Trends in the Postal sector

Trends in the Postal and Courier Sub-Sector By Richard Tonui Competition, Tariffs and Market Analysis Communications Authority of Kenya

Transcript of Trends in the Postal sector

Trends in the Postal and Courier Sub-Sector

By Richard Tonui

Competition, Tariffs and Market Analysis Communications Authority of Kenya


Postal & Courier sector continue to be a critical actor in delivering solutions that foster inclusion in socio-economic developments for Many countries



In line with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, the postal sector's financial, electronic and physical network can

make a significant contribution towards reducing poverty


Disruption by ICT’s

Postal mail is facing major challenges from modern instant messaging media

among others


Leveraging on ICT’s for Growth

The Internet, together with the Postal & Courier subsector can address new business opportunities

The new NEEDS are movement of goods/parcels from one person to another

The postal/courier operator can provide the vital link between the sellers and buyers

Many businesses are able to reach a wider market. The Bulk of business relies on COURIER!

The challenge is for the subsector to move out of traditional business to new frontiers

Opportunities in E-Commerce

The rise of e-commerce in many countries is leading to large increases in the volumes of parcels and small packages

With decline in letter-post ( mainly social letter) volumes

Growth opportunity lies with Parcel and small packages market afforded by emerging e-commerce

Postal &Courier/E-Commerce in Kenya

• Kenya just attained middle income status

• Middle Income population is increasing

• Internet penetration (64.3%) is growing, especially using mobile phones.

• The demand for goods and services is increasing


E-Commerce in Kenya…Cont

Despite having enabling factors E.g.:

relatively good Internet connectivity compared to most countries in sub-Saharan Africa ;

very high take-up of mobile payment services;

rapid growth in the number of electronic payment cards in services.

E-commerce in Kenya is relatively low by international standards;

The e-commerce sector in Kenya was estimated to be worth around USD50 million in 2012, or around USD1.20 per head of population;

In comparison, the e-commerce sectors in South Africa, Egypt and Morocco were worth USD624 million (USD12.20 per head), USD200 million (USD2.50 per head) and USD110 million (USD3.40 per head) respectively in 2012

E-Commerce Leveraging on ICT’s

Trade and services is a growth area, with opportunities for home deliveries picking up in cities and across the borders.

Businesses are concentrated in cities

Young population with appetite for ICT Services


Internet penetration, electronic payment and addressing systems, and increasing income expected to drive/facilitate e-commerce

Why the Low Uptake of E-Commerce in Kenya?

Inadequate reliable, low-cost delivery services for e-commerce items and, to a lesser extent, the inadequacy of services to enable consumers to return unwanted or defective items;

The lack of a national addressing system;

The high import duty and taxes on items from other countries (The total duty and tax paid for an incoming item amounts to almost 50% of the value of the item);

The lack of a cyber security system that allows merchants to verify the identity of their customers and manage potential fraudulent usage;

A lack of trust on the part of consumers on items ordered online.

Innovation & Partnerships for Growth

Supermarkets and restaurants on local deliveries. Schools and training institutions on deliveries of learning materials Creation of digital villages / Resource centers for local communities Government agencies Cooperative societies Bridging E-commerce divide for SME’s Logistics Solutions

Apart from Parcels, can the sector

explore providing solutions emerging



Need for collaboration among players in the supply chain;

Need for operators to be innovative;

Integration with efficient and secure payment and physical delivery systems;

Need for Supportive national and international regulatory environment;

Enhance Cyber security framework.


The postal & courier subsector will be a catalyst for economic growth if the business:

i. Is aligned to the emerging needs; and

ii. Leverages on emerging trends in ICT

Innovation and integration is critical.

Thank You!