Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186...

MIDWEEK EDITION Trainer 1 team at J Rli!Doso, NEW MFxtc:o WEDNESDAY, Jt'LY 10, 2002 OuR ')6TH YEAH, No. I.) Ruidoso's manager to vacate After almost 10 vears with the:.: village, a new job in Colorado has lured Alan Briley away. BY DIANN£ SlALUNCS 'I \II "hill" Ruidoso Villagl' Manager Alan Briley submittl'd hi:-; Monday, effective Aug. 9. Briley joinPd thP village 10 September 1992 ali deputy managC'r under thPn-top-man Gary Jackson When his boss left four year.; ago, Briley was hired as manager as fonnPr mayor IV>bert Donaldson took oflin•. He is leavmg Ruidoso to takP tht• position of c1ty managt•r 10 Fnsco, Colo., which iH locat<·d off I nt<•r.-;tatt• 70 al:xmt 7[) milPs w<•st of I >t•nvPr. trit>d u, notify all of tht· viiiagt' Bnl<·y said Monday. -My wife and I an· rl'ally l'X('IU•d c.tbout tht· move, hut wt· will lw sad Ul lt•avl· th<• area and all of our fripnds. Mayor IA.•on who wa . ..; £'if.ctl'd last March. ohjt·cU·d two month" lat>·r whPn lht- eounnl award· Pd Bnky 11 raJsP and a conlrad Hut contacted :vlonday, EggleHUm HpokP positively about Hnley ancl ,..,wrl tlw manager told hun about th\· llon that mormng "I told h1m I wi;;h hiin w•·ll ·· th•· mayor Haid -1 will rruss Alan. I think hp's dom• wPll, hut he thought It tim£' Ul move on HP'H very fortunat.t·. hP told m1· lw only S(•nt out on•· n·sunw right tlw Pll'dJOn and 11 J!a:-t workPd rlllt •• Egglt·Hton ;-;md lw plann.-d to h1· ,ll ht!l muntnpal oflin· most ofTw•sday 111 preparation for thP council m(•etmg that mght Thl' managpr's position will b£' advertisPd and ht' Will that two councilors JOin h1m em a s<•lPctwn committPP, hPrause thn•t• or n1on• councilors would constitute a quorum. ul defimt.ely will he Involved In the m t.erv-iewR becaust> I wi.ll spend a lot of t1me with 1 the replac<>ment ,,- Eggleston srud. Members of the com- mittee will recommend a pared down list of applicants to be int.erv1ewed and probably will single out their top choice, he Raid. "We will keep (other councilors) Sec BRILEY. page 1r\ COlJRTESY PHOTO St- Joseph I1;H J1r· Ml'>'>lori 1', Cl 'iiQhl to beholcJ. evt:n while work lo restore itJP Hl yt• :' , 1 .. !1,J!U1 St. Apache ,\1is.'-iion in the n1idst of a face lift BY DIANN[ SlAWNGS \VhiiP tht' Founh of ,Ju.l;. PXl1U'n11'11l foCUO'-<"d on lhl' <lll11UR1 .\1l'sca!t·rll ApHcht• parade. rodeo and m:lldPn t'(•rt•monHll. r<',.;toration work quietly contmued On£' of tht· reser- \'atwn·s mam l:mdm:1rks, St. .Joseph Apache Sine<• fundra1smg started in FPhruary 1998, more than $;)42,000 haR been raised to rt'storP and preRerve the church !-ltarted in 1920 hy a young friar, Father I to Brother Peter :\. Hot•gp[ of thl' Fnmnsean nrdpr optorat.t•,.; Lh<' old mlS..SHJn. the mont'\ '" t:u-gpteJ fi1r thP rt>plaa:'mPnt of crurnblmg lx•twcen the large stones ljuamed locally and hauled UJ the site for thP ;,o_ foot h1gh "<Ills of the church that took 25 years to bU11d. The anv •unt rai8Cd eqlllils about 22 percent of the total proJected cost, w1th 36 percent coming from foundat1on hrranLs, I M percent from private grant."' and the remaining 1 t) percent from the hard work ofin<hvidu:ds and small groups that con- '>tT MISSION. p.1ge .2:\ -- ----- County joins state in new voting system BY DIANNE SlMUNGS \F\X' 'lt\Ff WRnl·.R Lincoln County was the last w sign on, but with >. _roster of all 33 counties in the state now in place, a new centralized voting registration system promises to eliminate registration duplications. Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron anr.,.._mced the new system last month after Lhe Lincoln County Commission final- ly gave County Clerk Martha Proctor approval to move ahead. The new system, called VREMS or Voter Registration and ElectionB Management System, is designed to organize and update voter registration information for county clerks and the secretary of state's office. "Our goal is to create a first class, stan- dardized statewide system that will make it easier to upd!lte voter infonnation and create another barrier fur fraud," Vigil- Giron said. "We anticipated the need for a centralized voter registration more than three years ago and were successful in recetvmg funding from the state Legislature. The system we are now imple- menting is also part of proposed federal election reform ... The legislature set aside $2 million for INSIDE F.duc:1tion .6A ' Opinion .. AA Look out America, it's Cla.'>,ifieds 11-14A Real e>tate llA Crossword IJA Ohitu:uie> _7A I.errers 4A I Sr< >rt.• RA · a message from above Ned Cantwell/4A the project. Vigil1 ; 'r"n 's office budgeted $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according to an April letter from the secre- tary of st'lte urging the county commission to commit to the program. "Money budgeted is based on the county size and includes needed hardware, licens- ing, data conversion and training," she wrote. At that time, the county was one of nine not signed up. "It's very important to complete this pro- ject with all 33 counties included so that we See VOTING, page 7A FRIDAY A heartening response to a devastating disease Forest open to the public come Friday Campfires and charcoal grilling banned as restrictions remain SEE RElATED STORY, PAGE 7A DUIHHE STALUNCS Outdoors l'nthusic.tsts around Ruidoso w11l pull out thPir hiking buot..'i and dust ofT thPtr tentH thu; Wl"'.'kend w1 th the news thu t the Lmcol n National ForPst will rt>open Fndily moming. Hut fin• r(>strictiont:> will remain in cffcrt, mcluding no campfin•s or chAn·oal grilling_ Hrian Powl'r, fii'(• munage- nwnt offir£>r 1n the Alamogordo offiep of the U.S. ForPst Sl•rvin•. said Tut>Bday that dunng a ml•Ptmg thP preVlOUfl day, fon•flt officials ngr!•Pd to Hft the foreRt clo- sure May 22. uWe'vp had enough mois- tun.' to relieve the potential for a really large fire, but not ,.;uffin<>nt Ul reduce the thn>nt w1th l-IO many pomt.H of pos:<J· hiP lh'mtion out th£•n•, if fire n·stncllons wt•rpn't m plut•·.' l'owpr sn1d Although HuidoRo n·n·lvt·d about thn•(•-quartt•rs of an mch of rain Wl'ek, show- t'f!-l huv<• be£•n Rp<ltty Some of the fon•Ht haven't seen any rain or so little that a high wind would wick mois- ture away, he Raid. "When you're 10 to 12 mrhes behind (the average it will take more thun an inch or two to gt•l beyond the point of worry ... l'owPr Haid. Sinct> the cloHurP in May, Ruidmm has rl'corded about inches of rain, he fiaid. "Normally, our monRoon seaRon startR around July he said. "It started on limP and ('Verything is look- ing good The dew point has hPl'n over 55 for three days and the wind is out of the south('RAt. which are good indicators that the monsoon pottern is taking effect." Monday, foresterR will meet again to evaluate condi- tiOns for the possible removal or lesHening of firf' restric- tions. hP HUid_ "I'd likC' to K\'\' campfirt•R H llowPd R t ll'UHt Ill l ht• HU per- vis('d he said. HPsidPs a lagging precipi- tutlon nmnt, manpower is another worry if a fire breaks See FOREST. page -------- HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW? COURTESY TONI RIMBO Toby Keith wowed the crowd Saturday night in Ruidoso Downs. Capitan woman hurt prior to Fourth parade Lori Lobb in stable condition;3A J u L 1 0 2 0 0 2

Transcript of Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186...

Page 1: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according


Trainer 1 team at


Rli!Doso, NEW MFxtc:o • WEDNESDAY, Jt'LY 10, 2002 • OuR ')6TH YEAH, No. I.)

Ruidoso's manager to vacate • After almost 10 vears with the:.: village, a new job in Colorado has lured Alan Briley away.

BY DIANN£ SlALUNCS Rlll~l'><l '\I~\ 'I \II "hill"

Ruidoso Villagl' Manager Alan Briley submittl'd hi:-; re:-~ignation

Monday, effective Aug. 9. Briley joinPd thP village 10

September 1992 ali deputy managC'r under thPn-top-man Gary Jackson When his boss left four year.; ago, Briley was hired as manager as fonnPr mayor IV>bert Donaldson took oflin•.

He is leavmg Ruidoso to takP tht• position of c1ty managt•r 10 Fnsco, Colo., which iH locat<·d off I nt<•r.-;tatt• 70 al:xmt 7[) milPs w<•st of I >t•nvPr.

~I'vt· trit>d u, notify all of tht· viiiagt' l~luncilors.~ Bnl<·y said Monday. -My wife and I an· rl'ally l'X('IU•d c.tbout tht· move, hut wt· will lw sad Ul lt•avl· th<• area and all of our fripnds. ~

Mayor IA.•on I<:~n.;IPston, who wa . ..; £'if.ctl'd last March. ohjt·cU·d two month" lat>·r whPn lht- eounnl award· Pd Bnky 11 raJsP and a conlrad Hut contacted :vlonday, EggleHUm HpokP positively about Hnley ancl ,..,wrl tlw manager told hun about th\· n·~igna­llon that mormng

"I told h1m I wi;;h hiin w•·ll ·· th•· mayor Haid -1 will rruss Alan. I think hp's dom• wPll, hut he thought It wn~

tim£' Ul move on HP'H very fortunat.t·. hP told m1· lw only S(•nt out on•· n·sunw right all~or tlw Pll'dJOn and 11 J!a:-t workPd rlllt ••

Egglt·Hton ;-;md lw plann.-d to h1· ,ll

ht!l muntnpal oflin· most ofTw•sday 111

preparation for thP council m(•etmg that mght Thl' managpr's position will b£' advertisPd and ht' Will propo~w that two councilors JOin h1m em a s<•lPctwn committPP, hPrause thn•t• or n1on• councilors would constitute a quorum.

ul defimt.ely will he Involved In the m t.erv-iewR becaust> I wi.ll spend a lot of t1me with 1 the replac<>ment ,,­Eggleston srud. Members of the com­mittee will recommend a pared down list of applicants to be int.erv1ewed and probably will single out their top choice, he Raid.

"We will keep (other councilors) Sec BRILEY. page 1r\


St- Joseph I1;H J1r· Ml'>'>lori 1', Cl 'iiQhl to beholcJ. evt:n while work lo restore itJP Hl yt• :' , 1 .. !1,J!U1 proqrp•,',f~'.

St. Jn'-~cph Apache ,\1is.'-iion in the n1idst of a face lift


\VhiiP tht' Founh of ,Ju.l;. \\•~·ko·mi

PXl1U'n11'11l W~L...; foCUO'-<"d on lhl' <lll11UR1

.\1l'sca!t·rll ApHcht• parade. rodeo and m:lldPn puh~,,rty t'(•rt•monHll. r<',.;toration work quietly contmued On£' of tht· reser­\'atwn·s mam l:mdm:1rks, St. .Joseph Apache Mi~"ion

Sine<• fundra1smg started in FPhruary 1998, more than $;)42,000 haR been raised to rt'storP and preRerve the church !-ltarted in 1920 hy a young friar, Father

I Alhe~ Rra~:-According to Brother Peter

:\. Hot•gp[ of thl' Fnmnsean nrdpr th;~t

optorat.t•,.; Lh<' old mlS..SHJn. the mont'\ '" t:u-gpteJ fi1r thP rt>plaa:'mPnt of crurnblmg lx•twcen the large stones ljuamed locally and hauled UJ the site for thP ;,o_ foot h1gh "<Ills of the church that took 25 years to bU11d.

The anv •unt rai8Cd eqlllils about 22 percent of the total proJected cost, w1th 36

percent coming from foundat1on hrranLs, I M percent from private grant."' and the remaining 1 t) percent from the hard work ofin<hvidu:ds and small groups that con-

'>tT MISSION. p.1ge .2:\

~--~ --~---- -- -----

County joins state in new voting system BY DIANNE SlMUNGS Rll!~lSO \F\X' 'lt\Ff WRnl·.R

Lincoln County was the last w sign on, but with >. _roster of all 33 counties in the state now in place, a new centralized voting registration system promises to eliminate registration duplications.

Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron anr.,.._mced the new system last month after Lhe Lincoln County Commission final­ly gave County Clerk Martha Proctor approval to move ahead.

The new system, called VREMS or Voter Registration and ElectionB Management

System, is designed to organize and update voter registration information for county clerks and the secretary of state's office.

"Our goal is to create a first class, stan­dardized statewide system that will make it easier to upd!lte voter infonnation and create another barrier fur fraud," Vigil­Giron said. "We anticipated the need for a centralized voter registration more than three years ago and were successful in recetvmg funding from the state Legislature. The system we are now imple­menting is also part of proposed federal election reform ...

The legislature set aside $2 million for

INSIDE F.duc:1tion .6A ' Opinion .. AA Look out America, it's Cla.'>,ifieds 11-14A Real e>tate llA Crossword IJA Ohitu:uie> _7A I.errers 4A I Sr< >rt.• RA

· a message from above Ned Cantwell/4A

the project. Vigil1 ; 'r"n 's office budgeted $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according to an April letter from the secre­tary of st'lte urging the county commission to commit to the program.

"Money budgeted is based on the county size and includes needed hardware, licens­ing, data conversion and training," she wrote.

At that time, the county was one of nine not signed up.

"It's very important to complete this pro­ject with all 33 counties included so that we

See VOTING, page 7A

FRIDAY A heartening response to a devastating disease

Forest open to the public come Friday Campfires and charcoal grilling banned as restrictions remain ~ SEE RElATED STORY, PAGE 7A


Outdoors l'nthusic.tsts around Ruidoso w11l pull out thPir hiking buot..'i and dust ofT thPtr tentH thu; Wl"'.'kend w1 th the news thu t the Lmcol n National ForPst will rt>open Fndily moming.

Hut fin• r(>strictiont:> will remain in cffcrt, mcluding no campfin•s or chAn·oal grilling_

Hrian Powl'r, fii'(• munage­nwnt offir£>r 1n the Alamogordo offiep of the U.S. ForPst Sl•rvin•. said Tut>Bday that dunng a ml•Ptmg thP preVlOUfl day, fon•flt officials ngr!•Pd to Hft the foreRt clo­sure Impm~ed May 22.

uWe'vp had enough mois­tun.' to relieve the potential for a really large fire, but not ,.;uffin<>nt Ul reduce the thn>nt w1th l-IO many pomt.H of pos:<J·

hiP lh'mtion out th£•n•, if fire n·stncllons wt•rpn't m plut•·.' l'owpr sn1d

Although HuidoRo n·n·lvt·d about thn•(•-quartt•rs of an mch of rain la:-~t Wl'ek, show­t'f!-l huv<• be£•n Rp<ltty Some area:-~ of the fon•Ht haven't

seen any rain or so little that a high wind would wick mois­ture away, he Raid.

"When you're 10 to 12 mrhes behind (the average rainfall~. it will take more thun an inch or two to gt•l beyond the point of worry ... l'owPr Haid.

Sinct> the cloHurP in May, Ruidmm has rl'corded about inches of rain, he fiaid.

"Normally, our monRoon seaRon startR around July 4th.~ he said. "It started on limP and ('Verything is look­ing good The dew point has hPl'n over 55 for three days and the wind is out of the south('RAt. which are good indicators that the monsoon pottern is taking effect."

Monday, foresterR will meet again to evaluate condi­tiOns for the possible removal or lesHening of firf' restric­tions. hP HUid_

"I'd likC' to K\'\' campfirt•R H llowPd R t ll'UHt Ill l ht• HU per­vis('d campground~-<.~ he said.

HPsidPs a lagging precipi­tutlon nmnt, manpower is another worry if a fire breaks

See FOREST. page ~A -------- --------~-------



Toby Keith wowed the crowd Saturday night in Ruidoso Downs.

Capitan woman hurt prior to Fourth parade Lori Lobb in stable condition;3A

J u L

1 0 2 0 0 2

Page 2: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according

' ~l).., .... ~-

.. P.\(.1-. .lA • Ht II)(,..,( I :\F\\.., t()CAL N E\X'S WED~DAY, jULY 10, 2002

MISSION: Restoration work could last 12 more years fROM PACE lA

d ul!cd nLfllt-s, fixK.! :->alv:-; and ("IHIC•·r·t.". Hoegel ;.;aid.

""\V,· r·•·et·ntly dt•cid(•d to ust.• tlw .Ap;wlw hurd(_·n baskl·t a:; a ..;_vrnhol of t hi:; n.•stonllion pro­.JI"I"I .. Ill' --=·•" \ lsl'd in thP puhPr· t.v c•·• ,.,, .. , fi11· young nraidt•nH, tlr" nllil<'lll.; of lht• baskl't are potJI·•·d ",.,.,. tht• fu•ad ofthl' hrid lrt•<·onllr•~! a wornjHl as a sign of

tlw hlt"-<'-'lllg l(,r· good health and long I IIi.·, ht · • ·xplaint-d.

"Somt• da.vs I st•e this church =•nd \'<•lt·r·ans nrt'nlorial a;.; a bur­dl'n." lw said. ·~rhis reHttwation pr·nJt ·ct will UlkP an PnonnouH :tr''"''''t of'nwney and wm·k. But "IH·n I >'h·p haek, I Sl't' that St. .}o:-;l'ph Apache MisHion is ;.;o n•p,: lllll<"h llP<'d£-rl and appn·ci­:tll•d <ts H earTil'r of burdens."

\'oluntt><·r·:-; and workmen still an· looking at about 12 ,Yt·ar·s to {"ll!llplt•tA· lh£' n•stura­t inn wnr·k : 1t l ht> eur-rPnl raU.• of pr·ogn ·:-;:-;, lw :>:t icl. Four p<."<>plt> l"t;rnpr·i:-;t• t lw wtll"k t:n•w- a pnJ­jt>d :rdrninrst r·:ttor, Mary Sema. :urd t hn•t> rnaHons under Bot•gt"l's Kllpt·rvision. llesidt•H tlw mm"t<ll' \\'ork. plans cnll f{lr i n . ..;tallation of a hPlt-t•r hPnti ng sysu•rn and otht'r improve­lllt•nL-;. such a . ..; t lw total n•rnoval ofh:rt.-; f'ntm inHidt• the mission.

.. J I St'PIIls that thP bat...., Jow• our 111ission us n1uch aH we do,n Ill' saul. .. Although wt• have hlockt ·d 1 ~u ·i r accPss hol(~s. a lew havt• man:rgt•d tu HllPak hack in. Thi:-; got•.-; to .-;how that we ar{' corn·ct 111 tlunking that the Pntu·t· ehun·h wtll tlPl-rl to lK• f'(•po1nh·d rn,.;rde 111\d out befitn• WI' Tllilllitgt• to kt't'P lhP bat.'l out l'lliJn·ly"

Deanna Oberheu with Caprock State Park in Texas suggested building bat houses to help control the unwanted visitorH. High school shop class­PH have been asked to adopt the struetun•;.; as a project.

Civing an

$2,085. Over the past six months,

working with the Otero County Native Plant Society and the Mescalero Apache Tribe, land­scaping on the hillside in front of the church has started with

the help of update on the work on the impressive structure, Boegel ~aid in November, Territorial Scaffolding of Albuquerque set up a scaffold bridge about 60 feet to 75 ti:•et above the ~anctuary floor to give access to the Htonework in the

"(The mission) is so very much needed and appreciated as a canier of

Judith Phillips, author, educator and nursery owner, who spe­cializes in native plants. Wynn Anderson, a native plant spe­cialist and administrator at the University of Texas-El Paso also contributed

bunlens. " Brother Peter A. Boegel St. Joseph Apache Mission

arch, which was in "terrible" condition. While the bridge was up, the crew i nstallcd a new stained glass window donated by a parish f~1mily and ercated by Tere~a Thompson of Cloudcroft.

The new seating and altar arrangement organized below fi:1r safety reasons proved to be popular with parishioners and visitors, he said.

Sun Tours of New Mexico put the mission on one of its umr trips. Usually, short tours of the mission are guided by Boege! and visitors have proved to be generoUH, he said.

In December, a medieval muHicul troupe called Crisol Bufons performed a free concert inside the miH..'iion to benefit the rc•storation projf..>ct, raising $775 on a chilly winter night. Periooic l'nchiluda dinnern put tog<•thPr by parishionPrs raist>d

her ideas. Phillips drew up a landscape

design for the group to follow in the months and years ahead, Boege! said. The project will be accomplished through grants and volunteer effort.

To date, the hillside has been tilled, large boulders and rocks set in place and, some planting has started.

The mission group also con­tinues to work on the Restoration Project Information Center, gathering pictures and histories. The exhibit opened to the public in May.

"In the fall, we are planning to send out announcements to invite all of the schools in the area, including El Paso, to con­sider our Mission and I nf(Jnnation Center a place for hiHlory field trips," Boege! said.

ThP project has received

Albuquerque switch to blame in Valor long-distance hangup BY MELANIE SATTLER kll~• '"""'\of\\' I 'II \l.}{lltlo!

Phont• customers flooded Valor Tt·lcrom officeR with complluntH m1ddHy Monday thnt th«>y could not make or receive long-diHtance calls.

B.v 11f\ernuon. callers 1n Hurdo~o. Alto, Capitan, Ht1idoso l>ownH nnd Bent WPr<'

ht•llrHJg tht· mt·s...,agl', ~All c•r­nliL'"i an· IIIL"_v." wh1•n trying to call loC"ally

Fttultv t•quipm<·nt tn AlhwpHTtllH' causpd lht> long dJ,...tancP prohlem. !-mrd a Valor Tc·IPr"nl n·pn·spntntive, and Cll,...tonl<'rK could complete l~>t·;tl calls. mcludinK 911.

"l';.~uall_v wh(•n we have a l-lltualron lik(' this, when peo­piP can't make long-distance cal!H. 1t increases local traffic." ,.:aid Dnv1d Duran, community n•IHtions director for Valor Tf'll'C0111.

In an pfTort to find out what was wrong with the phone sys­lt•rn h_v <·alhng the1r neighbors, pt·oph• Jammed the local lineR.

Valor wst.ed their own sys­h·m and could find no prob­

·tem, HO they -contacted Qwest and started joint testing,

QweRt, the largest phone company in the state, found the problem in its switch in Albuquer·que, which manages a lot of long-distance traffic, Dunu1 ::-.aid.

.. It's not that uncommon to ·have El pr·oblem somewhere <·1:-~e in the state affecting call­ing in Huidosu because all of tht> networks are interconnect­ed. It also makes it sometimes harder to isolate the problem,"

Duran said. Most of the long-distance

traffic in New Ml>x.ico is routed through Albuquerque, includ­ing toll calls.

Qwest repaired its equip· ment, restoring servicP by 5 p.m.

"Despite our best effort.." to ensure that our networks operate reliably, problems in other areas can affect us local­ly and, in those cases, we work very closely together with other telecom carriers to restore service," said Joe

Champion, area operationH manager for Valor.

This week's equipment fail­ure is unrelated to the long diRtancc trouble reHidPnl;.; t>XpPrienced on .June 2R In that case, a programmer with one of Valor'R equipment ven­don; entf..·red an incorrect code. causing callers to hear a rl'cordtng im>tructing them to dial zero to complete a calL OncP it discovpred the prob­lem, Duran said, Valor instructed the vendor to recode the system.

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some good exposure through the media and special programs such as a presentation by Boege) to the joint Arizona-New Mexico Historical Society Convention in Las Cruces last Apt;l_

The crew also attended the ·International Seminar for the Conser·vation and Restoration of Earthen Architecture that month. The hands-on training workshop focused on lime mor­tar technology at the Acoma Pueblo and was a joint effort of Cornerstones Community Par-tnerships and the National Institute of Anthropology and History of the State of Chihuahua, Mexico.

During the summer, work will focus on the exterior north­east wall where the group left off last faiL

''When this repainting is fin­ished, it will give us an entire wall inside and out completed," Bot:•gel said. "This is a great milestone because it was the wall that was in most need of repair·."

The mission is open seven days a' week and is easily acces­sible from U.S. 70 on a main ex:it in Me:-;calero.

.'i EW'SIWO.\l

.. RUIDOSO NEWS lll4 '""'""-· I'.D. l\ox 121l R111J"'"· N.M.!III.H.~ • Telephone (~OS) 2.~7-400l •!'ax ($05) l.n-705.~



Dianne Stalllngs Sandy Soggltt ..

........ _ ............. Councy reporter. Ext. 22

T1l<' lhmk>w Nnvt (l 'SPDS 4"2-000, ISSN o~~~'\402) Is puiJilshed eoch W~y ond l'rlday >' 10-1 P:ul<, A...,.,uc. ltuidulo, NM 1!834S l1y ~ Group. l'ulodlcab ~ paid al Ruidoso, NM 8!134S lllld a1 lllldlllonlll m>lllng olllces. l'oottlmler: Smd addra• ch:angC< 1<1 t~ O.iJNo Nnu. P.O. 11m 128, IIIJl<h<o. NM 1163SS. ~ RMiJtnD Nn44 ~ t~ right to rcjclct ~and edit ropy lhar 11 mn.<111en oiJje(lkftlble U2blllty fo< any mor In lillvtttlsin;t !oh2ll - e:1IOe!d thr value d. !he a<tU>I ~ In ....tuch !he enur oo:urs and .t..n t., s:tthlled by cor­m:tlon lrl t~ next .......,_ No ponlon d. the llNi"- NfWI III2J' 1r us«! in .my m.mncr Withrut the CXflR'S-<ed, Mit= OOI'I5C!'II o( tlr ,....,......,..

. .... Education. Vamonos reporter, Ext. 15 Todd Fuqua ...... . .................. Sports eoilor. Ext. 5 Melallie Sattler ... . . ..... Business reporter, Ext. 23


Mall dc:lm:ry

lnmuaty {llnroln, Otl:ro)311l011tM, $14; 6 monlhs,$Z.OV.~1 J3;t_ !'~I'• , Ou1 of county: 3mootbs, 12116mooch$, $27; I yrir, f-a ' · · ·


Workers on the scaffold bridge have a magnificent view of the interior of St. Joseph Apache Mission while repainting the walls.


HAVIS ;OOPM '$15.00 ~­, ~

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Thking care of YOUR business Is OUR business Por 8lheatlslng lnquldes, c:all (~) ZS14001

lisa Morales .......................... : .............. Senior Sales Shelley Bryant . - ............................ · ....... Account Eltec~thre, l.elgh Ml:nyal:d. • • o • • o o _• o o .. : •:• ~ o • o ~ ,i_:.';...,.~• o .1,;."): 1 ·~··~ o 0 , u,...,..,.._._..., ....... ,.,., ....... ·,,,._ .1;1'~'--1 £1[Ul.~ ..... • • • • • "" • ·. • • o • '• i ",. • o • ., •• \.1.-o •Jf_o-., • ._L'?r i•t • •

Shamarle BoX-emu ............... ,:; ; , :;\ .. ; ! . : ... ; , ....


Page 3: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according


BRILEY: Village manager to Colo. Dam. removal started, more to do mOMPACElA we pick the best person we can get

because we have so much work to do in the next three or four years."

doubt$ when he took over for Gary, because I thought so,much of Gary, but (Br;iley) Jar e~ceeded my expec­tations. We're losing someone who's done a heck of a job for the village,· but I don't blame him for leaving when he has a mayor who doe~m't support him,"

BY DIANNE STALUHGS handled correctly," Runnels said. "The enforcement attitude of thf' Corps is that once owners ha\'c b,·('!l told to take them down and that tlw.\ mp.y need a permit, their appronch "•' enforcement willescalat.P."

informed along the way," Eggleston said. "Once we've narrowed it downr·

I au councilors, more than likely, will ~ viflit with those on that list." ! Briley's wife, Jean Vinson Briley, ,· reHigned from her positiort as head

Councilor Deborah Marcum­Byars said she just found out about Briley leaving.

uf Lincoln County Hospice about thr~e months ago.

Councilor L. Ray · Nunley' said he's disappointed that Briley is [paving, but would never begrudge a per·soh trying to improve his situ­ation.

~·1 wish Mr. Briley well and I understmid the nature of city man­agers," she said. "They typically change jobs and that gives them new 'opportunities to see new things."

Councilor Fnmk Cummins had­n't heard the news.

Councilor Ron Hardeman said, "Mr. Briley has been a dedicated vil- · lage employee for the la8t 10 years and has helped the village through some trying times. I wish · him __ w;ell in his new position in Colora~o.

Some smaller manmade dams Jn the Rio Ruidoso were r-emoved after initial, genl•ral wamings to property uwner·s, but dozens more remain, some that will require special steps approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,

Mike Runnels, director Qf Ruidoso Planning nnd Zoning, said Tuesday that his department's nex:t move will be to walk the entjre river, for a eom­pletc survey of rell)aining dams and to check ownership of adjoining land where thev ar·e found.

Probably less than a dozen of t h•· dams will require special "b(•st pl'ill'­

tice" steps for removal to mitigate au,:. negative effects, he said.

On~e the notification goeR out to ' landowners. the process of enfon.'l'­ment and monitoring removal will bP in the Corps' Lap, he said.

"I'm glad the mayor said he's going to advertise the position, but I'm disappointed that he couldn't rely on the entire board for a selec­tion committee to pick the best," Nunley said. "I have no problem having all selection sessions as pub­lic meetings. I want to make sure

"I thought he· was a very good manager and I hate to see him leave, but I can understand," Cummins said. "He's had some pretty tough times."

Councilor Bob Sterchi said, "I think Alan's done an incredible job for us the last four years. I had my

"The village will immediately begin the process of finding a well­qualified person to follow Mr. Briley a'S our manager. I'm confident there will be no shortage of qualified a-ppli­cants."

Councilor Ron Anderson could not be reached for comment.

"Then ~e ne.ed to tell the OWners to get with the Corps on a plan because some could create more problems than· they solve, if the removal isn't

He credited media exposure and a warning in the new8letter of the Ruidoso River Association for alerting some Jando\vners about the require­ment to remove dams. Many who had smaller and less intrusive dams com- . plied, he said.

:Fall. injures· Capitan. woman .·prior to 4th Of July parade

• Lori Lobh. 2"5, .was still unconscious in ·. a Luhh< >ck, 1exas, hospital Tuesday, but \\'~ls listed in stable condition.

reared up, she fell off and hit her head and was knocked out, and he came back down and fell on her chest."

Allen, a nurse in the employ of Dr. Walter R.

BY SANDY SUGGffi • W ll • N l 'f\\' ~f.\JT \llU fl.H

• : The Capitan Fourth of July Parade was : marTed during the line-up when a woman fell off ! a horse and subsequently was injured by it.

Lori l..obb, 25, of Capitan was transported to : Lincoln County Medical Center by ambulance : and then flown to Covenant Hospital in Lubbock, · ·: Texa;;, where she remains in the Surgical .: Intensive Care Unit. She has not regained con­! s(,·iou!-lness, but hospital staff said Tuesday she ! was in stable condition. ~ "Nobody knew what happened," said Gail :Allen. Lohb's mother-in-law. "She was on my : hul'hand's horse, he got Lori situated ... then he : saw thl' ambulance fly by and she was on the :ground. : ··\Vhnt wl>vp pieced together is the horse got : Rean•d. Sumt• 1mid he was standing in an ant bed,

Seidel, said Seidel was at the parade and fol­lowed the ambulance, giving directions to ~~ ahead to get the air evac ready to fly to Lubbock .

Lobb had not been respansive Tuesday, she said.

Siedel said Lobb had a closed head injury and that all bleeding had been stabilized.

"Everybody feels she'll have a recovery back to normalcy, but it'll take a few months," he said.

Collections are being taken up for the family in Capitan because Lobb and her husband, Randy, do not have medical insurance, and Allen said it mean~ a lot to the family that people care and want to help.

"In these times when there is so much nega- . tive news around us, we sometimes forget that the m~ority of people are really wonderful," Allen wrote in an e-mail to the Ruidoso News. "Lincoln County has shown us that we have more than our share of these people here."

l P.rQgr~):.Q,..~ahot.J!~4 cop.trol ~s'?AWNGS , . - · • t, bmdowners and pro- $5. Swx:essfu1 completion of the : llrrf)('N)NF\l-.grAFJ- \l.flrr"F.R ducer. Species are reproducing test is necessary for the pur­

PE'oplE' who want to leam : rnorP ahout noxious weed con­

tr-ol and thoSf' who want to pur­sup n lit-enR<> to eradicate inva­

. siw :<pecies are invited to a July :~n pnlf!l'Um in Ruidm:o.

- Tlw n 11-dny session called ! "Improving hy Removing and : th" < >th<•r- Side of the Story,"

':starts al 8:15 a.m. with registra­: lion at the Ruidoso Convention : C{' The meeting is spon­~ snred hy the Lincoln County

f'ooperative Weed Management Area, the Otero County Cooperative Weed Management Aren and the Chaves Soil and \Vater· Conservation District.

The registration fee includes lunch and is $15 in advance or $20 at the door.

"Awareness concerning unde:-;irable vegetation is reach­ing an all-time high," said vege­tation management specialist Sally Canning. "Unacceptable levels of noxious, invasive and toxic weeds are affecting very

8 B41l.I" .POOL.~·



faster than our efforts to control chase of restricted chemicals. them. 'Th.e morning sessions will

"Our crops, forage produc- begin at 8=45 a.m. with several tion, wilderness, wildlife habi- experts in plant identification tat, recreational opportunities and removal treatments speak­and land values are being affect- ing, as well as giving informa­ed negatively as these invasive tion about restor?tion and plants take the lead in damag- revegetation. ing numbers." Lunch is scheduled for 12:30

Sponsors of the workshop p.m. to 1:30 p.m., when an hope to prepare an army to fight overview of requirements for a the invaders, Canning said. The license will be given, followed by presentation will be a nuts and a question and answer period. bolts approach with a first-hand At 3 p.m., those who are inter­introduction to many of the tar- ested can take the examination geted species. The workshop will for an applicant's license. familiarize participants with To reserve a spot at the ses­plant identification and specific sion, mail a check to LCCWMA control measures based on an (Upper Hondo Soil and Water integrated management plan, Conservation District), P.O. Box she said. 900, Capitan, NM 88316 by July

Participants will hear about 22. herbicide mixtures and applica- For more information, con­tions, will examine how to select tact Canning at (505) 653-4041 and reintroduce native vegeta- or (505) 420-0781 or .e-mail to tion and the sponsors will [email protected] administer the New Mexico t; or Sue Stearns at (505) 648-Department of Agriculture's pri- 2941 or (505) 354-2220 or e-mail vate applicators examination for at [email protected]

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Page 4: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according




PINION PAGE4A CAll. US: KEnH GREEN, EDITORIAL ADVISER • 257-4001 • [email protected] WEDNESDAY, jULY 10, 2002

RUUDOSO.NEWS ·· lll'ad L 1reptow~ . publisher

'\Ves Schwengels, ~tor A MediaNews Group Newspaper. Published every Wednesday and Friday

at"104. Park Avenuf; lbridar;o, New MexiCo

COPVRIGfff 2002


Something· miss~ng on a holiday weekend

Patient drivers and a few cops would have hel~ traffic

A s a prime vacation desti- · nation for 'large number& of people from else­

where. Ruidoso has more than its share of t.lloBf! who seem prone to do things they never would think of doing at home in IAJbbock or El Paso or points east.

Like, last Saturday, deep into a long Independence Day weekend, with undoubtedly the heaviest tndlic of the year on Sudderth Drive - tluee vehi­cles, all with TelWS license pJates. were observed doing U­twns across fuur lanes oftmffic.

Lots of independence there. Cars.. SUVa and semis 'were ~pipe through Midtown, and anybody hoping lOr a safe left turn against tmf­dc had a stupefying wait. : Adding to the tDrture in the $ateway area was a non-oper­~ traftie signal at the

Sudderth-El Paso Road "Y" that left. no options ·open-fur anyone hoping to come offEl Paso in an attempt to get to MidtoWJL And. t.hemfbre. DO gaps in the tzaffic west to the signal at Paradise Canyon.

Patience is one of those won- · derful cbaracteristics that oth­erwise civilized people too often leave at home when ies vaca­tion time, and it was desperate­ly needed last weekend.

Nevertheless, Ruidoso is a tourist town. .

Depending on one's point of view, the 2002 July 4th week­end was a roaring success or a migraine beadaclle of epic pro­portions.

But lots of patience - and a few visible cops - would have made a big dill'erence .for those ventureoome aou1s navigating Sudderth on an otherwise gor­geous Saturday aftemooo.


. Listen up, this is Gdij talking Hey. you folks living down an.otber's children. going into

there in tbe United Sta!ea,. listao. their very bedrooms to spirit Q1 'l'bMa .. nod t-lki~N., wa.e ..... u.a ~ .. ia ~ .... to mdl.7011·peaple? You are.;~· me.and~eeenitaiL You guys 8tarti.rt8' to get whO afti&ingt.bis.are you cmzYI Q.e initated. Do you think I don't pay atten-• AD this bulli- tioD to that Rtu1l? Do you have q.. about any idee what I have planned fur ~ oC AlJe. you? Qi•nce ia be- On a lighter note, let me tell cpniras tedious. you I get a tittle perturbed when · &ere•s the I aee you media types molring fun

truth. and let of my boy. George BuslL I love me aaMUe you. I LOOKING George, as I love all of you. deal in nothing AS~CB t.jgbm, I did DOt give each pemon but the tnJth: it NIID t::a~mr~a.L equal talents So maybe Geor-ge is is proper tor you DOt tbe brighteet star in my con-to pay me homage with the stellatjgp. But did you want a phrase. -under God. • But, look, it President who could quote doesn't make that much cliJfer- .Ari8lutJe or ODe who could keep eDDe to me. 8a,y one nation your ~ humming? Okay, -.mder water"" k an 1 care. bad example

'lbe.tbing is, I don't need you 'lbiafinal thought. to lxmor me. But you :need to You IU'e besicaDy good people honor me fur your own good down there. but you need to get Pledge aside. why is it that moat your pet together. Or you just oC you c1aim to be my fODowem. might one day wake up and find tmt are squeamish about saying you are a natiml under water~

• ' -1...'1:.-? ~ D8.lDe m ~~~· ; About this guy Michael

Newdow who filed the lawsuit to clioP -under God" from the PJeclge.. I notice smne of you are aimcling him nasty e-mails and ~ ohacene messages on bia answering service. wen, now, iaa't that special : Where do you get ofl' hating

this guy? I OO!l't hate him. and rm Gocl.. Michael is a little sC:aewed up, that's all. But so are a whole lot of you, induding some cif )'OU who wouldnit miss church Sundl\v IDOI'Ding. You make me llei'VOUB, and rm not kidding.

I get especially jittay when you. 80 CJD televisiaD, nmt about tlle eod o6the world. and .. peo­Ple to send )'OU tDODey in my name. '.l'baes when _, elite 8q1llldnJn oC ~ ..... fly 8ftJIIIDd heaven Woldngup die fine ehina

-~ While 1W got your auenuon. 1ft me tell yoo 1 am ilil:k of beiDa .......... 1br this Sept. 11 bllsinetJA

all the hm'rible stuff going on loBR'Ir.aa there. Look. doa't IJIIIke d........ .

wiD 'to illlilli!J '~ you make poolrcboi ... .. 'hl!r.IIJI""i0...

llaiia81Mo!S ta'rilile.CbiJjiCM.

Ned Cantwell (contweUO ;. a retired newspa­pennim lUling in Ruidoeo. lh hops God dots ,. BUbecribe to any of • n~ conying his column.



When it's 'crisis' time, the ci~ens lose To the editor:

Guilty as charged. I did not forego Tuesday night obligations to address the village council. Do you truly imagine that more people speaking in opposition to the "fire ordinances" would have stopped their adoption?

I was here in Ruidoso when property owners becmne "'instant criminals" .if they dared cut down a living tree. As I recall. Cree Meadows golf course was required to replace a tree that was rnmoved. ' Suddenly there is a "crisis," as though the problem had not been noticed befOre. When government. at any level., can· declare a crisis, it seems the citizen is on the losing team.

Now we are also being foreed to con­struct fire-resistant homes. Has the council forgotten the crisis that resulted in a ban on metal buildings in Ruidoso?

Budget? I was told in a budget work­shop. •a budget is a place to hide money until it is spent for its real or original purpose."'

The federal government is well kiiown for mandating expensive pro­grams without mandating the money to pay for them.

The village council beat that with the threat of a lien on private property if a very expensive action is not taken by the owner. ·

Yea, I do believe politicians think we are too stupid to have or use common' sense. Therefore, they must legislate a substitute. Too bad it seldom works.

Hermn.n. Ruidoso

Air subsidy a losing scheme To the editor:

Wake up, citizens of Ruidoso. The politicians are ready to spend lOOK dol­lars of your hard-earned money on a proven money losing scheme. Ruidoso has never and will never rrupport a scheduled airline service.

It is not of any benefit to this· com­munity (with the exception of a few politicians/airline execs) to, support this money-losing endeavor.

'fttere a:re better ways to utilize this airport to benefit the community.

Having been. a resident in the past, and consi~ a return in the f\J,ture, l have fOllowed the local jlolitical environ;. ~t ·in the hope that_ common sense

would return. to this community. Still waiting ...

An SAT too late To the editor:

Glen McGee Tulsa. Okla.

I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the state or the average higb-schooler's abilities in grammar. etc. ("Mountain Asides~" July 5). Your comment. "Heaven knows something needs to be done to enhance the writing and reasoning capability of your basic American high school graduate," brings the realizatiofil !-0 mind ~t by,the time SATs "ln"l! · 1:4k'eb, · -tbtme' • robils must already be in place. .

I have been substitute teaching for the past two years. That has been a shockl When I read your sample of the essay question in the SAT tests, I knew that many of the kids I know are in big trouble.

Reasoning is not something many can do in the first place. Putting it in writing IF they get it reasoned is a mon­umental task for them. And correct spelling? What P-ve seen is atrocious. They tend to write like they talk and ... and it's not a pretty sight- or sound.

I don't know what the answers are and I don't know where the ball got dropped.

It may be we should hope there is a high demand for menial labor in the years t.o oome. We are raising the work force!

What Junior did To the editor:

Julie Corter Carrizozo

So, did George Jr. engage in insider trading back when Poppy was presi­dent?

He says no, even though he was on the Board of Dil:Bctors and the Audit Committee of Harken Energy when he sold his stock in the company. Le£s look at the time line and you can make up your own mind.

June 22, 1990: Junior sells his stock at its high of$4. The very next month, Harken announced a $23.2 million I~ for the quarter that ended a mere eight days Q.fter Juniors stock sale. By the end of the year the stock

was selling for $1 and once again tbe lit­tle guy got the shaft.

And not only that, Junior didn't report the stock sale for eight months, first. blaming the lapse on the SEC for losing the paperwork,. but when that explanation didn't fty, he fell back on a perennial favorite: Blame the lawyers!

Then came Enron and WorldCom and a president who says be will clean it all up, but it seems to me that the poster boy for American Corporate Culture isn't the man for the job.

Letter too long To the editor:

Glenn ReminBton. 'Ruidoao

Reviewing the l(mgth of Mr~ (AI) Junge's recent letter, it would appear he was a guest editor, although nqt so noted. Perhaps I misunderstand, but isn't a letter to the editor limited to 300 words? Mr. Junge's was 942! Somewhere along the line, I not only tired of his dissertation but totally lost interest! Perhaps the last eentence said it all ..... and on and on. .. "


Note: Correct. The ~ should have been labeled a ·coTTUI"lentar:Y~- with byline.. The error was in edit:ing.

Musical accompaniment To the editor:

Recently I purebased a home in the Pinecliff area I bad an open-house party scheduled for June 29. Somehow the musician. Ron Turner. thought the party was June 28. and came to set up the equipnient. Ron"s wife, Sherry, saw my next door neighbors start a fire, burning pine needles. The flam8 was 8 fee~ high when Sheny Turner p-q.t out the ~ and probably saved my bouse and the neighborhood. Tbe peop'e who started the fire couldn't speak Jt!ng)jsh; the fire department was called to their house. This is one time a ~ in music dates saved an ugly, mess in . Pineclif[. A special thanks to Bon and · Sherry Turner and Craig, the ,musicians Who saved Pineclifrhouses..

Mick Mattiac:e ~


Page 5: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according


Burglary suspects arrested .. after pursuit -,

• The suspects headed the wrong way on Highway 70 before being caught.

the alarm sounding and a television stand without the television and VCR. Other officers w.ere called to

, the scene and one saw a tele\rision in , the back seat of a vehicle and tried to

make a traffic stop. The vehicle sped on to Paradise Canyon, traveling between 50 and 60 mph, the report

back into the eastbound larie," the rep()rt states. "The driver continued east in the westbound lane, forcin'g other vehicles off the<road."

,ny. Charges against Anderson are pending.

The day before, on July 7, police recovered a stolen vehicle and prop­erty fror:p. two other burglaries in the 100 blocks of Santa' Anita and Palo Alto drives. Dispatched to 'I;'hriftway on Mechem. Drive in reference to a stolen vehicle, officers did not find the vehicle, but a woman driving a vehicle with a television, stereo and other items was spotted in the Walgreen's parking lot at 138 Sudderth Drive.

Police later found that the items in the vehicle had ·been taken from a residence in the 100 block of Santa Anita Drive, where officers found the screen door off, two window screens off and a broken window. ·Inside, there were signs of a burglary -missing items from dust impressions'. In the vehicle with Wood were a Sanyo television valued at $300, an Aiwa stereo valued at $200, a Sanyo 'VCR valued at $150, a Sharp microwave valued at $1'50 and some eggs. Items found from the residence in the 100 block of Palo Alto Drive were ·some Danish pastries· and two checkbooks.


Ruidoso· police arrested three · more suspects of residential burglary oil July 7 and 8, after arresting a burglary suspect a week earlier who may have been involved in five bur­glaries.

states. ·

A Ruidoso Downs police officer threw spikes but the driver managed to avoid them and continued on.

The driver made a left turn a.t Short Road, but lost control of the vehicle, crashing into a stop sign after ·jumping the ·curb. The driver got out of the car and officers pursued him on foot to a fence at the end of the field; finally managing to hand-

., cuff him, despite his attempts to fight and resist the officers.

After a high-speed chase July 8 from White Mountain and Hull dri­ves to Highway 70 in Ruidoso Downs, police caught two suspected burglars shortly after two residences on McBride Drive had been broken into.

A Rui.doso officer a;u-rived at one of the residences to find the door open,

The vehicle went through a red light at Paradise Canyon Road and Sudderth Drive, and sped on to Highway 70, traveling east, where Ruidoso Downs police and State Police officers joined the chase. By this time, the vehicle was traveling at least 80 mph and was in the west­bound lane.

"At one point, the driver went head on with an 18-wheeler and refused to give up the lane or mov.e

Pc;>lice' arrested Freddy Ray Baca, 26, of Ruidoso and Misti C. Anderson, 32, the passenger, of Colorado Springs, Colo. Baca was charged with .burglary, criminal damage and larce-

Suspect Toni M. Wood, 38, uf Ruidoso, told officers ''a lady from Thrift.way had given her the keys to the vehicle." Police brought the vehi­cle owner, who identified his vehicle and said the items had not been in the car before.

Wood was arrested and charged with unlawful taking of a motor vehi­cle, two counts .of burglary and six counts of larceny.


Household battery Police arrested Elis

Cleveland, 38, of Ruidoso July 2, charging him with injuring or tampering with a motor vehicle and battery against a household member in the 200 block of Gavilan Canyon Drive.

Officer assaulted Ernesto B. Lopez, 40, of

Ruidoso was arrested July 4 in the 100 block of Hideaway Drive and charged. with assault on a household member and assault of a peace officer.

Domestic battery On July 6, police arrested

Philip J. Eucker, 42, of Ruidoso. in the 100 block of Apache Hill Drive, charging him aggravated battery

1111\$- POUCE


on a household · member, assault on a household mem­ber and violation of a tempo­racy restraining order- when he called the victim to bond him out.

Chlldabuse Police arrested Mark S.

Stevens, 42. of Ruidoso July 6 in the 100 block of Rainer Road, charging him with child abuse and battery on a house­hold member. Charges are pending against the victims.

Hotel theft Someone broke into a locked

room through a window at the Swiss Chalet, 1451 Mechem Drive, July 6, taking a purse with credit cards, a Sanyo video camera valued at $500 and Methadone medications valued

at $50. The damage to the win­dow was estimated at $100.

Battery arrests Police arrested Monique M.

Figueroa. 36, of Post, Texas, and Michael E. Short, 46, of Post, July 7 at Eagle Drive and Rio Street, charging them both with battery against a house­hold member.

Car battle Police arrested Bruce W.

Meyst, 22, of Ruidoso Downs · and Nikki Price, 21, ofRuidoso, July 7 on Sudderth Drive, charging them with child endangerment, aggravated battery, use .of a deadly weapon and reckless driving. The two allegedly were ramming each other's · vehicles in an alterca-tion. ·

· _Dlsordedy conduct Police an-ested Roy Rasor, 45, of Roswell, July

3 at 5:43 p.m.. on U.S. Highway 70 at the entrance to the racetrack, for DWI second offense. After being advised tO be on the lookout for a drunk driver. an officer observed Rasor swerve into the left lane and onto the shoulder lane.

Police charged Marc Stephen Frauenfield­Witkowski. 21, of Tucson, Ariz., with disorderly conduct on July 6 at 2:20 a.m. Frauenfield­Witkowski wa.S trying to start a fight with anoth­er customer at Denny's restaurant, according to a police report.

DWI fourth offense Fight on Sudderth

On July 5, Ruidoso Police picked up Cannel S. Police observed George M. Romero, 51, of

Dexter~ weaving into the turn lane and outside lane numerous times on east U.S. Highway 70 on July 7. Police arrested him at Spring Road at 10:01 p.m. for DWI fourth or subsequent offense.

Moos, 34, on a warrant issued by Ruidoso Downs police. Moos was involved in a fight at a nightclub on Sudderth Drive, acrording to a police report. The wl1ITant was for contempt of court for failure to pay fines or costs earlier imposed for traffic charges.


The following couples were issued marriage licenses in late May and early June by the staff of Lincoln County Clerk Martha Proctor at her office in Carrizozo.

- P.T. Valliant, 81, and Dorothy Helen Snyder, 83, issued and used May 21.

- Jock Creed Tallman, 61, and Maria L. Hinman, 67, issued May 23 and used May 24.

- Terry A. Owens, 41, and Toni Wood, 38, issued and usedMay24.

- Dan Henderson Jr., 35, and Andrea Swenson, 32, issued May 29 and used May 30. .

- Raymond Lee Clark, 35, and llonna S. Clark, 40, is81led May 30 and used June 1.

- Lawrence Eaton Mooney

Jr., 22, and Shanan Clark, 23, issued May 30 and used June 1.

- Richard W. Taiaroa, 58, and Jamie Edwards, 38, issued May 31.

- Greg Nesmith, 28, and Gina C. Booty, 35, issued May 31 and used June 14.

- Daniel G. James, 26, and Jessica M. Ellis, 25, issued and used June 3.

-Jose Arturo Lopez, 51, and Irma Estrada, 41, issued June 5.

-Mark Steadman, 31, and Hollie Cowan, 31, issued June 6 and used June 8.

- Dustin Shearer, 19, and · Ryan Story, 19, issued June

12. - Jeffey Charles Tucker, 29;

and .Francine Marie Springer, 25, issued June 13 and used June 15.

- Elmer Lee Smith III, 21, and Crystal Kay Matthews, 24, issued June 13.

- Michael Francis, 55, and Cecilia Herrera, 4 7, issued June 14.

- Danny D. O'Neal, 51, and Anna M. McKinzie, 38, issued ·and used June 14.

- Steven Eric Watson, 36, and Carrie Michelle Claburn, 25, issued June 14 and used June 15.

- James Romo, 30, and Anita Martinez, 41, issued June 18.

- Bobby Martinez, 34, and Dolores K. Herrera, 39, issued June 18 and used June 22.

- E:tnesto Lopez, 4n, and Dsa Watson, 32, issued June 27.

- Jack E. Rogers, 51, and ·Deborah Rinderknecht, 47, issued June 28.

Bear research ·meeting Tuesday•. • Regional differences of the black bears are among the tl >ph:~ on tap.

BY DIANNE SJAWNGS RlHlll.'>f.J \;£;\t> <.;TAW \\llriU!

A summary of information gathered during an eight-year study of New Mexico's black bears will be presented by two res~archers July 16, in Ruidoso.

Cecily Costello of the Homocker Institute and Don Jones of the state Department of Game and Fish will present items from the study at 7 p.m. in

the Ruidoso Village Council chambers at 313 Cree· Meadows Drive. ,

The study followed radiO'-COllared bears in the. Gila National Forest, the Philmont Ranch and the· Colin Neblett and E.S. Barker Wildlife areas from::· 1992 to 2000.

Researchers found differences in bear habits· and habitat between northern and southern. regions of the state and studied nutritional needs: of bears entering and leaving their winter dens. -

Costello and Jones also will present informa-..· tion on bear/human encounters and precautions; for homeowners, hikers and others. -~


Chris Brubeck, a multi-instrumentalist, composer. arranger, lyricist and vocalist, demonstrates his extraordinary talents in an eclectic program of old blues classics and famous Dave Brubeck tunes. Brubeck is joined by harmonica king Peter "Madcat" Ruth and his basket-fun of percussion instruments, and Joel Brown, a soaring blues and jazz improviser playing guitar with classical technique, Brubeck leads the marvelously versatile trio on trombone, piano, bass guitar and vocals - sometimes switching between instruments in the same song.The beauty of this group, say cri.tics, is the · collaboration of virtuosos performing a repertoire that defies atl categories.lheir ~enuine rapport on stage creates an Infectious mood that is wry and wistful, a mood tcanslated by rhythmic drive and exquisite musical inflections. PICNICS WELCOME {NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASS). BRING A CHAIR OR BLANKET. DRESS WARM. NO PETS. ~ s Italian Restaurant


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LuNCH SPECIALS served Dally

'1\lesday - Prlday from 1 1 am • 4 pm


PizZA . 'nlke our atJOllable on aU 11ems

~703 Sudderth Dr. • RUidOSO, NM

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' \\.t


Antiques· ·•· Hand-crafted Jewelry ·•· Gifts Santa Fe Styles at Carrizozo Prices

MEET Miss NEw M·Exico AT Rico NooN SATU.RDAY., .JULY 13TH

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•, • ttd t j rtr j -

Page 6: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according

li -~

~- '~i ": '··

'~; ji.!~·:

PAGE 6A CALL Us: SANDY SuGGITT, EDuCATION WRJTER • 257-4001 • [email protected] WEDNESDAY,jULY 10, 2002


Back-to-school schedule for Ruidoso

• Aug. 3, school board retreat ·

• Aug. 9, substitute teacher orientation, 9-10:30 a.m., Ruidoso High School; new-staff orientation, 1-3 p.m. Central Administration Building

• Aug. 13, all-staff orienta­tion followed by staff training, Saxon math, K-12, RHS cafete­ria, 7:45 a.m.

• Aug. 14, elementary staff training, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

• Aug. 15, student/parent orientation, grades 7-12

• Aug. 16, student/parent orientation, grades 2-6; first full day of school for grades 7-12

• Aug. 19, first full day of school for grades 2-6 ·

• Aug. 20, first full day of school for grade 1

• Aug. 22, student/parent orientation for kindergarten

• Aug. 26, first day of school for kindergarten

The collegiate scene

Ma!lison, Wisc.-based compa­·ny. To receive this certification a teacher must · de:rnonstrate . . 1.

that students ~ive a mini­mum of 60 minutes of reading practice time daily and teach­ers must be working with indi­vidual students to meet Renaissance-recommended standards for reading achieve­ment. The school also will receive a merchandise certifi­cate for $50 in recognition of Barela's achievement and will receive a discount on educa­tional staff developm~nt work.

GEQ classes Free GED classes are offered

for Lincoln/Otero County resi­dents and Mescalero adults from 8-11 a.m., 3:30-5:30 p.m. or 6-8 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at· the Lincoln County WorkS Center, 707 Mechem Drive in the Sierra Mall. .

Classes are continuous and can be entered at any tinte fol~ lowing. completion of a free placement test. Adults of all I

Three Capitan High School . ages, including home-school , graduates earned Dean's List students and other teenagers



honors at Fort Lewis College age 16 and older who are no for the fall2001 semester. longer enrolled in high school, \

These students, with home- are eligible forGED classes. •

1 towns and majors, ·include: · Computer technology Erin Autrey, Alto, ~or not instnlction is used in the class-­declared; K"rin Autrey, Alto, es. English as a Second · 1

English-commumcations; and Language and GED clasaea are Shnwna Cupit. Capitan, m~or also offered at other Lincoln not ded...J.J"ed. County and Mescalero sites.

To be eligible for the listf a The GED examination is student must attain a grade offered by preregistration point average of 3.4 or better in monthly at Eastern New ! not less than 14 hours of gra.d· - Mexico . Urn. ·versity-Ruidos. o, \ ed credit. and must.-baye.cq~ ?~~ecb.Elm Drive, on thetllird . pW all JWOrk_fbr ~iliGj: ~:.'FridaY of each montb. 'Lbcal. <3nl-". · aM regiEtt.enfd by tlte ~d C)f·the Jeie. B<:holaniliipa aie avail8.ble l term. for adults who successfully

Carrizozo teachers Carrizozo elementary/mid-

. dle school teachers Becca Ferguson and Rima Davis have heen awarded the highest national certification level from Renaisssmce Learning for out­standing classroom perfor­mance and gains in reading.

The certification recognizes their efforts to adopt Reading Renaissance methods and the resulting measurable increases in class-wide student reading performance over a full semes­ter.

In order to achieve Master certification, an educator must be a certified Renaissance Model Educator, complete the training, successfully motivate students to read, set class-wide reading goals and be able to document specified class-wide reading growth through estab­lished standardized testing.

Cathy Barela, who works at Carrizozo Elementary/Middle School, was awarded Reading Renaissance Model Classroom Level I Certification by ·the

complete their GED exam. For more infonnation, call

(505) 631-8181 or (800) 934-3668 (outside of the RuidOBG'Ruidoso Downs calling area) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Lottery for education For the sixth consecutive

year, the New Mexico Lottery is expected to report record sales.

According to unaudited data for the fiscal year that ended June 30 at Jltidnight, the lot­tery will also set a third consec­utive record for net profits, 100 percent of which are ear­marked for New Mexico educa­tion.

The lottery's gross sales for fiscal year 2002 (July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2002) were more than $133 million.

Net profits for New Mexico's college-based Lottery Success Scholarship program broke records for the first 11 months of the year, guaranteeing that totals transferred m the state will surpass all preVious years.

Supurlntendent . Swinney and his grandchildren in the courtyard of the school c.omplex. The media center is in the background. The $36 million project. including furnish-

. ings, is financed through Indian gam­ing revenue.s.


Mescalero's 'dream schOOl' near completiott The public will get a dose-~p look during an open-house and celebration July 19 and 20.


T he 217 ,000-square-foot "dream school" for the Mescalero Apache is

. near completion, with a crew of 25 unpacking and assembling classroom fur­niture and Centex Construction Company completing the final details on the six school buildings.

Superintend~nt Ray Swinney said he's hoping to have everything ready for the ribbon cutting ceremony, open house and two-day traditional blessing and feast July 19 and 20, though that may be a stretch. He'll start moving into his office in the central administration building next week, he said.

The public will be invited to all the open-house events and ceremonies.

"We hope to be set up by Aug. 5," Swinney said. "The teachers will be in by Aug. 12 and school starts Aug. 19."

The school has a capacity for 1,600 stu~ dents, but it's not known yet how many will choose to attend this first year. For 'Btart,.up; -the sChoOl is. st8ffi:Dg for between

. 800 and l.;ooo students'. . .. "We wish we knew," he said. "We tried

to underestimate. We'd rather do that and have to hire new teachers later than hire them and have to let them go."

The central administration building will house the principals of each of the schools, the library, audiovisual produc~ tion room.,_ conference and stutJ,y rooms and the textbook room, as well as his own modest office.

Swinney proudly showed off the closed-circuit television studio, control booth and teaching classroom in that building. Librarian Bonnie McBride was shelving the 16,000 books that would go into the library for the middle and high school and another 12,000 for the elemen­tary school. Tables and chairs will be set up in the airy corridors on both ends of the library, she said, with magazines and newspapers in another room. McBride said the library will have a "huge Accelerated Reader" section by grade level.

Also in this building is the local area network system for the intercom and com­puter T -lline, connecting the school's 630 computers. Two nursing quarters, one for the ·elementary .school and one for the middle school-high school, each have an examination room and office, isolation room, shower and restroom. Separate reception areas for each school and con-

ference and resource rooms are also in this building.


In the high school building, Swinney shows off the biology classroom. Sheldon System furniture is designed for art and science, he said, and the desks can be adjusted for work from standing or sitting p<mitions.

Each desk

SAitDY .JOOGmiSlllfF ;

Librarian Bonnie McBride shelves 28,000 books for the school library in , the central administration building.

has rotating com­puter cases with the printer under the . teacher's desk, cabinets for controlled envi•• · '· ronments for plant and animal experiments, and storage rooms for frogs.

"A college would be happy to have this equii?­ment," Swinney said.

A Tech Lab 2000 room in the Vocational­Industrial Arts Complex will con­


This gymnasium is the new home of the Mescalero Chiefs, and is one of two gyms in the school complex.

tain everything for a computer-driven curriculwn for work in aerodynamics, desktop publishing, pneumatics, electrici­ty, digital electronics, computer graphics, pre-mechanical engineering and many other subject areas.

"We wrote this into our program because we thought it was a good hands­on learning tool that covers a broad spec­trum of interests," Swinney said. "Students will be able to design, build and test, and it even has a 70-mph wind tun­nel."

The woodworking shop is complete with a classroom to design projects, com­puter-assisted drafting of floor plans, a painting area and teachers office.

The auto mechanics shop would be the envy of most commercial shops, with its own · drive~in controlled-environment

paint booth, hoist and· areas for doing body work.

Two art classrooms are also in this building, one for graphic arts and one for• fine arts. The latter has a kiln and area for clay work and a darkroom, and both have offices, storage, demonstration· tables with a movable demonstration mir­ror, and teachers' offices.

The 483-seat auditorium, sharing a building witl'> the two 1,500-seat gymna­siums, is near completion, with a digftal projector booth and movie screen, dress­ing rooms, lobby and concesSion area. The gym area has its own lobby, ticket booth and concession area, with parking out back. It also has a weight room. lock­er rooms, teachers' office and trainer's room.

Girls generally make better grades t:him boys, but: the price is anxiety CHAMPAIGN, ill. - Girls

generally make better grades than boys. but a new study at the University of Dlinois at Urbana-Champaign shows that girls also experience more internal costs- worry, anxiety and depression - despite their academic success.

'"There may be both costs and benefits to being female as well as to being male," the authors of a study wrote in the June issue of the Journal of :Educational Psychology.

"Specificiilly, although girls may have the edge over boys in terms of their performance in school, this edge is lost when it ~Jnes to the eXperience of :b\ternal diat1'es8."

' ;; \''the tong-term coat may .• tbiit as girls get older, despite their . Btellar academic perfor-

• '\• • .,1' I '• -"' .·~

mance, their inte~ distress stops them from pursuing higher education and careers in fields such as ~ngineering and science, said principal investigator Eva Pomerantz, a professor of psychology at Dlinois. "'fa girl gets to college and wonders, 'Should I go for advanced physics?' the ques­tion 'Can I handle it?' becomes a major hurdle," she said.

The study was designed to simultaneously consider gen­der differences in academic performance and internal dis­tress suffered by children.

Data were collected three timeS from 932 fourth through sixth gradei's in a predomi­nantly white school district over the course of a year (spring to spring). Researchers gathered grades in )tmguage

arts, math, science and social studies. They also collected self-reports from children on how they felt about themselves and their efforts.

Girls outperfornted bOys in all four subjects, . although the gap narrowed slightly as chil­dren ·entered seyenth grade. Regardless of their grades, girls reported. more internal distress than did the boys. However, lower-achieving girls suffered the most.

That feelings of internal dis­tress already were ocCurring in preadolescence came as ·a mild surprise, Pomerantz said.

:Perhaps most notably, she said, the~ of-the difference between girls and boye in their grades waa only half the size of the dift'~npe between the· two in their internal cUsf,tess, e<ven

at this young age. "In this study, even the

highest achieving girls were more anxious and depressed, and perceived their abilities more negatively, than . did the high achieving boys," Pomerantz said. "However, loW·achieving girls did the worst. When they fail to get good grades, we think that they feel like they have really disap­pointed their parents, and they question their own abilities, leading to anxiety and depres­sion."

The big question, she said, is why girls suffer more internal distress than do boys while also outperforming boys.

Pomerantz speCulated that girls are more concerned than

, boys are when it co~ne.$ ·to p)easing adults, ~ as 'par-

' ~ ¥ • • :. '-;~> i"

ents ·and teachers. This concern leads them to

be more invested in doing well. She suggests that other factors also are important.

this results .in good grades. But, at the same time, they constantly worrying abou what· happens if they do poor ly."'

Educators, parents, psycho} ogists and policymakers ne to be asking what they can to help boys do better in sehoO and to help girls feel leB!'I dis tress, she said.

" are parents, teachers, the media and biology doing ~make girls perform better but also experience more dis­tress? We lmow, fox: example, that parents are more likely t;o exert more control over their daughters, such as checking up on their homework responsibil- Authors of the study were ities more than· they would Pomerantz; JUl L. Saxon, a for­with their sons." ~e said. mer psychology doctoral stu-

"We. think . tWtt gil-ls are dent at Illinois; and Ellen socializM• to pu:t· more empha- BydeU Altermatt, also a fof71!1!1" ·sis on· P\easmg· · JteOPle," she · · dtx:ton:d sfrldent and now. a said. ~ hap{;~tive conse- proJ;!ssQr . at Michigan SttJt(! qu.ences in that. girls become Unir.Jersity. The .National more ~~:~.r.~eir ·school Science Foun.dat~n •afid work,. -.ore motivated, _listen National Institf.4te· pf Me~ ,~~~;~"~6~,~¢1-t&.llCl~,of. Health liUf_!f'~ t~ ~~·f;i~;~ ..

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Page 7: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according



.. .

' '


BLM officials t:o oversee Rio Bonito land public meeting ~ext week • Land around Lincoln may be weeded and used for local graz­ing.

The staff from the BLM's Roswell Field Office will be there to oversee

. the session dealing with Parcel 4, called the · Spring Tract. Each acquired parcel is being reviewed

affected most by this ·next propos~ are land owners who reside around Tract 4, said Richard Mayberry;act­ing Roswell field manager.

elm until native' trees are esta~ lished;. eliminating salt cedar; using dikes to divert water runoff to. sec­ondary ditches; improving low water crossings; discouraging activities that would result in loss of riparian habitat· and impairing the integrity af the · Rio Bonito and the 'Rio Salado; developing a livestock carry­ing capacity for each field and limit­ing· grazing to locals, using it as ·a tool to manage fire danger.

has been to permanently close the acquired lands to off-highway .vehi­cles, but for Tract 3, contributors suggested creating designated and clearly marked trail's linking . up with the U.S. National Forest Service accessing the Capitan Mountains.

~ DIANM£ SIALUNGS IRVID<>SO NEWS Sfld'F wru1-ER .. ' ! The next meeting of a group col· :taborating .. on future uses for ~io lBoriito lands acquired, by the federal lBureau l!f Land Management is set ~r 7 p.m. July 18 in the Lincoln

separately. This tract starts in an ungrazed

area about one mile east of the cen­ter . of the historic settlement of Lincoln ·and continues . for three miles east to a large arroyo.

Some of the actions suggested for consideration during a. May 30 meeting on Tract 3, which Jiea directly behind. Lincoln, included · clearing junipers to three to four trees per acre, leaving an open

They also suggested using the old' wagon road behind the 10-acre area across from the Billy the JGd Pageant ground as a wagon and equestrian trail. ~ommunity Church. · .

Although the meetings lJl'e open to the public, ·the people who may be . .. . '

·grassland savanna that should improve the watershed; leaving some ·non-indigenous trees such as A common agenda to all parcels

VOTI~G: ·State goes high-tech FRoM PAGE 1A · "My reasoning to her for not by the state, .. It still~ cost us have a unifol'Dl statewide sys- signing up was this system a lot and Y1n not convinced ·w~ ~m." Vigil-Giron said. could not acconunodate our · actually needed it," Proctor · If the money hadn't been satellite absentee voting polling said. "But I knew- they'd force encUDlbered by June 30, it ·place in Ruidoso and the one we us and Pd rather that they pay would have reverted to the have now can," PrOctor said than have to pay for it later state's general fund. Tuesday. "I said it would be dis- ourselves."

The uae of 200 new touch enfranchising our voters. So The county clerk, who takes screen· voting . machines in she looked into that. I told her her place after she is sworn Bernalillo County marked the our county is very conse:rvative into office as Division I first time the· machines were and we. didn't have that much Magistrate Judge in Carrizozo used in New . Mexico, Vigil- money to spend and I certainly March 31, will be. able to map Giron said. "The new machines was not going to pay for any- out the schedule for implemen­were a tremendous success arid thing to disenfranchise absen- tation, Procto.r said. we anticipate their use in other tee voters in . Ruidoso. She "There have been problems parts of New Mexico," she assured me she would have a with other counties as, they added. fiber optic line in place so that it implemented and I hope the

At a meeting last month. could acco~odate." state works those out before it Proctor said that because of the Because of Proctor's effort, comes time for us," she said. "I county's reluctance, she was the state allocated about certainly wouldn't recommend able to negotiate a better finan- $3,300 as an incentive to be right before an election -cial deal with the state as a deducted from what the county maybe in the year 2003. But bargaining point to convince would pay in the future. we do ha:v'e the paperwork in the commission to approve the Although installation and the place to receive the equip-new system. first-year's fee will be covered ment."

ijWiiJiliiti DFATHS

George Henry Weber Annette Anderson Memorial services for George Henry Weber, Memorial services for Annette Anderson,

87, of AltD were Tuesday, July 9, at his resi- 54, of Ruidoso will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday, dence in Alto. July 12, at Forest Lawn Cemetery at the

He died Thursday, July 4, 2002, at his resi- graveeite of Morgan Anderson. dence. Mrs. Anderson died Saturday, July 6, 2002,

He was born Aug. 3, 1914, in Detroit, Mich. at her home. He moved to Lincoln County in 1989 from She was born Oct. 11, 1947 in Lubbook,

Detroit. He was owner-operator of G.H. Weber Texas. lnf!.~~s tin Detro}t and was~ a member of·· She moved to Ruidos? in 1988 from S'ljepherd 4f the mils Lutheran Churc}t ..... He· -·l:mbboc~.worked at Rwdoso Downa Race mitrri~ Dorothy Nelson on Feb. 24, 1939, in Track and for Texas Instruments in Lubbock. Detroit. ~ She was · a member of the Habita..t for

Survivors include his wife, Do~othy, of Alto; Humanity and the First Baptist Church of and a son, Richard George "Dick" Weber of Alto. Ruidoso.

The family suggests memorials to 'l{be ~ Survivors include a daughter, Cassi Humane Society of Lincoln County or P.M.S. Anderson of Denver, Colo. She was preceded Hospice of Lincoln County. in death by a daughter, Morgan Anderson.

Arrangements were under the direction of Arrangements are under the direction of LaGrone Funeral Chapel of Ruidoso. LaGrone Funeral Chapel of Ruidoso.


Recent births at Lincoln County Medical Center:

June 16, 2002, a son, Robert Leonard Duncan to Silver and Robert Duncan, 5 lb, 15.2 oz. 19"

June 20, 2002, a daughter, Raenell Elisa Hermina Holt, to Linda and Waylon Holt, 7 lb, 8.2 oz, 21 1/2"

June 20, 2002, a daughter, Lacie Nannelle Grapentine, to Tammy and Danny Grapentine, 7 lb, 5.3 oz, 20 112"

June 21, 2002, a daughter, Mayve Lizvett

Medrano, to Veronica Rangle and Manuel Medrano, 6 lb. 1.4 oz, 20"

June 25, 2002, a son, Adam Aragon Sobran, to Genevieve Aragon, 7 lb, 12.5 oz, 20 112" ·

June 25, 2002, a son, Adres McWilliams, to Rebecca and Andrew McWilliams, 6 lb, 1.6 oz, 19"

June 27, 2002, a daughter, Alanis Tara Pino, to Joannie Ganadonegro and Arnold Pino, 7 lb, 12.3 oz, 21 1/2".

June 27,· 2002, a daughter, Delaney .TAnn Branum-Jarvis, to Tracy Jarvis, 6lb, 8.2 oz, 20 112"

Tbe New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department (NMSHTD) in Cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)





NMSHTD Project Number TPM-380-1(33)6S; CN 3666 .

TUESDAY, July 23, 2002 1:00-3:00 p.m.

• •The San Juan Church US380 Lincoln,NM


TUESDAY, July 23, 2002 6:00-8:00 p.m. Capitan Mmiicipal Schools Multi-Purpose Room 1.50 Forest Street. Capitan, NM

The NMSHTD; in cooperation with the FHWA, has scheduled a formal public hearing to discuss proposed improve­ments to US 380 from US S4 to US ,? Uncoln County, New Mexico.

US 380 is a :Z..lane faellity tbat extends from the intersection of US 54 In Cani:zo;z.o to US 70, near HondO. The total project length for this project is .43 .miles. The ~SHTD is proposing certain i~p~veme!'ts to this portion of. US 380 inCluding pavement relmbibtation. the addiuon of shoulders or shoplder w&demns. bndge replacement. nunor horizontal arid venical conections. and dtainage improvements. The pliblic will also have the opportunity to com­

. mentor requ~t additional information regQI'ding resources as well ~bicycle. pedestrian, and/or equestrian ~ues. · · · · . . .

1 The formal public hearing will include a presentation by the Project Study Team· and an opportunity for public com­ment. An envit'Qnmental assessment (EA.) has been ptqiared and is available for review and comment for a 3()-day . :pen_·. 'od_bd~ ... · · · .. _July 9, 2002, and eilding_August 6,·~ .. • 'lbe. __ :EA. is av_ atlable Ill the following locations: (1)

•·· i.:Jnco1ri eo..ntyCourthouse, "7.11 Oinizozo, Carrizozo,~;, (2}.$Jliokey Bear State Park. Smokey Beat Boulevard, eq_· .. · .. ~ .. NM: .. ;_· __ <3_) Lincoln State Monument Offi.ce, Hi~W.£!.Y ~8Q-i:Lincoln, NM. Public ~mme. nts will be acc:ep~

.· dulijiJ the 3() period begUming July 9, 2002, and endlngAuP,t 6. 2002. Please submat all com.ments to the con-. , Wlt&pt ~ted below or at the public hearing. . . · .. ~ · . ~ AU ~~w:{r~ J\mericans with Di.sabilitiea A.9t (AJ>~~re~ted'aeconunodadon~ tor this public hearing should be : •; ., ' · ~·'~t 48 hours prior tO abe heariiJ«~,Speclal ~~tions« quesnonsshoqld be~~ Shelly

~'.: } '.' ·. ·~:~~~ As~a~. InC·•1809 ~ StteetNW:.T~\le"-NM 8~107. m: call (SOS) 898-8848.

Fire danger will deCrease soon In coordination with the National Forest

Service, . the Village of Ruidoso will reduce the level of fire . danger within its borders . from "extreme" to "vecy high" Friday, when the Lincoln National Forest reopens to the public.

However, fire restrictions remain in place banning charOOal grills, fireworks of any kind' and open burning, 'Said James Mason, public infoonation officer for the Ruidoso Fire Department.

Smoking will be allowed outdoors, but only in designated areas defilled as any outdoor public right-of-way, public or private property or area open tD the public and declared as a designated

smoking area by 'the owner. Designated smoking areas may be any fixed

area that is devoid of combustible debris within a 10-foot diameter and has proviSions for safe disposal of used smoking materials, Mason said. · "The RilidQSO Fire Department would again like to ask the pubic to exercise caution when utilizing any potential ignition source," he said. "The beautiful forest in and around ow- commu­nity still is at risk. We would also like to thank the public for their cooperation during the extreme fire danger we faced this summer. Together, we all made the difference in lieeping Ruidoso safe from fire."

FOREST: Reopening set for Friday FROMPAGEJA -·-----------

out, Power said. .. "We've shipped so many of our people to

Arizona and Colorado to help on thos~ fires that we're stretched just to maintain vigilance, let. alone fight any fire," he said.

Because this area received so much help from out-of-state fire fight:ers early in the . spring with the large Kokopelli Fire that · destroyed 30 structures and other smaller fires, the Sacramento and Smokey Bear Ranger District reciprocated with manpower needed iri other areas this summer, he said.

"We will continue to monitor the condition of the forest for improvement," Power said. "Fortunately, we're making good recovery at night because of the relative humidity. A fire

would not move fast and we would have the opportunity to get it when it's small."

The Smokey Bear District lost its fire man­agement officer, Matt Reidy, to a new position in Oregon, he said. Steve Bumgarner, who worked on fire management issues as well, moved to Las Cruces.

"I'm anxious to fill Matt's position with a new person," Power said. "But he was an out­standing forester, who also showed a high degree of community involvement. I'm sure people will miss bini."

Fire restrictions prohibit open flames, including campfires, charcoal grilling and smoking. Propane and other gas stoves are allowed. •

"We want to get the public back out in the forest and help the local economy," he said.

On the Web: www.ruidosotJ.ews.cotll.


Dorothy Flack. 85, formerly of Ruidoso ttnd "untly of Issaquah, Washington, died Sunday. June 30, 2002, 7:00 AM PDT in Bellevue, Washington at Ovl!rlakl! Hospital She passed peacefolly. with her sofJ and, Rick and Keigh (Cook) Flack. on either side of her bed, holding her hands and ralking to hn: Dorothy had lived with Rick and Keigh, along with their grand­daughter Brittani Renee Cook, for the past three years. This time included a cherished 7-momh visit by here/Jest son, Rudy Flack, Jr:.

Mrs. Flack (ajfictionau/y reforred to as Dot or Dottie by her many .friends dnd fomil;y) was born in San Antonio, Texas on January 9, 1917 at 9:30 AM. Whik growing up, she became an avs'd sports fon while attending many events with her fiuher, and was ~en named Fan of the Year for a San Antonio minor league baseball team. She graduated .from Jeffirson High School. after which she went to work at the Bexar County Courthouse as a secretary. At that rime she held the Texas stQte records in typing speed on both standard and i!lectric typ~riters, as well as in shorthand. Miss Collins and her fiand, Rudolph Emil "Rudy" Flack, Sr., were married on October 7, 1938 in San Antonio, Texas after he received his wings and 2nd Lieutenants com­mission at Randolph Field. They spent three memorabk years stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii, kaving shortly bt>fore the attack on Pearl Harbor.

As an officers wifo, Mrs. Flack was acrive in the WOmen's auxiliary association of the U.S. Army Air Corp in support of her husband. who was I!Ventually a Squadron Commanekr, a Wing Commander and Base Commander during and after ~I. Whik living in Baton Rouge Dorothy was an acrive member of the Delphians, the Epochal Society, and the ~mens Bowling Association. She was a. room mother for both of her sons throughout their years of secondary schooling and an avid supporter of their school. athletic and Scouting activities. Dorothy was insrrumental in start­ing the hot lunch program for East Baton Rouge Parish Schools while her two sons were attending Duftocq Elementary School. Dorothy and her husband were foum:krs, charter members and active­ly involved with the Broadmoor Methodist Church in Baton J?ouge.

Mrs. Flack was the daughter of Richard Kirchner "Dick" Collins and Effie Bt!lk Byler of San Antonio, Teicas. She was the granddaughter of John Kindrick Collins and Matilda Louisa Kirchner and great-granddaughter of Jol!l Collins and Mary Ann_ Stuckey.

Mrs. Flack is survived by her sons,• Rudolph Emil "Rudd" (Diane) Flack, Jr. of Cape Girardeau, Missouri and F"drick Richard "Rick;'(Keigh) Flack of Issaquah, Washington, and her brother, Roy Deets (Lea) CoUins of The Woodlands, Texas. Additionally. she is survived by 4 grandchildren. Sandra Lee (Flack) Frederick. Kyk \Wzyne (Cookie) Flack. Richard Edward. (Alice) Flarend (Flack), and Mark Dean (Ci'IUfy) Flack; 2 step-grandchildren: Kahne (Le(lke) Cook Rockwell and William Michael Reid (Lujennie) Leake; and by 13 grl!at-grandchildren: Heather Michelli! and Matthew Joseph Frederick; Geneva Taylor Flarend; Brittani Janu Cl!ok. Cody jacob Rockwell. anJ Horace Michael Leake; Brendan Kyle and ~ann Alyssa Flack; Ashley Jade Flack and Rubin V.asque.z: Gabriel AdAm. Erica Ann, and Mandy Nicole River4- Numerous nieces. nephews. and cousins also survive hi!T. Dorothy loved. and was loved by, so many dear fomily members and life long .friends. God bkss every onl! ofyou.

Hu husband. Rudy Flack, Sr:., p~deceased 'her in 1974. She also P"deceased by her two ha!f­brothl!rs Ellis Patrick [Cox] Byler and Ray Lee [Cox] Bykr; her half-sister, Vada Mae (Collins) Franks; and her brother: Richard Byitr "R.B ... Collins, ail ofSan Antonio, Texas.

If Dorothy could speak today. she would tell you, "Don't worry about me, I will now finally be with "Daddy' (her beloved husband, Rudy Fltuk) who I have waited to be with for so many years. "

Services were conducted by Dr. Phil Woodland on Saturday. july 6, follOwed by burial in Gretmoalu Mnnorial Park in Baton Rouge. Louisia,_a. Gretmoalts Funeral Home. 959.5 Florida Boulevard. Baton Rouge. Louisiana (Phone: 225-231-1984) was it~ charge of arrangements.

. . ~- . - .. I .

Page 8: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according


' '



SPORTS . ' PAGE SA CALL ·us: SPORTS EmToR Tonn FuQuA • 257-4001 • TonDF~l-Ht·ln.osoN~·s.coM .

Bassett, Badi11a team to beat in Rai.tlbow trials ' ' . . ' .


Change in weather On trial days, the most com­

mon remark is: "Welcome tO the One name was on everyone's . ,Jnountains, where the weather

mind headillg into the trials fur can change faster than ·a snap' the Rainbow Futurity Friday at of th~ fingers." Ruidoso Downs. The Rainbow Futt.uity trials

Zip First. were no different, with the first At the end of the day, a differ- part of the day having a head

-ent name W$ on everyone's wind and the track a little tou,ngue. Actually, you better heavy due to rain from. the make that two names. night before.

Zip First - winner of the By 5 p.m., however, the track Ruidoso Futurity earlier this was drying, the wind changed year- did qualify for the seoond to a tail wind; and the times leg of the Quarter Horse Triple just kept on getting faster with Crown to be run July 21, but multiple horses qualifYing fronJ · everyone at the track that. day just a few races: The 18th and learned they'd bet1:er think twice 19th races qualified three hors­before betting againBt trainer. es for the finals alone. · John Bassett and jockey Jose Now that the trials arc com-Badilla again. pleted, the preparations begin

'flu! pair won six of the 20 tri- , for the Rainbow final, and a als and finished in the top three very good field of 10 horses will in 14 races Friday, easily outdis- be vying for the title. tancing any other trainers or Other horses qualified for

' jockeys in tenns of total win- the futurity include Tricky nings on the day. Dust, ridden by Roy Baldillez

Bassett also has three horses and trained by C. Dwayne in the Rainbow Futurity, includ- Gilbreath, which turned in th~ ing Slew Ta Fame. who twned in second-fastest qualifying time the fastest qualifying time of of 19.575 for .Joan Dale 19.543. Other qualifying horses Hubbard. ridden by Badilla were First 1b Another trainer with multi­Flash with a time of 19.655 and pie horses in the Rainbow is One Corona For Me, qualifying Blarie Wood, who along with in 19.798. jockey James Gonzales II and

First 'lb Flash got his win in owner Johnny Trotter qualified the 19th race, outdistancing Zip two horses. One Famous Lady First and handing the Leon and Romance Will Return qual­Bard-trained horse only his sec- itied in the time of 19.852 and ond loss in seven races. 19.855 respectively for the trio.

Zip First and jockey James Ritz Cartel with jockey Sam Brooks did not win the race. but Thompson qualified out of' the still managed to qualify in the last race of the day for trainer time of 19,832 for trainer Leon Russell M. Harris and owners Patricia and Barney Newsome. meaning he is still eligible Cot the · R.1U Cartel qualified in the time .,..ft\i11lbb AD-American:~ .. t-6f 19.'i-24:•Royru Stre~ ~~ Home '1\iple Crown bonus. fi.ed, in the time of ·19.:739 for

trainer Jack W. Brooks with jockey Jacky Martin aboard. Ronald Shalz and William E. Smith own Royal Streakin.

Rounding out the qualifying list is First Dashaway and jock­ey Freddie Martinez who quali-


A Winning Pair Jockey Jose' Badilla, aboard Slew Ta Fame. is led to the winner"s circ\c friday ~~ Ruidoso Downs. followed by trainer John Bassett. Slew Ta Fame was the fastest qualifier lor the Rainbow Futurity, and the team of Bassett and Badilla combined for six trial wins Friday.

fled in· the time of 19.828 for trainer John A. Stinebaugh and owner Bill Prioe.

R;dnbow Derby Half of the Rainbow Derby

field came from just one race, as five horses qualified out of the eighth race Thursday to run for the $199,344-estimat­ed purse July 20. ' l Jump ·Jive An Wail, Gt:tnuine Strawfly, SC Chiseled In Stone, Lead The Field, and Dashin Prince Henry all qualified out of that eighth race. dump Jive

See DOWNS, page 9A

Race 18 18 19 20 16 14 19 19 18 17

Time 19.543 19.575 19.655 19.724 19.739 19.798 19.628 19.632 19.852 19.855

·ltactt · .. 'tlme 19 .19.864 16 19.905 18 19.926 17 19.932 17 19.933 18 19.937 20 19.948 20 19.962 14 19.963 20 19.965

Ruidoso Futurity and Juvenile quallners Horse • Jockey SlewTa Fame Jose Badilla, Jr. Tricky Dust Roy Baldillez Arst-To Aash Jose Bad ilia, Jr. Rltl Cartel .Sam ThOmpson Royal Streakln Jacky Martin One Corona For Me Jose Badilla. Jr. Fir-St Dashaway Freddie Martinez

·ZiP First James Brooks One Famous Lady James Gonzales, II Rornanc& W1ll Return James Gonzales, II

Trainer Jo11n Bassett C. Dwayne Gilbreath John Bassett Russell M. Harris Jack W. Brooks John Bassett John A. StinebauOh G. Leon Bard Blane Wood Blane Wood

Juvenlt~ · · 'Hone · · · ··• .tdtJca~- ,l-.rJl ,,,:' ·Tia'nnif' · •· · •· $end Me O~h Juan Vasquez Jack W. Brooks Mighty B Mighty Ja<:ky Martin Jack W. Brooks Jess Dashlnp J11an Vasquez Roy Marcom Miami Groovin Cartel Antonio Excamno Juan M. Gonzalez Illusive Leader Tomey Swan Patrick Swan Seek N Destroy Freddie Martinez John A Stinebaugh Monday Momlng MVP J.R. Valenzuela J.Heath Reed Famous S!onature Jacky Martin Jack W. Brooks Smashing N Dashing Jacky Martin Tony €. Sedillo Andthebeatgooson Roy Batdillez c. Dwayne Gilbreath


' '

WEDNESDAY, jULY 10, 2002


side ·line

Sports on Tap . ·············•·•·•·•·•······•• Thursday, July 11

Horse Racing Kachina Trials at Ruidoso Downs, 1 p.m.

Friday. July 12 Horse Racing Los Ninos Stakes Trjals at Ruidoso Downs, 1 p.m. Softball Last Chance Qualifier at Eagle Creek

• Sports Complex

Saturday, July 13 Horse Racing · Thoroughbred and quarter horse claiming, mail:len and allowance racing at Ruidoso Downs, 1 p.m. Softball Last Chalice Qualifier at Eagle Creek Sports Complex

Sunday, July14 Horse Racing· Zia Festival at Ruidoso Downs. Zla .Futurity and Zla Juvenile, Zla Derby, Zia Handicap. Sierra Starlet. Zla 870 Championship, Rio Grande Senor and ·Senorita Futurities, Road Runner Handicap, land of Enchantment and Lincoln Handicap, 1 p.m. Softball last Chance Qualifier at Eagle Creek Sports Complex

On Deck ···········-·················· Warrior Tennis Camp

There will be a Warrior tennis camp July 15-19, at the Ruidoso Municipal courts 8;3D-11 ;30 a.fi1. daily. Cost to enter $25 per child, and the camp is open to ages 5-t8. R~ldoso High School coach­es Celeste Franklin and Dennis Johnston will run the camp, which Is a National Junior Tennis League-sanctioned event. For more information, call coach Franklin at 430-9650.

' . The British are Comlngl

For the fourth consecutive year. Brilish Soccer will be holding a week-long soccer clinic for chil­dren ages 4·12 Aug. 5-9. Two sessions will be offered. For best pricing. your child must be reals:­tered prior to July 22. For more information. contact Katy Yeager at 25B-2nB.

Smokey Bear Statnpede 'biggest yer according to organizers . .


that goes into working a ranch, Newberry admitted a ranch rodeo was a great deal of fun.

CAPITAN - If the 2002 Smokey Bear "This is a fun deal and we work together Stampede were to be compared to those of well, but there's also a lot ofluck," Newberry years past, most that were involved would said. "You get a cow out there that won't cut, tell you this was the best yet. , and any team that draws that same numoer

"The night we had fireworks was one of would have the same luck. There is a luck of the biggest I've ever seen, and r=......,..=.....,.,__,.---------. the draw." I was raised here," said ~~~,<il~iill.tOdeO A good cause Lincoln County Fairgrounds ~""'~\ :~ ; •: , , . Manager Velma Ward. "The ~"\ · f~SUltS On Underlying the food, fireworks people were parked all the and fun for the four days is the way down to Main Street, it ··page 10· A fundraising ~all proceeds from was awesome." ' n admissions go to the Lincoln

For four days and nights, ~-------------' County Fair and other worth­from July 3-6, rodeo fans from all over the while projects for the youth of Lincoln County. southwest came here to compete for "top "Trh'~ all boils down to the youth groups," prizes in several roug~-and-tumble events, including youth roping, steer roping, and a ranch rodeo. See STAMPEDE, page 9A

The night of fireworks came appropriately enough - on the Fourth of July, and was only part of several events which fe.atured hundreds of competitors.


Top Done Broke Cattle Company members Elmer Jobe, left, and Dirk Bowen, r right hold down a calf while teammate Jason Choat simulates branding during the final day of the ranch rodeo Saturday at the Smokey Bear Stampede.

In all. close to $50,000 in pri~e money was given out to the winning athletes,

Along with the actual rodeo was the ranch rodeo, in which 20 teams from actual working ranches came to show of their skills to an appreciative audience.

The overall winner was '1\J.rkey Track Ranch out of Artesia - their second cham~ pionship in a row and 6th in the last 10 years.

"We don't practice, we're not going to go out there and rope a wild. cow, just to see if we can do it," said Turkey ~dbk captain VVayland N4tti'*ft)q "We ·all work and Hvo;on~a_ ranch ~v.~r.:v 4ay~·d. tbbi's our·practr&ii:W . · ·

··But for all "'e hard work

Left Professional rodeo clown Bob Weir, lett,' entertains the crowd Sat~rday dur-ing the final night of the Smokey Bear Stampede rodeo. .


Bottom Brandi Brock flies from the gate durin!} the breakaway roping competition. ).



Page 9: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according

.... - ~ - - - - .... --. -,--.. ........... ~.~-.~---~.,_


WED~DAY, jULY 10, '2002

i;iiiiSjitXe$fiiRESULTS Results from racing at Ruidoso Downs for ---. 471.00. T rifecta - 3,699.30. Pick 3 -July 4-7 , 62220. T - 21 .. 76. 5cr.ltl:hed - Dashes

. · · 'lllwsdav. JMiy4 SpeciaL fln:l - 5 1~ futlongs.. Comill Pam 6.60

. 4.80 3.80. Kimby 10.40 5,00. Aggie Minister 6.00. OUinela- 73.80. Exacta­

:86,60. Trifecla- 1,062.50. T- 1:07.30. ·SCratched - Heyshe'sa,trader. . · ....... -7 112 hutongs. Amazing Slew 8.20 5.40 3.00. Tack On The Magic 10.00 4.00. Poppie'S Plan 2;80. Ouinella :----- 39.60. Exacaa ...;... 92.40. Tiitecta _;. 145.00. Daily DOuble - 75.00. T- 1 :35!00. · 1ltlrd - 6 furlongs. Picacho N.M. 4.20 3.20 2.80. Roseme 4.40 4.20. Just For AI 3.40. Quinella -13.00. Exacta - 1~.60. · Twin Trifecta - 11.10: T - 1:13.00. Saalched.....:... ChOmper. . · .._... - 5 112 furlongs. Kingmont. 7.40 3.60 2.80. Shorty's Oreain 3.40 2.60. Mliga Broem 2.80. Quinellci - 14.20. EJGlcla -'00.80. Tmecta "- 44.70. Twin Trifecta-2.2,34.30. T- 1:05.20. ~ - full Throttle. ,_ - · 5 furiOilgs .. Nashville 4.00 3.40 2.40. Woody's Choice 6.80 .3.60. Jesses . Scandel 2.80. Ouinella -17.00. Exacta-28.20. Trifecla :....... 25.50. T - 58.20. Scla!ched- Ram loom. Bobby Told. .Sldb -6 f\,111ongs. Arst Regalds 8.00 4.00 '2.80. Oxygen 7.60 4.40. Phenomenal Fan1asy 3.00. Quioolla- 103.80. Exacta-210.40. Trifecla -1~7.10. T _;_ 21.44. :SWanHt - 440 yards. A Real Man 4.00 3.fJO 2.80. Fr1day 123 6.60 3.20. Tres Seis 2.ti0.. Qulnella - 21.60. Exacta - 24.20. T~ -38.10. T -21.55. EIIMII' - 440 yards. Jump Jive An Wail 480 4.00 3.20. Genuine Stlawfly 4.20 3.60. :SC Chiseled In Stone 3.20. Quinella -13.80. &acta-29.00. Trifecta -63.00. T -21.40. i,... - 440 yards. Dashing ~ Reba 18.20 7 .?0 5.00. At To Ay 17.60 8.80. Jeh Company 6.60. Ouinella- 312.20. exacm

Fddlly, ....., 5 Flnl-400yards. Quick Glass 24.20 10.40 6.00. Hem Traffic Stopper 12.60 5.80. Voice ot Reason 4.80. OUinella -195.20. ExaC13 - 726.40. Trtfecla -2.388.70. T- 20.30. Scratched -Dashing Scar1etl SMond- 400 yards. Willie Wapid 16.60 5.00 3.00. PrOperly Eye Opener 7.40 3.60. Hail Corona 2.40. Ouinella -28.20.. Exacla- 128.80. Trirecta- 94.70. Dally Double -190.20. T -20.17. 1bird -400 yaids. Catch This Snowball 31.00 ~.20 4.20. MightY ~m 4.60 3.60 .. Silvered Eyes 3.60. Quipella-147.00. Exacta-273.00. Trileela-287 .50. T ,....;.... 2il25. Foul1b- 400 yards. Snow Big Deai3Ul0 12.00 5.00. Dash To Splash 12)10 5.40. Ca1scape 3.00. Quinella- 79.80. Exacla -296.00. Trifectl-204.50. T ~20.31. Fiftb - 400 yards. RrSt PlaCe Queen 5.00 4.00 3.00. Slleza fast Talker 17.40 8.20. dh Good Holland 3.00. OuineBa·~ 123.60. Exacta.-101.00. Trifecla-341.40. T- 20.30. Silclb -400 yanls.l.ord Chanoellor 9.20 4.60 3.40. SM Whistle Blitches 6.40 4.40. tma Fast Rose 5.00. Ouinella-25.60. Exacta -48.00. Trifecta- 201.20. T-20.21. Sewnlh- 400 yards. Jam Thru Traffic 4.40 3.40 3~. On The Speciai4.6Q 3.60. Noble Flyer 4.40. Quinella- 17 .80. E)G!da - 25.80. Trifecta -109.20. T-20.19. Bgblh - 400 yards. S1eJ1ing 99!J 33.80 10.00 6.40. Rrst Place Affair 4.40 3.80. SeJenas Special 6.60. Quinella- 37.60. Exacta-148.80. Trifeda-446.70. T-20.27. . Hi.-rt- 400 yards. Southern cartel2.80 2.40 2.40. The OOIMI Side 3.40 3.00.


Miclley Blue Eyes 4.20. Qulneb -9.40. Exacta-9.80. Trifecta-27 .30. T-20.08. . T..a -400 yards. ExotiCGanlen 6.00 3.00 2.60.. Sbaw Ry SuqJrisa 3.40 3..00. Stre3kin La T:ac 2..80. Clukda -7..20. &ada-12.40. Trifeda-21.30. T-20.10. Baa • 400 yards. A Rdcal Shot 6.40 3.00 3.00. A ll Bit Special320 3.00. This Cat Wil fly 5.20. OUinella- 10.60. . &acta- 20.80. Tritecta ........o138.91J. T­

·20.19. ,....._._ 40()yards.. eye In The Dmam 16.60 5.80 4.00. )Qena 3.80 3.00. Shez

' Real aulck 2-811 OuJnela _;_ 25.60. &acta -61.60. Trifecla-64.20. T-20.27. 11MIU!III-400 yards. PhoeiJes cartel . 6.60 3.20 2.81 Sbawbeny Dash 3.20 . ' . ~ . 2.60. A Secret cal3.00. Oumella-8.40. Exacta-14.40. Trilera-48.00. T-20.04. Scntiled- Talk About Me Oh My. fGinlaiTt 400 yal1ls. One Corona For Me 18.00 8.404.60. Slnashng N DaShO;r 7.40 4.40. Royal Ready Too wear•.oo. OUinella -134.60. ElGida -234.40. Trifeda- 558.70. T --'-19.79. fiii•A- 400 yards. Fast First Cal3.00 3.20 2.20. n.· Blues Man 13.60 4.20.. . Been Bad 3.80. Clulnela-~ .Exacla -'- 29.60. Trifeda-!n40. T -19.98. SbdMdll-400 yards. Royai·Stmakin 3.80 3.40 2.40. Corona Calienle 4BD 2.80. EspedaiJy Wicked 2;40. Ouinela -17.00. Exacta -28.40. Trifecla --'-29.10. T-19.13. S..•n•P · 400yanis.. Romance Wil Rerum 5.80 5.40 3.60. Mam Gmovlft Carlel7 .20 5.40. llusive leader 6.20.' Quinella. -43.20. Exacta- 68..00. Trifecta-231.10. T-'- 19.85. Btl*•.... 400 yams. SlewTa Faille 3.60 3.00 2.80. TriCky OUSt 3.40 3.00. One Famous lady 4.00. Quinetla- 8.00. ' .

&ada-MJIO. Triflda-. 30..00. T- &lda·-62.80. T..._-3.'111.40. T-19.54. ta,to. r• rt T -400)WdS.fbiTollllil IIIIIJII-51/l:~JoloCIAYou 5.QD3JJQ2.2D. Fbi:DIIIOSI!V5a2a S.&AD3M2A Qatzllosa..t3.40 llpfilsi2.20...Ciainlla _.,...a.. 2JD; ......... 2B)......... 9.20.. -sun T.-.-cun T-19JI5. Ba~:~a-1flAil TIIIICia-32.40.. T-:--;::: .. =--~~6.110 ~1'112 ...... 61*1111MMia 4.202.80.IIIorldiiWIIOr1*'!;JIIIIP 13.20 5D8t 1UD 10AO..bliar .._.428 5.20. Famous $1gnllunl3.0o.·~- .... ....., CJDs tom. Ounlll-. 81.80. !HJIO.&ala-101Ui0. T...,._- &lda-18UO.. T.-.-415.8L T-122.80. Pick 3-83AO. T -19.72. 1:33.30. SccirAJMI_;_ T...-Runner. ~-!I~ R. __,7m 4JJD

· s 7

.... ....,. 2Ail:llbtBII3JIJ2.40.RftfllllaJHolme Firat-71/l tuttongs. My Do1Quel6.20 ZAil. ~ -7 .SO. &.a- 13.8rl. 3.20 320. Kajllmo 3.0D 2Jil..lrilft Tdada-. 1Uil. T -57.30. Saiid.:t Speciai3,BO. Ouh!la-5..20. E.-.- ---'Dr. Holday, Wid Callboy, Curve BIL 10.60. Trifecla-32a T-1:34.40. B T 35QVMis.'~IS..,.fclnn Saalched- Marna MairL 17AD 7JJIJ 7.20..1he RIShGMs To You ._...-5112 fudongs.. Kalig;J 18.40 · '13.1119.211. Dab ftw A Forllni5.JIO.. 7.20 3.fi0. Crown Affair 4.20 3.20.. Amurzi . -..... --135.20. &:ada-279.00. 3.40.0t*Mila-22.40..Exada-57.40. Tlilllt8-4MJIL T-.. 17.25. Tlifeda-113..50. ~lloi.MI62.60. T ..__, mle.lce0utlhere8.004.60 -1:05.10. 3.40. Pancho Nolla .f..&D .f.&O.. $lfjson ..... -400 yardS. w.a Race 50.00 Man 6.20. OUinllla-28JiO.. Ex:ll:la-17 .oo 6..00. .Jess ~3.80 2.80. 46.00.. 1',..._-409..10. Pldt 3-Bal1'oolns TQ BechWII!S 2JKL ~-. 128..80. T ..-1:42.20.. 61.00. Exacla- 211.40. Twin Trillldll- ....... -~ 52AO. T ~ 211.02. Flnl-870yants.lce On lite Rodls Feildl ~ 400 yanls. BOOal Mus lllalzlt 10.00 6.20 ~. Signilird Glory 9.80 8.80 4Ai0 3.20. Faro Kill 4.40 3.80. DaiJber 4.20. Sendmomooey 3.00. Qllinela 9.40. Cll*1ella ........ 21a &acta~ 74.20. ·&ac~a -173..00.. Trifllcla-51Jil. Trifeda-481.50. T---20Ji3.. 254.90.. T-46..50.. . IWt -1 mle. Lucky Hugh 19.60 8.00 ...... - 5 1fl. furtonps. West Ollbe 4.60. Shel Shock 1.20 3.80. Smolle Pecos 3.40 2.40 2.40. taun1111n seorm Dancer 3.00. QOOela -86..Bil. &Gicta--- 3.002..40. Kilk Best 2.40. Qulnela-116.80. Trifa:tl-172.21i T-· bt0.31l 7 .40. &racla -10.00. Trii!ICta -16.00.. Stdl-350 yards. SAC Major Rele clion Dlly·DIUJie.46.00. T -11J4.20. 23.40 7.60 5.00. Oilil!eR Kane 3.40 2JD. llllnl-400 yards.•lda Rly 4.00 Finllnp Rlsl!s 3.60. OuineiJa ~ 21 BJ. 3.20 2.60. Cuifys fOru. 3JiO 2JiO. Oley. Exacta-48.20. Trileda-8!l.40. T- Dolllly Spa:ilii2JD,. Qulnela-8.40. 17..83.Sc:rald1Bd-~ · &acta-13.40. TwinTI'IIettl-2.80. T Bel • -5 1/2 furlorQs. Olr 1biJ Sa1lllf1 ' -20.18. . 11.00 4.60 3.60. MarUnl Bay 4.40 3.210. ~.-3DOyaniS. DcJ You Know Ill Eagles 8lulf 6.00. Ol*lella- 21.60. 30.20 20..80 3..80. sm..a 1bief 4.60 2.80.

CIIIIIIIIIQ 2..40.. ftaly Dash 2..60. Dulnelll-73.m. Ea:la -159.60. . T ..... -374.00.. TriJilc:ta-748.30. T -15.72. ... -&~~In·~ Zl&UilOO 2.80. Red And Rare 5.00 3..00. • kol'...-ciiiQ2.20.It.Miy 2.41.. Ouinlllla -61.40. er..:ll-22IUIIl Trilacla­._10. Tlillll:lll:-200.10. T -1:tcl410. .. -&bblgs..lllglcllle 16.110 6.2D 3.211 HlllifHIQO .~ 3..80 2.6,0. O.C*Misllesllny 3Ail. OLIInela- 25.00. &.:sa-113.ti0. Tdtldl -175.10. T-1:11.10. Sl:rajilld-...... Wllah. .. . • 5 furlOngs. SMss ~ J.J. 6.813.403.00. ~ Mplillly 320 2.110.. Qlunlas My 5.210. Qunla- 7 .2D. &ala -18.00.. Trilllda-64.«t. t _,_ sun . . ~-&furlongs. Olr Sliote PnJspect 8JIQ 3JIO 3.40.. Ging &.20 6.60. Vlllnlo 4.80.. Qulnela -36..00.·&ada·-35..80. Trilecla -&O.&J. T .,--1:13.30. .... -300yanl$. a...-~3..80 2..80 2.20. Cipian Bulat 3.00 2.40. Bllhold AS:IInt 2.40. ~- 7 .20. Exacla-. 9.60. Tlltllda-16.10. T -15.79. Sa.-Jdl QaJdeDe Seven. T .... -810 yardS. Bonus Power6.60 3.20 2.40. Sill Ta ran. 4.40 2.80. ~ PriDDd Oocb" 2JIO. QQDIIa- 14.40. &ada -21.60. Tllec:la-42.80. T-45.70. Sa-----s.mllrime Cash. a.u T -400 yaniS. Mana Magic 18..00. 7 ~ 4.60. Royallme Cla$:slc 3.00 2.80. 1be YIIIJ You WaC Me 4.20. Qunlla -10.60. &ada-32.00.. Trillll:la -tiMAn T -19.73.. . =--=-::=:;.,s.:;.::.oo DlnCer 13.00.. Qulnela-9.80. Epa­

. 25..60.. Triflda -425.80.. Pldl3-193.20. T -1:41.20.

;DO"WNS:. Jump Jive An Wail leads Rainbow Derby field ~PJRBA' ~----- --··--

An Wail qualified with the fastest time for trainer John Bassett and owner 'led G. Abrams. Jump Jive An Wail, with jockey .Jose Brutma Jr. aboard, posted the time of 21.408 over Genuine Strawfty. Genuine Strawfly turned in the time of21.431 for train­er Carl Draper. Genuine Strawfly, winner of the Ruidoso Derby, posted the second fastest qualifying time for owners Ray Willis, Joyce McBride and Elmer Criswell. ·

SC Chiseled In Stone and Lead '1he Field qualified in the times of 21.494 and 2L499 ~vely. SC Chiseled In Stone. ridden by .,ames Gonzales, ll, qualified for trainer 'lbny E. Sedillo and owner SMS Racing. ~ 'lbe Field ~ed for trainer Mark WilleU and owner Garl.Yn 0. Shelton with jockey Jacky Martin aboard.

Last to qualify out of the eight race was Dashin Prinoe Heruy, who qualified in the time of 21.582 for trainer Jack W. BrOoks. Juan <Vasquez jockeyed Dashin Prince Henry to qualifY for owner J'un D. :rum. .

AReal Man,. who bas been undefeated in his last six outs. was able to add another victmy to his long list and qualified far the Derby in the time of2L557, hOlding off Friday 123. A Real Man. ridden by l..atTy .Pa~ qualified for trainer Eddie D. Willis and owner Bill Price. · Friday 123 qualified in the time of 21.578 for trainer Jack W. Brooks and owner T Bill Stables. Jacky Martin rode Friday 123. r Tees Seis and Meter Me Ready also qualified from. the seventh moo in tbe times of21.613 and 21.617 respectively. Tres Seis., trained by ~ohn Bassett. qualified for owner Eaves Horses Family Limited Partnership with jockey Jose Badilla,. Jr. aboard Meter Me Ready. rid­den by James Gonzales, n. qualified for ownedtrainer Frankie IL MartinerL

STAMPEDE: Good time had by all ~~~ -- -- ----

~d Ward. who isn't a mem­ber of the fair board but. works Closely with them. "That's ~bo we raise the money for­lt's for their agriculture and ~tbletic pursuits .... I Because Ward's job ~ntailed the general upkeep pf the grounds, and because the Smokey Bear Stampede lasted four days and attract­~ such a large crowd, she

dmitted sleep was· a rare mmodity. "I've had about nine hours

Rounding out the qualifYing list. and the only horse to qua]ify GUt of the sixth race, was First ReganiB. First ReganiB. tmiued by Jam w. Brooks and ridden by Judy ~qualified in the time of2L443 iJr owner Rsmicb Fanus.

ffigheasterjet Handicap Awsome Form was able b> ma1re a late gain to Overoome 'l1Je

Rush Gets 'lb You and win the Higheaster,jet Handicap Saturday. Awsome Form had a moderate break but was able to oven:ome the field to win the race for owner AC & Jean Ellison. .

Awsome Form. with jockey Jerry Yoakum aboard, posted a time of 17.254 and a speed index of 105 for tmioer Jack. W. Brooks. Awaome Form, a 5-yem"--ld aorrel gelding by Rare Form out of Awesome BlOBSOm by On A High was able to outrun 'lbe Rush Gets 'Ib You by a neck.

"''bis horae ran a big race. He is usually a little bit sluggish get.. ting away but today be broke good. .. Brooks said. "'When be gets away he can run abort.

"A 2-year-old kid could train this horse. He trains himself, be loves to acbool himself then be will go back to the stall and lays down. ... he continued. ""He is just a great home to train.•

The Rush Gets 'lb You. with jockey CarloB f4adiera. posted a speed index of 104 for trainer Clay Spada. The Rush Gem 'lb You is a 6-year--old aorrel gelding by First Down Dash out oC'lbtally Rushed by 'Thltae and iB owned by 'Huee Amigos.

Saturday's earnings or $13,200 in the $22,000 Higbeaetesjet Handicap brings Awaome Fonn's lifetime earnings to $132,729.

Awsome Form paid $17.40 to win. $7.80 to show. $7 .20toplace. 'Ihe Rush Gets 'lb Yon paid $13.80 to place and $9.20 to show. 'l'be exacta paid $279.00, the quineJia paid $135.20. and Dash For A

f sleep in the last four yt(,., Ward said Sunday. ut it's worth it. It's a great

hause and 'it'Era- great fair board ... A w 'ler of the L7 Too Ranch hies to rope his horse in the Remuda Rca during lbe Smokey Bear~ ranch

rodeo Saturday in Capitan.

Fort.une rounds out the~ t.riieda . New Medco Fonl.a..Jirn&e

Mena Magic broke sharply &om tbe gates with Larry Gamez aboard and sln!olmd down the mjddle of the tnlck to win by a quarter of a Jeogth over Royaltime Claseic Suncla.y.

Meoa Magic is the booriwed 1I11Ue ofNed and Glenda Watts of AbiJeDe. M.eDa Magic waa definitely tbe pride andjcJy of the own-ers today. ,

-sbe"s our baby, we raiaecl her ... Gleoda Watt said. -she is 110

wooderful. but we bad a wooder6.d trainer aad joc:by. ies won­derfUL 'Ibis is the IIIOelt WDDderibl moment ofJI9 Hfie.•

Mena ~ wbo istmined by c. Dwasne Gi.llxeoth. has been suooessful imder the cue oftntiner_

-sleepy bas been tnining ber l'or t.i.u'ee years POW. Sbe was in the 1exas Claasic ~ w'beie llbe qualified into the moaolation and dreM the ooe bole aDd did not do vecy good, .. Watts said. "However. be baa dooe 8Udl a good job with ~~er.•

Mena Magic will go to Loa& Star Puk in Gnud Prairie, 'leus and w:ep:et~ent the New MeDc:n ngion at ~ ·~ Championship lab!lr tbia yeer. .

Coming in aeooud w&l!i the split entry ofl:toyaltime ~rid­den by Jeny Rodriguez and tntiDecl by Loaenzo Yep. Royaltime Claaaic is ottoed. by Joee ao4 Vidw Diu.

~slllliii'Diop of$16,831 in tbe $3S.660 &nt New MexVo CbaJJeose bridga Mena Masic's lifetime eiD'IUitp to ~L

Mewaa Magic paid $18.00 to win, $7.20 to plaae and $4.60 to show. Bo;yaltime Classic paid $3 to place and $2.80 to show. 'lbe f'!AI'I.a paid $32, the quiaella pdd $10.60 and The~ You Want Me finiabrd the $104 triSsda..

Page 10: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according

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Little League season over for Sierra Blanca· nine BY TODD FUQUA 1!1'1111. lSO :-;1;ws S!'( ti(I'S F.l>fiUil

It's not quite the way he hoped the season would enp for the Sierra Blanca Little League all-star team, but coach Ronny Montes was still proud 9f his players.

"We did well for our leagUe's size," Montes said. "Our draw was , rough, we never got to see a team of'our siie.

"We were playing with the big boys right away," he added. "But they did well and I'm proud of them."

Sierra Blanca, a team made up of all-stars from' Ruidoso and Capitan, lost to Artesia in the opening round of the District 2 tour­nament Friday and fell Monday to Alamogordo.

The game against Artesia - a 2,.0 heartbreaker-· was indica-tive of the way Sierra Bl~ca played. .. ·

· "I pitched Mike Wilson, who gave up five hits in five innings." Montes said. "We got on base 10 times while they only got on five, but we had two outs most of the time and couldn't get a hit when we needed it."

With that loss, Sierra Blanca faced tournament host Alamogordo, and the result was a 12-0 loss.

It was only 2-0 going into the third inning, but then: the wheels fell off.

"We didn't get many breaks," Montes said. "Ala.JJ1ogordo hit and we had one bad inning. They calmed down after that and started shutting them down."

Unfortunately, Sierra Blanca was unable tO get any hitting of their own and their season came to an end. , Montes was happy with the team he had, to work with, as this is only the second year Cl;lpitan and Ruidoso have combined for an all-star team. He's hoping this is the start of a good thing for Lincoln County Little League teams.

~ ElliS IIEEL/AlAMOGOROO OAil Y NEWS "This will all keep getting better,"'Montes said. "Both leagues had been down, and hopefully we11 have better participation in the future - we picked this team of all-stars from just 52 kids."

Sierra Blanca All-Star ca1cher Andy Cowan and;in Alamogordo All-Star runner collide at home dt1rin~1 the tJnys' gann~ Munday dllerfloon at Grigys Comple.x in Alamogordo. Alamogordo won the game 12-0.

STAMPEDE RESULTS In I R41 ----------------------~----·---------- --~·-·---------·-- -~- ----· -·- . -,·, .. "" .. ,,.... ...-ploel•-t·t.,... t1'11''U"\I1.• NQ-.-.• L\.·1i.•'KJ<.•u

Betd ~t-l-~.UUI uU J,.ud t•ut-tt' ••f I ht.• H in (.iiUIHIP l•'ft-,,r·t~• lll .. ~ulll•cJ 1•'1-

(ln\••t·ll•tl :\lo-IIIIIP~ '"\'run••. Results frOm the Smokey Bear Stampede rodeo at the Uncoln County Fairgrounds In capitan for July 3-6.

Wednesday, July 3 Barebadr Riding - 1. Daniel Baca, 65 ($120). Bullrldlng- 1, Bo Selman. 89 ($312); 2. Tanton Gariand, 68 ($208). CaH Roping - 1, David Harwell, 9.47 ($496); 2, CodY Hurt, 10.34 ($372); 3, Cllrls Seed, 10.50 ($248); 4, Dustin Koyle, 10.56 ($124). Ba1111l Racing - 1, Trish Marr. 17.246 ($496): 2. Shannon Tidwell, 17.269 ($310); 3, April Denny, 17.421 ($245); 4, Klmberty Howard, 17.716 ($181); 5. Daria Weir. 17.724 ($116); 6, Josephine

· Gutlenaz, 17.812 ($64). Brealarwly Ropl~ - 1, TJ:!ry Koyle, 2.92 ($288); 2, Falon Riley, 3.11 ($216); 3. Daria Weir. 3.29 ($144): 4, Shayta Smith. 3.65 ($72). T•am R()Jllng - 1, Enrique Salas/Cody Wilson. 4.96 ($1,653); 2. Bobby Slmmooslllm GantaJes. 5.18 ($1 ,368); 3. John Ellijlls_Wllm Goma!es, 6.40 ($1.003}~

4, Chuch Prather/Scott Stone, 6.52 ($798); 5 Oarrin Simpson/James Gilland, 6.56 ($513); 6, Bill· Burrls/James Gilland, 6.60 ($285).

Thursday. July 4 Bareback Riding- 1, Jared Johnson. 70, ($60). Saddle Bronc Riding- 1, Jim Dewy Brown, 80 ($2001. Bullrldln!J- 1, Olsty Higgins. 78 ($366); 2. John Salazar, 68 ($276); 3. Justin Adams, 66 ($164); 4, Tanton Garland, 65 ($92). Call hoping - 1, Joseph Parsons, 9.22 ($568); 2, Kyle Dutton, 9.42 ($470); 3, Chris Seed, 9.86 C$372); 4, Dustin Koyle, 10.18 ($2741; 5, Todd Virden, 10.35

~176); 6. John Pete Etchevery, 10.37 96). rrel Racing -1. Janet Hall. 17.396

S$436); 2, Shannon Tldwell, 17.445 $361); 3, Trlsh Marr, 17.491 $286); 4. onl Brakebill, 17.564 ($210): ~ •• Peggy

Blackmler, 17.845 ($135); 6. April Denny, 17.864 ($75). Brellbway RQ~~Ing- t, Sherry Gowen.

3.15 ($325); 2. Daria Weir, 3.66 ($240): 3, Tory Billberry, 3.66 ($240); 4, Judy Chavez, 3. 77 ($156): 5. Aaron Parsons. 4.41 ($101); 6. Brandy Virden. 4.49 ($56) Team RoplnO - 1. Bob Baize/Aaron Thomas. 4.62 ($2.268}; 2. Calv1n Taylor/Bodie Baize. 5.56 ($1.877); 3. Breck Bean/Shot Brannam. 5.63 ($1 486); 4, Jake Copper/Jim Cooper, 5.82

1$1,095); 5, Bill Sour/Jared Davts. 6.01 $704J; 6, Calvu'l Taylor/Brad Bums, 6.02 $391 . •

Friday, July 5 Saddle BJonc Riding - 1. Bucky Garlington. 78 ($168); 2. Brandon Beabal. 77 ($112). Dultrldlng - 1. Dusty Higgins. 83 ($405}; 2, John Salazar. 69 ($303). 3. Dan Baca. 66 ($211 ). Call Roping - 1. John Pete Etchcvery. 8.66 ($731 ); 2, Josh Owbcr. 888 ($6051. 3. Cinco Boone, 9:\6 {$479). 4, Bill Snun, 9.50 ($353): 5. Sylvester May1ield. 9 S 1 ($227); 6. Wes McConnel, 9.71 ($126). 8aiT81 Raclno- 1. Jana Bean. 16.931 ($364): 2. Trish Marr. 17.189 ($299): 3,

Capitan girls make waves d~g summer season IY 1011 FUQUA !l_lJIDOSO ~~ ~rTQI!._- -- -- . - -

If this BlJillDleJ"s season is any indication, Capitan girls basket­ball fans will have plenty to cheer for come the new 'school year.

The Capitan Lady Tigers recently finished their season with a second-place finish in a Mid-America Youth Basketball tournament at Panhandle, 'Thxas, oompleting a summer in which they finished second or first at four different tourna­ments.

Capitan also took second at Roso.vell and Lubbock and won a tournament in Clayton.

Along the way, they compiled a record of 1.2-8 against some very stiff competition from around New Mexico and West 'Thxas. Among their wins were victories over Roswell, Goddard, Midland, Amarillo, Dalhart, Dimmitt, Panhandle and Clayton. They also lost one game to El Paso after being tied at 42-all with 42 eeoonds left..

"After our tournament in Roswell, people were all talking about them," said Gary Mitchell, whose daughter, Jessica Tul1y­Mitchell, is on the team and who acted as coach during the last two tournaments. ~ didn"t look like ball playe-rS, they're small and short. But they hustle like you wouldn't believe.

"It was fun, being from a small town like that and win­ning," he added. "'t shocked a lot of people."

Capitan's team is basicalJ,y made up of the Capitan girls varsity team, with the exception of Clarissa Silva of Ruidoso. Capitan head coach Rusty W:dcox led the team in the first two tournaments before turning over the reins to Mitdl.ell tbr the rest of the Slimmer.

'l1le team is~. too. 'fully­~ is the·onl,y senior listed . on the squad. w~juniomSllva. J~ and Metiasa Bedmt and AlY* Sheehey I'OUDd ·wt· the


The Capitan girls summer basketball team. Back row, from lett: Jessica Becker, Kelsey Stierwalt, coach Gary Mitchell, Jessica TuJiy .. Mitchell, Roxi Hall. Front row:·Ciarissa Silva, Melissa Becker. Not pictured: Alyx Sheehey, BrittanyJensen, Raylyn Stanbrough, Stacy Stanbrough.

upperclassmen. Joining them this sun'lmer

were sophomores Roxi Hall, Brittany Jensen and Ra,ylynn Stanbrough and freshmen Kelsey Stierwalt and Stacy Stanbrough. .

Making the LadY Tigers' accmnplishments even more m,naziug is the fact they never pla,yed any. timrnament with

' >· •

1 [

more than seven players at a time.

Mitchell was filled with praise for the MAYB tounta- . ments. and expressed the hope tbat mare can be held in the state.

"Girls basketball in New Mexico would catch up with west 'Ibxas· if we had more of these tournaments>" he said.

Doriane Wooly, 17.213 ($237); 4. Darby McKosky. 17.315 (%174): 5, Kim Hughs. 17.380 ($112); 6. Amy Morrison. 17.426 ($62) Breakaway Roping - 1. Jamie Roland. 3 21 ($441}; 2. Tibba Smith. 3.48 ($289): 3. Jill McFaden. 3.85 ($289): 4. Lindsey Ezell. 4.63 ($213}; 5. Darla Weir. 4.71 ($137): 6. Shawna Mitchell. S 20 ($76) Team Roping - 1. John English/Shot Brannam. 5.11 ($2,233}; 2. John Brunson/Andy Paul Jones. 5.39 ($1.848): 3. Chad Hetman/Jared Burns. 5.89 ($1 .463). 4. Brent Bennett/Brad Burns. 6 00 {$885}. 5. S'lcrhng Bwneylluke Pnce. 6.00 ($885); 6 Kevln Baker/Paul Gut1errez. 6 14 ($385).

Saturday. July 6 Bareback Riding ---· 1. Trav1s Johnson. 71 ($80) Saddle Bronc Riding - 1. Cody Lambert. 72 ($144): 2. Bucky Gartmgton. 68 (596). Bullrldlng -- 1. Justin Adams. 83 ($370). 2. Ace Marshall. 65,($277); 3. Tanton Galland. 61 ($193). Calf Roping- 1, Charlie Tullx_. 8.69

{$708); 2. Rex Tibby, 8 73 ($5861 3. Dustin Koyle. 8 74 ($4641: 4 J (J McKinley, 8.92 ($342) 5. Bnan lepresto. 9 20 ($220); 6. Tod Virden. 9.35 ($122) Barrel Rar:e - 1: T1bbd Snlltfl. t6,96i ($3371. 2. Janet Hall. 17 244 ($278! 3 Trish Man. 17.275 ($220} 4. Dus11 Franklin 17 352 ($11121 5 DoranP Wooley. 17 465 IS Ill I 1. 6 r nny Ciwen. 17.518 {$56). Breakaway Roping-·- 1 LHldSI.'Y [Jf'll 3 33 ($394): 2. Rhonda Km1tmll. 3 81 ($326). 3. Sltawna Dav1s 3 91 (S25BI 4 Aaron Kelly. 3.98 t$190}. 5 Maruret Jameson. 4 21 (512? L 6 Kfl' .t,,~ t C.H l•,on 4 46 ($68) . Team Roping -- 1. Larr.,. GrtliCJI rH;Brtilfl Sullivan 5 37 ($1 1981 ? B•ll SnurrtRobert Murphy 5 -10 '$1 1881 :> Darrin S1mpson. Jnme<> G111,,m1 5 57 ($t. 178): 4. Matt Dav•·~·Jorty Stuhlls 5 63 (S86Bl. 5 Corey Ross· F dL11e Na•tu 5 Rl' ($558), 6. Chad Sprmqo;IKyiP Srunp< 5.99 {$310).






So ~ha~ our enzpl~ees ~nay_ spend the holiday 10ieh eheir fa-milies .•.••

The RUIDOSO N E"""S will be closed on

1\11onday, September 2nd .in. observance of Labor Day.

Advertising DEADLINES for Wed., Sept. 4th will be

Friday, August: 3Qth @ 3:00pt"Q.

To reserve your advertising·~ space ~all: 257-4001

RUIDOSO NEWS 104 PARK AVE. • Rutooso, NE.w MEXICO 88345 .

Page 11: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according



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lfYPE --~C~R~E~D~I~T~C~A~R~O~~~~~--~~-=~~~C~A=R~D~#=:~~~--~~--~·~E~X~~~-~D=A~T=E~:~=--,-~~~~S~'I~G~'N~.~A~···~t~:R~~~::~------~--------~ DEADLINES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS:


C'mm~-:(·noN Poucr. Check your ad P.romptly for llCcuracx. Claims for errors must be receive<,! by The RUIDOSO Nt;ws within 24 hour~ ot" the lirst puhlicntion date. Cancellatipp Po.licy: No cash refuni:ls or charge card creiJit. The P,moosn NEws reserve,; the right to edit. catcg~>rizc or refuse clussiricd ads dlll' l<> mappn•nnutc contcnl. space conslderattons. etc. •


"PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate advertising 1n this newspaper Is sub­ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which .makes it illegal to adver­tise "any preference, limi­tation or discrimination based on race. color, rell· gion, sex, handicap famili­ar. status or national origin; or any Intention to make any such preference, limi­tatton or dlscdmlnation." Th1s newspaper will not knowingly accept any ad· vert1smg for real estate whtch is in· violation of the law. Our readers are here· by tnformed that all dwell· mgs advertised In the newspaper are available on an equal opportunity bas1s. To complain of dis· crrmination. call HUO toll free l-800·424·8590.

HWY 70 Frontage 1 1/2 m•les easl of Racetrack. Level three acres +1- zon­ed C·1 . F1ve Bldgs. three mobile Spaces. For details can 378·4661. 101 HOUSES


1288 SF Home, 3 bdrms12baths. 5x27 cov· ered deck, 5x15, porch. 5x9 sunroom. 5x5 en­closed entry vaulted cell· rng Extensive landscap· mg $65.000 204 Gavllan Hills Rd. 336-7076

ALTO HOME wilh golf membersh1p, 3 yrs old. beauttful mountain views with good decks, all the extras. $325.000. Call 336-1878 Or 21 0·862·5955

ALTO HOME, Full Golf plus v1ew. 3 Bd/2Ba, Spa­cious open living area. $259.000. 102 College Rd. Call 336-4948

ALTO'S BEST BUYII! Si­erra Blanca Views & beau­tiful decks off of this 3 bed­room. 2 bath home with At­to Golf Membership. PLUS another buildable full membership view lot. $195.000. Call Quick! Ste­vens RE 1-888-556·1349.

CAPITAN BARGAlN on 3+ acres. Neat & Clean 3/2 with sunny decks, easy access and room for ani­mals. Owner anxious­price reflects @$69,900 STEVENS REAL ESTATE 1-888-556-1349 or 505 630-9900


15 Mesa Dr. "W·

',>o;.,¥*:..~ ):~)f'W,;~:;-~,:"

320 countrv Club Dr.


COUNTRY LIVING In Prestigious Eagle Creek. 2.78 acres. Large, 5 bed­room, 3 bath, 2 living areas, garage apt, horse facilities and fenced. $345,000. Stevens RE 1-888-556·1349.

CREEKSIDE BARGAtN 2 bedroom. 1.5 bath, fire· placEJ, covEJred decks, lev­el lot, fruit trees and run­ning creek in your back yard. $105,000. STEVENS REAL ESTATE. 1-888· 556-1349

FOR SALE By Owner Be· ing Transferred To Hous­ton. Charming. 13 year old, 2 Story on 1/3 Crea· lively Landscaped Acre. Overlooks 12th and 14th Cree Meadows Fairways. Cozy Uving Room w/raised Flagstone Hearth Fireplace (wood and gas): Built-In cupboards: Book· shelves/Enlertainment Center: Dining Room: Modern Kitchen: Laundry Area w/slnk~ 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Master Suite Up· stairs w/Jacuzzl and or. flee/Den. Loads o( Closets and Storage Space~ Dou­ble Pane Windows; Hard· wood Floors; Vaulted Ceil­Ings; SKylights. Ceiling Fans. 2·Car Attached Ga· rage w/wood stove and shop area. Ffont porch and Many Decks. Hot Tub and Barbecue. Partial Mountain Views; Zen Re­flec1ing Pool w/Circulatlng stream. Gas Heat and Hot Water; Low Utilities. "So­cial MembershipM at Cree Meadows. Upgradable to Golf Membership. This Quality Home, In one of Ruidoso's Top Neighbor­hoods, is a "MUST SEE" and Fairly Priced to sell. Asking $225.000. To see Please Call 257-6870 or 430-4219. HUGE, . BEAUTIFUL, Adobe wNiew HondoNal­ley, 613. ,3/Fireplaces. Greenhouse. Near Race­track, BamJw/Stalls, River! Frontage. RV/Hool<ups, Ir-rigation, 9-1 0/acres. $485,000. Owner/Agent. Will Consider leasing 505-378-4923, 505-887-6809. 505-234-9913

In 1861 CCJnrederBletl lnvnd!e New MeKIC'o

rrum 'Te:~ta•. The Conroderat.e Terri Lory or Arizona I• ch,tled The­

T..trrit.oy ol" Coter:l'lodo '" ~'E'-ent.e<l


~se{J/1£; Associate Broker

SECLUDED YE~R ROUND. HOME! Like new 3 bedroom. 2 bath, high ceilings, gorgeous .9 acre, roses, . flowers, hot tub. Great buyll $109,9001 *94869


~!~>+ 11,11"~ •" ..

~ . ':!-7'-i;;;;;.tw.: - -· -


.JUST REDUCED- Large, 4 bedroom, 2.5 baths. large lots (street to street), hardwood floors, rock fire­place. good neighborhood. $'1 '1 0,500. Stevens RE 1-868-556-1349.

LOVELY KNOTTED Pine Home. Furnished, 2 King bedrooms, sunroom, car­port w/12x 12 storage room. 615 lst. Ruidoso. $119,000. 258-2603.

PARADISE IN the UpJJer Canyon. Furnished 4BR-2BA. For Sale By owner. Local 630·6506, 505-746-3551 View at

SALE BY Ownec Country Club Estates. 210 La Luz:. Buill In 1997. Now applian· cos. 3 Bd/2 Sa. Jacuzzt. Double car heated garage. Fenced Yard. Cornor Lot. SB View.258-1159

THE MOST INCREDIBLE VIEW IN TOWN!!! 3 bed-room. 2 bath, plus office/den. BuUt·ln lire-place, covered decks and carport. 201 College Drive $129,000 Stevens RE 1· 688·556·1349.

VALLEY HOME, irrigaled 4+ acres, 2.100 sq. ft., 2 BDI 2 BA. plus pavilion on river. $285.000. 505-653-4545. 102 CONDOS


CONDO FOR SALE re• duced $6,000 for 10 daysl 2bd/2.5ba. Whlspenng bluff, golf course. and Sial'· ra Blanca view. $80,900. 1-800-374·6477. Pager 1153.

FOR SALE by owner • 3Br/2.5 Ba, excellent loca­tion. Appointment only. Call (903} 894·6460.

RACQUET COURT- One of Ruidoso's best projects. Large 2 bedroom. 2 bath, newly redecorated . with bonus reclbedroom and/or garage. Perfect full time or second home. Close to Links. walking trans. res­taurants. $159,000. Owner anxious Stevens RE 1-668-556-1349. 1 03 MOBILE HOMES FOR


12X60. MUST be moved. $5750. 378-7099.

SIERRA BLANCA VIEW from level, Alto lakes Golf and Country Club social membership lot wilh trees. little creek runs ttl rough rear of . property. $24,500. #96805


$49,900 BUYS you a w19ekend hideaway or great rental. 2 bedroom, 1 bath on 5 city lots, nicely remodeled, covered decks and completely fenced. Stevens RE 1 ·688-556· 1349.

3 BD! 2 Ba Double wide home in Ruidoso Downs. No money down: less lhan $600/mo w/ good credit Call or come buy Thor­oughbred Homes. 378· 8064

FOR tlALE, to be moved, 10><52 Mobile Home. 610 Valley View Ln. ,Ruidoso Downs. $995 OBO. 378-1830 (915)650-4536 lv msg.

QUALITY HOMES NEW 16x80 $24.990

S179mo 3bd/2Sa. NEW 28!><60 $39,990 $299mo

4bcl12ba NEW 28X()O $42,990 $319mo

36d/2Ba NEW 2BX66 $46,990 $339mo 3

Bd/2Ba. NEW 28X76 $51,990 $369mo 4

Bdt28a. NEW 28XBO $55.990 $399mo

4Bdt2Ba. All prices in· elude: lireplace, side by

side relrigerator, modular cabinets, glamour balh.

48. separate shower. ther­mal pane windows, deluxe stove, deluxe dishwasher. zone Ill Insulation, micrO·

wave, delta metal faucets. porcelain sinks, satellite

system. hUp:l/yvww,aualitybo·

mesom,com Call

1·800-695-1112 QUALITY HOMES 10625 Central NE

Albuquerque. NM 87123


FOR SALE by owner Cab­in 109 Peak. Upper Can­yon. 806·371·8731 or 806 372-8630 105 HOUSES


3BD/2BA HOUSE & 3/2.5BATH Mobile with an addition for Rent. For info call 910-4562. ~

CREE MEADOW Town Home Rental. New con-struction, furnished 3 Bd/2.5Ba, washer/dryer, Garage. No pets one/year lease, $1000fmonth plus utilities. (505)585-9543.


REAL ESTATE P.O. Box 111 Alto, NM 88312 336-4567 Home/Office 430-0200 Cell

BUSINESS ONLY. Includes furniture. fixtures and equipment. Victoria's Romantic Hideaway at Gaze~o Plaza. Exquisite dining by reservation. Present lease is $725/mo. summer. $675/mo. winter. Low overhead. Bool<s available. $13,500 11'95731

Airport Hwy. home and horse uroperty $600.000. 197(180 Norlhem New Me~tlco hunting and fllhlnQ mlreats. $15,000 per

acrs. ownsr. It lint


? -~

JG~~~~~f •• ICE •t••etl••

Mountain charm with superb interior design/workmanship. New carpet, appliances,

custom designed satillo tile flooring and counter tops. Kitchen opens to heated sunroom.


1 LEVEL, 4 bdrm, 3 ba .. very clean, 2080 sq. ft .. wood floors covered by carpet or vinyl, lg kitchen. dining room. FP. F & B covered decks. 2 car car­port, level lot. easy ac­cess. erose to library. No smoking. no pets. RefeT­ences required. Mtnimum 1 year lease $1 000/mo. 1st. last & deposit Day or mght257-4747.

3BD/1BA. WATER paid, mce vtew. treed lol. central location Fully furnished. No pets $500 depostt S500/mo Call 9 15·855· 3367

FOR RENT Unfumtshcd House 3bd/1ba. fnepfaco. and central hcattng. newly decorated S700/month plus $200 dcpostt. 205 E C•rclo Dnve . ADH. across lrom race track 505·894· 2555

HOUSE FOR Rent 1 bed­room near Lincoln. $350/month. No pets Call !353-4260

In JJ4HI lhlh- ltt-t· IKul li-.,. .. hut h\. ~lu•rtU t•,,, Cl.~~ortt•lt 1tt

fot "'~Hutu•r Nt~ow ;\h••••-.•







'1 22 VISION '



$300 MO. $275 DEPOSIT




HIGHWAV 40, CAPITAN, NEW MEXICO. Don't miss out on this near new 3 Bedroom, 2 bath wilh beau1iful family room and hreplac:e. Located on over 2 acres. Thts would make a groat olloce/home location. Prtced to sell at $76.900. NEW LISnNGt

BEST LI'TTI-E BBQ PLAcE IN THE WEST. Fully eQuipped and all of lhe menu's Included. Famous In New Mel<lco and Texas. Excellent track record. Priced to sell at $65,000. Sellar wolf slay and train.

1.--...:E-..L--lU.......-.:,___~-...:....J NEW t,JSTINGI


ONE OF A KIND CUSTOM HOME . 2 Levels, custom oak finish & furniture.

.Enclosed pool downstairs, radiant floor heat, . 6 zones & NC. 3 Car garage, 2.4 Acres.

. $1,700,000. #97438 CALL JAMES PAXTON

ONE OF CAPITAN'S ORIGINAL HOMES! 2 Br, 1 Ba, large shed, level corner lot.

A fixer-upper, being sold :·as is". Has irrigation well. Adjoining lot set up

w/utilities. $59,900. #97187 CALL PATRICIA KEARNS

GORGEOUS 2.5 ACRES Near Spencer Theatre, Sierra Blanca & panoramic views.· Can subdivide ( 1 acre

min.). Horses allowed. Underground elec­tricity, community water. $69,500. #71822


SUPER MIDTOWN retail location. Building only. Rented for

$1300 per month. $219.000. #97061. ·CALL COLLEEN WHITAKER

Hlll)(l<,() :--.;F\\'- • P:\lil: llA


.·•11~~~ltl@ai·Estate 100-190

;,,.~·1\~:lfit:Pioyme"t 200-270 ' I


Fln,n~·I/Buslness 302-320

Merchiqdl•e for Sale 400-499

Serill•;,p_lrectory 501-599

Trari-!Jortatlon 600-694 I

··'Ltttiol Notices 686


AVAILABLE NOW unfur­nished, · 2Bd/2Ba, 1 ga­rage. all appliances, 1500 · sgtt. $775/mo + utilities. Mrdtown. 1 yr lease. Ca­sas de Ruidoso, Inc. Toll free 1-888-257-7577 or lo­cal 257 .. 7577.

GREAT LOCATION. 2 Condos • one 3Bd. com­pletely furnished. One 2Bd, partly furnished. Ref­erences and deposit re­QI,,ired. No pets. For fur­ther details call 258·5825

REMODELED, UNFUR­NISHED $525 water paid. No pets. Day 336·424& Evening 336~1880. Ask fm scou 107 APARTMENTS


2BDRM UNFURNISHED Apt.. appliances included, quiet neighborhood, no pots. water paid. 378· 4106.

NICEST TWO Bedroom. one bath apartment in town. Cathedral ceilings. washer/dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, stove includ­ed. Gas heaUhot water. ~LOW UTILITIES." 915-757·8043 for dotails.




NOB HILL New 2 Br Units

Park-like Sellrng Free mrcrowave

wl 1 yr lease 257·2511

APT FOR Rent 1 BD Jn Capitan. $330/mo. No pets. 354·2090 or 354-2711

CIMARRON CONDOS, $375/mo. plus deposit. 378-5280

UNFURNISHED 1 Bdi1Ba. 500 sqfl. By Ltnks walking path All appliances except WID. $400fmo + $35 for water+ all olhor utilitres. 1 yr lease Call CASAS DE RUIDOSO. INC Toll Free 1·688·257-7577 or local 257-7577 H>B MOBILE HOMES


MOBILE HOME for Rent 3/bd 2ba, WID hookup. fonced yard tor pet. rlre· place. mce area. Call 257· 1636. .

R\,;IJUMl N•:ws 157-101)1


Rl11441lCofRuidoso ~,-/\;,~ 1009 Mechem, Ruidoso, Nev.t MexiCo 88345 -· Office: (505) 258-5833 800-657-8570 EACH OFFICE INOEPENOENTL Y OWIIl\CD ANL' OP[k"'t 0

PRICE REDUCED! Remodeled 2 BR, 1 3/4 BA 14x80 singlewide on 1 . 99 acres in Capitan. Sierra Blanca view. horses allowed. metal storage building. #97025 Owner financing, $49,000. Call Eddy. NICE COUNTRY SElTING. 3 BR, 2 BA on 1+ acres. Large open kitchen, dining & living room with brick fireplace. Owner must sell · bring offers. $97.500. Let Marge take you to see. #97.359 ADOBE IN CAPITAN. This 2 BA. 1 BA house needs some fixing up. Metal roof. newly wired. good rental. Close to Catholic & Methodist Churches. #96514 Call Leo. $29,500.


CUTE, COZY CONDO View of race track, Sierra Blanca & new

stables. Recently stuccoed. Nice sun roon, carpet allowance. $89.999. #97563


HORSE PROPERTY 30+ Acres, fully fenced, 360° panoramic views, orchard, 2 water wells, lack shop,

30x40 workshop. Top of the line 3 Br. 2 Ba · home. $279~500. #97455


NICE HOME WfGOLF MEMBERSHIP Nice views, paved drive, big deck, vaulted

ceilings, wood floors, huge sun room across back of house w/large Jacuzzi. $175,500.


OWN A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM These are good lots for your getaway

cabin in North Alto. Easy access & priced to sell. Let's keep America rolling - invest

now! $12,950. #96226 CALL JORISE HE;NRY

• ' ..,. ,._v" .,.-\;<><>, .,. .>.> ""'" '

Bedroom/Office has own entrance. Fireplace and central heat~ level treed lot. Great Alto Country

Club location. Reduced from $210,000 to only $195~000. MLS#97093

CENTURY 21 Aspen Real Estate -~~~21. CALL TODAY! I I

727 Mechem Drive • Ruidoso 257-9057 • 1-800·658·2773

.. 1 01 High Mesa Drive • Alto

336·4248 .. 1-800-687-6602

BEAU'TIFUL .68+ ACRE Len' goes to Cedar creak, 3 bdrm, 2 112 baths, su" room, new ma\al· roof & many other lmprovomenlsl 2480 BQ.ft., one level, large, covered front porch & back deck, . double carport $229,5001 1196272

SHOWN BV APPOINTMENT ONLVI Gourmet kitchen .wlcablnets galore, radlanl .floor heating, 900 sq.ft. garage, bam w/loallng stall + four other !ilaiiS, on approlt. 1 0 llc<os and only 20 ml. rrom the race tmcll. Call Nllnty to \11gB lhl!l b!lalrtiful property. n•••c••• •r.• •••II•••

2BJ•.2J. v•slt us on-line at • Email Us· at: [email protected] Real Estate tor the Real World.,.,

cen: 420-4741 • Off: 257-5111

! . l 1·

Page 12: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according

HIH f'1.flHII I lit 1r.H ·,


38011 112BA On a Se­cluded Corner Lot. Cov­ered deck, stove, refrigera­tor. carpet and bHnds. $495 pl4s gas, electric and water. 115 Palo Alto. 1-505-522-3969.

TWO AND Three Bed-, room Mobile Homes. $295 - $450. 'Nice. On River near Dennys. 376-7099 or 915 526-8329. 111 1\CIII/Hd

ARABELA RANCH 260 Acres-$85,900.00 140 Acres-$37,900.00 Near Ruidoso & Hondo

Valley Spectacular Capitan

Mountain Views, Private 10% Down. Owner

Finan~ 1-800-883-4841

BEAUTIFUL TREED 5 acre tract with all city utili.t­ies, A STEAL at $51,000. 1196276. Great for "a nice cabin or multi-family, ad­joining 15 acres also avail­able. Call Joseph A. Za­gone 420-3807 or 257-9057.

BUILDERS, DEVELOP­ERS! 13.5 acres In town with city water and sewer available. Several building . Sites, adjacent to new subd. In Wt. Mtn. Mead­ows area. Owner will carry $159,000. Stevens RE 1-988-556-1349.

FOR SALE By owner 10 Acres· In Loma Grande Es­tates. Very pr•vate. Gas. electric and water In place. $10,000/acre. 354·1929.

HONDO VALLEY 10 acraa all flat and usable. Adjacent to State land. Only $41,000. (505)653-4382.

HONDO VALLEY 19 acres with well and elec­tric. Only $51,600. Strornel Realty (505) 653-4382.

HONDO VALLEY 218 acres, negotiable water rights, newly remodeled 5,000+ sq. H. home, 5,760 sq. ft. barn. much more. Price reduced $575,000. Stromal Realty (505} 653· 4382


140 ACRES - $39,900

Meadows, trees, views. Unlimited horseback rid· lng on 130 miles of trails. short drive to Ruidoso. E-

Z Terms! SW Properties ot New

Mexico, Inc. 835-1008

1-977-67o-6015 Call todayu

Sti:LL, · TJUlD'Ef: • • WU:l. CARRY on these two very bUildable lots In the Cedar Creek area. Afmost 1 acre, vfewe, focated In un-re­stnctOd subd. Mobiles. Modulara, RV's ok. $2-4,900. Stevens RE 1-888-556-1349. ~ " c • , r•,

I Oil ',1\1 I

~~TO LOT, .7 acre. 106 l'l.nO Mesa Rd. 336-4948

SMOKEY BEAR Restau­rant In Capitan Is For Sale. 354-2253. I I ( 01.11.11 I!C 11\l

F'llnPr 111 Y IH NT

FOR LEASE: Prime Office space. Executive suites w"h conference room. Al­so, larger mul11-office suites. Interior or Golf Course/ Mountain views. Abundant parking. 258-5824

GOOD LOCAnON - 863 sq1t, C2, 112 Bath, utilities paid. $800/mo + deposit. 301 Mechem 257-6944.

MIDTOWN- approx. 1200 sq ft. Sudderth Frontage. Retail, office, professional. $475 per month long term lease. 1-889-656-1349

NEAR LCMC 2 offices for rent. One remOdeled 362 SQft. Another 1672 sqft, 5 offices w/ conference room. Call257-9806


I'! I f!CllJ'-,[ •, I flll '•/\I I


PH<lPI I HY' fll-NT

OFFICE SPACE fpr Rent. Located at intersection of Sudderth and Mechem. 2625 Sudderth. 257-7521. 910-3065 or 420-5095. I I I •, I Of!/\C,F Ill N1

AA STOKA~E All sizes available Co111pet!t1ve Rates 01-1· site Ma1-1ager

Across froYt1 Ford Co. o~ Hwy. 70

~78-7030 ALTO VIEW Lots from $22,500 to $65,000. Call 505-377-3310 or 378-4800

FORTRESS . MINI Storage at the Castle, HWY 70. All sl~es. Including (2) 20X60 In .Prestige Cabinet Show­room. 257-0313 ·or 257-7622. 1 \1, MOna F HOME SITES


NEWLY OPENED RV and Mabile Home Park Hwy 70 East. Spaces Available 336-9689 . lh:• l AKF/MOUNTAIN

Ill ~;onT 1'1101'EnTY

RUIDOSO PINECLIFF Vil­lage Timeshare, 1 or 2 Ju­ly Weeks, 2 bedroom unit, $2000 1 'week, $3500 2 , weeks. 505-258-4273 after • -RV SPAC&S for rent in town, quiet park. $225.00 per month, we pay water. 257-2004 420-1478 ;•uo I!ELP WANTEO

AN ENERGETIC Person Needed. must be able to work weekends. Call Rain· bow Lake Resort at 257· 5291.


Accepting applications for Servel'll and Cooke. Tor. Dollar paid for Exper • enced Cooks.441 Mechem

BIG 0 Tire Is now accept• lng applications for an ex· perienced tire tochnlcian w/1 year experience. Full lime. Apoply at 2259 W. Hwy 70. 378-1708 ask for Tom


Community Mental Health Center seeking Case

Manager to provlde serv­Ices In Juvenile Communi­

ty Corrections setting In our Ruldosn,.p,tyce. Must

have Bachell:SI"ll Degree In Criminal .Jus«ce Ptoychol~ ogy, Social Work or relat­ed field. Experience pre-


The Counseling Center of-fers competitive salaries

and excellent fringe bene· fits. Send letter of Interest and resume to The Coun-seling Center, Attn: Hu­

man Resources, 1900 E. 10th Street, Alamogordo, NM 88310. Position open

until filled. EOE

@ 41lD1iJ' Cattle Baron & Farley's are currently accepting applications for all posi­tiorts. Great wages and the best tip potential around. Insurance and 401(k) plan available. Apply in person for an interview between 2p.m.-5p.m. Mon.-Fri. and lla.m.- 3p.m. Sat. & Sun. Applications accept­ed at any time during business hours. Apply at 657 Sudderth or 1200 Mechem. No phone call please.

Cattle Baron Restaurants. Inc. is an

EOE. HOUSEKEEPER NEED· ED. Smokey Bear Motel, Capitan. Apply In Person llll JIOLJSI"S

ron SALE


COME JOIN OUA TEAM I Looking for outgoing and friendly FuU-time and Part­Time cashiers, excellent working envimnment. anct great benefits. Apply in person at 418 Sudderth.

COOKS, PREP Cooks. Servers needed. Smokey Bear ~otel & Restaurant.

'Capitan. Apply in Person DIAMOND SHAMROCK now hiring Both Shifts Apply in Person ·1901 Sud­derth., Ruidoso. DUCT

'INSTALLER/PLUMBER'S ASSISTANT. 'Must have hal)dtools and . transporta~ tton. Call 430-0813 . FULL TIME Grill Cook & part-time cal}hier. Great benefits. Apply in perspn at 418 Sudderth. FULL TIME maintenanc.e Position Crown Point Condos, 220 Crown Dr., is now accepting applica­tions. Please apply in per­son. Contact Ramiro Cano. GATE CLERKICASHtER, light bookeeping. must be willing to get dirty. Start @ $7.00/hr. Call Paul 378-1091 . GREAT WALL OF CHINA is now hiring PT/FT server fry cook, and hostess. Ap­pry in person.


Stockc~rs & Chcclwrs HIRIFTWAY

SUPERMARKET Apply 111 Parson

304 Moci1GIT1

' ' I ' . . , ,


Food Service Workers/$8.32 hr.

Instructor/Counselors/ $8.32 tir.

Night Watchmenl$7.21 hr

have 3~5 years field crew experience, 2+- years total station experience. Pn· mary responsibility Will be to operate Geod1merer to­tal stalion. Please forward resume to JUdith canuo~cur· scorp.c;pll),, (Ax to .human. ... resources at 505·672-4598, or mail to 6501 Americas Parkway NE. Suite 900, Albuquerque~ NM fJ7110. EOE

RN (JOB 1102-t26·N10) Presbyterian Medical Services· Home Health & Hospice of Lincoln County based in Ruidoso Is seek­Ing lwo RNs to perform a variety of nursing services to pat1ents in the1r place of residence directed by a physician. Requirements: graduate of approved school of nursing, either AD, BSN. or diploma. have t:urrenl NM nursing licen­sure and be CPR certified

· with a valid NM driver's li­cense. To apply: send cov­er letter stating Job /t02-126-N1 0, PMS Job Appli­cation, resume and proof of education/ licensure to Home Health & Hospice of· Lincoln Count)!. 200 Sud­derth, Suite A, Ruidoso, NM 88345 or fax (505) 257-3995. For an applica­tion call 1-505-257-5189 or 1-600-477-7633, visit our office or see our web site: www.pms­ SIGN ON BONUS! PMS is . an equal opportunity employ­er. lAUNDRY HELP, Full and Part Time. Apply in per­son. Becker's Mountain Laundry 72'1 Meechem. NOW HIRING for all pOsi­tions! Please apply in per­son at THE DECK HOUSE, 202 Mechem. 257-3496


fees). 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath

"ri~~.w.,·n:Jrotter·end area) Pristine mountain 1 Bath, partially furnished.

rriliH'i!!il roof, new windows, fenced

H•rifeihtt!l area across from track, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath,

valfey,· very economical to· five

"" 36x24 metal , w~n. horses









Minimum Requirements: Proficient in the use of QuarkXPress. PhOtoshop, .word proce·ssing software, creative ad design, good photo eye, people rela­tions. Must be willing to spend the time necessary to complete each issue.

Experience Required; Prefer· text flaw knowledge in a magazine setting and ability to work with. a small very efficient .team. Have the ability to interview. train part time page build­ers.

Salary Range; Based on experience.

Apply at Real Estate Press. 225 E. Idaho. Ste. 4, Las Cruces, NM 88005 or mail resume to PO Box 1244. Las Cruces. NM 88004 or email: mbell@ipsun-oews pam K-BOBS IS now aceepting application for . servers and cooks. Apply between the hours of 6 am to 11 am. 378-4747. KOKOPELLI CLUB .now hiring . all positions. Golf course maintenance, Pro­Shop. kitchen. bussers & experienced servers (Must have valid NM Alcohol Certification). Apply in Per­son between a - 5, 201 High Mesa Rd. Alto. No Phone Calls. Verifiable ref­erences required. LAUNDRY PERSON needed Flexible. hours. · Own transportation. Apply 1n person Ramada Inn Limited. Hwy 70 East. LOCAL FINANCE Com­pany has Full-time position available. Must have relia­ble transportation and auto msurance. Benefits include health insurance, paid holi­days & bonuses. Start1ng pay $8/hour with ellperl­ence. Apply al 23B Sud· derlh '

LOOKING FOR Energetic and Fnendly Employees.

Htring for all Positions: Managers

Crew members Starting at $6 to $8

Depending on Experience . AJ'Iply•664 SUddarth ·

MODELS NEEDED for Art Class. Older is fine, M/F. July 15-19 and July 22-26. Choose your time slot. See Ben Kanis at Ramada Ltd. I rom Sun, July t 4. Cowboy/Indian Regalia Greal.





Part-time - max 30 hours per week - Earn some ex-

tra money today! State-wide l:;leer distributor seek-ing motivated, self-starter for Ruidoso area - Posi-

tion calls on retail ac-counts - builds displays

and fill shelves in key ac-co1,1nts for nationally

known beverage brands -Up to $8.25 per hour with




Send resume to: N.M. Beverage· Co.

820 N, Garden Roswell, NM 88201

-~~ ~ut.

NOW HI.RING · Cooks, & Drivers Both Locations

AcceptinjhApplicat.ions . for Sht Man~ger .

at · !?udderth Location

PART-TIME HOUSE-KEEPERS, $7.00 per hour. Must have some ex­perience. Appiy at the .Hol­Iday Inn Express. 400 West Hvey 70.

PERSON NEEDED as Service helpe'f @ Ruidoso Lincoln Ford Mercury. Washing vehicles. clean­ing service dept ate main job responsibilities. We pay a $300 signing bonus . Contact Ron 378·4400

READY LABOR Daily Work/ Dally Pay

Construction. framers. general labor, food

service. housekeepers clerical. All Skill Levels!

Apply Todayf 257-7876

449 Sudderth Drive In Gateway

CenterRuidoso ready labor 1 x2 200 Help wanted








Only Sober Minclt!id Need Apply . ·

S33 Hwy 70/Ruidoso · Downs


RUIDOSO . VALLEY Chamber of Commerce is lookiOQ ·for a person to work PT/Weekends. Satur­day 9-3. Sunday 9-1. Also wil cover holidays and va­cations. Immediate open­ing. Apply at the Ruidoso Cllamber of Commerce 720 Sudderth.


is now accepting applications for

dependable, matl!re, enthusiastic, friendly crew members - all

shifts. Apply in person 7-10:30 a.m. at

102 Horton Circle EOE

TR'S MARKET Now Hir­ing Cashier/Kitchen Help $7-8/Hr. Paid Vacation ev­ery 6 mos. Apply In Per­son. Alto 336-7819.


-Brillante Construction ThOmas Brillanle

Redwood Decks • Remodeling Pamting • New Construction

"' Lie. 15631D-258-5198•Rulcfcso. N.M.

GARDEN GREEN + Super Clean Yard work, power washing, dack refinishing, hauling, tree thinning, FIRE BREAKS, pine nee­dles. roofs and gutters. Est 257-2172 or 420-5225. dangerus®zlanet com LICENSED MEDICAL As­sistant. 19 years eKperl· ence. Will do any private care. Excellent references. 354·0231

VARD CLEANING. Mow­Ing, weedeatlng, and deck repairing Experienced and Reliable. Ask for Joe:420· 2465



• Studio uparlmcnt. furnished or unfurnished. $3 7 5/mo .. includes utilities.

• . 4 ~D,dnn, 2 Dutb nice;.fia.\-J.Qt.. 1

grdu location. $850/mo. plus utilities.

Tall Pines Realty 257-7786 /J11nna .tltlh/1')·

tlk.• 1/.1-A.fl


~TALL PINES :REALTY~ 2 704 Sudderth • 257-7786 • 800-257-7786· ·

,.,.. .. ,....,. ..•ltlllllpin.,.s or Ruidosn·rodny.con• .luhnny ~lc>hl.,"'· J'\.1urk 1\-Tobi"Y Pnr Urown

33r.-2040 25'7-3119() :257-'7416 lltoltc \lell•""'' 1~,/1,.,_, /•.,.,. ... ,..,, c·~ \fn/11 \ltlh.uJ /lH//ur J•,...._Ju. •.. \/ultr \fiiii•HI /' .. Jiu,. /"nHIII• •. ,

IJ1nn Sp~n\!'-"r 910-.\446

\fu//J \f.t//f-r"J /1,,1/ar 111"u·•ltll •• ,

:\.1ury l ... ou ""\:'urk 33(>-'1154

1/,//,,,, l•f•llrn ,.,..,,,,, ,.,.

Juc <•rRht !'10!<-653-494 I


!\.lack Kh:cr ;t~7-IH~6 420-4251

NEW LISTING - FANTASTIC HOME off Upper Canyon. 3 bedr·ooms. 2 baths, single attached garage, large bedrooms. totally remodeled and landscaped. ne\.V deck and more. $175.000.

Tl:IIS WOULD MAKE A GREAT WEEKENDER! This is a::! bedroom. I '/:bath home with a great roek fireplace. outside storage unit. completely fenced, all one level with easy year ·round acce,.s. Owner motivated, price reduced tn $68,000. GRio:AT UPPER CANYON HOME. 2 Bedrooms. 2 baths. wood and tile llnor,.,. tlag.stnnc patio. dv<!r rock facia. hig lot goes !'<treet to .-treet. New full size bathju,.,t audcd. Also has bonus room for oft1ce. etc. $106.900. • CUTE. <:UTE. <:UTE! This 2 bedroom. 1 bath Ruidoso cabin is close to town bUI also has excellent views of Sierra Blanca. Knotty pine living room. cozy kitchen. g.1·eat condition and location. I car garage. All for only $90.000. NE"'\1 LISTING - ALL ONE LEVEL HOME. 3 Bedrooms. 2 baths. double alla<.:hcd garage. cornpletcly f'enced. additional 4'" bedroom or gameroom, wood hurnin!! stove:. great covered deck. light and airy. great price per square font. $1 I <.J500. LAR<;J~ PRIVATE LOT CLOSE TO T<>WN with a fairly new rnunufacturcd hnn1e w1th an add on. Great upcn living.'<iining and kitchen concept, built in fi•·eptucc. nice deck, fantastic kids playhouse, comptetely furnished. Must see in,., this one. $94,000.



\X'ED:\ESP:-\.Y, Jt LY 10, 2002·


ATTENTION SOCCER Players! We are in the process ol forming a club and looking lor players that are interested. Please call, 437-8753, Boomer Loc~e. " ' 29Cl PETS

. At<C SHIH-TZU Male, 18 months Old. Proven Stud. All Shols, Must Sel!l $200 671-0093 (Local Call).

PET AND Plarit sitting: your house qr mine. Mine, for small dogs: yours· for larger pet ,cats and plants. Cali Sandy for information. 257-0306. 304 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES

ESTABLISHED JANITO­AIA~ and paper supply distribution business for sale in Ruidoso area. Can be operated by one person or would merge well with existing busi· ness. For more informa­lio'1 call 378-4661.

LINCOLN COUNTY . Full Dispensers Liquor Li­cense. Use anywhere in Lincoln County. $265,000. 1-888-556-1349

REAP SUMMER Sales, Store sp~ce available at COTTAGE CENTRAL MALL, . 616 Sudderth, call 630-1122. 400 MISCEl-LANEOUS

· FOR SALE 0omputers and equipment, file cabi­nents, ale, oak book case, lounge chairs. misc. 336-4948.

FOR SALE: Beautiful, Handmade, Authentic Lin­coln County Log Flower Pots. 376·1190

FOR SALE: used oil field pipe, 2 3/8" diameter. 3 grades, 3 prices. Call Ran­dy or Jim at 336-4377.

SHOPSMITH MARK V Home · workshop system, $1200. Renken Deep V Boat, 140 HP OMC, very good condition $3000. '94 Chevy PU Half Ton. clean, new tires, $4000. 336· 9663 after 6 PM. 401 ANTIQUES/ART

ANTIQUE MERCANTfLE In Cloudcroft is giving 20-50% off Ot'l almost every­thing 1n the shop. We are overstocked as a result of our forrest fire. We have lemons. costume 1evvelery, sports cars. furmlure. glass. kitchen colle.ctables. framed art and much more. A new load is arnv­ing for 4th of July week­epd. We are overflowmg to tlie outstde. Come and ask us our best price. Layaway available. V1sa and Mas· tercard accepted. 682-2583

111 ACR.eAGE


GOING OUT OF BUSI­NESS SALE at Victona·::; Romantic Hide-away. A1•t1- ; ques. collectables. kitchen equipment, and more. Wednesday and Thursday ' 9-5, Friday and Saturday 8:30-1:00. 2117 Sudderth. 257-5440. '

LOTS OF Goodies, . Anti­ques, new hqme <:~ccesso­'ries and gifts.' denim cloth­ing, quills. heritage lace. log furniture, blue cow pot­tery, clocks. etc. COT­TAGE CENTRAL MAL.L. 616Sudderth, 630-1122


WASHER AND Pryer. .$75 each. 257-1097.


STEEL BUILDING, 40x66 · WAS $12,880 MUST SELL $7,477 1-800~292~ 0111_


DELL COMPUTER 128 MB, 56k rnodem. OVD. loaded with software, great for student. $700.00 257-2004; 420-1477.

FOR ;:;ALE Computers and equipment .. fife cabi­nents, ale. oak book case, lounge chairs, misc. 336-4948.

LIKE NEW HP Desk Writer Color Printer for

Mac. Extra black car­tridge included.


call 258-1672 leave message.


LIKE NEW Large oak hutch. leaded glass doors. $275. Caii630-0i37.



1000 Suddf!r1t1' Qnyp c·fj7 111•'•



We Buy 5<•11 & Traat•

650 Sunuorth 125 7 · 7"> 75

E~AT:"F"'- ] In IH'I.!M.

t< It ·• llo • .tt"' ••••hi •To ·• · • 1'1. '' ·

\'1 ~- ... 11•1 II I[ ~ IU.ooh of• I IO I,,.

:"\)o •Ufot ,., to ~• o•fl h I ~ '''' o I

----·-111 .t,I':REAGE

ARABELA RANCH 280 Acres - $85,900.00 140 Acres- $37,900.00

Near Ruidoso & Hondo Valley Spectacular Capitan

Mountain views, private. 1 0°/o down, Owner Financed.




GREAT LOCt\TION ON SL'DDERTHII Pcrl~!<.:t \ .. ..:ation for home bu,iness Wllh I -2 bedmom. I halh atla<.'hL•tl apartment in back with .,eparatc &. garJen lih· setting in fenced back yard. Owner fine1nce a\ ailahie. $169.900. #96406

WELL KEPT BliiLDING. great for <.:hurc-h. large gntup meeting hall or offices. Easy year-round ac~-c"'· plent) of parking. approximately 3264 !.quare feeL S22lJ.SUO.

Tall Pines Realtv 1-800-257-7786 ~ Tallpines@ 2704 Sudderth Drive



LOTS OF POTENTIAL! Lovingly built by owner, but never quite finished. 3 or 4 bedrooms. 1 full bath started but not finished. 2 car. detached garage on corner lot. Fenced back yard, adjoining lot available. $90,000.00

AFFORDABLE GET-A-WAY. Com­pletely furnished and ready to enjoy. 3 bedroom, 1 bath with single car garage, workshop, large uncov~red deck. Large lot with city utilities, easy access, close to shopping. $63,995.00

REAL ESTATE PRICE REDUCED! Br~nd new, 3 bdrm, 2 bath manu lac· lured dbl wide, redwood deck, nice wooded lot. Owner motivated $79,500.00 · · BARGAINI Located on on~;J acre, 3 bedroom, 1 bath mobile add-on with covered and open decks, lots .of stor­age, fireplace and wood stove. You get what you see including two vehicles. $42,500.00 AFFORDABLE GET AWAY. Fully furnished, 3 bdrm., 1 bath with single car garage, workshop, large uncovered deck. Large lol wilh city utilities, easy access, close to shopping. $63,995.00 . FIXER UPPER. Sweet little stucco, very liable as is. 1 bCirm., 1 bath, sunroom, nursery, free standingfireplace in living room. Located on three lotsc$55,000.00 UNIQUE CABIN, PRICE REDUCED AGAIN! Recently remodeled 1. bedroom, .75 bath, built around a travel trailer. Nice den with fireplace, IbM area, screened-in porch, deck, carport, fully fenced, pine covered lot. $42,500.00 .

. WELL MAINTAINED MOBILE. Affordable get·a-way. Clean and comfortable older mobile with add·on. 2 ·bed· room. 1 bath, mostly furnished. On pine covered lot. $32,500.00 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT In one of the most exclu­sive areas in Ruiaoso. City utilities available, parlial·view of Sierra Blanca. Owner will consider trade. $69,500.00 DOUBLE WIDE LOT •. 50 acre lot with 28' x 66' pad already in place, culvert in for driveway, fully developed subdivision with all underground utilities. $2~.000.00 TWO ACRES. located between Bonito Lake and, Nogal, Manufactured dbl wide allowed, horses okay, easy

off $20,000.00

/. J

THROUGHOUT! 4· bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3008 sq.ft~ home locat­ed in an e1<clus!ve neighbor~ood and loaded with amenities. Vaulte ceilings, wet bar, elevator between le el, large kitchen, large master bedroom,'1 two car. garage with heated work area, ce~tral A/C and heat make this home comfortable year round. $295,500.00 ~

WELL Pride of ownership shows • in this cute, clean and comfortable single wide: 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, partially furnished and read to enjoy! Located on beau­tiful wooded lot. Large covered deck city .utilities. $59,000.00 · '

Page 13: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according

IUJ~ f'1.flHIII IHJI\1f~,


38011 1/ZBA On a Se­cluded Corner Lot. Cov­ered dec~. stove, refrigera­tor, carpet and bUnds. $495 pl1.4s gas, electric and water. 115 Palo Alto. 1-505-522-3969.

TWO AND Three Bed-, room Mobile Homes. $295 - $450. 'Nice. On River near Oennys. 378-7099 or 915 526•8329. 111 1\CIU/\(d

ARABELA RANCH 280 Acrea-$85,900.00 140 Acres-$37,900.00 Near Ruidoso & Hondo

Valley Spectacular Capitan

Mountain Views, Private 10% Down. OWner

Finan~ 1 ·800-863-4841

BEAUTIFUL TREED 5 acre tract with ali city utlll.t­ies. A STEAL at $51,000. #96276. Great for "a nice cabin or multi-family, ad­joining 15 acres also avail­able. Call Joseph A.· Za­gone 420-3807 or 257-9057.

BUILDERS, DEVELOP­ERS! 13.5 acres in town with city water and sewer available. Several building , Sites, adJacent to new subd. In Wt. Mtn. Mead­ows area. Owner will carry $159,000. Stevens RE 1-888·556·1349.

FOR SALE By owner 10 Acres· In Loma Grande Es­tates. Very prtvate. Gas. electric and water In place. $10,000/acre. 354-1929.

HONDO VALLEY 10 acres all flat and usable. Adjacent to State land. Only $41,000. (505)653-4382.

HONDO VALLEY 19 acres with well and alec· trlc. Only $51,600. Stromal Realty (505} 653-4382.

HONDO VALLEY 218 acres, negotiable water rights, newly remodeled 5,000+ sq. ft. home, 5,760 ~- ft. barn, much more. Price reduced $575,000. Stromal Realty (505) 653· 4382


140 ACRES • $39,900

Meadows, trees, views. Unlimited horseback rid· lng on 130 miles of trails. shan drive to Ruidoso. E-

ZTermsl SW Proper11es o1 New

Mexico, Inc. 835-1008

1-877-67G-8015 Call today!!

SELL. · TJIItADE~-·: WIO.. CARRY on thetHl two very bUildable lots In the Cedar Creek area. Afrnoat 1 acre, views, located In un-re~ strlctod subd. Mobiles, Modulars, RV's ok. $24,900. Stevens RE 1-888-556-1349.

• t [ I 'I ... I Cll f •,.1\1 f

~!-TO LOT, .7 acre. 106 .-uto Mesa Rd. 336-4948 ' I II 111.11.11 lit II\ I I'll! ll'l II f Y

SMOKEY BEAR Restau­rant In Capitan Is For Sale. 354-2253. I I C 01.11.11 IH 11\t

f'fllll'£ fllY•Ilf Nl

FOR LEASE: Prime Office space. Executive suites with con1erence room. Al­so, larger mul1i-olfice suites. Interior or Golf Course/ Mountain views. Abundant parking. 258-5824

GOOD LOCAnON • 663 sqft, C2, 112 Bath, utilities paid. $600/mo + deposit. 301 Mechem 257-6944.

MIDTOWN - approx. 1200 sq ft. Sudderth Frontage. Retail, office, profe&alonal. $475 per month long term lease. 1-888-656-1349

NEAR LCMC 2 offices for rent. One remodeled 382 SQft. Another 1672 sqft, 5 offices w/ conference room. Call257-9806


lrl! lfCHJ',.( ~,.


I I '• < UMMI flCIAl f'flr lJ>I ! I TYI Ill- NT

OFFICE SPACE fpr Rent. Located at intersection of Sudderth and Mechem. 2625 Sudderth. 257-7521, 910-3085 or 420-5095. 1111 S J Uf!f\Cit llH"l

AA sro~t}E All sizes available Co111petitive Rates Or1· site Mat1ager

Across fro~ Ford Co. o~ Hwy. 70

~78-7030 ALTO VIEW Lots from $22,500 to $65,000. Call 505-377-3310 or 378-4600

FORTRESS . MINI Storage at the Castle, HWY 70. All siz;es, Including . (2) 20X60 In .Prestige Cabinet Show­room. 257-0313 or 257-7622. l \lo MOnll F HOME SITES


NEWLY OPENED RV and Mobile Home Park Hwy 70 East. Spaces Available 336-9669 . lh? I 1\KFIMO\JNTAIN

lli·~011T PROPERTY

RUIDOSO PINECLIFF Vil­lage Timeshare, 1 or 2 Ju­ly Weeks, 2 bedroom unit, $2000 1 'week, $3500 2 weeks. 505-258-4273 after ,

rent town, quiet park. $225.00 per month, we pay water. 257·2004 420-1478 ;•uo I!ELP WANTED

AN ENERGETIC Person Needed, must be able to work weekends. Call Rain­bow Lake Resort at 257-5291.


Accepting applications for Servere and Cooks. Top Dollar paid for Experi­enced Cooks.441 Mechem

BIG 0 Tire Is now accept• lng applications. for an ex­perienced tire tochnlcian w/1 year experience. Full time. AJS'ply at 2259 W. Hwy 70. 378-1708 ask lor Tom


Community Mental Health Center seeking Case

Manager to provide serv­Ices In Juvenile Communi­

ty C<mec:tlons setting in our Ruldo~Rtffce. Must

have Bachdl~l"t. Degree in Crlmlnai.Juatice PGychol· ogy, Social Work or relat­ed field. EKperlence pre-


The Counseling Center of-fers competitive salaries

and excellent frfnge bene· fits. Send letter of Interest and resume to The Coun-seling Center, AUn; Hu­

man Resources, 1900 E. 10th Stree1, Alamogordo, NM 68310. Position open

until filled. EOE

@ 41111'*' Cattle Baron & Farley's are currently accepting application~ for all posi­tions. Great wages and the best tip potential around. Insurance and 401(k) plan available. Apply in person for an interview between 2p.m.-5p.m. Mon.-Fri. and I la-m.- 3p.m. Sat. & Sun. Applications accept­ed at any time during business hours. Apply at 657 Sudderth or 1200 Mechem. No phone call please.

Cattle Baron Restaurants, Inc. is an

EOE. HOUSEKEEPER NEED~ ED. Smokey Bear Motel, Capitan. Apply In Person In r flO US!.' S

run SJ\LE


COME JOIN OUR TEAM' Looking for outgoing and friendly FuU-time and Part· Time cashiers, cKcellent working environment. and great benefits. Apply in person at 418 Sudderth. COOKS, PREP Cooks. Servers needed. Smokey Bear Motel & Reslaurant.

'Capitan. Apply in Person. DIAMOND SHAMROCK now hiring Both Shifts Apply in Person ·190 1 Sud­denh., Ruidoso. DUCT

. IN~TALI..,ERIPLUMBER'S ASSISTANT. 'Must have har:tdtools and transporta-tion. Call 430-0613 . FULL TIME Grill Cook & part-time ca~?hier. Great benefits. Apply in perspn at 418 Sudderth. FULL TIME m·aintenanc.e Position Crown Point Condos, 220 Crown Dr.. is now accepting applica· tions. f>lease apply in per-son. Contact Aamiro Cano. ·

GATE CLERK/CASHIER, light bookeeping, must be willing lo get dirty. Start @ $7.00/hr. Cali Paul 378-1091 GREAT WALL OF CHINA is now hiring PT/FT server fry cook, and hostess. Ap· ply in person.

Food Service Workers/$6.32 hr.

lnstructorfCounselars/ $8.32 Hr.

Night Watchmen/$7.21 hr

have 3~5 years field crew experience. 2~ years total station experience. Pri­mary responslbillly Will bo to· operate Geodtmeter to· tal station. Please forward resume to judHh ce.rlllo<ii>ur­scorp.e;pl1) 1 • ~ Co .human. ... resoufcos at 505-872-4598, or mail to 6501 Americas Parkway NE. Suite 900, Albuquerque~ NM {!7110. EOE

RN (JOB #02-126·N10} Presbyterian Medical Services' Home Health & Hospice of Lincoln County based In Ruidoso Is seek­Ing two RNs Ia perform a variety of nursing services to patients in thetr place of residence directed by a physician. Requirements: graduate of approved school of nursing. either AD, BSN, or diploma, have ~urrent NM nursing licen­sure and be CPR certified with a valid NM driver's li­cense. To apply: send cov­er teuer stattng Job lf02-126-N1 0, PMS Job Apph­cation. resume and proof of education/ licensure to Home Health & Hospice of· Lincoln County, 200 Sud­derth, Suite A, Ruidoso, NM 88345 or tax (505) 257-3995. For an applica­tion call 1-505-257-5189 or 1-800-477·7633, visit our office or see our web site: www.pms­ SIGN ON BONUS! PMS is . an equal opportunity employ­er. LAUNDRY HELP, FuU and Part Time. Apply in per­son. Becker's Mountain Laundry 721 Meechem. NOW HIRING for all posi­tions! Please apply in per­son at THE DECK HOUSE, 202 Mechem. 257-3496


lm,.......,v{I~Jl'PEJf·~end area) Pristine mountain 1 Bath, partially furnished,

n~•Diil roof, new windows, fenced

Hl~fdhtJ~ area across from track. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath,

valley, very economical to live

""' 36x24 metal w~n. horses


.. • l -








Minimum Requiremenls: Proficient in the use of auarkXPress. Photoshop, ,word processing software, creative ad design, good photo eye, people rela­tions. Must be wining to spend the time necessary to complete each issue.

Experience Required: Prefer· text now knowledge in a magazine setting and ability to work with a small very efficient .team. Have the ability to inteTView, train part time page build· ers.

Salary Range; Based on experience.

Apply at Real Estate Press, 225 E. Idaho, Ste. 4. Las Cruces, NM 88005 or mail resume to PO Box 1244. Las Cruces. NM 88004 or email: mbell@icsun· K-BOBS IS now accepting application for . servers and cooks. Apply between the hours of 6 am to 11 am. 378-4747. KOKOPELLI CLUB .. now hiring . all positions. Golf course maintenance, Pro­Shop, kitchen, bussers & experienced servers (Must have valid NM Alcohol Certification). Apply in Per­son between 8 - 5, 201 High Mesa Rd. Alto. No Phone Calls. Verifiable ref­erences required. LAUNDRY PERSON needed Flexible- hours.· Own transportation. Apply tn person Ramada Inn Limited. Hwy 70 East. LOCAL FINANCE Com­pany has Full-time position available. Must have relia­ble transportation and auto msurance. Benefits include health Insurance. paid holi­days & bonuses. Start1ng pay S81hour with O)(perl­once. Apply at 2,;38 Sud­derth

LOOKING FOR Energetic and Friendly Employees.

Htring for all Positions: Managers

Crew members Starting at $6 to sa

Depending on Experience • • . Appty•5fi4 · MODELS NEEDE6 tor An Class. Older is fine. MIF. July 15·19 and July 22-26. Choose your time slot. See Ben Kanis at Ramada ltd_ rrom Sun. July 14_ Cowboy/Indian Regalia GreaL





Part-time - max 30 hours per week - Earn some eK-

tra money today! State-wide beer distribute~ seek-ing motivated. self-start('O!r for Ruidoso area - Posi-

tion calls on retail ac-counts - builds displays

and fill shelves in key ac-co1,1nts for nationally

known beverage brands -Up to $8.25 per hour with

allowance .



Send resume to: N.M. Beverage Co.

820N, Garden Roswell, NM 88201

..-... P-W!;i ::.Uut.

NOWHlRING. Cooks, & Drivers Both Locations

Accepting Applications for Shi« Man~ger

at · · Sudderth Location

PART-TIME HOUSE-KEEPERS, $7.00 per hour. Must have some ex­perience. Apply at the .Hol­Iday Inn Express. 400 West Hwy 70:

PERSON NEEDED as Service helpe·r @ Ruidoso Lincoln Ford Mercury. Washing vehicles, clean· ing service dept ate main job responsibilities. We pay a $300 signing bonus . Contact Ron 376-4400


Daily Work/ Daily Pay

Construction, framers, general labor, food

service, housekeepers clerical. All Skill Levels!

Apply To[tayf 257-7876

449 Sudderth Drive In Gateway

CenterAuidoso ready labor 1 x2 200 Help wanted








Only Saber Min(!ed Need Apply

533 Hwy 70/Ruidoso· Oowns


RUIDOSO VALLEY Chamber of Commerce is

· looking for a person to work PTIWeekends. Satur­day 9-3, Sunday 9-1. Also will cover holidays and va­cations. Immediate open­ing. Apply at the Ruidoso Cfiamber of Commerce 720 Sudderth.


is now accepting applications for

dependable, mature, enthusiastic, friendtr crew members - al

shifts. Apply in person 7-10:30 a.m. at

1 02 Horton Circle EOE

TR'S MARKET Now Hir­ing Cashier/Kitchen Help $7-8/Hr. Paid Vacation ev­ery 6 mos. Apply in Per• son. Alto 336-7819.


Britlante Construction Thomas Brillante

Redwood Decks - Remodeling Parnting · New Construction

Lie 156319o258-5198oflulcfoll0, N.M.

GARDEN GREEN + Super Clean Yard work, power washing, deck refinishing, hauling, tree thinning, FIRE BREAKS, pine nee­dles, roofs and gutters. Est 257-2172 or 420-5225. dangerus®zianet,com LICENSED MEDICAL As­si!;.tant. 19 years experi­ence. Will do any private care. El<cellent references. 354·0231

YARD CLEANING. Mow­ing, weedeatlng, and deck repairing ElCper!enced and Reliable. Ask for Joe:420-2465



• Studio apartment, furnished or unfurnished. SJ 75/mo .. includes utilities.

• 4 Odrm_,. 2 Bath nice doublcwid~ .. ou.lar.~W.Aa.t.-J.m.. 1

• g;c~r location. $85(1/mo. plus utilities.

Tall Pines Realty 257-7786 IJrmnu .J/(11>/~)·

ll.k.• Jl.r'6."fl


~TALL PI.NES :REALTY~ 2704 Sudderth • 257-7786 • 800-257-7786 ·

.,..,,.....,~·.ruidoso.ncl/tollpinc-s or Ruidoso"J"c>dny.c ... n• .•uhnny ~lcohl":o· 1\.tarl< J\.tobley Pal Uruwn

·":-t.-20411 257-3890 257-74 l6 \l•ol•• \feUn••1 l•~•u,.,_, J•,.,...,l•-h~-r \f•dn \l.rlluu/ /}u//..u· t~,..-.J,., •• 't/ult• \ltl/u,,., f'u/lu,- J•nHiuoo·•

IJnn s1n.~n-c~r 910-.,446

\full• 11tlllo••r- I Jol/,,r 1 1n~/u, .,..,.

:>.lory Lou Ycorl< .:...J<>-'1154

\ldb .. n ''"lion /,~.,f,, ,.,.

Joe c;rnht 50S-65..1-4Yoll


1'\.laek Kh:er Z57-IH56 oi20-42SI

NEW LISTIN<; - FANTASTIC HOME off Upper Canyon. 3 bedr·ooms. 2 baths, single attached garage. large bedroon1s, totally remodeled and landscaped. new deck and more. $175,000.

Tl:JJS 'VOULD MAKE A GREAT WEEKENDER! This is a:! bedroom. I '/: bath home with a great ro<:k firepJm.:e. ourside storage unit. <:ornpietely fenced. all one level with easy year ·round m:cc,.,s. Owner motiv:ned. price reduced In $68,000_ <iREAT UPPER CANYON HOMI<:. 2 Bedrooms. 2 baths. wood and tile llnor,.. tlagstnnc patio. river rock fuciu. big lot goes street to street. New tutl size bath just added. Also has bonus room for oft1ce. etc. $106.900. CUTE. CUTE. CUTE! This 2 bedroom, 1 bath Ruidoso cabin is dose to town but alsn has excellent views of Sierra Blanca. Knotty pine living room. cozy kit<.:hcn. gr·eat condition and location. I car garage_ All for only $90.000. NEW LISTING- ALL ONE LEVEL HOME. 3 Bedrooms. 2 baths. double attached garage. cornplctcly fenced. additional 4"' bedroom or gameroom. wood hurning stove. great covered deck, light and airy, great price per square foot. $11 1)500. LAR<;Ii: PRIVATE LOT CLOSE TO T<:.WN with a fairly new manufactured hnn1c with an add on. Great upen living . ..<fining and kitchen concept, built in fio-cplace. nice deck. fantastic kids playhouse. comptetely furnished. Must sec in,..,idc this one. $94.000.




ATTENTION SOCCER Players! We are in the process of forming a club and looking for players lhat are interested. Please call. 437-8753, Boomer Loc~e. " ' 290 PETS

. AKC SHIH-TZU Male, 18 months Old, Proven Stud. All Shots, Must Sell! $200 671~0093 (Local Call).

PET AND Plant sitting; your house or mine. Mine, for small dogs; yours· for larger pet ,cats and plants. Call Sandy for information. 257-0306. 304 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES

ESTABLISHED JANITO­RIAL ·and paper supply distribution busin~ss for sate in Ruidoso area. Can be operated by ·on'e person or would merge well with existing busi­ness. For more informa­tiof! caJI 378-4661.

LINCOLN COUNTY . Full Dispensers Liquor Li­cense. Use anywhere in Lincoln County. $265,000.

. 1-688-556-1349

REAP SUMMER Sales, Store space available at COTTAGE CENTRAL MALL. 616 Sudderth, call 630·1122. 400 MISCEl-LANEOUS

· FOR SALE €omputers and equipment, file cabi­nents, a/c, oak book case, lounge chairs. misc. 336-4948.

FOR SALE: Beautiful, Handmade, Authentic Lin­coln County Log Flower Pots. 378-1190

FOR SALE: used oil field pipe, 2 3/8" diameter. 3 grades. 3 pr!ces. Call Ran­dy or Jim at 336-4377.

SHOPSMITH MARK V Home · workshop system, $1200. Renken Deep V Boat, 140 HP OMC, very good condition $3000. '94 Chevy PU Half Ton, clean, new tires, $4000. 336· 9663 after 6 PM. 401 ANTIQUES/ART

ANTIQUE MERCANTILE In Cloudcroft Is giving 20-5001.. off on almost every­thing m the shop. We are overstocked as a result of our forrest fire. We have lemons. costume Jewelery. sports cars, furmturc, glass. kitchen collectables. framed art and much more. A new load 1s arnv­ing for 4th of July week­epd. We are overflowmg to Uie outstde. Come and ask us our best price. Layaway available, Vrsa and Mas­tercard accepted. 682-2583


GOING OUT OF BUSI­NESS SALE at Victoria"::; Romantic Hide-away. Ar oi1- : ques. collectables, kitchen equipment. and more. Wednesday and Thursday ' 9-5, Friday and Saturday 8:30-1 :00. 2117 Sudderth 257·5440. .

LOTS OF Goodies .. Anti· ques, new hqme accesso­'ries and gifts,' denim cloth­ing, quilts. heritage .lace. log furniture, blue cow pot· tery, clocks. etc. COT· T AGE CENTRAL MAI.L. 616Sudderth. 630-t122


WASHER AND Dryer. $75 each. 257·1097.


STEEL BUILDING, 40x66 WAS $12,880 MUST SELL $7,477 1-800~292-0111.


. DELL COMPUTER 128 MB, 5Qk rnodem, DVD. loaded with software, great for student, $700.00 257-2004; 420-1477.

FOR ~ALE Computers and equipment. . file cabi­nents, ale. oak book case, lounge chairs, misc. 336-4948.

LIKE NEW HP Desk Writer Color Printer for

Mac. Extra black car­tridge included.


call 258-1672 leave message.

1 ;3 FURNITURE LIKE NEW Large oak hutch. leaded glass doors. $275. Call630·0137.

Mansfield Furniture



1 000 Suddortn 0,.1vp c-'17 111 .~.



We Buy 5<•118 Ttdr1t•

650 Sud<Jorlh '257-7.<;75

~- "'""-< , ••• - ] ln. IH:lM

.... ·• ...... , •• , .... '" •• ,, ••• 0 .......

", ... ,,.,, .. I ~ •••-••I• ••• ''''·" ~l••lltol ,., lo ~••·-11'o I • ' ''' , l

----·-111 ~.I':REAqt: 111 ACR.I:AQF.

~------------------------~' ARABELA RANCH 280 Acres- $85,900.00 140 Acres- $37,900.00

Near Ruidoso & Hondo Valley Spectacular Capitan

Mountain views, private. 1 0°/o down,Owner Financed.





GREAT LOCi\TION ON Sl"DDERTH~' Pcrlc~-:1 ln..:~lion for home bu,.,inc~s wuh 1-2 bedwom. I halh attachctl apartment in back wilh 'cparatc cnrrane .. • & garJen likl· setting in fenced back yard. Ov.ncr finann: a~ailahh.:. s 169,900. #96406 .

WELL KEPT BL.;ILDING. great for chur~·h. large group meeting hall or offices. Eal>y year-round acl·c,~. piemy of parkin!l- approximately 3264 ~quare feet. S~.::!9 . .:'ilJO.

Tall Pines Realtv 1-800~257-7786 ~ Tall pines 2704 Slldderth Drive


., rnu - ~--1 ;i~/iiii.S:. ~,Ab' . q~.~~n.n , ..7~ .., . .,_.US- IB


LOTS OF POTENTIAL! Lovingly built by owner, but never quite finished. 3 or 4 bedrooms. 1 full bath started but not finished. 2 car detached garage on corner lot. Fenced back yard, adjoining lot available. $90,000.00

AFFORDABLE GET·A·WAY. Com­pletely furnished and ready to enjoy. 3 bedroom, 1 bath with single car garage, workshop, large uncov~red deck. Large lot with city utilities, easy access, close to shopping. $63,995.00

REAL ESTATE ·PRICE REDUCED! Brand new, 3 bdrm, 2 bath manulac· tured db! wide. redwood deck, nice wooded lot. Owner motivated $79,500.00 · BARGAIN! Located on one acre, 3 bedroom, 1 bath mobile add-on with covered and open decks. lots of stor­age, fireplace and wood stove. You get what you see including two vehicles. $42,500.00 AFFORDABLE GET A WAY. Fully furnished, 3 bdrm., 1 bath with single car garage, workshop, large uncovered deck. Large lot Wilh city utilities. easy access. close to shopping. $63,995.00 . FIXER UPPER. Sweet little stucco, very liable as is. 1 b(lrm., 1 bath, sunroom, nursery, free standing fireplace in living room. Located on three lots. $55,000.00 · · UNIQUE CABIN, PRICE REDUCED AGAINf Recently remodeled 1. bedroom, .75 bath, buill around a travel trailer. Nice den with fireplace, loft area, screened-in porch, deck, carport, fully fenced, pine covered lot. $42,500.00 .

. WELL MAINTAINED MOBILE. Affordable get-a-way. Cleao and comfortable older mobile with add-on. 2 ·bed­room, 1 bath, mostly furnished. On pine covered lot. $32,500.00 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT In one of the mosl exclu­sive areas in Ruiaoso. City utilities available, partlal·vlew of Sierra Blanca. Owner wllr consider trade. $69,500.00 DOUBLE WIDE LOT •. 50 acre lot with 28' x 68' pad already in place, culvert in for driveway, fully developed subdivision with all underground utilities. $2~.000.00

Located Bonito Lake and, Nogal, nurla~rur,eo dbl horses okay. easy

37, :bi<:IU.UUU .. UU

THROUGHOUt! 4 bedroom, bath, 3008 sq.ft~ home locat­ed In an exclusive neighbornood and loaded with amenities. Vaulte(f ceilings, wet bar, elevator between le'(el, large kitchen, large master bedroom, 1 two car. garage with heated work area, ceY,tral AJC and heat make this home comfortable year round. $295,500.00 '

Page 14: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according


.. PAGE l4A • Rnnoso NEWS


/siDon E. Dutton , P.O. BOIC 5068

Ruidoso, New Mexico 88355 (505)630-2323 (505)630-5911 faK

85106 4T (7)10,12,17,19.



NCQQfld Servjces· Provi­Sion of health care provid­er sC>rv1ces for two school based health clinics (Rui­doso High School/Ruidoso M1ddle School). Contractor must provide. as specified:

1 . Direct health care serv­ices as described in School Based Health Clin-ic Standards; · 2. All licenses, waivers, certifications, and supervi­sion for those services de­scribed in the School .. Based Health Clinic Stand­ards; and 3. Contractor must main­tain, and present docu­mentation of a\1 required professional insurance.

Contract Oualiljcatjons; Contractor must meet all U­censure/certilicatiDrt rE>­qUirements as eslatJii:>hed by the State of New Mex•­co, and appropriate boards of licensure, and must present proof of such li­censure/certification

Contract leos;~th: Services will be provided for the 2002-2003 school year and will be aligned with the Ruidoso Schools' calen­dar. · SeNices will com­mence on August 26. 2002, or as soon as possi­ble thereafter.

Contract Amount: Con­tractor must submit com­plete compensation re­quirements In proposal, gross receipts lax, other taxes and fees, and will list hourly rates and reimburs­able expenses separately.

Proposal Submjssjon · Contractor must address all contract specifications In hlslher proposal submis­sion. All proposals must be received no later than 4;00 p.m., Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at:

Region IX Educallon Co­operative 1400 Sudderth Ruidoso, NM 88345.


MAl-E OR Female, share rurnished house, private bath, washer/dryer, small pets okay. $375 plus 112 utilities. Call Chris 336-1060.

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FACT In 1912

New Mc:dro ndmit~ t~ the Union ns th!! 47th Htllw ..






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Page 15: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according



Page 16: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according

PAGE 2B • . Rumoso NI!"WS lVGillDE


Lets change our focus this week from dogs to cats. -

St. Martin's Press just pub­lished the "Complete Guide to Cat Care: by Wendy Christensen and the staff of the Humane Society of the United States.

In the foreword, Paul G, Irwin, society president, points out that In the 1980s, cats . "stealthily and without fanfare" became the most popular pet in America. Although dogs still are found in more homes, felines lead in numbers (aquarium fish excepted) with more than 70 million sharing their lives with humans.

The authors note that humans are lucky when chosen by a cat. They quote French writer Theophila Gautier, who wrote, "He will be our friend, if he deems you worthy of friend­ship. but not your slave."

They write that many peo­ple sort of happen into cat own­ership, some because they don't

;:\ .,, ' ·"""""""'~-i,i_.J,p,~

~ ,. '

I. ;· ...

have time for a dog. UA cat, they think, is the no­

muss, no-fuss pet - a cheap, easy alternative to a dog."

But the authors disagree. reminding the reader a cat can't be Ignored because you're too tired, busy or stressed to feed and care for him.

Many·cats are relinquished to shelters because owners were surprised to learn that they require regular veterinary care, including vaccinations, and lots of daily care and attention.

Do your homework first and decide what you're looking for in a cat. they advise.

The writers said that psy­chologists are fascinated by the "depth and power" of the human-cat bond.

While dog owners usually set up a master-subject relation~

· ship, that'$ not the norm among cat owners, they wrote.

"Cats won't stand for it; they said. cats can be trained to do things, but"not because they


11 A.M. - 4 P.M.


!:· •,, ' ··~: ·.,' ~ .1

.... -. .,, ' ~·-".. ,_i

WEDNESDAY, jULY 10, 2002

recognize anyone as master." Although no one "owns" a

. cat in spirit, it's important that humans accept legal responsi­bility for their pets, buying licenses, not letting them wan-

. der, getting shots and other vet­erinary care.

Some owners maintain a parent-child relationship. a role domestic cats usually accept easily. But ideally, the owner and cat will be partners, they wrote.

Poor reasons for getting a cat include for status, for the children and in an attempt to recreate a treasured relationship from the past. Good reasons include companionship and admiration QHeline traits.

Next week, I'll hit some of the high points In the 322-page ~ book.

Page 17: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according

WEDNESDAY, jULY 10, 2002 1VGUIDE Rumo~o NEWS • PAGE 3B ...


Judith L. Christopher

Week of July 10 - July 16 CANCER: (Jun 21 - Jut 22)

-G3 SCORPIO: ... _ PISCES: ~ ............. (Oct 23 - Nov 21) ''U'" {Feb 19 • Mar 20) ~

Things can change pretty quick. Be ready for any­

You'll find out shortly. just , You're going to be at a who your real friends really sta_ndstUI,·because you're

thing that Don•t tak n

are. Others aq lj){e a standing sf:iA.~~. 'I Take ~-time friend, only wtu~n they need to reflect or~ Ut:~Y90 .

youdon't up ·a friend. t<~P. the~ have. You~~ ib,th~~t · .

friends. I -ei.!!Q,.,p£':ttie:'~t. place, at t~. :- ·-;. •.· .. t-t ... ~.~ im.""'. ~~ ..• ~ • ahead. B~CER ~COff'iilJu'!~ ~iJ;~{b~~

=~3 _ ... 22) 4 r.:.~::--..:=21) .zt Study hard. Think about You can't make everyone what you're doing with happy all the time. Do just what you've g what you can. K~J:i.;~: 1real.

Don't do ~~..!~~~lillt get you'll be .JfoiYluter.

Lov!itjflfi-w1fAR,US v.GO: .._. CAPRICORN: ..._. (Aug 23-.. Sap 22) ..,.. (Dec 22 -Jan 19) T., You're a take charge kind You can do something, that of person. the you have been wantjn~ to time to do for a rei} lQn~!~~·· help when The wind,ovfJis, dpeli~Are . lose good your readx<Qlo·'fly{...:.,»..actice Friend ftrsL CAPRmCCRN LIBRA: (Sept 23 • Oct 22) People around you may look Uke they're gc)ing crazy. They .you ean do, is ~·:tl\~,.. you can yourselt In ..,.-,~-=--wf•rt~:a.

AQUARIU$: -(lan 20- Feb :18) ' Take things a little slower, so you can see just where you're going,<,;Q~p:'~.~me the road t~f:t:&;·;" ~~Sed ·

to taking, b.·· . · .. ·. . ~\ ... )}.·e.· same. 'k~ul.RSU$

ARIES: .-..,.. (Mar 21 -Apr 19) · • If you want someone to know what Y9.Y're t!!i!Jk­ing, you'nt_.~,· ··~~:Ye to say something. .. O'Jr actions are telli ,

1!1\._ differ­

ent st~ry, thJgfl~!,eart.

TAURUS: -..&, (Apr 20 • May 20) ......, Bust a move. Get up. Get out •. Do som~~!!B...!!Jat.YOU haven't done~!fb_...,a····. dq~ .. time. Vou'l" ett~:n ..... _g,~~qj~ a . rut. Live lit .~ass~ es you by. "'f..tURUS

GEMINI: . -(May 21 - Jun 20 , ' Sometll,inp!··'' around the. ·; · e .. "'. ·.··.is doesn't me . y .· . .~to take the fi · < fil~t comes your way. You are •n

charge of {t~IWiNfi .

Page 18: Trainer 1 - Lincoln  · $55,186 to install the Power Profile voter registration system in Lincoln County, according


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