Trabajo De Ingles Tercer Periodo

Subject: English. Name Student: Walter Rene Lopez Cruz. Grade: 1D Teacher: Jorge Alberto Mira Cortez. Date: August 13, 2015 Instit ute Nation al Of Soyapa ngo


cultura y tradiciones de los paises

Transcript of Trabajo De Ingles Tercer Periodo

Page 1: Trabajo De Ingles Tercer Periodo

Subject: English.

Name Student: Walter Rene Lopez Cruz.

Grade: 1D

Teacher: Jorge Alberto Mira Cortez.

Date: August 13, 2015

Institute National

Of Soyapan


Page 2: Trabajo De Ingles Tercer Periodo


Culture and Tradition’s Of España......................................................................................................3

Culture and Tradition´s Of USA..........................................................................................................5

Culture and Tradition`s Of Chile.........................................................................................................7

Cultura and Tradition`s Of Italia.........................................................................................................9

Culture and Tradition`s Of Japon......................................................................................................11

Culture and Tradition`s Of Canada...................................................................................................13

Culture and Tradition`s Of Cuba.......................................................................................................16

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Culture and Tradition’s Of España.

The geographical position has made the Iberian Peninsula a natural bridge between cultures of northern and southern Europe and Africa and the Mediterranean. Therefore, Spain has a rich historical and cultural heritage, ranging from prehistory or the Celts and Iberians to the Greeks, the Romans, the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Visigoths, Muslims and medieval kingdoms.

All of them have left an enormous amount of archaeological remains that still continues today: with unique rock art sites in the world, castles, cathedrals, medieval cities and villages. The State Government, the autonomous regions and municipalities have restored hundreds of monuments, theaters and museums have opened, festivals have multiplied and have enhanced the production of movies.

With regard to Art, Spain has managed to combine to perfection the protection of the vestiges of its long and rich history with the construction of new museums of modern art, supporting new artists and improvement of museum facilities, some of

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which, such as the National Prado Museum have become a cultural reference worldwide.

In recent years Spain has also become a global publishing power of the first order, hence the increasingly high number of Spanish speakers worldwide and its good pool of young writers who have sold millions of copies of their books internationally.

This success is also produced in the world of cinema. Spanish cinema today has a growing number of actors and directors of international renown, which have even won recognition from some of the most important festivals and competitions in the world.

Something similar happens with the Performing Arts. The opera has given artists of the first order who are already popular throughout the world, while not a few theater companies succeed on the main stages of the five continents.

The choreographers have also led contemporary dance created in Spain at levels never before achieved, while the Spanish dance, flamenco heritage, has been the root for the emergence of a powerful generation of artists whose performances are acclaimed by around the globe.

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Culture and Tradition´s Of USA

USA is one of the most diverse countries in the world; from geography to demographics, it is impossible to speak of a unique feature in this scenario geographic, racial, ethnic and cultural wealth.

The flow of immigrants from the most remote regions of the planet and the bordering nations has been continuous and constant for 150 years.

As an example, according to the 2000 Census, 11% of people living in the US were born abroad, and 18% of all households are speaking in a language other than English.

While most immigrants come from Mexico (almost 2 million or 25%), there is a 11% original Caribbean, nearly 7% are from Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China, 5.8% are from South America, and the remaining 20% is divided among themselves as different nations like the Philippines, Central America, India and countries of Central Asia and the Middle East.

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This melting pot is completed by Native Americans, who make up a majority of minorities, 35 million people or 13.5%, and African descent, with a presence of 34 million or 13.1%.

The diversity is also reflected in the geography and climate, from Alaska to the desert of Arizona, Niagara Falls on the border with Canada or the beaches of California, the cornfields "midwest" or the most cosmopolitan cities in the world .

Every corner of the United States is unique and this is reflected in the customs of its inhabitants. It is one of the countries with local festivals and traditions that can be found around the world.

A common party throughout the country is the New Year, which is celebrated on January 1. Other public holidays are those of Mother's Day, the second Sunday of May, or Father's Day, the third Sunday of June. December 25 Christmas is also celebrated.

If we go to local celebrations, the most own and personal, these give beginning the third Monday in January with the festival in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. The third Monday in February in the United States is celebrated day Presidents, the day that reminds all who passed through the White House.

The most important festival certainly of all those held in the United States, is the 4th of July, Independence Day. September marks the day of work, in particular the first Monday, while November 11 is the day of the veterans of American war party held after the traditional Halloween, holiday celebrated on the night of 31 October and which is common to the famous phrase "trick or treat" with which children go from house to house asking for candy. On the last Thursday of November Americans celebrate Thanksgiving.

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Culture and Tradition`s Of Chile

In Chile, a country of more than six thousand kilometers long, it fits many things, many landscapes and many enriching differences. From the Inca north to south through the Patagonian valleys center, customs of Chileans show a surprising variety and richness.

If you're traveling in the region of Tarapaca, let not spend the July 16 by La Tirana, with a festival in honor of the Virgen del Carmen very special. In September

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Chileans suffer an "attack of patriotism" on 18 and 19, celebrating its independence and honoring his army and his victories.

Chilean variety is also present in the kitchen. On the coast, seafood and inside flesh. In the north, the influence of the Inca traditions, in the center the Spanish influence (Chileans also go for tapas) and German (with Kuchen desserts). In southern Mapuche substrate is evident in the grill ... the days of harvest, in which the production process begins the fantastic Chilean wines are celebrated, and Pisco are also taken discussing whether original or drink Chile from Peru.

Chileans love horses, as becomes apparent in Rodeos, shows where the ability of horse and rider are tested. Suffice it to say that the number of spectators who come to these shows exceeds that of football assistants, who also likes a lot in this long country.

How can we not feel interest in a country that holds a corner of Polynesia (Easter Island) between your jewelry? Speaking of jewelry, do not forget to buy a souvenir made of lapis lazuli, national semiprecious stones Chile, blue as the sea that bathes the sky that covers it and the frame that holds the Lone Star flag.

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Cultura and Tradition`s Of Italia

Italy is a country of great cultural richness, with great historical, artistic and architectural bastions. But all this is nothing but a reflection of his people, as the Italians are noble and warm people who enjoy the good things of life, who enjoy a relaxed atmosphere both as colorful festivals (unique in the world) and they have strong beliefs and values. I invite you to meet some of the customs and traditions of Italy, abbia inizio.

In Venice, one of the most beautiful cities of Italy, in the spring it holds a festival of masks called "Carnival of Venice" (Carnevale di Venezia), the most important of the country. In it, people dress in traditional costumes of the Victorian era made with extreme dedication and attention to the smallest detail. In addition, all masks are used, from the simplest to the most complex.

During the rest of the year, other festivals are also held. But smaller than that of Venice in these typical costumes are also used, traditional dances and numerous Italian folklore musicians present their live shows are performed.

It is impossible not to mention the exquisite Italian dishes if we are to talk about the customs and traditions of Italy. There are two dishes that have a huge reputation at home and we know around the world, though many question its true origin, pasta and pizza are two dishes that inevitably relate to boot immediately. The Italian territory has a great culinary diversity, taking each of their regions their own dish and that is something that Italians feel really proud.

Much of traditional Italian dishes include cheese, tomato and red wine, stemming mostly from the southern region and especially on the island of Sicily. Other preparations include olives, spices and olive oil as well as an abundance of fish and products from the sea, especially sardines, shrimp, cod and swordfish.

Italians are very religious people and great part of the population is characterized by his faith in God, it is no coincidence that the Vatican is in Italy. The country's major religion is Catholicism and almost 90% of the population is Roman Catholic.

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An interesting fact worth noting is that also estimated that most of the adherents of Satanism is also in Italy.

Many of the traditions and religious festivals of the country have become very popular in various parts of the world, such as the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Churches, shrines and statues throughout Italy, reflect what's artistic majesty Italian faith.

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Culture and Tradition`s Of Japon

Japan is a really wonderful country. Characterized by a strong personality, the Japanese have a rich history that has succeeded in building over the years with strength, power and dedication, but always with a low profile, without seeking to get noticed. With a distinctive architectural style, with great cultural bastions and unique customs and traditions in the world, from small Japanese island lands one of the greatest world powers was forged. I invite you to know the traditions of Japan, the "land where the sun rises".

The kimono and yukata are the two most important traditional Japanese attire. The kimonos are made of silk and generally tend to be very expensive, which are used only on special occasions, as a formality or tradition. Some of the times when these outfits can be in funerals, weddings, tea ceremonies and other festivities are used, although rarely the kimono can also be seen in everyday life.

The color and design of each kimono also depends on the occasion, age and marital status of women. Thus, using a kimono usually becomes a not so simple as any dress can mean task, given that the kimono must be accompanied by the right hairstyle, underwear and socks appropriate, plus a small bag where the lady placed belongings.

Regarding the yukata, this is a not so sophisticated and well used for leisure activities attire. It is a comfortable and ideal dress for both days of summer and after a hot bath, they are much cheaper and are made of plain cotton.

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Each group has its drinking and sacred moment for consumption, for the Japanese tea ceremony is essential. This is the preparation and consumption of tea, having been heavily influenced by Zen Buddhism. In our day, the tea ceremony has become much less important frequencies and is considered rather as a sort of hobby. The tea should be prepared by the host with great care and dedication then served to visitors, it is the matcha green tea is made with tea leaves and crushed to dust.

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Culture and Tradition`s Of Canada

The Canadian people have a strong influence of British culture and in recent years, has also been clearly influenced by American traditions and customs. But this does not mean that Canada lacks the proper, on the contrary, he knew draw on various elements to form a diversified but only culture in the world. Let us know some of the most interesting traditions and customs of Canada.

Already mentioned the profound British influence and the recent connection to the United States, but it is very important to highlight the other great historical reference to Canada: France. Formerly the Canadian territory was colonized by British and French groups, which historically French traditions are also present in the depth of the Canadian population.

But this is not all since before colonization and subsequent independence, Canada was inhabited by indigenous aboriginal groups. For years, historians have also pointed out that the influence of these ancient indigenous cultures continued present throughout Canada's history. Currently, it is the second largest country in the world (after Russia) and as a result of all these factors: from region to region, there is a hage cultural diversity, each with a unique value.

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With such historical background, one can imagine the value and diversity in all three areas. The artistic development of Canada's something really original in the field of letters, for example, there are several international awards writers such as Saul Bellow (1976 Nobel Prize for Literature), M.Atwood (nominated for Nobel Literature) or CGBlairfindie Allen, among others.

In the field of theater and cinema, cities like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, have become some of the largest centers of filmmaking production in North America. On the other hand, as to what musical, Canada seems to have become a leading exporter of bands pop, rock and alternative music of enormous popularity.

In language, returning to the historical aspects that have shaped this colorful nation, Canada has two official languages adopted as legacy of the past and readjusted his way: Canadian English and Canadian French. However, these are not the only dialects that exist in Canada and population statistics reflect a multifaceted end. The other 5 languages most present are Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish, Italian and Arabic.

To speak of religion does not need more than a few words, because Canada has no official religion. However, approximately 46% of the population is Roman Catholic and still the most important. To a lesser extent we find Protestant, other Christians and Muslims. In the last census, 16% of the population admitted to have no religion.

With these characteristics, Canada appears to be a simply spectacular, full of diverse cultural and country. It is generally considered to Canadians as tolerant, friendly and strong community people.

It is a country with a good quality of life that is reflected in their lifestyles. Peaceful and simple but cordial, Canadians live in an atmosphere of calm and very nice friendly. Celebrate popular festivals like Christmas, birthdays and national holidays in a harmonious environment. No wonder then, that hardly receive news about Canada.

Finally, it is important to highlight the profound importance of sports. Unlike its US neighbors, Canadians are really healthy and this possibly is because love sports. Some of the most commonly practiced are ice hockey, football, Canadian football (similar to football), basketball and baseball. However, the most popular sports are ice hockey, winter sports, curling and lacrosse, almost unique in the world.

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Culture and Tradition`s Of Cuba

Cuba is home to many of the most attractive sites in the Caribbean. If you love beaches, Caribbean rhythms (like the famous "sauce") and are interested in the rich historical and cultural heritage of Cuba, you have the opportunity to find great deals on flights to the capital of this wonderful country .

Then we meet some of the most striking customs of Cuban society:

Greeted: Men usually greet each other with a handshake, which accompanied by the expression: What ?. Women, meanwhile, kissing on the cheek, like young

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people of opposite sexes. To say goodbye, people often use expressions like "Goodbye" or bye !.

-Sports And Entertainment: Sports play a leading role in Cuban culture and the most important is baseball. Cubans start playing from children and also practice in schools. In every city you can find a baseball team with its own stadium. An interesting fact is that over 75% of world baseball championships were won by Cuban teams. Among other most popular sports in Cuba are: swimming, boxing, basketball and cycling.

Most Cubans spend a few hours a week to dances like rumba, salsa and mambo. They love to dance!

If you have traveled to Cuba and meet other customs, share them with us, soon we will be listing other of the most striking habits of the community.

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