Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical ... · RESEARCH ARTICLE PSYCHIATRIC...

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in organoids Anahita Amiri*, Gianfilippo Coppola*, Soraya Scuderi*, Feinan Wu*, Tanmoy Roychowdhury*, Fuchen Liu, Sirisha Pochareddy, Yurae Shin, Alexias Safi, Lingyun Song, Ying Zhu, André M. M. Sousa, The PsychENCODE Consortium, Mark Gerstein, Gregory E. Crawford, Nenad Sestan, Alexej Abyzov, Flora M. VaccarinoINTRODUCTION: The human cerebral cortex has undergone an extraordinary increase in size and complexity during mammalian evolution. Cortical cell lineages are specified in the em- bryo, and genetic and epidemiological evidence implicates early cortical development in the etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellec- tual disabilities, and schizophrenia. Most of the disease-implicated genomic variants are located outside of genes, and the interpreta- tion of noncoding mutations is lagging behind owing to limited annotation of functional ele- ments in the noncoding genome. RATIONALE: We set out to discover gene- regulatory elements and chart their dynamic activity during prenatal human cortical develop- ment, focusing on enhancers, which carry most of the weight upon regulation of gene expression. We longitudinally modeled human brain devel- opment using human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) derived cortical organoids and com- pared organoids to isogenic fetal brain tissue. RESULTS: Fetal fibroblastderived hiPSC lines were used to generate cortically patterned organoids and to compare oganoids epigenome and transcriptome to that of isogenic fetal brains and external datasets. Organoids model corti- cal development between 5 and 16 postconcep- tion weeks, thus enabling us to study transitions from cortical stem cells to progenitors to early neu- rons. The greatest changes occur at the transition from stem cells to progen- itors. The regulatory land- scape encompasses a total set of 96,375 enhancers linked to target genes, with 49,640 enhancers being active in organ- oids but not in mid-fetal brain, suggesting major roles in cortical neuron specification. Enhancers that gained activity in the human lineage are active in the earliest stages of organoid devel- opment, when they target genes that regulate the growth of radial glial cells. Parallel weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) of transcriptome and enhanc- er activities defined a number of modules of coexpressed genes and coactive enhancers, following just six and four global temporal patterns that we refer to as supermod- ules, likely reflecting fundamental pro- grams in embryonic and fetal brain. Correlations between gene expression and enhancer activity allowed stratify- ing enhancers into two categories: ac- tivating regulators (A-regs) and repressive regulators (R-regs). Several enhancer modules converged with gene modules, suggesting that coexpressed genes are regulated by enhancers with correlated patterns of activity. Furthermore, en- hancers active in organoids and fetal brains were enriched for ASD de novo variants that disrupt binding sites of homeodomain, Hes1, NR4A2, Sox3, and NFIX transcription factors. CONCLUSION: We validated hiPSC- derived cortical organoids as a suitable model system for studying gene regulation in human embryonic brain development, evolution, and disease. Our results suggest that organoids may reveal how noncoding mutations contribute to ASD etiology. RESEARCH | PSYCHENCODE Amiri et al., Science 362, 1268 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1 The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online. *These authors contributed equally to this work. The PsychENCODE Consortium authors and affiliations are listed in the supplementary materials. Corresponding author: Email: abyzov.alexej@ (A.A.); [email protected] (F.M.V.) Cite this article as A. Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6720 Enhancer Promoter Repressed H3K27Me3 H3K27ac H3K4Me3 Experimental design and data collection Initial sample collection RNA AAAA TD11 TD0 TD30 5 PCW 8 PCW 14 PCW 12-17 PCW 15-17 PCW 29 co-active gene-linked enhancer modules 54 co-expressed gene modules WGCNA network: convergence between genes and enhancers ME9 ME2 ME29 MG5 MG4 MG51 Gene expression Enhancer activity time A-reg R-reg TF binding motif Enhancers and disease G/G G/G G/G A/G Normal sibling ASD proband Organoids Fetal cortex 52% 96,375 gene-linked enhancers 327,877 putative enhancers Hi-C and Proximity ASD related modules A-reg R-reg Enhancer modules 35% 13% Co m p aris o n w ith e xt e rn a l d a t a s et s E S / i P S c e l l s H u m a n f e tal s a m p l es S k u ll b r o bl a s t s i P S C s C o r t i c a l o r g a n o i d C o m p a r i s o n Summary of the study, analyses, and main results. Data were generated for iPSC-derived human telencephalic organoids and isogenic fetal cortex. Organoids modeled embryonic and early fetal cortex and show a larger repertoire of enhancers. Enhancers could be divided into activators and repressors of gene expression.We derived networks of modules and supermodules with correlated gene and enhancer activities, some of which were implicated in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). ON OUR WEBSITE Read the full article at http://dx.doi. org/10.1126/ science.aat6720 .................................................. on March 26, 2020 Downloaded from

Transcript of Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical ... · RESEARCH ARTICLE PSYCHIATRIC...

Page 1: Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical ... · RESEARCH ARTICLE PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in



Transcriptome and epigenomelandscape of human corticaldevelopment modeled in organoidsAnahita Amiri*, Gianfilippo Coppola*, Soraya Scuderi*, Feinan Wu*,Tanmoy Roychowdhury*, Fuchen Liu, Sirisha Pochareddy, Yurae Shin, Alexias Safi,Lingyun Song, Ying Zhu, André M. M. Sousa, The PsychENCODE Consortium†,Mark Gerstein, Gregory E. Crawford, Nenad Sestan, Alexej Abyzov‡, Flora M. Vaccarino‡

INTRODUCTION: The human cerebral cortexhas undergone an extraordinary increase in sizeand complexity during mammalian evolution.Cortical cell lineages are specified in the em-bryo, and genetic and epidemiological evidenceimplicates early cortical development in theetiology of neuropsychiatric disorders suchas autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellec-tual disabilities, and schizophrenia. Most ofthe disease-implicated genomic variants arelocated outside of genes, and the interpreta-

tion of noncodingmutations is lagging behindowing to limited annotation of functional ele-ments in the noncoding genome.

RATIONALE: We set out to discover gene-regulatory elements and chart their dynamicactivity during prenatal human cortical develop-ment, focusing on enhancers, which carry mostof theweightupon regulationof gene expression.We longitudinally modeled human brain devel-opment using human induced pluripotent stem

cell (hiPSC)–derived cortical organoids and com-pared organoids to isogenic fetal brain tissue.

RESULTS: Fetal fibroblast–derived hiPSClines were used to generate cortically patternedorganoids and to compare oganoids’ epigenomeand transcriptome to that of isogenic fetal brainsand external datasets. Organoids model corti-cal development between 5 and 16 postconcep-tionweeks, thus enablingus to study transitions

from cortical stem cells toprogenitors to early neu-rons. The greatest changesoccur at the transitionfrom stem cells to progen-itors. The regulatory land-scape encompasses a total

set of 96,375 enhancers linked to target genes,with 49,640 enhancers being active in organ-oids but not inmid-fetal brain, suggestingmajorroles in cortical neuron specification. Enhancersthat gained activity in the human lineage areactive in the earliest stages of organoid devel-opment, when they target genes that regulatethe growth of radial glial cells.Parallel weighted gene coexpression network

analysis (WGCNA) of transcriptome and enhanc-er activities defined a number of modules ofcoexpressed genes and coactive enhancers,following just six and four global temporal

patterns that we refer to as supermod-ules, likely reflecting fundamental pro-grams in embryonic and fetal brain.Correlations between gene expressionand enhancer activity allowed stratify-ing enhancers into two categories: ac-tivating regulators (A-regs) and repressiveregulators (R-regs). Several enhancermodules converged with gene modules,suggesting that coexpressed genes areregulated by enhancers with correlatedpatterns of activity. Furthermore, en-hancers active in organoids and fetalbrains were enriched for ASD de novovariants that disrupt binding sites ofhomeodomain, Hes1, NR4A2, Sox3, andNFIX transcription factors.

CONCLUSION: We validated hiPSC-derived cortical organoids as a suitablemodel system for studying gene regulationin human embryonic brain development,evolution, and disease. Our results suggestthat organoidsmay reveal how noncodingmutations contribute to ASD etiology.▪


Amiri et al., Science 362, 1268 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1

The list of author affiliations is available in the fullarticle online.*These authors contributed equally to this work.†The PsychENCODE Consortium authors andaffiliations are listed in the supplementary materials.‡Corresponding author: Email: [email protected] (A.A.); [email protected] (F.M.V.)Cite this article as A. Amiri et al., Science 362,eaat6720 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6720

Enhancer PromoterRepressed

H3K27Me3 H3K27ac H3K4Me3

Experimental design

and data collection

Initial sample collection


TD11 TD0








29 c










54 co-expressed gene modules

WGCNA network: convergence between genes and enhancers












er a





TF binding motif

Enhancers and disease




ASDprobandOrganoids Fetal cortex52%

96,375 gene-linked enhancers

327,877 putative enhancers

Hi-C and Proximity

ASD related modulesA−regR−reg Enhancer modules

35% 13%

Comparison with external datasets ES/i PS cells

Human fetal samples Skull fibroblasts iPS Cs Cortical organoid




Summary of the study, analyses, and main results. Data were generated for iPSC-derived humantelencephalic organoids and isogenic fetal cortex. Organoids modeled embryonic and early fetalcortex and show a larger repertoire of enhancers. Enhancers could be divided into activators andrepressors of gene expression. We derived networks of modules and supermodules with correlatedgene and enhancer activities, some of which were implicated in autism spectrum disorders (ASD).


Read the full articleat

on March 26, 2020


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Page 2: Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical ... · RESEARCH ARTICLE PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in



Transcriptome and epigenomelandscape of human corticaldevelopment modeled in organoidsAnahita Amiri1*, Gianfilippo Coppola1*, Soraya Scuderi1*, Feinan Wu1*,Tanmoy Roychowdhury2*, Fuchen Liu3, Sirisha Pochareddy3, Yurae Shin3,4,Alexias Safi5, Lingyun Song5, Ying Zhu3,6, André M. M. Sousa3,The PsychENCODE Consortium†, Mark Gerstein7, Gregory E. Crawford5,Nenad Sestan3,8, Alexej Abyzov2‡, Flora M. Vaccarino1,3,8‡

Genes implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders are active in human fetal brain, yet difficultto study in a longitudinal fashion. We demonstrate that organoids from human pluripotentcells model cerebral cortical development on the molecular level before 16 weekspostconception. A multiomics analysis revealed differentially active genes and enhancers,with the greatest changes occurring at the transition from stem cells to progenitors.Networks of converging gene and enhancer modules were assembled into six and fourglobal patterns of expression and activity across time. A pattern with progressivedown-regulation was enriched with human-gained enhancers, suggesting their importancein early human brain development. A few convergent gene and enhancer modules wereenriched in autism-associated genes and genomic variants in autistic children. Theorganoid model helps identify functional elements that may drive disease onset.

Patterning of the mammalian brain into re-gions of specific size and fate, demarcatedby transcription factor expression and en-hancer activity, is already inprogress aroundthe time the neural tube closes in the fourth

postconceptionalweek (PCW) inhumans and fore-stalls species-specificmechanisms of neurogenesis,connectivity, and function (1–3). A growing list ofgenetic and epidemiological evidence implicatesearly neurodevelopment in the etiology of manycommon neuropsychiatric disorders, such asautism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual dis-abilities, and schizophrenia (4–7). Development,including cell proliferation, interaction, and dif-ferentiation, is the result of an inherent generegulation governed by complex interactionsbetween enhancers, promoters, noncoding RNAs,and transcription regulatory proteins. However, theunderstanding of epigenetic gene regulation in the

developing human brain is very limited, largelyowing to the relative scarcity of available humanbrain tissue at early developmental time points.The human cerebral cortex has undergone an

extraordinary increase in size and complexityduring mammalian evolution, in part throughthe symmetrical division and the exponentialincrease in number of radial glial (RG) cells,which are the cortical stem cells (1). The geneticand molecular underpinnings of this process arestill unclear, perhaps because these events occurembryonically, before the cortical anlage is formedduring the fetal period. Human induced pluri-potent stem cells (hiPSCs) and hiPSC-derivedorganoids allow investigators to gain specific anddirect insights into the genetic and molecularevents that drive these very early aspects of hu-man cortical development.

Brain organoids match embryonicto early fetal stages of humancortical development

We produced hiPSC lines from fibroblasts iso-lated from human postmortem fetuses at mid-gestation, and we differentiated these lines intotelencephalic organoids patterned to the dorsalforebrain; samples of cerebral cortex were col-lected from the same specimens for compara-tive analyses (fig. S1). To assess the validity ofhiPSC-derived telencephalic organoids as a mod-el of human brain development, we comparedoverall gene expression and regulation of orga-noids with isogenic cortical brain tissue. Sev-eral iPSC lines were derived from skin fibroblasts

of postmortem fetal specimens 310, 313, and 320,aged between 15 and 17 PCWs, for which corticaltissue was available (fig. S2 and table S1). ThehiPSC lines derived from fetal fibroblasts werecomparable to those derived from adult fibro-blasts with regard to pluripotency, growth rate,and differentiation potential (figs. S3 and S4 andtable S2) (8). From two hiPSC lines per each ofthe fetal specimens, we generated telencephalicorganoids patterned to the dorsal forebrain (6),grew them under proliferative conditions for 11days, and then moved them into a terminal dif-ferentiation (TD) medium. Organoids were ran-domly collected for RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)from whole cells as well as nuclear fractions andhistone mark chromatin immunoprecipitationsequencing (ChIP-seq) from nuclear fractions ataround day 0, day 11, and day 30 of TD in vitro(TD0, TD11, and TD30, respectively). The tran-scriptomes of whole cells and nuclear RNA werehighly correlated (fig. S5) (8); hence, we used thecellular transcriptome for all subsequent analyses.Peaks of three histone marks [trimethylation ofhistone H3 on lysine 4 (H3K4me3), acetylation ofhistone H3 on lysine 27 (H3K27ac), and trimethyla-tion of histone H3 on lysine 27 (H3K27me3)] werecalled to mark functional elements including en-hancers, promoters, or polycomb-repressed regions(table S3) (8). To place organoids in a human devel-opmental context, we then compared transcrip-tomes and chromatin marks from organoids withthose from the corresponding isogenic corticaltissue, human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines,and brain tissue of various ages obtained from thePsychENCODE developmental dataset (9), otherPsychENCODE projects (10), and the RoadmapEpigenomics project (11) (Fig. 1A).Hierarchical clustering of transcriptomes and

histone marks revealed that fetal, perinatal, andadult brain samples formed separate clusters(Fig. 1, B toD), confirming fundamental differencesin gene expression in prenatal versus postnatalstages of brain development (12, 13). Furthermore,hiPSC and hESC lines from different sources (in-cluding ours) and brain organoids clustered to-gether with fetal brain tissue and separately fromadult brain tissue. However, hiPSC andhESC linesformed a distinct subcluster, highlighting differ-ences between organoids and pluripotent cells.Within each cluster, datasets for the same cell typebut fromdifferent sourceswerehighly concordantwith each other (i.e., our data, those of RoadmapEpigenomics, and thePsychENCODEdevelopmen-tal dataset), suggesting that batch effects werenot responsible for the observed clustering.Within our datasets, organoid transcriptomes

clustered by in vitro age (i.e., TD0, TD11, andTD30) irrespective of the hiPSC lines fromwhichthey were generated, suggesting that the tran-scriptome reveals well-defined, stage-specific cel-lular differentiation processes (Fig. 1E and fig.S6). Invariably, organoids clustered separatelyfrom the corresponding isogenic fetal cortex. Tounderstand the relationships between organoidsand the developing humanbrain,we classified theorganoids against the PsychENCODE develop-mental dataset (9), which spans a wide range of


Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 9

1Child Study Center, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520,USA. 2Department of Health Sciences Research, Center forIndividualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905,USA. 3Department of Neuroscience, Yale University, NewHaven, CT 06520, USA. 4National Research Foundation ofKorea, Daejeon, South Korea. 5Department of Pediatrics,Division of Medical Genetics, Duke University, Durham, NC27708, USA. 6Department of Biostatistics, Yale Schoolof Public Health, New Haven, CT, USA. 7Departmentof Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Department ofComputer Science, and Department of Statistics and Data Science,Yale University, New haven, CT 06520, USA. 8Kavli Institute forNeuroscience, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA.*These authors contributed equally to this work. †The PsychENCODEConsortium authors and affiliations are listed in the supplementarymaterials. ‡Corresponding author: Email: [email protected](A.A.); [email protected] (F.M.V.)

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human ages and brain regions. Organoids’ tran-scriptomes mapped most closely to the humanneocortex between 8 and 16 PCWs of develop-ment, with the isogenic fetal brain samplesmapping most consistently around 16 PCW, ingood agreement with their annotated age (Fig. 1F).This analysis places the organoids substantiallyearlier than their corresponding mid-fetal brains,

suggesting that organoids model late embryonicto early fetal stages of telencephalic development.We next compared transcriptomes between

each stage of organoid development and thepostmortem fetal cortical tissue from the sameindividual. Overall, there was a large number ofdifferentially expressed genes (DEGs) betweeneach organoid stage and isogenic brain tissue, of

which roughly half was up-regulated and halfdown-regulated (Fig. 1G and table S4). Althoughsome stage-specific DEGs were present, particu-larly at TD0 (24%), most of the differences (63%)were shared across two or more organoid stages.Top Gene Ontology (GO) terms for this commonset of organoid-brain DEGs were neurogenesisand regulation of nervous system development,

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 9

Fig. 1. Comparison of tran-scriptome and epigenomeof organoid and isogenic fetalbrain. (A) Dataset and sampleannotation. Samples are fromboth our project (hiPSC lines,organoids, fetal brain samples),other PsychENCODE projects,and the Roadmap Epigenomicsproject. Colors correspond todatasets represented in (B) to(D). (B to D) Hierarchical clus-tering dendrograms of samplesby transcriptomes (B) andChIP-seq peaks of H3K27ac(C) and H3K4me3 (D).(E) Hierarchical clustering oforganoids and isogenic post-mortem cortexes by transcrip-tomes and gene-associatedenhancer elements. Organoidand brain samples used forclustering are shown on top.Colors and shapes corre-spond to the datasets repre-sented in the panels below.(F) Transcriptome-basedclassification of organoids andisogenic cortexes by age (8)against the tissues from thePsychENCODE developmentaldataset (PCW, postconcep-tional week) from Li et al. (9).For each sample, red shadingindicates the average of cor-relation coefficients above thecut-off as defined in (8) be-tween our sample and thosein Li et al. (9). White boxesindicate correlations belowthe cut-off. Correlations tobrains older than 2 years ofage were all below the cut-offand thus were not displayed.(G) Overlap of differentiallyexpressed genes (DEGs) anddifferentially active enhancers(DAEs) between organoidsat each differentiation timepoint and isogenic fetalcortex (CTX). (H) tSNEscatterplot of 17,837 nuclei,colored by cluster. Clustersarising predominantlyfrom fetal cortex are circled.RG, radial glia; MGE, medialganglionic eminence; IPC, intermediate progenitor cells; OPC, oligodendrocyte precursor cells. “Novel” means no correspondence to previousannotations. (I) Counts of DEGs and DAEs between organoids at different stages of development.

DEGsTD11 vs TD0

(3436)TD30 vs TD11




DAEsTD11 vs TD0

(15485)TD30 vs TD11

(4871)( )( )) ( ))))



























This w









p. Cap












Analyzed samples from various projects

R = RNA−seq

C = ChIP−seq























1 2

1 2

1 3

1 1

1 1


2 1

2 2

2 2

1 1

1 1


2 2

2 2

2 2

1 1

1 1









Sample No. from this work

R = RNA−seq

C = ChIP−seq

TD0 TD11 TD30 CTX1/2







TD0 TD11 TD30 CTX1/2










CTX vs TD0 (10815)

CTX vs TD11(8122) (

CTX vs TD30(9147)




792 1178



CTX vs TD30 (51126)

CTX vs TD11(52278)((



2518 8152

















MGE-RG/divRG/earlyRG Choroid/early RG

Excitatory neuron/early/late


Unknown 1

IPC/divRGInhibitory/Excitatory neuron


ventr/outer RG/AstroMGE-RG/Astro

Excitatory neuronUnknown 3/Glycolysis


earlyRG/Choroid Choroid/IPC



Correlation coefficient








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whereas the TD0-specific set of organoid-brainDEGswere related to DNA replication, consistentwith age and cell-type differences between fe-tal brain tissue and organoids (table S4). Wetested this hypothesis in silico, by assessing foroverlap between the organoid-brain DEGs andcell type–specific transcripts identified in fetalhuman brain (14). Genes up-regulated in thefetal cortex were consistently enriched inmarkersfor maturing excitatory neurons, interneurons,and newborn neurons compared to all organoidstages, whereas genes up-regulated in organoids atTD0 and TD11 were enriched in markers fordividing RG (fig. S6B and table S5).To validate bulk analyses, we performed single-

nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) (8) andanalyzed the cellular composition of organoidsand the fetal brain (one sample per differentiationtime point and one sample for brain). We shallow-sequenced about 10,000 cells per sample andconsidered the top 6000most informative cellsin each sample.We retained only cells expressingat least 500 genes, resulting in a final set of 17,837cells that were used for analysis. Batch-correctedclustering of single cell’s transcriptomes by tSNEanalysis from all samples identified 15 clusters(Fig. 1H), with 11 containing cells mostly from or-ganoids and4 containing cellsmostly fromthe fetalcortex (fig. S6, C and D). Differential expressionanalysis between any individual cluster and allthe others highlighted sets of marker genes foreach cluster (table S6), and we used a combina-tion of published datasets of cell markers fromsingle-cell RNA-seq studies of fetal human brainsamples (14, 15) to annotate them. The clusterslargely contributed by organoid cells overlappedwith those identified in human developing brains(15) (Fig. 1H and fig. S6E), and only one cluster,cluster 5, did not find any correspondence to thepostmortem human dataset and was labeled“novel.” These organoid-specific clusters com-prised various types of RG cells including earlyRG (eRG), outer RG (oRG), ventricular RG (vRG),dividing RG (divRG), and truncated RG (tRG). Inaddition, cluster 3 expresses early- and late-bornexcitatory neuron (EN)markers, consistent withan organoid specification to dorsal cortex. Cellclusters specific to the fetal cortex contained in-hibitory and excitatory neurons (IN/EN) (clusters7, 13), RG cells (cluster 8), and a small oligoden-drocyte precursor cell (OPC) cluster (cluster 14)(table S6). The presence of IN in the fetal cortexis expected, given that the cortex at PCW 17 isalready receiving migrating interneurons fromthe developing basal ganglia. Timewise, our TD0organoids (clusters 1, 2, 5, 6, and 10) containingRG and choroid cells matched with cells rangingfrom 6 to 9 PCWs in fetal brain samples (15). Cor-respondingly, our CTX1 (clusters 7, 8, 13 and 14)matched with markers (MGE-RG, RG, IN, andEN) seen in 15- to 16.5-PCW fetal brain (fig. S6, KandL). Together, thedata confirmed the conclusionof bulk transcriptome analyses that organoidsare younger than the fetal brain.The fraction of cells in a cluster originating

from a sample at each time point reveals someclear trends: clusters 1 (Choroid/eRG), 2 (MGE-

RG/dorsal RG/eRG), 6 (IPC/divRG), and 10 (eRG/Choroid) decreased over time, consistent withtheir being composed of mostly immature cellsoriginating from organoids at TD0 (fig. S6, Cand D, and table S6). By contrast, clusters 0 (Glyc)and 12 (U3/Glyc), mostly from samples at TD30,increasedwith time, perhaps suggesting changingmetabolic requirements among neural precursors(15). The remaining clusters, in particular clusters3 (EN), 4, and 5 (unknown), reached a maximumat TD11, consistent with findings that some new-born neurons peak at an intermediate pseudoage(15). Finally, we ordered the cells along a pseudo-time (fig. S6, F to I), which revealed cell trajectoriesalong several dimensions (8). Cells originatingfrom TD0 samples populated the top branch andwere nearly absent after the first branch point,which is consistent with the pseudotime pro-gression (fig. S6H) from the top branch (time 0)to the left and right bottom branches (time 15).Similarly, scoring individual cells using cell cyclemarkers (fig. S6I) revealed a higher frequency ofactively cycling cells (G2-M or S phase) at theearly pseudotimes and larger fractions of non-cycling cells (G1 phase) when moving along eachpath (8). In summary, from this integrated analy-sis emerges a highly coherent picture of organoids’temporal evolution (i.e., differentiation and matu-ration), representing earlier stages with respectto the corresponding 17-PCW fetal brain counter-part, and mimicking early human brain develop-ment, consistent with the classification of the bulktranscriptome with the PsychENCODE develop-mental Capstone dataset.We next defined putative promoter and en-

hancer elements as well as repressed chromatinfrom histone mark data by chromatin segmen-tation analyses (figs. S1 and S7 and tables S7 andS8) (8). As a result, we identified 327,877 putativeenhancers (H3K27ac peaks, which lack H3K4me3and H3K27me3 signals) across organoids and fe-tal brains (table S9). Among these enhancers,H3K27ac signals are highly correlated with ATAC-seq (assay for transposase-accessible chromatinusing sequencing) signals, confirming the openchromatin signatures and supporting the robust-ness of our approach (fig. S7).We further connectedthese enhancers to genes either by promoter-enhancer distance (within 20 kb) or by the strengthof their physical interaction to gene promoterson the basis of Hi-C data for fetal brains (16).From the initial dataset of >300,000 putativeenhancers, 96,375 enhancers (29.4%) were foundto be associated with 22,835 protein-coding orlong intergenic noncoding RNA (lincRNA) genes(out of 27,585 such genes from Gencode V25 an-notation) (17) and were used for further analyses(table S10). The gene-associated enhancer data-set was corroborated by the observation of thetrend that an increase in activity of enhancers orassociated number of enhancers leads to higherexpression of interacting genes (figs. S8 to S10).Of the 96,375 gene-linked enhancers, 90% are

concordant with those previously discovered bythe ENCODE/Roadmap Consortia in various celllines and tissues (18), and 10,243 (10%) werecompletely novel. Overall, 83,608 and 46,735

were active in organoids and the isogenic mid-fetal cortex, respectively. Of the former, 49,640(59%) were active only in organoids (fig. S11E)anddown-regulated in themid-fetal brain, suggest-ing that organoids, and by extension, the embry-onic and early fetal cortex, use roughly 1.8-foldas many enhancers as later developing cerebralcortex. Comparing enhancer numbers active inorganoids across stages, an increasingly largernumber became active with the progression oforganoid development, with roughly 11,700 en-hancers becoming active only at TD30 (fig. S11F).Furthermore, hierarchical clustering analysesbased upon the degree of enhancer activity (mag-nitude of the H3K27ac signal) (Fig. 1E) revealedtwomajor clusters—organoids and the fetal cortex—where organoids’ enhancers clustered by in vitroage (i.e., TD0, TD11, and TD30) irrespective ofgenomic background of hiPSC lines, a patternalmost identical to that of transcriptome data(Fig. 1E and fig. S6). Finally, comparing enhanceractivity between each stage of organoid develop-ment and fetal cortical tissue from the same indi-vidual showed that the three organoid stagesshared a large number of differentially activeenhancers (DAEs) with respect to the fetal cortex(Fig. 1G), as observed with transcriptome data.Together, these analyses reveal a close parallelismbetween gene expression and enhancer activitiesacross early development and suggest that generegulation in embryonic and early fetal develop-ment is driven by sets of early enhancers, most ofwhicharenot active in themid-fetal cerebral cortex.

Expression and regulatory changesdefining early developmentaltransitions in organoids

Tobetter understand the gene-regulatory changesdriving embryonic and early fetal development,we analyzed DEGs and DAEs in organoids be-tween transitions TD0 to TD11 and TD11 to TD30.We found that the largest differences in geneexpression and enhancer activity were at thefirst transition and that from⅔ to ¾ of changeswere specific for this transition (Fig. 1I and tablesS10 and S11), confirming that a substantial changein gene regulation must occur at the beginning ofcortical stem cell differentiation. Down-regulatedgenes specific for the first transition were relatedtomitosis and regulation of the cell cycle, includ-ing cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK2, CDK4, andCDK6) and DNA repair enzymes (TP53, BRCA1/2,and PCNA), all showing a downward trend in ex-pression, likely reflecting top proliferative activityof precursor cells at the earliest time point thatdecreases during differentiation (fig. S12 andtableS11). Consistentwith this observation,markersfor cell proliferation were progressively down-regulated at the cellular level between TD0 andTD30 (fig. S3). Top functional annotations forgenes down-regulated at the second transition(from TD11 to TD30) were instead related totranscriptional regulation of pluripotent andcortical precursor cells (i.e., SOX1/2, EOMES,LHX2, FOXG1, POU3F2/3, SIX3, FEZF2, EMX2,GLI1/3, NEUROD4, HES5/6, REST, and DLL3). Bycontrast, genes involved in the development of the

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neuronal system and synaptic transmission wereup-regulated at both transitions and includedcell adhesion–, guidance– and synaptic molecule–related genes, including a large number of recep-tors, calciumandpotassiumchannels, and synapticmembrane recycling components, as well as intel-lectual disability–related genes such as severalCNTN family members.Performing ChIP-seq and RNA-seq in the same

samples provided an opportunity to assess theimpact of enhancers on the transcription of theirgene targets. We correlated enhancer activityand expression of their associated genes acrossthe whole dataset (organoids and brain samples)to reveal that, globally, 10.6% of gene-enhancerpairs had significant positive or negative corre-lations, corresponding to 15,026 enhancers and7858 genes (table S12). Observation of both posi-tive and negative correlations is reminiscent ofthe finding that H3K27ac-enriched regulatoryregions, commonly referred to as enhancers, canbe bound by both activators and repressors ofgene transcription (19). We referred to 10,192(67.8%) enhancers with positive correlations asactivating regulators (A-regs) of 5605 genes, andto 4993 (33.2%) enhancers with negative corre-lations as repressing regulators (R-regs) of 3251genes. Moreover, 98.9% of enhancers are eitherA-regs or R-regs but not both, consistent with thenotion that binding sites of activators and re-pressors are mutually exclusive (20). Indeed,across both transitions, we observed more pro-nounced correlations between expression changesof genes and activity change of linked A-regsversus linked non-A-regs; similar observationswere made for R-regs (fig. S13A). Consistently,differentially active A-regs and R-regs are as-sociated with DEGs in the expected direction,i.e., A-regs with increased activity are enrichedin up-regulated DEGs, whereas R-reg with in-creased activity are enriched in down-regulatedDEGs (Fisher’s exact test, p < 2.2 × 10−16 for bothtransitions) (fig. S13B), suggesting that differ-ential activity of the identified enhancers is indeeddriving differential gene expression across or-ganoid development.

Gene and enhancer network analyses

To study the temporal dynamics of gene expres-sion and enhancer activities across the threedevelopmental time points, we used weightedgene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA)(21). The resulting networks grouped gene tran-scripts in 54 coexpressed modules (MG1 to MG54)and gene-associated enhancers into 29 coactivemodules (ME1 toME29), each showing a specifictrajectory along organoid differentiation (Fig. 2,A and B, and tables S12 and S14). Unsupervisedhierarchical clustering of module eigengenes,which are representative of the gene expressionand enhancer activity of each module, groupedsamples by differentiation time point. Usingk-means clustering of each module’s eigengenes,we grouped the gene and enhancer modules intosix and four “supermodules,” respectively, whichrepresent higher-order clustering of the modules(Fig. 2, C and D).

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Fig. 2. Modules of coexpressed genes and coactive enhancers during organoid differen-tiation. (A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of gene modules (1 through 54) by expressioneigengenes. Rows and columns represent gene modules and samples, respectively. (B) Unsupervisedhierarchical clustering of enhancer modules (1 through 29) by activity eigengenes. Rowsand columns represent samples and enhancer modules, respectively. (C and D) Meanmodule eigengenes (lines) across differentiation times grouped by gene (C) and enhancer(D) supermodules, respectively. Dots represent values of eigengenes for individual modules.(E to H) Enrichment of gene (E and G) and enhancer (F and H) modules for DEGs and DAEs andfor various enhancers and genes of interest from the literature, including HGE (human-gainedenhancers) (26), TF (genes encoding transcription factors during human fetal brain develop-ment) (24), ASD (genes pertinent to autism spectrum disorder) (22), and DBD (genes pertinentto developing brain disorder) (23). (I) Correspondence between the gene and enhancernetworks. The strongest A-reg (pink dots) and R-reg (cyan dots) for a subset of gene modules areoverrepresented in a number of enhancer modules. Black circles emphasize converging genesand enhancer modules, both of which are ASD-associated [as shown in (G) and (H)]. Panels(E) to (I) are aligned by the gene and enhancer modules shown in (A) and (B).


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Supermodules exhibit specific profiles of ac-tivities during the two transitions (8) and func-tional annotations (table S14). The monotonicallyup-regulated gene supermodule G1up comprisedmodules related toneurons, synapses, cell adhesion,and axon guidance and was hence dubbed asgoverning synapse/transport. Conversely, thedown-regulated supermodule G4down comprisedmodules enriched in DNA repair and cell cycle–related genes andwas thus dubbed as governingcell cycle/DNA repair (Fig. 2C), reflecting the cellcycle annotation of TD0-to-TD11–down-regulatedDEGs (fig. S12). Other supermodules exhibitedtransition-specific changes. G2up, which exhibitedpeak up-regulated gene expression at TD11, wasenriched in genes related to ribosome, trans-lation, protein folding, and degradation. The tran-scription supermodule G5down, down-regulatedat the second transition, included major tran-scription factors (TFs) expressed by cortical pro-genitor cells, which show down-regulation atTD11 to TD30 (fig. S12). By contrast, the G3upsupermodule, up-regulated at the second transi-tion, was enriched in G protein receptor signaling,implying a previously unknown role of these mol-ecules in the earliest stages of cortical neurondifferentiation. Patterns of gene expression andenhancer activity in the modules and supermod-ules were further confirmed by enrichment anal-ysis of DEG andDAEs (Fig. 2, E and F). Specifically,gene modules and linked genes of enhancer mod-ules were enriched with DEGs for which gene ex-pression changes were generally in the samedirection as their respective module eigengenes.Further evidence for functional relevance of

the modules and supermodules arises from in-tersection with genes relevant to neuropsychiat-ric diseases. Genes within the SFARI dataset, acurated list of genes associated with ASD, in-cluding both rare mutations and common var-iants (22), were significantly overrepresentedin the MG4 and MG5 neuronal and synapticmodules and theMG51 cell cyclemodule (Fig. 2Gand table S14). SFARI genes were also enrichedwithin gene targets of four enhancer modules(ME9 andME29 in supermodule E1up, andME2andME13 in supermodule E2up)withup-regulatedpatterns of activity across development, one ofwhich, the ME2 module, was also enriched indevelopmental brain disorder genes (23) (Fig. 2H).Enrichment analysis also showed that a set of TFspertinent to human cortical neurogenesis (24)was preferentially associated with gene targets oftwo enhancer modules (ME3 and ME19, both insupermodule E3down) that have down-regulatedenhancer activity across organoid development(Fig. 2H). This evidence supports the notionthat organoid culture can capture dynamic gene-regulatory events present in early human braindevelopment and that such early events arepotentially involved in disease pathogenesis.To assess the correspondence between the

gene network and the enhancer network, weexamined whether enhancers linked to a genemodule are overrepresented in one or a smallnumber of enhancer modules. Such convergencebetween a genemodule and an enhancermodule

would suggest that coexpressed genes are likelyregulated by enhancers with correlated patternsof activity. To mitigate the ambiguity caused bymultiple enhancers per gene, we focused onthe strongest A-regs or R-regs of a gene, definedby the most positive or negative correlation be-tween enhancer activity and gene expression. In-deed, we find that A-regs and R-regs of 14 and12 gene modules, respectively, are overrepre-sented in a small number of enhancer modules[false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05, Fig. 2I]. Notsurprisingly, A-regs and R-regs linked to thesame gene module are overrepresented in differ-ent enhancer modules with opposite trajectoriesover time, e.g., A-regs of MG3 in G1up convergeswith ME10 and ME2 in E2up, but its R-regs con-verges with ME28 in E3down. Such convergencebetween the gene network and the enhancernetwork suggests that coexpressed genes likelyshare a set of co-regulated enhancers. More-over, enhancers discovered in organoids hint atupstream elements that regulate the expressionof disease-associated genes. For example, ASD-associated MG4, MG5, and MG51 gene modulesconverge with ME9, ME29, and ME2, enhancermodules that are associated with ASD genes aswell (Fig. 2, G to I, black circles). ME29 is par-ticularly interesting as it contains both A-regs andR-regs for all three ASD-associated gene modules,suggesting that it may be responsible for the co-ordinated up- and down-regulation of genesmod-ules involved in autism pathogenesis.TheASD-associated genemodules—MG4,MG5,

andMG51—overlapped to a significant extentwithpreviously published ASD modules identifiedby in vivo analyses of differential gene expressionbetween ASD patients and normal individuals(Fig. 3A and table S14). Our MG4 andMG5mod-ules were annotated by neuronal and synapticterms (Fig. 3B) and overlapped with neuronaland synaptic modules down-regulated in theASD postmortem cerebral cortex (25) as well aswith a synapse module up-regulated in brainorganoids from ASD individuals with macro-cephaly (6). By contrast, our down-regulatedMG51 module was annotated by cell cycle andDNA repair terms (Fig. 3B) and overlapped withM3, a module harboring protein-disrupting, rarede novo variants in ASD (4). No overlap was ob-servedwithmodules related to immune dysfunc-tion and microglia in ASD (25) (Fig. 3A). Withineach ASD-associated gene module, the distribu-tion of genes that are implicated in ASD andare targets of a member of theME9,ME29,ME2,andME13 ASD-associated enhancermodules ap-pears, overall, to be skewed toward the centralpart of each module (i.e., the “strongest” hubs)(Fig. 3, C and D, and fig. S14). Given that hubgenes are the drivers of a module, one may spec-ulate that mutations disrupting these genes aremore likely to be penetrant and/or syndromic.Looking at the first 100 hub genes (table S14), wefind that the MG4 module shows two confidentand two syndromic ASD-associated genes (respec-tivelyDSCAM,MYO5A,CAMK2B, andSMARCA2);the MG5 module shows three confident and threesyndromic ASD-associated genes (respectively

ANK3, STXBP1, ACHE, WDR26, and ATP1A3);and the MG51 module only shows DIAPH3, alower-confidence gene (Fig. 3C and fig. S14).Orthogonal analyses by quantitative polymer-ase chain reaction (qPCR) confirmed the ex-pression level of these and other ASD genes inthe organoid dataset (fig. S15). Overall, the re-sults suggest that our organoid model may beused to unravel the roles of early prenatal neuro-development and genetic factors in ASD.

Relevance of the organoid model tounderstanding human brain evolution

To determine whether the organoid model isuseful to understanding the genetic mechanismsdriving human brain evolution, we assessedthe overlap of our enhancers with a list of 8996human-gained enhancers (HGEs). These HGEsshowed increased activity at very early stagesof brain development (7 to 12 PCWs) in thehuman lineage, compared with their homologsin rhesus macaque andmouse brains at similardevelopmental time points (26). The majority(70%, 6295 out of 8996) of published HGEs over-lapped with 9915 enhancers in our dataset, andamong the latter, 3310 are associated with genes(table S15). Out of 3310 gene-associated HGEs,2670 (85.3%) have differential activity betweenorganoids and fetal brains, suggesting a dynamicrole during brain development (fig. S16). Thelargest fraction of gene-associated HGEs are pro-gressively declining in activity along organoiddifferentiation and from organoids to fetal brain.Among eight enhancer modules enriched withHGEs, six (all in the supermodule E3down) haddecreasing activity along organoid differentia-tion (Fig. 2H). Genes targeted by HGEs in thesesix down-regulated modules were enriched insignaling pathways related to cell proliferationand cell differentiation and communication andincluded extracellular growth factors such asFGF7 and FGF6, FGFRL1, ERBB4, IGF2, EGFL7,VEGFA, and PDGFA (table S15). Overall, amongall 2908 HGE-linked genes, 824 are differentiallyexpressed between human andmacaque brain inat least one of three brain ages—438 in fetal brains,346 in postnatal brains, and 724 in adult brains(27). Together, these findings suggest that HGEsare likely to be important regulators of genescontrolling cell proliferation and cell-to-cell inter-actions in the human cerebral cortical primordiumduring the very early stages of cortical morpho-genesis. These data are consistent with ATAC-seqfrom in vivo human brain (24), which demon-strates that HGEs are active in germinal zonesand especially enriched in outer radial glia (oRG),which are expanded in humans (28).

Gene regulation and relevanceto disorders

More than 24% of the ASD genes in the SFARIdataset are differentially expressed in the organ-oid system across time, and over 80% are linkedto enhancers active in organoids or fetal brain(table S16). To understand whether enhancersactive in organoids or fetal brain can informabout common and rare genetic variants that

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underlie ASD, we selected three subsets from the96,375 gene-associated enhancers: 11,448 early en-hancers, only active in all organoid stages; 8999late enhancers, only active in fetal brain; and7865 constant enhancers, active at all stages oforganoid differentiation and in fetal brain (Fig.4A). These enhancers were analyzed for enrich-

ment with personal variants inherited fromeither parent in 540 families of the SimonsSimplex Collection (SSC). Each family consistedof phenotypically normal parents, an ASD maleproband, and a normal male sibling (Fig. 4A).Out of an average 3.6 million inherited single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) per person,

3327 with <5% minor allele frequency (MAF)were located within early, late, or constant en-hancers (fig. S17, A to C). Among these, low–allele frequency SNPs (MAF 0.1% to 5%) weresignificantly enriched in probands relative tosiblings in early but not in late or constant en-hancers (p = 0.02 by one-sample t test, Fig. 4B).

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Transcription(DOWN in dev)ASD DNM


Synapse(UP in dev)SFARI

Synapse(DOWN in ASD)

AstrocyteMicroglia(UP in ASD)


MG5 MG51



hub geneDEG at either transition SFARI geneenhancer target





center of module


MG4 (G1up)0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Neuronal System

Membrane Trafficking


Transmission across Synapses

Neurotransmitter Receptor

MG5 (G1up)0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Membrane Trafficking

Vesicle-mediated transport


Intra-Golgi trafficking

MG51(G4down)0 20 40 60 80 100

Cell CycleGene Expression


Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport

Chromosome Maintenance

(ref 4)(ref 25)

(ref 6)










DNA Repair

Fig. 3. ASD-associated genes modules. (A) Overlap of ASD genemodules MG4, MG5, and MG51 from this study with transcript modulesassociated with ASD from postmortem brain studies or enriched in ASD denovo mutations (DNM) (green, violet) (4, 25) and from an ASD patient-derived organoid study (brown) (6). Rows are modules from this study andcolumns are modules from other studies. Red shading represents the degreeof enrichment between pairs of modules. Corrected p values of significantoverlaps (hypergeometric test) are numerically indicated as −log10(p value).(B) Bar plots of the top-scoring biological process terms for the ASD-

associated modules shown in (A). (C) Graphical representation of thestrongest interacting hub genes in the MG4 module network. Circles: genes;lines: topological overlap above 0.95. Colors in circles annotate each gene ashub (red), DEG (green), SFARI gene (blue), and enhancer target (yellow).Enhancer target: genes targeted by enhancers in the ME9, ME29, ME13, andME2 ASD-associated enhancer modules (Fig. 2I). (D) Frequency plotswithin the MG4 module showing that enhancer targets, DEGs, and SFARIgenes have higher intramodular connectivity. x axis shows the weighted geneconnectivity, from low (peripheral genes) to high (central hub genes).


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These SNPs were also enriched in the ME2 andME29 enhancer modules (p = 0.05 and 0.03, re-spectively, by one-sample t test) (Fig. 4B), whichconverge with ASD-associated gene modules(Fig. 2I). These variants are relatively common,and thus our results support the hypothesis ofetiology of ASD via superposition of multipleinherited variants of low effect size (29–32).Contrary to numerous inherited SNPs, there

are only a few dozen de novo mutations (DNMs)in probands, whichmust have deleterious effectsin order to contribute to ASD phenotypes. Wecompared DNMs of probands and siblings ofthe same family cohort (33). Out of 66,306 totalDNMs, 2422 were located in our dataset of gene-associated enhancers. Therewas a trend of havinga larger fraction of probands’ DNMs in constantenhancers, which are active during a prolongedperiod of development (Fig. 4C and fig. S17D). Wenext elucidated the effect of individual DNMsin the gene-associated enhancers on TF binding.Around 24% of DNMs (out of 1240 and 1184 fromprobandand sibling, respectively) overlappedwithat least one TFmotif (figs. S17, E and F, and S18).Overall, there was a larger number of TFs withgreater count of motif-breaking DNMs in pro-bands than in siblings (more circles below thediagonal than above in Fig. 4D). A significantdifference (p < 0.05 by binomial test) was ob-served for TFs such as homeodomain, Hes1,NR4A2, Sox3, and NFIX (table S17), which areimplicated in development, ASD, or mental dis-orders (34, 35). De novo copy-number variantsat the NR4A2 gene locus at 2.q24.1, in particular,have been associated with ASD with languageand cognitive impairment across multiple data-sets (35). These observations provide geneticsupport for the relevance of enhancer elementsidentified in organoids in the complex etiologyof ASD and link noncoding variants to ASDetiology, as previously proposed (36). Enhancersdiscovered in this study also inform about thepossible regulatory role of SNPs that underlie theetiology of schizophrenia (37) (fig. S17G).


Using forebrain organoids, we provide an initialmap of enhancer elements and correspondingtranscripts that are dynamically active in thetransitions between human cortical stem cells,progenitors, and early cortical neurons. Althoughthe cataloged functional elements may requirefurther validation of their in vivo activity, ourfindings suggest that human brain organoidsprovide an avenue to approach the study of themolecular and cellular events underlying braindevelopment. Indeed, our brain organoids pat-terned to forebrain, on both transcriptome andregulatory levels, mimic the longitudinal devel-opment of the embryonic and early fetal corticalprimordium. Because all organoid preparations(from other studies and with different protocols)patterned to the dorsal forebrain are derivedfrom neural stem cells, it is likely that they sharesimilar gene dynamics specific to the embryonicbrain described here. Thus, our gene and enhan-cer analyses have wide implications, and the de-

scribed map can aid the identification of sets ofgenes, enhancers, and genomic variants under-lying neurodevelopmental disorders and ASD inparticular, because brain development is nearlycomplete at the time of diagnosis (38).The majority of enhancer elements active in

our organoid system are not shared with iso-genic mid-fetal brain tissue, which suggests thatthey play a role in earlier events, i.e., progenitorproliferation and the specification of neuronallineages. However, it remains unclear whetherorganoids fully recapitulate developmental pro-cesses, particularly those at later stages. Organ-oid preparations grown for longer periods in vitromay show greater overlap with mid-fetal human

brains (39, 40), although a notable aspect of theorganoid system is its ability to span very earlydevelopmental transitions, which map to stagesearlier than those commonly available in post-mortem human tissue. This finding is confirmedby single-cell transcriptome analyses, which re-vealed a wide diversity of RG and progenitorclusters throughout organoid development. Allbut one organoid-specific cell clusters find cor-respondence to cell clusters in embryonic-fetalhuman brain. The one that did not could be theresult of in vitro culturing. Through longitudi-nal analyses, we show that many genes andtheir enhancer elements are differentially activein a stage-specific fashion from RG stem cells to

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Fig. 4. Enrichment of variants in gene-associated enhancers. (A) Three subsets of enhancerswere selected from all gene-associated enhancers. Early: enhancers active (denoted by +) in allorganoid stages but inactive (denoted by -) in fetal brain (red); late: enhancers active in fetal brainbut inactive in all organoid stages (blue); constant: enhancers active in all organoid stages andfetal brain (green). Variants in 540 families from the Simons Simplex Collection were analyzed forenrichment in these enhancer sets. (B) Comparison of inherited personal SNPs between ASDprobands and normal siblings from the SSC revealed significant enrichment in probands versussiblings (p ≤ 0.05 by one-sample t test) of low–allele frequency SNPs (MAF 0.1 to 5%) in earlyenhancers (red) and enhancer modules ME2 and ME29 (black). Dashed line at value of 0 representsno difference between probands and siblings. *p < 0.05. (C) Fractions of DNMs in enhancers werecompared in probands and siblings across the whole genome. P values (shown above the bars) werecalculated by using the chi-square test. (D) Count of motif-breaking DNMs in all gene-associatedenhancers were compared between probands and siblings. Circles represent TFs with counts ofbroken motifs in probands and siblings plotted on x- and y axis. The size of the circles is proportionalto the number of TFs. Circles away from the diagonal represent TFs enriched with motif-breakingDNMs in probands or siblings. A few TFs in the probands (colored circles) but not in the siblings weresignificantly enriched (p < 0.05 by binomial test) with motif-breaking DNMs.


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neuronal progenitors and to young neurons. Thefirst transition, from neural stem cells to earlycortical progenitors, has the largest number ofDEGs (71%) and DAEs (76%), the majority ofwhich are specific to that step, which impliesthat in vivo transition from the embryonic tothe fetal brain is a vulnerable step for normalbrain development. Such changes reflect dy-namic transitions in proliferation-related genesand transcription factors, together with the up-regulation of neuronal lineage and synapticgenes as cortical stem cells (i.e., RG cells) pro-gressively stop dividing and acquire differentneuronal identities. We found that HGEs ex-hibit their highest activity in RG cells, afterwhich their activity progressively declines withdifferentiation. Consistent with previous find-ings (24), this observation implicates HGEs asregulators of the earliest phases of human braindevelopment. Although the exact function ofHGEs remains to be determined, based on enrich-ment for growth factors signaling pathways, theirtime course and the comparisonwithother studies,wehypothesize that they are involved in the regula-tion of RG cell proliferation in the cerebral cortex.Global integrative analyses of transcriptome

and enhancer elements allowed us to classifythe gene-associated enhancers into elements thatactivate or repress gene transcription, in whichactivity changes inA-regs andR-regs are correlatedwith changes in the expression of their gene targetsat each developmental transition. Because a thirdof those regulators likely acted as gene-repressingelements, our results point out an underappre-ciated layer of trans-repression during early braindevelopment. This level of integration allows theconstruction of a complex regulatory networkwith convergent and concordant patterns ofactivity between gene and enhancer modules,where enhancers of coexpressed genes also ex-hibit correlated activity. We propose that thisnetwork portrays fundamental developmentalprograms in embryonic and fetal brain.Three gene modules were enriched in genes

implicated in ASD, two of which, MG4 and MG5,regulate neuron and synapses and progressivelyincreased in expression during development;whereas the other, MG51, regulates the cell cycle,and whose expression progressively declines.Those modules overlap gene modules previouslyimplicated in ASD based on in vivo postmor-tem data (25). Additionally, we found that ASD-associated gene modules converged with threeASD-associated enhancer modules, implying thatother genes and enhancers in those modulesmay also be related to ASD by shared expressionand perhaps function. This supports the validityof the organoid model for the discovery andanalysis of regulatory elements whose variationmay underlie the risk for neuropsychiatric dis-orders. Indeed, enhancers active in organoids,and, by extension, embryonic and early fetal cereb-ral cortices, were enriched for low population-frequency personal variants carried by ASDprobands relative to unaffected siblings. Further-more, DNMs in ASD probands more frequentlydisrupted binding motifs of specific transcription

factors within regulatory elements active at thosestages. Those TFs, their disrupted binding motifs,and the gene targets of the enhancers with themotifs can be the subject of future functionalstudies on the etiology of ASD. Altogether, theevidence corroborates previous suggestions thatsingle-nucleotide variants in noncoding regionscontribute to ASD (36) and points to genes andregulatory elements underlying its onset. Thus,organoids can offer mechanistic insights intoearly human telencephalic development, brainevolution, and disease.

Methods summary

Detailed materials and methods can be found inthe supplementary materials. hiPSC lines werederived from skull fibroblasts of three male fetalspecimens aged between 15 and 17 PCWs, fromwhich two cerebral cortical samples each werealso collected for comparative analyses. iPSCswere differentiated into telencephalic organoidspatterned to the dorsal forebrain as previouslydescribed (6). Organoids were collected at threeTDs for downstream analyses. Immunohisto-chemistry using proliferation, glutamatergic,and GABAergic neuronal markers were used fororganoids’differentiationquality control. Samplesfrom iPSCs, iPSC-derived organoids, and fetalcerebral cortical regions were used for totalstranded RNA-seq (cells and nuclei), snRNA-seq(nuclei), and ChIP-seq for three histone marks(H3K4me3, H3K27ac, and H3K27me3) (nuclei).We used edgeR (41) and trended dispersion esti-mates to infer differentially expressed genes anddifferentially active enhancers. We used the Seuratpipeline (42) for single-cell RNA-seq clustering andthe Monocle pipeline (43) for single-cell trajecto-ries. ConsensusPathDB (44) and ToppGene (45)were used for functional annotation. Quantitativereal-time PCR was used to cross-validate RNA-seqand DEG analyses using a random subset of theDEGs as well as DEGs implicated in ASD. ChIP-seq peaks were called by MACS2 (46), and chro-matin segmentation was done by chromHMM(47). Peaks were merged into consensus peaksand annotated by the corresponding chromatinstates at each TD or in the fetal cortex. We usedphysical proximity and published chromatin con-formation (Hi-C) data (16) from the fetal brain tolink enhancers to genes. Gene and enhancer mod-ules were identified by WGCNA (21), and super-modules were defined by K-means clustering ofmodule eigengenes. To assess the relevance of theorganoidmodel to studying noncoding patholog-ical mutations, personal genomic variants acrossthe whole genomewere obtained from the SFARI(SimonsSimplexCollection) dataset in 540 familieswith ASD probands and normal siblings. We alsoused de novo SNPs identified inWerling et al. fromthe same cohort (33). Transcription factor bindingsitemotifs were obtained from the JASPAR data-base (48).


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We are grateful to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH),and in particular to T. Lerner and G. Senthil, for their support andguidance for this project. We thank L. Tomasini for excellenttechnical assistance and members of the Program inNeurodevelopment and regeneration, particularly S. Weissman,A. Szekely, J. Mariani, S. Tomasi, and others for useful commentsand discussions. We thank S. Akbarian for advice on ChIP-seq.We thank G. Wang, K. Bilguvar, S. Mane, C. Castaldi, and the YaleCenter for Genome Analysis for library preparation and deepsequencing. A.Ab. is also a Visiting Professor at the Child StudyCenter, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Funding: Data weregenerated as part of the PsychENCODE Consortium, supported byU01MH103392, U01MH103365, U01MH103346, U01MH103340,U01MH103339, R21MH109956, R21MH105881, R21MH105853,R21MH103877, R21MH102791, R01MH111721, R01MH110928,R01MH110927, R01MH110926, R01MH110921, R01MH110920,R01MH110905, R01MH109715, R01MH109677, R01MH105898,R01MH105898, R01MH094714, P50MH106934 awarded toSchahram Akbarian (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai),Gregory Crawford (Duke University), Stella Dracheva (Icahn Schoolof Medicine at Mount Sinai), Peggy Farnham (University ofSouthern California), Mark Gerstein (Yale University), DanielGeschwind (University of California, Los Angeles), Fernando Goes(Johns Hopkins University), Thomas M. Hyde (Lieber Institute forBrain Development), Andrew Jaffe (Lieber Institute for BrainDevelopment), James A. Knowles (University of SouthernCalifornia), Chunyu Liu (SUNY Upstate Medical University), DalilaPinto (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Panos Roussos(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Stephan Sanders(University of California, San Francisco), Nenad Sestan(Yale University), Pamela Sklar (Icahn School of Medicine at MountSinai), Matthew State (University of California, San Francisco),Patrick Sullivan (University of North Carolina), Flora Vaccarino(Yale University), Daniel Weinberger (Lieber Institute for Brain

Development), Sherman Weissman (Yale University), Kevin White(University of Chicago and Tempus Labs, Inc.), Jeremy Willsey(University of California, San Francisco), and Peter Zandi(Johns Hopkins University). Data were generated as part of theCommonMind Consortium supported by funding from TakedaPharmaceuticals Company Limited, F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd, andNIH grants R01MH085542, R01MH093725, P50MH066392,P50MH080405, R01MH097276, RO1-MH-075916, P50M096891,P50MH084053S1, R37MH057881 and R37MH057881S1,HHSN271201300031C, AG02219, AG05138, and MH06692. Braintissue for the study was obtained from the following brain bankcollections: the Mount Sinai NIH Brain and Tissue Repository, theUniversity of Pennsylvania Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center, theUniversity of Pittsburgh NeuroBioBank and Brain and TissueRepositories and the NIMH Human Brain Collection Core. CMCLeadership: Pamela Sklar, Joseph Buxbaum (Icahn School ofMedicine at Mount Sinai), Bernie Devlin, David Lewis (Universityof Pittsburgh), Raquel Gur, Chang-Gyu Hahn (University ofPennsylvania), Keisuke Hirai, Hiroyoshi Toyoshiba (TakedaPharmaceuticals Company Limited), Enrico Domenici, LaurentEssioux (F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd), Lara Mangravite, Mette Peters(Sage Bionetworks), Thomas Lehner, Barbara Lipska (NIMH).Author contributions: The authors contributed to this study atdifferent levels, as described in the following. Study conception:F.M.V. and A.Ab. General experimental design: F.M.V., A.Ab., G.C.,and F.W. Human brain tissue procurement and processing: F.L.Human brain tissue procurement and dissection and overall projectmanagement for the PsychENCODE developmental dataset: N.S.ChIP-seq data generation from the PsychENCODE developmentaldataset: S.P. and Y.S. Data generation and experimental design foriPSCs, organoid differentiation, ChIP-seq and RNA-seq assays:A.Am. and S.S. Processing of RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data: F.W.,G.C., and M.G. Chromatin segmentation, Hi-C analysis and genomicvariant analyses: T.R. Analysis of RNA-seq data, network analyses:G.C. Analysis of ChIP-seq data, network analyses: F.W. qPCRvalidation: S.S. and A.Am. Coordination of analyses, data miningand integrative analyses across datasets: F.M.V., A.Ab., F.W., andS.S. ATAC-seq assay and data analysis: A.S., L.S., and G.E.C.Rhesus interspecies DGE: A.M.M.S. and Y.Z. Display itempreparation: F.M.V., A.Ab., A.Am., S.S., F.W., G.C., and T.R.Manuscript writing: F.M.V., A.Ab., A.Am., S.S., F.W., G.C., and T.R.The following authors contributed equally to the study: A.Am.,S.S., F.W., G.C., T.R. All authors participated in discussion ofresults and manuscript editing. Competing interests: Wedeclare no competing financial interests related to this article.Data and materials availability: Data for this manuscript will beavailable from Synapse (49).

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS and MethodsFigs. S1 to S18Tables S1 to S17PsychENCODE Consortium Authors and AffiliationsReferences (50–75)

30 March 2018; accepted 16 November 201810.1126/science.aat6720

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organoidsTranscriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in

Gregory E. Crawford, Nenad Sestan, Alexej Abyzov and Flora M. VaccarinoYurae Shin, Alexias Safi, Lingyun Song, Ying Zhu, André M. M. Sousa, The PsychENCODE Consortium, Mark Gerstein, Anahita Amiri, Gianfilippo Coppola, Soraya Scuderi, Feinan Wu, Tanmoy Roychowdhury, Fuchen Liu, Sirisha Pochareddy,

DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6720 (6420), eaat6720.362Science 





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