TRAINING CIRCULAR - This Web Site is Under...

No.40131201 1-EO(F$ Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G.& Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Block. New Delhi-l Dated the 30IhMarch 20 l I. TRAINING CIRCULAR Subject: Master in Public Management (MPM) 2012 Programme being conducted by Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), National University of Singapore is organizing a one-year Master in Public Managaement (MPM) 2012 programme scheduled to commence from January, 2012. The details of the programme and the application forms may be drawn from Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions website 2. The MPM programme is a one year programme for senior managers and policymakers with a proven track record in public service. It is designed to enhance the skills of these acco~nplished senior officials, .ho hold key positions within their organizations, the curriculum provides a broad strategic view of issues and an emphasis on management perspectives. The Course exposes the LKY Fellows to the ideas and strategies of leading thinkers and practitioners in economic, political and social development' issues. The emphasis of the MPM programme is on developing a broad range of analytical and leading skills required to initiate and to implement major political social or economic change. 3. The programme offers candidates a unique opportunity to spend the first semester studying at the LKY School of Public Policy and the second semester at the John F. Kennedy School of Government (KSG), Harvard University. The LKY Fellows also benefit from a five-week attachment with a Singapore Government Ministry or Statutory Board which aims to deepen candidate's understanding of policy making and implementation in Singapore and encourage reflection on its relevance to their own country. -- 4. The candidates age should be between late 30s to 40s; have a Bachelor's degree with Honours; have over fourteen years working experience and a proven trajectory in positions of leadership, high- level decision making and a stmng commitment to public service. 5. Candidates with exceptional leadership qualities, academic ability and professional distinction may consider applying for the LKY Fellowship for this programme. The LKY Fellowship is one of the most prestigious scholarships, supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. It is valued at around US$100,000 making it one of the most generous scholarships globally. The scholarships includes a monthly stipend throughout the period of award; one-time book allowance; one-time settling-in allowance; shared housing; tuition, health insurance, examination and other approved fees; Tuition fees and accommodation at partner university; Cost of travel from home country to Singapore on award of the Fellowship; Cost of travel from Singapore to partner University; Cost of travel from partner university to Singapore; Cost of travel from Singapore to home country on graduation. 6. It is requested that the nomination of the suitable candidates may please be forwarded to this Department in accordance with the eligibility criteria and the terms and conditions of the Singapore High Commission's Letter dated 23rdMarch 201 1. The Ministries1 State Governments may sponsor the names of only Government1 Public Sector Undertaking functionaries. Contdl .... i

Transcript of TRAINING CIRCULAR - This Web Site is Under...

No.40131201 1-EO(F$ Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, P.G.& Pensions Department of Personnel & Training

North Block. New Delhi-l Dated the 30Ih March 20 l I.


Subject: Master in Public Management (MPM) 2012 Programme being conducted by Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), National University of Singapore is organizing a one-year Master in Public Managaement (MPM) 2012 programme scheduled to commence from January, 2012. The details of the programme and the application forms may be drawn from Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions website

2. The MPM programme is a one year programme for senior managers and policymakers with a proven track record in public service. It is designed to enhance the skills of these acco~nplished senior officials, .ho hold key positions within their organizations, the curriculum provides a broad strategic view of issues and an emphasis on management perspectives. The Course exposes the LKY Fellows to the ideas and strategies of leading thinkers and practitioners in economic, political and social development' issues. The emphasis of the MPM programme is on developing a broad range of analytical and leading skills required to initiate and to implement major political social or economic change.

3. The programme offers candidates a unique opportunity to spend the first semester studying at the LKY School of Public Policy and the second semester at the John F. Kennedy School of Government (KSG), Harvard University. The LKY Fellows also benefit from a five-week attachment with a Singapore Government Ministry or Statutory Board which aims to deepen candidate's understanding of policy making and implementation in Singapore and encourage reflection on its relevance to their own country. -- 4. The candidates age should be between late 30s to 40s; have a Bachelor's degree with Honours; have over fourteen years working experience and a proven trajectory in positions of leadership, high- level decision making and a stmng commitment to public service.

5 . Candidates with exceptional leadership qualities, academic ability and professional distinction may consider applying for the LKY Fellowship for this programme. The LKY Fellowship is one of the most prestigious scholarships, supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. It is valued at around US$100,000 making it one of the most generous scholarships globally. The scholarships includes a monthly stipend throughout the period of award; one-time book allowance; one-time settling-in allowance; shared housing; tuition, health insurance, examination and other approved fees; Tuition fees and accommodation at partner university; Cost of travel from home country to Singapore on award of the Fellowship; Cost of travel from Singapore to partner University; Cost of travel from partner university to Singapore; Cost of travel from Singapore to home country on graduation.

6 . It is requested that the nomination of the suitable candidates may please be forwarded to this Department in accordance with the eligibility criteria and the terms and conditions of the Singapore High Commission's Letter dated 23rd March 201 1. The Ministries1 State Governments may sponsor the names of only Government1 Public Sector Undertaking functionaries.

Contdl ....


7. The omin in at ion details should be submitted in the prescribed proformas alongwith the requisite enclosures. The applications should reach this Department through proper channel not later than 2 0 ' ~ June 2011. Nominations received after the prescribed date will not be considered. The circt~lar inviting applications for the above programnle is available on this Departments website: 7

Desk office; Ph.No. 01 1-23094575 e-mail : [email protected]

1. The Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. 2. All State Governments/ Union Territories. 3. Director (Technical), NIC with the request to post the circular along with the LKYSPPs

circular and the enclosed application Proformas on the Departments website


23 March 201 1

Ms Trishaljit Sethi Director

I Department of Personnel & Training Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Room 19-A, North Block New Delhi 1 1000 1

Dear b GG,

With reference to our earlier conversation, I am forwarding a, with this letter a dozen application booklets for the I-year Master in

Public Management (MPM) programme for the academic year starting J&uary 2012 at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), National University of Singapore. Candidates with exceptional leadership q<ilities, academic ability and professional distinction may also consider applying for the Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) Fellowship for this programme. The LKY Fellowship is arguably one of the most prestigious scholarships given to non-Singapore citizens by the Singapore Government. Supported by my Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is valued at around US$] 00,000 making it one of the most generous scholarships globally.

2 The fellowship/MF'M programme provides a unique

1 opportunity to public sector officials from Asia to study one semester at the LKY School in Singapore and a second at the Harvard Kennedy School in the US. Moreover, LKY Fellows benefit from a five-week

1 attachment with a Singapore Government Ministry or Statutory Board which aims to deepen candidates' understanding of policy making and

reflection on its relevance to

Delhl-110021, India :

3 We hope that as the National Focal Point for Public Management and Governance programmes, your Department would assist in identifying high-calibre candidates for this prestigious fellowship/programme. The typical LKY Fellow is an Asian government official or professional with over 14 years of work experience and a . . proven - traiectory in positions of leader- akin , and a strong commitment to public service. From India, we have had o w the Indian ~ d m i n i s t r K ~ e r v i c e and senior police commanders. Currently, Mahendra Jain (IAS 85) is enrolled in the course.

4 The deadline for applications is 30 June 2011. Application details along with profiles of the MPM scholars can also be found at http://www.lky sg/Master-Public-Management.aspx.

5 If you have any comments or queries, please contact Mr Stavros Yiannouka (LKYSPP Executive Vice-Dean) at [email protected], Ms Preeti Dawra (Associate Director, External Affairs, LKYSPP) at [email protected], or myself. We would be glad to assist.

With best regards

WONG CHOW MING Deputy High Commissioner & Minister-Counsellor

T: (11) 46000800 F: (1 1) 46016413 Em@: wong - chow - [email protected]

InspIrIng LeadersImprovIng LIvesTransformIng asIa

Power is shifting to AsiaThe school’s mission as set out (above) by statesman Lee Kuan Yew, Former Prime Minister and Minister Mentor, Singapore

message from the dean

The world has not fully recovered from the great recession of 2007-2009. We will debate for a long time its fundamental causes. and we will eventually learn many valuable lessons from this enormous financial crisis.

one lesson, however, clearly stands out. We now know that in addition to the invisible hand of free markets, we also need the visible hand of good governance. It was a mistake to believe that markets always know best. This clearly means that schools of public policy have become a sunrise enterprise again. Young people who want to make a difference and create a better world have to seriously consider public policy education.

The Lee Kuan Yew school of public policy offers many advantages. established in 2004, it has grown rapidly from 40 students to 400 students, from approximately 50 nations. It offers a global classroom, which provides the ideal setting to understand the common challenges we face with globalisation.

The school also offers unique insights into the asian public policy experience at a time when the world has recognised that the 21st century will be the asian century. This is the place to network with future generations of asian leaders. The faculty excels in both teaching and research.

The school’s learning environment is further enhanced by a steady stream of distinguished speakers, which has included Tony Blair, paul Kagame, senior Chinese and Indian ministers, robert Zoellick, and nobel Laureates amartya sen, douglass north, elinor ostrom and Kofi annan.

our network of international partners has also grown. In addition to our long-standing collaboration with the Harvard Kennedy school (HKs), we were the first asian school to join the global public policy network, established by Columbia University’s sIpa, the Lse, and sciences po, paris. This gives our master in public policy students the opportunity to pursue double degrees with any of these three schools. We were also the first institution to establish a double degree with the University of Tokyo since its founding in 1877.

finally, the world has come to recognise that singapore provides one of the best public policy laboratories in the world. many independent international surveys confirm that several of singapore’s public policies are among the best-performing in the world.

no other school offers this unique collection of advantages. Young people who dream of creating a better world are invited to join us at the Lee Kuan Yew school of public policy.

Kishore MAHBUBANIDean and Professor in the Practice of Public Policy

“The School offers unique insights into the Asian public policy

experience at a time when the world has recognised that the 21st century will be the Asian century.”


aprILOfficial Opening Of the lKY SchOOlThe school was established in 2004 out of the 12-year-old public policy programme at nUs in collaboration with Harvard University’s John f. Kennedy school of government.

JULYgppndouble degree programmes with Columbia, the Lse and sciences po, paris marks the school’s entry into the global public policy network.

sepTemBerli Ka Shing BUilDing DeDicateDHong Kong philanthropist’s s$100 million gift helps to endow many of the school’s scholarships.

sepTemBerraffleS fOrUmTwo-day conference held during the annual meeting of the Imf and World Bank in singapore.

deCemBerlKY SchOOl mOveS tO BUKit timah campUSBuilt in the 1920s to house singapore’s first college, the campus sits next to the city’s Botanic gardens.

feBrUarYKOfi annannobel Laureate and former Un secretary-general joins the school as its first Li Ka shing professor.

aprILmpam laUnchnew master in public administration & management programme is aimed at China’s officials, taught entirely in mandarin.

sepTemBer5th anniverSarYschool marks event with special remarks from the school’s namesake, singapore’s minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew.

novemBerUniverSitY Of tOKYO SigningThe new double degree with Japan’s most prestigious university, its first since its establishment in 1877.

deCemBerBBc wOrlD DeBatenews presenter nik gowing leads a debate on “Will the 21st Century Be the asian Century?”

aUgUsTSt lee prOjectThree-year project funded by dr. sT Lee gathers some of the world’s top thinkers to consider how to improve global governance.

Inspiring LeadersTo train future leaders, we introduce them to some of the world’s existing ones.

meet some of our guest speakersWith its strategic location at the crossroads of asia, the school draws some of the world’s most seasoned policymakers for lectures, conferences and seminars that give students and faculty the opportunity to engage them in lively debates and critical discussions.

Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou, May 2006

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, November 2007

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, June 2008

Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, October 2008

“The school is an integral part of Asia – it knows its customs, its needs, its leaders. At the same time, it can be called among the best of the West – through its relations with universities with similar missions and comparable challenges, and through a network of faculty contacts. And now, it is adequately financed in a city that can attract the talented and ambitious – and not so incidentally is recognised as cleanly and effectively administered.”

paul volcker

Nobel Laureate, former UN Secretary-General and the school’s first Li Ka Shing Professor Kofi Annan, February 2010

India’s Home Affairs Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram, March 2008

Rwandan President Paul Kagame, May 2008

World Bank President Robert Zoellick, December 2008

At the heart of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy’s reputation for excellence is its faculty – a diverse and growing community of scholars and practitioners well-known for teaching and research expertise in a variety of fields.

Improving Lives

“We aim to develop young leaders who will have an impact on global affairs for decades.”

“Our curriculum takes the Harvard model and puts it in the Asian context, with case studies

and field research that clearly differentiate us.”

facultyThe school’s faculty comes from all over the world. full-time faculty members research, teach and consult, offering a unique focus on applying public policy in asia. professors teach courses that bridge the gap between research and practical applications. eminent scholars and leading practitioners also visit regularly to lecture, conduct seminars or teach semester-long courses.

Faculty (this page, top to bottom)

Kenneth Paul Tan, Associate Professor, Singapore Politics, Society and Culture

Ora-orn Poocharoen, Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor, Public Administration

Shreekant Gupta, Adjunct Associate Professor, Environmental and Urban Policy

Darryl Jarvis, Associate Professor, Risk Analysis

“Our classrooms serve as their own laboratories for comparing and contrasting policies around the world.”

Faculty (opposite page, top to bottom)

Jonathan Marshall, Assistant Professor, Leadership

Huang Jing, Professor, Chinese Politics, Foreign Relations

Caroline Brassard, Assistant Professor, Economics

Suzaina Kadir, Senior Lecturer, Religion and Politics

Scott Fritzen, Vice Dean and Associate Professor, Governance Reform

Mukul Asher, Professor, Public Sector Economics and Asian Social Security

researchThe school’s research centres have become magnets for leading academics. The asia Competitiveness Institute studies ways to boost the region’s productivity, while the Centre on asia and globalisation examines the impact of globalisation on asia and asia’s role in global governance. singapore’s own policies are the focus at the Institute of policy studies, while comparative water management, conservation, and use are central themes at the Institute of Water policy.

“We are privileged to have the opportunity to work on some of the most profound challenges facing the world -- from climate change and corruption to risk and regulation, poverty alleviation, water and food security.”

(from top to bottom)

Amb. Ong Keng Yong, Director, Institute of Policy Studies

Seetharam Kallidaikurichi, Director, Institute of Water Policy

Ann Florini, Director, Centre on Asia and Globalisation

Astrid Tuminez, Director of Research

executive educationThe past two decades have seen the re-emergence of asia as a centre of economic, political and social activity. asia today accounts for most of the growth in world output and its rapid economic growth has lifted several hundred million people out of poverty in less than a generation. as asia’s economies continue their ascent, the challenge will be for its systems of governance to keep pace and adapt; both in order to continue facilitating rapid economic growth and also to manage the political and social implications that must surely follow.

The school’s executive education programmes play an integral role in our mission to inspire leaders, improve lives and help transform asia. our programmes are designed to serve the needs of organisations and working professionals in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, helping strengthen their leadership and management capabilities to perform more effectively in this rapidly changing environment. our experienced team of faculty and senior practitioners seeks to integrate cutting-edge research with practical know-how and expertise.

“We train more than 800 public officials every year in key areas of financial reform, anti-corruption, public management reform, urban planning, public-private partnerships, risk and regulation.”

Stavros Yiannouka, Executive Vice-Dean

alumniThe more than 1,000 graduates of our programmes work in 55 countries and territories around the globe, forming a diverse community from which the school continues to draw support. our alumni have gone on to become ambassadors and editors, social entrepreneurs, business leaders and, of course, government officials, all working to make a difference in asia and beyond. Today, LKY school graduates can be found at the asian development Bank, the organisation for economic Cooperation and development, the United nations and the World Bank.

one of our graduates, ferdinand B. Cui Jr. ’07, became an advisor to philippine president Benigno aquino III, as undersecretary for policy and strategic monitoring. prince sisowath Chivannariddh ’04 returned home to Cambodia to become his country’s secretary of state for foreign affairs. and Bharath Jairaj ’10 built on his career as a consumer activist and public-interest lawyer in India to join a leading non-profit environmental initiative in Washington, dC.

Transforming Asia & BeyondAnywhere you go in booming Asia and beyond, odds are growing that you will find one of our graduates, working in ministries and government agencies or in multinational corporations, non-profits and multilateral institutions.

Choi Jin Young (top left), MPA ’10, Gawad Kalinga, Philippines

Lino Sciarra, UN Fellow ’08 (top right), Head Field Officer, UN Mission, Liberia

John Roberts (left, extreme right in picture), MPP ’11, Founder, Heal the World Foundation, Africa

“The curriculum, faculty, guest speakers and internationally diverse student body helped me learn to dissect complex global problems and conceive of local solutions.”

Bibhuti Bhusan Dash, MPM ’09, Inspector General of Police/Police Advisor, India

Maria Anthonette Velasco Allones, MPM ’06, Executive Director, Philippine Career Executive Service Board

Pankaj Aggarwal, MPM ’09, Indian Administrative Service, Chairman and Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Eastern Region Electricity Distribution Corporation

Ferdinand B. Cui Jr., MPM ’07, Undersecretary for Policy and Strategic Monitoring, Presidential Management Staff, Office of the President of the Philippines

Sundram Pushpanathan, MPP ’93, Deputy Secretary-General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN Economic Community)

Aubeck Kam, MPM ’01, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore

Elizabeth Quah, MPM ’06, Group Director (Planning), Ministry of Health, Singapore

Joel Aufrecht, MPA ’08, Presidential Management Fellow, Office of Personnel Management, USA

Brig.-Gen. Tan Chuan-Jin, MPM ’07, Commander, Training and Doctrine Command, Ministry of Defence, Singapore

James Orum Sheppard, MPP ’08, Policy Analyst, OECD

Bharath Jairaj, MPP ’10, Senior Associate, World Resources Institute, USA

Ha Huy Thong, MPM ’01, Former Ambassador of Vietnam to the Netherlands

Prince Sisowath Chivannariddh, MPM ’04, Secretary of State of MFA and Under-Secretary of State for Tourism, Cambodia

Wang Xun, MPM ’05, Vice-Mayor, Bengbu Municipal Government, China

Pery Irawan, MPM ’09, Head of Division for Budget Plan and Performance Determination, Secretariat of the Vice President of Indonesia

Wang Qin, MPM ’04, Deputy Director-General, Jiangsu Provincial Government, China


“My classmates are government officials, journalists, social entrepreneurs and bankers. They come from over 50 countries.”

“Nowhere else can doctoral students conduct cutting-edge research, access policy makers and see the impact their work has in this dynamic region.”Amee Parikh, Lawyer, MPA ’09, India

Allen Lai, Physician, MPA ’08, PhD candidate, Taiwan

Meng Na, Journalist, MPM ’09, China

“No programme in the world other than the MPM provides the opportunity to study on full scholarship in two elite schools, LKY School and Harvard Kennedy School within one year.”

CareersLKY school students are sought after by the world’s leading institutions – in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Whether you want to switch careers, or climb the ladder to assume positions of greater leadership, the school provides unparalleled networking and career-development opportunities. The school’s office of Career advisory services also helps equip students with the tools they need to pursue their career goals, offering assistance on interviewing, résumé writing, and conducting job searches.

“The LKY School has provided me with a perfect opportunity to learn while exploring a deeply interesting region.”

Bianca Martina Rohner, Banker, MPP ’09, Germany, with double degree at Sciences Po, Paris

Natalia Olynec, Writer, MPA ’11, USA

Wen Penghui, Foreign ministry official, MPM ’09, China

From top left to bottom right:

Global Public Policy Conference hosted by LKY School, 22-23 Oct 2007

Christian Ksoll , MPP ’10: double degree with Sciences Po

Helen Victoria Chou, MPP ’09: SIPA, Columbia with double degree from LKY School

Aneliya Nazirova, MPP ’11: double degree with LSE

Fabian Suwanprateep, MPP ’11: double degree with SIPA, Columbia

partnerships & exchangesThe LKY school provides students a unique environment that is at once asian and global. partnerships with leading institutions give students the opportunity to pursue double degrees or semester exchanges in asia, north america and europe. The school’s membership in the prestigious global public policy network gives master in public policy students an opportunity to earn a double degree from the three other members of the network – the Lse, sciences po, paris, and sIpa, Columbia. We also offer a double degree with the University of Tokyo.

also, as a result of our close partnership with Harvard Kennedy school of government, master in public management candidates have the opportunity to spend one semester of their one-year term studying there. and our exchange programmes allow students to spend a semester at georgetown University, germany’s Hertie school of governance, the moscow state Institute of International relations, the graduate Institute of International and development studies in geneva, or Tsinghua University in Beijing.

sTraTegIC parTner

doUBLe degree parTners

student Lifeany graduate knows that the most memorable lessons are those they learn from their fellow students. our student community is made up of men and women from more than 50 different nations. They come not only from different cultures and speak different languages, but also have different areas of expertise, with degrees ranging from business and economics to engineering and sociology. some come fresh from earning their undergraduate degree, others with a wealth of career experience.

arriving students elect a class committee that liaises with the school and organises activities designed to edify and entertain. students publish their own quarterly web-based publication on regional issues. They also run clubs that invite speakers from diverse industries to speak and host conferences and seminars. most students live in the terrace homes that make up our historic College green (dunearn road Hostels).

Our network of partnerships and exchanges gives

students the chance to study at 10 different

institutions world-wide.

“At College Green, I can watch Indian Bollywood movies, listen to American jazz, sway to African beats, savour authentic Chinese delicacies and feel at home among European classmates. This college housing estate for students is a perfect complement to the classroom learning experience of the LKY School.”

The singapore experiencesingapore is routinely rated as one of the most livable cities and for good reason. Clean, green and efficient only begin to describe why an increasing number of people from around the world choose to call this city-state home. a small, tropical island nestled in the centre of southeast asia, singapore offers students at the LKY school a melting pot of cultures and cuisines, from China, India and neighbouring malaysia. vacation paradises such as Bali and Thailand are a short flight away. Crime rates and taxes are among the world’s lowest, access to public transportation and broadband internet among the highest. for arts lovers, the distinctive domes of the esplanade beckon, while outdoors enthusiasts head for singapore’s own rainforest. for sports fans, there are golf courses and a formula one grand prix; for insomniacs there are round-the-clock clubs and bars.

programmes overview

to apply for any of the above programmes, visit our website at or email us at [email protected]

name of programme

master in public policy master in public administration

master in public management

master in public administration and management

Doctor of philosophy

admission requirements

Bachelor’s degree with Honoursat least 2 years of work experience

Bachelor’s degree with Honoursat least 5 years of work experience

Bachelor’s degree with Honoursat least 8 years of work experience

Bachelor’s degree with Honoursat least 5 years of work experience

master’s degree with Honours or a second-Class Upper Honours degree

profile of students avg. age: mid-20’savg. Work exp.: 5

avg. age: Late-20’s to mid-30’savg. Work exp.: 8

avg. age: Late-30’s to 40’savg. Work exp.: 12

avg. age: Late-30’s to 40’savg. Work exp.: 10

avg. age: Late-20’s to mid-30’savg. Work exp.: 8

graduation requirements

7 Core + 7 electivespolicy analysis exercise (pae)

6 Core + 4 electivesCapstone examination

LKYspp: 4 Core + 1 elective + attachment paperpartner’s school: 4 electives

8 Core + 2 electives 8 core modules + 3 electives and a phd Qualifying examination (Qe).

Tuition fees singaporeans/permanent residents: s$10,900International: s$12,000

singaporeans/permanent residents: s$6,131.25(full-time)International: s$6,750(full-time)

singaporeans/permanent residents: s$5,450International: s$6,000& partner University: s$30,000

International: s$23,000 singaporeans: s$5,050/yearpermanent residents: s$6,060/yearInternational: s$13,130/year

application deadline 31 January 31 January 30 June 15 January 15 november

application documents

3 essaysUniversity Transcripts3 reference LettersrésuméToefL/ IeLTsCopy of passportoptional: gre/gmaT

3 essaysUniversity Transcripts3 reference LettersrésuméToefL/ IeLTsCopy of passportoptional: gre/gmaT

3 essaysUniversity Transcripts3 reference LettersrésuméCurrent position and Career trajectoryToefL/ IeLTsCopy of passportoptional: gre/gmaT

University Transcriptsrésuméorganisation endorsement formCopy of passport

research proposal University Transcripts ToefL/IeLTs2 referee reportsrésuméWriting samples

Course starts July July January march august

Language of Instruction

english english english mandarin english

International Component

double-degree with sIpa Columbia, Lse, sciences po, paris and University of Tokyo

double-degree wtih nUs Business school and Law school

regional study Trip semester at Harvard Kennedy school

regional study Trip

duration 2-years full-time 1-year full-timemin. 2-years,max. 4-years part-time

1-year full-time 10 month full-time 4-years full-time, max.: 5-years full-time

to apply for any of the above programmes, visit our website at or email us at [email protected]

name of programme

master in public policy master in public administration

master in public management

master in public administration and management

Doctor of philosophy

admission requirements

Bachelor’s degree with Honoursat least 2 years of work experience

Bachelor’s degree with Honoursat least 5 years of work experience

Bachelor’s degree with Honoursat least 8 years of work experience

Bachelor’s degree with Honoursat least 5 years of work experience

master’s degree with Honours or a second-Class Upper Honours degree

profile of students avg. age: mid-20’savg. Work exp.: 5

avg. age: Late-20’s to mid-30’savg. Work exp.: 8

avg. age: Late-30’s to 40’savg. Work exp.: 12

avg. age: Late-30’s to 40’savg. Work exp.: 10

avg. age: Late-20’s to mid-30’savg. Work exp.: 8

graduation requirements

7 Core + 7 electivespolicy analysis exercise (pae)

6 Core + 4 electivesCapstone examination

LKYspp: 4 Core + 1 elective + attachment paperpartner’s school: 4 electives

8 Core + 2 electives 8 core modules + 3 electives and a phd Qualifying examination (Qe).

Tuition fees singaporeans/permanent residents: s$10,900International: s$12,000

singaporeans/permanent residents: s$6,131.25(full-time)International: s$6,750(full-time)

singaporeans/permanent residents: s$5,450International: s$6,000& partner University: s$30,000

International: s$23,000 singaporeans: s$5,050/yearpermanent residents: s$6,060/yearInternational: s$13,130/year

application deadline 31 January 31 January 30 June 15 January 15 november

application documents

3 essaysUniversity Transcripts3 reference LettersrésuméToefL/ IeLTsCopy of passportoptional: gre/gmaT

3 essaysUniversity Transcripts3 reference LettersrésuméToefL/ IeLTsCopy of passportoptional: gre/gmaT

3 essaysUniversity Transcripts3 reference LettersrésuméCurrent position and Career trajectoryToefL/ IeLTsCopy of passportoptional: gre/gmaT

University Transcriptsrésuméorganisation endorsement formCopy of passport

research proposal University Transcripts ToefL/IeLTs2 referee reportsrésuméWriting samples

Course starts July July January march august

Language of Instruction

english english english mandarin english

International Component

double-degree with sIpa Columbia, Lse, sciences po, paris and University of Tokyo

double-degree wtih nUs Business school and Law school

regional study Trip semester at Harvard Kennedy school

regional study Trip

duration 2-years full-time 1-year full-timemin. 2-years,max. 4-years part-time

1-year full-time 10 month full-time 4-years full-time, max.: 5-years full-time

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public PolicyNational University of Singapore469C Bukit Timah roadoei Tiong Ham Buildingsingapore 259772

TeL (65) 6516 6134 fax (65) 6778 1020 emaIL [email protected]

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Inspiring leaders Improving Lives Transforming Asio


CONTENTS Part I: Programme Information Introduction 3 Programme Features 4 Eligibility 4 Programme Requirements 4Academic Calendar 5 Fees and Costs 5 Courses 6

Part II: Application and Admissions lnformation for Applicants 8 Procedure for Application 8

VNUS Admissions Application Form I I Reference Form IITranscript Request Form l9Application Fee Form 21 y-*in. Part Ill: Financial Aid ScholanhipdFellomhips 2 3 Financial Aid Application Form 2 5

7 Lee Kuan Yew W 1 6 4 School of Public Policy

Supreme Court

Philippines MPM 201 1-2012

M Maheshwar Rao

Indian Administrative Service

India MPM 20 I 0-20 I I

Nguyen Qunyh Tra''g

Ministry of Forelgn Affairs

Vietnam MPM 201 1-2012

Zacky Zainal Husein

ABNR Counsellom at Law

Indonesia MPM 201 1-2012

Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship in Partnership with Haward Kennedy School This is the Asian Century. Aren't you going to lead us into it with the Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship?

The Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship is one of the most prestig~ous and generous scholarships in the world awarded by MiniNy o f Foreign Affalrs (Singapore) each year to senior officials in the Masters in Public Management programme (MPM) at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. National University of Singapore.

LKY Fellows come from all across Asia and beyond. The typical LKY Fellow is an experienced Asian professional with over 14 yearj o f work experience and a proven trajectory in positions of leadership, high-level decision making, and a strong commitment t o public service.

The MPM classroom brings together the next generation of Asian leaders that are helping shape the'New Asian Century'. Each year the MPM brings together 20-25 senior Asian officials t o debate. analyse and share ideas on how to exercise effective leadersh~p and improve governance in Asia

A typical MPM class includes experienced professionals who have assumed leadership roles in foreign affairs trade and commerce. finance, infrastructure, education, energy, defence, environmental preservation, central banking, journalism, law, politics, and economic planning.

The MPM classroom exposes the LKY Fellows to the ideas and strategies of leading thinkers and practitioners in economic, political, and social development issues .The emphasis of the MPM programme is on developing a broad range of analflical and leadership skills required to initiate and to implement major polit~cal. social, or economic change.

Be a part of this high power network o f senior public, private and non-proft sector leaders to advance your career and effect pos~tive change in your organisation and society at large.

I Year - FullTn~e l Ycar FuilXrne 4Yesn - FullTtme

2~4Yenrs PartTlme I

i Q~antttztive Si~lli & Pnalysti

Daube Degree with London School of Eronan,ci, Schaal of International

& Pubc Ailb~ i of Columbii Lnver-s,ty Siences P3. Pans.

Unvers~ty ofTol.yo. NU5 Rocine\r

School or NUS Law Schaa

Economci -----

Politcal Science & Managemeit

Double Degree wlth NO5 Rosiness Scha3l or NUS Law Schaal

DectstonMaking & Problem Sol-lng Sklls

Semester at Harvard Kennedy School

Ernphass on Intellectual Renewal

I Emphass on Managernert & Leadershp -

1 I , I

0 - SYear-i 5 - 8 Yea-s Over- BYears 8Year-5 < ~ -- L I- !I


efledlvenesi n rewarinn8 r m

compler mull dlmens~onal m

poltiv ji,der T. 5 z

I ------


& Sblli Enhancement


The I-year Master in Publc Managernen1 (MPM) programmc was developed for senor managers and policymakers w ~ t h a ?raven I leadership track-record in public servtce. Designed to enhance the skills o f these accomplished senior ofhcials who hold key

I positions wrthin their organisations, the curr~culum provides a broad strategic vicw o f issues and an emphars on management 9

I perspectives. N


Stremhen the iapdbi~t'i and

Every year a select group of around 25 senior oficials +om Asa and beyond convene in the MPM classroom, bringing with them a wealth of diverse experience to enhance earning. MPM *"dents will not only develop new persperrivex ahout goiernance but also gain invaluable PI-actical experience during their attachment t o Singapore minstries and agencies. S~ngaporean students may also 5e attached t o cmerseas organisatons with odtstanding public policy rlitidtives that per ta r t o their. area o f study This pract~ral

experience pro.~ides students wlth thc opportunity t c brldge theory with practice durng their course of study In addillon, the programme employs probem-based earning methods such as case studies, which trdnicend the mere assm~latior o f f ~c t s and allow5 *\dents an opportunity r o learn by do~ng. Students also spend a full semester in Har iard University as part o f the MPM

I programme requirements. !

PROGRAMME FEATURES - SEMESTER AT HARVARD KENNEDY SCHOOL The MPM programme offers canddates a unlque opportunt) to spend the first semester studylng at the LKY School o f Public Pollci and the second semester at the John F Kennedi School of Government (VSG) Harvard ilnvers~t)

ATTACHMENT PROGRAMME i h e emphass of the PI-ogramme IS on developing a broad range of analyt~cal and Ieadershp skls requred t o int~ate and t o implement major nstitutonal, pol~t~cal, social or economc change, The MPM programme includes a five-week attachment t o a Sngapol-e Government Ministry or Statutory Board whch aims to deepen canddates' understandng of pocy makng and mplementation n Sngapore and encourage reflecton 01- its relevance to the~r own country.

CASE METHOD Cases are first-hand accounts of actual srdatons used ;n tearhng t o re-create and drdmatse the challenges that confl-nit the public oficial or managerihis style ofteachng requlres the student t o learn by dolng t o realise that dec~s~on-makh:g under actual condtions I S not an exact scence, and to understand that actlons could lead to outcomes not entrey predictable thl-ough theory. The result IS a deep learn~ng experience that goes beyond the mastery of knowledge and skis.

SPEAKER SERIES Talks,discuss~ons and seminars form an Integral part of leal-ping n the programrne.They provide opportun~t~es for the free exchange of ideas on the important issues of the day thus helping students to galn nsights n t o the policy-niakng process, organ~sational development and world affairs,The speakers Include government mnlsters from Singapore and other countrles, senior public oft7ca1,s and senlor N G O offic~als. as well as eadlng business people and consultants.

EXECUTIVE PROGRAMMES Executve programmes enable leaders n the public. prvate and not-fo~profit sectors to contnue to refresh their knowledge and acquit-e new sklls.These programmes, some of wh~ch are jontiy run with other renowned nst~tutions, are targeted specifically at bus) executives who wsh t o update themselves on state of the art developments in specific al-eas of knowledge and sk~lls.As the Executve Programmes, (usually lasting I week). are attended by local and internat~onai participants who hold leadershp positons n the~r organ~satons, the) afford great opportunites for netw0rklng.A~ a student, you will have the chance to partcipate n some of these progr-anmes.


To be considered for the Master in Public Management programme, you must have:

a National Un~versity of Singapore (NUS) honours degree (at least 2nd Upper) or an equivalent degree, such as a

4-year Bachelo~ degree with an average grade of B or bener and at le& 8 years of relevant work experience; or

- a good Bachelors degree and passed the School's placement test, and at least 8 years of Irelevant work experience.

A typical LKY Fellow usually has over 14 years of work experience

Other qual~ficatons and experence may be accepted s~blect to approval by the NUS Board oiGraduate Studes

Note:These mnmum requrements do not imply automatic adm~ssion into the progrdmme


The minimum candidature for rhe MPM IS I year and the maximum IS 8 months.Withn that time, you must earn at least 40 graduateevel modular credits (MCs) by completing at least 5 modules at NUS (ofwhch 4 are core modules) and 4 modules at the john F Kennedy School of Government. Harvard Univel-sity In addlton, you must complete an attachment programme and present a paper pertainng to the attachinentYou are also requred to make a Rna presentatton during a Publlc Management Sem~nar module at the end of the MPM programme.

To remaln n the programme, you must manta~n a good Cbniulative Average Pont (CAP) throughout your cdndidature.You~- CAP must not fall below 2.5 (equvaent to C+) for 2 consecutive semesters or 30 (equvaletrt to 5-) for 3 consecutve semesters, If yo l fail a core inodue you must retake and pass the examination n that core module n a sdbsequent semester If )ou f a an electve module you may subject to dpproval ofthe School, retake the module or choose an alternative module and must pass the examlnaton in the module in a subsequent semester: If you fail any niodule on the second aixempt, or fall 3 modules in the courm of the programme, you wII be requ~red to leave the programme.

To graduate with the MPM, you must pass the Attachment Prograinme and 4 cot-e modules as well as obta~n a CAP of a t least 3.0 for the best 40 graduate level MCs You also need to obtan d Satsfactory (8) grade for-the Pubc Management Seminal module.



The ac~ldemc calendar for the 20 2 MPM IS as lollows:

Natio?al University of Singapore 01-lent~~tion and Revim Programme

January A p r i l 3 core modules and I eect~ve Examnatons and Break

I Attachment Programme May J u n e Rrmk

June Augus t I core module Completon and presentaton of attachment paper Examnatons and Break

Partner- Universiry

August - December 4 electves Exam~nat~ons and Break

National Unlverslty of Singapore Publc Management Senmar module

End December - m d January Valed~ctory D~nner


" The f oow~ng fees apply t o the MPM 2 0 2 progl-~lmme. Please note that fees are subject to change. E

I? -<

Full Feei ' 5

PJ 0 -

UJ 'Students rfrr tloi? prevlauslf mqoytol gorernmror i~~hirdy airponiorshi; by a Smgopore )-oirrr8mrnr ofcriy isucn as rctlolurshipi nUei?~l by the Mtrntnr; P~:oiii ieri,ie E Commrsi~a:~ orlo ir,!tutory Board9 iil a gradu~ltr om,q:r;irnme will not rir elia,b!z far Mtotstrr ~{Edi l ia t~on iu!>,dy m mother grcldo~;re pi,>gromlme UI the same (or !vr rr n level. Instead, such studmt- r t ! ! oz Itable to pay 611 i?zr" jFu!l Fees" ro be pod I > ~ndu.!iz afarevorlhilg GSTj Fo; ?iorno!e. itudersls d r o had preriut?<ly rrgoyed suhs,.fr 3 iiholarjhip m o Musters p~ig.~l~r :mr nrld had anoioed l i t M~ster ; d?,qrer wll nor he r i~f i lk ioriubsid), m ,i,loIt#er [>ragrnromr,#e at Masters or 1vv.r; :+i?; Far nlorr demrl:, > pi~,: ir i ist [ http i i w i l l i s idu iglr~gistroriedu1,od fees html


Tut~on Fees 5$30,000.00

Unless yob are on a full scholarsh!p, you should ensure that you have sufficient funds to covet- the costs o f yourtravel to and from 5 your home rountr-y to Singapore. accommodation n Singapore, cost oftravel t o and from Sngapore to the partner u n v e r s t ~ and other l~ving expensesWhle all students are el~g~ble t o join the School's medcal nsurance plan, a co-payment element s applcable.

7 You are advsed, therelore. to make provson for medcal expenses.

Accammodat~on Currculum Matelas and A d v t e i

Local Expenses

ADDITIONAL COSTS Additona costs nclude payment for student development semnars. execut~ve tralnng programmes, the orentat~on programme. student passiv~sa lees. and the pr-ogramme closure eventThese costs vary from year to year but are CUI-I-ently eitmated to be 5$7.000 for the duraton o f the programme.

5$28,000 00 ;;1 3

5$3000.00 -

L 5% ,350 00 D

FINANCIAL AID F~nanc~al a d 1s ava~lable t o students Please referto page 23 f you wsh to apply lor iinanc~al a d


ESTIMATED LIVING COST IN SINGAPORE If y o u a r e a p p l y i n g f o r admiss ion to Ltie MPM as a sefCfinancng c a n d ~ d a t e , you may wish to refer to the table b e o h for-an est! :e

of l ~ v ~ n z c o s t s in S ingapore . Please not that t h e s e cos ts e x c l u d e l ~ v n g e x p e n s e s for the s e c o n d s e m e s t e r a t the partner u n v e r s t y .

Off Campus Accommodation ( P o o n i r e r t a n ~ r ~ g a t e a ~ a r t r n e n t 1 house) 1 5$900 5$1,300

Food 1

In-country transportation

, Meals ou ts tde campus


i d e ~ e n d s on course of study)

Public bus/MR7 1 58250 5$300

58440 - 58525


NBThe costs hare 3een der~ved based on a coniervatve ennlate of a reasonably comPrt ib le IiertyleThe dCtui amount could be higher or i w e r deprndng an the mdwldual student's e,pmdturr and IhrenlIe panern

Personal expenses

------ ------ COURSES

NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE COMPONENT T h e 5 m o d u l e s a t NUS c o r n p r l s e 4 c o r e m o d u l e s a n d I e l e c t ~ v e Of the 5 m o d u l e s , 4 will be r e a d n the first s e m e s t e r u a n ~ a r y tn

AprI) a n d 1 III Vie i o r i d e n s e d s e m e s t e r June to August)

(Toe t - i es , clothings, miscel laneous)


PP53Dl iionorn: hca;cni>g 2nd PC ll.y PP5303 Pubc Marlagelnent PI7308 Flarnewirk, fcr Po1r~~Analy: i PP53 I I Globalsat~on and Pubc P o i v or PP53 17 Puhc

F lancal llanagernent

58 150 - 58200

- PP5257 Water Policv and Goicrnaice PPS25e nternaro i r l Rcldlrur~i and Dtplomacl PP5259 C r ~ i ~ i Management PPSL6,) lntell~gence, Natonal Srcunt) and tb lcy~n-dkng PP5261 lnternat~or~al 5erlmty Cnnrepri, lsruei and P o l ~ r ~ c i PP526i Frontreri of Socal lnnzvation PP52b3 Global Issue5 and lnn~ttr tons

Estimated cost of livinc 1 581 580 - 582.425 o e r rronth

f a candtdnte reads both PPS?! I and P P j 3 l i or,t . f t h t ~ e ,rodulei W,)) be PPSLC.1 iate;.MarLets and In-ernattonal Gwtrnar~ct

zonsdcred as an cl%rl,vc Cdl!il,datei ma;, also choose t o read an eleCt\e PP5265 L lw and Pu3llc Policy

?om the 1h.t ,>f tile e!ee!bei (P'SZXS jenei) oi(r!ed b,, rhc Srhi,al. PP526o C!! Health Pcl\,:y a-sd l i i r rei PP5267 LrbanTrarlsport Po1cy:A GlobalV,ew


PP5 136 Appled Publ~c Sector Economcs PPS205 Eccnomtc Polir, in a Global E io ronb PP5206 Pclt lc i arid Pocy n ScutheaaAra Pi'52139 Erercli8ng ILcaarr r h p PP52 I 4 Ethcs and rhe Publhc Cffical PP5220 i'lational Scenre and Technolaey l'alcy Anaiysli PP5122 SourhcarrAr~a 8 l r ~ l r r ~ ~ a l ~ u ~ ~ ~ i l Rtlarions PP5224 Nr.roratcn and Conflict Manage~e- t PP526 Soaa R i y : lsst~ei and Oplions l'P5217 En;~ronmentil and Nal:r;il R e m ~ c r Pol~cv PP5230 Strategic Management n Public 01-ganiaton i PP5235 Dwelopmant Policy n Sourhzait Asa PP5L37 St!aleg,ei for Poierty Allevat~on PP5238 Urhan i>evelnpment ara Pocq FPSL31 Laiv and Econcr rcs

FP5240Topici n Appled P o c v Analyis PPi?4 I T,>pci in Lconornlci or 3 u n l 8 t a t r c Analyiii PP5242 Topci n lnst~rutonal or P o t c a A?aly i i PP5513 lrfrartrucrure PoI~cy PP5244 Pubc Sector Reform In Developnr: Countr ts P"52iS Prcjeo flaoigement folthe Publli '5eai.r P 7 2 4 6 Pubc Policy and Management o f tiealth i y r e m s PP52.17 irler nat,om! Fconam~i Polti, P'5218 lntcrnatcnal Cc!n:cl Resouton PP524R Meda. Put.11~ Opnor and Put.11~ Piticy PP5LSO Ecinomic Deieopment Polcy PP525 I n i t lutlons and P u h i P,~lcy PPS252 Ethnc Po l~ tc iand Go,.e-nanie n h r a

- PP5768 Ir; t , t~tton~l Deilgn and hna!,.,~

PP52b? Envronmental Econonlci and Pub: Pocy PP5270 Econcmr P a w r i Chnd PP52' Polt~cal R ~ s k A n a l ~ i i PP5271 Enere, Syiremi arid C rnate Po:v PP52: Poi tca Islam and Governance PP5271 i~nanclal Ma~agement for Pol~cvmake~i PP52-5 Ccnrral B d h i *lid Econorntc Management 'P5276 Advanced Negotaton Pl'52'7 Singapore': Ueie1opment:A Campa atwe 4 n a y i i 'P5278 Health i c a n l m r c and Puhlhc Pocy >PSL'9 Cluners and Natonal Comoetriveneir I , ' . . . - . . . . . - . , . . . - . .

3 ' 8 . i I I ; . .

I . . : , . .I . PPS?Rh Cornparatwe Puhllc Mcnagement Refcrm PP5287 Leadershp a ld ieamwork PP52HR La-mil- Market Pol lq lriuci PP5289 Wornen. Lraderihp and P u b c R c y PP529r\ Pc!tc)maktng ~n China 5tr uoure and *ore% PP529 I S e u r ~ t y n Aria-Pacific PP5292The EL1 and Reg.anal Ei.,novtti !ntt.p.ittin FP52?3 RuIr,g the Net: IT and Polcy Making PP5214 Dyn imc l lodel lhn~ oil'ubl~c I'alkr Systevti PP5295 A d Guucr ~dr lcc PP5295Trade lnveitment b Integrator liiue: .nA5E4N FP5207 Public Pocy for Sustanab,l~ty PP529R Puhc P o i : and Management .n Sngaporc FP529Y Snaapor iTt~e C ~ t f

PP5253 lnternator,al h n a n i a Wlcy and l i i u c i PP5L54 Nuclear\Vei'ea~ors and Intanatonal SeiurIv

(Please ro te that not 311 eleit~ves .NII be olfeltd n any one semester)

PP5255 Fnc-gy k'olcy and Secur~ty n 4% PP5256 F n a n i a Paguaron and Developnjent

ATTACHMENT PROGRAMME IN SINGAPORE -304 Attachment Programme in Singapore The MPM candidate wII be attached to Sngapore Mrlstres or agencles and particpate in 3 programve o'vs~ti to these organsationsThe main objective of ths attachment is to brdge l l~ ro ry and praeice, and provide a sir.ltegic overvievi of polliy arcas and the processes of polcy rnak~ng.The tranlng nere wll elcourage the MPM canddate to expore factor-, iedclng to gocd governance, and 1s Intended t o provide a hands~on prdctca experience n a particular area o i llllel est the cdndlddte may have. To complete tile alldchment programme, the MPM iandidite w11 be .-equrred to present t i s paper:The aud~ence will comprtse fellow classmates faculty membe-s and ofic~dls from t i e Singapore Msnistries and Starutor~y BoaFd8

THE PARTNER UNIVERSITY COMPONENT The programme taps Into h e established i:rengrhi in public polcy traning a i the Harvard Kenre* Schocl and com?lements the training pr-wfded at NUS. For this component, the MPM wndidzte w~l l spend a 'ull semester ;3t the t.arvard Kennedy School on a specrally des~gned academic prograrnne.

The academic programme consists of four modules from the regula~ curriculum offered at the partner unvers~ty

Courses otered may nclude the folicw~ngtop~cs (subject to l t~ r f r being oicreil)

. Ethlcs In Government

Rediunng from Mstar:! . Management, Fnance, Regulit~on and Publlc lnfrraitructur-e

. lnrroduction to Health Pol~ci

Health Pole:# Reform - Povert, and Social Policv

Pol~cy-makirg In Urban Setttlgs

Real Estate F~nance and Deieiopmenr Funilamer!lills - National Sccur~ty Organlsatton dnd Management

- The Pol~tica~ Economy ofTrade

. Manaeing Political Campa~gns . Leadersh~p and Ethic, i r l Foreign Policy

LVhy are so mary countr-ies poor; vol.it11e and unequrl' . Public Finance In Open Econorn~es

Managng Folicy Change in a Globdl Envrori~ne~it

Fo~egn Poicv ti-e News ~ n i i Amer~can Publ~c Opn~on . Strategic Management In the P ~ b l c Sector

O~gan~s~t~ond l Andlyi15 for Manage! s - 'ublic Marage~nenl Reform and 1nnovation:A Comp,~rat~ve Su-vev - 1 eadershp for a D i ~ ~ t a l World - Science.Technology and Pdbc Pollc)

Ruling the Net:Technology Pol~ry and ihe Futu1.s of Zovcrnance - Thcory o f lnternat<onal Political Economy

Polit~cs of Policy~makng

Internatonal Lzw

Pol~t,cs of Plidule 'Last and North Afr~ca

PROGRAMME CONCLUSION The 1 -year programme will conclude ir. Singapore, following the programme at the partner un~vers~tyThe MPN candlddlc V I I I make a final presentation on ,what he t l d i lmtnt in thc YPM programme du-jng the Pbbl~c Mana~ement Semnar mod~ le valedictory dinner-,NIII be held for the gradudtlng class.



Thls sectron has 2een preparEc to hrlp you apply fsr admsson to the P1PM programme dt the Lee KuanYew School of Public Pol~cy It contains 211 the material needed to ftle an applicatior.You rnay also iits~t the ichools webcit- a t


H O W TO APPLY To :ppl+ to the M T l programme, you must s ~ b n i t a complete applc~ton package that incluors all oftne fcllowng Items:

I . Completed admissions application form 7. Description of cuc~enL post~on and career trajectol-y

2. Application fez 8. Essay,

3. Oficral transcripts and rertificates 9 References

4. Standardised twl score 10. Completed financial aid appl~cation for-m (if applicablej

5. Graduate Record exam in at lor^ (GRE) score ( ~ f available) I 1 . Copv of passport, identlty card or birth certificate

6. Cur-riculum vitae11 riurne 12. Copies of supporting docl~merts &

If yo^ would Ike to be ionsldered for ilnanclal aid, you mlr t iuhrn\: theFlN'\NCIAL,4iD APPLICATIOI'J FOKl'l'on page 25, y The appl~catlon form rus t be completed in Fngl~sb Nan Enyl~sh ~uppol t l r~g documents must be diccmpa?ied by a notar-lsed English translatonTIie ci-rglnnls ofiubm~tted dcc~~ments nust be il~rni5Lled for ,ie~-tficdt~or\ at studert treg\st~.d:ton Students hur ld to have gven naccuratc or false miormation rnay be requrred to wrthdraw ?om the MPM programmeYout. full srr-~tten on the first page of the ;ppcaton form, should appear on ?vet-y docunent iubmitted Fledbe call our acentlon t o any bai-iaton n your name that may appear on dny matera submrtted.

It IS your responsrbl~ty to ensure that all application rnaterals are maled in trme to reach the Lee KuanYew School ,of P ~ b l t c Policy by 30 June 201 I.Wc regret thal lalr appl~catons NII r o t be accepted They svil rnstead be cons~dered for the fz l lo~+~ng year's ,ntake.There are 2 ways by which vou car1 submt yoLr PlPM appl~cat~on.

For- orllne jubrncjs~ons you rn 1st also fornard a copy of the rurlpieted onlne applrcation form and supporting documents to.

Admissions ConmiKee for- the 20 2 Mastei n Public Management Programme Lee Kcan Yew School of Pt~bl~c Polcy Nat~urdl Universitv of ing??pore 46RC BukitTrmzh Road O e Trong Ham 9uildrng Sngaporc 2557772

ONLINE SUBMISSION ~ O M P L E T E D ADMISSIONS APPLICATION FORM Please v~sit httpr:l/ for the Online App~caton System. Please ensure that your applcaton and supporting documents reach the Lee KuanYew School of Public Policy by 30June ?GI I

2. APPLICATION FEE The application lee for online applications is S$LOl- or US$ l 5 i per application (inclusive of prevailng GST). Please attach a bank draft (drawn on a bank in Singapore) for the appropriate amount made payable to "NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE". Please submit the "APPLICATION FEE FORM" a-<ailable a t http://w,!kyspp.nus.ed~.sgidocsiMPM20l2~appn~fee_for-m.pdl together w;th your app!!cation. (For applicants rresding n Singapore. local cheques will be accepted.) Payment by telegraphc tr-msfer w ~ l not be accepted.Applicants ,who send cash do so at their own risk.


Ofic~al transcripts of academic ,work and degreesldiplomaslcertificates from edch college or unverslty jou have attended must be submitted directly to the Lee KuanYw School of Public Policy from your college or un~versty registrar Present the'7RANSCRIPT

C REQUES~l FORM'' available at h~p://wwlk)spp.nus.ed~.sgidocsiMPMLO l2-appri-transcr1pt_r-equest_for~m.pdf to your college or^ > z university reglitrat: If your nsttution does not provide o f i ca transcripts please provide a certified copy of your credentials and a 1 s t of courses tal<en and the gradesirnarks received These documents should be signed by an official of the tnstituton and [nailed '3 dred!) to the Lee KuanYew School of Publlc Policy in an envelope that is signed across the sealed flap, I f the credentials are not !n English, the) must be accompanied by English transiations that have been notarsed n


Test scores for- theTOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English LanguageTestng Systemj must be submtted [or all international applicants except those whose undergraduale or graduate degrees are from English~medum institutions n Australia, Canada, Ireland. New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom or the United States.Wh~le the Admssioni 2 Comrnittee does not set mnmum scores for admissibility. experience suggests that successful appl~cants usualiy achieve or exceed "

n the following scores: D

0 580 on theTOEFL paper-based test 85 on theTOEFL internet-based test

237 on theTOEFL computer-based-test 6.5 on the IELTS test

Scores for theTOCFL and IELTS are valid for 2 years I Please note that the tests are conducted only at specific tlmes. It about 4 months from the date of registration for the test. 9 fol-the score t o be finally received by an inst~tutionYou should allow sufficient time for tlle School l o receive the r-esuts. When registering for- theTOEFL, please use ~nstituton code 3720 for the Lee KuanYew School of Publc Policy and subject code 9-1 lor Publc Adm~nistratonIPolicy.

N " y There r no need for nit.~tution orsub~ect codes forthe IELTS. Official copies ofthe test scores must be sent directly to the School, lr [J w you know youl-scores, please enterthemi on the appcat~on formYou may also inciude a photocopy of your score report. However; b: final admssons decisions are contngent upon the ,receipt of the ofilca score report by the School. in >

;;I For more inforniatltlon about the TOEFL or IELTS, and lor instructions on register~ng, please contact the P - EducationalTeiting Service. Rosedale Road, Princeton. N J 0854 I . U.SA IforTOEFL) or \iist the webstes JforTOEFL) Z and w* (for IELTS), v

5 5. GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATION (GRE) Applicants are encouraged t o take the GRE and subm~t their scores


Pleasegive us acurriculumvitae ( C v ~stingyouracade~nicprofessionaland personal achievements,includings~gnificant appointments that you have held. For each appointment, indicate the organsa+~on.the period (~nclude month and year) during whch you held the 2

Z dppontment. your major- responiibities, your starting and ending salar) and the name and title of your supervisor, Please explain any gaps in your employment history Please also tell us about your hobbies and lnterests.

7. CURRENT POSITION AND CAREER TRAJECTORY Descrbe your current position and major responsiblaes, and the size and relevance of )our untiorganisat~on. Illustrate the level of your current positon and your career trajectory with an organisation chart ncudng two levels above and two levels belo# your current postion. Please also indicate the number of staFmembers who report t o you.


8. ESSAYS Please Imit youl- essays t o 500 words eachType your name and the PI-ogrannie you at-e app~yng for 17 the upper right-hand cordr of cach page and clearly mar-k each e,i,iy "E,idy #-".

Essa.4 I . Describe an Instance which you showed leadership in addressing a public problem, Essa.4 2:Wha: s the most cr~t~cal public problcn. facing your 01-ganiiation ot comrriuriti? What should be done about t ? Essai 3 How do YOU see the MPM pt-otramme helping ,ou t o further joLr personal and catreer goals'

Optionallfyou have cunrrrns ahout y o r prior ;cademlc background, you may w i h to glve a bref explanaton u f your performance n college and ts relaton to your past znd future career accomplishments,

9. REFERENCES You must provde 3 references in Engsh from individuals who know you and your work. It is important that you select referees who are able t o comment on your abilities in the professional sening. One of your referees must be the Chef Executive Oficer.(or

, equivalent) o i ,our- organtcatitlon If you aie a Singaporean public sector appl~cant you are strongly adv~sed t o x e k refererice, from the Permanent Secretar{ of yo l~r Minist-y, or the Chief Executive Officer of your Statutory Board.All references must be submined

E on the "REFERENCE FORM" available at 2-appn-reference-foi-177 pdf If addtional pages are required, contents must bc t>pcd on the referees'o~ganisatons'leltert~cad,, and sgned by the refel-ees

2 FINANCIAL AID If you would llke to bp r o n q i d ~ r ~ d for scholal-s~pi you must submit the "FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION FORM" dvdildble at http:l/ I Z_appn_finan:iaI_ad.pdf


1 PASSWORD (FOR ONLINE APPLICATION ONLY) - When submlnng your applcat~on online, you wII be asked t o enter a d~character password'iour password s importtint and can a u be used w th our appllcaton numbe~:Iu access the follo,riing o n i e facil!tes trelated t o your appcaton:

Onl~ne Application Status Enquiry*

Orline Update of Contact netails

Online Reply t o Offer ofAd171ssion

'Note: If you have posted your support ng documents and palment (by bankdraft) please aluw 4 weeks for postal dellvet-y before checkng your admissicn and pzvment status.

PAPER SUBMISSION To apply, subrit the complete application package using th s application booklet. Please ensure that your-appcnton and supporting documents rearh the L P P K~~anYew Sch,>ol of P ~ t l c Pol~cy b) 30)unc 201 I

V Lee Kuan Yew 8 1 ~ M School af Public Policy


- - - p~ - - p~

PERSONAL PARTICULARS (Please prlnt in BLOCK letters) Applicants are strongly encoura~ed t o complete and submlt an on'tne appl~catfon at hdps : l i ' ~ne tdpp~ .n~ i~ed~~~g Igd~ i ' con~m~~ i / newLog~n.aspx.Appl~cants who apply usng the onl~ne system pay a reduced applcat~on fee of S$2O or US$ IS.

0 DrO Mr 0 Mrs 0 Mdln 0 Mlis 0 M.-'

Nsmr a i n ld?nt~ty CardiParipm-t. P e a r UNDFPLNE iurname/f~mly name

Please ittach a recent paiiport~s~z-d

pt,mograph of !ouriel! here

-- -- Date of br th lddirnmly~y) P A L ~ of birth A s

-------- --- - Natitonatf Lthnc group

Cty State Co~ntry 71p Code rele3honi

0 Male

0 Female


Passport no

0 Sngle Date ISSUE

0 Married I Date of expii,

Pasta1 Code I --

0 Divorced

0 Wdowed

Telephone Fay number

------ 0 ~ , n k 0 U I L ~

NRC lvurnbfr (Far Sngapore cltzenr and pernanenl residents 0-b)

---- Postal C o d ~ Teleptscne f 'obe numbrr

WORK EXPERIENCE List {out cur rent or most recent p o s l t o n fir4 Please do not refer us to \our c u r r ~ c u u m vltae

-- - 0 Fulltrot 0 Pam-t tms' Date employed (F~~oni i (To)

Nature of crganration. 0 Government 0 Prtvate 0 Notlorprofit sector*

Main: address

Postal Code Teeph?n? Fax n~~rrrber

-- 0 t u l l ~ m e 0 ParrtnleX Date employed (Frorrll (Taj

Nature of ~r!eansaton. 0 Government 0 Pr~vate 0 Nnt~fo:profit rector'

Postal r o d e Telephone Fax number

Poi~t~nn Or, r i r \ iaton:

0 l u l l t m ~ 0 Pat~tme' Date emplo,cd (From) (To)

Narul-e aiorgansat?n. 0 Goverriment 0 P r i l e 0 Not~forpl.ofit sector'


Pona Code T~lepl~or i i Fa" number

0 Fulltme 0 l'ar tbtme. Total years of work ezperence a i of 31 December 20 I I

lbtal years of work experence in current pa i ton

P ~ i i e describe your current poston and major iripr,nsblt~es

TERTIARY EDUCATION a s e 1st your undergraduate and graduate educaton as well as an) courses jou are currently enrolled in and t h e ~ r expected cornplctton dates

EDUCATIONAL RECORD Please indiate ifyou have prfv~ously studed the subjects below and ~ ~ h e t h e r twas atthe post~secondarylh gh school orter-tary levels.

Sor~alogy - Statln'cs - any other- pl~blc policy ,elated drctp1,es

STANDARDISED T E S T SCORES Please provde ether youl-TOEFL or IELTS scores below Do not report nstitutonal test scores. Fnal adni~ssions decsons are contingent upon the recelpt o f the offica sco-e report by the School.

TOEFL Dar ( r n m ' m ) __ Ltstinng ;core -

Please tndlcate the type cf test iou are tikinglha,,r tarrn W r n g score _ 0 Paperbased !?st 0 Compot~rbai?d tcst 0 nternet based lest

Readng xnrr --------

OTHER GRADUATE ADMISSIONS EXAMINATIONS (OPTIONAL) If you babe tdien any o f t he followng, please glve details

GRE Late ( r n r l l ~ y l ) __ 'hrhal <core I ~ercentlc

Reei.trat>on numxr Q ~ a n r t a t ~ e score / percen;ile -

Analq~cal icare 1 percentle

To3 score I percente

Date ( r n r i ~ y l ) -ppp Ve-Da rca-e i percer~tlr

Kegitraton number Quant~tat>ie scare I perrentle

Analilcal ,rarr i ptrcente

l t l a wale / verrentle






Please provide below the details of your three refel-ees. Please note that references have l o be in English. Q t - -- ppppppp---

PI - Idarne Pr,ijt~an 0 N

, lelephonr number FIX wn:be~r trna11

,, - , ,. *. :. - --

Namc Pi j i~ t~on > Y J --- -- ----

g Add c:s of 0 ganiiarnn I in,llrurion

0 i

Telephone nurrlar#

a- Iax numbs-

FUNDING If you are seeking funds from or are funded by d or private agency, pleriie dentlfy the sourre of funaing and nd~cate whether the funding IS confirmed:


0 Cor,ri med 0 Not inniirrned blame of t n ~ i l n g iaurie Amount o i 6~ndng

If you art a ie l f i l rancng student, pleare tck here

If yo,] wish t o apply for financ~al aid fromhhrough the School please fill in the "FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION FORM" on page 25.

PREVIOUS APPLICATION / m v e you previously appl~ed foradrniss'on or bee,? admitted t o ary graduate at !he bational university o f ~ ~ n g a ~ o r e ?

OYes 0 N o l r l e r , please tdentify the progrrmme you spilled to and ihe fear 01 a~plication

Outcome of applcation:O Successful 0 Unsuccessful* If siccersful, please ndcate date of enrolment (From) (To)

I Currert itatus 0 Graauated 0 Wltharawn 0 Faled 0 Curf-ent student*

I 2 Are you applying t o any other graduate progrdrnrilt: at NUS for Academic Year 201 27

OYes 0 No If yes please dent~fythem

3Are you applying t o any other universities! -

OYes 0 N o ---------- 2 f yes, please identi* thcrn

8 DISABILITIES AND SPECIAL NEEDS I 0 Do you have any d~sabilit~es (including but not Irrited to chronic illnesses, communicable diseases, mental il'ness. colour blindness, 0 visual or other physical constraints or limitat,ons) which may or may not cause you t o require special assstance or facilitie, w l~ i l r studyng at the Un~versity?

0 7

2 C

OYes 0 N o m

- r if)es, pieare p-avid? all rolrisnt i rbms:~on or a reparate s-teet or paper (and attach the relerant rnedlcal documents) n -

8 Note: This information will enable the University t o develop a complete profile of an applicant and to determine whether helshe 5 m~ght need additional resources in hisiher studies.The University does not however. guarantee the provision of special a~d (fnaric al or otherwise) t o any studrrlt.

, .

Pleaie rhscklt\rk acrordlngly . ,

NATIONAL SERVICE (Applcable to Singapoe citizens and ex-citizens only)

0 Cornplelrd (ORD) 0 Currently servlng (Expected 3RD

0 D~s r~p ted 0 Exempted

h 0 Did not serve NS - ;;I


FEEDBACK To help us reach out better to prospective students, please tell us how you first came to know about the MPM programme (PItyk lndlcate all relevant channels)

Word of mouth (Please select all relevant optons and specify them)

-- 0 Referral from faculty or staff at LKY School 0 Referral from alurnn of LKY School

-- --- 0 Referral from current students at LKY School 0 Referral from own organsaton

-- -- 0 Referral from diplomatic mlssions 0 Others 0 Not Applcable

t 5

Print Medla (Please select all relevant options and speci@ them) LL:

Y 3 -- --- Q 0 Advert~sement z 0 Interv~ewl featut-e on LKY School and1 or faculty

2 m 3 0 Others L 1 ~

0 Not Applcable

z 5 Online Media (Please select all relevant options and specify them) L

-p -- rch (Please speclfy search engine) 0 Online advertsement e.g web banner

-- p-ppp-

0 Online t-eferral or mention n blogs, chat sites etc 0 Others 0 Not Applcable

Information Sessions or Exhibitions (Please select all relevant optons and specify them)

-- pp--p-p-

g.ij; 0 LKY School information sesson 0 Education exhibtions $$

0 Not Applicable I, i i

cated multiple channels, please llst your top 3 channels in order ofthe nfluence they had n stmulatng your nterest

LL Word of Mo8Ah n pp - 6 Pl~ir~r Media

0 Onne Me& I y, Infor m a o n SrisonslErhb~tons I- --

3 Orhers (please ipecfyj Y -- z Q If you are not selected for the MPM programme. do you wish t o be consde!.ed for another degree programme at the LKYSPP? a OYes IONo W

If yes. please ndcate which degree progt-amme: l,nformat~on on LKYSPP degree programmes can be found at sg.

DECLARATION I certfy that all statements made by me on thls form are correct. 1 understand that any inaccurate or false Information (or omsson of material information) will render th~s appllcat~on n v a d and that, if admitted on the bass of such nformaiion, I may ce requlred t o withdraw from the University.



Please coniplete this sertlon and forward t l s form t o the person who wII write your reference. Each reference must be put in a sealed envelope,signed across the seal by the referee and returned to you for submission with your application package.Pease w l i ca te this reference form-.

0 D r 0 Mr 0 Mrr 0 Mdm 0 Mtir 0 I?i*

blame olapplcant as in ldent~ty Card!Pariport K~ndly UNDE,QLIblE surname!lamy name

5 - "3

Name orreferee Posr~on n I 0


0 r

Idamc o r nit~tutran 0 7


- C, L

A ~ ~ E S S n


2 E

Telephone nurnbe!~ Fax number EnW n <


The above-named applicant 18 applying for admission to the Master in Public Management proglamme at the Lee KuanYew School $ 2 ~ of Public Policy, National University of Sngapore. ..

G,? F!. The School requires appiicants to submit indvidilal references. Please complete and return this fol-m in a sealed envelope to the - i . t applicant, who will forwal-d it, unopened, t o the School. When you seal the envelope, please sign across the seal. w - g;,;,


Please write as fully as you can about the applicant, describing strengths as wei as weaknessesThe School 1 8 interested in adm!nr\g 2 students of outstanding intellectual promise and suficient preparation to participate successfully in a rigorous professional education 2

7 programme. Your reference must be in English and typed on your organisation's letterhead and include your signature. -

z - I How long have YOU known the applicant and in what capacity?


2 L

2. What do you consider to be the applicant's strengths7You may wish t o comment on breadth of knowledge and q~~ality of oral n and written expression in English. I


3. Please descrbe an aflvity or programme in which the applicant was nvolved that illunr.ates his or her special abiiites andlor & leadership skills or potential, 5


4. What do you consder to be the applicant's weaknesses? Z --I

5 Where do you think the applicant would have greatest dfficutv in an intensive graduate professional course of studylThs would be an area where t t ~ e appl~cant ought to receve additonal preparation if admitted

6. Please comment on the applicant's knowledge of economics and mathematics.

7 Please comment on the applicant's career potentai and youl- projection on his or her future success

8. Rate the applcant in the areas ind~cated belowwe are nterested in your comparison ofthe applicant with hslher peers and colleagues at the same level (Please tick) 3

A Intellectual abl ty

B Analytc kame of mnd

C PI-obem-solvng orentaton

D Potenta for promoton and career development

t E Quaty of o ~ m expresson z & F Q ~ a l t y of wrztten expresson W < Z G Monvat~on and energy < ,I

0 H Leaderih~p 1 m

2 I Organ\atona a b t y

z 5 L < K Emotona matunty ,I N - 0 N

M Ability to work wlth others


9. Please make any addtonal comments about the applicant's potential or personal qual~ties whch you feel would be helpful t o

t the Adnissonz Committee. We are especaly nterested n anything you might add that would not otherwse be apparent n 0 2 the applicant's record (e.g evdence of character;values, a point o f nterest or concern about whch the applcant is partculary

2 enthusanic, and any speca talent or quaty he or she possesses) Ifthere is ~nsufficent space, please use a separate sheet of paper and attach it with your reference. u



Signature Date

Thank you for your tme and effort n complet~ng th~s reference

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy


blame oiapplrant as n dentt, CadiPaaport K n d y UNDERLINE surnanleifamly name -

Degree and date oicanler-"lent


The above-named appiicant IS appl,ng for admlsson to the Master in Public Management programme a t the Lee KuanYew School of Publc Policy, Natona Ur~~versity of S~ngapore.The School requires all applcants to submt a compete set of offic~al transcrpts w t h their application materialsWthout this, the appl~caton cannot be consdered conipete.The tr.anscripts niust bear the stamp of your unvers~ty and the name and signature of the registrar or an authoriseti person. Please compete this form and place t together with the transcr~pts n an envelope. Seal the envelope, sign across the seal and forward t to the Lee KuanYew School of Public Polcy If the transcrpts are n a language other- than Englsh, please provide ofical translations.

Subject t o the rules governng your unver-sty, the tr-anscr~ipi should include:

I. Date of enrolment

2. A list of all subjects taken (with dates),and the grades obtained in each subject

3. Title of degree awarded and date of conferment

4. Rank in class

5. Interpretation o r explanation of the grade, marks o r scores

If a copy ofthe student's academic record cannot be forwarded, please provide the reasons. Z 2 C

As not all grading systems are familiar t o us, please include information on your grading system and policy (use a separate sheet co C

if necessary). n 1 > z > F2 1 m

Please checklt8ck accordngy f

Please send the offic~al transc~~ipt to:

Lee KuanYew School of Publlc Policy Natonal Unversty of Sngapore 469C Buk~tT~mah Road OeTlong Ham Bu~ldng S~ngapore 259772


Lee Kuan Yew School of Publ~c Policy


A non-refundable fee of S$40 (or US$30) is required for each paper appcaton.The applicaton fee for each onne applicat~on I S S$20'(or US$5). Please attach a bank draft (drawn on a bank n Singapore) for the appropriate amount made payable t o "NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE". (For applicants residng in Sngapore, local cheques will be accepted). Please wrlte your name and "20 2 MPM" at the back of the chequeIdrak Payment by telegraphic transfer w~l l not be accepted. Applicants who send cash do so at ther own r s k Please note that your'appl~cation wII be processed only upon receipt of the applicaton fee

Please submlt ths entre page w ~ t h your applcat~on form r m m

PERSONAL PARTICULARS (Please prnt n BLOCK letters) e E

Name nfapplriant an n ldenttty CardiPariport. Kndl: UNDERLINE rurwmeifamly name

1 Ma~lng address

Telephone M o b e no

Pease iheckit~ck accordnyy

2 1

1 Date Recept number

I Rece~ved the sum of 5840 I US830 for paper application or S$?0 I US$15 for onne appllcatlon in payment of applcatlon fee for admss~on to the 201 2 Master n Publc Management programme


This page IS left intentionally blank.



The Scholarsh~pslFellowsh~ps below are offered on a compet~tive 5as1s to recognlse outstandng MPM candlddtes who have clearly demonstrated excepttonal leadershp qualt~es and are cornm~tted to publ~c service A Scholarsh~p/Fello.~sh~n fully finances the cdndlddte's educat~on in the Master In Publ~r Management programme

Due to the prestlge o f the Scho'ar~h~pIFellowship not all awards wtll b? made unless there are candtdates o f suficlent ment In add~tlon t o meet~ng the stringent crlterla for entry Into the MPM programme, all FellowsiScholars should also demonstrate exceptonal academ~c ab~llty and profess~onal d~sttnction

FellowsIScholars may not concurrently hold anv other scholarsh~p, fellowsh~p or award w~thout the prlor approval ofthe School

There 18 no bond or oblgat~on f o ~ the FellowlScholar to be employed by NUS or m Slngapore

The in'ormal~on below 1s correct at the tlme of prlntlng.

Note I : Each Scholarship/Fellowship provides for the following expenses:

A monthl) sQpend throughout the penoa oftne award

A one-tlme book allowance

A one-t~me settling in allowance

Shared housing

Tu~t~on, exammation, health Insurance and other approved fees

I Tuition fees and accommodation at partner university

I . Cost of travel frurn home country to Stngapore on award of the Fellowsh~p

Cost of travel from Singapore to partner university

Cost of travel from partner universrty to Slngapore

Cost of travel from Singdpore to home country on graduation

LEE KUAN YEW FELLOWSHIP/LEE KUAN YEW SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP The Fellowsh~p 18 available to all natonals (except S~ngapo-eans) Please refer t o Note I for the terms of tns F~llowshp

GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB - LKYSPP SCHOLARSHIP The Government of Punjab and the Lee I(uanYew School of Publ~c Polcy offerjort Scholanh~ps to students who are recommended by the Plannng and Development Department of the Government of Punjab Please refer to Note I for the terms of this Scholarsh~p

Ths page 18 left lntentlonally blank

V Lee Kuan Yew mAd School of Public Policy


If you would llke to apply for financ~al assistance. please complete this form and submit t together- wlth the "ADMISSIOhS APPLICATION FORM" cn page I I 1 6. Please read the ini~rnnation on page 23 or visit sg fcr the nost up^

to-date list of scholarships and their specfic requilements and i o r ~ d ~ l ~ o ~ ~ s . Please notc that d~fferent scholarsh~pr have d~fferent ellg~b,llty criteria.

CHOICE OF SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHlPS Please indicate w t h atickthe scholarship(s) to which you wish to apply. No:e that,in orderto facilitate your scholar-ship appllcation(sj. the School may send relevant parts of your applicatlon rnater-lal t o the organisatlons that dre PI-ovdlng the scholar?hps,

PERSONAL PARTICULARS (Pease print in BLOCK letter-i)

Lee KuanYew Fellowst~p/Lee KuanYew School o i Pubc 0 Pal,<y Graduate Fcllwih~p

0 DrO M r O Mri 0 Mdm 0 Msr 0 Ms+

Government or Punlab - LKYSP? Scholzrihtp

---------------- Name of applicant as n ldenr~ty LardIParrport Please UNDERLINE sumamclramy name

Telephone Mobtle no Fax no Ernall

QUESTIONS I .Are you currertly applylng for any other scholar-s'ilp, fellowship or- award oifer-ed by an organlsation other (hart the School?

OYes 0 No* ----- If lei, please iden,? the icholarih~p l e l l o w ~ h ~ ~ or award and the f i ~ n d n i organsiron

].Are you curt-ently holdlng any other scholar-shp, fellowsiip oraw,ird?

OYes 0 No* - t i yes please identl, the ichclarih~p, izllowihfp or award and !be fundn: organlratlon.

3 If you ace unsuccessful in obtainng any financial ad, would you it111 lhke to be consdcred for adniss~on to the MPM progran-me'

OYcs 0 No*

please iheckltc< accordngly

DECLARATION I decla~e the ir~furr~~dtlon glven in ths appl~cation is true, accurate and complete. I understand that any naccurate informaton and1 or om~ss~on of relevant inforrnatlon will renderthi applicatlon nval~d snd wII result n the revocation of any scholar-ship awdrded.

3ate received Application number 1

Th~s page 1s left ntentonally blank.

I V Lee Kuan Yew m A 4 School cf kbtk Policy

The AdmmmkR- kter In WE Plamgwent P r v p T n m

Lce KuanYew Schod of RQht R l ~ c y NatKma Un~vemty of S 469C &k~tT~mb, Road OsT~ong Ham Bukl~ng %gpcm 259772