the configu rations are identical to that of configuration A. Therefore, configuration 9 A: is alone anal*sed using A=< momentum <oftware -. 3. RESONATING FREQUENCIES The Triangular antenna specified above was anal*$ed for the A configuration and its return loss is shown in 7ig. 2. The A con figu ratio n has one reso nance at .!"#$ and %"#$. As shown in 7ig. 2, for a &10d) return loss criterion the A config uration shows  bandwidths from ."#$ to /."#$ and !.%"#$ to %.3"#$. 4. RADIATION PATTERNS xamining the radiation pattern at test fre+uenc* of .! "#$ >7i g. 3? , it is obs erv ed tha t the anten na generates a tilted beam >@max8%0° and 4max8 /°?. 7or A configuration the @max is %0°, for ) configuration the @max is 210° and for ; configuration the @max is 330° and the titled beam points awa* from the feeding  point. <imilarl* examining the radiation pattern at test fre+uenc* of %"#$ >7ig. ?, it is observed that the antenna gene rates a tilted beam >@max82/0° and 4max8 1/°?. 7o r A con figu rati on the @max is 2/, fo r ) configuration the @max is 10° and for ; configuration the @max is 30° the titled beam points awa* from the feeding point. 7ig. 3 and shows the conical radiation  pattern cuts for antenna A, ) and c configuration in the directio n of max imum radiati on at .! "#$ and %"#$ respectivel*. 5. BEAM SWITCHING 7ig. shows the three dimensional radiation pattern 1d) cone for 4 for all the three feeding configuration . The beam for configuration A at .!"#$ has 4max8and @max8%0°, ) has 4max 8/° and @max8210° and ; has 4max 8/° and @max8 330°. Again the beam for configuration A at %"#$ has 4max81/° and @max82/0°, ) has 4max 81/° and @max810°and ; has 4max 81/° and @max8 30°. This shows that 4max for both .!"#$ and %"#$ remains constant at /° and 1/° respectivel* wh er e as @max va ri es in st ep s of 12. Th us b* se le cting each of the thre e fe ed s in se+uence a complet e cov era ge of 3de gree spac e ca n be covered in steps of 120°, reali$ing a pattern steerable antenn a. Th e av er ag e ga in be ams fo r al l the 3 conf igu ratio ns is %. d) for .!"#$ and %.%d) for %"#$ and the* are linearl* polari$ed in the direction of 4. 6. FIGURES

Transcript of Triangular Antenna

  • 5/28/2018 Triangular Antenna


    A Novel Triangular Antenna for UWB CommunicationsDr. Arun Raaza1, P. Sathish Kumar1and K. Ramesh1

    1Centre for Advanced Research and Development, VELS University, Chennai - 600117, India


    A novel triangular antenna for beam steering applications is proposed. The triangular antenna has three feeding pointseach on the edge points of three conducting strips, which when excited one at a time steer the beam at step of 120throughout the 30 of space and the antenna operates at .!"#$ and %"#$ thus providing multi&channel operation inthe '() region.KEYWORDS

    Beam Steering, Triangular Antenna, Ultra Wide Band and Multichannel


    Dr. Arun Raaza, Research Scientist, Centre for Advanced Research and Development, VELS University, Chennai - 600117, India


    The modern era of communication has witnessed wideincorporation of pattern steerable antennas. Therecentl* proposed s+uare loop antenna 1- for patternsteerable applications when fed one at a time steers thebeam at step of %0, operates at .2"#$ and has a gainof /.%d). This letter proposes three feed triangularantenna structure which when fed one at a timegenerates a titled beam, steers it in steps of 120 andoperates in .!"#$ and %"#$ providing multi&channeloperation in '() region. The multi&channel operationand high gain is the e* advantage of the triangularantenna over 1-. oreover, since the triangular is as*mmetric antenna lie s+uare loop 1-, it also taclesthe problem of polari$ation randomness and parametervariations which were introduced b* the single ormulti&turn rectangular beam steering spiral t*pe

    antennas 2&-. As with 1-, the design of the triangularantenna is intended for vertical polari$ation s*stemsonl* and hence, all the tilted beams of interest have thepolari$ation dominance in the direction of 4. Thetriangular antenna is deplo*able in base stations for(iA5 applications, smart wireless devices and hashuge potential for future generation wirelesstransceivers. 6n addition, the beam steering propert* oftriangular antenna maes wireless device to steer mostof its radiated power at a target direction, resulting in amuch lower loss of signal power in the unwanteddirections and improves the longevit* of the devicebatter*. This propert* maes triangular +uite suitablefor militar* based applications.

    2. ANTENNA CONFIGURATION7ig. 1 shows the top and side view of the triangularantenna, the antenna has conductor arm side lengthl830mm, trac width and the whole unit is

    baced b* a conducting ground plane. The antenna hasa permittivit* of 3. and a thicness of h812mm. Theantenna has a total of three feeding points. 6n view ofthe fact that the antenna is fed from the edges itsfeeding configuration is referred to as 9dge pointsfeeding: and is denoted b* 9:. #ence, the threefeeding point configurations are A, ), and ;. 7ig. ?, it is observed that theantenna generates a tilted beam >@max82/0 and 4max81/?. 7or A configuration the @max is 2/0, for )configuration the @maxis 10 and for ; configurationthe @maxis 30 the titled beam points awa* from thefeeding point. 7ig. 3 and shows the conical radiationpattern cuts for antenna A,) and cconfiguration inthe direction of maximum radiation at .!"#$ and%"#$ respectivel*.

    5. BEAM SWITCHING7ig. shows the three dimensional radiation pattern1d) cone for 4for all the three feeding configuration.The beam for configuration Aat .!"#$ has 4max8/and @max8%0, ) has 4max8/ and @max8210 and;has 4max8/ and @max8 330. Again the beam forconfiguration Aat %"#$ has 4max81/ and @max82/0,) has 4max81/ and @max810and ;has 4max81/

    and @max8 30. This shows that 4max for both .!"#$and %"#$ remains constant at / and 1/ respectivel*where as @max varies in steps of 120. Thus b*selecting each of the three feeds in se+uence acomplete coverage of 30 degree space can becovered in steps of 120, reali$ing a pattern steerableantenna. The average gain beams for all the 3configurations is %. d) for .!"#$ and %.%d) for%"#$ and the* are linearl* polari$ed in the direction of4.

    6. FIGURES

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    7ig. 1Top and side view of triangular antenna with three feeds

    7ig. 2 eturn loss

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    7ig. 3a

    7ig. 3b

    7ig. 3c

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    7ig. 3d

    7ig.3 adiation pattern of antenna for .! "#$

    a Bb? @max8%0 B 4max8/ for A

    c? @max8210 for )

    d? @max8330 for ;

    7ig. a

    7ig. b

  • 5/28/2018 Triangular Antenna


    7ig. c

    7ig. d

    7ig . adiation pattern of antenna for %"#$

    a Bb? @max82/0 B 4max81/ for A

    c? @max810 for )

    d? @max830 for ;

    7ig. Cne d) radiation cone for all the three feeds

  • 5/28/2018 Triangular Antenna


    7. CONCLUSIONA triangular antenna with three s*mmetrical feedingpoints is proposed for beam steerabilit*. The feedingpoints are located at the edges of the three conductingstrips, which when excited one b* one generates threetilted beams at step of 120 covering complete space infront of antenna.

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