Town Clerk s Business Plan - City of...

Town Clerk’s Business Plan Leadership Democracy Organisational Development Resilience 2014-17 Responsible Officer: John Barradell, Town Clerk Contact: Paul Debuse 0207 332 3431 [email protected]

Transcript of Town Clerk s Business Plan - City of...

Town Clerk’s Business Plan



Organisational Development



Responsible Officer: John Barradell, Town Clerk Contact:

Paul Debuse

0207 332 3431 [email protected]


1. This plan presents an overview of the aims and objectives of the

Town Clerk, covering the areas of Business Transformation, Policy

and Democratic Services, Human Resources and Security and

Contingency Planning; together with a summary of our Business

Plan activity for the coming business planning period of 2014-2017.

2. The core strategic aims of the division focus on four key areas of

activity, which are:

Leadership, Policy and Strategy– Providing corporate

leadership, developing and co-ordinating corporate policies and

strategies that set out the organisation’s direction, leading

corporate projects and driving improvement through effective

performance management.

Corporate Governance and Democracy – Promoting high

standards of governance throughout the organisation and

providing support and democratic services which meet the

needs of our elected Members and electorate.

Organisational and Departmental Development –

Developing and delivering key organisational and departmental

improvement priorities to ensure the organisation is ‘fit for

purpose’ and able to meet the challenges ahead.

Resilience – Promoting the resilience of the organisation and

effective business continuity planning, ensuring that there are

plans in place to provide support and assistance to the City’s

communities and the emergency services in the event of an



3. The financial position continues to be a significant concern for the

organisation over the medium term. Low rates of return on

investments and reductions in our government grant have had a

permanent and irreversible effect on our overall position. This

adverse economic situation shapes the focus of the organisation

and represents a major business risk.

Looking Ahead

4. Service Based Reviews – The service based review process is the

organisation’s chosen approach to deal with our deteriorating

financial position. It will guide future resource allocation priorities

and decisions. This department will be involved at the highest level

whilst these important strategic decisions are considered, working

very closely with Members and rest of the organisation, particularly

the Chamberlain, to ensure our stakeholders continue to receive

relevant, high quality and cost effective services. This department

will also be assessed during the service based review process, with

all areas of service being scrutinised for efficiencies and relevance.

The Deputy Town Clerk will now concentrate on delivering the

Service Based Review Project, the drive for further efficiencies and

overseeing key change projects

5. Organisational transformation – This represents one of the

strands of work that is closely linked with the service based review

process, to drive efficiency and help to provide ‘more for less’.

There are three main work streams currently being pursued to

ensure that the organisation is prepared for this challenging

operational environment:

Delivering further efficiency savings and budget reductions.

Undertaking reviews to increase productivity and improve ways

of working.

Examining further opportunities for sharing services.

6. The London Wide Agenda – Understanding and enhancing the

work that is conducted by this organisation for the benefit of

London as a whole, together with making more of this activity

through improved communication and publicity. Our activities in

support of education are a major component of this agenda and

this department will facilitate the delivery of the recently approved

Education Strategy. Work has also started on developing concrete

proposals to support the creation of a Cultural Hub in the Barbican

area which will require the co-ordination of activities undertaken by

a number of departments and partners.

7. Corporate Leadership - We will continue to provide leadership

and/or support for issues affecting the organisation, addressing

areas such as acting as the Police Authority, internal

communications, the Hampstead Heath hydrology project,

overseeing Corporate Performance and working further to embed

and refine the programme management processes.

8. Member Development – The implementation phase of the Member

development strategy began in February 2014. The enhanced

programme of events will be rolled out on a quarterly basis over the

next four years. The revised content of the programme will cater for

all of the learning and development needs of Members, equipping

them with the skills necessary to fulfil their elected role.

9. Workforce Realignment – The Town Clerk’s department is

currently reviewing the services it provides, and realigning it’s

structure accordingly. The first restructure took place in the Autumn

of 2013 following the departure of one of the Assistant Town Clerks.

A review is currently underway of the Resilience and Community

Safety section and will be completed by the end of 2014. Other

reviews may occur as a result of the Service Based Reviews.

10. Business Risk - The assessment of business risk is integrated into

the business planning process and a detailed risk tracker is

maintained to ensure that all identified risks are managed and

appropriate mitigating actions are taken. The current risk tracker

can be found at appendix F.


11. The coming years present many challenges. The need to provide

relevant, cost effective services will become challenging as budgets

become tighter. To continue to perform effectively against this

backdrop will require a clear idea of the services that are most

important to the organisation and stakeholders and the outcomes

that we are seeking to deliver. This department will provide

leadership and facilitate the decision making process during this

period of review.

12. This plan has been produced to align with the City of London

Corporate Plan, specifically the Corporate Plan Key Policy priorities, which are as follows:

KPP1 Supporting and promoting the UK financial based services

sector throughout the world for the benefit of the wider UK economy

KPP2 Improving the value for money of our services within the constraints of reduced resources

KPP3 Engaging with London and national government on key issues of concern to our communities such as transport, housing

and public health.

KPP4 Maximising the opportunities and benefits afforded by our

role in supporting London’s communities.

KPP5 Increasing the outreach and impact of the City’s cultural,

heritage and leisure contribution to the life of London and the


KPP6 Preventing and combating economic crime and fraud

throughout the UK.

13. The Corporate Plan is currently under review and these are the Key

Policy Priorities that are likely to be included in the new plan. Against

each of the strategic aims listed in the following appendix an

indicated link has been made to the appropriate KPP

Appendix A Town Clerk’s Business Plan - summary activity 2014-17

Strategic Aim 1 – Leadership, Policy and Strategy

Aligns to Corporate Plan:

KKP1, KPP2, KPP3, KKP4 and KPP5

Rationale Providing corporate leadership, developing and co-ordinating corporate policies and strategies that set out our direction, leading corporate projects and driving

improvement through effective performance management. Supporting TCT Strategy Theme

Protects, Promotes and enhances our environment

Action to meet aim Detail Measure of Success Target Date Lead Officer

1.1 Service Based Reviews

To deliver significant and sustainable savings in order to balance the budget over the medium term.

Present to the Resource Allocation sub-Committee a range of properly costed options for savings totalling £20m across all funds Full consultation on proposals agreed by Policy and Resources Committee in September

June 2014 Autumn 2014

Susan Attard

1.2 The Transformation Agenda

Co-ordinate and oversee the delivery of the change projects arising from the Service Based Reviews, aligning them with high-level projects and programmes from the HR and IS Strategies.

All of the reviews are completed on-time, to plan, achieving the projected savings targets and realising the non-financial benefits. Reviews include:

Channel Shift/Customer Strategy

Flexible Working

Each strand of the programme has a specific timetable

Susan Attard

1.3 The London Wide Agenda

Understanding and Enhancing the work that is conducted by the CoL across London.

Development of a cohesive communications strategy to support this stream of work including contacts with Boroughs.

Presentation of a number of options to the Supporting London Officer Group for initiatives which can support the agenda

Delivery of the Education Strategy

June 2014 Ongoing In accordance with programme agreed by the Education Strategy WP

Peter Lisley

Action to meet aim Detail Measure of Success Target Date Lead Officer

1.4 Leadership of Corporate Projects

Provide leadership and support for Chief Officers, assisting in the delivery of cross-cutting corporate projects

Through targeted and timely engagement cross-department projects progress through the Committee process in a coordinated manner.

In accordance with individual project timetables

Management Team

1.5 Strategic Energy Review

Complete a review of the organisations energy use .

Produce a strategic approach that reduces energy consumption and fulfils government energy usage targets Full implementation of all recommendations is extended to result in a reduction in energy use of 40% by 2025

May 2014 2025

Susan Attard

1.6 The Cultural Hub

Support the deliberations of the Cultural Hub Working Party

Development of proposals for the delivery of the cultural hub

February 2015 Peter Lisley

1.7 City Vision 2050 Facilitate an analysis of the factors that will shape the City in 2050 to assist in the formation of Policy, preparing for the likely challenges and opportunities.

Report by the Transport and Sustainability Group of The City Together which can be used as the basis for a presentation for the Central Residents‟ meeting

June 2014 Peter Lisley

Strategic Aim 2 - Corporate governance and Democracy

Aligns to Corporate Plan:

KPP2 Rationale Promoting high standards of governance throughout the Organisation and provide support and democratic services which meet the needs of our elected Members and electorate.

Supporting TCT Strategy Theme

Action to meet aim Detail Measure of Success Target Date Lead Officer

2.1 Member Development

Implement a full programme of Member Development activity

The Member Development Strategy delivers appropriate L&D, equipping Members to fulfil their elected role

On-going programme delivered on a quarterly basis

Simon Murrells

Action to meet aim Detail Measure of Success Target Date Lead Officer

2.2 Improving support for Committees and Members

Continue to review and improve the support provided for Members

Review and refine the link between the Policy and Committee Officer‟s roles, improving clarity for Members and other officers.

Enhance continuing professional development activity, developing the skill base amongst the staff, improving performance standards and professionalism.

Dec 2014 New programme produced by Sep 2014

Simon Murrells

2.3 Review of the Guildhall Club Operation

Undertake a review of the operational model of the club to ensure that the club is run in the most efficient and effective way.

Following the review, the club meets the needs of the Members in the most efficient and appropriate method of delivery.

A five star hygiene standard is achieved and maintained

April meeting of Club Committee By the end of March 2014

Simon Murrells

2.4 Report Writing

Improve the quality of report writing across the organisation

All report authors are aware of the Committee report writing style and content requirements

The reports presented to Committee are clear, concise and well written.

Mar 2015 Simon Murrells

2.5 Assessing the impact of IER and changes to Business Registration

Put in place measures to deal with individual Electoral Registration and new Business Registration processes

New system introduced in June 2014 with full implementation by December 2014. New member of staff has been recruited to cover the increase in work during the transitional phase.

Online business registration system scoped to encourage business registration. Impact on resources to be assessed and addressed if necessary

Dec 2014 Sept 2015

Simon Murrells

Strategic Aim 3 – Organisational and Departmental Development

Aligns to Corporate Plan:

KPP2 Rationale Developing and delivering key organisational and departmental development priorities to ensure the

organisation is “fit for purpose” and able to meet the challenges ahead.

Supporting TCT Strategy Theme

Action to meet aim Detail Measure of Success Target Date Lead Officer

3.1 Project Management Arrangements

Ensuring that the new project procedures are followed. Capture details across the CoL to give better corporate overview.

Reinvigoration of Project Vision and engagement of IS in the system‟s management and training

Implement the changes to the project procedure and report templates

A suite of Corporate Project Management Training introduced

December 2014 June 2014

Peter Lisley Janet Fortune

3.2 Investors in People

To lead the CoL in achieving the core standard and the stretch standards

In year 1: the focus will be on validating the „one team‟ culture and the effectiveness of leaders and managers;

In year 2: the focus will be on the effectiveness of engagement of frontline teams in all elements of strategy implementation;

In year 3: the focus will be on the skills of managers in evaluating the outcomes from learning and development activities

2015 2016 2017

Chrissie Morgan

3.3 Performance Development Reviews

To review the performance development framework to create a more streamlined and simplified process

Review the performance development form with the aim of simplifying this (1 April 2015)

By 2016 to have developed and implemented an online form which directly links to iTrent allowing Managers greater control over the system

Review the behaviour framework, building links with the Corporate values: Lead, Empower, Trust

Review the contribution pay scheme and structure of the pay scheme (see 3.5)

2016 2017 2016/17

Chrissie Morgan

Action to meet aim Detail Measure of Success Target Date Lead Officer

3.4 Employee Development Programme

To achieve a learning organisation where individuals drive their development.

Develop a comprehensive programme of Learning and Development for CoL managers

Develop the tools and frameworks for individuals to know what they need to achieve to progress in the organisation

Create virtual learning environment in Core Zone

2016 Chrissie Morgan

3.5 Pay & reward structure

To review the pay and reward structure to achieve a system more aligned to the business

Salary survey on key roles and those with Market Forces Supplements to undertake a market comparison

Research pay and reward to develop new strategy for implementation across the business

To ensure that all interdependencies are identified and are aligned

2016/17 Chrissie Morgan

3.6 Review of Services provided by the Town Clerk’s Department

As part of the Service Based Reviews, look at opportunities to improve the efficiency of services offered by this department

Challenge Session for Policy and Democratic Services

Proposals agreed by Resource Allocation Sub Committee

Consultation process started with affected staff

March 2014 June 2014 September

Management Team

Strategic Aim 4 – Resilience

Aligns to Corporate Plan:

KPP2 and KPP5

Rationale Promoting the resilience of the Organisation and effective business continuity planning and to

ensure that there are plans in place to provide support and assistance to the City‟s communities and

the emergency services in the event of an incident.

Supporting TCT Strategy Theme

Safer and Stronger

Action to meet aim Detail Measure of Success Target Date Lead Officer

4.1 Large Scale Protests

Plan the CoLs response to any future large scale protests that are held in the City

Any future protest is handled effectively and brought to a quick and positive conclusion

Determined during response

Gary Locker

4,2 Multi Agency Exercises

Hold Multi Agency exercises to validate our response arrangements

Exercises are held, review process identifies good practice and areas for development

To be agreed Gary Locker

4.4 Review of Security and Contingency Section

An external review of the City Corporation‟s arrangements and interface with the City of London Police was completed in February 2014 and recommendations will be addressed during the next year.

More effective and efficient section able to deliver for the City and play an increased role in supporting wider-London.

Implementation throughout the year.

Peter Lisley

4.5 Safer City Partnership

Ensure that the Safer City Partnership undertakes activities to meet its priorities

A re-invigorated partnership with more joint working and engagement by a wider range of participants.

On going Peter Lisley/David Mackintosh

Performance Indicators – local and management Appendix B

Performance Indicators

Measure Ref.

Measure Name/ Current Target Division Latest Performance Target 2014-15

LTC 1 Agenda Dispatch – to dispatch agenda papers 7 days before a meeting

Town Clerk‟s Office 100% 100%


Late Reports – to keep the number of reports circulated late to less than 2% of the total number of reports on Committee agendas

Town Clerk‟s Office 2.75% 2%


Circulation of Draft Minutes- to produce and circulate draft minutes to Members within 7 working days of the meeting.

Town Clerk‟s Office 94.45% 95%


Telephone Answering- to answer telephone calls within 20 seconds.

Town Clerk‟s Office 93.65% 95%

Call Answered Rate Contact Centre 98.80% 98%

Call Answered within 20 seconds Contact Centre 95.90% 95%


Sickness Absence – To keep sickness absence levels below the Corporate average (Working days lost per employee, per annum)

Town Clerk‟s Office 4.96 Less than 5.95

(current corporate level)


Freedom of Information Requests – To manage responses under the FOI Act within the statutory 20 working days. (Information Commissioner‟s target of 85%).

Town Clerk‟s Office 96% 85%

Resilience and Community Safety

Community and Children Services

Police Authority

Schools and Academies

Arts and Culture

Environment/ sustainability



Projects/Programme Management

Business Support

Corporate HR HR Business


Organisation Development

Corporate Recruitment

Learning & Development

Employee Relations

Occupational Health, Health & Safety

HR Policy Development

Pay & Grading


Simon Murrells Assistant Town


Susan Attard Deputy Town


John Barradell Town Clerk

Chrissie Morgan Director of

Corporate HR

Tony Halmos Director of Public


Paul Sizeland Director of ED

Peter Lisley Assistant Town


Departmental Structure Appendix C

The City’s Change Programme Including Transformation, Shared Services and Customer Contact Strategy

Efficiency and Value for money including the Service Review project.

Business Planning and Performance Management

Internal Communication

Establishment Committee

City Bridge Trust

Central Criminal Court

Freedom of Information and Data Protection

Social Media and Web

Information Management, Strategy and Delivery

Review and Oversight of Corporate Programmes

Court of Common Council

Court of Alderman

Policy and Resources/ Finance

Audit and Risk Committee

Member Services

Member Development

Committee Services

Electoral and Democratic Services

Town Clerk’s Office

Guildhall Club

Public Relations


Corporate Affairs

Literature and Information

Economic Development Corporate




European Affairs

City Affairs

International Affairs

Covered by separate Business Plans Central Criminal Court – City Bridge Trust Covered by separate Business Plans

Budgetary Statement 2014-2015 Appendix D Town Clerk’s Office Policy and Democratic Services Local Risk Budget

Original Budget

2014-2015 £000


Employees Policy and Democratic Services 3,323 Corporate HR 3,044 Printing 218 Security & Contingency Planning 480 Total Employees 7,065

Supplies and Services Policy and Democratic Services 358 Corporate HR 460 Printing 390 Security & Contingency Planning 115 Total Supplies and Services 1,323

Third Party Payments Policy and Democratic Services 126 Corporate HR 6 Security & Contingency Planning 29 Total Third Party Payments 161

Total Expenditure 8,549


Customer and Client Receipts

Policy and Democratic Services (162) Corporate HR (596) Printing (608) Security & Contingency (24) Total Customer and Client Receipts (1,390)

Total Income (1,390)

Net Local Risk

Policy and Democratic Services 3,645 Corporate HR 2,914 Printing (all costs recharged) 0 Security & Contingency 600 Total Net Local Risk 7,159