Tree Properties



Tree Properties

Transcript of Tree Properties

  • jrfTypewritten textBinary Tree-Basic terminology

  • Outline

    Binary Tree ADT

    Tree ADT

  • What is a Tree?

    In computer science, a tree is an abstract model of a hierarchical structure

    A tree consists of nodes with a parent-

    child relation




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  • Tree Terminology

    Root: node without a parent (A)

    Internal node: node with at least one child (A, B, C, F)

    External node (a.k.a. leaf ): node without children (E, I, J, K, G, H, D)

    Parent node: node immediately above a given node (parent of C is A)

    Child node: node(s) immediately below a given node (children of C are G and H)

    Ancestors of a node: parent, grandparent, grand-grandparent, etc. (ancestors of G are C, A)

    Depth of a node: number of ancestors (I has depth 3)

    Height of a tree: maximum depth of any node (tree with just a root has height 0, this tree has height 3)

    Descendant of a node: child, grandchild, grand-grandchild, etc.

    Subtree: tree consisting of a node and its descendants


    B DC

    G HE F

    I J K


  • Tree ADT (Abstract Data Structure)

    Tree methods:

    int size(): returns the number of nodes

    boolean isEmpty(): returns true if the tree is empty

    Node root(): returns the root of the tree

    Node methods:

    Node parent(): returns the parent of the node

    Node[ ] children(): returns the children of the node

    boolean isInternal(): returns true if the node has children

    boolean isExternal(): returns true if the node is a leaf

    boolean isRoot(): returns true if the node is the root

  • Binary Tree

    In CS16, well be looking mainly at binary trees

    A binary tree is a tree with the following property: Each internal node has at most 2

    children: a left child and a right child. Even if there is only one child, the child is still specified as left or right.

    Recursive definition: A tree consisting of a single node, or

    A tree whose root has at most 2 children, each of which is a binary tree


    B C

    F GD E

    H I

  • Binary Tree ADT

    In addition to the methods specified in the Tree ADT, binary

    tree Nodes have a few additional methods:

    Node left(): returns the left child of the node if there is

    one, otherwise null

    Node right(): returns the right child of the node if there is

    one, otherwise null

    boolean hasLeft(): returns true if node has a left child

    boolean hasRight(): returns true if node has a right child

  • Perfection

    A binary tree is a perfect binary tree if

    every level is completely full

    Not perfect Perfect!

  • Completeness

    A binary tree is a left-complete binary tree if:

    every level is completely full, possibly excluding the

    lowest level

    all nodes are as far left as possible

    Left-complete! Not left-complete