Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common...

Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist… decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their novel collaborations relax hidden assumptions that may limit their work.” ---David Edwards, ArtScience
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Transcript of Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common...

Page 1: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.


``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their novel collaborations relax hidden assumptions that may limit their work.”

---David Edwards, ArtScience

``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their novel collaborations relax hidden assumptions that may limit their work.”

---David Edwards, ArtScience

Page 2: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

Feynman DiagramsFeynman Diagrams

Mental Pictures of particle interactions Mnemonic devices: Rules for Calculation

Mental Pictures of particle interactions Mnemonic devices: Rules for Calculation

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Event from Collider Detector Facility at Fermilab




Page 3: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

Charles Ross

New Mexico Desert

Charles Ross

New Mexico Desert

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Page 4: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

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Richard Feynman

New Mexico Desert

Richard Feynman

New Mexico Desert

Page 5: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

The Energy of NothingThe Energy of Nothing

Should be infiniteShould be infinite

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Virtual particle-antiparticle pair, created out of the vacuum, carries energy

According to Feynman (and others)

Page 6: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

The Energy of NothingThe Energy of Nothing

Large compared to everything else in the universe, but finiteLarge compared to everything else in the universe, but finite

Page 7: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

The Energy of NothingThe Energy of Nothing

Causing the expansion of the universe to speed up (for the last 5 billion years)

Before 1998, we had assumed gravity was slowing down the expansion

Causing the expansion of the universe to speed up (for the last 5 billion years)

Before 1998, we had assumed gravity was slowing down the expansion

Page 8: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.
Page 9: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

Truth and BeautyTruth and Beauty

Symmetry Simplicity Naturalness

Symmetry Simplicity Naturalness

Physicists consciously implement Aesthetic constraints in constructing theories:

Beauty as necessary prerequisite for and indicator of truth (cf. Einstein, string theory)

Page 10: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

Symmetries in NatureSymmetries in Nature

Spatial symmetries: rotation, translation,… cf. `mirror world’

Time-translation and reversal internal symmetries: unified theories

Spatial symmetries: rotation, translation,… cf. `mirror world’

Time-translation and reversal internal symmetries: unified theories

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`Women have more orgasms with men who are more symmetrical.’ Is our preference for symmetry biologically selected?

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Invariance under a transformation

Page 11: Translations ``We do not question how the cinematographer and the cosmologist…decide on a common Language, what they learn as a consequence, or how their.

Broken or hidden symmetryBroken or hidden symmetry Some interactions

slightly violate time-reversal symmetry

Can explain why there is more matter than anti-matter in the universe

Which is why there is something (including us) rather than nothing

Symmetry-breaking as a transition

Some interactions slightly violate time-reversal symmetry

Can explain why there is more matter than anti-matter in the universe

Which is why there is something (including us) rather than nothing

Symmetry-breaking as a transition

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A basis for a film/dance choreography?