Trailer analysis template_micro_macro

Name:________________________________ Trailer Analysis Template Film title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire teaser trailer Duration: 1:21 Micro Features -Describe key features and explain what info this gives the audience: Macro Features - Explain what the micro elements suggest about: Mise en scene (e.g. setting, costume, performance, colour, lighting, etc.) The setting that is included in this Teaser trailer is at Hogwarts, which is a school in an open wide area with a lot of land around it. They are in their own clothes when we see them growing up and then they are in uniform when more of the plot is revealed when they are in Hogwarts school. The lighting changes throughout starting off with a bright environment suggesting innocence. At school, the lighting of the environment becomes darker suggesting the more intense and deep park of the storyline because you have to concentrate more to see what is going on. Genre Fantasy, Children Camerawork (e.g. shot types, angles, movement) The first shot is of one of the characters and the camera angles are from a high angle looking down onto the characters. Cuts occur switching to more shots of the same characters however the character is growing up. These shots are cut and each shot changes the facial expression of the character as he grows up suggesting the older he gets, the tougher his life is. The different shots occur from a high angle, mid shots and slight low angle having the character quite close to the camera allowing the audience to know who the main characters are. Towards the middle of the teaser trailer, the movements pick up pace to increase the tension and give the audience the idea that more is about to happen and it will get a lot more Narrative (What events are shown? Are there any conflicts/oppositions? Do you get a sense of the full film’s beginning-middle-end?)

Transcript of Trailer analysis template_micro_macro

Page 1: Trailer analysis template_micro_macro

Name:________________________________ Trailer Analysis Template

Film title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire teaser trailer Duration: 1:21

Micro Features -Describe key features and explain what info this gives the audience:

Macro Features - Explain what the micro elements suggest about:

Mise en scene (e.g. setting, costume, performance, colour, lighting, etc.)

The setting that is included in this Teaser trailer is at Hogwarts, which is a school in an open wide area with a lot of land around it. They are in their own clothes when we see them growing up and then they are in uniform when more of the plot is revealed when they are in Hogwarts school. The lighting changes throughout starting off with a bright environment suggesting innocence. At school, the lighting of the environment becomes darker suggesting the more intense and deep park of the storyline because you have to concentrate more to see what is going on.


Fantasy, Children

Camerawork (e.g. shot types, angles, movement)

The first shot is of one of the characters and the camera angles are from a high angle looking down onto the characters. Cuts occur switching to more shots of the same characters however the character is growing up. These shots are cut and each shot changes the facial expression of the character as he grows up suggesting the older he gets, the tougher his life is. The different shots occur from a high angle, mid shots and slight low angle having the character quite close to the camera allowing the audience to know who the main characters are. Towards the middle of the teaser trailer, the movements pick up pace to increase the tension and give the audience the idea that more is about to happen and it will get a lot more interesting.

Narrative (What events are shown? Are there any conflicts/oppositions? Do you get a sense of the full film’s beginning-middle-end?)

Editing (Montage? Pace? Reaction shots? FX?)

The editing of the teaser trailer is a montage as it quickly cuts to different parts of the film making it more of a challenge for the audience to work out what happens and when. At the beginning the pace of the trailer is quite slow allowing the audience to get a feel of the trailer. After the first piece of text, the music changes and so does the pace. The shots cut a lot faster and more montage occurs. As the pace grows dramatically, the duration of the shots become a lot shorter, which increases the interest for the audience.

Representation (How are characters, places or events represented?)

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Name:________________________________ Trailer Analysis Template

Sound (e.g. music, dialogue, voice over, effects)

In this teaser trailer there are a variety of sounds. The two main sounds that occur are voice overs and non-diegetic sound. It begins with slow paced music which is non contrapuntal with what’s happening in the frame. The music changes slightly as the expressions change on the characters faces, which suggest there is a slight change in what is happening in the storyline. The gradual build up of tension from the music then quietens very quickly. Once it gets very quiet the music changes again to become louder, more jumpy and not a slow calm pace. This automatically brings the audience to concentrate and be more aware of what is going to happen or what bits of the film they could find out. A voice over is brought into the teaser trailer alongside the build up of music towards the middle, as that’s when more is revealed. At the end, the music changes completely to a theme tune to what is associated with the film. At the end when the name of the film appears, there is a voice over highlighting more about the film.

Audience (Who is the target audience and how is this evident?)

Harry potter and the goblet of fire have a wide range of target audiences. The majority of people who it would interest are between 15 year olds and 45+ year olds. This is evident from the trailer is that it is based in a school so for younger people their is interest for them however the story behind it with the older teacher being really involved and storyline including the adventure and figuring out what is going on.

Credits and titles (Any text elements, don’t forget idents and release info)

Information is revealed in the teaser trailer to express the key parts of what the audience would need to know such as the production company, name of the film, when it is out, where they can look more into it and general text between the shots. This trailer has all of these which give the audience the right information to interest them enough to look further into it and consider watching it when its out. The name of the title appears just before the end, which happens just before the release date. Although it says when its out, it doesn’t give the exact date and just states ‘November’ which means the audience still have to wait for the date in the upcoming month. The situate this at the end because it means that people will have to watch the rest of the trailer to find out when they will be able to see the film. Just before the middle of the trailer, text appears ‘The adventure continues’. The short phrase just keeps the audience interested and it separates the slow paced introduction of characters to the main storyline.

USP (Do you think the trailer presents a unique selling point for the film?)

Film title: ___________________________________________ Duration: __________________________

Micro Features -Describe key features and explain what info this gives the audience:

Macro Features - Explain what the micro elements suggest about:

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Name:________________________________ Trailer Analysis Template

Mise en scene (e.g. setting, costume, performance, colour, lighting, etc.) Genre

Camerawork (e.g. shot types, angles, movement) Narrative (What events are shown? Are there any conflicts/oppositions? Do you get a sense of the full film’s beginning-middle-end?)

Editing (Montage? Pace? Reaction shots? FX?) Representation (How are characters, places or events represented?)

Sound (e.g. music, dialogue, voice over, effects) Audience (Who is the target audience and how is this evident?)

Credits and titles (Any text elements, don’t forget idents and release info) USP (Do you think the trailer presents a unique selling point for the film?)