Trevor Eghagha - Bearing witness to the divine age coming ... · Web viewAtti degli Apostoli 1:8-9...

UNDERSTANDING THE TRUE RAPTURE Photo "© Pavel Losevsky |" 1Thessalonians 4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep , that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope . 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him . 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first : 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together

Transcript of Trevor Eghagha - Bearing witness to the divine age coming ... · Web viewAtti degli Apostoli 1:8-9...

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Photo "© Pavel Losevsky |" 

1Thessalonians 4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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"Do not be sorrowful as others who have no hope”; “Comfort one another with these words”: these are the words of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Church of the Thessalonians, having explained the hope of our calling as believers in salvation through Jesus Christ. God is our midst to give us hope and to dispel every fear of death that has plagued humanity in their dark hour. Do not get sorrowful and worried about a brother who just slept in the Lord the other day, or even a relation who you probably feel did not walk with the Lord. Those who sorrow, do that simply because they have not heard and believed what the Lord is saying in this hour. The truth is that we shall all meet again with shouts of joy in the glory of the Father as the Lord performs His good word in this day. All have slept in Adam and all will awake in Christ, and I can assure you, not one crumb of bread will be lost from the whole loaf, they will all be gathered into that one whole lump again. No need asking how or when, all you need to do is listen and conform yourself to the truth as it is being revealed to you.

For this reason, we kneel in front to our Heavenly Father, asking the Spirit of wisdom and intelligence, to know the mystery of His loving will, and we can explore together the size, length, height and depth of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.

Our consolation is the fullness of the Glory of God, which is Christ, he is more precious than gold, silver or anything that can be imagined by man, and this eternally remains our reward. He is our Heavenly Prize, because in Him resides in the fullness of the living God, we are complete in him. In truth, all men have sinned and have become void of the Glory of God, but the good news is our restoration to Glory through Jesus Christ.

Thank the Lord for the spirit of wisdom that he gave us freely. The pleasure of our Heavenly Father is to give light and intelligence to His children so that they grow up into the full and perfect stature of Christ [Ephesians 4:11-13]. Let it ring in our hearts, that which the Father desires and wills for us, is our ascension into the reality of true new life in Christ, his only begotten son. In Christ, the


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heavenly Father has invested all things including His glory so that He reigns over all the works of God.

John 3:35 The Father loves the Son, and gave him everything in hand.

Paul wrote a summary of the intention of the Father, which is to collect all in one body, which is the only begotten son, Christ [Ephesians 1:9-10]. There is clearly to other way into glory and favor except through the only begotten son. Any man who lives a life outside the son suffers the wrath of God; this is the situation of the man of the world today. 

John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever refuses to believe the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God remains on him. "  

The wrath of God is not intended to mean that God is somewhere in the sky punishing men because of their transgression, all that theory proceeds from the hearts of men who grope in darkness in relation to the knowledge of the true and living God. The wrath that man suffers is simply the fruit of ignorance of man as to what the true God is and His relation to Him. In truth the foundation of this world is ignorance of the living God [John 17:3, John 17:25]. Thank God light is shining today to illuminate the ignorance in the hearts of men so that the can once more partake in the fellowship of the light of life.

In this booklet, we will examine a subject which is well known in the world today particularly among Christians in the Pentecostal and conservative fold, it is called “the rapture". Since it touches our hope as believers, and the end of our faith, this is a topic to be understood. By the spirit, I will basically use two sections from the Bible as anchor points to explain this very interesting topic. They are the fourteenth to eighteenth verses of the fourth chapter of the book of First Thessalonians [1 Thessalonians 4:14-18], and forty-ninth to fifty-eighth verses of the fifteenth Chapter of the book of 1Corinthians [1 Corinthians 15: 49-58].

 1Corinthians 15:49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not

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all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality . 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory ? 56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

In these verses, Paul wrote about a great mystery [1Corinzi15-51] that touches our translation and conformation back into God’s glory. We must understand that a mystery is that which is beyond the normal intellectual scope of a human understanding, therefore leaving men in the dark to wonder. In circulation today, there are many different interpretations and teachings on the subject, "The rapture". Despite being well known, very few people get to understand this mystery, simply because they seek to use human intelligence to understand that which is spiritual and celestial.


There exist two sources of intelligence, in other words there are two types of light; they are the lower natural light which the carnal natural man of the earth operates by and secondly that which is celestial light which can also be termed the light of the lamb. That light, by which men walk by, comes from the spirit of man and it is actually darkness for those who can discern the truth.

Matthew 6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!


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The evil eye is a reference to eye of the carnal mind which cannot understand the things of God; it sees only things that relate to men, earthly and natural things so to say. Because of their darkened eyes of their understanding, men are not able to comprehend the mysteries of the kingdom of God. However those who receive of God’s spirit, get to understand the mysteries of the kingdom which in turn enlightens them, causing entrance into God’s kingdom where they can stand eternally blameless before to the Father. Jesus proves this while explaining the use of Parables to His disciples.

Mark 4:9-12 And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 10 And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. 11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 12 That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.

To the common people (the crowd), the parable of the sower, could have passed for a presentation on agriculture intended to satisfy their carnal needs. True disciples and seekers of glory however press on further to ask Jesus saying, "Master and shepherd of our soul, what did you intend to communicate to us?” These are those who arise at midnight, and knock at the door of the Father’s secret chamber asking for the bread of life, namely the spiritual wisdom from the spirit of God which reveals the secret path to life [Luke 11:5-13]. Here, we already see a dividing line between the true worshipers of God and the multitudes that do not see things according to the thoughts of God but according to their carnally derived wisdom, neither do they hunger for the spiritual things of God.   James wrote that if any man lacks true heavenly wisdom, He should ask the Father of lights and He will freely give Him. Many today do not ask for that thing that matters most (the heaven wisdom of God), because their desires are set on things of this earth (vanity).   James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

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  The wisdom of God like a lamp illuminates the darkness of our carnal minds and brings to light the deep and hidden things which before now were known as mysteries. While we hear the truth, we are freed from every evil chain that has tied us to outer darkness, and we are further liberated into the glory of God. The key is to listen to what the spirit (God’s mind revealed) says; this is the candle of the Lord illuminating us with the light of life.    Mark 4:21 And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick? 22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. 23 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

“There is nothing hid which shall not be made manifest”, those things which were hidden from our site are the mysteries of the kingdom. We must, by the Holy Spirit hear the voice of truth which is non other than the thoughts of the Father revealed, otherwise we die off without intelligence like the beasts of the field. The intelligence kindled by the Holy Spirit is like light that brings us into conscious awareness of our Heritage in Christ within the confines of God’s kingdom, however, the spirit of carnal men, leads man away from the gates of the kingdom down the slippery path unto death [Romans 8:6]. In Adam our intelligence was darkened, leading to a total loss of the knowledge of our heritage in Christ, so it now comes back to us as a mystery to search out diligently.

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

Those driven by carnal human spirit, are like the blind being led by the blind, only to end up in the pit. The whole world today (including traditional religion) is guided by the human spirit, this explains why the path to life eludes them. Religion and its various rituals of procedural morality, does not lead man into the knowledge of the living God, but leads him down the slippery path leading to death where there is ever greater torment and anguish of the soul.

Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.


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To a lot of believers today, the phrase "Mysteries of the Kingdom", brings fear of making mistakes and getting in error, but it is not so. All we need to fear is fear itself, because that is the tool of the enemy. I have ministered in various churches and before ministers all over the world and most of them admit that I spoke from the depths of God, but fear of getting into error like many ministers of the past did, causes them to withdraw. In an attempt to justify themselves they remind us of scriptures that warn of false doctrines that will litter the world in the last days. What men do not realize is that the last days have already been unfolded right from the days of the revelation of Jesus Christ from heaven and many false doctrines are already in the church today. Using fear as a tool, Satan has tied men to doctrines which hide the true reality of God’s presence and the celestial realm at our disposal. Fear of celestial revelations by men, causes the messenger of God in whatever form to always say, “fear not”.

The mysteries of the kingdom represents the truths revealed by the spirit of God. The spirit of wisdom and revelation (Holy Spirit) is given to men to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. They are called mysteries, simply because they were hidden from our understanding, when we were in ignorance, but when it is revealed it will no longer be a mystery. The perfect day comes, when mysteries will seize to be, because every hidden thing is brought to light. We need to understand these mysteries of the kingdom so that we can enjoy the riches in glory reserved for the faithful. “My people perish because they receive wisdom from the wrong source, but when they start to listen to my spirit, they will appear before my glorious presence and will no longer perish in the way of Adam” [Hosea 4:6].

True wisdom is not the letters of the bible or any form of sacred book in this material world, neither is it any form of humanly derived knowledge, it is fetched from the spirit of God, because the letter kills and the spirit gives us eternal life; the letters simply advances man’s religion and works of human morality, which eternally speaking, are of no profit.

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2Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

It does not matter if we know the bible from the a-z, or we have pastoral titles and theological degrees, or even thousands in our congregations, what counts is man’s ability to hear what the spirit of God says. If it is possible to be justified unto life with just the letters from scriptures or religious knowledge, the various holy prophets before Jesus would have entered in even before the coming of Christ. I can assure you that this in very day, we do not have men as devout to their religious beliefs as the men of ancient biblical time.

John 5:39-40 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

This is a call to silence and meditation, when we are silent and not distracted by the various activities in this world we begin to hear the spirit,. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, all that we heard in the darkness (the light of the carnal spirit) will be heard in the light of the spirit of God [Matthew 10:26-27]. The prophet Isaiah prophesied Christ, saying that he will proclaim things hidden since the beginning of the world. Matthew 13:35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

Christ descended from heaven to witness about the truth, exactly the way it is in the eternal mind of God. Understand that everything we see in this world are actually thoughts of God in material form. Looking at the things we see, we can understand the mind of God. Jesus spoke in parables, because He saw things in light of the spirit of God, if we have the same spirit of Christ, we must also see and understand the things he saw, and understood.

We must remember that God is spiritual and His Kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom that has been even before material manifestation. We know that what we see with the natural eye has a meaning in the invisible kingdom of God.


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Colossians 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.   Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

The things we behold with our natural senses actually testify of the invisible things; Men with no knowledge of the living God and His invisible Kingdom have an opportunity to perceive it by beholding the things seen. This explains why Jesus always used earthly things to explain the invisible Kingdom of God [Romans 1:19-20].

In a meeting with Italian brothers some time back, most of them were astonished when I told that the kingdom of God is invisible with no material form whatsoever; but Jesus also confirmed this. The Pharisees who represent the custodians of the traditions of men and of religion asked for the manner in which the Kingdom of God will be unfolded on earth, they obviously had their beliefs about some physical beautiful manifestation of the kingdom of God from the sky, but he were confounded by Jesus’ reply. Jesus replied by saying that the Kingdom does not come by the observation of the natural carnal senses, but it is a reality on the inside of us, meaning that the kingdom is a spiritual concept we attain to in our inner consciousness.   Luke 17:20-21 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.   Years later, Paul explained that the Kingdom of God is not in spaghetti, grills and fine wine, but in peace and joy in Holy Spirit, so why do men keep looking out for physical manifestations in the sky or in Jerusalem in the middle east [Romans 14:17].

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The Bible is a book written by several men who were inspired by the Spirit of God. All things within the book called the bible, be it stories, events, the commandments and laws, speak only of the Glory of Christ to be revealed in Man. Since the bible is filled with allegories, many fail to understand what the Spirit intends to communicate to men. Even the disciples who followed Jesus during His ministry for about three and a half years, were not able to perceive and understand His words, neither were they able to get the messages behind His works, because they had not yet received the Holy Spirit. In fact, Jesus had many things to say to them, but He could not because there is no way they could have comprehended Him at that point in time.

 John 16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Miraculously after the baptism in the Holy Ghost, the disciples began to remember and understand the words and works of Jesus and the prophecies of the prophets. Why is it so? It is so because the holy spirit being the breath of God, opened the eyes of their understanding to comprehend the deep things of God.

The Thessalonians to whom which Paul wrote the letter on the catching up to unite with the Lord in the air (popularly known as rapture) were spirit filled believers who had already known and communed spiritually with Him, in fact some of them were his spiritual children in the faith. Paul wrote the letter as a reminder and form of encouragement to Thessalonians and they knew what he was talking about. When he wrote on what is popularly called “the rapture of the Church in the clouds”, He spoke of a great mystery, that the common natural man on the outside cannot understand, it was a letter to believers who know the truth. Since Paul used allegories or rather the spiritual tongue in that letter, many people over time have read His letter to the Thessalonians erringly, and have created and treasured false hopes for themselves. It is very pitiable when you behold brethren who love God and truely seek to know Him, being made to go round in endless circles pursuing a false hope cooked up by human reasoning.


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There is rapture of the Church, but we have to understand what it truly stands for, no more being tossed to and fro by doctrines of men. How can you be partakers if you do not know, and how can you know if you do hear what the spirit is saying in this hour. Forget what religion and traditions of men tells you about this union with the Lord in the air popularly known as the rapture, because they simply deny you access to the keys of God’s kingdom where your consolations lie. Christ is in our midst today to give us the keys of the kingdom, so that we can enter in and find unspeakable glory, rest and honor.

In this book we will carefully examine what true rapture is, we will not speak letters but reveal what the Father has given us the grace to taste of.

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Since the hope of believers is to be taken away (abducted) together with other brothers in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, it is important to understand what Paul wrote to the Thessalonians.


1Tessalonicesi 4:16-18 because the Lord himself, with an order, with voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, will fall from heaven, and before the dead in Christ, 17 then we live, that we stayed, will kidnapped together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Consolatico therefore one another with these words.


For more light on our hope Celeste by believers in this article, we explore the meaning of the clouds.



In truth, God uses simple examples based on familiar things, to explain his thoughts to men and this fact is evident when using the trees in reference to men, snakes in reference to the power of evil and the children of disobedience, l 'Lamb as a reference to the purity and innocence of Christ. He used the stars to define her

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children that reign in heavenly places in Christ. Use the wedding to explain our unbreakable union with the Spirit (Christ). Use the tomb and the ditch to explain the status of those cut off from the life of God. Use the bread, to define Jesus, that as the word came down from the Father in the sky. Use the abyss to understand the state of darkness for those not enlightened by the wisdom of Christ. Indeed, the heavens declare His glory (Psalms 19:1); speak to us day and night of glory and majesty of God, by seeing the invisible attributes of God. The Apostle Paul confirms this in Romans, Chapter One, when he wrote that invisible attributes of God are seen and recognized in created things.


Please note that the things belong to God are invisible, he is spirit with no form as many think today. We must discard any false image about God and His Kingdom brought by men in our minds, because they become like walls that obscure our view of the Glory of God. Paul had described these arguments as the fortresses that rise against the pure wisdom Christ, and be killed anyway with the armed force of the Spirit.


2Corinzi 10:4-5 fact the weapons of our war are not carnal, but by God the power to destroy strongholds since demolished the reasoning 5 and all that stands proudly against the knowledge of God, by any prisoner thought to to make it obedient to Christ;


The cloud is the Glory of God, that Christ is also the spiritual, incorporeal and heavenly Christ, which is the Gloria and the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15, 1Corinthians 11:7). The intention of God is to bring in Gloria dell'unigenito Son, this is a Gloria lost in Adam, who is about to be "restored" For us believers. This restoration and glorification of believers is only when we transcend the earthly carnal image, transforming them into the heavenly Christ. What is flesh is flesh and land, and what is spirit is spirit and is in heaven. As flesh and blood are materials and land, can not enter the kingdom of God, that does not comply with its carnal thoughts to thoughts of heaven of the Father, can not inherit the glory of God.

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As the clouds, whoever is born of the Spirit, is driven by the wind (spirit). The Spirit is here among us to make us contemplate the glory of God, and while we contemplate the Gloria, we are transformed by the Glory of God, to find a new life in the Spirit, in the heavenly places in Christ.


2Corinzi 3:17-18 Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord, there is freedom. 18 And we all, face uncovered, contemplating in a mirror the glory of the Lord, we are transformed in his own image, from glory to glory, according to the action of the Lord, who is the Spirit.


It can be clearly seen in the Bible, God has always used the clouds to show His Glory. At the time, when it appeared in glorious form before men or through visions to the prophets and His glory always appeared as cloud or fire as signs of His presence. The Glory of eternity appeared as a cloud, when manifested His glory to the Israelites on Mount Sinai. Appeared so, when Moses erected the Tabernacle, appeared well above the Israelites, when remained in the desert for forty years, appeared well when Solomon erected Temple, appeared so when Ezekiel lived His Glory. Even when Jesus ascended the mountain and was transfigured before the three most trusted followers, the Glory of God appeared as a cloud. At the end of his ministry, Jesus was taken away on a cloud, before his disciples.


All those events were used to express the invisible Glory of God. The things of God, as I have already explained, can not be perceived by the senses of natural, are perceived only with minds spiritually awakened by the Holy Spirit.

As we grow in faith we discover that everything we read in the Old Testament speaks only of the Glory of Christ in the future.



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We see more detail some of these manifestations of His Glory in the form of clouds, described by the Bible.




ITS glorious manifestation on Mount Sinai (Horeb)


The first and only glorious manifestation of God in front of an entire nation, occurred shortly after the liberation of the Israelites from Pharaoh. God commanded Moses to gather the Israelite people around Mount Sinai, for an important meeting. We read this in the nineteenth chapter of migration:


ESODO 19:9 The LORD said to Moses: "Behold, I will come to you in a dense cloud, so that people hear when I speak with you, and you take faith forever." And Moses reported the LORD the words of the people.


ESODO 19:16-20 On the third day, as was morning, there were thunder, lightning, a dense cloud on the mountain and heard a huge sound of the trumpet. All the people who had nell'accampamento shook. 17 Moses did leave the people to lead dall'accampamento to meet God, and they stayed at the foot of the mountain. 18 The Mount Sinai was all smoking, because the LORD was down in the midst of the fire, the smoke saliva as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled strong. 19 The sound of the trumpet grew ever stronger, Moses spoke and God answered by a voice. 20 The LORD then fell on Mount Sinai, to summit the mountain, and the LORD called Moses on the mountain's summit, and Moses went up there.


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The liberation of the Israelites, is a classic example of liberation, that God is making in the lives of anyone who seeks His glory. The pain and fatigue of the Israeli people, when he was chained to the Pharaoh and his armies, are as labor of the children of God who are trapped in a corrupt nature (flesh and blood), a nature that can not make the pleasure of God, we speak of a nature that leads to men, including believers, a sense of enmity and separation from God. The forces of Pharaoh, representing the principles and powerful of this world, are the spiritual forces of wickedness, which govern the world. These forces are those that lead men to corruption and a sense of separation from God. Some people are trying to do the pleasure of the Lord, but they can not because they are slaves of corruption. The hope of creatures, including believers, is to be freed from the slavery of corruption, and obtain the glorious liberty of the sons of God [Romans 8:19-23].

If the son of man will make us free, we are truly free.


John 8:36 If therefore the Son shall make you free, you will be truly free.


Using the types or allegories, Moses is a shadow of Christ or the son of the man who appeared to free the elect of God from the slavery of corruption, for the Glory of God. The words of Moses to Pharaoh were: "Let go my people, because I celebrated a festival in the desert "and" Let my people go because I serve. "This is the liberation we get in these last days, a total liberation from the bondage of corruption and any sense of being sinners, which ottenebrato our eyes from the goodness and glory of God.


In the song of Moses, he said, "God introdurrai them and plant them on your Holy Mount", namely Zion [Exodus 15:17].


After the liberation, were brought to the presence of the Glory of God, represented by cloud. Mount Sinai is really a shadow of Mount Zion. God has shown that, for us to understand how the world is invisible. If we see the mountains in this physical world, there is


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always the possibility of seeing the clouds above, representing the Glory of God, this on top of Mount Zion. The salvation that God is making is no longer a physical as with the Israelites, but a spiritual experience. There is talk of a liberation and transformation from a state of carnal flesh and blood to a heavenly Son dell'unigenito in Christ, a state that allow us to serve the Lord freely, in innocence and love, away from any sense of fault.


Looking binoculari with the spiritual, it is already a kind of kidnapping in the lower part or in darkness (Egypt) to the glory of God in the cloud.


From this we can see already, a scene since, currently aimed at freeing the children of God from the darkness of this world to the clouds of God on Mount Zion where the Glory of God.





When the Israelites left Egypt, they were always surrounded by the Glory of God, who appeared in the sky as a column of cloud by day and a column of fire in the night. Were guided and supported by this column of cloud and fire during their travel in the desert for forty years.


ESODO 13:21-22 The LORD went before them: by day, in a column of cloud to guide them along the way, at night, in a column of fire to light, so could walk day and night. 22 He does not away the pillar of cloud during the day nor the pillar of fire during the night, the sight of the people.


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In a letter to the Corinthian, Moses I see our journey of faith in Christ to His glory, that of the Israelites in the desert under the cover of clouds toward the Promised Land. Recall that the Promised Land, is a shadow of the Kingdom of God, where is the fullness of the Glory of God. They were baptized in the cloud, to belong to Moses; today, we are baptized with the faith in the glory of Christ (Holy Spirit) to be of Christ. Their trips into the desert, is a process of training, processing and refining to make them worthy of entering the Promised Land. What each of believers pass by to inherit the glory of God.


1Corinthians 10:1-5 I do not want to ignore that fact, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, all passed through the sea, 2 were all baptized into the cloud and the sea, to be Moses, 3 ate all the same spiritual food, 4 bevvero all the same spiritual drink, because drinking the spiritual rock that followed them, and this rock was Christ. 5 But most of their God does not compiacque fact were killed in the desert.


The Promised Land, the award of the Israelites, was a rich and fertile land in the middle of the desert, which symbolized the Kingdom of God, was a land where the inhabitants are not missing anything. So that the Israelites lived in a manner worthy of the name of eternity in the Promised Land, were assured of fruitful in all things, like good health, abundance of food, victory against their enemies, peace etc.



Instead, the prize given to us believers (faithful), is an eternal kingdom, where the invisible and glorious reign over all the enemies of God, including death. Paul explained that the Kingdom of God, that is heavenly New Jerusalem, is not a Kingdom of food or beverages, such as during the during the dispensation of Israel according to the flesh.



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Romans 14:17 for the kingdom of God is not food nor drink, but is justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


We are called to joy, peace and unlimited prosperity in the Holy Spirit (the Glory of Christ) in the Kingdom of God. The Spirit refines us from carnal, through the manna (words) from the sky and the deep by Rocky (by profound revelation Spirit of God) and every type of correction and discipline, which then produce the fruits of peace and justice in those who have been trained by it.







During his first appearance before the entire nation of Israel, in a scene well known, God commanded Moses to climb the mountain was shrouded in cloud of His glory.


ESODO 24:15-18 Moses then went up the mountain and the cloud covered the mountain. 16 The glory of the LORD remained on Mount Sinai and the cloud covered for six days. The seventh day the LORD called Moses to the middle of the cloud. 17 For the children of Israel the glory of the LORD appeared as a fire Devouring on top of the mountain. 18 Moses came in the midst of the cloud and went up the mountain, Moses remained on the mountain forty days and forty nights.




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Moses stayed in midst of the cloud for forty days, and received the two tables of testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God. We all believe we should follow this kind of spiritual path, spiritual climbing the mountain of God, namely Mount Zion, where the Lord will write on the tables of our hearts, the commandments. As he has promised through the mouths of the prophets, in recent days, he will put his law within us, that any sense of shame is no more. This work of God in us, is when we go up and we gladly Who we are on God on Mount Zion.


Jeremiah 31:33-34 "but this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days," says the LORD: "I put my law within them, I will write it upon their hearts, and I will their God, and they shall be my people. 34 No longer instruct his companion or his brother, saying: "You know the Lord!" because all I know, from the smallest to largest, "says the LORD. "As I forgive their iniquity, I will remember their sin."


After forty days, Moses came down from the cloud where he had a meeting with the Lord. His face was lit from deeply Glory of God, but the people of Israel did not have the courage to see it. Moses covered his face while talking with the people, because they felt worthy of watching the reflection of the Glory of God shone strongly on his face.


That reflection of Glory on the face of Moses, was only a shadow of the glory of Christ, Paul spoke of the ministry of Moses with the Ministry of death, a ministry that temporary is much lower in comparison to the ministry of the Glory of Christ.


2Corinzi 3:6-11 He has also made eligible to be ministers of a new pact, not the letter, but the Spirit, because the letter kills but the Spirit vivifica.7 Or if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not fix our gaze on the face of Moses


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because of glory, though vanished, the face of it, 8 more will be glorious as the ministry of the Spirit? 9 If, in fact, the ministry of condemnation was glorious, much more abundant glory in the ministry of justice. 10 Indeed, what was the first made glorious, was not made truly glorious, when comparisons with the much higher glory of the second, 11 in fact, if what was transitory was surrounded by glory, much larger is the glory of this that is lasting.


How God called Moses on the cloud, so he is collecting your elected at this on your Monte Santo (Sion), where your glory dwells. And while we contemplate your glory, we are processed in the same Gloria, so that the world see the glory of God upon us, like the Israelites saw the reflection of Gloria on Moses.


2Corinzi 3:17-18 Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord, there is freedom. 18 And we all, face uncovered, contemplating in a mirror the glory of the Lord, we are transformed in his own image, from glory to glory, according to the action of the Lord, who is the Spirit.







After the liberation of the Israelites from the hand of Pharaoh, followed by the escape from Egypt, and their gathering on Mount Sinai to confer with the Lord, Moses was called on the top of the mountain to receive the Covenant and the design of a tabernacle as we read before. God commanded Moses to build a tabernacle, a simple structure in which the resident Gloria of eternity, in the midst of his people.

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In obedience, when Moses returned from the Israelite people with the plan of the tabernacle, he with them, voluntarily collected materials that were used, and built the tabernacle just as Moses had submitted, according to what we saw in the presence of God on Mount Sinai.


Exodus 40:33-38 also erected the fence around the tabernacle and the altar and suspended the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard. So Moses completed the work. 34 Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 35 E Moses could not enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had laid above, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 36 During all their travels, when the cloud rose from the tabernacle, the children of Israel started; 37 but if the cloud is not raised, not leaving until the day that rose. 38 The cloud of the LORD it was the tabernacle by day and at night there was a fire visible to the whole house of Israel during all their travels.


Reading the effects 40:33-38, shortly after the end of the construction and dedication of the tabernacle, the Glory of God in the form of clouds covered the tent of the tabernacle and filled until Moses could not enter the strong presence of Gloria. Recall that the tabernacle was used as a temple or house of God lived among His people.


Even today, you can see that the Lord uses the cloud to express His glory. This Gloria is the strength of the Israelites, why were the Glory of God among His people. Their prosperity and victory in all things, was linked to the Glory of God dwelt among them. Today we discover that the desire for God remains the same, namely dwell among His people. If patiently listen to the word and we conform dell'unigenito in the Son of God, we discover that he has promised to descend from heaven and stay with us, because the Spirit reveals today that we are the true tabernacle or temple of Living God, who has not formed with the hand of man.


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John 14:23 Jesus replied: "If anyone loves me, keep my word and my Father the love, and we will stay by him and with him.


The tabernacle that Moses built, was a structure that served as a shadow for us to know God's plan, that is to stay among us for all eternity.


2Corinzi 6:16-18 And that harmony between there is the temple of God and idols? We are indeed the temple of the living God, as God said: "live and walk among them, will be their God and they will be my people. 17 Therefore, exits their midst and separatevene, says the Lord, and do not touch anything of impure, and I will welcome you. 18 And I will be for you as a father and as you will be sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. "


Like Gloria came down with the cloud to live among Jews, so too we are gathered to your presence where is your glory, that the cloud, even if we talk about the real glory and invisible. From this we see already that the intention of our Father is to raise your children, lost in the darkness of this world, in His glory (the cloud).



After the liberation of the Israelites from the hand of Pharaoh, followed by the escape from Egypt, and their gathering on Mount Sinai to confer with the Lord, Moses was called on the top of the mountain to receive the Covenant and the design of a tabernacle as we read before. God commanded Moses to build a tabernacle, a simple structure in which the resident Gloria of eternity, in the midst of his people.

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In obedience, when Moses returned from the Israelite people with the plan of the tabernacle, he with them, voluntarily collected materials that were used, and built the tabernacle just as Moses had submitted, according to what we saw in the presence of God on Mount Sinai.


Exodus 40:33-38 also erected the fence around the tabernacle and the altar and suspended the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard. So Moses completed the work. 34 Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 35 E Moses could not enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had laid above, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 36 During all their travels, when the cloud rose from the tabernacle, the children of Israel started; 37 but if the cloud is not raised, not leaving until the day that rose. 38 The cloud of the LORD it was the tabernacle by day and at night there was a fire visible to the whole house of Israel during all their travels.


Reading the effects 40:33-38, shortly after the end of the construction and dedication of the tabernacle, the Glory of God in the form of clouds covered the tent of the tabernacle and filled until Moses could not enter the strong presence of Gloria. Recall that the tabernacle was used as a temple or house of God lived among His people.


Even today, you can see that the Lord uses the cloud to express His glory. This Gloria is the strength of the Israelites, why were the Glory of God among His people. Their prosperity and victory in all things, was linked to the Glory of God dwelt among them. Today we discover that the desire for God remains the same, namely dwell among His people. If patiently listen to the word and we conform dell'unigenito in the Son of God, we discover that he has promised to descend from heaven and stay with us, because the Spirit reveals today that we are the true tabernacle or temple of Living God, who has not formed with the hand of man.


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John 14:23 Jesus replied: "If anyone loves me, keep my word and my Father the love, and we will stay by him and with him.


The tabernacle that Moses built, was a structure that served as a shadow for us to know God's plan, that is to stay among us for all eternity.


2Corinzi 6:16-18 And that harmony between there is the temple of God and idols? We are indeed the temple of the living God, as God said: "live and walk among them, will be their God and they will be my people. 17 Therefore, exits their midst and separatevene, says the Lord, and do not touch anything of impure, and I will welcome you. 18 And I will be for you as a father and as you will be sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. "


Like Gloria came down with the cloud to live among Jews, so too we are gathered to your presence where is your glory, that the cloud, even if we talk about the real glory and invisible. From this we see already that the intention of our Father is to raise your children, lost in the darkness of this world, in His glory (the cloud).





About four hundred years after the liberation of Israel from the hand of Pharaoh, their journey of forty years in the desert and their entry into the Promised Land, King David propose a grand temple in the name of eternity, a proposal that was accepted by God, but will

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be performed by Solomon, the son of David, who inherited his throne, after his death. In the same way that Moses had received four hundred years earlier, the design of the tabernacle, David also received the plan of the temple directly from God.


The temple was a larger version of the tabernacle and beautiful, was built in the desert, but were identical in terms of ideology, contained the same types of objects and the same order. After many years of work, Solomon finished building the temple to be the wonder of the world, and dedicated it to eternity.


In a grand ceremony, while Solomon and the Israeli people devoted the time to eternity, was repeated a dinner, such as those that four hundred years earlier, when the tabernacle Moses devoted himself to eternity, the glory of God in the form of a cloud made entry in the temple and filled so that the priests could not enter because of the strong presence of the cloud that was the glory of God.


2 Chronicles 5:12-14 Levites and all the singers, Asaf, Eman, Iedutun, their children and their brothers, dressed in byssus, with cymbals, and harp were going to jump up to dell'altare East, and with them one hundred and twenty priests sonavano that the trumpet - 13 while, say, those who sonavano trumpet and those who sang like an sol man, they heard with one voice to praise and to celebrate the LORD, and rose the voice on the sound of trumpets, the cymbals and other musical instruments to praise the Lord "perch'egli is good, because his goodness lasts forever," was that the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud. 14 The priests could not stay to perform their service because of the cloud, because the glory of the LORD filled the house of God.


God has yet confirmed his wish to live deep among his people. Israel is a shadow of the Church of God to come, a nation was privileged to stay in the middle of the Glory of God. This desire for


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God, there so far, namely to bring his people to live with him and see His glory (the cloud).





After many months with Jesus, and having seen the works that he accomplished, it is logical to think that the disciples had a precise idea of the identity of Jesus, but it was not the case. One day, Jesus asked his disciples what people thought he was all, except Peter had to guess, calling him by different names, instead called him Peter, "Christ the Son of the living God." Jesus, in His answer to Peter, said, "neither meat nor blood did not reveal this mystery to you, but my Father in heaven" [Matthew 16:13-17]. A few weeks later, Jesus took on the top of a mountain, named three disciples Peter, John and James, where was transfigured before them. We read Matthew 17:1-9:


Matthew 17:1-9 Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John his brother, and led them on a high mountain, on the sidelines. 2 E was transfigured before them; risplendette his face as the sun and his clothes became white as light. 3 And they appeared Moses and Elijah who were talking with him. 4 And Peter said to Jesus: "Lord, it is good that we are here, if you will, I will make three tents here, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah." 5 While he still spoke, a light cloud covered them with his shadow, and a voice from the cloud that said: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, listen to him." 6 The disciples, hearing this, fell with their faces, and were taken largely from fear. 7 But Jesus closer, touched them and said: "Rise, not fear." 8 And they lifted their eyes, not saw anybody, if not all, Jesus himself. 9 Then, while descending the mountain, Jesus gave them this: "Do not talk to any of this vision, until the Son of man is raised from the dead."

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We observe that when the three disciples were surprised glorious entertainers were surrounded by a cloud of light and heard the voice of the Father cloud that said, 'This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, listen to him. " That voice of the Father is the same voice that came from heaven after the baptism of Jesus who said "You are my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased (Mark 1:11)." In reality Jesus dwelt in this Gloria, even if the men had not noticed this Gloria invisible. The men saw the son of Mary and Joseph as a carpenter, but could not discern the Glory of God inside of him.


The transfiguration of Jesus on top of the mountain before the disciples, has revealed his true form, hidden under the cover of flesh and blood. The scene of the Transfiguration on the mountain, is simply a reflection on what is invisible in the Kingdom of God, may consider the mount of transfiguration as the top of Mount Zion, where the full glory of God. Today, finding such a glorious cloud of God, it is useless to go on a mountain of Jerusalem, the Middle East, or in other parts of the world, what we need to do is reach the top spirit of Mount Zion. We must leave all what we have acquired in vain this material world, to achieve the full glory of the Father.

E 'can walk on the earth with the fullness of the Glory of God, this is our legacy from the Saints in the Kingdom of God, but always remain a mystery for men who do not have this revelation.





At the end of his ministry, in the presence of His disciples, Jesus was raised and brought up in the sky on a cloud. This is the glory of the Father who is also the glory of Christ, because the Father has given His glory without measure.



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Acts of the Apostles 1:8-9 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit will be upon you, and will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. "9 These things, while they looked, it was high, and a cloud, welcoming, him with their eyes.


Obviously the Glory of God is something invisible, such glory is also the first of this material world. If God has this visible world, it is logical that he is spirit and what belongs to him is invisible and can not be perceived by human senses.


The Glory of God is not in any geographic location up there, like people think. God has used these allegories, to explain the ascension to the spiritual glory of the Father. Jesus is descended from Gloria incorruptible and invisible God, in this material world to awaken your brothers lost in the darkness of this world, and witness the Kingdom of God. Having completed his mission on earth, He returned to His Father in glory he had from the outset, before he had worn a body of flesh and blood. The clouds are allegories used to indicate the Glory of God.


John 17:4-5 I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you have given me to do. 5 Now, Father, glorify you with you the glory that I had with you before the world existed.


Each of us is called to Gloria that follows the Lamb wherever you go, to finish the Glory of God. So, in the last hours before his imprisonment, Jesus made a prayer to the Father for our audience, who asked where he had collected era, namely the Glory of God.


John 17:22-24 I have given them the glory you have given to me, for we are one as a 23 I in them and you in me, to be perfectly one, and that the world knows that you I have sent and that you love them as you loved me. 24 Father, I want

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to see where I am, be with me even those you me data, to see my glory that you have given me, because you loved me before the foundation of the world.


By Adam all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but through redemption in Jesus Christ, we reported the Glory of God. The intention of God is to gather all of us from all ends of the earth, from where we are fallen , To his glorious cloud on top of Mount Zion. When this work of God is over on us, the world will hear the voice from the cloud again that says, 'This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, listen to him " .


The Bible is very easy to understand, but men tripped in the words, not knowing that the letters kill, but the Spirit gives life. We hope to be believers, is to find the Glory of the Father, because we are all within that Gloria, but we lost that in Adam. In fact, we are all the same body, same brotherhood, the same Father and the same God. We read in John 20:17, what Jesus said to Mary after his resurrection:


John 20:17 Jesus said to her: "Do not keep, because they are not yet ascended to the Father but go 'by my brothers, and' them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God" " .


It 'high time to hear what the Spirit says, and wait in silence for the manifestation of Christ's mercy for those who seek it with patience.

Abundant joy


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This is one of the serious articles that try to explain as much as possible, the true meaning of what is called the "kidnapping" of which the Apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians. Paul wrote them to console, with the glorious hope in Christ.


In another article, we examined the meaning of the cloud in the light of the Spirit, explaining that the cloud is the Glory of God, who is also the Gloria dell'unigenito Son of God. Where there is the Father, there should be this cloud glorious, are inseparable.


This is the glorious cloud Gloria that we lost by Adam, as Paul said, all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. As long as Adam walked in obedience, had the protection of the Glory of God and enjoyed the best of God, not there was no fear the struggle for survival since lived in the glory of God, learning that all things work together for your good.


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Adam has lost his glorious coverage after his disobedience to the word of God, the result was the loss of its assets in Paradise or the Kingdom of God. He was removed from the presence of God. He was naked at the lack of coverage of the Glory of God, and lost the faith and boldness to God, because of its guilty conscience, began to see God as an enemy, this feeling came the struggle for survival and all the curses that can be imagined.


Adam died spiritually after his disobedience, even if he came to almost a thousand years before dying physically. The real death is a spiritual experience, causing a loss of our image in the Glory of God and true knowledge of the living God. The dead do not see, not hear and do not speak, this is the state, which has not aware of his true identity graft in God. The men suffer adversity and remained without power because only in the state of deep sleep, which is the death, ignoring the glory of God, liberalmente at their disposal.


In Adam, all die and lose the Glory of God, but the intention of God is back in the glory lost. In Adam we lost the glory of God, but in Christ we are totally restaurateurs.


1Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all will be enlivened;


Romans 5:15 But the grace is not like the transgression. Because if the transgression of one, many have died, especially the grace of God and the gift of grace from one man, Jesus Christ, were abundantly repaid over many.


In the heavenly language, the cloud means the Glory of God, and believers who seek the Gloria will be accepted in the cloud, so that reign together in one, with Christ. As Paul said, we are one Spirit, a body with Christ, in which there is no darkness. Many confess this, but few have this experience, but the time will come when the two

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become one, because every sense of separation in the glory of God will be abolished, so there is more death.


In this article, we review together the meaning of the trumpet of God who will perform before the kidnapping. We recall that before the kidnapping, there must be first, necessarily, the sound of the trumpet.


1Tessalonicesi 4:16-18 because the Lord himself, with an order, with voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, will fall from heaven, and before the dead in Christ, 17 then we live, that we stayed, will kidnapped together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Consolatico therefore one another with these words.


1Corinthians 15:52 in a moment, in a nutshell, the sound of the trumpet. Why the horn ring, and the dead risusciteranno incorruptible, and we will be transformed.


What is the trumpet of God? Obviously, the Spirit is not talking to a sound of a trumpet physics, as many expect today. If within us we have these kinds of hope, waiting endlessly in vain, because Paul stated in a heavenly language.


One wonders, "but what it means heavenly language?" The language of heaven is what reveals the thoughts of God. When Jesus met Nicodemus and said that one must be reborn to see the Kingdom of God, Nicodemus asked: "How can a man be born again, how can enter the womb of the mother again? ". A sentence of Jesus' answer was:



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John 3:12 If I talked about the earthly things and do not believe, as if you believe speak of heavenly things?


So here we see that Jesus informed of things spiritual, rather Nicodemus, who represents the land man, thought things according to his natural wisdom. E 'come forward to take on the mind of Christ, so we aware of the things that belong to Our salvation. In fact, the Spirit of Christ who is among us today and let us know the wonderful things that lead to our glory in Christ.


Reading from the Old Testament, the trumpet was used in the old Jewish traditions for:

1) Convene Jews administrative meetings;

2) Rally the people to religious assemblies;

3) Rally the people for war;

4) Communicate news or recall of events.

You see some of these examples in the ancient verses of the Bible:


Leviticus 25:8-10

Leviticus 23:23-25


Numbers 10:1 The LORD said to Moses again: 2 "took two silver trumpets, and you beat silver, you will need to convene the community and to move the camp. 3 At the sound of two trumpets the community gather with you, at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 4 At the sound of a trumpet alone, heads, the first of thousands of Israel, will meet with you. 5 When sonerete rings with acute and prolonged, the camps that are to the east will put you on the way. 6 When sonerete a second time with acute and long rings, the camps that are at noon we will journey will

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ring bells with acute and long when will get in the way. 7 When should convened the community, sonerete, but not with acute and long rings. 8 will be the children of Aaron priests to sonare the trumpets will be an eternal law for you and your descendants. 9 Where in your country going to war against the enemy you attack, sonerete a sharp and sustained rings with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and you will be freed from your enemies. 10 And in your days of joy in your solemnity and the principle of your months , The trumpets when sonerete offer your holocausts and sacrifices of your gratitude. What you need to remember before your God. I am the LORD your God. "


A trumpet is played to hear everything and can not be hidden, is clear and precise. The trumpets used at the Old Testament, are made of cow horn or metal wrought, God uses today to trumpet another tipa, and is the mouth and the voice of his servants. Heavenly vision, the mouths of men are like trumpets. In Isaiah chapter fifty-eight, a verse, God told Isaiah to raise his voice like a trumpet, announcing the transgressions of his people.


Isaiah 58:1 "Grida at full throat, you do not hold, lift your voice like a trumpet, my people to declare their transgressions, the house of Jacob their sins.


There are many other examples in the Bible that refer to the mouth, like a trumpet. Then the trumpet that will sound before the abduction, represents the voice of the Lord of the army, who draws his people all'ubbidienza of Christ and His kingdom. It 'the call of the supreme God who calls up scattered in the darkness of this world, to gather on Mount Zion, which is the city from the Most, where are the total healing and peace. The Lord uses your ministries in recent times to play the trumpet, which represents the message of the Kingdom. The message of the Kingdom is a call for reconciliation and walk with God in His Kingdom invisible; all'ubbidienza is a call to faith in Christ Jesus.


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The Apostle John was high in the Spirit, where he had seen Christ while on the island of Patmos, his voice echoed like a trumpet.


Revelation 1:10 I was kidnapped by the Spirit on the Lord's Day, and I heard behind me a voice powerful as the sound of a trumpet, he said: 11 "What you see, please, write in a book and send it to the seven churches in Ephesus, in Smyrna, a Pergamum, a Tiatiri at Sardi, in Philadelphia and Laodicea. "



Obviously Jesus is not somewhere in the sky in physical form, with a voice like a trumpet, he is spirit. This apparently serves to make us understand that the voice of the Spirit that is Christ, is like a trumpet that plays eternally, giving light and wisdom to men lost and stores them to his glorious presence.


The trumpet of God is played through the mouths of men united with the Holy Spirit of God inside of them because it reveals just what is in the mind of the Father. As Jesus explained to his disciples, the Spirit of things will announce future, and will report the memory of all that Jesus had told them. The phrase "Things happen to be" talks about the glory of the Kingdom of God in Christ inherit.



John 16:13 But when will he come, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth, why not talk to her, but will say all that will have heard, and you announce things to come.


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The men who play the trumpet of God, are those that have become his messengers, doing only what they see done to the Father. They bring the good news of the kingdom.



Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful upon the mountains, the feet of the messenger of good news, who proclaims peace, which is the herald of happy news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion: "Your God reigns!"



Jesus Christ has played the trumpet of God, in the form of gospel and transferred that responsibility to all other all'ubbidienza arriving in faith. Always remember that this trumpet sounds continuously, but each of us feel at the right time. No matter if the world (Those who ignore the Kingdom of God) are not aware of that trumpet sounds, for this reason, Jesus counseled that we must always be careful to listen to what the Spirit says, because to inherit the Kingdom of God, we need to force the first hear what the Spirit announces us.


As you may know the importance of God's salvation except through the announcement of good news, through the trumpet of God. Faith to emerge from the depths of this world where death reigns at the top of the Mount of God where there's life , Is expressed only through what they hear. If reused to hear what the Spirit says in this (current), and reign enter into eternal life.



Romans 10:13-17 For anyone who has invoked the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now 14, as call in which he did not believe? And how will believe in him of whom have not heard about? And how are they to hear, if not some preacher? 15 E preach as if they are not mandates? As we


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wrote: "How beautiful are the feet of those who proclaim good news!" 16 But not everyone has ubbidito good news, because Isaiah says, "Lord, who has believed our preaching?" 17 So faith comes from what one hears, and what is heard is the word of Christ.



If in the past we heard a trumpet not revealed the reality of the Kingdom of God within us, it was a false trumpet, and if the horn did not say that Christ has already come within us, was not the trumpet of God.


How did Isaiah prophesied, when the trumpet sounds of the Lord, those who perish in this world, you alzeranno and increase the presence of God on Mount Zion. No one can climb except those who hear the trumpet of God.


Isaiah 27:13 On that day a large trumpet Sonera and those who were lost in the country of Assyria and those who are scattered in the land of Egypt and will bow to the LORD, the holy mountain in Jerusalem.


From a spiritual, in this context, Egypt and Assyria are the depths of the earth, the places where those strangers perish from life and goodness of God. Jesus came to give eternal life to listen to what anyone says ; Eternally Jesus speaks through His Spirit, just listen and believe. E 'come forward to put away the basic doctrines and traditional religion, to hear the truth.


The prophet Joel, referring to the trumpet on Mount Zion, is reported to a meeting of God.

Joel 2:15-16 Sonate trumpet in Zion, proclaim a fast, convened a solemn assembly! 16 Adunata the people, the

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assembly sanctified! Gathering the old, children, and those who poppano yet! Bait the groom from his room, and the bride from the bridal chamber!


In recent days, we will be convened at the Lord on Mount Zion, so that we live again in His Glory. The psalms, the prophets and apostles of the letters are full of convening this meeting in one or body before God.


Psalms 106:47 Save us, O Lord our God, and to collect between nations, because we celebrate your holy name and find glory in our praise.


Mica 4:6-7 "That day," says the LORD, "I gather the sheep Zoppe, rescue those who were driven and that I was treated harshly. 7 Of those Zoppe I will do a restaurant that still exist, those driven far, a powerful nation. The LORD will reign over them, on Mount Zion, then and forever.


Jeremiah 29:10-14


As I have explained many times this experience occurs inside ourselves. Our gathering in Christ and his kingdom is evident in us, it is not an experience that happens with the use of natural meaning men, is within us. From the two previous records we have seen a call for people to gather in the Kingdom of God, which is a place of spiritual elevation, called Mount Zion. This mountain is the spiritual place to stay the King Jesus Christ and all the inhabitants of heaven, that represent the people who are staying in the glory of God. When I talk to other inhabitants of heaven I am referring to the spirits of saints or angels made perfect, residing in the presence of God on Zion. What Paul is saying simply is that the sound of the message of the Kingdom, we gathered in the cloud with Saints of God are those who have left the dead body and those who are still alive and still leading the body, a share that will last forever. This


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share is divine and it is love, joy, happiness and beauty. Paul speak of this meeting in unity in Christ, the end of time in Ephesians 1:7-11.


Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace, 8 which he has poured plenty about us giving us all sorts of wisdom and intelligence, 9 making known the mystery of his will, according to the plan benevolent who had laid into himself, 10 to make it happen when the time they were made. It is to gather under one head, in Christ, all things: both those that are in heaven, as those who are on earth. 11 In him we have also been made heirs, having been predestined according to the respect of one who makes all things according to the decision of his own will,


From what we have read the verses of Ephesians 1:7-11, it is obvious that the boar will of God is to gather again each of us in Christ, His only begotten Son, so that we can begin to enjoy the richness of life that we lost in Adam.





We already know that everything we read in the Old Testament were only shadows of the glory of Christ in the future, in fact, the law of Moses with the various rituals that accompanied, speaking of Christ, but it takes the spirit of discernment to realize this mystery . The Bible is full of mysteries that reveal the reality of salvation in Christ, what we need to do is ask the Lord to open our eyes to see wonderful things in His word.


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Psalms 119:18 Open my eyes, and contemplate the wonders of your law.


We refer to the first convocation of the Israeli people of the Lord on Mount Sinai, immediately after their release from the hand of Pharaoh, and try to discern the concept of abduction. These people, as we had received the blood of symbolically, when Moses was asked to shed their blood on their door the night of liberation from the hand of Pharaoh [ESODO 12:21-22]. Crossed the sea that symbolizes the baptism, Then came the time of convening before the living God.

While playing a trumpet, indicating the presence of God, the Israeli people gathered before him on Mount Sinai.


Exodus 19:9 The LORD said to Moses: "Behold, I will come to you in a dense cloud, so that people hear when I speak with you, and you take faith forever." And Moses reported the LORD the words of the people. 10 Then the LORD said to Moses: "Go 'by the people, today and tomorrow santificalo; ago' that you wash your clothes. 11 They should be ready for the third day, because the third day the LORD will come in the presence of all the people on the mountain Sinai. ----------------------------- 16 On the third day, as was morning, there were thunder, lightning, a dense cloud on upstream and heard a huge sound of the trumpet. All the people who had nell'accampamento shook. 17 Moses did leave the people to lead dall'accampamento to meet God, and they stayed at the foot of the mountain. 18 The Mount Sinai was all smoking Because the LORD was down in the midst of the fire, the smoke saliva as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled strong.



As explained in the cloud of God, this scene around Mount Sinai is a shadow of our meeting in the glory of God. God was trying to make a spiritual significance to what happens when we enter into Gloria.


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Today our meeting is on Mount Zion, Mount spiritual and invisible God where we are surrounded by clouds of His glory. Paul wrote of this mysterious gathering of the Church in the heavenly places.


Hebrews 12:18-23 You do not you have approached the mountain that could hand, and that was wrapped in fire, or unaware, nor darkness, nor the storm, 19 nor the ring of the trumpet, nor to sound of words, such that those who heard supplication that more had not addressed their other word; 20 because they could not bear this: "If even a beast touches the mountain is stoned." 21 Both spaventevole was the spectacle that Moses said: "I am scared and tremble." You have 22 instead approached Mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, the festive meeting of the myriad angelic, 23 of the assembly of first-which are written in heaven, to God the Judge of all, the spirits of the righteous made perfect,


I say mysterious because the world can not understand the mystery of Christ in our meeting, on top of your holy mountain (Sion). Jesus explained in one of your many parables that, during his visit some will be caught and taken away, while others will be left. The world is like those left in ignorance of this world, while the elect (the Church) well lit with the truth, waiting mercy in eternal life with patience and good works will be carried in the Spirit on top of Mount Zion, where unite with the Lord forever.


Before and during the ascension and the gathering in Christ, we have to be, the sound of the trumpet. The trumpet is the voice that reveals what the Father says, reveals all that we have forgotten ourselves in Adam. While we hear the trumpet, our mind is transformed in the mind like that of Christ. Touch upon this subject in the fifth article on the abduction (Transformation of the Saints).


So in conclusion, what the last trumpet? It is the last message of salvation that is running all over the world today. This is the

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message that the Spirit of Christ is announcing to the nations of the world, to come into the Kingdom of God to share His mercy. The Spirit of Christ makes this call through its elected representatives, which can be defined messengers for God. Elected announce the good news of the Kingdom, and arouse people in reality the Kingdom of God. After this call there will be no more call Because the truth will be known and understood by all / e. The last trumpet is the call that has gone through all the ages, starting from the days of Jesus.


Those who have eyes and ears singles and spiritual sound of the trumpet will be converted by the revelation of truth that comes from the sound of the trumpet. All that will do the saints, would be to listen and see the truth that comes down from the throne of grace and will be changed and free from corruption and death. That is why Jesus warned us about what we hear, has also said that we will know the truth and it will free us.


May God protect you,


Brother Trevor Eghagha



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By the appearance of Jesus Christ from heaven, the time has come to return to the Glory that lost in Adam. Christ was revealed to have us return to our heritage in the glory of God. He finished his work on the cross, breaking the veil between man and the Glory of God, showing the path that leads to the glory of God. There are no more sacrifices and work to be done by Jesus Christ, what we need is to hear the voice, understand, believe and faith, go to Gloria find where the rest of the Lord, prepared for anyone who invokes his name.

It 'important to understand that the salvation of God is one thing and this continues, even if the world does not realize this mystery. As Jesus said, then Paul years later, the day is like a thief in the night, because a thief enters, steals and after leaving without the owner of it. Even in appearance, Jesus was like a thief in the night, not rushed because of his visit, seen sleeping. Only those awake in their spiritual mind can recognize the coming and the manifestation of Christ in Glory, those who look for physical signs such as teaching traditional religions will be disappointed. If, however, a man receives a pure word from Our Lord, recognizing the Kingdom of God within himself, confessing and according to this truth, not perish, but will be raised from death and destined to eternal life.

We are called to Gloria, to praise the name of the Lord before all nations, because God show them His love for us in the Son, a love that surpasses all of compression. Being asked to participate in the fate of the saints in light immortal of the living God, we are encouraged to hear the voice of the Father today, and do everything possible to end up before the Father happy, pitiless because no man can appear in front of His Glory. For this reason, God gave us l 'spiritual intelligence to know the mystery of His Glory incorruptible within us, that is Christ in us the image of God. This wisdom is what helps us escape the bondage of corruption, and

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then meet the glorious freedom of the Son of God. As the Psalmist sang: Our soul is saved as a bird from the snare of the hunter, the snare was broken and we are saved. The wisdom of truth, that is in us Christ, the Son of God living incorruptible, is what frees us from the power of evil.



John seemed in complete reverence and amazement when he made a summary of Jesus Christ, wrote that he had contemplated the glory of the One who is from the beginning, that is the word and the true life eternal with the Father [1 John 1:1-3]. John introduced in that letter, the true essence of God Almighty, the prince that existed before the world was created. He is the glory and image of the invisible God, all things created, which is invisible visible ones have been created through him. In Him is the fullness of the Glory of God, and all the authority and domain There remain, and everything is in heaven or on earth was created through him and for your pleasure. No man has seen God, but it reveals the Son, who include the son at God, touch is touching God. This is a mystery that has lasted for centuries, because the true God manifests himself invisible, thus showing the world. Paul called the mystery of mercy.

1Timothy 3:16 Without doubt, is the great mystery of mercy: He who has been manifested in flesh, was justified in the Spirit, appeared to angels, was preached among the nations, it was believed the world was lifted glory.

His appearance led to the view of the invisible men, where is the source of life. One who is invisible, without beginning or end of life, it appeared to give men who perished in the pit of this world, knowledge of immortality through the Gospel.

2Timoteo 1:10 but that has now been manifested by the appearance of our Savior Jesus Christ, who destroyed death and has highlighted the life and immortality through the gospel,


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If we read carefully the spiritual story of the creation of the first chapter of Genesis, it is clear that God created man in His image and likeness, and His Glory. Prior to deepen, it is important to know that we need spiritual intelligence to understand things written in the early chapters of this text, because they have a greater spiritual depth than you think. For this reason, the Father has given us the Spirit, and let us know the secrets of life hidden in the world, blinded by greed. The world knows the things belong to him, but we are given the opportunity to know the origin of everything that belongs to the world invisible. The story of creation in Genesis Chapter one, it is in the full glory of God, reigning on his throne and exercise dominion over all creation, with him having the ability to obtain good results. Inspired by the Spirit, the psalmist describes this man in the Glory of God:

Psalm 8:4-9 what the man because you remember? The son of man because they look after you? 5 Yet you you did only slightly lower than God, and you crowned with glory and honor. 6 You dominate you on the works of your hands, you put everything under his feet: 7 sheep and oxen and all the wild beasts of the campaign; 8 birds of the air and fish of the sea, everything that crosses the paths of the seas. 9 O LORD, our Lord, how wonderful your name in all the earth!


It is clear that God has created man to rule over the works created by your hand, not to be dominated; God gave him everything liberalmente, so that man can confess: "Anything that has the Father also belongs to me ". It will be difficult to accept this truth, but accept him: <<The Son of God the Father is now manifesting as a man>>.

The man in Genesis Chapter one is a reflection of essence of the living God, who is called Christ today. And 'he who is the first of Abraham, the first consequence of the Jewish nation. So Jesus confessed before men: <<Before Abraham, I am>> <<before your traditions and your second Moses laws, I am>>. <<I have come to restore what is the first in the world, before precipitaste into the pit of 'humanity and mortality>>.

With his appearance in this material world devoid of His Glory, he has given us the knowledge of the truth so that we can live in it. He brought to light what has from the beginning, before the fall of man,


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before there was death, sin and tribulation in which man is today. He showed men the perfect creation of the living God, as if it were Celeste was the Jerusalem coming down from heaven before men, and that saw us believe.

  In conversation with a religious leader, a Pharisee named Nicodemus, Jesus tried to explain the existence of another life, a reality that was never conceived of deadly. This is a life sopranaturale, where everything is possible, a life in which man finds delight in the name of the Lord and to rest his soul.

Even if Jesus had a physical body on earth, belonged to another world, in fact confessed to come from heaven. This is the location of Christ the eternal Son of the living God, because it is not of this world. All these characteristics of Jesus Christ, the man from the beginning, describe your state of heavenly perfection.




In Jesus we see clearly, a heavenly man who is above all and above everything, because all creation was generated from him. On the contrary, the world as we see today is full of people with a contrary one described in the first chapter of Genesis, as was demonstrated by Jesus Christ. Instead of being a likeness of God putting the dominoes over all creation, man of the world has become a subject to the powers that govern the material world today. The man has become the slave of corruption, that slavery has generated a corrupt nature full of lust, creating consequently, being sinners by which a continuous expulsion from the Glory of God.


Let loses the various justifications of men, both religious and those represented by the institutions moralistic men, who clean the exterior of the cup, but leave dirty the inside, therefore appear righteous before others, but always away more from the Glory of God [Luke 11:38-41]. What follows what she destroys it, and away from your inheritance in the Kingdom of light. He does not ever deny access to your presence, but the heart of the conviction,

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giving a guilty conscience and a sense of nakedness before the Father, so far away from your wonderful presence.

Matthew 15:17-20 not understand that everything that enters the mouth goes into the belly and then expelled into the latrine? 18 But what comes from the mouth comes from the heart, and it is what contaminates humans. 19 Since the heart are evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false testimony, defamation. 20 These are the things that contaminate humans, but eat with your hands not washed no contaminates humans. "


No mercy no man can see the Father, soon discover that it is an inner thing, not according to the orders of religious Jews, nor the different religious basics, such as traditional Christianity. Indeed, God has created man holy and perfect, but has lost the holiness and perfection before the Father because of blindness causatagli the prince of this world.

In the allegorical and spiritual scene of the Garden of Eden, also known as the Paradise of God, the Spirit has shown us the blindness and the loss of his unassailable before the Father. Communicating through the snake that is a carnal mind set on earth, man has received wisdom that has blinded him. The spiritual blindness of the eyes of the mind of man has caused a life to live in a world of material fact apparently, so has lost the knowledge of its true essence invisible and incorruptible, for a mistaken understanding of itself, because of carnal, has also forgotten the Kingdom of God invisible, visible preferable to that. The man began to act according to the flesh, by making the second natural instinct, so lost his knowledge of the invisible Kingdom of God where the Paradise of God. It 'important to understand that this scene is present and continues, because man continues to deceive and be deceived, according to this world man.

Do you think that since our birth in this world, we were all fed with the wisdom of the earth, who has donated to a material world, making us believe in human beings fatal. The connection to this world according to the appearance is what destroys the man, instead of being the spiritual became carnal, living a life in poverty associated spiritual abundance and richness in the Gloria, that the Father has freely donated. The state's low death is shown in the


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curse of Adam: he was thrown from the top of Gloria, the earth (powder) and lost the ability to produce fruit and began to live a spiritual life in poverty [Genesis 3:16-19 ]. Instead of fruit, produced thorns and brambles (fruit evil), struggling to survive.

All men are now living in transgression of Adam, who is a perennial diversion from the truth, according to origin in God's plan. The truth is what existed before the creation of the world, according to the plan of God, the lie is simply this that comes after the truth and trying to deny it. The misuse of the everlasting truth is what causes the loss of his glorious heavenly status, for a inglorious state land. As long as man continues to comply with this world, is forever more from the Gloria in God.


The focal point DELL'EVANGELO

The gospel was preached to all creation, giving light and understanding, so that he can live again in Gloria dell'Unigenito Son. It serves as a call to men who perish in the transgression of Adam, so that they can again enjoy the fullness of life and delights in the United dell'Unigenito Son. The Father so loved the world and gave him his only-begotten Son, in the form of wisdom that causes an increase in the One who is the truth from the beginning. The desire of loving Father is gathered in one in Christ, who is the Glory of God, a life outside of Christ is what has caused the death and suffering we see today. The gathering of saints on the cloud, is as much an awakening, making us move from deep sleep to the spiritual rebirth.

The Gospel brings news of joy, revealing the way to meet together with the Father and, therefore, our glorious heritage in paradise in heaven. El'ubbidienza By listening to the Gospel, death and every evil fruit that has given the pain and suffering will disappear and the joy and peace in the fullness, as intended by the Father principle.

E 'come forward to receive the Gospel in the Spirit, believe and take Gloria, which was given by the Father. It does not receive from men, but while we hear what the Spirit is there Minister hour, to listen, we must remain silent, seconded by many distractions man in the world, because in reality, the activities of death. Hear the voice of the Spirit within us is the key that opens the door to

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liberation, thus: "Listen to what the Spirit says," not what man says.

The salvation we seek, comes while listening to the Spirit, because it opens our eyes bringing the knowledge of the Son of God within us, until we know that we are in Him, He in us and we are in the Father. When we finally aware of this truth without doubt, that we are in the Father as legitimate children, finally find peace and prosperity that we wanted [John 14:20].



Jesus remains eternally the forerunner of those who find their way back to the glory of God. Just like us today, he found himself in flesh and blood as a common man, and felt the helplessness, weakness and the temptation of the flesh separating men from the knowledge of God, but obeyed the Father, sacrificing his life, dying on the cross.

Philippians 2:8 found externally as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even death on a cross.


The difference between Jesus and the other men before him is your source, namely the Glory of God. Jesus including the mystery of your true existence before descending to earth in human form, to share sorrows and poverty of his brothers. Recalled his glory as he was in the first chapter of Genesis, when God Lo generated, giving the dominion over all things, and freely with the blessing of fruitful fullness of all things, that they enjoyed, this refers to the Paradise of God, where are the eternal delight. Jesus remembered that he had a loving Father that I do not ever leave, but also tried to go beyond the weakness of the flesh.

With this revelation, the use of the Faith to return from where he came, confessing: <<I am not of this world>> <<I go to the Father>> <<G lorificarmi with Gloria who was with you before was the world>> <<I know where I come from and where I go>>. revealed the great mystery of all ages, ie, <<I am the Son of immortality and incorruptible God, or the


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Anointed of eternity s reigning Ulle all the works of your hand [Matthew 16:15-17]>>.

As explained Paul, Jesus is the first fruits of those who inherit eternal life, this means that many others will follow your way. With your blood has torn the cover of double wickedness, which covers the nations of this world and has outperformed the veil to join with the Glory of God.

Hebrews 6:19-20 This hope we as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm, which penetrates beyond the curtain, 20 where Jesus entered as a forerunner for us, having become High Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek .


A person might ask: "What is the veil?" To explain this, we use the tabernacle of Moses and times physicists at the time. The run of the tabernacle and temples was characterized by two rooms called "the Holy Place" and "the most holy place." The Glory of God dwelt in the holy place. The two rooms were separated by a curtain so that no man could contemplate the glory of God, who appeared as a cloud in the glorious holy place.




From the cloud that appeared between the two Cherubini posts at the ends of the propitiatory above the Ark of the Covenant, God communicated only with Moses, while he lived and the High Priest. The strength and prosperity of Israel depended on the presence in the cloud over the veil, which is a symbol of the Glory of Christ.


Leviticus 16:2 The LORD said to Moses: "Speak to Aaron, your brother and tell him not to come at any time in the sanctuary, beyond the curtain, before the propitiatory that is over, not to die, because I look in the cloud propiziatorio.


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More details of the tabernacle of the time, read the following books online: <<The revelation of Christ in the Tabernacle of Moses>> or <<The Phase 3 Evolution of God's Temple>> in English.


It was not given to men to go beyond the veil, while in temples and in the tabernacle of the time, only the High Priest entered once a year. As explained Paul, the Spirit showed that the path to the Glory of God beyond the veil, had not shown before Christ came from [Hebrews 9:8]. Symbolically, the curtain is the spiritual veil that has blinded the nations of the world, separating the Glory of God, allegorically represented by cloud. In fact, men of this world were originated by the Glory of God, that is their heritage from the beginning, but lost in the transgression of Adam. With the death on the cross, the second Adam, namely Jesus Christ, which is our precursor to the Holy See, pulled the veil [Mark 15:37-39] past, and now lives in the Glory of the Father who had already from the beginning, the first to have a human. The road that Jesus traveled, is the same way that every believer will follow, because we too, do your own work.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say that whoever believes in me will also work I do, and it will do more, because I myself will go to the Father;

Many brothers have limited the sentence to miracles and other works before men, not knowing that over the miracles, there is a transcendent state of uranium to the full glory of God, which is the largest of wonders. As he passes the veil to join with the Glory of


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God [Acts 1:9] and ascend from our lives tied to the land where there is no true knowledge of God, the glorious cloud where we will be together forever with the Father [1Tessalonicesi 4 :17-18].



The desire of every human being has the good taste fruits of the Kingdom of God, and inherit the glory of God; want the fruits of peace, joy, health and healthy especially Faith of God, but can not find them and to even closer. Observe the people of the world, their concern is primarily the search for satisfaction, but most seek the more they discover their inability to find it. All'abisso To escape the evil which man is subjected, it must be reborn again, there is another way. A rebirth means new life in the Spirit, consequently a total loss of our life in this world. We must throw away our lives as human flesh, why not worth anything. A person might ask: "What should I do to a battery disposal?" The Lord will give us the intelligence to be able to do it, just stop and listen in your heart.


The problems not occur to him outside, but inside himself, it is pointless to blame its problems to others or to external factors, simply because they stem from his state of the earth. The state's carnal, it temporarily tied the world, producing lust within himself. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life bring evil in nature, contamination and thus away from the presence of God because of guilty conscience.

We read in the Spirit the following verses:


Mark 7:14-23 Then, the crowd called him, told them: "Listen to me and wish everyone: 15 there is nothing outside of that he might enter the contamination, are the things that come to those who contaminate humans. 16 [If one has ears to hear hear.] "17 When the crowd left and went home, his disciples asked him to explain the parable. 18 He said to them: "Not even you are able to understand? Not understand that everything that comes from outside in humans can not contaminate, 19 because not enter the

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heart but in the belly and he goes into the latrine?" So saying, pure declared all foods. 20 also said: "It is what comes from man to man contaminates 21 because it is from within and from the heart of men, leaving evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, 22 adultery, greed, wickedness, fraud, lasciviousness, evil eyes, slander, pride, foolishness. 23 All these bad things come from within and contaminate the man. "


No man with a birth in the flesh can not say that has contaminated a conscience, because in his state of the earth, man has become the slave of corruption. In reality, man is born pure and expressed in the image of God, but lost that status with the knowledge of good and evil, that the world has taught. This is why Jesus said: "We have to be like children before they enter the Kingdom of God", which means that we must turn away from all earthly wisdom , Who attacked us in this world of appearances, and receive back from the Spirit, the pure word that we build into our essence invisible in the living God.

It clarifies even more, why Adam felt naked, because changing its status to a heavenly state of the earth, was born a corrupt nature that away from the presence of God. God is love and He is not changing, until now, no longer saw Adam in the perfect state in which it had generated, and said <<You have shown naked>>. The sense of having committed a sin, generated by a guilty conscience, has erected a wall in the mind of man, causing a separation from the infinite source of your life, which is the Father. Thanks to the Lord, which was revealed from heaven, this wall was destroyed to make us find the Father and eternal life.

To meet the United dell'Unigenito Son, among the clouds where we join with the Father and the fullness of blessing, we must necessarily transform our state. In Adam we have lived a life of evil according to the image of corruptible earth, but it is time to live in heaven, the same as God intended from the outset.

Please read the following verses,

1Corinthians 15:45-49 So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living soul", the last Adam is life-giving spirit. 46 But what is spiritual is not the first, but first, what is


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natural, then what is spiritual. 47 The first man from earth, is earthly, the second man is from heaven. 48 What is the land, these are also the land, and what is the heavenly, such are the heavenly. 49 And as we brought the image of the earth, just take the image heaven.


We should not be taken away with the rest of the world that says: "There is no hope, we eat today then tomorrow we die" 1Corinthians 15:32 -32 because there is hope in the good news of the Gospel, which reveals the way Gloria where to disappear any pain and suffering that we face due to the curse of Adam. The Father is giving us the keys to free us from the prison's corrupt on earth that can not like, and eventually the glorious freedom of his only-begotten Son. With the diagram below, we can get an idea of what the Father is doing within us now:












Being trapped in a corrupt and impotent nature of flesh and blood, due to a continuous change, being a creature similar to the beasts, man is a prisoner in sin and death [Romans 1:22-25]. Meat and the blood can not inherit the Kingdom of God, we must transform

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the state in which low walk, while we were ignorant [1Corinti 15:50, John 3:3-8]. In Adam, we conform to the diabolical serpent from where it flows evil, but in Christ we conform to the heavenly again from where it flows righteousness [James 3:14-18]. The promise of the Lord, those who seek the true righteousness before God beyond religious before men, find the fullness in your [Matthew 5:6]. The manner in which the Saints will be processed remains a mystery, but there is nothing that there will be revealed in these last days, because the Spirit reveals everything future, until lack of respect to our Holy Faith [John 14:26 ]. Our Faith works according to what the spirit reveals.

Paul tried to explain the mystery of our processing, but termed it as still a mystery, saying that would be processed to the sound of the trumpet. He said: "When the trumpet sounds the dead are raised incorruptible and will be processed, then explained that the corruptibility will be the incorruptibility and the mortal immortality.

1Corinti 15:50-53 Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God, nor the bodies decompose can inherit the imperishable. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: Not all morremo, but we are all processed, 52 at a time, in a nutshell, the sound of the trumpet. Why the horn ring, and the dead risusciteranno incorruptible, and we will be transformed. 53 this corruptible must be of incorruptibility and that this killer is of immortality.


When looking in nature, which generates the ring of a trumpet is the breath of man. From this we can already see that the ring of the trumpet is the breath (wind, breath) of God. Use of allegories to understand the meaning of the breath of God, as I always explained, the meaning of the Bible is much more profound than we think it is a book full of allegories, which seeks to express the thoughts of Father loving men. The breath of God is the illumination or inspiration that the Spirit of God leads us, giving us a heavenly knowledge coming directly from the heart of God, by putting them aware of what he gave us free [1Corinthians 2:9-12]. As Paul wrote, not the eye saw and heard your non orecchio comes to the Kingdom of God, because without the inspiration of the Spirit no man can enter or see the Kingdom of God.


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The Spirit also brings a change of our mortal nature, making them immortal and celestial as God showed when he created Adam (in his image) from dust.


Genesis 2:7-8 the Lord God formed man from dust of the earth, breathed into his nostrils the breath life and man became a living soul. 8 The LORD God planted a garden in Eden, to the east, and you put the man who had formed.


The allegorical scene in the seventh and eighth to the second chapter of Genesis (Genesis 2:7-8), explains the work of loving life that God makes humans. The dust of the earth is the flesh and blood or a dead man , Living a life from death. The breath of God is the only thing that can sveglialo and raise the dead, carrying the Paradise of God (Garden of Eden or the Kingdom of God), which unites in one with the Father. The breath is about what it raises the mortality to immortality, and the corruptibility incorruptibility to give access in the Kingdom of God.


Going even deeper, the breath of God on powder (flesh and blood or a man subject to vanity) is the ring of the trumpet that transforms. Those who have ears to hear and recognize the last trumpet, or the voice of truth from the mouth of the Lord, you alzeranno from the darkness of their graves [John 5:25-28]. It 'the last trumpet call, because after it there will be other, what has been hidden in our dream killer is brought to light and men know the truth. When this happens, there will be no more than items that deceive men, giving them a sense of mortality earthly causing death. The tomb in which men alzeranno from their tombs, is the mistaken identity made of flesh and blood in the living world, namely the lust of the flesh loses all trace of the true image of heaven from the beginning.

We are predestined to be called and complied and glorified in the Son of God, which is a heaven. This is all you need to find the Kingdom of God, because no man's land and can not even see him enter because of the corrupt.

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Romans 8:29-30 For those who preconosciuti, he also predestined to be conformed to His Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers, 30 and those whom he predestined he also called; and those who called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified.


Only when we wake up from our dream deep in Adam, to the image of Christ that is the image of the living God, we will find the perfection we seek. That day, he will put everything under our feet, and has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly place in Jesus Christ.

Psalms 17:15 As for me, for my justice, will your face, sazierò me, to my awakening, your appearance.



The transformation of the occurs internally as externally not think and hope men, is not a genetic transformation or dna of the physical body of man. It happens with transcendence in our consciousness by the state's low, with a heavenly state of the Son of God. While we hear the blast of the trumpet in the Spirit, our mind is under the renewed mind of Christ, no longer as the old man's corrupt land [Ephesians 4:21-24]. Therefore, Paul wrote not conformed to this material world as do men lost, but to be transformed in our minds, the second what the Spirit reveals to us continuously, because the human mind is what corrupts giving a sense of mortality, or what it purifies kept in the state of inexpressible heavenly and Son before the Father. The will of God we believe is a repentance that leads the transformation by the renewal of our minds.


Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, to know from experience what God's will, the good, pleasing and perfect will.


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As explained Paul, a mind controlled by the meat produce death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit produces eternal life and peace. Meditating, read the following verse:


Romans 8:6-11 fact controlled by the mind produces meat death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit produces life and peace. 7 That is the mind controlled by the flesh is enmity against God, because it is not subject to the law of God, nor can be. 8 So those who are in the flesh can not please God. 9 If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit. But if one does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. 10 If Christ is in you, certainly the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of justice. 11 And if the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, whom Christ from the dead again vivificherà even your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you.


As I explained, the snake, the dragon, the devil or Satan (Revelation 20:2) is what moves upon the earth, working through the minds of people who live along the natural instincts of the flesh, this is what produces the death dell 'man. The transgression of Adam, we lived in the flesh, but the time has come to live in the Spirit, to inherit eternal life. While we receive the Spirit (the truth of the trumpet) and we conform to it, we would be raised from impoverished land to the state dell'Unigenito heavenly Son of God.







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The same Spirit that worked in Paul, also works in us today because we are all under the guidance of one head, that is Christ. So we can understand what he wrote to the Corinthians about our salvation. With the inspiration of the Spirit, was able to understand God's plan of land and bodies of celestial bodies he saw. Read the following verses:


1Corinti 15:40-44 There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial, but more is the glory of heaven, and that of other land. 41 More is the splendor of the sun, others the splendor of the moon and other stars shine, because a star is different in other splendor. So 42 is also the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown corruptible and incorruptible raises; 43 is seeded raises glorious and shameful, is seeded raises powerful and weak; 44 is seeded natural body and raises body spiritual. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.


Things visible, Paul understood that God spoke, as demonstrated His invincible allocated through things visible [Romans 1:20]. He had compared the Glory Glory to inherit that wonderful and enlightening of celestial bodies in contrast with that of common ground. The stellar bodies are full of light and remain constant in the sky, shining and giving light to dark world, representing our exaltation in heavenly places in Christ, where reign in the fullness of His Glory. Everybody talks about the power of the resurrection that brings a miraculous transformation within us, from a corruptible state, powerless and shameful for an incorruptible, powerful and glorious. That day of awakening discover the meaning of that, <<anyone born of God can not sin>> discover that we are perfect and blameless before the Father.


Human eye, this revelation about Gloria that will be us. seems impossible, but what we need to do is listen deeply and learn the principles of seeding. Our function is to sow in the Spirit, and eventually inherit the Gloria. We can compare our faith to a sower


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seeding in the ground, having washed, expects the fruits of his effort. The sower was not able to grow these fruit, but it shows that they have faith in what we do not see. Even a man who grows in the womb of a woman has no power to produce the fruit of your womb, it does so with the Faith [Ecclesiastes 11:5-6]. So will be for us believers, just sow in the Spirit with faith, walking under the enlightened mind with the spiritual wisdom of Christ and reap the glory of heaven in due time.

Galatians 6:8 For whoever sows to his flesh, the flesh reap corruption; but who sows to the Spirit from the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 Do not discourage us to do good, because if not we tired, claiming at the time.

The sower not seminerà if he has heard and understood the principle of harvest, ie, <<harvest takes place after sowing patiently>> what he has heard is what gives faith effort to sow and wait with something yet invisible.


To reap the fruits of the Kingdom of God, we must sow in our hearts, the pure Word by the Spirit of God, water with water of the word that it gives us, and wait patiently, not to be taken away from various "twenty" doctrines that deceive and consequently destroy men. With patience, we must continue to grow in love and brotherhood knowing we are of the same substance, because God is love and anyone born from him, is a creature of love.


Romans 2:7 eternal life to those with perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality;


Uniting ourselves together with the Lord in His glory, suffering, pain and death of each fruit we had in our experience evil disappear. The death means separation from the true living God [John 17:3] will be abolished forever, so for us to find safety and joy of our salvation, because we are in a consciously Father for all eternity [John 14:20] .


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1Corinthians 15:54-57 when they will clad this corruptible incorruptibility and this has been deadly immortality, then will be fulfilled the word that is written: "Death was submerged in the victory." 55 "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your dart?" 56 Now the dart of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; 1Co 15:57 but has thanked God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.



Trevor Eghagha