Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of...

Transform Your Life Empowering individuals to take control over their lives through learning and applying Strong Core Values and Life Skills necessary to be successful in everyday living Transform Your Life – Prison To Freedom Mission Statement John 1: 1 In the Beginning was the Word John 3: 16 God gave His only Begotten Son John 14: 6 I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life Ephesians 2: 8 – 10 Saved by Faith through Grace 1

Transcript of Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of...

Page 1: Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of Attitude It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person

Transform Your Life

Empowering individuals to take control over their lives through learning and applying Strong Core Values and Life Skills necessary to be successful in everyday living

Transform Your Life – Prison To Freedom

Mission Statement

John 1: 1 In the Beginning was the Word

John 3: 16 God gave His only Begotten Son

John 14: 6 I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Ephesians 2: 8 – 10 Saved by Faith through Grace 1

Page 2: Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of Attitude It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person

Transform Your Life

What is your Attitude/Disposition like What is Your Character /Integrity like

What are your Core Values Who is your Role Model

Who do you want to Emulate Why do you want to emulate them


Transforming your life


“Self Evaluation”

Ephesians 4: 17 – 32 Living as Children of Light

Page 3: Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of Attitude It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person

Transform Your Life

Attitude Improvement Personal Communications

Motivation – Your Purpose In Life Understanding and Managing Conflict

Civics - United States History


Transform your life – Cont….


Philippians 2: 5 – 8 Attitude of a Servant

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Transform Your Life

Transform Your Life – Prison To Freedom

Life’s Storms - Chaos


Page 5: Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of Attitude It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person

Transform Your Life

Transform Your Life – Prison To Freedom



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Transform Your Life


Attitude Improvement

Balance Life Style

Spiritual Mental Emotional Physical Social

With Character and Strong Core Values

2nd Peter 1 5 – 9 Add to Your Faith

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Transform Your Life


Definition of Attitude

It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person or thing; it is a tendency or orientation, especially of the mind; and can be either positive or negative.

It can be expressed as a position or posture of the body appropriate to our expressive view/emotion/mindset at any point in time in any set of circumstances or situations.

Attitude is a choice

Hebrews 4: 12 – 13 Nothing in all Creation is Hidden from God’s Sight

Page 8: Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of Attitude It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person

Transform Your Life


What is Character? The aggregate of features or traits that make up ones being - Moral or ethical quality/values o Integrity o Honesty/Truthfulness o Trustworthiness o Courage – Inner strength o Accountability/Responsibility Accept Responsibility for your actions o Work Ethic o Introspection (Evaluate one’s self)

Attitudes and Character

Adversity Builds Character

Romans 5: 3 – 5 Through Suffering - Peace and Joy

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Transform Your Life

Romans 1: 28 – 32 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.

Attitude without character is a shipwreck waiting to happen.

Sooner or later…… You will pay a price

You can only fool people for so long

Where are you now.

If you continue this way?

Where will you be in the future?

Attitudes and Character


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Transform Your Life


Core Values

The core values of a family are those values we hold which form the foundation on how we live, work, and conduct ourselves. We have an entire universe of values, but some of them are so primary, so important to us that throughout the changes in society, government, politics, etc., they are STILL the core values we will abide by.

In an ever-changing world, core values are constant. The values underlie our lives, how we interact with each other, and which strategies we employ to fulfill our mission in life. The core values are the basic elements of how we go about our lives. They are the practices we use (or should be using) every day in everything we do.

Matthew 7: 24 – 27 Firm Foundation - The Wise and Foolish Builders

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Transform Your Life


Core Values … Continued

CORE VALUES: o Governs personal relationships.

o Guides business processes.

o Clarifies who we are.

o Articulates what we stand for.

o Helps explain why we do the things the way we do.

o Guides us on how to teach.

o Informs us on how to reward.

o Guides us in making decisions.

o Underpins the whole family.

o Requires no external justification.

o Are Essential tenets.

1 Corinthians 3: 10 – 13 Building on the Foundation of Jesus Christ

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Transform Your Life


Success through attitude

Success is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. “Chuck Swindoll”

Pessimist’s see difficulties in every opportunity

Optimists see opportunities in every difficulty

It Can mean the difference between enjoying your life or simply tolerating it.

o Life only comes once, so enjoy it

John 15: 7 - 8 Obedience - Ask whatever you wish and it ill be given to you

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Transform Your Life


Attitude and Team Work.

Good/Great talent + Great attitude = Great results

“The Winning Edge”….. Most successful people have it in abundance.

Its called “Positive Attitude”.

Team versus Individual Goals and Objectives.

Ecclesiastes 4: 9 – 12 Two are better than one

Page 14: Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of Attitude It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person

Transform Your Life


Impact of Attitude

o Impacts our approach to living, work, personal relationships

o Can make the difference between success and failure

o Is more important at the beginning of a task or activity (release from Prison)

o Helps to develop character and maturity during tough times (envision victory)

o Influences our perspective of how we view everything around us

Ephesians 4: 22- 24 To be made new in the attitude of your minds

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Transform Your Life


Shaping our attitudes

o Pre-Birth Inherent personality

o Birth Environment (Parents/Home)

o Early childhood Adult Acceptance/affirmation

o Expectations (Behavior)

o Church (God)/Environment

o Late childhood Self image, achievement,

o Exposure to outside influences

o Peers, physical appearance

o Adult Relationships, career, events

o (Crime, Prison, After release)

Stages Influences

The Book of James

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Transform Your Life


o Lack of Vision Doesn’t Plan

o In-attention to Behavior Patterns

o Avoidance of Responsibility and

o Accountability

o Avoids Total Commitment

o to family and relationships

o Guarded Communications

o Fear of Conflict

o Absence of Trust and openness

o in family relationships

Dysfunctional Families

Lacks Firm Foundation

Functional Families

Has Firm Foundation

Has Vision and plans with Family

Pays Attention to Behavior Patterns

Accepts Responsibility and


Promotes Total Commitment to Family

and relationships

Open/Un-Guarded Communications

Has Positive Conflict

Has Total Trust and openness

in family relationships

Patrick Lencioni


The Book on Boundaries

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Transform Your Life


Likely Outcomes

Strong Family Background Firm Foundation

Positive Attitude Negative attitude

Poor Family Background Weak Foundation

Strong Character/Self Control

Positive View of Self - Accepted

Ignores Peer Pressure

Pursues Self Improvement

Makes Sound Decisions

Manages Disappointments

Personal Satisfaction

- Rewards

Weak Character/Self Control

Negative View of Self - Rejected

Succumbs to Peer Pressure

Rejects Learning

Makes Poor Decisions

Strikes Back at Society

Personal Dissatisfaction

- Punishment

Faith Based Church - Participation No Church - Participation


Page 18: Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of Attitude It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person

Transform Your Life


How to have a great attitude

o Evaluate your present attitude o Identify problem feelings/emotions o Identify problem behavior o Identify problem thinking o Clarify and accept truth (Acknowledge your o present state of mind about

God/yourself) o Make a decision to change – It’s your choice

“The power of positive thinking”

Ephesians 4: 22- 24 To be made new in the attitude of your minds

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Transform Your Life


Where I am in life

Where I want to be

What do I want to become

When do I want it

How can I get there

Your Challenge is …………

Why do I want it

Why am I there

Matthew 7: 7 – 12 Ask, Seek, and Knock

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Transform Your Life


o Establish goals

o Identify roadblocks

o Develop strategies

o Identify the worst that can happen

o Set high expectations

o Focus on success – not failure

Strategize, Develop, and Execute the Plan

Hebrews 12: 1 Run the race marked out for you

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Transform Your Life


o Avoid negative thoughts

o Dress and act the part

o Take action

o Don’t dwell on the past

o Don’t view life as an all-or-nothing


Strategize, Develop, and Execute the Plan (continued)

Philippians 3: 13 – 14 Don’t dwell on the Past, win the prize

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Transform Your Life


Continuous improvement


My Personal Development Plan


perform the work


Monitor your progress


Modify The Plan ?

Self evaluation

Philippians 3: 13 – 14 Don’t dwell on the Past, win the prize

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Transform Your Life


People who are unhappy and remain in difficult circumstances, usually do so because they prefer the misery of the familiar (a comfort zone) to the uncertainty of change.


Change and your attitude

Remember…. It’s your choice….Your decision

1 Peter 1: 13 Prepare your minds for action

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Transform Your Life


o What if I fail)

o Be flexible

o Don’t let change throw you….”FEAR”

o Seek out the benefits to you

o Keep an open mind

o Be patient

o Visualize the change

o Remain focused

o Find an accountability partner

Change and your attitude

Proverbs 15 : 21 – 22 Plans fail for lack of counsel

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Transform Your Life


The Benefits of Adversity

o Creates resilience o Develops maturity o Pushes the envelope of accepted performance o Provides greater opportunities o Prompts innovation o Brings unexpected benefits o Motivates

2 Peter 1: 5 – 9 Add to your faith

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Transform Your Life


Eliminate fear of success, failure, being stuck

o Overcome the fear of success

o After all…. What is the absolute worst possible scenario

Failure and Risk o Take responsibility for your actions

o Analyze the failure and accept it for what it is

o Put it in perspective and don’t dwell on it

o Be positive - avoid negative self-talk, paranoia,

procrastination o Consider training/help

Attitudes and Success

Philippians 3: 13 – 14 Don’t dwell on the Pass

Page 27: Transform Your Life Prison To Freedom Mission Statement · Transform Your Life 7 Definition of Attitude It is a manner, disposition, feeling, or position, with regard to a person

Transform Your Life


A “positive attitude” with “strong character” is the key to success in all parts of your life and directly contributes to the attitude of those you come in contact with, particularly in your current environment, your family, and your social groups.

A positive outlook can mean the difference between

success and failure, being happy and being miserable.

Summary / Conclusion

We have a responsibility to ourselves

and others to be all we can be

Hebrews 12: 1 Run the race Marked out for you