Transcriptions of the audio clips used in the...

Dr. Royal Lee, demonstrating the Lee Mill. Catalyn and Cataplex C in foreground. c. 1948 Transcriptions of the audio clips used in the presentation by Dr. George Goodheart, Nutritional Wisdom of the Masters Verbatim transcripts from the audio archives entitled Lectures of Dr. Royal Lee, Volume II. © Published on Audio Disc by Selene River Press, Inc. ( Plus: Acidosis and Nutrition, from Lectures, Volume I following p. 18

Transcript of Transcriptions of the audio clips used in the...

Page 1: Transcriptions of the audio clips used in the … Royal Lee, demonstrating the Lee Mill. Catalyn and Cataplex C in foreground.

Dr. Royal Lee, demonstrating the Lee Mill. Catalyn and Cataplex C in foreground. c. 1948

Transcriptions of the audio clips used in the presentation by Dr. George Goodheart,

Nutritional Wisdom of the Masters Verbatim transcripts from the audio archives entitled

Lectures of Dr. Royal Lee, Volume II. © Published on Audio Disc by Selene River Press, Inc. (

Plus: Acidosis and Nutrition, from Lectures, Volume I − following p. 18

Page 2: Transcriptions of the audio clips used in the … Royal Lee, demonstrating the Lee Mill. Catalyn and Cataplex C in foreground.

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1. ONE OF THE BIGGEST TRAGEDIES One of the biggest tragedies of human

civilization is the precedence of chemical

therapy over nutrition. It's the substitution of

artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over

food, in which we are feeding people poisons

trying to correct the reactions of starvation.

You all know how ridiculous that is, but you

all know how widely it's being done.

2. DRUGS FOR STARVATION That is one of the biggest mistakes that

medical science has ever made is provide

drugs to people who are starving. A starving

man doesn't need drugs he needs food. And if

he gets food he recovers. He gets drugs he



I’d like to distinguish here between

Calcium Lactate and bone calcium. Bone

calcium is Calcium Phosphate. It cannot be

converted in the body into a soluble calcium.

It can go into a colloidal form only, a finely

divided colloidal form. It’s not soluble. And

the only soluble calcium in the bloodstream is

Calcium Citrate and Calcium Lactate and

Calcium Bicarbonate. In fact citrate and

lactate are converted into bicarbonate very

quickly. It’s the bicarbonate that the heart

needs when it’s lost that second sound. It’s

the vitamin F that raises your supply of

Calcium Bicarbonate to the tissues. So

whenever you need calcium for preventing

virus disease, that includes warts, includes

polio, includes a lot of things, your main

weapon there is calcium. And I want to bring

this point out also: Any child that lacks that

soluble calcium, Calcium Bicarbonate, is

going to be susceptible to any disease that

involves fever. In fact, he’ll develop a fever

from the calcium deficiency alone, in many

cases. Whenever you’ve got a youngster

that’s running a temperature, and maybe it’s

just a degree or two above normal and

wanders up and down, whether it’s the infant

or anybody else, it’s calcium deficiency. Its

strange that these are also associated with

virus diseases and bacterial diseases that

cause fever. Take Undulant Fever. It takes

more than calcium to cure it, you’ll have to

have the trace minerals, but the Allorganic

Trace Minerals that we put up is a specific

formula originally intended for the treatment

of Undulant Fever. It’s done a lot of other

things. The manganese in it is a powerful

stimulant to regeneration of bone and

connective tissue. It’s the most potent thing

you ever saw for the patient with back pains.

If your patient has back pains and a weak

back and tendency to lumbago and all of

those things, the Allorganic Trace Minerals

will perform an immediate stimulation of

repair, which will make him very happy. The

manganese is a weapon that will help to

control these fevers along with calcium. But

in the child it’s almost always calcium

deficiency, in the adult you may find that the

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trace minerals should go along with it. And

you’ll always find these other evidences such

as these low back pains in these people who

are deficient in calcium and catch everything

that goes along. The youngster that’s got

plenty of diffusible calcium in his body fluids

is practically immune to children’s disease. If

you feed that youngster vitamin C and

calcium, I don’t care if he’s already infected

with whooping cough or mumps or scarlet

fever, you load him up heavily with Calcium

Lactate and vitamin C and a little of the

Allorganic Trace Minerals and you will be

surprised in twenty-four hours. You can

eliminate all symptoms. Many a time we’ve

had youngsters, send them back to school

after they’ve been sent home with some of

these diseases, they can’t believe it. It’s

impossible. But there’s no sign of the disease

there two days later. Don’t forget that high

temperature reaction in children to calcium

deficiency. You are going to run into it

constantly. It’s most gratifying to see the

results. You can always bring it down.

I’ve often mentioned barley water as a

help in that. That’s one of the old-time

remedies that when we were kids we had to

depend more on those things than today

because many of us grew up out in the farms

and ranches where a doctor was miles away

and any kind of an emergency, he couldn’t

usually get there until the emergency was

over with. Barley water, in the old days, was

one of the weapons that was found to take

care of most everything that was wrong with a

youngster. When a baby’s teeth are erupting

his body fluids become completely deficient

in calcium. Their teeth are picking up the

calcium so fast that there’s nothing left and he

becomes quite distressed. A little Calcium

Lactate and barley water and all the

symptoms melt away in a matter of a few

hours or almost minutes.

Barley water: How do you make it? All

you do is to soak pearled barley, a cup full, in

a milk bottle/quart bottle full of water in the

icebox. In the old days they use to use boiling

water and make a tea but now with iceboxes

we don’t have to cook it to keep it from

spoiling. You can soak it in the icebox to

twenty-four hours, drain off the water, throw

out your barley, and keep the water for

drinking. A youngster with any kind of an

illness whatever I’d say can have all the barley

water he wants and drink nothing else.


Vitamin E complex, now there’s another

point. The tocopherols are antioxidants which

protect the whole organic complex, but the

active principle in the E complex is not the

tocopherol, it’s the hormone precursors that

are found in the green leaf and in the wheat

germ oil. Those are the vital factors. So that

when you use a purified vitamin, refined

vitamin, you’re only getting a part of it and it

may not be the important part. And when you

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use a synthetic, it’s the same thing, it’s that

much worse than the refined because same

difference as between a synthetic alcohol and

the purified grain alcohol.

The vitamin E in the heart provides the

hormone precursors that support the

endocrine system and the endocrine system

regulates capillary circulation. It’s a very

complex mechanism. I don’t want to go into

the physiology of it all here but in tests at the

University of Illinois they fed natural wheat

germ oil to a group of sixty-five year old and

over professors and were able to increase their

physical endurance several hundred percent.

In other words, their muscular ability and

their endurance in riding a bicycle and so

forth was tremendously increased. Where it

was that one man could ride a bicycle fifteen

minutes when he started out to without getting

tired he could ride it for two hours after a

little… few days or weeks on wheat germ oil.

It’s a very vital thing in maintaining physical

endurance. It’s got a lot to do with storage of



QUESTION: The source of the

vitamin E used in the Shute’s heart?

ANSWER: Dr. Shute in Canada became

quite celebrated in treating heart patients with

vitamin E. Well, Dr. Shute used the pure

form. He doesn’t use E complex. We believe

that all the vitamins are complexes. And if

you take out any of those fractions, it’s just

like taking the starch out of the whole wheat

and feeding that. Yes, you can live longer on

the starch than if you didn’t get anything if

you’re starving for starch, starving for

carbohydrates, or starving for wheat. You can

prolong life by giving starch, but you won’t

build health. And that’s what’s wrong with

the treatment of the heart disease with

purified vitamin E. You need all the vitamins

that are lacking in the nutritional pattern.

While you can specifically help the heart with

E, you won’t do the job that you would if you

got all the vitamins.

The trouble with these purified fractions:

The doctors have been in the habit of asking

for pure drugs. Well that’s a good thing in the

case of a drug, because you don’t want to give

anything but the active principle. Drugs are

poisons. And it is very unsatisfactory or

unscientific to give a whole shotgun dose of

poisons when you only need one out of the

bunch. But foods are the opposites. We need

everything that’s in our natural foods, and we

certainly never should take out any one factor

and forget the rest. So the rules to follow are

opposite to those that should be followed in

drugs. And it’s been very difficult for the drug

people and the medical profession and the

pharmacological profession and the research

workers and all those fellows to orient

themselves to understand foods. And most of

them never have learned how to recognize the

foods and their functions. That’s just too bad.

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Dr. Shute is no exception. He forgets that a

drug and food product must be handled

entirely different. You don’t want a

concentrated, isolated, fraction out of a food.

But you do want an isolated, single fraction in

a drug because you don’t want to take a whole

hat full of assorted drugs. That’s why the

words, “shotgun prescription” has always

been looked upon as a crackpot idea in the

drug fraternity. Some of these fellows in the

old days said well, let’s give the patient a

little of everything and then we’ll treat

everything that he’s got with one shotgun

prescription. Well, seeing that all the drugs

were poisons, why the poor patient might not

survive such a big dose.

Foods are the opposite. We need variety

in food. We can’t use and live on isolated,

single fractions. The only reason we’re here

talking about it is because we have been given

these isolated fractions like refined sugar and

refined flour and what have you and we have

developed all of these problems that we’re

trying to unravel. That is a very important

point to grasp. Beware of isolated, single

fraction, food products.


QUESTION: Are there any

contraindications in using vitamin F in

preventing sunstroke?

ANSWER: No. You can’t get too much

vitamin F. It’s completely non-toxic. You

may need three or four tablets a day if you’re

out in the sun all day. Vitamin D is toxic, as

you know, whether you get if from Viosterol,

the synthetic vitamin, or whether you get it

from too much sun. Because when you

develop the sunstroke you’re suffering from

the toxicity. It isn’t quite as bad, the sun

vitamin, naturally produced will not produce

calcification of the kidneys. Viosterol will.

I’ve seen hundreds of youngsters with

calcified kidneys. Any infant or child that

reports with blood in the urine you can

depend on it that it’s Viosterol poisoning. I

don’t know of any other cause. It’s very

common. Take them off of the vitamin [D]

and give them a little vitamin F and Calcium

Lactate and [vitamins] A and C and you can

control it. You can stop it. It takes a lot of A

and C for a long period of time to heal up

those kidneys because they are calcified to the

extent that you can see the calcium in an X-

ray. It takes weeks/months to absorb it and get

rid of it. That’s a very common thing.

I recall one of our boys was drafted and

his wife wrote him when he was overseas

about one of the three youngsters that

developed blood in the urine and he wrote

back and says where in the devil are you

getting Viosterol and she looked on the labels

of one of her bottles that her doctor prescribed

and found that there was Viosterol in it. She

didn’t suspect it because he had warned her

before he left about giving any poisoned

vitamins to these kids. And that shows how

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specific it is. If you start looking for that

reaction you’ll find plenty of it.

8. VITAMIN E2 AND ANGINA (Cataplex E2)

One of the fractions that’s been taken out

of the E complex, called E2, has the same

identical effect upon the heart patient who has

cramps in his heart, so called angina pains, it

has the same identical effect of nitroglycerin.

And no one would ever need nitroglycerin if

they hadn’t been deprived of this vitamin by

the use of foods that should have been illegal

and in fact are, but which the law is not being

enforced. It’s quite amazing to see how many

heart patients will respond to these vitamins

found in the whole wheat. Vitamin G, of the

B complex, is one that relaxes the coronary

and insures us against coronary attacks. The

vitamin B group, B and G are partners and

found in the yeast and wheat germ, the

vitamin B group prevents nerve damage

which sets up erratic heart action, particularly

fibrillation and murmurs are also due to that B

deficiency because it permits the dilatation

and enlargement of the heart and dislocation

of the heart valves and when those valves are

pulled out of position, of course, they start

leaking. Supply the vitamin B complex from

wheat germ and nine times out of ten, any

heart murmur disappears inside of a few

minutes. It takes a few days or a weak or two

to come back again because it puts a tone into

the muscular system and pulls that heart back.

I’ve seen the apex on a heart move three

inches inside of ten minutes under the

fluoroscope, after giving a couple of B

complex tablets. It’s amazing how that old

heart will pull up into position and contract

and stay contracted and all these murmurs

disappear. The spectacular effects of these

restorations, I would say, of foods that have

been deficient is one of the impressive things

about this whole nutritional deficiency idea.

8. VITAMIN E2 (Cataplex E2) E deficiency, one of the things that’s

brought on there are these painful states in

which the heart tends to go into a cramp, the

angina pectoris type. We were quite amazed

to find that there was such a thing in the E

complex as the counterpart to nitroglycerin. It

has the same immediate action in relieving the

angina pain. We call that fraction the E2. It

has become… it’s a phospholipid made from

the liver. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin and is

normally stored in the liver and beef liver is our

source for it.


Any doctor who has a cardiograph can

run a check on your heart and detect certain

vitamin deficiencies if they are present. I

doubt if there’s more than five people in this

room who could have their hearts recorded,

their heart sounds recorded, but what would

show definite vitamin deficiencies. It’s also a

very interesting fact that you could supply

these vitamins that are shown to be missing

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and run a new recording of the heart sound

inside of ten minutes and they’re gone. The

troubles have disappeared, temporarily.

You’ve have supplied the nutrition for which

the body was starving and symptoms will

disappear when you supply the food. One of

these interesting situations is the deficiency of

this vitamin F group, this unsaturated fatty

acid. It’s the one that prevents cholesterol

trouble. It’s also the one that metabolizes and

distributes calcium to the tissues. Without

calcium your muscles get easily fatigued. It’s

the first thing to think of is calcium when we

talk to someone who says they’re tired all the

time. You don’t find those people where they

drink hard water. You find a lot of them where

they have soft water.

Now when the heart is deprived of that

calcium from the lack of this vitamin F, the

heart contraction collapses before it’s

finished. It doesn’t give the blood a good

boost. There’s two sounds to the heart. The

first is the contraction sound; second is the

valve sound, which is due to the valves of the

heart; the blood coming back and closing the

valves after it leaves the heart. If the heart

muscle collapses before it’s finished its cycle

there is no second sound. So, that they’re very

easy to detect in these cardiographs. If the

second sound is missing the patient needs

unsaturated fatty acids. And you supply them

with the proper form of vitamin F and that

second sound comes right back inside of ten


That’s only one of a dozen different types

of deficiencies that can be detected in this

way. I can say quite confidently today that

heart disease is just about as unnecessary as

scurvy or beriberi. In fact it is a form of

beriberi because it’s the very vitamins that are

lost, the B Complex, in our refining of white

flour that is highly important in preventing

some of these forms of heart disease.

The patient with heart disease, or with

these reactions, and I’d say that ninety percent

of the people in this room have some of them,

they all disappear when you get the right

food. So it’s not a serious thing. Of course if

the patient drops dead before he learns about

it then it is serious. I mean that’s the end.

There’s no hope. We can’t revive dead

people. But I have seen several people that

have had their death certificate made out by

the doctor who were revived with vitamins

and who lived many years afterward. And that

just goes to show how close to death we can

be from starvation and still come back.

One of these factors in this vitamin B

group maintains muscle tone. And there’s a

complete relaxation without it. The doctor

listens to your heart and tells you that you

have an enlarged heart when you have this

acute deficiency. He’ll probably also tell you

that you’ve got some murmurs due to valve

leakage. Well when the heart enlarges, the

valves are made of cartilage, they don’t

enlarge, so that the opening enlarges along

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with the heart and there’s bound to be leakage

from the enlargement. It’s that simple. You

supply some of this vitamin B [B4] which

promotes the muscle tone, the heart will

contract to normal size, usually inside of ten

minutes. The valve leakage disappears. So

there’s another easily corrected thing that was

formerly considered pretty serious. Most

people would feel that if they had valve

leakage in their heart they’d feel, in fact they

would be told, that it’s something they should

watch. The average doctor will tell them that

it never will be normal again and that if they

take care of that heart and don’t overload it,

they’ll be able to live a normal life. They

don’t even know that you can clear it up with

a few vitamins. And I’ll tell you why they

don’t know. It’s because these conspirators

who sell us these synthetic foods don’t permit

the doctor to know it. They actually censor all

the medical literature. I challenge you to find

any item in any medical book telling you the

things I’m telling you here.


I’ll give you a tip on that potassium

thing, too. If you’re deficient in potassium

your heart tends to run away; to race.

Paroxysmal Tachycardia is a specific example

you can correct that right now with alfalfa tea

or alfalfa tablets or mineral extracts of alfalfa

or kelp. A patient can have congestive heart

failure from potassium deficiency. Where

there was no other cause. Paroxysmal

Tachycardia often comes on after a heavy

meal. Why? Because you eat a lot of

carbohydrate and ice cream and sugar, pie,

cake: That sugar has to be stowed away in the

liver and muscles and it requires potassium to

go along with it. When the potassium is all

used up and there’s some sugar left maybe,

that’s when you’re really in trouble, that’s

when the ol’ heart starts popping off. The

patient goes to bed after a heavy meal and

wakes up with a heart pounding. That’s

potassium deficiency. He should cut down his

carbohydrates, unless he wants to die; and get

more potassium. That’s a good thing to ask

every patient. Did they ever have their heart

obvious to them? The heart is laboring away

at night? It shouldn’t be, you shouldn’t know

you’ve got a heart, never feel it. If you do,

you better do something about it. Number

one, cut down the carbohydrate and number

two, get more potassium. That will clear it

right up.

11. VITAMIN B4 Just for example, the B complex. When

you concentrate it from wheat germ you

commonly loose the protein-linked vitamins.

You end up with more of the thiamin and the

B4 fraction than you do with the others. The

B4 is the one that restores function to nerve

tissue, very important. It’s not present at all

in the synthetic vitamin. That’s why the

synthetic vitamin won’t cure fibrillation and

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won’t restore tone to the heart muscle and

stop the valve leakages and the regurgitation

and the murmurs that will be stopped by the

natural vitamin.


Everybody today is alert to the harm

of high cholesterol because that’s what

makes people drop dead with heart disease.

One of the factors, its only one but it’s one

important one. The best way to get yourself

all primed up to drop dead is to eat

hydrogenated fats. Now, the average doctor is

ignorant of this thing. He looks in his

textbook and finds out where people can get

cholesterol in their diet and he finds butter has

got cholesterol in it, and that all of our animal

fats have cholesterol, and eggs have

cholesterol. So, here’s a patient with a little

hypertension and high blood cholesterol and

he says don’t eat eggs, don’t eat butter. Well

eggs and butter contain lecithin, which is the

antidote for cholesterol. Dr. Pottenger out

here puts his obese patients on lots of animal

fats because the lecithin in that natural fat will

melt away the surplus fat. And it works. But if

you go on a high calorie diet and omit all the

fat and eat your starches and carbohydrates

that you get in these refined cereals you will

be putting more fat on your back that you

can’t get rid of because you don’t get the

lecithin which mobilizes and burns it up.

You’re in the same picture as the man with a

big bank account and no checkbook. He can’t

use the money and you can’t burn up the fat

on your own back if you don’t have lecithin

as an emulsifier.

The best way to reduce a fat person is to

tell them to eat all the fat meat that they can

get a hold of and all the butter they can eat.

I’d say it’s a little better to get the lecithin

without the fat, without the calories, but it’s

also very valid to avoid these foods that give

you calories only and that build up your

cholesterol and brings on these dangers of the

hardening of the arteries and coronary


Sugar and flour are the first things to

throw out in the diet because they are pure

calories and don’t contribute anything but fat

to the body. Starch goes into fat. Sugar goes

into fat. If you want to fatten a pig what do

you give them? You feed them a lot of corn –



We have a product with the vitamin P in

the way of buckwheat, green buckwheat juice

which is very, very effective. I’ll tell you

where you test the vitamin P. People who

have gingival hemorrhage who have pink

toothbrush have insipient scurvy. And a

couple of tablets of this dehydrated

buckwheat juice will stop that over night. And

any active vitamin P will be immediately

effective in stopping gingival hemorrhage and

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so that’s what we put in ours. Ascorbic Acid

has no effect at all. So there’s no vitamin P

affect whatever from the Ascorbic Acid.

Another thing, vitamin P; Rutin is sold as

vitamin P. I don’t think that has any affect at

all if it’s pure. The reason is Rutin is made

from buckwheat and carries other factors with

it because it wasn’t completely purified. The

more you purify Rutin the less affective it

gets. So Rutin was another one of these

misnomers that’s been sold high-wide-and-

handsome but when it comes down to basic

facts it has no value. But the associates of

rutin in the buckwheat are tremendously


Now in diabetic retinitis it has been

tremendously useful. There’s no known cure

nor remedy for diabetic retinitis. When the

capillaries start to break up in the retina why

the patient is on their way to being blind. And

we can stop it in its tracks with a very small

amount of this Cyruta which is the trade name

for the buckwheat.

So vitamin P has an important place with

a lot of deficiencies. You’ll notice ninety

percent of the people have gingival

hemorrhage at times and it’s a precursor of

pyorrhea. It’s just simply that breakdown plus

the infection and pretty soon the bugs are

digging around and form pockets and first

thing you know its gone all around the tooth

and down below it and the tooth falls out.

And that’s the end of that. Ninety-five percent

of the teeth lost in this country are due to

vitamin P deficiency.

I don’t think we’d have any… I think our

capillary breakdowns and cerebral

hemorrhage possibly are vitamin P

deficiency. Gingival hemorrhage shows that

we are all deficient in this fraction. I think

that that’s the most common of the C

deficiency; is the lack of this P.

14. TWO KINDS OF ANTIBODIES (Los Angeles College of Chiropractic-1955)

Don’t forget now, there’s two kinds of

antibodies. There’s natural tissue antibodies

and there’s the antibodies to foreign proteins.

Most of our textbooks on immune reactions

discuss nothing but the antibodies that are

developed against foreign proteins. In the next

period of scientific development of this

physiological reaction you’re going to hear

more about natural tissue antibodies. They’ve

been discussed and described but you won’t

find them in the textbooks yet. You’ll only

find them in the periodicals. It takes a few

years between the time a discovery is reported

and gets into the journals before it gets into

the textbooks.

15. PMGs IN A NUTSHELL, 1956 Suppose we have a patient who has had a

coronary occlusion and a part of his heart

muscle has become robbed of its blood supply

and it’s replaced with scar tissue. In

accomplishing that repair the heart muscle

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proteins are absorbed, they become necrotic

and were absorbed into the bloodstream. They

act as any foreign protein would do. The

victim becomes allergic to his own heart

muscle. That means his blood stream begins

to carry antibodies to heart and it will impair

and reduce the rate of repair of the heart. Any

overwork on that part of the heart is going to

be very serious because the recovery from

that tissue damage due to overwork will be

slower than normal.

Suppose the patient has had tuberculosis

and the tuberculin infection has destroyed part

of the lung and the blood stream has had to

absorb that and carry it away. He’s bound to

have in his bloodstream antibodies to lung. If

we feed that individual a few tablets of the

protomorphogen extract of lung, of beef lung,

we may find that it will do him a lot of good.

We have seen bronchitis; most cases of

chronic bronchitis are due to the failure of the

lung to repair itself at its normal rate.

The irritation, the irritability is simply

due to the fact that the bloodstream carries

these antibodies. If we supply the lung

protomorphogen to be taken orally, as soon as

that is dissolved and carried into the mucous

membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, it

meets the bloodstream, combines with

antibodies in the blood, and lowers the

circulating levels of that particular antibody

and takes the inhibitions partly off of the

organ we’re talking about. Maybe the lung,

maybe the heart, maybe the pancreas, maybe

the adrenals.

There are many cases where various

organs will develop these antibodies. For

instance, an interesting case is where a

fireman had inhaled hot gas and caused

damage to his lungs. The lungs wouldn’t heal

and he kept going down day after day. We

supply him with a few tablets of lung

protomorphogen and he immediately turns

around and starts to get well. The trend of

progress is absolutely reversed. We’ve had

many spectacular experiments, experiences of

that kind.

If these protomorphogen extracts are not

needed, they act merely as that much protein

in nutrition. Apparently they’re perfectly

harmless. There’s only one possible

exception. If you take a patient who’s had

tuberculosis for many years he may have a

very high level of lung antibody. If he is

given too many tablets at once, of the lung

protomorphogen, he might have some

histamine reactions, systemic histamine

reactions. What does that mean? It means that

he would feel as if he was coming down with

a cold because when you come down with a

cold you’re just simply getting a generalized

histamine reaction. That’s why antihistamines

are cold remedies. It does take a pretty heavy

dose to bring that about even though the

patient is highly loaded with antibodies to any

particular tissue. All we need to do in this

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case is to warn the doctor who may be using

these products to start in with a relatively

conservative dosage. Not start in with a heavy

dose because there may be some reaction.

These reactions aren’t serious, but the patient

doesn’t feel very encouraged about the

wisdom of the treatment if it makes him ill to

start with. But the histamine reaction does

prove beyond any question that this particular

patient does need this kind of treatment. And his

subsequent history is very favorable.


So if you provide this patient who is

sensitized to his own heart protein with some

extract of beef heart—cytotrophic extract—

(cytotrophic means stimulative), that’s the

blueprints of the heart’s cell in that extract.

It’s the chromosome, the thing that makes the

heart different from any other organ. When

that’s provided it will combine it with

antibodies. The inhibition is controlled and

the old heart starts to repair itself normally

with it’s own blueprints, with it’s own

cytotrophic factor. Because we can use a beef

cytotrophic factor to get rid of the antibody

but we can’t use a beef cytotrophic factor to

heal the heart. You have to depend on what’s

in the heart to do that. But we can use the beef

factor to get rid of the inhibitive antibody.


But the protomorphogens that guide the

repair are those that are right in the heart all

the time. The bovine protomorphogens have

nothing to do with the direction repairs. It

simply removes the antibody from the blood

stream which has been inhibiting the repair.

So that you are not going to have to worry

about the state we mentioned in our liver

tissue culture in which the liver cells

ultimately became kidney cells, due to the

contamination. You can take all the

Cardiotrophin you want, you’ll never develop

the heart of the steer or cow that provided the

heart; your heart won’t grow big. It will just go

back to its normal dimension and function, as far

as it can, in view of the fact that there may be

scar tissue there that will never be eliminated.

But what actual tissue there is will be put in a

much better state of health. And that can be read

off on your cardiographic recordings this day

within a matter of minutes; if the patient happens

to be one of those who has the heart antibody in

his bloodstream.


Now, don’t forget, that heart factor that

we supply does not get to the heart. It doesn’t

get any further than the absorption into the

capillaries of the mucous membrane before it

picks up this antibody and eliminates it. It

takes it out of commission, takes it out of the

blood. The phagocytes pick up the assembly

of antibody and antigen and carry it off for

disposal through the liver, goes out through

the bile. That’s where our waste

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protomorphogens go when they are combined

with antibodies.

19. GALLBLADDER and BEET GREENS (Betafood or AF Betafood)

One of our common results of this high

cholesterol problem is gallstones. When you

have gallstones in your gallbladder they are

precipitated forms of cholesterol. I might give

you a little tip here, many doctors have told

me they’ve never had an operation for

gallstones anymore once they discovered this

little trick: the fact that beet leaf juice will

prevent cholesterol precipitation in the

gallbladder; the juice of the green leaf of the

red beet. We all know what beet greens are.

This juice seems to be just as good whether

it’s cooked or not. The juice of the beet

greens is the most potent thing I know of to

relieve the distress of the typical gallbladder

patient. It’s a simple remedy that anyone can

try out with no possible harm and it is, I’m

sure from experience, capable of relieving at

least ninety percent of the gallbladder



QUESTION: Doctor is that not reason

why you have so many mental breakdowns

due to the inability of people to handle


ANSWER: I think it’s a low protein diet

that’s the finest way to bring on a mental

condition and I think that’s a part of our

pellagra syndrome. It’s the vitamin G

Complex deficiency plus the low protein diet.

Then your patient winds up in the insane

asylum flush with the pellagra lesions.

I was quite interested to find that one of

our books on pellagra, the statement that a

patient had developed mental symptoms of

pellagra without any other physical

symptoms. In other words, she could go off

the beam from pellagra alone and not show

any skin lesions. Who’s going to diagnose it

as pellagra under those circumstances?

That’s kind of a pitiful situation here. We

have so many thousands of people in insane

asylums and nobody is looking at them with a

critical eye to wonder if they’re not starving

to death.


When we cook proteins we are increasing

the toxic effect. I’ll tell you how that has been

discovered. A chap by the name of

Kouchakoff, in Vienna, about twenty years

ago, discovered that patients who were getting

raw foods or even half raw foods in their diet

did not have a rise in phagocyte count or

lymphocyte count after meals. Now if you run

a test on the average patient you’ll find after

every meal their white cell count rises quite

drastically. Kouchakoff concluded, after his

investigations, that this rise in white cell

count was merely due to the necessity of

cleaning up toxic residues that are taken in, in

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our cooked foods. And that it was not a

desirable thing because these phagocytes,

whose normal function is not only to pick up

toxic residues of cooked foods, but they’re

also our defenders against infection. If we

have a chronic infection, we’re going to have

a lot more trouble fighting it if we eat cooked

foods than if we didn’t because those

phagocytes have to lay down their weapons

and do a street cleaning job after every meal.

Then after the street cleaning is completed

they can pick up their weapons and go back to

fighting the invaders. It’s not a very

successful way to conduct a battle.

I’ve seen a number of people who had

Osteomylitis, and tuberculosis, and such

things that cured themselves by going on a

raw food schedule. And it was improvement

dated from the time they started on raw foods.

Many years it was a puzzle to me because I

couldn’t see just what there could be about

raw foods that could be so startlingly

important and defensive in against invading

organisms. But Dr. Kouchakoff’s discovery

is quite enlightening in that connection.


That is the whole systemic syndrome

there. You may find that they are having

trouble with their bowels from the loss of

their normal flora. The first thing to do is to

get that straightened out. We make a couple

of products for that purpose. One is

Acidophilus Yeast [Lactic Acid Yeast

Wafers], which forms lactic acid and will

acidify the bowel and improve calcium

assimilation. The other one is Zymex Wafers,

which is another organism which is very

valuable in restoring the normal bowel

function where antibiotics have caused

dysentery and a state of failure to assimilate.

In fact the food goes right through the patient

after he has destroyed his normal flora; and

the Zymex that is a special culture of an

organism we isolated.

You know all these antibiotics have been

made by investigating the chemistry of wild

yeasts and molds and we’ve investigated

those yeasts and molds not by finding

antibiotics but by finding some that are

normal to the bowel and help us assimilate

food and help to kill off the toxic forms of

bacteriology that we may get. Some forms of

colon bacillus, for instance, forms histamine,

which is quite irritating and it seems that

these wild yeast forms which we get in raw

food normally and would get in our bowel

and would grow there under normal

circumstances, are friendly to us and that’s

why we need the concentrated replacement

once in awhile. If we ate raw foods we’d

never feel the need of these things. But when

the patient gets an oral dose of antibiotics it

throws his intestinal flora out of gear and you

need to set up a new culture. The Zymex is

ideal for that.

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So, the use of single factors outside of the

food pattern I don’t believe is nutritional. It’s

pharmacological. It’s a drug effect. We’ve

taken that stand from the beginning. All the

tests that have been made on synthetic

vitamins have failed to show any nutritional

value. So if we’re not interested in drugs, we

shouldn’t be interested in them.

Dr. Morgan, up at the University of

California at Berkley, who is for twenty-five

years head of their Department of Nutrition;

when the hullabaloo developed on the

enrichment of bread, back twelve or fourteen

years ago, thought she would test the vitamins

that were proposed as enriching agents on

some dogs. She set up a colony of dogs and

fed half of them, she fed them all on very low

vitamin foods like white flour and white

sugar. She gave half of them the enriching

vitamins in the proper amount that is

proposed for flour and sat back to see what

would happen. Well the dogs that were

getting the enriching vitamins became

affected adversely before the other dogs. In

her own words she said they became “sedate

and senile.” They wouldn’t move around with

any speed, I guess it’s because they had

neuritic pains or something. But they would

move around with a great deliberation and

caution. Maybe they were smart because they

soon started dropping dead from heart failure.

When one of us are in such a critical state

we’re liable to drop dead, we should be

stepping around with caution. At any rate, the

dogs given the enriched food died quicker

than those that got no enrichment at all. Now

that is exactly the opposite effect of what it

was suppose to have. To my knowledge, no

other experiments have ever been made to

find out if that could be confirmed or

disproved. Instead of that we have been fed

and sold millions and millions of pounds,

millions of tons maybe, of enriched flour.

Statistically I don’t know how much of an

increase we’ve had in the incidence of sudden

death from heart disease but I know it’s

plenty. I know one city where it doubled in

five years after fluorine was put in the water

and the fluoridators are pointing that out, but I

think the fluorine merely activated what is

being done by enrichment of food.

We haven’t yet any evidence to show that

there’s any merit, nutritionally, in use of

synthetic vitamins.


In fact I’m becoming convinced that all

allergy is merely a form of, is only serious if a

patient only complains of allergies because

he’s hyperalkaline. If he wasn’t alkaline his

allergies wouldn’t amount to anything. You

can prove that with a hay fever patient. If you

normalize their saliva according to Hydrion

test paper and get it down to seven by

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supplying the mineral acidifiers (By the way

we put them up in tablet form known as Cal-

Amo, which is equal parts of Ammonium and

Calcium Chloride. It’s a nutritional acidifier)

as soon as you get that saliva normal, down to

seven, you’ll find that antihistamines will

completely and perfectly control the hay

fever. The antihistamines, most of them in the

drugstores that are sold for cold remedies are

synthetic. There are natural ones on the

market made from one of the liver hormones.

It was discovered in Japan and originally put

on the market here by the Harrower

Laboratories in Anabolin and which we have

put out since the Harrower Laboratories went

out of business, under the name of Anti-

Pyrexin [Antronex]. That is a physiological

and natural antihistamine made from beef

liver. But any of the antihistamines sold in the

drugstore will control hay fever as soon as you

get the saliva pH down to seven. But all the

antihistamines in the world won’t have much

effect until you do.


We need to distinguish nephritis from

nephrosis in which we have a degenerative

change in the kidney and the kidney is

breaking down. We have albumin in the urine

and that requires aid from a special enzyme of

arginase. We have it under the name of

Arginex, tradename. That helps the kidney

dispose of poisonous materials and a kidney

that’s lost its ability to produce arginase goes

into a nephrosis state. We’ve had patients

that are practically at deaths door with

nephrosis and they’re cured or apparently

normalized and all their albumin disappears

and all their symptoms disappear on Arginex.

It’s very spectacular in the nephrosis patient.

26. SALT & CARBAMIDE You see our sweat glands cannot function

without salt. Because salt is necessary for the

osmotic transfer of fluids. Whenever you hear

about a salt free diet don’t forget that salt is

indispensable. You might cut the pace of salt

down but you better tell him to stay indoors in

hot weather and not have to sweat very much

because he might die from the results of salt

deficiency under those circumstances.

Now there’s something else needed

besides salt, that’s Carbamide. Carbamide is

an organic salt composed chemically of

carbon dioxide and ammonia. The ammonia

in the body comes from the breakdown of

meat products – proteins. And of course the

carbon dioxide comes from the combustion of

carbohydrates, which we otherwise would

exhale through the lungs. It can be

synthetically made from carbon dioxide and

ammonia and it’s one of the few synthetic

substances, which we recommend using in

nutrition. Because there isn’t any other source

than the synthetic unless we want to make it

from sewage which I don’t think would be

very advisable because of the difficulty of

completely purifying any chemical that’s

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made from any source. You’ve always got

something left in it that carries on through. At

any rate, Carbamide is a partner of salt of

sodium chloride and promotes osmotic

transfers. So in hot weather you should get

Carbamide and salt. Maybe you don’t need

anything but Carbamide if you aren’t on a salt

free diet. Now what else does Carbamide do?

The physical action of Carbamide is to reduce

the conductivity of the foods that it’s

dissolved in of the water or body fluids. It’s

the only known salt that reduces conductivity.

Every other salt increases conductivity.

If you stick a couple of wires into this

water and connect them up to your light

circuit here – 110 volts – that water will not

carry current to any degree. You might see a

few bubbles on the end of those wires but if

you drop a little bit of salt in there then you’ll

see a big crop of bubbles due to the

decomposition of water by the current. The

water starts to carry more current. But if you

were to put Carbamide in this water, the

bubbles would stop forming because it makes

an insulating substance, reduces conductivity.

Now, there are diagnostic machines on

the market, one of them is the Ellis

Microdynameter, which owe their functions

to the fact that they measure body

conductivity. And when we become ill from

any reason, if you’re coming down with a

cold, our body conductivity at that time, as we

start to feel sick, is maybe ten times normal.

The Microdynameter will show that; the

needle will go way over. The operator can put

a healthy person on the machine and says

you’ve got a high vitality. Well that’s because

the needle doesn’t go very far. He’s full of

Carbamide. His body fluids don’t conduct


Well now, Dr. Kryle, of Cleveland,

showed years ago that every living cell has to

maintain an electrical difference of potential

between its nucleus and cytoplasm. Just like a

charged battery. And when that electrical

potential is gone it’s dead, just like a dead

battery and it disintegrates. The potential is

necessary to keep the organs of the cell

properly disposed. The repelling effects of the

two charges and the attraction of the opposite

charges and the repelling effect of the single

charge within the nucleus. It’s the repulsion

of the carbon particles in India ink that keeps

them dispersed in the water and if you put one

grain of salt into a bottle of India ink the next

day you’ve got clear water and the carbon is

at the bottom; it’s no longer ink. You’ve

destroyed the charges that kept those particles

of carbon separated. Now the same electrical

charges keep your red cells separated in the

bloodstream. If they start sludging to the

bottom you get what is known as sludged

blood which is a term in medicine and that

means a sick individual. Your rate of

sedimentation in the hospital at the laboratory

is an indication of the degree of electrical

charge of that blood. The sedimentation rate

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is normalized by Carbamide. If you have a

bad infection your sedimentation rate is off.

That’s commonly used to indicate the degree

of recovery or whether the patient is better or

worse by the sedimentation test if he has TB

or some serious chronic infection.

So that you see Carbamide, it’s a very

simple thing, and it’s only worth a few cents a

pound, but it is one of the vital elements in the

body and it may be a matter of life and death

to people. In heat prostration we need it. It’s

mentioned here as the second item required.

The number one item is Drenamin to build up

the adrenal glands to maintain the vascular

tone, which is lost by the mineral disturbances

due to the excess vitamin D.

Before I forget this Carbamide thing...

There’s one more phase of that and that’s

nightmares. I don’t know whether we have it

listed here under that name. A patient who has

disturbing dreams, that’s the first indication

you’re going to find of Carbamide deficiency.

A patient has unpleasant dreams at night;

there is always something happening as soon

as they go to sleep something unpleasant

happens in that dream, something very

disturbing. They may wake up with a start and

think that they’re falling down an elevator

shaft or something. Just as soon as you give

them a half a teaspoon full of Carbamide they

sleep like a baby. That’s all gone. Now that is

due to the electrical conductivity of the fluids

in the brain − it’s off. They’re in an unstable

condition. They’re a nervous wreck

sometimes. Just as soon as you give them the

Carbamide it all flattens out. Now the patient

that has those dreams can’t sleep and can’t

rest because of it is certainly grateful for any

improvement. Their general health suffers

from the lack of it.

27. DIET PREVENTS POLIO − Book by Benjamin P. Sandler, MD. US Naval surgeon and researcher. Published by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, 1951. The subject is diet prevents polio. Dr.

Sandler showed that it’s impossible for

anyone to be susceptible to polio unless they

have been previously eating a lot of sugar and

ice cream and exposing themselves unduly to

the suns rays and getting overdose of vitamin

D in their tissues. It’s a combination of… plus

a lot of exercise helps to bring it on. That’s

why swimming, bathing suits, hot weather are

all contributory to polio.

You know, polio is always called the

“white flour disease.” They don’t have any

polio if they don’t have white flour. They

don’t have polio where they don’t have soft

drinks. It’s a disease of high carbohydrate

habit. The best treatment for polio is these

natural products like the potato vitamin C and

simple dosage of calcium lactate because I

don’t believe it’s possible for polio or any

other virus to invade the human body unless

they’re deficient in calcium and in the vitamin C.

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A paper read at meeting of the Lee Foundation for Nutrition Research December, 1947

The regulation of the acid-alkaline balances of the body fluids is just as vital to our well

being as the regulation of temperature. We normally have a blood and tissue condition of mild alkalinity, rated in the pH scale at 7.28 to 7.5. In diseased conditions it may range from 6.95 to 7.8. As 7 is neutral, blood is actually in an acid state if below this figure, and life cannot continue under such circumstances.

pH is the abbreviation for potential hydrogen, and the characteristic of all acids is to afford available or potential hydrogen. Each number of the pH scale indicates ten times the amount of potential hydrogen of the next highest number, so it is evident that the normal blood variation of .2 on the scale really is a doubling of hydrogen ion concentration, no small range in actual acid-alkaline balance.

The pH scale used by chemists ranges from one to thirteen with 7 as the neutral point, 1 to 7 being acid, 7 to 13 being the alkaline range. Pure water is neutral, the hydrogen ion in each molecule is balanced by one hydroxyl ion, the hydrogen ion being one atom of hydrogen of acid nature, and the hydroxyl ion being a pair of one each of the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen, -OH, which is alkaline in nature.

When the pH is neutral, or 7, the number of ions of potential hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals are equal and balanced. At pH 6, the number of hydrogen ions present is ten times as much, but now 90 per cent are available for acid combination, whereas before none were. At pH 5, the number present is another tenfold, with one per cent of them only offset by hydroxyl ions, and so on down to pH 1. The hydroxyl ion concentration from 7 to 13 increases according to the same scale. Above 7 the hydroxyl ions preponderate, below 7 the hydrogen ions preponderate. When the blood of a patient tends to drop in hydrogen ion concentration he is said to have a tendency to acidosis, although the actual condition of the blood in life is always alkaline, or above 7, except in rare occasions.

Why is this pH balance important? Simply because, like the temperature, the chemical activities of the delicate organic constituents of the body vary with its alterations. In a fever patient, the oxidizing processes are accelerated, weight is rapidly lost, and emaciation quickly results unless the fever is brought under control. In a similar way, enzyme activities in the tissues are regulated by pH levels, enzymes that are constructive in nature, that normally build tissues will reverse in their influence and begin to tear down tissue in case of a lowered pH. Infectious diseases like pneumonia cause not only a rise in body temperature, but also a drop in pH. That is why they can be deadly.

Normal blood contains physiological buffer salts that prevent acids or alkalis from producing any sudden change of pH. For this reason, it requires three hundred times as much acid to change the pH of blood a given degree as is necessary when added to water. These buffer salts include sodium and calcium bicarbonate, phosphates, and glutamine. Glutamine is probably the most sensitive. It releases ammonia on the slightest provocation of a pH drop. Ammonia, of course, is one of the strongest alkalis.

If glutamine were commercially available, it would be the ideal remedy for acidosis. Glutamine is destroyed by heat, so is not present in cooked foods. Only a few vegetables contain it; the content depends upon the amount of nitrogen in the soil in which they grow. Celery root is the highest common source. Glutamine either is not synthesized in the human body, or is produced only

Reprinted with permission for Dr. Goodheart’s seminar from Lectures of Dr. Royal Lee, Volume I.

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with some difficulty, for otherwise acidosis would never be a problem. Fresh meat juices would contain it, but meat becomes more and more acid with time under cold storage. Cooked meat, with its glutamine destroyed, contains nucleoproteins which if permitted to decompose in a stagnant intestinal tract, form guanidine, which is one of the most potent poisons the animal body has to contend with. It is a poison because it paralyzes nerve endings. It is the main poison released from normal tissue when it is burned; the pain resulting from contact with hot water quite likely is due to the release of guanidine. Guanidine has a powerful alkaline reaction; possibly fresh meat with its normal content of glutamine which can act as a buffer for both acids and alkalis would be less likely to cause toxic reactions than cold storage meat in patients who are subject to constipation. It is of interest to note that one of the constant findings in arthritis is an atonic colon, and an excess production of guanidine could quite reasonably aggravate if not cause arthritis. The normal route of elimination of guanidine is its methylation and conjugation with acetic acid to form creatine, otherwise known as methylguanidine acetic acid. Maybe this reaction is the reason for the reputation for cider vinegar as a tonic and remedy for many forms of chronic metabolic disease. The methyl radical is not to be neglected either. It is normally supplied by one of the vitamin B complex, choline or betaine. One of the rare amino acids also can supply the methyl radical, methionine.

The basic enemy of guanidine seems to be chlorophyll. Guanidine is very poisonous to green plants because it combines with chlorophyll. Mushrooms, devoid of chlorophyll, on the other hand, thrive on guanidine. It stimulates their growth.

The highest organ in guanidine content is heart muscle. It is one of the primary fatigue poisons. As guanidine precipitates calcium from blood serum, we now see why the patient with an overworked heart may die of a calcified coronary artery. The diffusion of the guanidine from the heart muscle lymph through the coronary walls against the incoming blood certainly could accomplish this calcifying reaction without difficulty. Our general use of cooked foods and pasteur-ized milk no doubt facilitates this general trend. We might recall the recent tests of pasteurized milk and cooked meat as cat food, by which 900 cats were dispatched, nine lives apiece by this diet, and the outstanding reaction was constipation, pyorrhea, and finally arthritis, with peptic ulcer, liver disease and loss of resistance as interesting accompaniments. Control cats fed on raw milk and raw meat remained in perfect health, while on the cooked foods, life, even for a cat became impossible. (1) This probably explains why the Chinese fail to have cardiovascular disease or arthritis. They eat much more of the chlorophyll-carrying foods than we do, and never see pasteurized milk, refined sugar, or white flour, so they are not deprived of the B complex factors that aid in this protective chain that eliminates guanidine. (2)

The common use of soybean products in China supplies vitamin F, which is also a factor tending to prevent cardiovascular disease. This was reported by Dr. Snapper in his book Chinese Lessons to Western Medicine, 1941.

The importance of glutamine as a physiological buffer is shown by the editorial comment in the A.M.A Journal for November 22, 1947, in which two thirds of the ammonia appearing in the urine as a result of experimental acidosis was found to originate from glutamine of the blood. The remaining ammonia came from deamination of blood amino acids. The amino acids that can supply ammonia are listed as glycine, dl-alanine, 1-leucine, and dl-aspartic acid.

This ammonia is made available by the kidney to displace the calcium, sodium, magnesium or potassium in phosphates and other salts to be excreted, so that the fixed bases can be retained for physiological uses. Steffanson has shown that men can live on a salt free diet, here the sodium salts must be changed to ammonium salts by the kidney to retain the sodium. If salt is withheld from children, a common reaction is for them to begin to eat soap; they have an irresistible desire for sodium compounds, and soap is sodium oleate. In this case, the lack of glutamine in our common cooked diets prevents the complete retention of sodium, so a real sodium deficiency develops. The Eskimo eats raw meat, gets plenty of glutamine, can save his sodium more efficiently.

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The universal calcium deficiency with its consequences of arthritis, pyorrhea, allergic reactions, etc., may be another group of reactions due to our cooking customs, and our consequent inability to retain calcium by the glutamine-ammonia displacement system. In pregnancy the elimination of calcium by the urinary route stops, and it is here that again we will have trouble if glutamine is not sufficiently available. The common tendency to nephritis in pregnancy is quite probably a consequence of the lack of the metabolic factors required for ammonia production.

If our fixed base reserves in the blood are impaired, the ability of the blood to carry carbon dioxide is reduced. Sodium bicarbonate, calcium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate all are CO2 carriers, probably the sodium salt is the one that is mainly responsible for the transport of CO2. It breaks up in the lungs, by reaction with oxyhemoglobin and releases CO2. According to Best and Taylor, half the CO2 is transported in this way, the other half by direct combination with hemoglobin. It is significant that potassium is the predominant alkali element inside the cells which includes the erythrocyte, and sodium is predominant in the body fluids outside the cells. For that reason, the use of potassium bicarbonate as a remedy for acidosis is more logical than the use of the sodium salt. Potassium chloride or bicarbonate are relatively rare as nutritional factors or as remedies. It is of interest here to note the recent discovery that Meniere's Disease has been successfully treated by the use of potassium chloride in the diet in place of table salt. In acidosis, the outstanding clinical symptom is that of lack of oxygen. Sellards has described the state in his book Principles of Acidosis.

“When a depletion of bicarbonates occurs, the carbon dioxide accumulates in the tissues. The oxygen brought to the tissues by arterial blood cannot be utilized but is carried away by the venous blood. The effect is equivalent to depriving the individual of oxygen; such patients suffer from symptoms of suffocation and frequently call for air.”

The person who has a good buffer reserve in the blood can hold his breath longer than one who borders on acidosis. The record, by the way, is 20 minutes. When we go to high altitudes, we feel out of breath and easily fatigued for a few hours until we adjust ourselves, and usually a dose or two of such alkalizers as “Citrocarbonate” (Upjohn) or “Alkazane” (Warner) stops the yawning and evidences of anoxia.

The use of refined sugar tends to promote acidosis, because pure sugar has a great affinity for basic compounds. When you swallow a strong sugar solution the effect on the mucosa is an obvious irritation. The irritated sensation lasts for some time. That is because the sugar solution abstracts the alkaline salts from the tissues it contacts. So does a drink of citric acid or any other acid. If we try this experiment with a solution of honey or natural unrefined syrup, no irritation is experienced, for these sugar solutions have already been saturated with minerals by contact with living cells and will abstract nothing more from them.

It is this abstraction of basic salts that renders refined sugar unfit for food. As stated in a recent article in Science News Letter, “Every time you eat sugar, or something with sugar in it, you get a short but very intensive attack of tooth decay.” (5)

The milling and bleaching of flour accomplishes the same thing as the refining of sugar. The mineral salts are lost. Potassium is the main element taken out that we need. Some authorities believe that this causes the spastic type of constipation by reason of the support of the vagus function by potassium, which is so necessary to normal peristalsis. Of course, there are many trace minerals in wheat also lost in refining. The outstanding one is manganese, so essential to bone health and growth.

Cereals contain more phosphorus than most foods in a form that becomes phosphoric acid on assimilation. This also tends to promote acidosis, for while phosphoric acid is an essential food in itself, it must be properly balanced by alkaline ash partners. One nutrition specialist with 30 years experience tells us that he can cure many cases of pyorrhea by telling the patient to abstain from all

Page 22: Transcriptions of the audio clips used in the … Royal Lee, demonstrating the Lee Mill. Catalyn and Cataplex C in foreground.


cereal starches, but eat all the potato starch he wants. The potato starch has an alkaline ash from its potassium content. (6) The same advice no doubt would be good for the arthritic patient. Pyorrhea has been defined as a local form of arthritis; acidosis in some degree. This is commonly expressed as a low calcium-phosphorus ratio, calcium being alkaline, and phosphorus acid. The remedy may be, among other alkaline factors, glutamine. Glutamine as yet, however, is not commercially available, except at the prohibitive price of five dollars a gram. Probably beef blood will be found the best source.

The universal use of citrus fruits in arthritis may be very unscientific, if we accept the idea that acidosis is a predisposing cause. The citrus juice has an alkaline ash, but the neutralization of the acid when ingested by the blood buffers certainly promotes acidosis. This alkaline reserve is NOT reclaimed until the acid is OXIDIZED. This may not happen, for it can be thrown out by the kidneys first. In fact, it is well known that the urine becomes ALKALINE as a result of citrus juice ingestion. That is due to the buffer salts abstracted from the blood in combination with the citric acid. If the patient happens to be getting a lot of green salad vegetables he may be able to tolerate this loss, but very often the arthritic patient on citrus juices is killing himself by inches. Immediate improvement in the symptomatic reactions follows in these cases if the citrus foods are dropped from his diet.

If the buffer removed by citric acid should be ammonia from glutamine, we have a situation where the ingestion of raw meat or meat juices would be the only known prompt remedy. The meat itself is acid in reaction, the juices containing the basic salts and most of the glutamine. This probably explains the fact discovered sixty years ago (7) that dogs fed meat without its juices died much quicker than if fed nothing. They will get acidosis from simple starvation, but an aggravated acidosis if fed this kind of meat. In fact, they soon stop eating such meat, but the harm has then been done. They have lost more of their alkaline reserves, and will die sooner than the dogs that received none of the acidic meat.

The general use of meat extracts for convalescent patients arose from these dog experiments. But the extracts as commonly furnished have been cooked and super-cooked in autoclaves, so their only value is in the more rugged constituents such as potassium salts and creatine. The real essential principle that could be there is gone, the glutamine.

The University of Wisconsin proved forty years ago that hogs required fifty per cent more feed if it had been cooked. Since then no hog feeder in his senses has been cooking his hog feed. But we realize that the science of animal feeding is about forty years in advance of our practice of human nutrition. Maybe that is one reason that we can boast of surpassing the record of China in deaths from heart disease about a hundred to one, and her deaths from cancer about ten to one.

REFERENCES 1. Pottenger, F. M., Jr., “The Effect of Heat Processed Foods and Metabolized Vitamin D Milk on the Dentofacial Structures

of Experimental Animals.” Am. Tol. Orthodontics & Oral SurR., August, 1946. 2. Snapper, I., Chinese Lessons to Western Medicine. Interscience Publishers, 1941, p. 160. 3. Jol. of the A.M.A., November 22, 1947.

4. Sellards, A. W., The Principles of Acidosis and Clinical Methods for Is Study. Harvard University Press, 1917. 5. “Science News Letter,” October 18, 1947, p. 244. 6. Personal Communication from Dr. Harold Hawkins, author of Applied Nutrition, 1947, Lee Foundation for

Nutritional Research, Milwaukee 3, Wisc. 7. Forster, “Versuche uber die Bedeutung der Aschebestandtheile in der Nabrung.” Zeitschr. fur BioloRie, IX:297-380.

Page 23: Transcriptions of the audio clips used in the … Royal Lee, demonstrating the Lee Mill. Catalyn and Cataplex C in foreground.

The complete set of

Lectures of Dr. Royal Lee, Volume II,

is available from Selene River Press.

A 32 audio CD box set with

approximately 36 hours of restored

recorded lectures and guiding booklet.

From Soil to Supplement: A Course in Food Diet and

Nutrition Taught by Dr. Royal Lee

This teaching and reference guide contains 66 articles published in health journals by Dr. Lee from the late 1940s through the early 1960s. This book features high quality construction designed to fold flat to allow writing in ruled margins for adding notes. The table of contents features a functional index organized by “key words and phrases” for every article. The articles view health through the lens of foods, diets, nutrition, agriculture, water, and supplementation. An inspiring collection of knowledge about the properties of food and their effects on human physiology.