Trancers RPG

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The Trancers Role Playing Game (TRPG) is based on the Trancers movies, a five part series by Full Moon entertainment starring Tim Thomerson as Jack Deth. Using one of the most realistic and exciting rule systems ever developed, the TRPG brings you into the 24th century and makes you answer the question: are you a trancer hunter or just another squid?

Transcript of Trancers RPG

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fJ'tanaeu cRole rPlayinf) game! OfilJf£ ~ f1MI1 J~ I<IAp

- - "- ----The Trancers Role Playing Game(TRPG) is based on the Trancers movies, a five

part series by Full Moon Entertainment starring Tim Thomerson as Jack Deth .. The rules described below are just a guideline, you should feel free to alter them to fit your interests. With that said we can now continue with the TRPG.


Attributes: Strength: How strong the character is. Agility: How quickly and flexibly a character can move. Endurance: How much the character can sustain. Learning Capacity: How much and how quickly a character can learn. Determination: How much willpower/resolve a character possesses. A character with a ten determination cannot be tranced. Social Compatibility: How well you get along with others. Attractiveness: How fine you are. L:u&k: As you've probably guessed, this is how lucky you are ..

Die Rolls: Fumble: A terrible die roll. # 1 Failure: A bad result. #2-3 Average: A normal success. #4-7 mG.: "Pretty Damn Good," this represents an above average success. #8-9 Excellent: A superior success. # 10

General: Wild dice: When a character roles an excellent success and then rolls max. on his die, he may then re-roll the die and add the next result to his original roll. The character can continue to roll until he fails to roll max. on his roll. Initiative: Average' Agility and Lu&k 1-2=ld4, 3-4=ld6, 5-6=ld8,


Attributes: Strength: How strong the character is. Agility: How quickly and flexibly a character can move. Endurance: How much the character can sustain. Learning Capacity: How much and how quickly a character can learn. Determination: How much willpower/resolve a character possesses. A character with a ten determination cannot be tranced. Social Compatibility: How well the character gets along with others. Attractiveness: How fine the character is. Luck: As you've probably guessed, this is how lucky the character is ..

Die Rolls: Fumble: A terrible die roll. #1 Failure: A bad result. #2-3 Average: A normal success. #4-7 PDG: "Pretty Damn Good," this represents an above average success. #8-9. Plus one to damage. Excellent: A superior success. #10. Plus two to damage.

General: Wild dice: When a character roles an excellent success and then rolls max. on his die, he may then re-roll the die and add the next result to his original roll . The character can continue to roll until he fails to roll max. on his roll. Initiative: Average Agility and L:!J£k.. 1-2=ld4, 3-4=1d6, 5-6=ld8, 7-8=ldlO,and 9-10= ld12. This is what you roll to determine who goes first during combat. Who ever roles higher wins. If there is a tie both combatants attack at the same time. Life Force: How much damage a character can sustain and live. Once a character's life force is depleted he dies. A character's life force is equal to his Strength plus his Endurance. Luck Points: How many points you have to spend to raise a success one level or lower an enemies success one level. For example: a nonnal success can be raised to a PDG success. The maximum is the luck attribute. Skill level: A character's ability in a skill. The higher the skill level the better the character is at the skill. Reputation: How well known a character is in a certain area. To determine starting reputation rollld4. (See Chapter 5: Reputation for more information)

TRPG slang: Singe: To kill a Trancer. Hit the clouds: Fly in a future car. Go down the line: To go back in time. Squids: Someone with a low determination. Line disruption: When someone goes down the line and changes the past.

Old era: Pre-Trancers time period.

Chapter 1: Setting

Setting is a big part of the TRPG. The TRPG is set in the future, in the year 2360. The future has many new horizons of opportunity, but it also has more terror. The biggest terror in 2360 is an organization known as Trancers. Trancers are in the process of ridding the world of normal folks.

An elite fighting force, known as the Trancer Hunters, have arisen to destroy the threat the Trancers pose. The Trancer Hunters search out and destroy all Trancers that they find. Due to the help of the Trancer Hunters, most peoples' lives run normally, but for the Trancer Hunter, nothing is normal.

Many changes have occurred during the hundreds of years prior to 2360. One of these changes is that Los Angeles has been engulfed by the ocean. As Los Angeles fell new cities arose, for instance Angel City.

The future has seen many wars and, therefore, many things have been destroyed. Wastelands spread out across vast portions of the land. Hardly anywhere is there still forests like the ones today. Most trees are on reserves set up for them once they became endangered.

Another major part of the setting in the TRPG is the form of government. The government is run by a board of three members known as the Council. The Council is in charge of all law abiding portions of the future( and many people believe that they are in charge of some non-law abiding parts too). The council has complete authority on everything, including the Trancer Hunters.

Here is a map of Earth in 2360:

As you can see from the map South America has split off from North America. In the year 2117 South America's countries unified under one government known as EI

:sour. Then In the year 2119 the voted to became separate from the rest of the world. They shut down their airports and barricaded their roads so that no one could come into their country.

However, everyone in the world that disliked normal society, attempted to flee to EI Sur by jumping the border between EI Sur and Central America. To rectify this El Sur lined their borders with row upon row of mines filled with T-90(the most powerful explosive to date). When every anyone attempted to cross the border they would trigger a mind and explode. Soon deep craters started to spring up all along the border. Since no one had ever made it back to report the mines, however, people kept coming.

By the year 2122 the border had turned into a giant canal. Erosion started to eat away at the soft soil. By the year 2125 there were hundreds of miles between South and North America.

There is also a new island between South America and Africa. This island is named Tokio, and was formed in 2209 by a series of earthquakes. Since many countries were overpopulated the National Federation of Countries decided to appoint it as a prison colony.

Thousands of prisoners from around the world were dumped on Tokio. Tokio was in shambles for about thirteen years until Peter Difuke discovered a new metal that was present in the mountains of Tokio. The metal was named difuke, and was priced at $785 dollars a gram because of it's beauty.

The Indians loved difuke, and bought it in great quantities. However, because of difuke's great weight they could not transport it by air, and therefore, had to transport it by boat. This took a very long time, and so the government of India and Tokio paid to have a canal dug through barren Africa.

Once the canal was built, Tokio and India started to become great trading partners. However, in the year 2231 Peter Difuke died, and so did the trading. This was because, in his will, Difuke explained how difuke was really just glass with a hologram projector installed in the core.

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Chapter 2: Character Creation

We attempted to make character creation as easy and realistic as possible. Some parts of character creation, however, may seem a little strange. We remind you that you can alter the rules if you see the need.

The first thing to do when creating a character is to roll your attributes(ifyou wish to make an android, see the android section first.) Attributes are what detennine what your character is like. They are essentially your character's genes.

For all eight attributes roll IdlO. This is your ability score. Before you assign your rolls to your attributes, you should look at the attribute requirements for the occupation that you want to be.

Now it is time to pick your occupation. For now we have only four occupations, however, we hope to come out with some more later on. The four basic character occupations are: Trancers, Trancer Hunters, Androids, and Nonnal People.


"Not really alive, and not dead enough." Trancers are a sort of cult that has learned to control the flow of adrenaline and other chemicals in their body. The have mastered this process through injections and hypnotism. Once a Trancer has undergone the trancing procedure he is totally loyal to the Trancer Organization.

Through the control of bodily chemicals, Trancers gain certain abilities. The abilities that a Trancer gains, however, only occur when a Trancer undergoes trancing, which usually only occurs when the are experiencing drastic emotions. However, after some experience the Trancers begin to be able to control the trancing procedure. To attempt to trance a character must make a roll over his own determination. However, for each round that a character experiences a drastic emotion his difficulty is lowered by one. The abilities that a Trancer gains when tranced are:

* Raised physical attributes * Endure pain * Extra hand to Hand attacks

Raised physical attributes: When a Trancer trances, the chemicals pumping through his body raises his physical attributes. When a Trancers attributes are raised he gains an additional Id4 to all of his physical attributes.

Endure Pain: Because of the added bodily chemicals a Trancer can endure great amounts of pain. When a Trancer is tranced he gains an extra amount of life force equal to half his usual life force.

Extra Hand to Hand attacks: When a Trancer trances, his body moves at a quicker rate. Therefore, he gains extra attacks. The amount of attacks a Trancer gains depends on what he rolls for his trancing test. If the Trancer gets a normal success he gains only one


extra attack. Ifthe Trancer gets a pretty damn good success he gains two extra attacks. And if the Trancer gets a excellent success he gains an extra three attacks.

Although a Trancer gains many abilities while he is Tranced he also has hindrances. When a Trancer trances he has the following minuses:

* Social attributes lowered to three * Luck nullified * Mental skills inaccessible

Social attributes lowered to three: When a Trancer trances he starts to look really ugly. He also starts to act really mean. Since the a tranced Trancer's face starts to bubble and he gets black marks around his eyes, his Attractiveness is lowered to three. Since a tranced Trancer starts to be a total asshole, his Social Compatibility is lowered to three.

Luck nullified: Since what a Trancer does to trance is not normal, he looses his luck. When a Trancer is tranced he can not use any luck.

Mental skills inaccessible: When a Trancer trances, he goes into a combat frenzy. All the Trancer thinks about while in this frenzy is destroying his foes. Therefore, ifhe has any, a tranced Trancer can not use his mental skills while he is tranced.

A Trancer also gains one more minus, this minus however, only matters during character creation. While a Trancer character is being created he can only get skills from the General category and one other of the players choice. This is due to the fact that all Trancers are trained in specific areas that will best suit the Trancer Organization.

Requirements: Strength: 5 or greater Endurance: 4 or greater Detennination: 7 or less

Trancer Hunter

"My name's Jack Deth, and I'm a Trancer Hunter."

Trancer Hunters are a militant group that's soul purpose is to eliminate Trancers. To become a Trancer Hunter a person must train for years before they are ready to face Trancers. This training teaches them how to fight, destroy, and even recognize Trancers. The best Trancer Hunters are those who join the Trancer Hunting Corporation for the soul fact that they hate Trancers. Some others join the Trancer Hunting Corporation for the money. These Trancer Hunters usually get stationed as guards to possible Trancer targets or become engineers (the technical side to Trancer Hunters).

From the training Trancer Hunters gain certain benefits when fighting Trancers. These benefits are all that give a Trancer Hunter a chance to defeat a Trancer. The benefits that a Trancer Hunter gains are:


* Sense Trancers * Resist trancing * Raised physical attributes


Sense Trancers: Through the training that a Trancer Hunter is giving he learns how to spot a Trancer and even, on rare occasions, sense Trancers. When a Hunter attempts to sense a Trancer, he makes a roll; depending on what he rolls he may sense Trancers. The following are the results of a roll:

Fumble: The Trancer Hunter is convinced that there is no Trancers around, even if there are. The Hunter is so sure that a there no Trancers about that even if on attacks him he will not believe that it is a Trancer for Id4 rounds. During this time the Trancer Hunter may use none of his anti­Trancer abilities.

Failure: The Trancer Hunter is pretty sure that there are no Trancers around, even if there are. If attacked, however, by a Trancer, the Hunter will realize what he is facing ..

Average: The Trancer Hunter will notice any Trancer that he can see within twenty yards.

PDG: The Trancer Hunter will notice any Trancer that he can see within fifty yards, and sense any Trancers within twenty yards.

Excellent: The Trancer Hunter will notice any Trancer in his line of sight, and sense any Trancers within fifty yards.

Resist trancing: Because a Trancer Hunters job is to eliminate Trancers, they get an added barrier against being tranced. If a Trancer boss attempts to trance a Hunter, he must make a roll over one-and-a-half of the Trancer Hunter's determination. If the Trancer fails , the Trancer Hunter is not tranced. Although the Trancer may attempt to trance a Trancer Hunter more than one time, each time the Trancer Hunter gains an extra plus one.

Raised physical attributes: Because a Trancer Hunter is taught how a Trancers fight and their weaknesses, he fights Trancers as if his physical attributes were higher. Although the Hunter's attributes are not actually raised, he fights as if they were Id2 better than they are.

Unlike Trancers, Trancer Hunters only have one minus, which takes place only during the character creation. When a Hunter is being created, he can only take skills from the General category and one other of his choice. This is due to the fact that Trancer Hunters spend most of their time training learning certain areas. This specialized training allows the Trancer Hunter Corporation to have Trancer Hunters for every problem that may occur.

Requirements: Strength: 5 or greater Learning Capacity: 5 or greater


Determination: 7 or greater


"What the hell are you?!" Androids represent the highest technology the Trancer Hunter Corporation

achieved in the 2300's. Powerful, intelligent, and often brutal; these creations were far better than human Trancer Hunters in singing Trancers. The Androids were created to resemble different animals; however, the appearance of the Android does not affect its abilities. Most are nearly seven feet tall and usually speak with a deep, metallic voice; this can be, however, reprogrammed with the permission of the Trancer Hunter Corporation. They will use any weapons at their means; although when facing non­Trancer targets they primarily use a stun-ray which they have built into their hands. To use the stun ray, make an attack. If successful, roll a dIO then subtract the target's endurance. The end result is how many hours the victim is KO'd.

In addition, they most often wear baggy and dark clothing. Androids are also usually programmed to speak any language. Needless to say, they cannot be tranced and almost no known Trancers have the technology to reprogram these juggernauts.

Instead of rolling attributes as other occupations do, Androids are programmed with a specific warrior type in mind. Shark from Trancers III, for example, was very strong but had a low agility. Also, the normal limits of 10 for an attribute do not apply to the android occupation. Instead, they follow these boundaries:

Strength: 115 Agility: 8 Endurance: 15 L.c.: 10 Determ.: N/A Social Comp.: 5 Attractiveness: 5 Luck: N/A

Androids receive a pool of 35 points which can be assigned as the player prefers, keeping in mind the attribute caps listed above. Androids can choose from physical, mental, or general skills. Androids cannot, however, learn new skills except with reprogramming from the Trancer Hunter Corporation. Androids rarely wear body armor­-but they really don't need it, as their bodies grant them 10 points of protection.

Androids must return to their headquarters at least every six months; after that long the element that powers them depletes utterly and they lose their pseudo-lives. Their elements can be recharged at the Corporation; this would happen the same time that new skills were programmed in. Also, skills are limited to twenty points of skill levels. That is, an android can have four skills at level five, or 20 skills at level one, or any combination thereof. If that capacity is exceeded, old skills would have to be erased to make room for the new ones.

Androids also start with a certain amount of built in equipment. This equipment allows them to best serve the Corporation. They determine how much equipment they have by rolling a ten sided dice. The results of the roll determine how much Android equipment a character may get (This does not mean that they must get that much. Also they may receive new equipment at a later time.) See the chart below for how much points your character has to get Android equipment. Once you have found out how much points your character has look at the Android part of the equipment section for the equipment.

Android Eauioment Point Chart Die Roll Points

1 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7)

8 8 9 9 10 10p

Normal Person

"Civilians!" A Normal Person is just that, a normal person. They are people that just have

nonnal jobs and live a normal life. They don't usually go out planning to singe some Trancers--they may be forced to by inescapable circumstances. They have no special abilities, and get no bonus equipment or money. The key advantage for Normal People is that they may take skills from any category during character creation without restrictions.

Even though Normal People do not start out with any special abilities, they may gain them as they go. This is because the Normal People can choose to become either a Trancer or a Trancer Hunter, if they wish to.

Normal people come from all areas of life; some examples are: boxer, cook, clerk, politician, hooker, pimp, attorney, spy, waiter, teacher, murderer, etc ... ..


Now it is time to pick your character's skills. There are five general categories to choose from: Physical, MentallKnowledge, General, Social, and Survival. Within those categories, each skill will correspond with an attribute. This attribute( or combination of attributes) determines what a characters base score for a action is. For example: Ifa character has guns(base Agility) at skill rank one and a six Agility he automatically has four points to add to his roll(one from his skill rank and three for his base bonus(one-half

" six)). Your character may get as many levels worth of skills as his Learning Capacity( unless your character is an android, then he gets 20 points regardless).

Skills are very important, they make a character who he is. Without having a skill in something a character gets a minus one level of success when attempting it and may not add the one-half base adjustment. For example: If a character attempts to shoot at an enemy, without having the guns skill, and rolls 9(usually a PDG success) it would only be a normal success. That can be devastating.

Here are the skills:

.f-I];¥..~j2 .. !!l~.~_:::::M:.::e.!!~aIIKn9.,!!!5!d!le _~.~n~r~L_.~. __ .____ $ocial Athleticism T . Computers Cook Bargain

Survival Enduranc~ Find Climbing History Dance Brag

Dodge Law Enforcement Drive Empathy t:-Guns Hide

Last Effort Senses ' -*

Imprqmptu Mathamatics Mechanic Hunting

Fashion Fast Talk

Melee Weapons Missile Weapons Throw Unarmed Combat Weight Training ~


Other Language Time Travelling Trancers

Pick Locks Pick Pockets Play Instrument Running Sing Sneak About Swimming

Flirting Impress Mock * Seduction ~ Social Camouflage V

Athleticism: Base-All physical attributes. Athleticism is how good a character is at athletics. For every skill level up until level three you can raise a physical attribute by one, with no repeats. After skill level of three your character receives one life force point per skill level. (Not available to Androids)

Climbing: Base-Agility. Climbing is the ability to climb. For every two skill levels a character has, he adds a plus one to all climbing tests. The Game Master determines how well you must roll.

Dodge: Base-Agility. Dodge is the ability to dodge an attack. Dodge can only be used once per round and can not be used if the attacker is attacking at the same time as the character. For every two skill levels a character has, he adds plus one to all dodge tests.

Guns: Base-Agility. Guns is the ability to fight using guns. For every two skill levels a ,character has, he adds plus one to attack tests when using a gun. For two weapons a player must have this skill for each hand.

Impromptu: Base-Agility. Impromptu is the ability to fight using impromptu weapons. This can be used to attack with items that just happen to be lying

around. For every two ski11levels a character has, he adds plus one to all attack tests when using an impromptu weapon. For two weapons a player must have this skill for each hand. For two weapons a player must have this skill for each hand.

Melee weapons: Base-Agility. Melee weapons is the ability to fight using melee weapons. For every two skill levels a character has he adds plus one to all attack tests when using melee weapons. For two weapons a player must have this skill for each hand.

Missile weapons: Base-Agility. Missile weapons is the ability to fight using missile weapons. For every two skill levels a character has he adds plus one to all attack tests when using missile weapons. To use two weapons a player must have this skill for each hand.

Throw: Base-Average of Strength and Agility. Throw is the ability to throw something a long distance and accurately. For every two skill levels a character has he adds plus one to all throwing tests. The distance a character can throw something depends on his Strength, his skill level, and the weight of the object.

Unarmed combat: Base-Average of Strength and Agility. Unarmed combat is the ability to fight without any weapons. For every two skill levels a character has, he adds plus one to all attack tests when using no weapons.

Weight training: Base-Strength. Weight training is the ability to lift large amounts of weight. For every two skill levels a character has, he can add one to his strength and ten pounds to his weight.(Not available to Androids)

MentallKnowledge A character can take any knowledge type skill he can think of. Every two levels in a knowledge skill gives a character a plus one when rolling a check that involves that knowledge.

General Cook: Base-Learning Capacity. Your skill level in cook determines what you can cook with out a recipe. The following are what you can cook at each skill level: 1. You can microwave leftovers. 2. You can cook eggs. 3. You can cook pasta and rice. 4. You can cook meat products. 5. You can cook gourmet meals. 6. You can cook anything with superb quality. 7. You can cook with supreme quality. 8. You can cook anything but a gourmet meal in 3/4 the time. 9. You can cook a gourmet meat at 3/4 the time. 10. You can cook anything in half the time.


Dance: Base-Agility. Your skill level in Dance determines how well you can dance. The following are what you can dance at each skill level: 1. You can slow dance. 2. You can do a simple fast dance(mainly just flailing and spazing out). 3. You can square dance. 4. You can do the jitter bug and similar dances. 5. You can do all conventional dances. 6. You can tap dance. 7. You can break dance. 8. You can do ballet 9. You can dance all dances at a high level of performance. 10. You can dance almost flawlessly, and teach dance .

.I2riYe.: Base-Agility. Drive is the ability to operate a certain type of vehicle. For every type of vehicle a character wishes to know how to operate he must take a separate Drive skllI, however, without the extra skills a character still gets the base bonus when attempting to operate any kind of vehicle. For every two skill levels a character has, he adds a plus one to all drive tests for a certain type of vehicle.

Hide: Base-Luck. Hide is the ability to hide from people. For every two skill levels a character has, he can add a plus one to a hide test. The opponent must roll over the hide test.

Hunting: Base-Average of Agility and Luck. Hunting is the ability to catch or kill animals in the wild. For every two skill levels a character has, he adds a plus one to all hunt tests.

Pick locks: Base-Agility. Pick locks is the ability to pick a lock. This can be used to get into a locked car or locked building. For every two skill levels a character has he adds a plus one all pick locks tests.

Pick pockets: Base-Average of Agility and Luck. Pick pockets is the ability to pick someone else's pockets without their noticing. For every two skill levels a character has, he adds a plus one to all pick pockets test.

Play instrument: Base-Average of Leaming Capacity and Agility. Your skill in Play instrument determines how well you can playa certain instrument. The following is what you can play at each skill level. 1. You can playa chord. 2. You can playa five bar piece with only a few errors. 3. You can playa page of music if you rehearse it. 4. You can play any music if you rehearse it. 5. You can play simple pieces without seeing them before. 6. You can play simple pieces from memory. 7. You can play anything but a symphony. 8. You can compose music. 9. You can perform symphonies. 10. You can play at an extraordinary level, and teach others to play well.

Running: Base-Average of Agility and Endurance. Running is the ability to run at high speeds. A characters base plus skill level plus five equals how many miles a character can run in one hour.


Sing: Base-Learning Capacity. Your skill level in Sing determines how well you can sing. The following are what you can sing at each skill level: 1. You can sing songs like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". 2. You can sing commercial tunes. 3. You can sing short tunes. 4. You can sing rock, country, and pop songs with minimal error 5. You can sing all conventional songs without flaw and with other people. 6. You can sing operas. 7. You can pick up a song if you hear them. 8. You can write songs. 9. You can sing all songs at a high level of performance. 10. You can teach others to sing well.

Sneak-about: Base-Average of Agility and Luck. Sneak-about is the ability to sneak around without being noticed. For every two skill levels a character has, he adds a plus one to all sneak-about test. Anyone attempting to spot the character must roll over the sneak-about test.

Swimming: Base-Average of Agility and Endurance. Swimming is the ability to SWIm. A character's base plus skill level determines how many hours he can stay float.

Bargain: Base-Social Compatibility. Bargain is the ability to haggle. Bargain can be used to get the price you want for something or to arrange a trade of services. For every two skill levels a character has he adds a plus one to all bargain tests. When a character tries to bargain with some one each roles a ten sided die and adds half his base. For each point more than his opponent a character gets closer to his goal. For each point less than his opponent a character gets closer to his opponent's goal.

Brag: Base-Social Compatibility. Brag allows a character to make himself appear great. It can be used to raise a character's Reputation with a certain group of people. When a character attempts to brag he must roll a die ten and get over his target's learning capacity. He can only attempt this if the target has a Learning Capacity equal to or less then his skill level in Brag. If a character succeeds he gets an extra point of Reputation per two points that he currently has when dealing with that group of people.

Empathy: Base-Social Compatibility. Empathy is the ability to sense what other people are feeling. For every two skill levels a character has in Empathy he adds a plus one to all Empathy tests.

Fashion: Base-Social Compatibility. Fashion is the ability to dress well and with the newest style. For every 2 1/2 skill levels a character has, he can add a plus one to his Attractiveness(to a maximum of 10). For every skill level a character starts out with he receives three extra sets of clothing.

Fast talk: Base-Social Compatibility. Fast talk is the ability to talk people into doing what you want. This can be used to persuade someone not to beat you up or to give you all their money. When a character attempts to fast talk someone he must roll a die ten and get over his target's learning capacity. He can only attempt this if the target has a Learning Capacity equal to or less then his skill level in Fast Talk. If a character succeeds he has persuaded his target to do what he wanted. For each thing a character tries to persuade an opponent to do he must roll again. Repeated use will often cause a character's target to refuse to do anything a character wants. Also, totally outrageous things are impossible to persuade people to do, unless the person is insane.

Flirting: Base-Social Compatibility. Flirting is the ability to come on to some one else. For every 2 112 skill levels a character has, he can add a plus one to his Social Compatibility when attempting to chann a member of the opposite sex(to a maximum of 10). (Can only be used on people who would nonnally be attracted to your sex)

Impress: Base-Average of Social Compatibility and Attractiveness. Impress is the ability to impress other people. This can be used to leave an impression or make people see how good you are. When attempting to impress someone a character's Impress rating plus his Reputation plus Id20 must exceed his target's Reputation. The Impress rating is a character's base( one-half the average of Social Compatibility and Attractiveness) plus his skill level.

Mock: Base-Social Compatibility. Mock is the ability to make fun of someone by mocking them. It can be used to enrage an opponent to the point of violence. For every two skill levels a character has he adds plus one to all mocking tests. To get an opponent to the point were they will attack a character a character must get a PDG success. If a character gets a natural excellent success( a roll of lOon a die) then his target will not rest until the character is dead.

Seduction: Base-Average of Social Compatibility and Attractiveness. Seduction is the ability to seduce someone else. For every skill level a character has, he adds a plus one to all seduction test. The difficulty is the targets Determination. (Can only be used on people who would normally be attracted to your sex)

Social camout1age: Base-Social Compatibility. Social camout1age is the ability to blend into to a group of people. This can be used to hide from pressures or get into some place unnoticed. For someone to notice a character when he is using this skill she must roll over the character's base plus his skill level.


Endurance: Base-Determination. Endurance is the ability to withstand terrible torture and suffering. For every two skill levels a character has in Endurance he

can survive harsh conditions for an extra day and torture for an extra five hours. With a skill level of ten in Endurance a character can withstand torture indefinitely. OV'»: Ii j. : J .

Find: Base-Determination. Find is the ability to find water or food when in desperate need of it. For every two skill levels a character has in Find he adds plus one to all Find tests.

Last effort: Base-Determination. Last effort is the ability to make one more try at something. Last effort can be used to get one last chance to shoot at an enemy before loosing consciousness, or to go twenty more yards through a desert before passing out. For every skill level a character has in Last effort he receives an extra point of Life Force, when successfully making a Last effort roll. A character can also continue on in a harsh environment for a level of minutes equal to his skill level in Last effort. To make a last effort roll a character must subtract his skill level from ten, and then roll over that number on a ten sided die.

Senses: Base-Detennination. Senses is the ability to raise the productivity of your senses when your survival depends on it. When using this skill a character rolls a ten sided die and then adds it to his base. A character then looks at the below chart to determine\the outcome. This skill may only be used once every 48 hours. ( N0+ Ak~;) J


Die roll+base Result 1 Nothing

2-3 The character's hearing is doubled for 1 d4-2 hours 4-5 The character's sight and hearing are doubled for 1 d4-2 hours 6-7 All the character's senses are doubled for 1 d4-2 hours 8-9 All the character's senses are doubled and the character adds a plus one

8-9( continued\ to Agility for 1 d4-2 hours. 10 All the character's senses are doubled and the character adds a plus one

10(continued) to Agility and Luck for 1 d4 hours.

Example of skill use: Don Valdez, a Trancer Hunter, encounters Kiu Chang, a notorious Trancer

Leader. They roll initiative, Don rolls a d8 and gets a 4, Kiu also rolls a d8 and gets a 1. Don attacks first. He shoots with his cop pistol, rolls a d1 0 for attack. Because he has no skill in it, the Excellent success is reduced to a FDG. Don rolls a 1 damage, plus 1 because of FDG. Kiu has no armor and loses two ltfe force.

Kiu then attacks with his Oriental Morning Star. He rolls a 9, a FDG. Don tries to dodge, but rolls a one-a fumble. Kiu will get a plus 3 to his damage. Don blocks one paint, then loses 5 life force. Kiu's weapon does 1d6+ 1 damage, he rolls a 2 plus the 1 for the weapon plus 3 for strike. Don would lose 6 ltfe force, but his armor blocks 1 paint. Don loses 5 points of life force, since it is 2/3 ofhis life all his rolls are now lowered by two success levels. (For more info see Chapter 4:Combat)


-------------- -- --

After picking your skills, the next step is to roll for your appearance. You should already have the attribute rolled, to determine your specific features, hair color, etc., roll on this table according to your attractiveness attribute. Roll 1d3 to determine which package your character will receive. (ex: Rolling a "2" with an attracti veness of 8 will result in your character having a gold tooth and dark green eyes.) There are not very many different variations to looks in this game. This is because when a person is born in the future their parents pay for their looks. The failing government instigated this procedure as a way to tax child bearing people. This not only kept the number of children down but also raised money for the government. As a result some packages are not that desirable--keep in mind that almost anything (particularly in the future) can be changed--this is just what people notice about your character when he or she is first rolled.

Attractiveness 1-2: Package 1

The character has a revolting odor,buck teeth, green eyes, and sparse red hair. Package 2

The character has heinous pimples and warts that ooze puss, light blue eyes, and black hair.

Package 3 The character has a hunchback, green crossed-eyes, and brunette hair.

Attractiveness 3-4: Package 1

The character has a small head with big features, brown eyes, and brown hair. Package 2

The character is partly bald if male and has a mustache if female, grey eyes, and black hair.

Package 3 The character has multiple scars on the face, blonde hair, inverted nipples, and hazel eyes.

Attractiveness 5-6: Package I

The character is absolutely average. Package 2

The character blends in and is nondescript. Package 3

The character is totally average except for having a distinctive tattoo

Attractiveness 7-8: Package 1

The character has a wry smile, hazel eyes, and unique hair (artificially altered, gray streak, rubbery, etc.)

Package 2 The character has tan skin, dark green eyes, brown hair, and one or more golden teeth.

Package 3 The character always looks clean shaving if male and always looks her best if female, lustrous blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Attractiveness 9-10: Package 1

The character has large sexual organs, color changing eyes, and blonde hair. Package 2

The character has a slim build, ultra-fair skin, brown eyes, and black hair. Package 3

The character has a beautiful face, light green eyes, and purple hair.

Rounding your character out

Your character is now essentially finished. To finish creating your character, you will first need to determine his name, age, sex, height, and weight. The first three are your preference--to find out what his height and weight are, use these nifty formulas.

Height 112 Strength in inches + 4d12 inches + 3 feet. Weight 5 times Strength in lbs +!JOlbs + 10ibs per every six inches in height

your character has.

Chapter 3: Equipment

Now you need to roll for money and equipment. Your character will begin with dlO times one hundred dollars. In addition, the

1y will et one item from each of the below

categories, as per their roll. ~ J(l ~ \... ~ ~ i.r -"

Die Roll Car Die Roll House Die Roll # of outfits 1-2 Really nice vehicle 1-2 Ultra-plush hOUSE 1-2 20 3-4 Good vehicle 3-4 Nice house 3-4 15 5-6 Averag_e vehicle 5-6 Average house 5-6 10 7-8 Lame vehicle 7-8 Crappy Apartmen 7-8 8 9-10 Bicycle 9-10 Cardboard box 9-10 5

Normal Jumpsuit $35 Shop Service Coat $50 Turtleneck Shirt $25 Thermal Parka $45 Sweat Shirt $26 Flannel Shirt $27 T-shirt $15 Dress Shirt $40 Work Pants $25 Denim Jeans $30 Coveralls $35 Apron $12 Lab Coat $40 Windbreaker $23 Light Lined Jacket $34 Winter Jacket $80 Hunting Parka $70 Wool Cap $80 Ski Mask $15 Gloves $15 Mittens $12 Shoes $30-150 Boots $30-150 Poncho $30 Syntho-Coat(Rain Proof) $50 Hat $25-50 Cape $60 Robe $80 Robotic Translator $250 Laptop computer $2000 Rope $75


Long-Second Watch $900,000 TLC Chamber $3,000,000 Trenchcoat $65 Labcoat $45

Weapons Brass knuckles: Id4 $25 Baseball bat: Id6 $40 Sword: Id8 $155 Handgun: IdlO $250 Cop pistol: 2d6 $400 Guardsmen Rifle: Id12 + d6 $3000 RBG: Id20 $7560 Grenades: 2d20 $500

Armor "Rookie armor" Id4-1 $500 "Cop" 2d4-2 $1250 "Protector" 3d4-3 $2000 "Elite" 3d4 $2750 "Power" 4d4-1 $3500

Android Points Superman cape $4675 7 Far-Sight Eyes $2580 3 Hearing-Aide $2580

..., -'

Hound Dog $2580 3 Tactile Feet $2580 3 Hercules Gauntlets $4140 6 Flash Shoes $5000 8 Chan Belt $4200 6 Gungir Id8 $500 2 Ghengis Pike Id8 $500 2 Atilla Club Id8 $500 2 Excaliber Id8 $500 2 Viking Axe Id8 $500 2 Satellite Link $200 1

Chapter 4: Combat

Combat is an important part of the TRPG. Many times a character will find himself in the need of fighting. When this happenings a character must follow the rules described in this chapter.

Combat can be divided into three stages.

The first phase is the "initiative stage". During this stage, characters determine in what order they will attack. To do this each character rolls his initiative dice (See Initiative in the Terms section). The person with the highest roll attacks first, then the next highest and so on.

Next comes the "attack stage". In the attack stage each character rolls for his attack in the order determined by the initiative stage. To strike another character, roll IdlO and add half of your character's skill rank corresponding to the type of attack.

The final stage is the "end result stage". This is when damage is rolled, or skills are rolled to see if there was damage in the first place. For melee weapons, strength is added to the weapon's result. It is quite simple--just add half of the strength attribute.

One your life force has been completely depleted, he is dead. Ifhe is in the future, there is a chance for revival through advanced technology, but ifhis life force goes below negative fifteen, his body is utterly and irrevocably demolished. This is true of all classes, even Trancers, and Androids.

Characters can heal, however. This is determined by Endurance by Luck--they get half of the average of those two attributes back per day. This is a lot, but they'll need it. Androids, of course, cannot heal and need to return to their headquarters to get repaired. For every third of life lost, a character is wounded, lowering all of their successes by one level. For instance, Kiu Chang, an Untranced Trancer, attacks Trancer Hunter Don Valdez with his shuriken. He rolls a dJO, then adds half ofhis Missile Weapon skill. In addition, the Missile Weapon skill is based on agility, so he adds half of that as well. (See Skills Section) He rolls a 4, his missile weapon is 4 (4/2 =2), and his agility is 8 (8/2=4)so the total is 10, but because this is not a natural ten it is only a pretty damn good success.

Don Valdez will attempt to dodge. He rolls dIO, then adds his bonuses for skills and attributes.. His agility is 4, his dodge is 2, and he rolls a 3. His result is 6, which is an average success. As a result, Kiu Chang will have no plus to his attack, but the shuriken did hit and he will roll for damage normally.

Additional factors could include Kiu Chang trancing before he attacked, Don Valdez wearing armor, multiple opponents, special equipment, or additional skills. It is advisable to go to the respective chapters regarding those things. Another, more complicated example goes like this.

-- - ---------


Vladamir Nrobkov, member of small, elite group of Trancer Hunters that ban technology, has been chasing a Trancer through a crowed marketplace. He's not sure which of the crowd is a Trancer, but he has a feeling that at least one of them definitely is. Vladamir moved his 7'0 frame effortlessly through the crowd, pushing smaller people out of his way.

"Can J talk to you for a minute, sir?" This to an African man nearly as tall as Vladamir.

"What ... '? J don't think so! Get out ofmy. .. oof/" The Trancer Hunter shoved the man into the wall of a shop and ran his Trancer JD. the light was blue. This man wasn't a Trancer.

"Sorry, sir--J had .. " Suddenly Vladamir screamed as pain racked his leg. One of the people he knocked over was a Trancer! And the Trancer had shoved a shard of glass into his leg. Screaming, Vladamir pulled his katana from its sheath. The Trancer, a small average looking Asian man, danced back and pulled beer bottle.from a garbage can then broke it. (Roll Initiative).

Vlad rolls a dIO and gets a 1. The Trancer rolls a d8 and gets a 7. He rolls his attack before Vlad The Trancer rolls a dIO and gets a 10, an excellent success. Vladamir dodges by rolling a dIO. He gets a 4, a normal success. The Trancer will have a plus 2 to his damage. He rolls a 1 d3 and gets a 3. He adds the plus two and does five damage. Vlad's armor is Protector. He rolls 3d4-3 but rolls badly and only blocks two damage. He has a life force of9, so he has now lost 1/3 ofhis life. His rolls will be modified by a minus one success from now on.

Vladamir attacks the Trancer with his katana. He rolls a dIO and gets a 7, normally a pretty damn good but because he is injured it is now only normal. Vladamir, however, spends two luck points and raises it an excellent success. The Trancer tries to dodge and gets a normal success. Vlad rolls 10 points of damage. The Trancer blocks two, and loses 8 life force. His life force capacity was 17, so he also will suffer the minus one success.

* "On'y s'luids can be tranced." * "Come on ... Quiet dinner witr, your r,usband? You've r,ad s'eazier offers tr,an tr,at--

most of 'em from me. * "lena, tr,e day you don't surprise me is tr,e day m be surprised." * (After sinqinq some Trancers) "Don't worry 'adies-tr,ey're biodeqradabre." * "Justice wi" be served." * "Dry r,air's for s'luids." * "Tr,af's swe"." * "Sweep up tr,e noor witr, your r,ead." * (To any woman r,e's not married to) "You dizzy biter,."
