Tovvn - Legacy Content

Tovvn OF Darttnouth NOVA SCOTIA Annu al Repo rt 1 939

Transcript of Tovvn - Legacy Content

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Tovvn OF

Darttnouth NOVA SCOTIA

Annua l R e p o rt


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W:!rd 1- \OVilliam Austi n, W. F. Cameron \Vard 2-Arthur R. Publicover, Lorne R Hartlen Word 3-A. C. Pettipas, Jame'S J . Madntosh.


Councillors Pettipas (Ch .) Macintosh, Har tlen. Commissioncrs--J oh n Kilroy, J ohn Paterson.


W. A Case , (Chr.); Mayor l snor ; COlin's. Pettipas and Austin and W. C. Bi shop.


,,-1aY OL" hnor (Ch.); Co\\n's. P ublicover and Austin·; M. S. Regan; C. A. McLean; Robert T. Lynch and J ohn Otto.


Stipendiary "- Iagis l ra\e .. ......... . T own Solicitor . .... T own Clerk and Treasurer . . . .. .

. .. Norman D. Murray . . W. E. Moseley . .. W. T . Smith

Dcpu,ty Town Clerk and Treasurer . . . R D. Thomson Town E.ngineer... . ... . . .... . .. J. Lorn Allan Allditors.. . .. ....... .. . . . .A. J. Conrad and E, A. Bailey l~ evi sers Electoral Lists'--Edgar L evy . \ .\f'l\1. R. J ennett, B. O. Bisholl Assessor~. .C. G. Roome, Michael Lahey, Leslie Fullerton.

DARTMOUTH HOUSING COMMISSION Vince nt DeVan (Ch. ) ; A. E. Hyde ; Lieut. Joh n Gully; H. J, Cann;

Paul Cre ight on ; Edgar H. Levy, (Seety.)


Coun. Pllblieover (C h.); Coun's. Cameron and MacIn tosh Miss 1\1. D. Robb, (Secty.)


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William S. Symonds ... . .. .. ••. ...•........ 1873-74 William S. Symonds ......... ... ..... . ..... 1874-75 George J. Troope ............. . . . . ... .. .... 1875-76 George J. T roop . ". . ... . .. ... ....... 1876. 77 WiI!;am H . Weeks, M. D ... ..... .. .. . . . .. . . 1877.78 William H . Weeks, M. D ...... . . . ....... .. . 1878-79 William H . Weeks, M. D .. .... ........ . .... 1879-80 James W. Turner .................. . .. ..... 1880.81 John Y. Payzant ................ .......... 1881.82 John Y. Pa}'zan! ............. ... . . .. ....... 1882-83 John F. Stairs ............... . . ....... ..... 1883.~ John F. Stairs . .. . . .. ... . ........ ....... 1884-85 John C. P. Frazee........... . .. 1885-86 Byron A. \Ves!on . . ... ... .... . ...... . . . .. 1886 By ron :\. \Ves ton . ...... ... . • ... . ....... 1887 j.1.mes Simmo nds ... . .. .. 1888 Frcde ritk S,ade ... . . . .......... 1889 Frederick Scarfe .. . . . .... .•....... ... 1890 Frederick Scarfe ...... .. . . .... .... . ..... 1891 John C. O land ......... ••.. .. • .. ... . ........ 1892 John C. Oland ........... ......... . . ....... 1893 \Vm. H . Sterns ................ .. ... .... ... . 1 8~ Wm. H . St t-rns .......... .......... . ....... 1895 \Vlm. H . Sterns ........• . . . . .. . •.. .. . .. 1896 A C. Johnston .. . . . ....... . ..... . ....... IS97 A. C. Johns ton ......... .. .. ...... ... 1898 A. C. Johnt son .... ... ... .. . .. 1899 A. C. J ohn ston ..... .. ....... 1()QO A. C. Johns ton .... . ... .. ...... . . ........ .. 19()1 Fred erick Surfe ... .... .. . . . .. 1902 Frederick Scarfe ..... . . ......... .. ......... 1903 Frederick Scade ........... ... ... . ......... 1904 Frederick Sc:arfe ... ... •.. ..• • .... .......... 1905 E. F. \VilJiams .............. . ............ .. 1906 E. F. Williams .... ...... .. .. . ... ........... 1907 Thomas Notting . ..... .. . . .. ............ ... 1908 Thomas Nottinc . . . .. . . ... .... . .. . . . . 1909 Thomas Notting ......... .. .. . ... ', ." . . 1910 Thomas Notting ....... ....... ... .......... 1911

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T homas Nolting . .. ...... . . . ........ . .. . . . .. 1912 E. F. Williams .... . . . ................ . .... 191 3 E. F. W illiams ............ . •... .• . . . .. . . ... 1914 E. F. Wil1 i~ms ........•.... • ...• • .. .... .... 1915 E. F. Williams ...... ... .. .• .... • .......... 1916 E. F. Wi1I i~ms ................ . •... . .. . .... 1917 E. f . Williams .................. . .. .. .. . .. 1918 H. O. Simpson, M. D ........... •........... 1919 H. O. Simpson, M. D., ....... . . . ... . ... . ... 1920 I. \Y. Vidito ............ . ...... . .... .. . .. .. 1921 Wal ter 1I1oshtr ..... .. ...... . ..... . . . ...... 1922 Walter Mosher .......... . . . 1923 Walter Mosher .... . . . . • . . .. . ... . ... 1924 Cha s. A. McLea n ... . ... . ... . . . ... .. ...... 1925 Chas. 1\ . McLean . . . . . ... •. ... . .. . ....... .. 1926 Chas. A. Mc Lean .. .. 1927 Walter Mos her .. . . ..• . . . \\' alte r Moshe r . ........ . . • . .

. .. . 1928 .1 929

... 1930 Walter M o~h er

Walter 'Mosher .. .. .. .. ..... .... . . .... 1931 Walter Mosher .. Walter Mos her ..... .

.. 1932

..1 933 Walter A. Topple.. . . . , .. ... . ... .. ... .. .. 1934 Walter A. Topple ............ , .. . . . .... . 1935 Walter Mosher ................. ' .. . 1936 W;Iolter Mosher .. ....... ... .. .. 1937 L. J. Isnor ......... ..." ....... " .... 1938 l . J. Isnor ............. , .... . .... . ......... 1939



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Dartmouth, N. S., January 25, 1940. To the Ratepayers, T o wn o f Dartmouth.

L.,dies and Gentlemen:-I ha\'c the honor to submit my report as Mayor of t he

TOWIT of Dartmouth fo r the year 1939. The official Sta tement o f Receipts and Expenrlitures

for t'lJC year jus t released by 1he la wn treasurer sho ws tha.t the town oont in!ues to be in a "cry satisfactory financial position, and enahles me to rCp.Jrt a bab.nced budget fo r the year. Cash rece ipt s fo r the year exc1usi,-c of Tcal and per­sonal prope rty tax were ~10,40 .. 1.01 in excess of the amolln t est imat ed fo r. Thi s includes four of the six thousand donars received from the Starr l\ lanufacturing Compa ny Limit-ed. Of thi s amount $5,5 12.02 was spent on in crea sed lown services, principa!1y on stree ts a.nd curbs in \'arious pa.rts o i t he town and $1,348.5 1 for caretaker's cottage at t he source of the town water supply leaving a ~urp'us in T ow,n. Genera l Accou n~ oi $3,543.48 and a reduction in the overdraft of $4,335.89.

T.1:\.:: co!lec tion s fo r I\. he yea r reached a new high level a.mounting to $ 196,597.17.

Co ntinued impro veme nt is shown in the \Vater and Sewer ~Iaintomnce Department resulting in a redu ctioll in the o\'erdraft to the extent of $1,i44-.62. A s tud), oi the finances o f this depa rtment indi cates that t he entire over­draft wil! be eliminated by 1941.

During the year through an arr:\Jngement with the Provincial Government a Five Thousand Doll ar \ Vorks Program was ca rried out which was used for w o rk of a pemlanent nature and impro\'ed the unemployment situa­tion to a large ex-toot.

T here wa s paid out during the year .for wages to town W()rkmcn $30,838.34, an in.crease of $8,368.29 over the pre­\'ious year. 'f'hi s was rmade ,possible Iby ItJhe opera.t io tl of tihe

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\Vopks Program and other fav'Orable conditions previously mentioned.

Building ope r:Hiom during the year ~11J various parts of the town showed encouraging progress.

During th e latter part of the year owing to the l<trge influx of people into the town it was Ifou,rud desirable to add lwo addi t ional officers to the police force. T:his depart­ment continues working on a high standard of efficiency.

The Fire Depart.menit and the U. P. C. continue to up­hold the traditions of their predecessors and are rendering an excellent .service to 'llhe town -in their capacities of voluntee r firemen.

I I would be impossible to carry on satisfactorily with ­out co-operatio11J and un ity and in this conne-ction I wish to thank the counci llor s, town offic.ials and all employees for the "\"'Cry able assis tance rendered to me during the year. T also wish to express my appreciation to all citizens for the privilege of se rving them and for their advice a:nd encouragement .during the past year.

I have the honor to .be,

Yours faithfully,

L. J. ISNOR, Mayor.


His Wor·ship the Mayor and Councillors, Town of Dartmoutlh.

Gentlemen :-I have the honour as Chainman of the Finance Com­

mittee to sumbil my report for the year 1939, and am pleased to report t_he TOwn 1.0 be in an execllent financial situatio n and .that t.he close of ·the year reY'Ca1s a ~alanced budget.



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The total tax collect iOns for the year including real estate, personal aM poll and arrears amounted to $ 196,-597.17 as compared with $188,694.33 in 1938. Ovhe r re~

ceipls amounted to $37,024.79 making the tOtal receipts for the year oi the Town General Account to be $233,621.96. The expenditu res totalled $229,286.09 which reflects in the M erdra ft decreasing from $80,279.05 at the beginning of the year to :pS,943,18 at \'he close of the year. The overd raft is (o\ 'c r('(] by outs tanding taxes $79,2 11.75 and a rese rve has been sct up for non~collectab.1e taxes of $22,5 11 .41 in addition .

The Bonded Debt at the beginning of th e year includ-irl'g Dartmouth Ferry Bonds wa s . ... .... .. . .. . . $1,385,100

Debc.nturcs were paid off during the year J .e; iollows:

i\'Iotor Fire Engine . . . . O \'erdraft Roya l Bank

.$15,500. .. . 24,((0. --$ 39,500.

$ 1,345,600. Tn addition to t1he abo\"C , the Pro,·incia.1 GO\"('rnment is

hold ing Town o f Dartmout.h .debentures '\0 rhe amount ot" $189,O(X) as secu rity for the 10.ln oi the Dartmouth Hous­ing Co mmissio n.

Tlhe T own's total debt of $1.345,600 is made up a. <; follo ws:

Co n$()lidate<i Debt .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . $ 18,000, Sohools .................. . ... . 318,500 : Water and Sewerage... . 397,200. Sewers .. . . . . . . . . • • . . . . 3,600. Permanent sidewalks ...... . ... . 35,((0. j\'!otor Ladder T ruck.......... . .. 14,COO. Hoad Rnl1cr .... . . .. .. .... .. .... . 4,{XX} Wide,n ing Windmill Road. ... ... . . 13,000.

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Cemetery ...... .. ............... I I,OCO. PCl'mane·nt Streets . ....... . •..... 266,OCO. Fire Trucks. .. . ................. 2,500. Electric 1.,ight . ..........• . • ..... 3,500. Unemployed Re:lief .............. 27,500. Crusher.. . .. . .... .............. 3,100. Public WQrks ................... 22,200.

. T ractor, 1:l;lough and Truck........ 8,500 Ferry .......................... 188,OCO.

---'$ 1,345,600.

The Sinking Fund for the redemption of debentures a.t bhe bcginnil1g of rhe ye..1.r ,was ........... . .. $530,673.0 1

The .fund was i.mcreased during the year as fo llows :

Ca.~h a.ssessed for 1939 ........... 31,064.25 Cash Dart,mou"h Ferry Commission 1.<XX>.00 Interest earned on investments .... 21,554.42 on BoBds .. . ............. ... . 3,021.30

---$ 56,639.97

$587.312.98 l.ess:

Transferred to Debenture Account 39,500.00 Difl"erent in Bonds .............. 178.53

---$ 39,678.53


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To the cred it of the iol1owitn:g: Ferry ... .. ...... '. ' .. . . . $ 75, 158.57 Wa ter and Sc,\!cragc . . . . ..... . . 173,547.42 Permanent Sidewalks .. . ... . 17,816. 14 Schools .. . . . . . .. . .. 134,672.84 Consol idated Debt.... . . 206.81 Motor Fire Engines . . . . . ... . Road Roll er . . .. : ... . .....• . Cemete ry Permanent Street s . . E lectric Lig:ht . ....... . .... . \\"idcning Windmill Road . . Unemployed Relief Impro\'ements . . .... . Stone Crusher . .. . . . . . ... . ... . Truck and T racto r General . . Cu rbs and Gutters.

13,246.53 2,54 1.53 6,010.55

86,432.97 1,577.75 3,896.05

15,470.37 4,962.24

713.46 8,734.43 2,295.55

35 1.24 ---$547,634.45

J t is vcry grat iiying to draft has bee_1l reduced by

not e that rhe Town's OY'('1'­

$4,335.87 and that tax oo1Jec-lions h;l\'C becn increased by ~7 ,902.84 . ;rhis was accom­p·lished to a large cxten t by the tl.:lltiring effOrts of the Town Clcrk and his staff in tJhe cniorcement of all taxes (lu c the T own.

I take this opportunity 10 express my a.p;preoiauon to the mem.bc rs of the Finance Committce and Town o fficia ls for th eir co-opentio.Jl) throughout thc year.

Hcspectfully submitt ed,


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Year Rate. Rate. Total I T own School

1905 .. ..... .... .......... . .79 .55 $1.34 1906 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 .60 1.J8 .1 1907 .88 .69 1.56 .... , .... ..... .... " , 1908 .95 .69 1.64 1909 .81 .74 1.55 1910 .75 .75 l.50 1911 ...... .... . .85 .70 1.55 1912 ... . . .. .. . ........ .82 73 1.55 19 13 .... ... .. .... . ... .. '" .85 .70 1. 55 19H .. ... ... .... ........ .. 1.02 .68 1.70 1915 ..... .. .... .78 .89 1.67 1916 ...... .... .. . . 1.03 .92 1.95 19 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 .92 1.95 19 18 ...... .. .. ... .99 1.01 2.00 1919 . .. . ....... . .. . . . .. . 1.39 1.26 2.65 1920 ... .. .... . , _ ..... ..... 1.70 1.30 3.00 1921 1.74 1.26 3.00 1922 .. '" ....... , -' 1.69 1.26 2.95 1923 ...... ... 1.73 1.22 2.95 1924 ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.84 1.26 3.10 1925 · ... . -.. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.79 126 3.05 1926 . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.82 1.28 3.10 1927 · ... .. .... ... .. ... .. 1.81 1.29 3.10 1928 ...... . " .. ". 2.03 1.34 3.37 1929 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.97 1.33 3.30 1930 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.96 1.34 3.30 193 1 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.97 1.33 3.30 1932 .. .. ...... .... .... 2.12 1.J8 3.50 1933 ...... .. •• ... • .. . .. ... 1.96 1.54 3.50 1934 ... .... .... .... ....... 2.1 2 1.48 3.60 1935 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.08 1.47 3.55 1936 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.04 1.56 3.60 1937 .. .................... 2.21 1.57 3.78 1938 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21 1.54 3.75 1939 ... ... .... ...... .. .... 2.1 4 1.58 3.72 ,

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REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TIle following is a comparative statement of the assessed

valualio ll of the real and personal properly. 1900 ........ . 1901 1902 ... 1903 .. ...... • . 1901 1905 1906 1907 190' 1909 1910 1911 1912 ..... 19!3 1914 . . ....... • _ 1915 1916 1917 ... 1918 1919 . .. . . .. . ..... . ...... . .... .

1,905,560 1,910,915 1,931.250 1,943,265 1,987,405 2,033,740 2,029,727 2,086,97i 2,185,085 2,201,87i 2,278,7+l 2,327,672 2,368,41 4 2,512.923 2,580,077 2,644,445 2.823,000 3,045,750 3,150,950 3,367,600 4,264,900 4,544,800 4.698,450 4,926,100 -4,903,580 4,927,750 4.883,950 4,896,950 4,672,000 4]35,675 4,787,900

1920 ........• • _ ....... .. • ..... 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931


1932 .. . . 1933 1934 1935 . .. 1936

..•.. . .•. 4,859,025 .. , , . , .. .... 4,882,250

4,892,200 , , ,. 4,895,900

.. .... , .' , ... ,.. 4,897.150 4,932,100

\937 1938 1939

, .. , , " . " . ' .• ' .'.,'.... 4,944,450 5,073,995 5,112,695

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" ANNU:\L REPORT 11 ----

The Bonded Debt of the Town on December 31, 1939.

Dl.'bc nlllres W',hcn I s.sucd Years 0" 1111. Amount Co nsol idat ed Debt. Dec. 2, 1914 J<) 1944 5% $17,000.

July 2, 19Jj '" 1955 4% 1,000. $ 18,000. •

Schools July 1, 1914 J<) 1944 5% 90,000. ~lay I, \91 5 2; I'''' 5% 4,000. • July 2, 1918 2; 1943 6% 100,000. July 2, )919 JO 1949 5% 12,500. Nov. 1, 1921 J<) 1951 6% 30,000. July J, 1922 '" 1942 50% 12,000. July 2, 1928 20 1948 4Y.i% 27,000. Jan. 2, 1931 20 1951 ;% 3,000. ~Iay I, \932 20 1952 5% 40,QC().

$318,500. \Val er l ,uly 2, 1919 30 1949 5% 15,500.

J'~ 2, 1921 '" 1941 6% 100,000. Jan. J, 1922 20 1942 50% 50,000. /\ug. I , 1923 20 1943 ;% 6,000. July 2, )924 20 1944 ;% 5,000.

Sept. I, 1926 '" 1946 ;% 5,000. 01'1. I , 1926 '" 1946 ;% 40,000. Aug. I, 1927 20 1947 4%% 7,000. Aug. 1, 1927 20 1947 4 jtS% 4,000. July I \ 928 20 1948 4Y.% 24,000.

Nov. I, 1929 20 1949 ;% 14,000. June I, 1931 '" 1951 4Yi% 20,000. July 2, 1932 '" 1952 SY:i% 25,000. July I, 1933 20 1953 5% 32,000. July I, 19.30 '" 1953 ;% 6,200. July 2, 1935 20 1955 4% 8,000. Nov. 2, 19.36 20 1956 3Y:i% 5,000. Nov. 2, 1936 20 1956 3Y:i % 3,500. Nov. I, 1937 '" 1957 3Y:i% 10,000. Nov. I, 1937 '" 1957 JYi% 5,000. Nov. I , 1938 '" 1958 3Y:i% 5,000. Nov. I, 1938 20 1958 JY:i.% 7,000.

$397,alO. Sewers Nov. I , 1938 '" 1958 30% 3,600

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The Dc-bc-ntures for $189,000. issued under the Nova Scotia H ousing Act 1919 are hcld by the Government of Nova Scotia as security for the loan to thr Hous ing Commission.

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His Worship the Mayor and Members o f Council, T o wn of Dar.t.mouth.


Gel~tl emen :-1 ,have the ,honor to submit my repo rt as Chai rma n of the St reets and Public Prope rty Committee for Llle year 1939.

T he p rincipal mattens o f interest in connection with s treet exendi.tures du ri ng the year were a rel ief work pro­gram , more extensi"e street improvements and the COOl­

st-ruc tion of timber curbs. This wOl'k resulting in a dis­tin ct im provclllen.\ in the street s, gave conside rab1e employ ment to men who o ther.wise would have been a burdol11 to t,he T o wn causing unprofitable expenditures by the Cha rities Committee.

Relief Expenditures-Early Tn JanuGry the T ow n entered into a rel ief work agreement with the Provincial and Federal Go"ernments involving ~nl exopenditure of $5 ,(X)J. on s treet i.mprovements of w,hich nhe Town 's share was 35% o r $1.750. T ,his made possi.ble the widening of CC I1\ain portions of &Hlllh, \Ve-rJtwQrlIh and Ed ward St reets by rem oval of rock.

Street Improvements by Macadamizing and Asphalt Treatment.-The following st reets were macadamized and Ircate<l witlh two coats o f ·asphalt and one of s to ne ch ips:

Dundas-Ooh tcrloney to No rth . Rod ney Road-Soul'h-Prince to King. Hes ter- Jamieson to Elmwood A\·enue. Criohton A\'e.-Glev'e la~l'd Crescent to F al1m Road. Tu lip-Pine to Maple K ing-Sou.t,h 10 Railway cross ing. Dawson~\vinJmiJ] Road to Georg e

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Ersk~nie--'Pleasant to Hawthorne. Dahl ia--Crichton Avenue to Beech Oakdale Crcscent'--End ncar Crichto n A"c.nuc. No rth-Bdward to King Ja;micson-Windmill Road to Wyse Road Joh.r»--Dawson 10 Pc-lzant (macadam only) .

The following 'hard sunfaced pavements were sea l coated with one application of asphalt and stone chips:

Portland-Prince to th e foot of Burton's Hill Pleasan t-Old Ferry Road Ito Tupper Street

Tlhe ,following st reet s built in pre\-ious years recei\'cd another application of asphalt and stone chips:

School- Windmill Road to Wyse Road Crichton Avenue-Ernest Keeler 's to stone crusher.

Sidewalks- The -sidewalk on (Ihe cast side of Pine Street from Ochterlo.ney to Dahlia wa s treated with s tone chips and asphalt.

Tim ber Curbs- During ,1'he year creosoted hardwood rurbs were [<lid on a number of ,st reet s. It is estimated that these curbs will ha 'l' 'C a mu ch longer hie than the soft-1\"OOd curbs built somc years ago. CUl1bs are very essen­tial in t.he const ructio n and maintena,m.:e of st reets and sidcwalks. ,Concre tc curbs, due to their long life are pref('fable. s ince ho wcYcr q:>roperty owners are disinclined to a.pply ior them due to thc nece ssity of their be~ng required \0 pay half I'~e cost as pro\'ided under the "Act" it 'Wxs decided to use creosoted kL-r.dwood .

The following stree ts wcre curbed in this ma.nner: Hes ter- side-Jamieson to Elmwood Avenue Ersk ine-both sides-Pleasa nt to Hawthorne Tho mpson---,botili side-Erskine southerly to end

of Street

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"----------------Pine- bor-h sides- Ochter-loney to Dahlia Queen---'both s ides-Pine to Victoria Road Da:hlia- both s ides-Pine to Maple Dahlia-south side--Pine to V ictoria Road Tulip- 4X1th s ides-Maple t<l Beooh Tulip- no rth side- Maple to Pine \Vent'worth~wes t side- Church to Park Aven,uc

Concrete Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks

'Jlhe fo llo wing co ncrete cur·bs and gutters were laid: DawSQ!li---north side-Bligh to John Fairbanks-we st s idc- l\·tot:t to Best C ric h tOolv fh "e- wes t side- Cleveland .Crescent to

Farnn Road Thist le- no rth s ide-V,iolona Road to Pine and abo'lit

85 icet on the east side of Victoria Road. Tulip- south s ide- Pine to Ma.ple .

A co ncre te side.walk was laid all ;the east s ide of Pleasant Street from Motl's Lane to Old Ferry Road.

General-The s tone cr:usher was in operat10,n from ~'lay 9th to O ctober 1%11 cr,u sh~r.g 3,898 tons of stone at a COSt o f $1.26 Ipcr ,to n, ,including s inking fund, ~OIteres t and Ins urance.

Snow removal was carried out as us ua.1. Special aHen­lion wa s givon to the business sect·ion by ha.uling away excess snow. Ashes were constantly spread on icy streets and sidewalks. The total cost was $1,194.68.

Street cleaning costs are go ing up due to increasing population and greater ,use of the s treets by pedestriarnlS and motorists. Tihe work required the employment of two men fo r pracl'ic~ny the \\~hole season.

Greater use of the dumrps made it necessary to keep the caretake rs on thro\lghout the year.

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Building Permits:

TI;c. !9-lIowing building /o~:w houses . . ... .

9 houses remodelled

permits were issued: .... . .......... $49,200.

1 duplex house .... . .. . .. .......... 17,700.

5,500. 900. mill building . .

watch house aM lavatory . 1,200. I bank romode lled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5,60) 1 blick addition to warehouse ..... . . 4,100.

Street Lighting.

Street lig:hting costs ran about uhe same as during 1938. An extra light was installed on T upper Street ,hringing the total to 339. ,Lamps renewals \,'ere 722 indud~ntg 38 broken lights. \Vh ile the .makers guarantee lamps for l ,COJ hou rs, the a\'crage life of our lamps was about 1,800 hou rs.

I wish to c:\."'Press my appreciation to the other mem­bers of the Committee and to the engineer and his staff ior co-operation and help.

Respectiu lly submi tted,

(Sgd. ) LORNE R. HARTLEN, Ohai rman.

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Ili s Wo rship the f<layor and Members of Gundl, Tow.1l oi Darllmouth, N_ S.

Gentlemen :-l ha\-c the ho no r to submit -my report a<; Chainnan of the \Vater and Sewer Committee ior the year \939.

The Chlorina t ion Plant, which went into use abou t October 1s t, 1938, was successfully operated during rhe year, ens uring a pure wa.ter supply_ The .Medical Vll"iccr keeps a check on t'he efficiency of the plant by frequ ent ly h:n ·ing S<'lmples oi \\-lter analysed by the P ro­\·in ci :11 He,l1 th Depart mellt. The recor.ding apparatus gi\-es the quanti! ), of water used and iacilitates t>he detec­l ion of leaks. The consumption o i water during 1939 was 288,566,<XXl gallons o r at the average rate o f 790,592 gallons per day_ l~:sl imating our population at 11,0IX) the daily per capi·la consumptio n was 72 gallons_

A pressure recording gauge was installed in the Tow n Hall d uring \Jhe year. This 'was used j·rn conjunotion wit'h the flow meter at the ch lorination plant to obtain useful infor ma tion rega rding the Town 's system.

UIHler the ad\-ice of the Provincial Healtlh DepartlTllent ihe supply lakes \\-ere treated with copper sulphate to :·cmo\"c Ihe disagreeable tastes which are caused by \Jhe gro \\":,h at" "Algae_" ~ l isc rosopicaJ examinawons were 1l1<lde and as soon as "A lgae" wa s detected coppe r sulphate was applied_

The appointment of a watc.hman at the supply lakes whose duty is to patrol the lakes and water shed, has been of great as<;islance in imprO\-ing the water supply_

Thc di st r ibution mains we re frequently flushed to re-11IOVC sedimc.nlt ca using di scolorations in the water_

Page 19: Tovvn - Legacy Content




, "


~ ,

" I I:


,~ i,

" i,


Your Comm iH ce regrets to record the deanh of r-.'lr. \ tocl Forbes who so faithfully per.fonmed the dut ies o i Plumbing Inspector ior many years. The work is now being carri ed 0\11 und er the supcn'isioll of the T own Engineer.

Sewer Extensions Crichton Avenue 18" sewer c:-:te nded 129 icct, \Tewcast lc SIreN (i" se wer extended 64 fect .

Water Extensions Crichton A\'c. 6" C:l5 t iro n wate r main extended 129 icc! Newcast le St., 4" cas t iron wate r main cX1tended 64 ieet Tht' plumbi,l1Ig st:t tistics fol!o \n;:-


.\! U!ll lJcr 01 buil dings co nnected wi th TaWil wa ter and se wer system up to Dec. 31, 1938 ........ . ... 2031

Bu il din gs bu rned or othe r dest royed 1939.. 6

2025 .\lew building co nn ected wi th water and sewer-

age du ri nrg 1939 .. ... . .... .. Ii New buildings con nected wi \lh water only 1939 .... 1

--" Total btlil dings co nnected wilh \,'ater and sewerage . . 2043

. Buildings nOt con nected wa ter and se\,"erage up to Decem ber 31, 1938 . .. .. .. . ... . ...... 78

:--Jew buildings 1939 . ...... . . . . ....... . .. ... . .


Page 20: Tovvn - Legacy Content



1'38 .. 2081

754 ...... . .. .. 1704

.1 593

Taken ou t Ill stalled

K itchen ~ inks Lau nd ry trays \\ 'ash ba~in s

!.lath tubs Rang..: boile rs TOIlets (W. C ) Shop tap~ .. Garden hose Stahle hOo>e L·rin .. 1 Ir vughs Show er baths Barbcr~ ' I;~\'atorics

C h 111C_C Laund rieii .. \'cSdaole sink s 1)1111\ill::;" fu,mt a in" Slop sinks ....... . Dell.i ,t chai rs :\ollltion tables ..

. " .. .... 1571 . ..... . ... 225f;

'2 Z43

4 3Q 41

• 2

29 2


• 5 4 3

• Z 2


10423 J6

MEMO OF TOILETS Park School ........ . Victoria School GreClwalc School .... . Hawt horne School .. Findlay School f\rmourips .... .... . Engine H ouse .. Residence oyer F.n gi ne house .. U. P. C ............ . T Own Hall COllullunil)' \Vadin g Pool

Ib tepayers

1939 31 13 37 30 29 47


I' S



31 10

I' I' 19 2 3 I I 2 2

104 . . 21 92


T otal

2103 767

1736 1619 1597 2296

'1 242

4 47 49

• 2 I 3, 2



Page 21: Tovvn - Legacy Content


1 would like to take this opporttLoity to thank the o ther mem be rs of the Comm~ttee fo r their co-operation and to express my apprec1ation of the scryiccs of !Jhe Engineer <lIll!(1 the T own employees.

Respectfully submitted,

(Sgd .) W. F . CA)'lERON, Chairman.


Hi s Worship the 1\\a)'or, and i\'lembers of Town Co uncil T own of Dartmouth .

Gentleme n :- The fire department was weI] mabn<taincd Juring the year and the same efficient sen'ice ""as gin~n by the fi remen under tlhe direction of t.he Fire Ohiei, .M r. George Patterson.

A quant'it)' of new hose was provided and ot.her equip­menl, ,dthoug)l more equipment is required and it is to be hoped Ithat much of this will be made .:l\'ailable for i9-Kl.

T he firemen took a keen interest in th e wo rk o i the 1"'ro\'incial Air Raids Preca \ltionary Commi~tee and pledged [<heir su pport to help the program of protection whioh has l)eoll recommended.

A la.rge number of the firemen took adn:lntage of the first a id cou rse pro\' idcd and recci"ed the ir cert ificates.

I wish to take tJhis opporlUllity to e:'\'j)ress my deep apprccialion as of th e Committee, for the fine !;pirit of cooperation shown by ~he firemen and Fire Chief George Patterson, amj {,he splend id and effecti\'c work whidl they accomplished the year.

Respectfully submitted,

A RTH UR C. PETTI PAS, Chairman.

Page 22: Tovvn - Legacy Content


Statement of expendi11ures and a.lal1tns answered dur­in'g the year.

l ihe amount estimated for fire se rvice was ...... $7,107. The ac tu al nmoun~ expended was, and is made

l1\) as fo llo ws :

SaiJaries .. .... .. . ........... ......... . l,ighting ........• . . . .. .• .... .•..... .. FlIc·1 ...... . .........•......•. ... T elephon es ...... ..... .. . ... ......... I{cpairs, gas, ctc .. ............•.... •. .. In surancc ....................... •. .... Fire Com'cntion ex penses ....... . .. . •... Il osc .. ........... . .......... . .•...... \ Vhee ls and tires .. . . ... .. . ...•.. • . • .. ]{ubber boots and co.·us .......... • ...... U. P. C. supplies .. ................... . SlI_ndry ... .. ...... . ...... .. " ......... . 2r1(\ payment on wheels, tires and siren .. Tires for little pumper . ..... .. ......... . Smoke nozz le ..... .... ............... . Smoke masks ............ . ........... . Wirlod<;hields and wipers .............. .

$3,983.00 253.00 476.00 134.00 174.00 78.00 37.00

772.00 323.00

54.00 100.00 329.00 366.00

58.00 50.00 36.00 39.00


Alarms a nswerer! during the year were' as ,follow<;' General alarms ....................... . 28 Chemica l calls ......................... 91

s:lo-wing an increase of 3 general alar;ms and 16 ohemical ..:a·ll s over the previous year with loss to pro perty 35

follows: Insured loss ................... . .. $15,829. Unin sured loss ................... 1,563.

Total '" \ ........ ... $17,392.

Page 23: Tovvn - Legacy Content



Hi s WOf5htp the Mayor and ,Members 01 Council, Dar~mouth, N. S.

C{mtiemcn :-1 'have the honour report as Chairman of the-Charities year 19J9:

to submit my annual Committee for the

T-he amount estimated for this sen'lce I'"as . ..... $17,804.00 Tlhe ;11111. chargeable 10 1939 estimates . . $17,601.63 Of this "here was recoI"cred, . .. .... ,. \,238.52

--~S16,363. 1 1

?o.'1 Jk ing an underexpcn dit ure oi. . . . . . .. .. $1,440.89 Hereunder is a statement sh oll-ing hOI\" the money has

bec,n ex.pended : !IIaint cmmce of inmates al City ' ·Io me ......... . .... . $ 6.72').96

815.32 162.43 181.92 296.;3


Mainlcnan.;:e of patient s at ;"hwic ipal H ome, East Hants 1I1ainlcnance o f Child \\'dfare Mainten;lnce o f (I) p.1tient at SI. Theresa'$ H ome. :l. l ainle nancc at SI. Patrick's H OJlle .. :\Iaint enance at Victo ria General Hos pital. Maint enance ;It Indus trial Schoo l... . ........ . ~ I ainl(nance at ). Iorris St .Tuberculosis H os ital. Maint enance at N ova Scotia Sanatoriulll. Halifax Visi ting Di spensa r}' gra Il!. lloard of Poor in T own ......... . Orders given for g roceries and coaL ..... Sundries. ............ . Salary. Secretary ...... . .... .

.J42.0J 1.037.(j(j

7000 75.00

591.68 2,804.1Q

3i1.8S 351.00

$ 17,601.63 A t the beginning of the year t'here were at the Ci ty

Home twen ty-nine patients, fifteen ma.le and fourteen icmale. Two male and one female pat ients d ied dunlng the year. One ie-male pa t ient was discharged and t \\'o pat ienls we re adm itted. lea\'il!g at the close of the year \Wcnty-se\'en patients . at a COSt of $S.CO caoh per \\·cek.

Page 24: Tovvn - Legacy Content


At t'he beginni.ntg of the year there were at the Victoria Gccnr:tl Hospital fl\'c pa tients chargeable to the To wn. During th e yea r onc hu nd red and sixty-three pat ients we re <!(lini tted, one hund red and fifty-five were discharged and 'S IX died, lea\' ing at th e end of the year seven pat ients.

At the present time the T own of Dartmouth is pay ing fo r trea tment for three pati ents at the Morris Street Tub­ercu los Hospital a nd Otll'e patient at the Nova Scotia Sanatorium, Kent''ilIe.

Nova Scotia Hospital

Tille a mo un t es tim:tted for thi s serv ice was $4,448.00 The amount chargeable to 1939 esti.mated 4,612.58 Of thi s there wa s recovered . .... ... ... , . &lO.87


i\'laking an underexpendi tu re o f . . . ",., . . . . . . .. $ 696.29

AI th e fir st o j the year 11here were at the NO\'a Scotia Hospital chargeable to tlhe Town ten patients. Six patient s 'Were adm itted during t'he year, It wO p<.tt ients died and six wcre di scha rged, lea\'ing at the end of t-he year eight p ... tients, four male and four iemale.

It is expected that bhe new Cou nty Home at Cole Harbour will be ready for occupancy about August 1st , 19-«). and Dartmo uth pat ients at the City Home, H a lifax, the :'\fo\'a Scotia Hospital , \Voodside and elsewhere mar all be tram..fe rrcd to llhc IIlC'\\' building at a reduced rate.

In conclusion I wi sh to express my apprec iation to the other members oi the Committee, namely Councillors Cameron and i\lacintosh, to "he Sec reta.ry and the Town Clerk and his .staff fo r the co-opc ration a l'Jd assistance ren­dered during ~he year,

Respec tfu lly subm itted, A RT HUR R. P UBLICOVEH, Chairman.

Page 25: Tovvn - Legacy Content



His WOllShip the ,Mayo r and lI'lembcrs of Town Council, DaTlLnlOutll, N. S.

Gentlemen :- 1 ha\"c the ho nour to submit my report as Chairman o f the Police and License Committee for the year ended December 31, 1939.

At t-hc bcgi.!m ing of the year t'he fo rce consisted of fom men, namely:

Chief o i Police-John J. Lawlor. Deputy Chiei- H. W c1<lon Arnold . Officer- Em,le Gray. Officer- Wel sford Symo nds.

I t w:t's co nsidered ach"isahlc in order to cope \\"iuh the s tc:tdily in creasing pop ulation o i the town to add to the force and yo ur Cou nc il accon lin g ly ;q)]>ointcd. hue in the year, 1\\"0 morc officers namely:

Percy Rug.gles and Allison Kiehol s.

The addition of t,hese office rs means ad ded prot'Cct ion to the citizens o i the town and makes it possible to haye :In officer on ca ll a t the police o li"icc in the Tomn. Hall day and night.

T'he report o i the Chief of Police, attached, indicates a busy year, yet one iree from serious crime, which is in it self a tnilJU~e .to the \'igilance and eff,icienc), oi tohe .force.

J belie\'e that our fo rce, as lately augmented, is a smoot,h wor-king arlld harmon ius body ior the enforcement o f law and order in tlhe T own, and take this oppoIit unit}' of ex.prcssin g my appreciation of the co-ope ration given me, and the t,ho ro ughn ess of !.heir wo rk.

Respec liul1y sub mitted,

J J. l\'ladNTOSH, Chairman.

Page 26: Tovvn - Legacy Content



His \Vorsh ip the Mayor am::l Nlemhers of To w,n (Quncil, Dartmoutlh, N. S. •

Cellilerncn :- T,he following report is respectfully sub­mitted covering the year ending December 31, 1939.

Duping the period und-er review lIhere were 638 com-iJlaints recived and investigated by th e Police.

Persons placed under arrest . ... . ... . ...... . .. 147 PerSOllrS gin:~n shelter . .. . ... ........ . ... . . . . 48 No. of automobile accidents . . . . . ...... . ...... 42 No. of Ipe,rso ns injur,ed in {tuto 'accidents . . ... . 22 No. of persons ki ll ed in auto accidents.. ... ... I No. 0-£ automobi\c.s stolen and recovered ........ 6 Doors found un:locked a.nd premises left

bnsecure . . . ... ...... ...... . .. ... ...... 113 No. oJ Civil summon ses served .. .. .. ... ...... 189 No. of Exeautions ..................... . ..... 24

The foHowing is a list of the var.ious cases tr·ied befo re th e Po lice Court.

Assault ... . ....................... 13 Bunglary ...... . . ........ • ..•..... 7

2 Canada Shipping Act ... . . • .. •. .... Drunk driving ..... . ......... • ..... 14 Distrur.bance ... ..... ..... . • • ••. .. .. 13 Fongery ...... . ...... ..•....... Intoxicated ... : ......... • . • • ....... Liquor Control Act .........• • ...... Motor Veh icle Act ......... . ...... . p.roperty Damage ...... . •.• . . • ..... Tihcft ..... . ............. •. .. • .

2 49 19 27

2 16

, "

'. " ,


, >


Page 27: Tovvn - Legacy Content


T own Bye-Laws Vagra.n.ty . . .... . ....•.. . ... . \ ' arious ..... . .. . ..... . .. .. ... .. .

7 . .9


Totar number of prosecut ions .. . ... 189 T oL1. ! number of convictions . . . . .. .. 178

Rcstd titrg from {lhe aoo\'c cases $463.00 was received in tines in the Police Court, and in the Mun icipal Court . $862.25 was rccciv'Cd.

Respcct.fully submitted,


Chief of Police .

Page 28: Tovvn - Legacy Content



1-1 . A. Smith .... J. L. Sheehan Ralph lnni~


J. P. Dunn and Son ... G. J. O' Hearn .. John C. Ritchie

. ..... . $ 5.00 ........ 5.00

5.00 5.00

I 1. CO 5.00


--$ 36.00

T RUCKING Jam es I. :'Il o ir, Sr., :'I!ichacl Slaney fra w r I~ros.


.... $ 40.00 10 .CO 20.00 -$

Ralph fcrgu ~o ll (3 cars ) ..... $;3.00 Lyle l.. Powcr .. . . ...... ...... . 25.00 .1. T. Pettipas ( I drivcr) (I car). 26.00 Le;;.lie It Thorn ton ........ .. ..... . George Frizz ell ..... . J oh n :'I\. Boylc F. B. O rma n (J cars). Gordon Boyle .. . . Sinclair Boyle ........ . Ralph Ferguson (3 cars ) ........ •.. Georgc White ... ......... . L. :'II. Bell, Ltd. (-1- bu ses ) .. J oseph 1'. Pcni])as ... .... . Charlcs Sulli\'an . ... ...... . William .\luT]lhy .......... . Hugh G. :'I l acNcil1.

23 .00 23.00 25.00 75 .00 50.00 25.00 73.00 25.00

.100 .00 25.00 15.00 1.00 1.00


--$ 593.00

JUNK 1I1ax S1IIit h Nathan Jacob.ion ..

20 .00 20 .00 10.00

-$ 50.00 ,

Page 29: Tovvn - Legacy Content


CHIMNEY SWEEP Lawrence McLachl:!,n ....... '" ..... .. .. ... 5.00


Lops ton Bro~. 10.00

PETTY TRADERS Gordon and William Myra (3 months) ..... $ 5.00 Francois Pelletier (3 mont hs) .... . . . . ,'... 5.00 Phill ip DeBa}' (3 months) 5.00 Waller Cooper ( .1 months)........ . ....... 5.00 Frank Callant (3 mo nths ) . ....... ", . ... . .. 5.00 Frank R Dauphinee (3 months) .......... 5.00 J. W. Murphy............... ......... 5.00 Fuiler Brush Company ....... . .. :,': ' 20.00 Ch;Hles George (:l momh s). 5.00



--$ 60.00

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His \Vors-hip t'he .Mayor and .Me.m:)e rs of Council, Town of Dant.mouth, N . S.

Cc-nlli(,"orJlen ::


I 'have tJle honor to re·port as Ohaimlan of the Ceme tery Comrrnmee for t,he year 1939.

The Town has two public cemete·pies (a) (lhe old cemc­try situated on the northwest co rner of Park An:~nl1e and Vi r'ia Road, \\',hi oh is no\\" almost comp'letely occupied and (b) ,the new cemetery on rhe noNd1wcst cor,r.!er of Sc-hodl Street and V'ictoria Road knO'wn as ;'l\1ount He.rmon Cemetery."

The O"ld cemetery is in a very muoh tle~lect-ed condit·ion due to no pro\'i sions having been made in the past for per­manel1Jt care. A s.mall amoul1Jt "\\<l.S >spent dllring the y-ear, d -eanin g up road s and wa.lks, so as to make the graves and lo ts more accessihl e.

Your Committee prepa red a special By-Law respecting J'\'IOlNllt Hermon Cemetery. 1ihis was -approved .by Counca on June St,h, 1939 and by the Minister of Mou.nicipa.l Affa'irs o n J.une 13th , 1939. In accordance with Olause 3, M.r. CecJ Zlink was appoint ed Superintendcnlt. Under ihis sl~pef\"ision

the maintenance policy, so well carried Qll,t in t'he -past, has been cont·inu cd. During lI.'he year 2CO rose 'bus hes were pliln1cx1 , nower beds rdeve lo])ed a.nd tulips planted in tJhe autumn.

A carc-ful study of fhe ·financiaJ 'Problem of mainten­ance of dcn!lo.ped sections and further <ievelop;merut was made. Due to the prevalence of ledge rock. large bot~l( scrub bushes and swampy secl,ions, t.he prelimi,nnry work requi~ed to be done to make >the land ,su iNlib1e fo r ,buri'<lll pUf'POses 'is very considerable and c.1nnOlt ,be for from the sale of lOi S and graves. Provision for t,he olearing and

Page 31: Tovvn - Legacy Content

.10 T OWN OF DART)'!OUTH -----------~-

grading of .new sect ions will require special grants from Ihe Council. It is ~mportant t·ha! a fund be establi".hed toward the defraying of the care of the cemetery in -rhe iuture. Clause 6 was included in Lhe By-Law \\"ith rhis in m ind and in accarda,nI:C Lhcrc wi lh 25% of the purc.hase pr-i cc o f lot s ami gr~l\'CS sold dur ing the year ,has been funded.

T,he following oharges ha\'c becn established:

Single gra\'c ......... $12.00 Lot conta ini mg 6 graves . . . .... ... . 60.00 Opening gra n! .... ... 10.00

In ,the opinion oi your Committee the developed sec-110:-"; o i the ce meter:' arc being maintained in a n:~ry credit­ab le maImer. As development exten ds, up-keep costs \\"ill incrca:<c ;UH! a fund sufficient for future care ,\'ii! become \·cry im portan t in o rde r to a'·o id the cemetcry being ncglcolcd or becoming a hca,")" cha rge on the ta_,,-payers in the iutur(O.

Tihe cemetery stat~men l showed a credit balalllCc of ~26-+.39 a t the beginning of 1939. \\-ithout any grant fro m the Council this '\"as incrcased to $377.66 at tJhc end oi the yca r. Alter sC lling aside ~3 1 9.50, which is 25% of the .1.mOII111 reccil·ed during the year fro m /the s.1:le oi gra l'eS and lot s . the credit ba la nr.:: e to be carried forward Ifor 1940 wi 11 be $58. 16.

Respectiul!y submiltcd,

(Sgd.) I..OR:--JE R. HART L E\I. Chair::];'!n.

Page 32: Tovvn - Legacy Content




L •. J. 1 snor Esq. Yo ur \Vo rsh ip;

I a.m pleased in my report to state t,hat 1939 has found the town in a healthy -condition . Ve ry rfc w -cases of in.fec tio us diseases Ihave bee n reported.

Om chlorin at ion plant has ~vorkcd effe<:ti"ely and no colon bacilli ha"e been found by I,he laboratory ·in frequent cxami mltio.!1lS. T aste in the wate r due to A'igae ha s been co rrected by applicat io n of copper sulphate.

Thorough cleanl iness of bhe to \...-n would do much to

abolish the fly menace. Some forms of regular remova l o f ga rbage especially in the summe r mo nths would be of g reat bene fit.

COl1lp iaims o f un!'a nitary conditioll'S ha"e been invest i­gat ed in compa n)' 'wi th Chief Law lor and ha\'e been corrc~cted.

Your obedient servant ,

H. A . PAYZ.A.NT, M . D .

H ea.lth Officer.

Page 33: Tovvn - Legacy Content





His \ Vorshi p 'the l\<\ayo,r and members of Council, Town of DartmoUlth.

Genlt'lemen: I beg to submit a st.1.tement OJ" colleot ions made by me

du ring the year 1939, and commissions earned on same: Real Es tate.. . .. . ..... $6,459.24 @ 5% $322.47 PClisonal and poll. . . . 2,483.% @ 10% 248.40 Po ll taxes.. . ... 1.265.25 @ 15% 189.79 W'ater & pipe rates .. . 365.30 @ 5% 18.27 Sewer fates .. ... ..... ,. . 45.00 @ 5% 2.25 Side-wa lk rat es . . . 70.48 @ 5% 3.50 Hosp ital account s 122.00 @ 15% 18.30 Dog taxes. .. .. . 14.00 @ 5% .70 Sundry accoun ts... . 33.64 @ 5% 1.69

$805.37 Res.pectfully submitted .

J. M . HENNEBERRY, T a.'( Collector.

His \ Vof£hip the ~b}'or l ·nd members oi Council , T own of Daf'tlmouth .

Gc nlkll1 cn: I beg to submit a st'atc.ment of collections made by me

during the yea r 1939, and commissions earned on same: Perso nal ..... ... ... . $2,587.69 @ 10% $258.77 Poll .............. . .. . . . . 238.20 @ 15% 35.73 Hospital .. .. . . . .... 51.00 @ 15% 7. 65

$302.15 Respc.c t,fully submitted.

Vl. G. ROBINSON, Tax Collector.

Page 34: Tovvn - Legacy Content




His Worsh ip the Mayor and mCimbers of the To wn Council, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Gent lemen :- -

We take pleasure in submitting herew~bh audited st,atclllcnts o j t,he accoun!.s o f th e Town Olerk and Treas­urer and of the Board of Sc'hool Commissioners for the ye;lr ending December 31·st 1939.

All books and transact10ns ha\'e becn a::.dited, balances \'crifled and Sinking Fund Accounts examined. We be­lic\'c the statements submitt ed herewith to be correct in c\'cry rcspect and to represent the tr,ue financ.ial stand ing of the Town of Dartmouth as a t December 31st, 1939.

Rc~ct>.fully your;s,

A. J. CONRAD, E. A. BAILEY, Auditors.

I ,


Page 35: Tovvn - Legacy Content


------------Statemt:nt of Asst:ts and Liabilitit:s-Dt:ct:m bt: r 31 , 1939.


Current : Cas h on hand .... $ 550.00 Roya l Bank of Canada

~ I oun t H erman Cemetery ...... $ 377.66 Curb and Gulter No. J •••..••.• 573.80 Pleasant St. sewer .. . 176.79 Pavement No.5 ... .......... . 502.09 Perma nent sidewalks ..... . . 1,575.67 T ax Sale Fund .... .... . . 1.389.86 Debenture . . . ....... .... ... . . 7-45.68

$ 5,341.55 Firemen's Fund :

Bank of .\' 0 \";1. Scotia .... .. . , .. . $ 942.84 Ea stern Canada Savings and Loan 2.000.00

----$ 2.942.84 Taxes Receivable: As~ssmcn t 1939

19.18 . 1937 and pre\·iou~ ...

57,209.61 36,758.06 7.755.49

$101.723.16 Rcsc n 'c for nOli-collectable . . .... njlJ.4J

----$ 79.211.75 \Vat er rat es receivable........ 9,618.91 Reserve fo r non·colketable 208.42

--~$ 9,410.49 Defer red accounts:

Sidewalk frontages receh·able .... Sewer frontages recei,·able .. . Reserve for non·collectable.

Fixed Assets :

7.855.01 1.000.00


----S~6~.8~;~S.~Ol $108,083.63

Sd JOol bui ld ings Less depTCcia tion

... ... . •.... .. . $.307,958.10

. .... .. . . . . . ... 63,958.07 - - ----'$244,CXXl03

Page 36: Tovvn - Legacy Content


School la nd Sc hool equipment I...-:s;; deprecia t ion

Town land

24,000.00 14,342.82

Town land ('I"a " Sale ) .......... .

2,649.65 ---$ 1I ,69J.l 7

40,582.80 7,291.08

TOWn bui ld ings Less depreciation

Police equipment l.ess dcpreciation

Stree ts equi pm ent Less dcpreciation

\ValcT and Sewe r sySte!11 ... Less d('preciation

Fire Equip111 ellt Less dCI)rccialion

L igh ti rlg equipment Lcss depreciat ion ..

PermanCllt pa\'crncnt s \'eh depredation

Pcrrnanent sidewalks Less (Il'p reciation

Offke cq:lipment " IOHnl H eTmo n Cemetery

Sinkin g F:Jnd Investm ent Accounts P ayable Cred it.

\\Ta h'T and Sewer Maint('na nce ...

16,786.95 795.00

---"""'$ 15,991.95 1,257.75

265.00 ---$ 992.75

1 2,9 1 ~.J9 5.314.70

---$ 7,604049 574,962.06 168,486.02

---$406,476.04 50.189.50 42,787.07

---'$ 7,402.43 11 ,698.53 8,856.48

- --'$ 2,842.05 313,000.00 153,950.00 ---'$1 59,050.00

81,670.25 46,951.78

---$ 34,718.47 1,232.00

12,227.67 ---""",$976,104.93




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Royal Bank of Canada General Overdraft Board of School COUlm issioners

Bank of Nova Scotia \ Vater ill ainlcnance overdraft..

Cap:tal Expenditure Borrowings: Royal Bank of Canada

\Vater :l.nd Sewer Con struction. Curbs and gutters No.2. Equipment

Accounts Payable : General .. ' :\1 0 \111\ Hermo n Cemetery. Curbs and Gu tt ers.

76,493.18 4,379.14

3,1#.75 ----$ 84,017.07

3,939.93 6,278.28 1,968. \9

---$ 12,186.40

J,I66.1..J. 5.50 1.90

S 3,173.54 BOMd o f School Commissioners, 572.35

----$ 3,i45.89 I '~\nrnent deposit held Accrued bond interest

Bonded Debt. . .... ... . . Exclusive of Contingen t Liability Dartmouth Housing Commission Issued for Dartmouth F erry Com.

Surplus December 31, 1938 .. Addcd 10 su rplus 1939 .

502.09 23,318.53


189,000.00 ISS,OOO.OO

262,165.71 13.1 28.S4

-----~$2~'7~5~.2=9~'~.s5 1,556,664.53

Liability of Town of Dartmouth on F erry Commission Bonds: Fcrry Bo nds issued. 188.000.00 Sinking Fund Dec. 31, 1939. 75,158.57

Net indebtedness . .... $112,841.43

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Statement of Receipts & Disbursements for year ending Dec. 31/ 39

REC E IPTS ES l i111ale~

188,405. Current Rca! an,l Personal P rope rty Taxes:

2.500. 83.8-18.

1.000. 6,iOO.


1939 Rca! and Personal ... ........ 124,652.42 1939 Personal .. . . ... . . ..... ... 5,641.1 6

---$130,293.58 1939 Poll Taxes. . .............. .. .. 2,829.77 Arrears Real and Personal:

1938 .. . .... . .................. . 22,913.65 31,776.36 1937

19" 4,712.33 ----$ 59,402.34

Arrears Personal and- Poll. . ............ . . . . . . 4,071.48 Sid ewalk frontages ....... . .. . .. • ... . ... .. ~Iunic i pal School F und ...... .. ... . ..... . ... . Dog Taxes . . ........ .. ............ ..... .... .

1,235.94 6,668.86

72().OO iOO. Lice nses:

5.000. 500.

1.000. 15,000.


Hackney ......... • ... . .•..... . ... 618.00 Trucking ....... . .... •.. .. • . ...... 70.00 Auctioneers . . ........ •. •....... . . 10.00 Plumbers ............. . .• . .... .... 36.00 Traders ................... ....... 60.00 Junk Dealus .. .. ...... .... ... ..... 50.00 Chimney Sweeps .. . ..... • ......... 5.00

- - $ I nterest ... .... .... . .. . Fin~ . .. ... .... ... ........ ... ....... . ... .. . . Cour t Fees .. ......................... • ...... Dartmouth Ferry Commission ..... ... • ...... Rent Natal Day Lots .......... ............. _. Rent Cable Rights .................... •...... Rent land ...... ..... ....... . ....• . ...• • ... ... Tax Sale Deeds ...... .. ......... .... ... ... .. :U aps sold ... ........................ . ...... . Sal e of Tax Sale land ... ... .. ........ .. .... .. Canadian National Railways .......... .. .. . .. . Depos;t Illegitimate Child Act ....... .• .......

849.00 5,729.75

463.00 862.25

15,000.00 55.00

1.00 16.67 10.00 9.00

100.00 844.32 445.00

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1938 Exemptio ns recovered .. ... . Starr Manufacturing Compan y, Limited . .

Royal Bank of Canada Overdraft Dec. 31, 1939 ...... . .... 76.493.18

! 5.00 4,000.00


Less cash on hand December J I, 1939. 550.00 -~$ 75,9-\.1.18

$309.565. 14

D1SBURSHIENTS Estimates. ]5,221. Board of Sch ool Con~rni s.s ioncrs

Expcnditu T(>S 1939 !l, I I J. Stree t s

Caretaker 's house 5,810. L ig hting

12.252. Charit ies 7.71 5. Police 7,107. Fire

Lie n sale

.. $ 75,221.00

. . . 29,-110.68 l,J..s.51 5,3-\5.66

.20,114.&2 8,341.08 7,261.84

32.13 2,700. Con t inge nt . ..... ..... 2.104.61

12.900. 950.

Salaries PCllsions

. .12.9-\7. \ 3 678.07

$ 87,584,53 Accou.n ls -paya bl e Dec. 31, 1938 . 2.65270

S 90,237.23 Accou nt s payable Dec . 31, \939 . 3,166. 14

---$ 87,071.09 .!(,)17. Tnt rrClSi cha rges:

O"crdr:lft Perrllan cnt sidewalks M olo r F ire Engine Moto r Ladder T ruck . . Fire Trucks Steam Roller \I-,.' idcn ing \ Vind mill RO:ld ... .

3,526.46 1,875.00

775.00 840.00 125.00 200.00 6iS.OO

Page 40: Tovvn - Legacy Content


Cemetery ..... .... . ..... . ........ 550.00 P ermanent pavements . ............ 12,800.00 Electric lights .................... 157.50 Unemployed relief ....... . ........ 1,250.00 Crusher ............ ..... • ....... 155.00 Public works ............. • ....... 1,1l 0.oo Overdraft loan ....... ............. 960.00 'trac tor. plow, truck ......•....... 340.00 Curbs and gutters .. .. .. .. . . ...... 350.00 Consolidated debt ... ...... • ....... 890.00

---$ 26,578.% 5,270. Sinking Funds, Schools

~o. 2 ..... ... .... . ........ •...... No.3 ....... ..... .....•......

..... ..... .. ........ .......

940.00 1,250.00

840.00 810.00


No . ... No. 5 No. 6 No.7 ............ .... ........ 1,333.00

---$ 17,124. Sinking Funds

100. 300. 100.


Stearn r·oller ...................... 80.00 W idenin g Windmill Road.......... 130.00 Motor trucks ...................... 280.00 Permanent sidewalks ......... .. ... 900.00 Cemetery .......... ' .. ..... •... . . . 330.00 \Vater and sewer ...........•...... 3.200.00 Pe rmanent streets. ......•...•...... 8,505.00 Unemployed relief ..........•...... 1,237.00 Fire trucks .................•...... 75.00 Electric lights .............. . ...... 113.75 Crusher ............... . ....• • ..... 103.00 Improvements . .. .................. 740.00 Consolidated debt ......... ........ 35.00 Direct relief ....................... 1,041.00 Curbs and gutters.................. 350.00

---$ Regi strar of births and deaths ................ . Public Health .......... ....•........ ......... l.fayor's contingent .......................... . Granhs:


17,11 9.75 75.60

203.30 t OU)O

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5 120, 2.496. 6,744.

100. 500.


Dartmouth Park CommIssion ........ 550.00 Victorian Order of Nurses . . . . . . Natal Day Committee . .. . . . Dart mouth Fire Department. Dartmouth Reading R oom, Somme Branch B.E.S.L.

Provincial Highway Tax ." C ounty ral es ... . ....... . . Municipal School Fund ... . Co nvention of Municipalities Cemetery .. . ...... . Refund Ill egitimat e Child Act .

550.00 700.00' 700.00 200.00 150.00 -~$ 2,850.00

5,036.01 2,496.00 6,744.50



Overdraft December 31, 1938 $229,286.09




Ret eipts and Disbursements, December 31, 19:)9

RECE IPTS E s timates 75,221 T own of Dartmouth estimates .. . ....... 75.221.00 1,200 Tuition fees.. . . . 907.50

180 Rent old Park School 360.00 h:enl Assembly H all 12.00 Sale of desks . .. . . .... 30.00 T ec hnical tuition fees . . .. . .... .. .... . . 4.00 Royal Bank Overdrufl, Dee. 31, 1939. 4,379.14

;; SO.913.6-l

DISBURSEMENTS 342 Royal Bank of Canada, Overdraft. . .. 341.92

17,150 Inlcres l Bonded Debt . . .... ...... 17,150.00 260 inlul'sl old Park School ... ... .. . ... 260.00 500 Tnl('resl ove rdraft ............... 65332

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2,200 135 ZOO 600

4,700 50

1,000, JOO 500

1$00 JOO

850 569 600

600 1,500

41,690 3,.


Fud \Vater ra tes .. .. . . .. .. . •. .. . ..... .... .. Telephones .. . . . ... . ..... . ........... . I n ~uran<e ... .. . ... , . ............. . Janitors' salaries . . ..... . , ..... $4,709.88 Janitor s' .substitutes .... .. " ,.. 29.00

2,2<)0.48 135,00 172.32 486,00

Plumbing and heat ing .... , . .. ...... , . . Electrical repairs ........ . , ........... . Carpentry repairs . , ......... , .. . . , .... , Painting and glazing .. , .............. ,.

$4.738.S8 1,869.92

315.75 738.17

2,028.57 hh .sonry and plastering " ... , . . ... . . . .

Stoker Park School.., ........ .. ...... . 2nd paym ent Hawthorne boile r . ... ,., . Contingent:

Hard .... '<lre .. . " . . .. " ....... $326.18 Broom s, brushc9, sQap, etc ... 180,83 Floor oil. dus tbane, etc. . 151.26 Lu.mber, o il, etc . ...... . . . .. . 36.22 T ruckage . . . . .. ........... .. 13.71 Orches tra.. . ..... . . .. ...... 55,.;0 Clee Club . ........ .......... 54.00 ~f usic ............... .. ..... 14.72 Excise stamps . ............ . Union Jacks . .............. . Firs t Aid Kits ........ . ... .. Sweepi ng Chimn eys ........ . Blinds ..... . . . ..... . .... . . . H ose . .. .. . . . .... ..... ... . . Raincoats ... . ... .. ...... ... . Jani tor Assembly Hall ... . . .

37.00 16.80 8.79

27.50 45.90 29.63 60.00 11.00

Sun dry ... . . . ............... 37.55


833.23 569.00

---1$1 ,106.5' Light and power ..................... . 670.9\ Beautifying grounds ..... . .......... . . . 661.69 Teachers' .salaries ... . ......... 42,889.59 T eac.hers' substitutes . . • . .. ..... 236.00


800 Stat ionery and printing.,.......... .. . . . 176.85 500 H alifa x T echnical College ... , ........ ..



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250 Victorian Order of Nurses . ..... 250.00 200 Medical Doctor ................. 200.00

50 ~ I edical supplies 16.55 --$ 466.55

100 50

150 600

Reference books . . ...... . ........ . . Boots and clothi ng . .. . .. . Art cer tificate bOnuses ....... ........ . School supplies .. 736.03

Lab. supplies . .. . ........ . . . 230.53

224.07 26.57


----'$ 500 Specia l training ..........•.... ........

15 T unin g pianos .. ..........•..... ... r-Ians (New School) ......•...


15,50 470.00 40.20 Desks ...... .. .. . ..........• •.••. .. ...

$ 80,913.6-f


Receipts and Disbursements 10 December 31, 1939

RECE IPTS Estimates 32,JZ8. Waler raIl'S ............. .. ........... 29,934.90 2,500. Meier .. .......... , ........ .. . 4,193.93 2,500. Sewer fronlage ..... .... . . •.. ...... ... 2,390.92 1.000 Steamer supply . . . ....... .. , . .... .. ... 1,671.42

{Repairs cleaning........ . ............ 202.04 700. (Sale of malerials .... ...... . .. 101.47

( Inlerest . ....... . .. .... ........... 9.81 Overdraft Bank of N. S. , Dec. 31, 1939 .. 3,144.75

--~$';4~1~,64~9~~~4 DI SBURSE MENTS

'Dank of Nova Scotia Overdra ft Dec. 31/ 38 $ 4.889.3' 2O,448 ...... l nterClSI on bonded debl ...... . .... .... 20,473.50

JSO. "Int erest on overdraft .......... . ....... 112.65 2,640. "Salaries ........ .... . .... . . ..... .. . .. 2,383.30

500 .• Pension-E. Nicholls .......... . ...... 500.00 2.500. "L.1bour .................... . .. • . ..... 2,729.10 1 000. ,~la terials and supplies .. ... ... ...... . . .. 1,414.58

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200 . ... Sundries: -Fire insurance.. ... ..... ...... 42. 50

, L ighl9 . . ' .. . ... . 15.23 .. \Vorkm cn' s Compensation 96.93 _ P rinting and advertising. 46.22 ... Pos tage . . .. . ". .. . . . 35.00 ... Wat er rate refunds .. . .... ....... 165.55

..... Sundri es . . ... ... .. ... 13.46 --$

120." \Vatchman at Lakes . . ...... . , Chlorination plant

603. --Balance; t ost of plant... . . .. 602.94 -240. ~ Chlorine gas .... ... ..... . .. 257.36. 65. \ Ligh t and heat ........... .. ... . . 57.55·

7,674. Sinking Fund . Eastern Trust Co .. Sinkin g Fund, Eastern Trust Co ........ Sinkin g Funtl, Ea~tern T'rust Co ...... . Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co .. . ... Sinkin g FWld, Eastern T.rust Co .. . Sin kin g Fund , Eastern Trust Co ....... Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co ... .... Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co .. . Sinking Fand, Eastern Trust Co . ..... . Sinkin g Fund. Eastern Trust Co ....... Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co ...... . Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co ....... Sinkin g Fund, Easte rn Trust Co .... ... Sinking Fund, Eas tern Trust Co ..... Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co ....... Sin.king Fund, Eastern Trust Co ....... Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co ..... . . Sinking }l"llnd, Nova Scotia Trust Co ... Sinkin g Fund. Nova Scotia Trust Co .. Sinking Fund, Nova Scotia Trust Co ..


414.89 120.00

91Z.8S ~

310.00 1,001.00

180.00 150.00 1~.00 210.00 120.00 720.00 420.00 650.00 833.00

1,273.00 1/.'5.00 280.00 132.00 350.00 175.00 175.00 245.00 126.00


7'7 ~ <O ' ".,SO." $ 41 ,64Y.bI





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t , I •



Receipts and Disbursements to December 31, 1939

RECE IP'I' S \Val er a r-d Sewer Connecl;oo deposi ts .... $1,102.12 "Ia l c riar ~ ~o l d 25.60

1.00 - --$1.128.72

I~o)'al Bank ol'cr d rait, December 31, 1939. 3,939.93

- -$5.068.65 DlSBli RSE:\ IEXTS

- ~oyal Bank O,·t:rdrafl, December J\ .1938 . ...... $[,4% .59 ~Lau('ur .... . .. .. . ".. 1.613 ..18:. .

- L ead, drain a nd wat er p ip e ....... . . . ... Cock~ . valves, ccmcnt. gr:tl'c! ,CIC .. .

• \Vorkmcn 's Compensation Board -0('1'0_11 reFun fl ~

- P rcighl

822.~ ·

661.57 '/ 16i .16 210.98 " 94.33'

SJ 572.(\(· $5,068.65


~"Irc o f Cha ~gc

Receipts and Disbursemel!ts to December 31, 1939.

RECE I PTS lOIS and g r3 \'(,S' "

fo r opening g ral·es ..... .$J.2i S.OO

292.00 --- $1.570.00

Royal Ba lIk of Canada, Dee. 31, \938 .. . . 264.39 ---$1,834.39

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Labour Flowers, see t.! and fer t ilizer ..

..... ... .. $1,270.95 37.02

Sund ry supplie s .. .. ........ . . ... .. . . 28.76 Sl~perintendent's sala ry ............ ... . 100.00 Hefund , lot paid twite ......... 20.00

---'$1,456.73 Royal Bank of Canada. OCt . 31, 1939.. 3i7.6fJ



l~oya l lia nk, Overdr;!.I t , De<=. ll. 19l9. From Streets est imates

Fire es timates 5thoo1 estimates

Royal Bank, O\·erd ra ft. Dcc. 31, 1938 .. . . To Po lice Committee

.$1,968.19 60000 366.00 522.00

---,$3,456. 19 . .. $3,096.19

360.00 ---<$3,456.19


RECE I PTS Credit Balance, Bank of Nova Scolia Dec. l l , 1938 Grant T own of Dartmouth \9l9 .. . ....... . Gran t :lddilional 1939 .......... .

EXPEND ITURES L."\bO\IT, cllltin g undergrowth, repairing roads,

policing, etc. ... . ...... . ........ .. ...... . LUllIber . . .. ..... . Hardware, ITansplant s, seed s, cement, fe rtilizer, etc Earth .. .. ..... . . . ........... . T ruckage ... ... ......... . .. . ......... .

.37 500.00 50.00

---,$ 550..!7

423.55 10.08 43.25 iO.OO 3.25

S 550.13 Credit Ba1:lncc Bank of Nova Sco tia, Dec. 31, 1939 .24

--$ 550.37

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Ilalallcc at credit, Decembe r 31, 1938 Babncl: at credit, December 31. \939 ..


..... $ 573.80 573.80

Receipts and Disbursements to December 31, 1939

REC E I PTS I~ oya l BanI; Ol'crdraft Dec. J I, 1939. . ....... . .... $6.278.28

Labour Cement, g ravel. Sl onc Lumber


Hepairs t o concret e mixer.

.. $3,063.50 960.75 132.38

18.8..\ Su ndry supplies 105.93

---$.1,181.40 I~oya l Bank Overdraft, December 31, 1938 . . . .$1,996.88



Balance at credit D ecember 31. 1938 .......... . 13;d;l11cC at credi t Deoember 31. 1939 ..


. ... $ 176.79 176.79

n oya! Bank overdraft December 31, 1938 Laho ur, co nn ecting plant

...... $-l96.58

Tr:ln sfcrrcd from \Vat er 1\1ailllenance. Galance De~clllber 31. 1939.


Balance at credit, Decem ber 31, 1938. Balance at credit, December 31, \939.

106.36 --$602.94

602.9-\ nil

. ...... S 502.09 502.09

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-------------------------------PERMANENT SIDEWALKS

Llalallce at erN/it, December 31, 1938... . ............... $1,575.67 Bal:mce ;11 credit, Decem ber J I, 1939...... . . .$1,575.67


Balance at credit, Royal Bank, Dec. 31, 1938. Ililcre51 to December 31, 1939 ...

Balan ce a t erc(lit, Deccmber 31, 1939.


... $1,369 . .30 20.56

-----$1,389.86 .. $1,389.86

Balal1cc at eredit, December JI, 1938. . .... . . $3,069.28 lntcre~l on in ve5111lcnlS

Premium o n GrOIL'I) Insurance ... , Ualance at credit, December 31, 1939 ........... .


125.62 ------'$3,194.90

252.06 2,942.84-


Llalancc at credit, Royal Bal1k. Decem ber 31, 1938 ... ... . $ 745,68 Balance at credit. Royal Bank .December 31, 1939..... 745.68

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, " ( ..

.. '


I .' I..


l' .'

. .




Water and Sewer Bonds No.2 Balance Dec. JI, 1938 S !l,726.2u

FUNDS I NVESTED as at Dec. 31 , 1939

In come 1939 55 -4 .68 Eastern Trust Company Cash deposi t 1939 310.00

$12,590.8& $12.590.88 Water and Sewer Bonds No.3 Balance Dec. 3\. 1938 Income 1939 2.313.20 Cain on bond s 90.00 Eastern Trll ~ 1 Company Ca. ~h dcpo~ it 1939 2.000.00

$59.5..\2 . ..\0 L Ch Ban k charge s 1.87

$ 59.5..\0.33 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 4 Bala nce Dec. 31. 1938 2J,J68.7S

$ 59.5..\0.53

Income 1939 963.52 Eastern T ruf t COlllpany Cash dC1)O~ it 19J9 1,000.00

$25.332.30 $ 25.332.30 W ater and Sewer Bonds No.5 Balance Dec. 31. 1935 3,80s'8! Incomc 1939 173.00 Ea;;tern T rus t Com pany CaSoh deposit 1939 180.00

S ..\.1 58.81 $ ..\ .158.81 W ater and Sewer Bonds No.6 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 2,902.71 Income 1939 \39.02 Eastern Trust Compan )' Ca~h dC' posi t 1939 130.00

$ 3.191.73 S 3.191.73

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Water and Sewer Bonds No.7 Balance Dee. 31, 1938 2,359.20 Income 1939 108.59 Ea s tern Trus t Company Cash deposit 1939 150.00

S 2,617.79 $ 2,617.79 Water and Sewer Bonds No.8 Balance Dee. 31, 1938 18,721.94 IncOllle 1939 78 1..50 Eas te rn Trust Company Cash deposit 1939 1,200.00

$20,703.44 $ 20,70J.~ Water and Sewer Bonds No.9 Bala!! ce Dec. 31, 1938 2,951.03 Income 193') 144 6.; Eastern Trust Company Cash deposit 1939 21OtO

$ 3,305.68 $ 3,305.68 W ater and Sewer Bonds No. 10 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 1,688.20 I n'com e 1939 90.14 Eas tern Trust Com pany Cash deposit 1939 120.00

S 1,898.34 $ 1,898.34 W ater and Sewer Bonds No. 11 Ikdancc Dcc. 31, 1938 8,999.79 Income 1939 328.06 Eas tern Tru st Company Cash deposit 1939 720.00

$ 10,0.17.81 $ 10,047.85 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 12 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 4519.88 In come 1939 Z01.0-4 Eas tern Trus t Company Cash deposit 1939 420.00

$ 5, 140.91 $ 5, 140.92 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 13 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 5,197.66 Income 1939 201.23 Eas tern Tru st Company Cas h deposit 1939 650.00

$ 6,~.89 $ 6,048.89

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Water and Sewer Bonds No. 14 Balance Dec. JI, 1938 5,375.74 Income 1939 220.46 Cash depos it 1939 833.00 Eastern Trust Company

$ 6,629.20 Less dif. in price 10.00 Less bank charges .50 10.50

$ 6,618]0 S 6,618.70 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 15 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 6,915.i7 Income 1939 291.33 Ea;;tern Trust Company Cash deposit 1939 1.273.00

$ 8,480.10 S 8,480.10

Water and Sewer Bonds No. 16 Balanc(' Dec. 31 1938 998.00 Income 1939 56,42 Eastern Trust Company Cash deposi t 1939 280.00

$ 1,334.42 S 1.33-'-42 W ater and Sewer Bonds No. 17 Balance Dec. 31. 1938 356.3\ Income 1939 1.46 Cash deposit 1939 175.00

S 532.ii Water and Sewer Bonds No. 18 Balance Dec. 31. 1938 267.67 Income 1939 3.18 Cash deposit 1939 132.00

$ W .85 W'ater and Sewer Bonds No. 19 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 175.00 Cash deposit 1939 175.00

$ 350.00

E<L'i tern Trust

Eastern Trust

Eastern TMist


S 531.77


$ 401.85


$ 350.00

Page 52: Tovvn - Legacy Content


W ater and Sewer Bonds No. 20 Balan'l:l: Del:. 31. t938 350.00 Eastern Trust Company In come 1939 3.61 Cash dC I)os it 1939 350.00

$ 703.61 $ i03.61

W ater and Sewer Bonds No. 21 Cash deposit 1939 175.00 Nova Scotia Trust Company IncolllC 1939 .58

S 175,58 S 175.58

Water and Sewer Bonds No. 22 Ca~h (kposil 1931) 126.00 Nova Scolia Tru.s t Company Income 1939 Al

S 126.41 $ 126.41

Waler and Sewer Bonds No. 23 Cash dcposit 1939 245.00 NO\'a ScO lia T rus t Company Ill come 1939 .82

$ 245.82 $ 245.82

Electric Liiht Ba[;o.11ce Dec. 31. 1938 1.381.07 Eastern Trust Company In come 1939 82.93 Ca~ h deposit 1939 11 3.75 $ 1,577.75 I

• $ 1.577.75

, Permanent Sidewalks No.1 I Balan ce Dec. 31. 1938 3.1 46.23 Eastern Trus t Company Incomc 1939 142.38

$ 3.288.6\

I $ 3,288.61 P ermanent Sidewalks No.2 Balance Dec. 31. 1938 6.927.3i In come 1939 27 1.41 Eas tern Trust Company Cash deposit 1939 200.00 I

$ 7,398.78 $ 7.398.78

Page 53: Tovvn - Legacy Content

, ,




" :~ , .'


Pennanmt Sidewalks Balance Dec. 31, 1938 I ncome 1939 Cash depos it 1939

No. 3 2,777.75

\29.49 200.00

Eastern Trust Company

$ 3,107.24 S 3,\07.24 Permanent Sidewalks N o. 4 Balance Dec. Jt, 1938 3,365.64 I ncome 1939 155.87 Eastern T rust Company Cash deposit 1939 500.00

$ 4,021.51 S 4,021.51 P ennant nt Streets No. 1 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 21,073.75 Income 1939 846.64 Easte rn Trust Company Cash deposit 1939 1,500.00

$ 23,420.39 S 23.420.39 P ennant nt Streets No. 2 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 4,045.92 Income 1939 170.84 Eas tern Tru st Company Cash deposit 1939 330.00

$ 4,54616 $, 4,546.76 Pennant nt St reets N o.3 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 8,IOS.87 Income 1939 318.77 Eastern Trust Company Cash deposit 1939 750.00

$ 9,177.64 $ 9,177.64 P ermanent Streets No. 4 Balance Dec. 31, 19J8 23,536.40 I ncome 1939 939.76 Eastern Trust Company Cash deposi t 1939 2,925.00

$ 27,401.1 6 $ 27,401.16 P ermanent Streets No.5 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 4,266.03 Income 1939 189.23 Eastern Trust Company Cash deposit 1939 633.00

$ 5,088.26 $ 5,088.26

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Permanent Streets No. 6 Balance Det:. 31, 1938 4,691.31


Income 1939 200.63 Eu tern Trust Company Cash deposi t 1939 700.00

$ 5,591.94 Permanent Streets No. 7 Balan ce Dec. 31, 1938 9,176.81 Income 1939 363.01 Cash dcposit 1939 1,667.00

$ 11,206.82 Consolidated Debt Balance Dec. 31, 1938 163)4 Income 1939 8.07 Cash deposit 1939 35.00

$ 206.81 M otor Fire Engine Balance Dec. 1938 17,907.20 Income 1939 526.81 Ga:n on Bonds 972.50

$ 19,406.51 Less tal1 sfcrred to De-benture Acct. 15.500.00 Less transferred to :\f otor Lad-der T ruck 3,856.51 Less difference in price 50.00

---$ 19,406.51 Motor L adder Truck Balance Dec. 31, 1938 I ncome 1939

7,893.78 .309.26

$ 5,591.9 ,

Eastern Trust Company

$ 11,206.82

E astern Trus t Company

$ 206.81

Gash deposit 1939 Cash from Motor

280.00 EaSiern Trust Company

Fire E ngine 3,856.51

$ 12,339.55 $ 12,339.55

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Fire Trucks Balance Dec. 31, 1938 807.08 Income 1939 24.90 EaStern T rust Company Cash deposit 1939 15.00

$ 906.98 $ 906.9S Steam Roller Balan ce Dec. 31, 1938 2,373.50 Income 1939 88.Q3 Eas tern Trus t Company Cash d('posit 1939 SO.OO

$ 2.W.53 $ 2,5·H.53 W idening Windmill Road No. 1 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 2,508.62 Income 1939 100.18 East(' rn Trust Compa ny Cash de-posi t 1939 80.00

S 2,688.8U $ 2,688.80 W idening Windmill Road No. 2 Balance D('c. 31. 1938 1,11 5. 14 ["ncome 1939 42. 11 Eastern 'Trust Company Ca..~h deposit 1939 50.00

S 1,207.2.; $ 1.207.2.; Schools 1914 Balance Dec. 31. 1938 38.6i2. 16 Incomt' 1939 Cash depos it 1939

1,50524 East t' rn 'Trus t Company 900.00

$ 41,077.40 S 4\.Oii.40 Schools 1915 Balance Dec. 3\. 1938 Income 1939 Gain on bonds Cash deposit 1939

2.1 57.44 89.73

245.00 Ea stern Trust Companr 40.00

$ 2.532.17 S 2.532.17

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Schools 1917 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 Incom e 1939 Cash deposit 1939


32,849.86 1,474.90 Eastern Trus t Company 1,000.00


$ 35,324.76 $ 35,324.76 Schools 1919 Ihlall ce Dec. 31, 1938 8,784.82 Income 19J9 372.36 East ern Trus t Company Cash dcpo~i l 19J9 250.00

$ 9,407.18 $ 9,407.18 Schools 1921 llalance Dcx. 31, 19.38 15,129.J7 Income 1939 62J.56 Eastern Trust Company Cash deposit 1939 600.00

$ 16,352.93 Less dilTeence

in price 20.00 Bank charges .79

Schools 1922 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 Income 1939 Gain on Bonds Cash depos it 1939

Less difference


$ 16,332.14

5,&36.34 239.72 90.00


$ 6,406.06

on bonds 5.00 Bank charges 3.12

-$ 8.12

$ 6,397.94

$ 16,332.14

Eas tern Trust Company

$ 6,397.94



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r S , • I ,


School No.5 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 I n'Come 1939 Cash deposit 1939

10,122.13 421.7.1 Eastern Trust Company 810.00

$ 11,353.86 $ 11,353.86 Schools No.6 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 Inco me 1939 Cas-h deposit 193!J

Schools No.7 $

Balance Dec. 31, 1938 I nCOlllc 1939 Cash deposi t 1939

$ Unemployed Relief Balance Dec. 31, 1938 Income 1939 Cash deposits 1939

$ Direct Relief Balance Dec. 31, 1938 Income 1939 Cash deposi t 1939

$ Improvements Balanc e Dec. 31, 1938 I ncome 1939 Cash deposit 1939

$ Stone Crusher Balan<::e Dc<::. 31, 1938 I ncome 1939 deposit 1939


1,262.17 . 65.77 Ea stern Trust Company


1,425.44 $

9,1(\5.:17 383.58 Ea stern Trus t Company



10,82 1.95 $ 10,82 1.95

7.963.40 319.45 Ea stern Trust Company

1,237.00 $ 9,519.85


4,725.60 ISJ.9:? Eastern Trust Company


5,950.52 $ 5,950.52

4,037.88 184.36 Ea ;; lern T~I Company 740.00

4,962.24 $ 4,962.24

586.45 24.01 Eas tern Trust Company


713.46 $ 71 3.46

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T ruck and Tractor Balance Dee. 31, 1938 In come 1939 Cash deposit 1939


7,444.88 J03.30 Eastern Trust Company


$ 8,748.18 Less difference

ill 1)rice 1000 Bank cha rges 3.75 13.7;


S 8,734.43 Overdraft Royal Bank

$ 8,734.43

Balance Dec. 31, 1938 23,911.74 Income 1939 888.31 Gain on Bonds 1,569.00

Less transferred to Debenture accowlI

Differ('nce 24,000.00

ill price 70.00 Bank charges 3 . .50

$ 26.369.05

---$ 24,073 . .50

$ 2,295.55 Cemetery


Eastern Trus t Com pany

$ 2,295.55

Balance Dec. 31, 1938 ln com(' 1939 Cash deposit 1939

196.62 Nova Scotia Trost Compa ny 330.00

Curbs and Gutters Cash depQsit 1939 I.ncome 1939

$ 6,010.55 $ 6,010.55

350,00 No\·a Scotia Tmst Company 1.24

$ 351.24 $ 351.24

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Ferry No. 1 Balance Dec. 31, 1938 Income 1939 Cai n on bonds Cash deposit 1939

Ferry No.2

11.225.67 467.68

54.80 1.000.00


No\'a Scotia T rust Company

$t2.i~. 15

Bala nce Dcc. 31, 1938 60.088.76 Nov:\ Scotia TruSt Company Income 1939 2.321.66

S 62.410.42 $ 62,410.42


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To the Ratepayers o f the To wn of Dartmouth: La dies and Gentlemen :-


I ha,'e the .hon or to submit my annual report as Chair­man of the Board of School Ommissioners during the year 1939.

1 am pleased to Slate that the educa tional facilities were maintained up to a high standa rd. The eft"icient services o j the teachers, under the Supen'isor, M·r. G. C. Beazley, being largely res ponsible ior thi s sa t.isfactory situatio-n·.

Dartmouth has e,'ery rea son, in my op inion, to be proud of its publi c school system. It represe nts ani in,'es!­mcn! in physical assets of close to hali a miHion dollars while the annual current expendii'ure.$ total about $85,CXJO. \Vhil e il is true that \·he annual ex penditure .for OUTren t purposes is high and reflects in the tax rate to a substan t ial extent , it must be admitted that !!he results from th is expenditure arc well justified. The edu.cational facilities whicJl hase been provided and which are mainrrained satis­fa ctoril y orler ad,·antagcs· unequalled in any o ther centre in the Pro,·in ce.

These facilitics, ,because of de\'e'lopment, much in e\'idence at the present time dur ing Lhe past years, will have to be enlarged , adding new financial burdens and obligations upon the rate·payers. 1 am satisfied, however, that if the expenditures are proper.l), supervised and the high sta.nidard of efficiency is maintained, uhat splendid results can be obtained a t a min imum cost .

It was 'Ill)' pleasure. during the yea r, as it was for all the ot her Com missioners, to make frequent visits to t·he !';chools and o n all occasions it was pleasing to find .how well the whole system was operat ing and the results which were

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. '


bci.r:lg obtained for the hlt,ure benefit of the children an<l tJhc town in gene·raL

I I was particularly disappointing that the proposed plans for Ihc const ruction o i a new, modern equipped school in north Dartmouth, toJ replace the old ViCI&ria fc hool of wooden const ru ction, faIled to materialize. The plebi sc ite held to obtain ;l.\:thor;ty from the ralepa.vers for tllc necess.1ry expenditure unfo rtunately did not bring out •• rcprescnl<1t;n= \'ote, wiuh the rC5ulul that the \"ote ended 111 a tic. which was cqui\'alcnt to a defeat ior thc undertak­ing.

I m:I S: aga in repeat that \ "ictoria School, in my opinion, is not o nly unsatisiaclory for the purpose ior which it ;s used but that it is a fire hazard and dangerous in many other respects. The physical cond ition oi the bu ilding does not, in my opinion, and I think that it is tlhe opinion o f all Commiss ioners, jusliiy any large expenditure for gen('ra\ repairs. I t is felt that if this wa s done the money wou ld be was\('d, and I cannot too strongly emphasize the nec('ssity fo r immediate act ion being taken to again sub­mit the ques tio n of the proposed new buildinlg to the rate­payers. in the hope that a substantial majority may be obtained for all t hori!~' to borrow sufficient money to build a school in keeping with the need s o f the north end.

' -ictoria school was; badly damaged at the time of the e:-.;;plo$10n in 191 i a.nd the additio n added to it did not pro­\-ide adequate protection fo r the children.

It is possible too that in the course of another few years a ncll' sohool \\"il~ be requirNI for the com-enicncc of the children li\-ing in the south end oi the town_

One of the rca'! a!ld pressing needs io r improved edu­cational ad\-antages for the Dartmouth public schools is the :nstallation of radios in as many class rooms as possible. Victoria schoo l is the only one that has a radio, t-his being

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a gift made a few years ago and which proved of great advantage to th e ohildren since it was provided, and especially dHri,n~ t!hc noted visit here of Tihcir Majesties. The ohildren were able to hear all the broadcasts in con­net ion with the arriHll of Their Majesties and it was of great advanta ge to them. The COSt oJ providing radios in the various sc hoo ls wo uld not be heavy and in fact, con­si-dcring tlhc advantage th;].! they would b(' th!' cost conI!] hardly he a consideration .

J am pleased to report that dur·ing the yca~ dcsii'abl,~ impro\'cmcnts were carried 0111, parttcuiariy at Haw thorne ."choo\ whi oh had been neglected for many ye.:>.rs. A con­Iract for interior painting and cica-noing the walls in the corrid.)rs and class-rooms was awarded, and the appearance of th ~ building \V,!S greatly changed . General improve­mC'nt S were al so carried out in sev~ral of the ot;her buildings while phnnbi 11lg. car'Pc,l1t er work, brick wo rk and heating sen'i,:C's were improved.

Some idea oj the dirty condition of the int erior of Hawthorne Sohool may be gat.hered from t·he fact that it was the first time that redecorating of some of the walls h~Ld taken place since the schoo l was built. Further com­ment on such a situation is hardly necessary .

The G·lee Club scored some fine successes during the year at t:he Provi.mcial M.usic Fest ival and alSo in connec­tion with t·he broadcast of Christmas mu sic. T,he Toronto Saturday N ight ,a leading publication, made complimentary roferences to the fine community :;crvice rendered by the Glee Club.

Decided improveme nts were made to the grounds a t I'-indlay School a.m:l a\:;o to the entrance paths at Findlay ~chool and Park Sohoo\. The grounds at Findlay School have been in an unsatisfactory cond ition since the school was built. Du·ring the year a progress ive program of im-

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prQ\"cmCnI\ wa s ca rri ed ou t and a ioundation laid so that the work can be continued with sat isiactory results and at a minimum outlay. A drain was also laid to take care of ,he surface water and to protect new work car ried out.

The schoO'\ banking sy s tem is sti ll C;'l rried on, with depos its made at the Bank of Ko\"a Scotia . T he amount on deposit on December 31. 1939 \\"as $2,648.85. T his form of thrift among the school uhildren was in stituted many years ago and has been carried on cont inuously s;n:I2C tha t time, altlhough it has nen~r been de\"eloped to the extent that it could be. There is a fine field for de\'clopment in this re spect and instead oi a credit balance as shown the amoun t could be many l ime that. T he money s3\'cd in Ihis way has prOHn Ot great adyantage to the children in later years in continuinlg their educat ion .in other fields.

Durin.g the yea r considera tion was g iyen by the Board 10 the need o f \'ocat ional training in the public schools. In th is connetlion at practically e\'ery meeting discussion took :Alu' w; lh rc'~ard to what might be done . but it was found th;lt with limiterl fun ds ayailable little could be acc'Jm­illish.~d in rhis Darticula r field at the present time. T,he ah'antage3 o j c\omest ice science and man ual training were also di scussed bal action wa s deierrca pend ing more ia\or­;i1)lc oppo rtuni ty ior r.::establishmcnt of theese fonne r ad­': ,tnt;Jges for l he s tude nts.

The Board ga\'e se rio us con~ider~tion from t ime to time ~o ros~ib l '> important and far reaching changes in t~e cur­r;ctlluil1 . The opinion seemed to preya i! that rlesi':"able chan'Zes off!'ring g rea ter ad\'antages cou ld be made while eliminating- so'me of thc subjects now taught in the Hig !, Sohoo l. In order tha t thi s important matter may not he lost s igh t of. an d a record kept for iuture pUPpOses, the Supen' isor lVas asl-<ed to submit a report. This he did a t Ihe Octobe r meet in g, and in his repor t he inco rpor3ted

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---- --lllafl!y thought -provoking suggestions and dealt with the w,ho lc ques tion in a comprehensive, able and interesting manner.

In ",jew of the splendid 'Teport su'bmitted by t,he Super­,"isor, J'dr. Beazley , ! am incorporating it in my report, :1 5 io lloW 5 :-

Mr. Pct t ipas, Chairman and iI'l embcrs of uhe Board, Dartmout.h, N . S .

Consideration oi any changes in a curriculum should include an a.n,s wcr to the iollowing question, "\Vhat afC the "illlS oi educa tion ?" Differences in tlhis field af e so vast and complicated that a has at best a vcry insecure ioundatio n.

To ';clp in the considerat iOn! of this question I want to gi,"c the Board so me present day opinions.

It is s lated at differen t times that the Nation's biggest business is education as one in four of Ihe population, is going to sc hool , but the aut'horities have nOt decided un­animously what education is for, and the higher IIp the educational ladder the studen t goes the <more perplexing this problem becomes. Common object ives such as voca­tional , scientific, cultural and t raining for oit izenship, etc ., may be reduced to two objectives-Should we teach our youth to be some llhing? or should we train thc-m .to do ~mething?

Preside.n't Hu tchins has stated that if you belieY'C that the aim oi general education is to teach students to make money; if yOli belie\·c that the eductaional system should mirrow rhe chaos of the \\-orJd; if you ·think Ilhat we ha\'e Olot,hing to learn from the past; if you think that the way to prepare s tudent s for life ~s. to put uhem through little fake experiences in side or outside t:he classroom; if you thid.:: that education is infor.!lIation; if you believe dhat t-he whims


d. I




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of children shou ld determ ine what they should study-then he di sagrees. U, however, you ' believe that education ~ho'..lld tra in students to think SO that they may act in1.eJl i­gently when rhcy iace new situations ; if you regard it as importam jor them to understand the tradition in which they li\'('; ii you think that the present educational pro­gram is un sat isfactory because oi ~tS diffusion; if you want 10 open lip to the youth vhe <t>reasures of the thought, imagination and accomplishment o j ,the past-tlhen he ;:grces a,oo will g ladl y accept any course of study leading along ,this road.

In answer as to what a mode rn curriculum should include, the iol!o wing decision of so me sohool principals is c;.;cellent:

".'\ cu rri cu lum is required \\-Iti ah is tentat i\-c i~ nature_ I t mus t be fie;.;ible, elastic and suggest i\'C_ It should pe rmit \"a riety in method of approach and prese m ation as well as in content. It shou ld pro\-ide for large units oi \':ork whi ch will offe r an opportunity to d i scon~r resource­fulness. capabilitr. interest, talent, origj.oolity, leadership ,LnG cth~- r desirable qualities \\"hieh ou.r pupils may possess_ It !1l11s t be wide enough to include a wealth of e:-''Periences-­~:ocial. manual, and crea,t i\·e as well as academic, and fcn ile "no ugh to pe rmit the grea test possible growth and de\-e\op_ menL"

Thus e;.;te.nrsion and modern ization are the demands of the pre se nt -day cu rriculum as educa't ional oppoT'tunities are (\cm:mde c\ by pup il s up to 18 and 20 years o f age.

'Phe Journa l oi Education, September issue, states some o i the new problems of educa tion and the Children's Char­,er s ta'les some of the se rvices the schools of tomorrow mu St render, o r assist in rendering to the pupi ls_

Society's demands O lr the school arc g rea ter than eve.r. One problem after anot her of modem civili z<llt ion is laid

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( '11 the doorsteps o f the school- character dev'elopment, civic idea ls, law observance, reverence, J1ealt,h, safety first, ho me life, \'oca tiona l guidance, thrifot, fire prevention, inter­nal ion:!. l understand in g, League of Nation s, temperance, etc. Thus th ere is an increasing importance of uhe school as a soc ial instit ut ion.

Pmgress has been made in t,he schools during the past decade in professional spirit, qu<,.lifications of teacher-s . chan­g-es in courses of study and met'hods of ins t-r·uction. Pro­gress will be made in Ihe traini,ng fo r the use of leisure, pu bli c schoo l finan'ce, adult education and the e}.-tensions oi Ih e pri nc iple of equali t), o f educational opportunity. The cu rricu·lu lll will give place to adaptat ions necessary to ad­jllSt the sc hool to changing social needs and it will not be a ::.tat,ic I}rod uct bu t a changing flexib le in st r:.nnent.

The o ld idea was to produce a walking encyclopedia. No w it is to make a person competent in h'is affail's, not to s tuff his memory with things little related. 11he end is po wer to live-not cold-storage infor.mation and skills that do not functio n. While knowledge is imulved it is somethin g to be used, and not as a decoration..

Some o f our proble·ms afe as ,follows:

Sin ce the majori ty of our pupils take up clerical work then na( uraU y the greatest aid to the greatest number would be :l. co mmerx:ial course. It could ·be spread over a period of I \\"0 yea rs and take n alo ng 'with twO or three aca­deP.l ic subject s. At present the regular academic course is the only one available. This expansion is ·the -most logi­o.:al one that the Board can make.

As the home is giving up morc of its 'fesponsibi li ties Ihe school mu st accept morc . . No study in soh001 (:an equal the valuable training a-s th:n obtained in a Hous-chold Sc ience course.

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A workshop w.hcre carperuters are trained is not the aim or dc",irc but a workshop equipped so that aptitudes ,for I"oootional 'Work Inay be awakened is desired and this branch abolished in ]q22 should be established.

The lack of a gymnasium is known to all. A modem "choo] aiways ha s one . \Ve wan t o ne for tlhc Dartmouth School s.

T he prob'lcm of what to do for retarded child ren has bCC~ll bdo rc different Boards. T.hat they should be apart iro m the reg;ular c,la sses so as no t to suffer an inferio rity complex is admjtted. To ha\"c cla sses fo r retarded pupils in a building where Ho usehold Sc ience and a \ Vork shop <!rc ;w<lilable can be arranged.

These prob lems couJd be soh ed b y the construction of oll e 5utiabl c building. The Depa rrmc.ll1 oJ Education gi\·es \·ariou s g ran ts mh.ic-h hayc been enumerated before .

. My reco mmendation is that the present curriculum be entplemcnt ed and these pro b·lems be considered as present needs not ,iuture nee.ds.

The Commi ss io n cons idered with keen interes t the rcpo rt of the Supervi sor but in "iew oi iots importance fclt tha t mo rc ex tensi\'e considcration should be ginn to it before an y definite report, in corpo rati n:g recommendations to educationali sts was prepared . The Board seemed to be oi the opinion t.hat desirable changes in the educational sy stem might with great adnllltage be camed out but it was realized t.hat the ·matter is one oi firs t importance and d~mand s other than a sna.p judgment. It W<iS felt that the need of adapt ing cla ssroom wonk to the working world in whi ch pupil s will soon find them seh-cs is worthy of i m·cstigation.

The Commission endor.sed 'wirth commendable satisfac­tion che ad\,"'ntagcs which the public reading roo·m offered to the s tuden ts, in enabling tlhem to read t.he proper books,

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I.('riod ica ls, and enjoy I·he 'benefits oi reference books e~.<.enl i al in Iheir da il y s tud ies. The Board viewed with sa tis iaction the repon that a large number of students were taking adl anlage o f the iacililie- made <!.\"a itablc to ·them at the read ing rOOITl.

P ublic health wor·k was carried on in the schools dur­ing the year on a more extensiYc scale than in preyious rears, t,he Boa rd ha l·ing <I iscussed the situatio!1l wi th a "lew o f hal·ing the 1I"0rk extem:led . T hi s was arranged and ca r­ried 0 \11 in coop('ra tion wi th the Victorian Order of N,ur5es. Arrangements wcreal sQ finalized whereby children \vere gil ,(: 11 time o ut oi school to att end t·he dental clinic and a large number of chi ldren, with the conse nt of tht'ir parents, tvok adl·antage of the ne"· publ ic health sen·ice es~ahlish('d,

contro lled and directed under the au spices o i the Victorian U rdcr. lt was quite e,·idenl du6ng t;he .discussion of an il"!lpro,·ed 11{'alth service in the 5chools t·hat the time is not fa r distant \I'hen adl·antages will be rea·lized in connection wi th the appointment of a pe r.manemt, full time public heal vJl nursc. l lhe growth of the Dartmouth schooJs and the l a rg~ enrollment o f nea rly 2000 c·hildren would seem to am­ply just ify such a forwa rd step.

Anothe r important and interesting advance made in the interest of the ch ildren was the encouragement g iven 10 a program of sewin g and ,k nitting. \ V'hilc some of thjs work was already in progress it wa s extc.nded and with g rat,i.iy ing results, many of the ch ildren knitting useful articles. Scores of ch ildren lear.ned how to kni,!, became intensely interested in the wOi1k and also learned how to se w alld make useful articles .

During t ile year the Boa rd coopera ted and recei'·lCd splendid res.ponse from the Supep ·isor and all ,t·he members of the teaching staff in all mattN'S pCr·tain~rug to school work. r wish to extend my personal appreciation and

" j ,


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rhanks ,to rhe members of the School Board, the Super.visor and aU the members of the .teaching staff ior the generous way in which they cooperated and th e kee·f\j interest which they always manifested in connection with nhc admini st ra­tion of the Dartmouth public school system during the yea r 1939.

Respcctofully submi tted,

ART H U R C. PETTI PA S, Chairm~n.


Mr. A. L.Pc1tipas, Chairma.n

Board of School Commissioners, Daf'tmouth .

Si r:~

1 wish to submit my annual report for t,he year 1939.

The enrollment for th~ year was ...... . . . .... 18i9 T ot ... 1 days attendance .. ...... . . . . . . . ... 310,963.5 Nu mber of boys . ............. . .... .. .. . .... 90S N"umbr.r of girls ..... . .. .. ... . . . .. . . ..... . 971

The elementary grades <had enrolled 1109 pupils and t,he se rvi cl.'s of 23 teachers were engaged in tlh is di\oisio.n. T he Junior High had enrQlll.'d 493 pupils wiith II teache-rs. The High School had enrolled 277 ·with 7 teachers.


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T he numbers enrolled are shown by the table and grade ·table.

foHowing age

5 years of I<Lge. . . . . . . . . . 29 6 yea rs of age ......... 136 7 years of age ......... 144 8 years of ag.e .. . ... . .. 159 9 years of age . . ..... . . 137

\0 yea rs of age . . . . . .. . . 141 11 years of age .... . . . .. . 145 12 years of age . .... . .. . 156 13 yea rs of age ......... 147 14 years of age ... . . . . . .. 140 15 years of age .. ... .. . . 166 16 year,s of age . . . . .. ... 162 17 years of age . ........ 127 18 year:s of age ......... 64 19 years of age .. . . . .... 20 20 years of age. . . . . . 4 20 P,lus . . . .. . . ... . .... 2

Grade 1 2 3 4 5

6 ....... . . . ... . 7 8 9

10 11 12

244 187 173 183 156

166 202 132 159 126 100 51

The s taff, with license Iheld, and years of se rvice, was as follows in December. first 5 yea·r s of ser-v·ice:

"A" License : Miss Ol'j)a.h Bryson, Miss Mary C1eworth, Miss Marjorie Conrad, Miss Katherine DeVan. ,M j'Ss Frances L amont, Miss Lillian Love, Miss Joan Nor-ris, Miss Mildred P,u:blicover, Mi·ss Mabel Roberts, H. H. Sawl er, A. E . Sma.llman.

" B" License : Miss Margaret Ml1.ll1ray. O"er 5 and tip to \0 years of service:

"A" Li cense: C. D. Gra-,.t, Miss Ida J ackson, W . P . Law­son, J . F. Marsters, ]. F. Moor,es, Miss Nina Pu rcell, C. M. Shipley.

"B" License: Miss Ruth Mooovao. Over \0 and up to 20 years of servri.ce:

Academic: I. K. F orsyth , Miss Elizabetlh MoacNamara.

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"A" License: R. L . Clarke, Miss Mario n Forsy th , i\'li ss Clara Quinlan.

"B" License: jI.·li ss Marian Conrad, ]\li s5 Maude Otlo. Oyer 20 years of !'en"ice:

AcadC'mic: G. C. Beazley.

"A" Lic"Cn se: Miss Abby Beazley, )'fi ss i\Targaret Christie i\'liss F lo rence Cork um. i\li ss Nan DeVan, Mi ;;s Lena Cates, :Mis5 Adelaide Hiltz, ; .... li ;;5 Gertrude Noonan, j\'!rs . Alice Oakley .

"S" L,:ccnsc: .Miss Ha t\ ie Acker. ~Iiss Ethel H:trri so n, 1\'l is5 Effie Sih"cr, i\h;s l\'largaret Suthcrb.nd, ?I'liss Beatrice McLeod .

"C" License: 1\lis5 Ru th Elliott.

Thue were iew char:'6"e$ in rhe staff. ]l. l iss Margare~ Auld retired on pens ion, after ha\"in g ginn many ye~rs qi faithful se n ";ce \0 the boys an d girls of Dartmou th .

M iss Flo rence Otto resigned to assume another vocation .

Miss Frani:es Lamont and !\f iss Joan Norris were appointed to the vacancies.

Extra ourr.icula acti\·ities such as the Glee Clu.b, Baske! Ball, !\·lidgN Hockey , had ,·e·ry great successes.

T he laok of a gymnasium is deplorable. It is a prime essential to Dar·tmouth.

Each year one can write that \·ocational training is required. That tJhe boy who want s to learn a t rade should ha\·e t,he same opportu.nity as the boy who wants to go to Dalhousie does not impre:<s many people.

I wish to express my appreciation of the cooperation r('c('in'd fro m you an d the Board during the year.

Respect fully submitted,

G. C. BEAZLEY, Superyisor.

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A. C. Pettipas, Chairma n

Board of School Commi ssioners, Dartmouth. J)(,:l. r Si r :


The fo llowing is a Ife·port of the Sohool work for the year 1939.

T.he annual physical examinat ion has beeJ'\4 giH~n in lour sc.hools, from grade I to g rade 6 inclusive by Dr. Payzant and nurses.

The children have been weighed and examined fo r Communiable diseases, personal dean'liness and physi"cal defects.

We assisted the school Doctor in nccinating 107 children.

).latices of defects fo und have been sent to 574 parents. 215 visits have been made to the ho·mes re the cor­

rection of defects and a large number have already been treated in our dental clinic ,arrangeme nts have been made for otlters \,;Lh defecti\'(' visio n and ,ha,ve 'been treated at the Public Health Clinic and are now weaPing g lasses.

Children with defect;,·e Tonsils ... . ', , , ... . ... 114 Children with defective Teeth., .... , ...... , .. 374 Chi ld ren with defecti ve V ision ... , ........... 61 Children with Skin and Scalp Diseases ........ 25 149 hours were spe nt in the schools.

Respectfully submitted,

M. L. FILLMORE, V. O. N. Nurse in <Charge .

H. A. PAYZANT , M. D. Sohool Doctor.

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His Worship the Mayor and l\'lembers o f the

D artlrnQuuh Town CounciL

Gentlemen :-

On behalf of the Dartmouth Housir.g Commission, beg to $llbmit the iollowing reporl for the year 1939.

During the year, Estate of Sta irs Benjamin , Henri Stroud and .Mrs. Laura Dillman paid the balance due the Commission on their properties, and deeds were made Qut to them.

Tlhe Co mmi ssion had to take o\-er the property 16 Summit S1.. but later W <l<; able to sell &'1me for cash.

\Ve ha\"c two propert ies, :\0. 77 Rose Street an<i ~o . 9 i\'I2.p\c St r(t't st ill on O Uf h:md. they were painted on the o\ltsidc and redecorated inside du ring the year. and afC

now rented, but the Commission is carrying on negotia­t ions whereby we hope to dispose oi them shortly .

Commissioner Lieut. John Gully was compelled to send in his resignation owing to hi s war duries, aOO your Cou!1('il appointed l\'Ir. A. E. Nichols to fill the \"acancy.

Till i.'re arc so me ,borrowers, mho apparently find it llard to ke(lp up their payments. and others who can pay but are carele ss . with the re sult that they haY"e fa r behind. Your Commission is putting forth e\'cry effon to ha\'e these brough·t up-to-date. As the time draws ncar when the To wn must 'Pay back t,he loan to the Government, it will be nocessary fo r t!he borrowers who arc in arrears to obtain enough money fro m some other sour.ce, a,nd payoff the balance due the Commission, as the Commission will be for.ccd to repossess their propert ies 'and sell them for cash to the hig-hes! bidder.

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Further particulars are inCluded In the Secretary's report which fo llo ws:

Respectfu lly submi tted,

V. M. De VAN, Chairman,

O;lte Paid NA~IE fn stal. up to. Amount. IntereSt. Princi pal

D, Denam .... , .. , ... 225 Aug, 1139 $5004.00 $198.1.62 $3018.38 A. B. Sm ith . . . .... 181 NO\'.15]35 4222,73 1922.14 2300.59 H . c., 9 ~[apl e Street. 154 Aug. 15133 3839.22 1881.22 1958.00 G. 1\. Coltcr ..... ... . 152 May 1138 3336.40 1634.97 1701.43 F. Cole .225 Oct. 1/39 3188.25 1265.71 1922.54 F Dunlop ., . . ...... . 225 Dec. 15139 5738.60 2277.87 3460.73 Ralph D. Rodgers .... 101 Jan. 1'38 2356,35 1281.85 1074 .. 10 Ross Peers . . , ..... .. 148 Api . 1133 3552.00 1755.96 1796.04 John A. Graham .... '.189 Oct. 1136 4819.50 2156.04 2663.46 ~Iartin T. ~1\lrphy . . .. 175 Aug. 1)35 4162.50 2064.62 2397.88 Mrs. ~ [ a ry Dmnaresq .210 Aug. 1138 4901,40 2047.04 2854.36 Alex McOow ........ 105 Jan. 1138 2525.25 1364.46 11 60.79 ~.Iisscs Beazley ...... 156 Nov. 1139 3993.60 1938.17 2055.43 H . C. Wambolt .. . ... 176 Oct. 1135 4107.84 1895.90 2211.94 Gregory O'H earn ... 201 Oct. 15137 5360.67 2302.27 3058.40 W. ]. ~Ieredith ....... 215 Feb. 1139 5731.90 2363.10 336R.80 H. C, . ............. 164 Nov. 15134 3280.00 1560.4{) 1719.60 J . T. Brook ing ....... 176 Oct. 1135 4693.92 2167.12 2526.80 Wm. Roger ......... 194 Nov. 15138 4850.00 2127.81 2722.11) \V. N. Brown ....... 207 Jan. 1140 4690.62 1976.40 2714.22 Wm. Chisholm, .. . ... 191 Oct. 15138 5093.97 2253.97 2840.00 Mrs. Clara Bailey .... 174 D ec. 1139 4937.00 2557.68 2379.32 \V. O . Ainsley ....... 199 Apr. 1/39 5307.33 2294.53 3012.80 E. S. T ufts ..... , .... 193 Sept 1/38 4373.38 1932.86 2440.52 E. F. W hebby ....... 162 Apr. 15136 3024.54 1439.74 1 58UO ]. C. Ri tchie .. , ..... 207 Dec. 15139 4140.00 1747.90 2392.10 H . }. Lylloh .. .. .. .. ,.204 Oct. 15139 4080.00 1736.70 2343.30 A. j . ConrOfi ......... 176 June 15137 3520.00 1623.70 1896.30 Avcry ]acks.on ....... 190 May 31 139 3800.00 1685.30 2114.70 E. Hyncs. ............ 200 Sept 1139 4080.00 1736.40 2343.60 ~[ary E . Smith ...... . 11)2 Dec.31139 384{).00 1694.70 2145.30

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Joseph Smith ....... 175 Aug. Ij38 3500.00 1618.70 1881..30 E. A Butler . . 193 Dec. 15139 3860.00 1689.80 ZliO.20 Margaret Wilson . ... 192 Dec. 1139 3840.00 169·4.10 2145.90 T ot :!.! amou nt paid Governmen t.. . . ...... . . ... $248,990.09 To tal amount paid fo r Principal. . . .. .. . .. . .. $131.299.15 Total amount paid for Int erest. 117,690.94


Collections fo r 1939 . ....... .. . .$12,390.89 Am ount paid Covernment, 1939. . .. 11.349.47 Henri Stroud paid balance in full . . ... . . .. ..... $1,907.00 Estat e Stairs Benjamin paid balance in full. .. .. .. . . . . 420.00 Mrs. Laura Dillman paid balance in full . . .. . ... . ......... 480.10 16 Summit St reet s.old fo r cas h ...... . ..... ...... . 2,200.00

(H . C. in name column indicat es houses take n over and held by th e Com11li~sion.)

Respectfully s ubmitted ,

E DGAR 1-1 . L EYY, Secretary.

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To thc R.:l.t ~p:l.vcr~, Town of DartmO!lth . Ladies and Gentkmen'

Th~ year 1939 was a history making year for the Dart­mQuth Ferry eve ry branch of the £en·.jce sho wed vcry ~ ubst.lntial ir.creases over all pre~'ious years. The gross r('venue from Soc1.les of vehicular and pedestrian t i,:kets was $208,970.05 an ~:')ICreasc of $20,841.03 over the previous year. Th is in crease is undoubted ly due, to a lar,ge extent , to the large influx of people into the town engaged in ·military ;lctivities.

Direct operating expenses were up $5,150.08 over the previous year. Thi s is due to more hours of service and extmord~l1Iary expenses 011 !lhe S ,S. "CHBB UCT O" to keep' her in sennice.

Operating profit for th e year was $49,663,17 and afte r charging off $14,924.76 for depreciacion and paying the usual g ran ts of $500.00 each to the Nabal Day Committee and Victorian Order of Nurses and $100.00 to the Dart­mouth Reading Room. $1 ,975.00 superannuation to retired employees and $1,(0).00 to sink fund rese rve, the net profit stood at $30,663.-11 as compared with $14,939,6l for the previolls year.

The pa~'ro1! for the rear was $94,2X>.29 an increase of 'f1.476.72 ove r the previous year.

r n accordance with section 126 of Chapter 56 of the Acts of 1902, $15,CX)().00 was paid over to the Town of Dartmouth.

Dllrimlg the yea r t'he ratepayers gave their approval to l'he pUIichase of a mew ·boat and plans for the construc t ion of ~ame are well under 'way. It is ex.?ecred that the contract will be let early in February and the boat delivered in the Fall of this year.

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The whole plant is in excellent physical condition accessitating '''cry link expensive repairs for some time to come and I predict that the ensuing several years will be profitable o nes for the ferry .

I wish to express on behalf of the Commission and myself deep regret at the passing of two valuable employees with long years of service, namely, Josep h T . Lee and Lawrence Bellfontaine, the latter undt:r tragic circum­stances.

Deta iled stat istics of atl operations for ,the year will subsequently be recorded in the To wn's Anmual Report .

I des ire to express to the Commission, the :Managc­men! and all Employees, my appreciation fo r the courtesy. ll CJp and co-opcration tendered me during the past year.

I hayc the honor to be, Yours sincc rely,

L. 1. ISNOR, Chairman,

Dartmouth Fcrry Commission.

To the Chairman and lVlembers, Dartmoul'h Fcrry Com mission, Dartmou th, N. S.

Gentlemen: Although traffic transportation during thc early part

oi 1939 was not cqual to expectations, the ~atte r part of tllC year more tha.n compensated in order so that it com­pared ,favo rably with othc r precedinlg years.

l\linor accidents, as usual bayc occurred, which were all cO\'ered by insurance.

The tran sportation equipment is probably in better condi tio n than it has becn for some years and repair parts ba\"e prepared for immediate use in the e\'ent of emergency.

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A new pontoon has been constructed for the spare cloak at Halifax.

The SC\"\'ral boats have been g iven the necessary attentio n as follo ws : S.S."Halifax"; The steam steering gear in stallation. completed, Stem bearings renewed, af­tcre nd rudder rchushd and pintles fined , life jackctts rccQ nditiOlwd and new to il~ts installed.

S. S. "Ohebucto"; Twenty-one frames r-elltewed also !<Orne plating where required, ste rn bearing also rudder locking pintles rene wed, life jackets reconditioned, neces­sary boi ler tubes removed and new toilet installed.

5.S. "Dartmouth" : Pipe line insta~led between boiler feed pump and afl cr hold and stokchold vent il ator extend­ed, also a new compass to replace defective equipment.

All shi ps have been repainted and decorated inside and out.

A new 2~" W(lte r supply pipe to the docks was found necessa ry replacin g the sen!nteen year old pipe whi ch was defective.

The o ld buildings 001 whanf "D", .the old Dobree s;ockroom, t,he old reading 't"oom and the old Graham carpenter Shop na'·e been removed mak ing a decided ly impro,·ed appearance on the waterofronl as weU as ing the Ferry Commissio,n properties against from fire.


A new stores building has been erected for the hous­ing of paints, spare equipment, etc.

All buildings including those for rental have been re­painted, necessary repairs made and suitable fences placed about ,the Commercial Street residences.

A \'est ibule has been a nnexed to l·he waiting room at Hali fax. The office of the secretary has been renovated and suitable furniture installed.

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The whar:ves and docks req.uired but little attention. New rolling ohucks we[e placed u·ruc\er the main bridge at Halifax. l\'linor repairs were made to the lay-up dock and a fen ce was cons tffilctcd about whari " D."

Captain Charles Hibbert MacDonald was rel ien~d

for active service September 1st and Captain Fulton T. W i'1!i,uns on October 1st. Their officials capacities await them on their return.

Regret s arc recorded at th e loss of ottr Ticket Vendor oJ Sc\'cllt ecn years service, by death, Josep h Thomas Lee; also O Uf superannuated emp loyee Lawrence Bellion taine who serv ed as c.l,rpcntcr with the Commi ssion o \'er thirty years but was ret·ired in 1938.

ivl y appreciation is ('x·tended to all branK:hes of 'tIhe ser,.ice for thc cap<,-ble assistance rendered during the season. Such an efficient sen·~ce could no t be conducted withollt ha\·in g a\'ailable an effi cient s taff.

Respect.fully submitted,

CHAS. E. PEARCE, Gene ral Superintendent.

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Year ending December 31st, 19J~.

Br Ferriages and CnrJllllutations. . .. .. ....... . ... $2'08,970.05 [~cntals , Adv ertising Space, Buildings-..... . .. 2,707.12

To biteres! . . . ....... . .... $ \V.ork;-TH'nS Compensation ..... . Public Liability Insurance ..... . Employees Sickn ess Insurance Opera tin g Expen ses In s-urancc ReseTve fo r Depreciation Taxes and \Vat er Rat es Gra ut to Natal Day Co mmittee. Grant to Victo rian Order of Nurses. Grant to Dartnlouth Reading Room. /0.1 isccl\aneous Expenses . .... .. .. . . Bad Debt s In ~ pcction

Advertising SlIper;wnuation ......... . Net Earnings fo r year ...... , ...•..

9,400.00 519.77 817.53 520.79

135,445.29 2,214.40

14,924.76 12,252.29

500.00 500.00 100.00 472.65

16'.63 270.00 84.65

1,975.00 31,663.41

$211,677.17 $211,677.17

GENERAL PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 1938 Dec. j1 51. By AIll(>uIH at Credit . .$ 14,939.61 1939 Dcc. 31501 By Net Earnings for 1939 from above. .$ 31,663.41

$ 46,603.02 1939 Jan. 12th. To }\mt. Iran~ferred '0 RC5crvc.$ 14,939.61 Dec. 18th. To AmI. to Sink Fund Reserve . . 1,000.00 15,939.61

1939 Dec. 31. By Amo unt at Credit. . . $ 30,663.41


". "


. il • ., , ., '.


, .

., \

" ,

Page 81: Tovvn - Legacy Content


RESERVE ACCOUNT 1938 Dec. Ji st By Amount al Credit ............. . 1939 Jan. 12th. By Amount transferred from Profit and

Loss Account ............. . Dec. J i si. By Interest for 1939 ....... .

1939 Dec. ISlk To :\mou nl paid To wn v f Dartmouth.



. .. $185,817.08

14,939.61 3,253.06

S~.009 .75



Dec. J\ SI By Amollnt at Credit. ;939

........ $19.(,975.05

Dec. JI. By Provision for Depreciation for 1939 ...... 14,924.76

1939 Dec. Ji s t. Br Amount at Credit ..... . .... .... $..?09,899.81

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BAL\NCE SH EET December 3hl, 1')39


n eal E~latc and [<ju irnen !.

Coal Cash

Resenc ior Depreciation.

<llld ol her SUI)plies on Hand and in Bimk.

AccOUlltS R~ce i\"able ... ............... .

" .$445,Q08.:?2 209,899.81

---$236,Oi)K41 885.84

25,478.71 307.99

Defe rred Charges, Ull ex pired Insurance ..... . 25,786.70 2,0]1;.89

57,308.25 36,676.85

Reser l'e Fund Inl'('Stlllc nts, Bonds .. . Sa\'ings Bank . . . . ..... . . ..... .. ..... . Sin ki ng Fund Inv('S tm ellt:_

TO\\ I! of D:nllllomh (u nder Legislation of 1924) 12,748.15

$371 ,493.09


To\\"n of Dartmouth ......... ................... . .... $135,000.00 :\ccounts Payable .... ........................ $1.677.23 : \ CCT Ll Cd Int erest. 1'O WI1 of Dartmouth. 1,733.80

---$ 3,411.03 Commuta t ions paid in advan ce. $ 660. 75 Reserve ... ....... ............•............... $189,009.75 Sinking Fund Reserve . . ...•.... •. . 12.748.15 Profit and Loss t\ ccount....... .... .... . .......... 30.663.41


Page 83: Tovvn - Legacy Content


I have examined the Books and Account s oi Dart~ mouth Ferry Commission for year cndjng Decembe r 31st, 1939, and in my opinion the abo\,c Balance Sheet is cor­rectly drawn to represent the position of the Commission as 011 r 31st. 1939, as shown br the Books oi :he said Commission.

During the year under rc\"iew the sum of $20,923.84-fo r repairs and replacemen ts was charged direct to

operation' ex,penses.

No credit has been taken for accrued interest on ~S3,0IXl.OO paid to Towll of Dartmouth in 1935.

As in former years an d in accordance \\;Ih resolu­tion of the Commission, the Income from Reserve Fu nd ]m"csurncntS has been credlted direct to Rese rve Account and does not appea r in the Revenue Account for the year.

GEO. H. HOLDER. C. A. Aud itor.

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To the .\Iayor and ~ I e mbcrs of the Dartmouth T o wn Council.

Gentlemen ;-


W ith the small grallt of $500.00 fro m the Town Counei! fo r Park acti vities fo r the past year, I endeavoured to th e best of my abil ity \0 layo ut that moncy to the best ad­\'ant:lge in park w'Ork. and in the interes.t of the Citizen s

who enjoy the time they spend in the Park in the summer season.

Aga in I am so rry to say I <:au ld get oot hing done to th e Park roads this past year. To my knowledge there ha !' not been any wo rk done on the Pa~k roads for the past twenl y years and at th e present time they are a disgrace to the Park Commission and the Tow,nl of Dartlmouth.

j\ ly suggestion to th e Town Council last spring was to do $S<XHXJ wort h o f road work each year for about four or until the ro<:.ds were all put in good cond ition, in th'is way it woul d no t be so hard 0 111 the tax-payers, and I do n't think this \\"oTik sho uld be done by the Par.k Com mis· s ian who know not hing about road work; to my mind it should he done by th e St reet Committee under the su per­visio n of the Townl Eng ineer who kno\\'"S road wo rk.

T here shou ld be at least $1 ,(0).00 a year granted by the To wn Council to the Pa.rk Commission, $5CX).OO for road , wonk each year and the ot.her $500.00 for general pank work. ma intena nce and wages for a working park -keeper from the 15t h of May unlt il aften Labour Day.

For the past six years I have held the chairmanship of the Park Commission a nd h an~ given a lot of my time i n a public spi ri ted way in the interest I)f the P ark. a nd s t rong ly recQJ'lUTlend that something should he done in t he way I have outlin~d above .

Youros s incerely, \'\'11:. A. Case, Chairman.

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IND EX l\ccoun ts Payable Assets and Liabilities Assessment Aud ~to r s' Repo~t

Bank Balances Bo nded Debt Cem etery Charities Fire Financ es Ferry Commis.sion G O'I t. Town of Dartmouth. Health O fficer H o using Comm i~~ion .......... . . Liccnses :-H ack, Truck, Traders. etc. :\layo r'5 Report )'Ia;,-or. List o f Park Commiss.ion P lumbing In specto r's Report Police Receipts a nd Expenditures:­

T own General .... \Vater and Sewer Maintenance \Vater and Sewer Construction .. Chlorination Plant ........... . School s .. . ....... . ).Iount H ermon Cemetery Curbs and Gutters Firenlcn's Fund Tax Sale Fund . . Permanent Sidewalks Pavcment No. S Dartmouth Park Commission Debent ures Accoun t Eq uiment Pleasant St rect Scwer

St reets and Publit Property. Schools School Medical Inspetti on School Staff Sinking I'unds Tax Collector's Reports Ta..x Rate ... . ......... .

J6 34 10 33 J6 11 29 22 2Q

5 is

31 -, ,-27

4 2

83 18 24

37 42 44 .\6 40 44 .\6 47 47 47 46 4S 47 45 46 13 59 71 68 48 32 9

\Valer and Sewerage 17 R et urns Respect in g Debentures and Sinkin g Fund s.

Page 86: Tovvn - Legacy Content

Return to Municipal Commissioner Respecting Debentures and Sinking Funds to 31st December, 1939, of the Town of Dartmouth.



Schools . . ..

• School Renewing '2'J,000 .

• • 9,500 . Schools ... r 'lre Trucks . Cruaher ..... . .... Public Worb and Improvements. Electric Light. ......... . ... .. .. . Consolidated Debt . .

• • Uocmployed Relief . . .. ..... . Direct Relief .

Overdraft Royal Bank . Tractor and Plough . .. . Truck ............... .

Motor Fire Engine ...

Ladder Truck .... Road Roller ..... . Widening Windmill Rd · .. Cemetery ............ . Permanent Sidewalks . .

• • • •

Pavements ... • • • •

SUI ute.

Challt. 1 YCll r.


" OS

" 93

I)i) 81 75 81 84 76 76 86

'" '" f5I 57

7. 57 57

" 100 .. " 65 01

93 77 67 77 29 81 86 29


19 15 I fl l? I!J I fI


lim 1928 1930 1!128 ",., 1933 1933 1931 1914 1935 1932

"'" 1934 1935 1935


1920 1919 1919 1922 1925

1021 11127 1932 1!1Z7 1928 1928 1931



1-0 3; ~;

, 'J(I,OOO

4,000 100,000



12.000 27,000 3,000

.10,000 2,500 3,100

22,200 3,500

17,000 1.000

15,000 12,500

5,500 3,000

14,000 4,000 8,000 5,000


10,000 10,000 15,000 "',000 lI ,OOO 25,000 00,000 19,000

" ~ ~

1 j 00,000

4,000 100,000



12,000 27,000 3,000

40,000 2,500 3,100

22,200 3,500

17,000 1,000

15,000 12,500

5,500 3,000

14,000 4,000 8,000 ' ,000


10,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 11 ,000 25,000 110,000 111,000

• " J " o :;; o

July I, 1914

l\'lny I. 1!)\5 July 2. \!H S Jul y 2, IfJl fJ

Nov. I , 1921

J uly 3, 1922 July 2, 1925 J:lII. 2. 193 1 I\by 1, 1932 Nov. 1, 1929 J uly I, 1!)34 July 1, HJ3·' June I , 1113 1 Dec. 2, 1!l14 J uly 2, 19.15 Nov. I, 11)32 July 2, 1935

J uly 2, 1934 J uly 2, 1935 July 2, 1!:l35

July 2, 1919

J uly 2, 1921 J uly 2, HUg July 2, HUg J uly 3, 1922 Oct. I, 192&

Nov. 1, 1921 Aug. I, 1927 J uly 2, 19;)2 Aug. I, 1927 Nov. I , IW"J Nov. 1, 1929 June 1, \!)31 Mar. I, 1932

'" ., 3 o -.

" o



19·10 i!l-\:.I 1 fI-1\)

1% 1

\9·12 HI lS 1!Ki! 19:;2 19-19 195 1 1!l5·' 1951 19 14 HI55 1':112 I!HS

193' 19·10 1fl.l0


l!).1t liJ·m 1949 19-12 !fl·15

19·11 I!m IO,'i2 Hl-17 I!HO 1949 HI51 1952

-" ~ • .. o ;;

'" 5%

5% 0% 5%


5}{% 4}{%

5% 5% 5% 5"i> 5%

4*% 5%

~ 4%

4'70 4%} 4%


0% 5% 5%

5}{o/n 5%

6% 4J.{% 5M"% 4)4%

5% ' 11 "'7, 5.J.i'%


~ 00 5:i ~ .= oW , 0

~.E :;~ ",.e .

~~§ ~ c.t...

, ~, ~.:: .= ~~ .

'0 .5 g--j W_. • • . "" ;lO"~ 0"'''''' c; .::"'=' .: os g ~

_ 0 •

!! :;11:S ~Et!.g

000 .00 r 522,500.00

'10 .00 I .O'J(! 00



2-1<) 00 SID 00 0750

1 ,33:~ 00 7500

IOJ 00 7<1 0.00 113 75

35 .00 1,237' 50 1.0 11 00

7,957 . 25

12,700 .00

280.00 f BO .OO BO .OO 50 .00

330 .00

200 ,00 20000 1iOQ.00

1,500 .00 330 .00 750 .00

2,925 .00 633 .00

1,000 .00 21,000 .00 5,250 .00

10,800 00

-1 ,080.00 S.tHO 00

SiD .DO 9.331 00

750 00 618 00

4"BOOO 910 .00

189 15 8.f)5!) 00 5,41 2 50


7,1)57 . 25

12,700 .00 I

5,320 .00 I 1.000.00 1,685 .00

8.'",0 .00 4,620 00

3,(100 00 2,'100 .00 3,500 .00

18.000 .00 :U};IO 00 7,1iOQ .00

23,'100 .00 4,431.00

• ,:;~

Q o ·~ ~~ e~ § q c..s 0 ;:1 . ", = t... .. ;:I ;:; ~ S!;,; . ""' .. _ r:: 9·- :: ~~:l ~ ~ ~ .-Y~~ r ooQ ..... _

~, .-. •• 0 0 ' ., .=2.; ~ '1;!'1;! ~ r:: ' iii ~ ~ ~ .~ E......:. '"'!Ill" goO § r::-::I '_ '8 o:;;i ~ ..

~r::'-'0Q.> ._1:1: r::~ (I".j 0 ........ _

S 38,672 . 16 r S

2, 157 . 4-1 32.840.S6

8,78 ... . 82

000 .00 · 245 .00\

40 .00) 1,000 .00


l 15, 12!) .31

5,836 .34 10,122. 13

1,262 . 17 9, 105 .37

807.08 586 .45

4,037 .88 1,38\.07

163 .74 7,003 .40 4,7"-5 .00

23,91 l. 74

7,4-1-1 .88


7.893 .78 2,373 .liO 2,508 .62 1,115 . 14 5,4S3 .93 3, 1'10 ,,23 u,iJ27.37 2,777 .75 3,31;5 .64

21,073 .75 4,D-15 .92 8, 108.87

23,530.40 -1 ,266. 03

000 .00 "90 .00 UO.OO . 8 . 12

810.00 97 .50

1,333 .00 75 00

103 .00 740 .00 113 .75

35.00 1,237 .00 I,OU .OO

°1,569 .00' . 24,073 .50

\,000 .00' t 13 .75

' 972 .50' . 19,400.51 ,

28000 .:3,856. 51)

BO.OO BO .OO 50 .00

330 ,00

200,00 200.00 500 .00

1,500 .00 330 .00 750. 00

2,925 .00 633 00

O~ · 0

..,, '~ ,~

:s.." • • , , 00,

;;; ~~ • •• .. . - >. o~ "0· <:: '-,..<:1 _w.

$ 1,505 . 24

89 .73 1,474 .00

372 .36

G23 .5G

239 .72 421. 73

65 .77 383 .58 "' ,90 2-1 .01

IM .36 82 .93

8 .07 319.45 183 .92

888 .31

303 .30


3(1:9 .26 8S.03

100 . \8 42 . ll

196 62 1 12 38 27\.41 129.49 155 .87 8--l6 .64 11Q,84 318 _77 939 .75 189.23

,; • .... '1;! .;

00: .. , ,'" 0' .' S'" ~ • ~o o; ~ :g ~~]

&'0 >. .- ~ .. '" ~ o· ,-,. 2 l<."ifE ~!;!":l · ., .- .. <:: Q .... 0- ._ .-

iii 't;l'oa !=: ~"' .. or,"' :a

IlH;: e 01


S 41,077.40 HMunic. Bondal Ell8tcrn Trust Co.

2,532 .17 35, 324 .76 9,.07 . 18

16,332 . 14

6,397 .9" 11 ,353 .86 1,425 . 44

10,S21. 95 906 . " 713 .46

4 ,962 .2-1 1,577 .15

206 .81 9,519.85 5,950 .52


8,734 .43

12,339 .55 . 2,541.53

2,688. 80 1,207 .25 6,010 .55 3,288 61 7,398 .78 3,107 .24 4,021.51

23,420 .39 4,546 .76 9,177 .64

27,401.16 5,088 .26

• • •

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Munic. Dond~~ • • • •

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• •• • • • · " • • • • •• • •• • •• • • •

No Sinking Fuad EMtcrn Trust Co.

• •• • • •

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• •• • •• • •• • ••

N. S. Trust Co. Eastern Trust Co

• • • • •• • •• • •• • • • •• • • • • ••

Page 87: Tovvn - Legacy Content


Return to Municipal Commissioner Respecting Debentures and Sinking Funds to 31st December, 1939, of the Town of Dartmouth.



Pnvmrents . •

Willer nnd Sewerage.

• • • • • • • • •

• •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• Renewal 35,SOO . .. Water and Sewerage.

• Renewal 62,SOO . Water and Sewerage. • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

Sewer • . . .. .

• • • • •

. .. . .

Water (Chlorination Plant) . Curbs and Gutter, ... ... ... . . Dartmouth Ferry Commission . .

• • •

, ~ ,


l>O :.-. ", .:: . '" : .5~ ... .z ~ ;... ;::-'" _ .e:g ~

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g og .. 0 Q _ .'1--.. ---1-----:...2 0 __ " -'-111--'-or

" !).f.95

1932 21,000 50,000 15,500

21,000 50,000 15,500

.Iuly 2, 1932 J uly I , 1931 J uly 2, 1919 :gf,l ll

100 1920 100.000 100,000 Jan. 2, 1921 93 1!)21 50,000 50,000 July 3, 1922 73 1!J23 6,000 6,000 Aug. 1, 1923 74 1!J24 5,000 5,000 July 2,1921 75 192& 5,000 5,000 Sept. I, 1926 75 102(1 40,000 4{),000 Oet . I , 100ltJ 77 1927 7,000 i ,OOO Aug. 1, 1927 77 urn 4,000 4,000 Aug. I, 10';!7 81 1928 2·1,000 24,000 July 2, 102S 84 1929 14 ,000 14,000 Nov. 1, 1029 86 1931 'lO,OOO 20,000 J une I, lOll

HI;)2 1')54 ]!J.I,)

\!l·1I I!H2 1!).\3

'''' \ 9-16

"" 10·\7 1917 1913 10\9 1951

M1% . 0/, 50/,;

6% 5M'Z9

'" . 0/, 5% 5%

"J.{% 4J4% 4~%

' :?' 4,\4'10

{i7 1!l32 25,000 25,000 J uly 2, 1032 1 1952 5.J4% 76 1933 as;.!OO 38,200 J uly 1, 193'1 1!l51 5% 51 1!J35 8,000 8,000 July 2, 1935 l'Jaa -1% 70 \'):« 5,000 s.oOO Nov. 2, HI36 HI56 35{'70 64 1936 3,500 3,500 No\,. I, 11l:J& 19,% 3}{% 5& 1!lO'2 5,000 5,000 No\, . I , 1037 1957 3J{%

5 \')35 10,000 10,000 No\,. I, 1937 1957 3J.{% II 56 1902 5,000 5,000 NOli. I, I93S 1!l5S 35{0/. n

5 11)35 3.GOO 3,600 Nov. 1,1933 19r>S 3.1i"% II .5 1935 7,000 1,000 NOli. I, 1935 1958 3.11%

70 1934 10,000 10,000 NOli. I. 1')3S 1958 3.1i"% 102 1912 25,000 25,000 i\! lty I, Hl l3 J!)~3 5%) 102 1912 7,000 7,000 J\Ll y' I, HII3 1043 5%

700.00 1,6(;7 .00

310 .00'

2000 00 1:000 .00

'80 00 ' 50 00 150 00

1,200 .00 210 00 120 00 720 00 420.00 G50.00

83300 1.273 00

2SO 00 175 00 132 00 175 00 350 00 175 .00 126 00 :m.oo 350 00

4,900.00 10,00'.t .01)

1)10 .00

:18,000 00 17 ,000 00 2,330 00 2,250 00 1,050 00

15,000 00 2,520 00 1 410 00 7~92!) 00 '1,200 00 5,200 00

5,831 00 7,638 00 1.120 00

525 00 300 .00 350.00 700 00 175 00 126 .00 21'j 00 350 00

";l := ; - '" .. .., _<">5 S:-;... os ·;; ,S 0'" ....... --.c:: bO -"Q!=: = "0-0"'", g § -::.a .; § ~ =1<0" '" e.;...5..E. ;;;--'~<i..; .. ""~ ~"''' ,.lIIi=>c", Cr:I ' -", _=~._ ...

!:>f tl .. ~ o ;;;; ~ ... ~ o .5.i'~= e .S I::~'.:: r- oo~ ..... - <t.w oC-.::: 1 1-- .

4,I3!H .31 0.176 .81

11,726 20

55,139. 14 23,368 .78 3,805 .81 2,002 71 2,359 20,

1 8,72 1 .~ 2,951.03 1,688 .20 8,999 .79 4,519 .88 5,197 .66

5,575 .74 6,915 .77

{lOS 00

700 .00 1,667 .00

310 .00

000 .00) 2,000 .00 . 1.87

1,000.00 180 00 150 .00 150.00

1,200 .00 210 .00 12(). OO 120.00

' ''' 00 650.00 833 .00} UO.50

1,273 .00 ""' .00 175 .00 132 .00 175.00

O~ _0

"0 .~

"~ =6-:::1 :::; o~

~ ""~ .. I'l!" ... -.... o~ _00 ""-..c:I _m_

200.63 363'.01 554 .68

2,313 26 963 .52 113 .00 139 .02 IOS .59 781 .50 144 .65 90. 14

328 .06 20 1.G4 201.23

220 .46 291.33 56.42

1.46 3 . 18

356 .31 267 .67 175 .00 350.00 350.00 3 .61

175.00 .58 126 .00 Al 245.00 .82 350.00 1.24 ·M.8O}

. 102 H112 3,000 3,000 J \ll y 1, 1013 i!H3 ~f9 • 52 \91 5 153,000 153,000 May I, 1915 1940 W/o

TOTALS ... - - - SI,3,IS,r.oo 11.345,600 ... . !~.

1,000 00 9,500.00 \ 11,22507 1,000.00 467.68

... . . . 00,083.76 2,321 .66 -------'32.06 1 75 . . . / S;,;l0,07301 i- 4,592 98 12/,5;)1.42

. Oil Bond.. .-out. .-1'1-II.IIS.

.; ''''0' OJ '=~;;-3 _"1:1.. "0 Q.,;l

00'" 6"':: ..... .... f ~];! S §...,~ 11(1::1 Zi •05..9 .!:l .. =;.

Ii: "" ... 0 .... =


.... - ~ .. .,,, ~~""~ ~io ·g Q." 0 13"'-E-<tI).!3 a::l;. f~ 1 _______ _

5,5{H !.l4 11 ,206.82 12,590.88

59,MO .63 25,332.30 4,158 81 3,WI .7S 2,617.79

20,703.44 3,305 .68 \ ,898.34

10,0-17.85 5,140.92 6,MS .89

6,618.70 8,450. 10 1,334 .42

632 . 71 402 .85 350.00 703 .61 175.68 126.011 Z45 .82 351.24

12,748. 16


1541,634. 45

Munio. Bond81·J.;a·jtnrn Tru.t Co. · . . ". •

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• • • • • • • • • • •

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • 1>I·S.Tr'8tCo. • • •• • •

• •

• • • • •

w • IN. 8. Tru.~ Co.

• • • •