Total personality development


Transcript of Total personality development




Handshake A universally spoken language of greetings.Ahandshakeis a shortritual in which two people grasp one of each other's like hands, in most cases accompanied by a brief up and down movement of the grasped hands.handshaking is perhaps the most widely recognized of greetings worldwide, in both Western and non-Western societies.

Handshake Etiquette Around the World

Positive attitude of handshake Your handshake is one of the most important ways to make a positive personal impactA good handshake can win you business and build your career; a poor one can hamper your career and life success.

If you are a doctor or a health care provider handshake can fill a patient with a full of confidence and trust.

..contdScientists have discovered that the traditional sign of friendship is actually a way for us to get a good sniff of someone we have just met.humans unconsciously use the touch from a handshake as a way to sample smelly chemicals from each other.

Negative attitude of handshake

Bad handshake leave bad first impression. There are various bad handshaking some of the common negative bad handshaking are briefly listed below:

I am dominant

Placing your palm downward when offering your hand to someone is a way of showing dominance. By placing your palm downward, you force the other person to place his palm up, which is a submissive position. In everyday situations it should be avoided. When a person displays his / her palm downwards during a handshake it is said to indicate a sense of domination or superiority. Occasionally, you have often noticed people while shaking hands that their hand is on the higher position with their palm pointing towards the ground.

2.Dead fish

Just like a dead fish, this handshake is something that signifies the indifference and is a numb shake of the hand, making it seem as though the person has no bones. This type of a handshake indicates a reserved or a passive personality.

3.The Hand Hug:

Usually seen among Politicians, this type of handshake is said to convey the meaning of warmness, friendly, honest and trustworthy. In this type of handshake the traditional grip is by placing the left hand covering the persons right hand.


A handshake is more than a simple gesture. It is a simple gesture which builds connections and can leave an impression of a person. Practicing good handshake. Practice Makes Perfect To see how your handshake comes across, try it out on a few friends, and ask for their feedback on your timing, grip and technique. Then, practice until you get it right!