Traceable Force Calibration · National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Amsterdam – Anthony Fokkerweg 2...

Aerospace Vehicles Division Structures Testing & Evaluation [email protected] +31 88 511 42 02 NLR - Dedicated to innovation in aerospace Force measurement is the basis for reliable test and qualification results. Therefore the NLR Force calibration laboratory provides traceable force calibration for (aircraft) industry and laboratories. Traceable Force Calibration

Transcript of Traceable Force Calibration · National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Amsterdam – Anthony Fokkerweg 2...

Page 1: Traceable Force Calibration · National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Amsterdam – Anthony Fokkerweg 2 1059 CM Amsterdam P.O. Box 90502 1006 BM Amsterdam The Netherlands F240-05 Marknesse

Aerospace Vehicles DivisionS t r u c t u r e s T e s t i n g & E v a l u a t i o n [email protected] +31 88 511 42 02

www.nlr.nlNLR - Dedicated to innovation in aerospace

Force measurement is the basis for reliable test

and qualification results. Therefore the NLR Force

calibration laboratory provides traceable force

calibration for (aircraft) industry and laboratories.

Traceable Force Calibration

Page 2: Traceable Force Calibration · National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Amsterdam – Anthony Fokkerweg 2 1059 CM Amsterdam P.O. Box 90502 1006 BM Amsterdam The Netherlands F240-05 Marknesse

National Aerospace Laboratory NLRAmsterdam – A n t h o ny F o k ke r w e g 2 10 59 C M A m s t e r d a m P.O. B ox 9 0 5 02 10 0 6 B M A m s t e r d a m T h e N e t h e r l a n d sMarknesse – V o o r s t e r w e g 3 1 8 3 1 6 P R M a r k n e s s e P. O . B o x 1 5 3 8 3 0 0 A D E m m e l o o r d T h e N e t h e r l a n d sF2



Accredited NLR Force Calibration LaboratoryCalibration of:• forceindicatingandgeneratinginstrumentsusedfortest-andqualificationprograms

• materialtestdevicessuchastension-,compression-,creep-,hardness-orfatiguetestingmachines

• standaloneforcetransducerse.g.usedintestrigs• aircraftpartsbeforesubjectedtoatestprocedureinaqualificationprogram

ForceCalibrationLaboratoryReferenceStandardsfrom1Nupto3MN• threeHBMamplifiers(dualchanneltype,0.04000–5.0000mV/V)

• >20HBM/Peekel/Revereforcetransducersasreferencestandard(10N–3MN)

• deadweightsets(1N–300N)• secondaryforcereferencestandards250kNSchenck-Trebeland2MNAvery

• secondarydeadweightforcereferencestandard40kNAmsler

Traceability and accreditation• allreferencestandardsarebeingcalibratedtraceabletointernationalstandards(PTB,NPL,VSL)

• regularcomparisontootherlaboratory(reference)standardsbymeansofinterlaboratorycomparisons

• calibrationaccreditationbytheDutchAccreditationBodyaccording to EN17025

Environmentalconditions• ForcecalibrationscanbecarriedoutattheNLRForceCalibration

Laboratory under laboratory conditions• Forcecalibrationsupto40kNcanalsobecarriedoutatenvironmentalconditionsotherthannormallaboratoryconditions(e.g.lowertemperatures)

Site calibrations• Forcecalibrationscanbecarriedoutin-houseaswellason-site

3 MN (3000 kN)

1.5 MN (1500 kN)

100 N coMpressioN
