Travel in India - Cluburb

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If you’re looking to spend a short romantic holiday with your sweetheart, try Istanbul in Turkey. With its rich history and exotic landscape, Turkey offers a beautifully quirky meld of Eastern and Western tradition.

So if you''ve spent the day admiring the Blue Mosque, catch some of your favourite western numbers at one of the city’s lively nightclubs.

And there’s lots to do in between.

EatAuthentic Turkish food is a far cry from the greasy kebabs that are peddled abroad; prepare your palate for a heady mix of culinary influences. However, meat lovers will fare better here. Fresh fish and seafood can be found in abundance in Istanbul. An average dinner for two people in a restaurant will consist of a meat dish, side dish, salad/soup and a cup of tea. For a takeaway option, try a Doner Kebab which is roast lamb, sliced very thin, on flatbread with vegetables and a delicious yogurt and garlic sauce.

For those who like a drink with dinner, the traditional Raki, or ‘lion’s milk’ goes particularly well with fish. However, Raki is distilled liquor, so unseasoned drinkers, beware! For those who don’t care for liquor, Turkish coffee is a fine choice. Sip it slowly and just remember not to drink the muddy ground coffee at the bottom unless you really need a serious boost of energy!

BuyAnything you may want to buy in Istanbul, you’ll find in the world renowned Grand Bazaar. There are some 4,000 merchants selling their wares on this series of covered streets. You’ll find leather, gold and silver, carpets, footwear, books, toiletries, foods and more. Feel free to bargain - in Turkey, merchants are generally offended if you simply pay the asking price!

SeeThere are some absolute must-dos in Istanbul. Awaken early and take a hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia for a unique view of valleys of rock formations, fairy chimneys and narrow canyons. Don’t forget your camera! Enjoy a real Turkish experience and try a Turkish hamam. Cagaloglu Hamam is one of the more famous Turkish baths in the city. The whole experience ends with a rather vigorous massage though, so it’s best to chase this one with a long nap!

One of the nicest ways to spend the afternoon is to take a cruise along the Bosphorus Strait that divides Europe from Asia. Watch the rich and famous take their yachts out from tiny inlets next to their holiday homes that lead straight into the strait. Voyeuristic pleasure! For an evening of folk and belly dancing, visit one of Istanbul''s night clubs on Istiklal Street, usually open till the wee hours of the morning.

Take time out. Istanbul is dotted with cafes where you can order an extra strong, creamy Turkish coffee with a slice of Turkish pita bread. You’ll find that lazing with a book as you watch the cruise-liners glide by can be infinitely pleasurable.


Crested by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, Tanzania is famous for its dramatic natural beauty and rich historical and cultural background.

Its dazzling white beaches and azure waters create breathtaking contrasts against its wild terrain and bright city centers.


Any wildlife enthusiast would be at loss if they left without visiting at least one of Tanzania’s stunning nature reserves. Go on safari in the breathtaking Ngorongoro Crater, home to almost every species of African plains mammal. Or take a hot air balloon ride over the plains of the Serengeti National Park and view one of the world''s great natural spectacles, the annual migration two million wildebeest followed by their predators.

Get lost in Zanzibar''s Stone Town, once the metropolis of East Africa. Its narrow, winding streets are lined with exotic shops, bazaars, colonial mansions, mosques and squares.

Kiss nature. Walk to the very top of Africa and watch the sun rise over Mount Kilimanjaro. Or kick back on the many beaches along Tanzania''s coastline. Go scuba-diving and snorkelling around the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, which are ringed by coral reefs.

City life in Tanzania is a colourful and heady mixture of old-world European and Arabic colonial charm, where a constant buzz of activity dominates the scenery. Markets are ablaze with kaleidoscopic colours and the zesty fragrance of spices and exotic wares.


Swahili cuisine is a blend of ingredients from all over the world. Spices include cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and there''s a variety of dishes featuring fish, seafood, and tropical fruits. The staple meal is nyama choma - hunks of meat roasted over an open charcoal fire and served with saladSample fragrant coconut prawn curries, coriander-laced baked fish, spicy tamarind dips, or aromatic crab bisque. Delicious! Beer is served ice cold and local brands include Safari and Kilimanjaro lagers. Or try the konyagi – similar to a potent white rum.

For spicier options, visit Forodhani Gardens in Zanzibar. This nightly food market is a great place to wander around, with its delicious aromas of food cooking over coals. Try giant crab claws, calamari strips, octopus tentacles, or prawn kebabs accompanied by piles of spicy naan bread, chapaatis and fried potato balls. Top off with fresh sugarcane juice. The prices are great too!


Tanzania is the world’s only source of tanzanite. Ranging from a deep ultramarine to a light purplish-blue, this exquisite stone is spectacular in sizes above ten carats and comes in three grades, AAA being the highest quality. Fakes abound, so be sure to buy your gems from a licensed shop.

Specific areas are particularly renowned for their craftsmanship, and craft centres, artist cooperatives and gift shops have a selection of carvings, paintings, baskets, and jewellery from all over Tanzania at reasonable prices. Singida baskets can be bought directly from the villages surrounding Singida. Gogo woodcarving, including vibuya (carved gourds) and khangas (traditional African sarongs) make good traditional gifts. Bargaining is advisable!

Tip of the Dayby


The smallest sovereign state in Africa is made up of one hundred coral islands forming an Indian Ocean archipelago. Once a hideaway against a backdrop of political intrigue and espionage, the main islands of Mahé, Praslin and La Digue have traded secret agents for sunbathers. The islands today welcome the jet setter and the romantic traveller. Relaxation, waters ports and a laidback lifestyle await beyond the islands’ sun-spangled seas and palm-fringed beaches.


The Seychelles are famous for some of the best beaches in the world, pristine and uncrowded, perfect for swimming, snorkelling or pure relaxation. Go island-hopping and discover proud national monuments, beautiful Creole houses, artists'' studios, national reserves and marine parks, as well as breathtaking natural wonders above and beneath the waves.

Experience the pleasure of glass-bottom boating and a range of watersports. There''s also golf, horse-riding and guided nature tours of some of the rarest species of flora and fauna on earth.

These beautiful islands are a place to get away, relax and enjoy nature, but if you prefer a little more excitement, hop over to the pulsating Katiolo Nightclub, located in the main tourist area in the north.


The Seychelles have a distinctly Creole twist, so expect a smattering of spice on your meal. Creole cuisine is fusion without the fuss - simply gorgeous fresh produce, cooked in a myriad mouth-watering ways.

Octopus is one of the islands'' delicacies, chopped into a cold seafood cocktail or added to a hot, creamy coconut curry. Try red snapper, grilled with garlic and ginger and served whole with a salad or rice and vegetables.

Swordfish, tuna and kingfish steaks are delicious grilled or fried in garlic butter, while parrot fish are usually deep fried in batter and served with a spicy tomato sauce. Sailfish is often smoked and shark comes as a ‘chutney’ - stir fried and seasoned with onions, herbs and the savoury bilimbi fruit.

For fun exotica, try the rabbit fish - kordonye in Creole - so nicknamed because one of its glands secretes an intoxicant and you may feel tipsy after eating it!Sample the island’s many exotic fruits including numerous versions of the rejuvenating coconut.

The slightly sweet, cool, crunchy Millionaire''s Salad entails cutting down a whole palm tree to harvest the heart – indulgent!

Local beers include Ecu and Seybrew, both lagers - and Guinness, which is surprisingly popular. Potent toddy and local calou made from coconut sap are sold by the bottle in small wayside bars.


Mahé and Praslin Islands are your best bets for shopping in Seychelles. There are no mega-malls here - which make shopping more enjoyable! Speciality shops offer locally-made perfumes and Seychelles tea. Pick up Coco d''Amour, the islands’ favourite liqueur, which comes in a bottle shaped like the coco-de-mer nut.

The most renowned speciality shop in Seychelles is the Kenwyn House in Victoria, which is not only a duty-free gem house, but also a historical point of interest. Most stalls in and around Victoria have the usual collections of local art and handicrafts, with sarongs and silks being the most popular purchases.

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