Treatment for supernatural thriller trailer

Treatment The BBFC green screen appears and then fades to black. The next shot shows a mid close-up of Amy on the phone and a voiceover of “help me”. Amy’s face is shocked and horrified as she realises her friend Katie is in danger. The animated production company logo comes up and again fades to black. The next scene shows a close up of Adam’s face leaning over Amy (the camera) and a voiceover of him trying to wake her up. The shot then changes to a close up of Amy coming around and opening her eyes, seeming very confused. Editing will make this sequence dream-like and will portray Amy’s dizziness and confusion. The shot will then move to a more focused shot framing Adam helping Amy up. Voice over of “come on, we’ve got to get you home”. Shot of Adam looking into the distance. A lockdown shot will be used to show them walking away and jump-cuts may be used to make the scene appear more disjointed. All of this is shot when it is darker outside. Fade to white in preparation to the next sequence of shots in the daytime. In contrast, the next shot is of Amy getting ready for college in her room in the morning and looking at pictures of her and her friends. Mid shot shows Amy standing in front of a desk/pin board looking at photographs. As she picks up one, the camera moves to a close up and/or over the shoulder shot of a picture showing a friend, Katie and this shot signifies that this may be of importance. There is a quick mid close-up shot of Katie inserted here, looking happy and at ease, maybe looking at the camera to connect with the audience. Fade to black. Tension and pace building music may begin in the background here. Amy goes into school and notices an empty chair, signifying Katie’s absence. There is a voiceover of someone asking “where’s Katie?” This quickly jumps to a parallel cut of a chair in the exact same position from the house, creating another flashback. The shot then goes back to the chair and the camera moves to a mid shot of Amy looking dazed in a hallway after she has had a flashback. This then cuts to another parallel edit of Amy restrained and distressed in a darker setting. The camera then quickly flicks to a close up of her face in the original hallway looking confused and holding her head.

Transcript of Treatment for supernatural thriller trailer

Page 1: Treatment for supernatural thriller trailer


The BBFC green screen appears and then fades to black.

The next shot shows a mid close-up of Amy on the phone and a voiceover of “help me”. Amy’s face is shocked and horrified as she realises her friend Katie is in danger.

The animated production company logo comes up and again fades to black.

The next scene shows a close up of Adam’s face leaning over Amy (the camera) and a voiceover of him trying to wake her up. The shot then changes to a close up of Amy coming around and opening her eyes, seeming very confused. Editing will make this sequence dream-like and will portray Amy’s dizziness and confusion. The shot will then move to a more focused shot framing Adam helping Amy up. Voice over of “come on, we’ve got to get you home”. Shot of Adam looking into the distance. A lockdown shot will be used to show them walking away and jump-cuts may be used to make the scene appear more disjointed. All of this is shot when it is darker outside. Fade to white in preparation to the next sequence of shots in the daytime.

In contrast, the next shot is of Amy getting ready for college in her room in the morning and looking at pictures of her and her friends. Mid shot shows Amy standing in front of a desk/pin board looking at photographs. As she picks up one, the camera moves to a close up and/or over the shoulder shot of a picture showing a friend, Katie and this shot signifies that this may be of importance. There is a quick mid close-up shot of Katie inserted here, looking happy and at ease, maybe looking at the camera to connect with the audience. Fade to black.

Tension and pace building music may begin in the background here. Amy goes into school and notices an empty chair, signifying Katie’s absence. There is a voiceover of someone asking “where’s Katie?” This quickly jumps to a parallel cut of a chair in the exact same position from the house, creating another flashback. The shot then goes back to the chair and the camera moves to a mid shot of Amy looking dazed in a hallway after she has had a flashback. This then cuts to another parallel edit of Amy restrained and distressed in a darker setting. The camera then quickly flicks to a close up of her face in the original hallway looking confused and holding her head.

The audience will hopefully now begin to realise that something has happened before and the text appears on the screen with the tagline referring to ‘having to go back to the start’ with a black background.

The pace begins to quicken more as the shot of Adam and Amy rushing through the woods follows. A range of shots will be used here such as panning, lockdown shots showing both characters coming towards and away from the camera as well as running past it. These will be edited to make the sequence look dramatic and as professional as possible.

The next shot is high angle and looks down upon Amy looking around a desolate looking room in the house on her own and a voiceover begins here and carries over to the next scene saying “How could you?” There are quick close up shots of Adam and Amy separately looking distressed and confused, screaming for help, although there will be no sound except the voiceover.

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The next few shots will be action shots, and will depict: Adam appearing somewhat possessed using close ups and mid-shots, as well as scenes showing Amy trying to escape the building and grounds using shots of her such as: mid shots and close up shots of her hiding and scared and finally a shot of her running away from the camera which I plan to use in slow motion to then fade to black and transition into the next shot.

A shot is here used to contrast the fast pace and shows three members of The Cult leering over the camera with only a little light below illuminating their dark cloaks. This then fades to black and a screen appears presenting the film’s title which is likely to be “The Cult”. The background is likely to be black with white text that glows with hints of blue.

The final shot of the film shown is over Amy’s shoulder as she crawls backwards across the floor away from a member of The Cult. The shot then flips to a P.O.V shot of a Cult member as they leer over her. The screen then cuts to black and the release date appears on the screen accompanied by the billing block.