Training and Placement Cell Software

Training and Placement cell (with Quiz System & Student Database Management) Developed by Ashish Gosain Kulvinder Singh


in this there are a software description is given

Transcript of Training and Placement Cell Software

Training and Placement cell(Quiz)

Training and Placement cell(with Quiz System & Student Database Management)Developed by Ashish GosainKulvinder Singh


INTRODUCTIONThe Training and Placement, Career Guidance & Entrepreneurship Cell of this college provides guidance and all the assistance for the students in order to achieve their career goals. Under the Training and Placement Cell software, Admin has the authority to Add or Delete any of the updates. Admin can create any student ID and can make the status of any student Inactive.Automatic Eligible student list generated from this software as per company criteria.Aptitude tests are conducted for students to find out the performance of students for placement.

Functional Components of the ProjectAdmin (Dean & Placement Head)Sub-Admin (Dept. Teacher & Company Panel)Users (Student)

Admin can perform these major functions:

View Company details and add company. Add or assign quiz to students.Add Student details and manage it.Mange the whole system.Sub-Admin can perform these major functions:

Only View Company details. Add or assign quiz to students.Add Student details and manage it.Sub admin cant add courses, branch, year he can only add training. User can perform these major functions:

View Company details of his course and stream and check his eligibility.Attempt quiz .edit his detail like password, contact, email, address(optional)Add his training

Demonstration of Project Admin & Sub-Admin Panel

IN this there are two panel button are show first is for AdminAnd second for Student Pannel4

By this Panel Admin Or Sub-Admin Can Login5

At this Point we Can Check Student Data Which Can be Filter or Can be download in exel as per Company Criteria6

At this Point We can add Company Criteria or start Placement.7

Quiz Pannel

At This Point We Can Create Or Assign Quiz Or Amplitude Test to Eligible Student8

At this Point we Can Upload many type of data like at this time we use it for upload quiz questions9

After that a eligible student list is generated in exel sheet.10

User Panel(Student)

Student LOGIN panel11

Student Profile12

He Can Edit or update his profile at this page13

At this point the can select or start quiz by press View Question button14

At this place quiz is started and this time the student only choose options or only press next button till submit will not come or time will finish at this time if student change screen size or close the window then quiz is automatically submittes And panel is Logout15

After that a eligible student list is generated in exel sheet who clear the test or quiz result.16

For Company Point of View:-It covers the area of belt of north region colleges.Like- Ambala, Kurukshetra, Roorkee , Yamunanagar, Panchkula, Pathankot, Jammu, Dehradun, Ponta Sahib etc.It can collect the data of more than 2000 students at a time. This System is also made for company point of view by which they can conduct the quiz.No time wastage is done by automatic check.Round by round result of placement is store.


This concept is very high in the near future; Several features of this cell are :Work on cloud computing.In future Company quiz can be conduct with program compiler.Message system can be added for notification on mobile.Live Cam Monitoring Can be Added.

CONCLUSIONThe project comprises of a very simple, easy and eye catching design. The news regarding the placement can be easily explored by the authorized user in a simple and fast way. This project contains the special feature such as placement updates, quiz for students, student CV and many more.In the end I declare that this portal is good effort to accomplish the task of providing news regarding placements and other various data to its users in an efficient and attractive manner.It also reduces the wastage of time and makes it more flexible.

Thank you