Towards a Coherent Swedish Response to International Agricultural Development under the mandate of...

Towards a Coherent Swedish Response to International Agricultural Development under the mandate of the Policy for Global Development (PGD)


On Tuesday, April 5th, 2011 SIANI had the pleasure of coordinating the opening seminar to a four day writeshop on “Why Women Matter in Agriculture: Overcoming Gender Barriers to Agricultural Development”. The event, open to the public, and attended by over 50 participants, was designed as a kick-off for the writeshop deliberations which followed with a smaller group of invited experts. The event took place at Sida Headquarters in Stockholm. It brought together speakers from Eastern and Southern Africa to discuss the role of women and the importance of gender in the contemporary agricultural development discourse.

Transcript of Towards a Coherent Swedish Response to International Agricultural Development under the mandate of...

Page 1: Towards a Coherent Swedish Response to International Agricultural Development under the mandate of the Policy for Global Development (PGD)

Towards a Coherent Swedish Response to

International Agricultural Development under the mandate of the Policy

for Global Development (PGD)

Page 2: Towards a Coherent Swedish Response to International Agricultural Development under the mandate of the Policy for Global Development (PGD)

agriculture matters SIANI Swedish International Agricultural Network


Why Women Matter in Agriculture

05 April 2011 at Sida

Overcoming Gender Barriers to Agricultural Development

Page 3: Towards a Coherent Swedish Response to International Agricultural Development under the mandate of the Policy for Global Development (PGD) [email protected]

1. An independent, multi-stakeholder platform for

government, civil society, private sector, research

and education sectors

2. A network aiming to connect Swedish actors to

international policy processes related to agriculture

as driver of change in economic growth and

poverty alleviation, food security, climate change

and sustainable development.

agriculture matters What is SIANI?

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agriculture matters How does it work?

Financed by Sida

Hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

Guided by an Advisory Group independent of both Sida

and SEI (13 members; 3 academia, 2 private sector, 4 government and 4 NGO/Civil Society)

Coordinated by a Secretariat (2.5 positions + interns)

Responsive to member input and initiative

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agriculture matters Potential Subject Matter Areas

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agriculture matters What does SIANI do?

Organises and facilitates seminars and workshops

Facilitates expert groups and issue based clusters (bioenergy, productive sanitation)

Synthesizes the understanding of specific issues in the

form of policy briefs and concept notes

Implements strategic initiatives at request of

government institutions

Facilitates dialogues, including member to member

contact on the website database

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agriculture matters Why Women Matter in Agriculture

Women are at least 50% of the work force and other economic


Women have important productive and reproductive roles and there are

gender barriers to optimal use of human and other productive resources

Explaining why they matter does not seem to preoccupy our presenters

today, the sub-title: overcoming gender barriers to agricultural development

seems to be much more important!

Follow up of the 5 Country Gender Review carried out by Sida in 2010 (ASP Zambia, NALEP Kenya, FondeAgro, Nicaragua, ProAgri Mozambique and SARDEP in Ethiopia)

Good policies and good intentions are not enough; we need a guidelines

and tools for field level implementation

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Structure of the Seminar:

Each presentation will be 20-30 minutes long, with time for questions directly after each presenter.

13:00 – 13:10 Welcome and Introduction Melinda Fones-Sundell, SIANI Coordinator

13:10- 13:30 'Gender and Agriculture in Sweden's development policies' Prudence

Woodford-Berger, Senior Analyst, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden

13:30 – 14:10 "What needs to be done to improve Government’s ability to institutionalize

gender mainstreaming?” Monica Munachonga, Consultant, Zambia

14:10 – 14:50 A Grassroots perspective on supporting human rights and gender in rural communities Violet Shivutse, GROOTS Kenya

14:50-15:00 Break

15:00 – 15:40 Women’s Unfinished Struggle for Land in Zimbabwe Dr. Rudo Gaidzanwa,

Dean, University of Zimbabwe

15:40-16:15 Gender in agriculture - a view from the agricultural cooperating partners

group in Zambia.Dr. Eva Ohlsson, Sida

16:15-16:30 Summing up and ways forward

Dr. Cathy Farnworth, Consultant

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agriculture matters Follow up – Writeshop, 6-8 April

Institutions and Policies for Agricultural DevelopmentCBOs/RPOs: How to ensure the representation of women?

Governments: moving from policy statements to implementation

Donors: Gender-sensitive programming for Agriculture

Access to and Control over Productive Resources. Land Tenure and Management

Production Inputs

Investments and Financing

Agro-based Economic Development and MarketsCan markets be pro-poor?

Potential conflicts between market-led development and food security

Pro-poor pro-women value chains

Gender differences in income generation and spending patterns

Climate Smart AgricultureImplications of different adaptation/mitigation measures for gender equality

Carbon trading and small-holder incomes

Organic and agro-ecological approaches – an entry point for climate smart agriculture?

Conservation farming – an entry point?

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agriculture matters Why Women Matter in Agriculture

Agricultural Extension, Training and Capacity BuildingGender issues in agricultural extension

Research agendas: addressing women’s needs in technology development

Human Rights in the Agricultural SectorFood sovereignty and Gender

Codes of Conduct

Fair Trade certification

Key Cross-Cutting Issues in AgricultureHIV/Aids

Gender-based Violence

Health and Nutrition

Education and Literacy

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Men in Smallholder FarmingIdentifying and addressing male gender needs in agriculture

Engaging the support of men and community leaders to support women in farming

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Please contact the SIANI Secretariat!

Melinda Sundell, Coordinator

Email: [email protected]

Mob: +46 (0)73 707 8613

Olivia Taghioff, Project Officer

Email: [email protected]

Mob: +46 (0)73 460 7693

Benita Forsman, Member Services

Email: [email protected]