TORRANCE July … · lly to ci,ampiona WOWCS Deferment Cuadaloupe St., Itedomlo 11, Kedelal...

TORRANCE TWO SECTIONS 14 PAGES PER COPY 5o T i ii i j *K°° rs Outlines Program for TolSOil Reported Better Service to Torrance Ready tO file After Comprehensive Study r^ *tt Jk Mm in Mion Since fah, 25 ustrial plans Assstance of . ftloose Lodge to Observe Mb Milestone Sunday The 20th anniversary of Toi nee Lodge No 785, Loyal O Your RED CROSS is at his side Cross Organization Ready For War Fund Drive Next Week g has been called by William j der of MOOM-. will be observed j .1. Tolson, committee chairman, j next Sunday, 12, witli aj The place is- in the chamber of. j '»eaklast from 11 a.m. to noon, j am at Ihe I Torrance Civic Auditorium. The breakfast will open will, invocation by Carl Anderson, j prelate of the Long Beach lodg An entertainment program \ begin piomptly at noon cont; ng 45 musical and dancing I provided by students ol the Pacific Talent Academy and Bessie Clark studio of Inglewood nd Hollywood, with branch stu- .led dios in Tor Hall. This program will run until 1: -15 MISSING ... Lieut. Bill Sle o'clock. popular Torrance athlete, no At conclusion of this par! of Army pilot, is reported the piogram Thomas F. Wilkes, smce pe b. 25, over Europe. war fund campaign, which is Ihe lied ( scheduled to stall 0,1 the fill With 1,0,1, |o«mg Wednesday. comfoit articles: I T..nan. ,'. ,|l,ola has be, n set homeless through ; al •->.,mil :•„ 111, business and Ihe civilian I mm n-.-idi ntial disl l n-l ol Ihe clly be can be fed, wl and SI,l,"II,l is Hie amount set ily will be taken c: ID be sub. cubed among the in-' assistance will con plants. - f i oni the Red Cm "This ,- the people's Kill .Mrs Hoover. ; " » is '"''.V "'»< I"' "" Hi, ball,,, April II. It is I ADDS NEW TITLE . . . City A , the meeting last Monday | progressive .. 1 for lood and reported thai Mayoi McCuiie, j ud ge Otto B. V/illett, who last will, only a few exceptions, the i '" Southern California. He will night was selected to head Knors report was ••nthus-iastic-j tn(ln tl '"> thl ' session over to Rotary Club for year beginning j ally approved. While no dcci- John E- McCall, Torrance city It ;fiA ,CE HOST TONIGHT nmm oiSTfiieT mi& hi- lam- al.-o elaiim d that Habcock's pe n, where ti;ion ha.- been cnculated and inn - - - all he has lo do is to leave I declared : will, the city clerk to get lii: Besides I'owli. tin,.-, w have olfieially lil-d ale: Ceol Thatch,-,. Joel llagbeig and It. e, i i'anl Sioneeker. all ol Will-| Cft3 Una, and Paul Pindley, 2121 U:_|! July I. ; Chosen Rotary eiimpleted for the .March meeting ol ,h, s of Commerce anil other civic organ:;:-i I] ill) o'clock will, a ..,*,- dun., , pn popular Soulbein ('alii,,, ma ,•.,(,•,,-, * The Toi ranee riiainlici o i -omni.'ire will be host to lli, Local Man Loses Life in Liscombe Bay Bombing \\nen Ihe I' S ail'cralt <; iiimii.-hed Klying C.oss and i.-ioiiiolion lo the rank of lust lieutenant. Ii, an official Army lelease pnblisl I 1 in this papei |;,st week, U. Stew-art was listed among 82 California,;.- who rec.ntly were awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air .Medal. .Mis. Stewari is employed at the Joshua llendy Iron Works. Stewail w,,,, ,mi-landing rec ognition as an athlete while a student of Torranci High school, winning the Mann,- L, ague high Jump lecoid of 0 leel li' L. inches, lie also bioke ihe Long ISeach relay record ol Ii feet 7 lf)-lli inches ,„ .Maieh. 1<|.!1. Compel- ,ng in an mvitational meet at -„ .— = . ..._.,_--.., -..,..——_, . Harold K Peri v, principal ol I'rovo. 1'Uh in Aplil 1941 he th... view that much had been : °''"=ers present from other, To,,, int,. Hj ,, srni)oi'. : , ri , ollll ,,,, ,.-,.-, h ,i.shed a new world record accomplished and that the p,o- (|od8ra and gups*-s of the occa-1 dul . jng an intl ,,. vi ,, w (his .,,.„,. when the Torrance youth crossed posal musl be further consid- S!on- 'that M:m-h 'iO will he -^ri -tsidi the h-ti at i\ tv-i-t m-^i inphov nn 'red and certainly not be: Among the ^'^ ,.^ j I'o^ coC^ dropped at this time when;?"'*1 '? »°'' «. h°'» "f'va ions i ,,„, s ,. h(|<;| . |s ., |j;11 . ( ()| . ,„,. ,,.,., viol)fj wolk, ,!,.„.,.,, Qf % ,-,,„,' 9 :, 4 chances of success are apparent. ™"' ^ ™™ a ™' G ^in°"h PC''' dl ' ivr «"»I«»K" <"' "*' I-"-" i™*"* held jointly by Dave Al- Frohl,.,,, Siimnmrized MoV, ' ',- Lon^ Be-'ich lodge I A " Hl ' 1"" '""h"" 1 *1- *P'»i--'»-'"l I'.v """"'1 and Mel Walker of Ohio In his report Koors simima, Lu°k preset ol[h, ^elifor »'" . T"""; 1 >i *"' i ''' '""'••'" *""" Ti "" ""«' ''"» ™« "«*> ized Torrance's transportation n ia Moose association; Bob Ship- "?; i' n'' lf A ^ problem of inadequate transpor- p( , (1] s(, cl . t, t ary of the California „„,' j,^., , Moose Association; James IS. •e.uched, thoso in the attorney, acting as niasle ceremonies, who will introduc (In July 1 City Judge Otto H. t.'itjon facilit \Villett will add' another litle «n, ( . Hllr h.dnstries located ;lhat oi president of the Tin- ,„ (),.• T.ilTiuice area lime ali- lance Hoiary club. Hiseleclion sorhcd all ,,f the local labor. , o, nia and N,, vada: o,,, a ,. I hey have been able ti> reach ; Haugc Fourth District super Iheir present level at employ- ; v - F,.Pd Howst . t, LO! . Angl ,. --- nly <hriii. Kh their g.HHl ,,. s l:ounty dist ,. ict attol , lc , v: iirel Bonnelley, Bank of rt only hi icily, how- only two hours after- film will Ihe lop posl of Ihe sel b was announced follow ii i ling of I lie newly ,-le •rd 'of dneclor.- last cvonh'g fnrdi Ih, liome ..I I'lc.-idenl I'-ay work ill obtaining outside farced to ignore I In average nf » I m •gon. who made the high ling a predetermined pouiidag- jump ,,: i; fee, 10 25-32 inches Other iiwards will be ofleied In June. ::,!!. Slewait won na- by the P.T.A. The firs, prize- i,,,,,.,I piommuice when he won ir.'i-t pap, r p,-r capita will I,,- jumping champ,,,i ship in the A M.iv nm 0! Stray Dogs 1 Olllei officers chosen for the '";'• l!l-l 1-15 term include: Hillman It., pnreall, clrai.ied at the "pre's- '"I""?" ^l 11 '"*"' "'.''".""; v ">,l.,e. vice president; llobert T.; fill time, force liiese indus- ,. ommission . M-H n'l'llo '" j MeCallum. .-, cretary; Sherwood j (ries In recruit help from : com minder cl in-i'li i'i-il ^•'Meliityic, u easoier, and Thomas i sources ami areas unavailable sinn ',, q '.,.,„' vil '. ' F .1. Adams. Otto A. Kresse, .lame- „, ,|,cm wlthaut an a.le,,,iatc p M f-.rbe o Ihe N-I l-'re 'ic'li'ni"' l'!rkr ril .' S 'i,,, l r 17i!'-!"'; "•" ls "" r """." 1 >"''•'"• Al "'- Supply c.anpa"!y: Otto City Judge Will,-., is a native comh: K more frequent and sc- f Efniigham. III., and gradu- rlous as (ho war cffi.rt proK- .cd a, Ihc University of Illi- rcsscs, which will reflect Hsolf ! nce E -"' manage, or .',' c-tos™?st,-lbutln» ta^ves h?. tlu ' .Month' by Bill naging director of la; Mi, an: of idenlificallon. an i,l,|ig,'d to pick II], : due-." she said, "win n Ibev not kepi nn leash and are lowed to ti.i. at larg.-. Owl ' should n-ali/e thai il is to t advantage In obtain lic-i Mrs. Davison ,-: l"'-k ;i''m',\','n,'n, '',"',,! wide travels m Ihe .-:, hemisphere and trade op, >»••"!!•„,,."he .s"!.' 1, 1,', 1,!!;;:,!'!""",.:ak involved In are.advis'edly on what course m AlitO i- al-lpinsii.. m ihe posl war p.-, md : . ...j.j, ., i> -; | ..,.,, :,, ; ,,,. . . , i i lrt*6V ljua J^ot; i inn., will, a ll.s. degice in join in constantly i,,creasing abseil- I f,..rL ,. ( , n, PSpn nalis,,,. He was editm of the. leeism anil l<,., s of employes." 1 pl . c^ and' otncl ; in ll«(i and practiced in Los An- j extension of opeialions and with i.'nV.eii".!^ 1.' ,.Pni°1!,a'h'.,, i* K''"'' ldl V" I IS 'l f A I n l I :ip^ ^r^zr^i^Lt;: Fsrst Unit of General Petroleum !!;,'r^^'' luii,"'^,'s\;ppom,' ! ed bi to t hc ut ,'ep"orfSThte su^JT"'" '" Henry A. Urban, Age j-lpf^np Plant ftnpc nn ^troam i!!:- nr.r^UTT SZ -'-"- 79, Passes After mim m " 1 « OCS °" * l m Lludge John A. Shidler enteied , |n^--J^ a chartsliow- ^^r^r^^^T^ "i'"'"""" T Helween now and July 1 when I Torrance Municipal buses, which' 33 in loiiance has tone into piocluction and is now lunnng out in (Continued on Pane 6- A) s over the club prey lu.lge Willett is to I i i.ppnilnniiy of getting j «"'"' "^i;;;;;; 1 '. "'m'ecto"'' Loca i Young lly to ci,ampiona WOWCS Deferment Cuadaloupe St., Itedomlo 11, mote victory gardens Omfttftf Snti A*t*nil following a ling Kedelal Ke-elA.- l.alik bnanl ol ek.--. The dileclors, Irlislee ol tin Ameli lesnll is Id.-,I a number of per I can Coimcd of Ihe ln.-l,lnle ol sons have been bitten bv vici I 1'acilic Delations, ehairnian ol mis ,1.-g: recenlly, line casejihe Calilornia Stale Knivsiry was nportid where a woman j commission, chairman .of tin- was biiten nn Ihe leg and had j Soulhc-rn Califoinia Council of to be inaled for severe lacera-j Inlei-Aniericall Affairs, and Cal lions, Mrs. Davison said. , iforiihi representative of the ely has added a billy! U. S. Chamber of Commerce. ,f animals Uiilri-lailimenl l-ingrain A good program ol entertain I'c'ninK'feau'iriNg'-'b'oi'h mnand ",'h' "siniek''by'Tb'-""l'owei'i "•',','- '*•.?(] ForURI TaikCr, iiisic." as President Janus I.. .-,usi.lining possible -. , ions i, •••• ' I Lynch of the Tonance chamber, ries ,,, Ins left leg and k, .- I e.xpres.-,ed il, l,j Ihe Nalhmal jninl. Cl owe wa- rot hurt ;....-, Permits fOP TfireCj Supply "Kiminakeis." comprised Powell was not hi Id. ' The. corrected date f, r the New oil Derricks j;;:;^ 1 ;;; 11 ;:;,/^;:,^^^ 1 ^!,,!;^^^;;,^ ^''"^^ '^'"si: ^^ <t,,^: Co , -inclion ol Hue., n. w ,„! """' '• ll1 '"" 1' 1 ' niploycs at the j man. ' .when Maj. Knox Manning will !!r l V»!',;,,,r Uw!l:/ 1 u1,,.,l!!i^.!Thl^;:; 1]! iyll^; M 1 ' ii ;;!': ' ^Z a" !!!e Torrance Man Seen "^"^^ l w~ "aTS f^t:!??^^::^.^;!^' r^iine,,,:";;,,,:";;;,,:; 1 :;:;;,"', 1:;;: (Co "" nue " on paue 7 ' Ai in TSghtmg seabees 1 William P. Agapito. fireman , " .e,;'",;,' „„ ,, : ,, , Un ,,,,,dib:,i "'I'"" "'" Innlsieps of my and But irogiam and Judge \Vil-, Kdsva ,. d ju-Call, ,-as chosen chauman ol|. |rl(1 Ah. s , K Mc-Call. who .Normandie when t|iey discovered'-' ,; ''^^ ^^-tl-^lvin ''''"'' V '' illiSll<' d ' hl> ''"^ ^ Iheir tad light was out ami ,„•,,;;, ;.,„„,,, ,,,.„ d' ivision. stopped to fix it. They were at , L. 1 , 1 . | . h , ,,„. MMS()1 , „,,, e , ub iir^irr:::;;' 1 ''-:;^^^'^;;;,; 1 ],,;:;:'' 1 --'''' .-"-"•»"- friend. Crow,, in,in being hit.; V""Mg pushed hill, violently fillt | . Manning, Henry Alons Urban, 7!), resi- '-onsideral.!.. qnamiiy the vital fluid needed by Uncle Sam's fleets dent of Torrance for more, thai, ot' wi " planes In bung the nation's enemies into submission. 20 years passed away Wednes- There, was no special ceremony, only a few Army and Navy clay afternoon at -I o'clock in the official: were there lo witness* home of Kabian Abram. :>]» S. the niomeiii'ms e-veni, alemg' Tcc ., ni , . . ,... N paliy heads and the-il ! ,.,'„,;,,' ,„ ess. II, emplnyes. who were gratified to ',:„„',| 1( . le |,av- see ,he many hard days ol work,,,,,. ' j(l|l w;is ,,,„„. .,.. [n . b( . L, x , f Ul . ing preceded him in ,!,,„., a ,,an-posvd l,,,o n.mnph ,„.,,;.,, ot t,,, 0(| ,, '„ Am,.,. ie,, n; '-lumber ol years ago. One observer declaied whe: in :lllvl , lm) , , h ,. v lllldl .,. ta | {( . Old-time n-sident- of Toi I an. e Ii,, .alv,.- .1 - n ,,p, ,,,d A ,, (| ,,;,. s ,, ( . I)nd ,,;„, , s ,, (nv ,„. le.rof his fieshimm year at Bay i * m .. »;"'';»'.''"'• !»". .f 1.'"- 1 ':^ ....';" v™" '! ~" '".. T^.H.'"' .".!'. '. " ! " P"-l',,l throuuh to comple lor University, Waco, Texas, where' he had begun a niinister- ,h.. «„..„. ... ,„,„,„.,-„,„, ""•"• u ^h';^"-^;;! ^^^^ <>^ ,,1^1,1,1,1,,-.^ Fruit .Market conducted bv the nm a tbn deceased and his wile at Cia- did his p "-'us and Post a vs., wluie they job. It ™nducted a lucrative business, in ih, :, 1 . IIlpt „,,„, thl . (ll ,,,, but young The body is at .h, Stone * hioihets a i:dwa.d was not satisfied He "yrs mortuary. Kosary will Hie iiont ,,o,e his fatiursome time ago •- he.d a, the mortua,,. chap, , and m ,h, Engineer Issues ,'elock, at the Torraiiee Worn- id's club. The general pulilii :;' L';',.;:!:!;,^':;; 10,.;::!:;,,^1' 1 ": Deputy Assessor at hat lie. wauled to go into II rmy and do his bil to help de- •'"'« »i; '-^ s •nlal consent In allow him lo •'""' 'ph I!: nli.-.l. The elder McCall replied, m, nl will ngmg his son to go on I., the "''> nil of the .semester wthen his Cabrillo Paving Job going overseas and hav- W<)rk RCSUHied After uncle, I ul experiences. _ . n i. i i n , th, opportunity to Bemg Halted by Ram minis, enabling planes on those mints to do a far greater and more effective job ill c.ariylng the war to tin enemy, and prob ably helping !.• siioi leu the con -Whe-ther it is iKJinbing Dei- blasting Jap warships out i Truk, hef knows Ihis sup of 100- we are do,,,,; .M,,,,- Ihan II,;, they !• e| wi an one ol the hi lilies between them and Ihe boys al ihe fighting Imnl- Th, are ipiick 1,1 piai.-e good w,,i and equally Olllck In cnndem lailllle. I.ef- l(e,-p oil! slan, m».. high:" Deputy Assessor at , ""*. s,^,;,1, 111,',,,;;,:; 1 •;,,•„•';';•• 1 ";;-l "; 1 ,";r;!rV'u;"",:" i ;' -""• ....:.«..-•-•!."amifig.u The «;r,,,i,i, company, ,,,,,„. »; T,u,nr^sih,s•;„;;;:; tx-Gov. Merriam to Torrance City Hall llSi,,1 ^ 8; ,S," B."."in!. •',.,:;; i;;^;:;;^>'^';;>^'r, 1' 1 - ''-" iy ""'""' y "' this W1"';""" ^^ l^t^;"^"^. l^Z K 1^^ l $Z' Attend Civic Meeting ... .... ..... .. ....... ti. r, p.m 10 a.-si,i laxpay 11,111 h of Hum ,-r.s wiili properly asse'ssinent llemiclla aiiil|ie,r Ihe I1H-MIM5 fiscal year. he will lie al the Agapitn ha: for duty believed to hi wliere in the South lj aelfl, graduale'd from Tonance c. A. Stcwart, 1314 Madrid live., to build ai: extension to u serv ice porch al an expense of $401). hours on each Thin day nut April 13 inclusive, Ciiy BaitleU advises. VOITII COAIAIISSIUN MKEl' I with documents show- and I'la/a del Amo, move-el their will ,ni, ihat he had appioval of his equipment just before the storm he.e panin., Kdward waived Ills , of last week and had one sin,- ia,. . : -p,, d .n •iijnt f, di I, rmen, and went be- i of Ihe street huihen up when m aecooiplnbm. on ine eh aft hoaid at Wuco, j the rain arrived, when ope,a II, knows t|,.i, ngisteiing Horn Ton.,lie.., his lions were' temporarily halted, i critical fighlei j hie bombers to cam bomb loads a, a fasi, ere to j Work was refiimed when wealh- The Yemtli Cominission will i aoine ,own Th, p.,, mee, at the city hall, Ton-mice, | be forward,,! io local b aid 280, i er conditions changed and will next Monday evening, March 13, j which will have jurisdiction In ' he lushed I Rive his case. II is exp. cti'd ii'ceive his foinial call time next month. bility, mole zip, higher alt, plelion Thi 'tildes and inen-a-. d -up. rim it> II Clillith Mini was awarded ih, over anything tha< th. . m m;. ,•,„,,,act , n the low hid ol si:;. ,n produn -i«:i.^n, "The liiiiiiiiing 01 tins in.-' igln II, plac. d ippll.-.e executive sec- l'i irraiice Chajii- e. last Tuesday.

Transcript of TORRANCE July … · lly to ci,ampiona WOWCS Deferment Cuadaloupe St., Itedomlo 11, Kedelal...

Page 1: TORRANCE July … · lly to ci,ampiona WOWCS Deferment Cuadaloupe St., Itedomlo 11, Kedelal Ke-elA.- l.alik bnanl ol mote victory gardens Omfttftf Snti A*t*nil following a ling ek.--.



T i ii i j *K°°rs Outlines Program forTolSOil Reported Better Service to TorranceReady tO file After Comprehensive Studyr^ *tt • • Jk • •

Mm in Mion Since fah, 25

ustrial plans Assstance of.

ftloose Lodge to Observe Mb Milestone Sunday

The 20th anniversary of Toi nee Lodge No 785, Loyal O

Your RED CROSS is at his side Cross Organization Ready

For War Fund Drive Next Week

g has been called by William j der of MOOM-. will be observed j .1. Tolson, committee chairman, j next Sunday, 12, witli aj The place is- in the chamber of. j '»eaklast from 11 a.m. to noon, j

am at Ihe I Torrance Civic Auditorium.

The breakfast will open will, invocation by Carl Anderson, j prelate of the Long Beach lodg

An entertainment program \ begin piomptly at noon cont; ng 45 musical and dancing I

provided by students olthe Pacific Talent Academy and Bessie Clark studio of Inglewood nd Hollywood, with branch stu-


dios in Tor Hall.This program will run until 1: -15 MISSING ... Lieut. Bill Sleo'clock. popular Torrance athlete, no

At conclusion of this par! of Army pilot, is reported the piogram Thomas F. Wilkes, smce pe b. 25, over Europe.

war fund campaign, which is Ihe lied (scheduled to stall 0,1 the fill With 1,0,1,|o«mg Wednesday. comfoit articles: I

T..nan. ,'. ,|l,ola has be, n set homeless through ;al •->.,mil :•„ 111, business and Ihe civilian I mmn-.-idi ntial disl l n-l ol Ihe clly be can be fed, wland SI,l,"II,l is Hie amount set ily will be taken c: ID be sub. cubed among the in-' assistance will plants. - f i oni the Red Cm

"This ,- the people's Kill .Mrs Hoover.

; " » is '"''.V "'»< I"' "" Hi, ball,,, April II. It is I ADDS NEW TITLE . . . City A , the meeting last Monday | progressive ..1 for lood and reported thai Mayoi McCuiie, j ud ge Otto B. V/illett, who last will, only a few exceptions, the i '" Southern California. He will

night was selected to head Knors report was ••nthus-iastic-j tn(ln tl'"> thl ' session over toRotary Club for year beginning j ally approved. While no dcci- John E - McCall, Torrance city


;fiA ,CE HOST TONIGHTnmm oiSTfiieT mi&

hi- lam- al.-o elaiim d that Habcock's pe n, where ti;ion ha.- been cnculated and inn - - - all he has lo do is to leave I declared : will, the city clerk to get lii:

Besides I'owli. tin,.-, w have olfieially lil-d ale: Ceol Thatch,-,. Joel llagbeig and It. e, i i'anl Sioneeker. all ol Will-| Cft3 Una, and Paul Pindley, 2121 U:_|!

July I.

; Chosen Rotary

eiimpleted for the .March meeting ol ,h, s of Commerce anil other civic organ:;:-i

I] ill) o'clock will, a ..,*,- dun., , pn popular Soulbein ('alii,,, ma ,•.,(,•,,-,

* The Toi ranee riiainlici o i -omni.'ire will be host to lli,

Local Man Loses Life in Liscombe Bay Bombing

\\nen Ihe I' S ail'cralt <;

iiimii.-hed Klying C.oss and i.-ioiiiolion lo the rank of lust lieutenant. Ii, an official Army lelease pnblisl I 1 in this papei |;,st week, U. Stew-art was listed among 82 California,;.- who rec.ntly were awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air .Medal.

.Mis. Stewari is employed at the Joshua llendy Iron Works.

Stewail w,,,, ,mi-landing rec­ ognition as an athlete while a student of Torranci High school, winning the Mann,- L, ague high Jump lecoid of 0 leel li' L. inches, lie also bioke ihe Long ISeach relay record ol Ii feet 7 lf)-lli inches ,„ .Maieh. 1<|.!1. Compel- ,ng in an mvitational meet at

-„ .— = . ..._.,_--.., -..,..——_, . Harold K Peri v, principal ol I'rovo. 1'Uh in Aplil 1941 he th... view that much had been : °''"=ers present from other, To,,,int,. Hj ,, srni)oi'. : , ri ,ollll ,,,, ,.-,.-, h ,i.shed a new world record accomplished and that the p,o- (|od8ra and gups*-s of the occa-1 dul. jng an intl ,,. vi ,, w (his .,,.„,. when the Torrance youth crossed posal musl be further consid- S!on - 'that M:m-h 'iO will he -^ri -tsidi the h-ti at i\ tv-i-t m-^i inphov nn 'red and certainly not be: Among the ^'^ ,.^ j I'o^ coC^dropped at this time when;?"'*1 '? »°'' «.h°'» "f'va ions i ,,„, s ,. h(|<;| . |s ., |j;11 . ( ()| . ,„,. ,,.,., viol)fj wolk, ,!,.„.,.,, Qf % ,-,,„,'9 :,4 chances of success are apparent. ™"' ^ ™™a ™' G ̂ in°"h PC''' dl ' ivr «"»I«»K" <"' "*' I-"-" i™*"* held jointly by Dave Al-

Frohl,.,,, Siimnmrized MoV, ' ',- Lon^ Be-'ich lodge I A "Hl ' 1 "" '""h"" 1 *1 - *P'»i--'»-'"l I'.v """"'1 and Mel Walker of Ohio In his report Koors simima, Lu°k preset ol[h, ^elifor »'" . T"""; 1 > i *"' i ''' '""'••'" *""" Ti "" ""«' ''"» ™« "«*>

ized Torrance's transportation n ia Moose association; Bob Ship- "?; i' n '' lf A^ problem of inadequate transpor- p( , (1] s(,cl .t, t ary of the California „„,' j,^., ,

Moose Association; James IS.

•e.uched, thoso in the attorney, acting as niasle ceremonies, who will introduc

(In July 1 City Judge Otto H. t.'itjon facilit\Villett will add' another litle «n, ( . Hllr h.dnstries located

;lhat oi president of the Tin- ,„ (),.• T.ilTiuice area lime ali-lance Hoiary club. Hiseleclion sorhcd all ,,f the local labor. , o,nia and N ,,vada: o,,,a ,.

I hey have been able ti> reach ; Haugc Fourth District super Iheir present level at employ- ; v - F,.Pd Howst . t , LO! . Angl ,. --- nly <hriii. Kh their g.HHl ,,. s l:ounty dist ,. ict attol , lc ,v:

iirel Bonnelley, Bank of

rt only hi icily, how- only two hours after-

film will

Ihe lop posl of Ihe selb was announced follow ii i ling of I lie newly ,-le •rd 'of dneclor.- last cvonh'g fnrdi Ih, liome ..I I'lc.-idenl I'-ay work

ill obtaining outside

farced to ignore I In average nf » I m

•gon. who made the high ling a predetermined pouiidag- jump ,,: i; fee, 10 25-32 inches

Other iiwards will be ofleied In June. ::,!!. Slewait won na- by the P.T.A. The firs, prize- i,,,,,.,I piommuice when he won

ir.'i-t pap, r p,-r capita will I,,- jumping champ,,,i ship in the



nm0! Stray Dogs

1 Olllei officers chosen for the'";'• l!l-l 1-15 term include: Hillman It., pnreall, clrai.ied at the "pre's- '"I""?" ^l 11 '"*"' "'.''"."";v">,l.,e. vice president; llobert T.; fill time, force liiese indus- ,.ommission . M-H n'l'llo'" j MeCallum. .-, cretary; Sherwood j (ries In recruit help from : com minder cl in-i'li i'i-il •^•'Meliityic, u easoier, and Thomas i sources ami areas unavailable sinn ',, q '.,.,„' vil'. ' F

.1. Adams. Otto A. Kresse, .lame- „, ,|,cm wlthaut an a.le,,,iatc p M f-.rbe o Ihe N-Il-'re 'ic'li'ni"' l'!rkr ril.'S 'i,,, lr 17i!'-!"'; "•" ls"" r"""." 1 >"''•'"• Al"'- Supply c.anpa"!y: Otto

City Judge Will,-., is a native comh: K more frequent and sc-f Efniigham. III., and gradu- rlous as (ho war cffi.rt a, Ihc University of Illi- rcsscs, which will reflect Hsolf !

nce E -"' manage, or .','

c-tos™?st,-lbutln» •ta^ves „ h?. tlu '

.Month' by Bill naging director of

la;Mi, an: of idenlificallon. an i,l,|ig,'d to pick II], :

due-." she said, "win n Ibev not kepi nn leash and are lowed to ti.i. at larg.-. Owl

' should n-ali/e thai il is to t advantage In obtain lic-i

Mrs. Davison ,-:

l"'-k ;i''m',\','n,'n,

'',"',,! wide travels m Ihe .-:, hemisphere and trade op,

>»••"!!•„,,."he .s"!.' 1, 1,', 1,!!;;:,!'!""",.:ak involved In• are.advis'edly on what course m AlitO i- al-lpinsii.. m ihe posl war p.-, md

: . ...j.j, ., i> -; | ..,.,, :,, ;„,,,. . . , i i lrt*6V ljua J^ot;i inn., will, a ll.s. degice in join in constantly i,,creasing abseil- I f,..rL ,.( , n , PSpn nalis,,,. He was editm of the. leeism anil l<,., s of employes." 1 pl .c^ and' otncl

; in ll«(i and practiced in Los An- j extension of opeialions and with i.'nV.eii".! 1̂ .' ,.Pni°1!,a 'h'.,, i* K ''"'' ldl V" I IS 'l f A I n l I:ip^ ^r^zr^i^Lt;: Fsrst Unit of General Petroleum!!;,'r^^'' luii,"'^,'s\;ppom,' !edbi to thcut,'ep"orfSThte su^JT"'" '" Henry A. Urban, Age j-lpf^np Plant ftnpc nn ^troam

i!!:- nr.r^UTT SZ — -'-"- 79, Passes After mim m"1 «OCS °" *l™mLludge John A. Shidler enteied , |n^--J^ a chartsliow- ^^r^r^^^T^ "i'"'"""" T

Helween now and July 1 when I Torrance Municipal buses, which' 33 in loiiance has tone into piocluction and is now lunnng out in

(Continued on Pane 6- A)s over the club prey

• lu.lge Willett is to I i i.ppnilnniiy of getting j«"'"' "^i;;;;;; 1 '. "'m'ecto"'' Locai Young

lly to ci,ampiona WOWCS Deferment Cuadaloupe St., Itedomlo 11, mote victory gardens Omfttftf Snti A*t*nil following a lingKedelal Ke-elA.- l.alik bnanl ol

ek.--. The dileclors, Irlislee ol tin Amelilesnll is Id.-,I a number of per I can Coimcd of Ihe ln.-l,lnle ol sons have been bitten bv vici I 1'acilic Delations, ehairnian ol mis ,1.-g: recenlly, line casejihe Calilornia Stale Knivsiry was nportid where a woman j commission, chairman .of tin- was biiten nn Ihe leg and had j Soulhc-rn Califoinia Council of to be inaled for severe lacera-j Inlei-Aniericall Affairs, and Cal lions, Mrs. Davison said. , iforiihi representative of the

ely has added a billy! U. S. Chamber of Commerce. ,f animals Uiilri-lailimenl l-ingrain

A good program ol entertain

I'c'ninK'feau'iriNg'-'b'oi'h mnand ",'h' "siniek''by'Tb'-""l'owei'i "•',','- '*•.?(] ForURI TaikCr,

iiisic." as President Janus I.. .-,usi.lining possible -. , ions i, •••• 'I Lynch of the Tonance chamber, ries ,,, Ins left leg and k,

.- I e.xpres.-,ed il, l,j Ihe Nalhmal jninl. Cl owe wa- rot hurt ;....-,Permits fOP TfireCj Supply "Kiminakeis." comprised Powell was not hi Id. ' The. corrected date f, r the

New oil Derricks j;;:;^ 1 ;;; 11;:;,/^;:,^^^1 ^!,,!;^^^;;,^ ^''"^^ '^'"si: ^^ <t,,^:Co , -inclion ol Hue., n. w ,„! """' '• ll1 '"" 1 ' 1 ' niploycs at the j man. ' .when Maj. Knox Manning will

!!r l V»!',;,,,r Uw!l:/1 u1,,.,l!!i^.!Thl^;:; 1 ]! iyll^; M 1 ' ii ;;!': ' ^Z a" !!!e Torrance Man Seen "^"^^l w~ "aTS f^t:!??^^::^.^;!^'r^iine,,,:";;,,,:";;;,,:; 1 :;:;;,"', 1:;;: (Co"" nue " on paue 7 ' Ai in TSghtmg seabees1William P. Agapito. fireman , " .e,;'",;,' „„ ,, : ,, , Un ,,,,,dib:,i "'I'"" "'" Innlsieps of my

and But

irogiam and Judge \Vil-, Kdsva ,.d ju-Call,,-as chosen chauman ol|. |rl(1 Ah . s , K Mc-Call. who

.Normandie when t|iey discovered'-' ,; ''^^ ^^-tl-^lvin ''''"''V '' illiSll< 'd ' hl> ''"^ ^

Iheir tad light was out ami ,„•,,;;, ;.,„„,,, ,,,.„ d'ivision .stopped to fix it. They were at , L . 1 , 1 . | . h , ,,„. MMS()1 , „,,, e ,ubiir^irr:::;;' 1''-:;^^^'^;;;,;1 ],,;:;:'' 1--'''' .-"-"•»"-friend. Crow,, in,in being hit.;V""Mg pushed hill, violently fillt | .


Henry Alons Urban, 7!), resi- '-onsideral.!.. qnamiiy the vital fluid needed by Uncle Sam's fleetsdent of Torrance for more, thai, ot' wi" planes In bung the nation's enemies into submission.20 years passed away Wednes- There, was no special ceremony, only a few Army and Navyclay afternoon at -I o'clock in the official: were there lo witness*home of Kabian Abram. :>]» S. the niomeiii'ms e-veni, alemg' Tcc ., ni , . . ,... N

paliy heads and the-il ! ,.,'„,;,,' ,„ ess. II, emplnyes. who were gratified to ',:„„',| 1( .le |,av- see ,he many hard days ol work,,,,,. 'j(l|l w;is ,,,„„. .,.. [n . b( . L,x

, f Ul. ing preceded him in ,!,,„., a ,,an-posvd l,,,o n.mnph ,„.,,;.,, ot t,,,0(| ,, '„ Am,.,. ie,, n;'-lumber ol years ago. One observer declaied whe: in :lllvl , lm) , , h ,. v lllldl .,.ta |{( .

Old-time n-sident- of Toi I an. e Ii,, .alv,.- .1 - n ,,p, ,,,d A ,, (| ,,;,. s ,, ( . I)nd ,,;„, , s ,, (nv ,„.

le.rof his fieshimm year at Bay i *m .. »;"'';»'.''"'• !»". .f 1.'"- 1 ':^ ....';" v™" '! ~" '".. T^.H.'"' .".!'. '. " ! " P"-l',,l throuuh to comple lor University, Waco, Texas, where' he had begun a niinister-

,h.. «„..„. ... ,„,„,„.,-„,„, ""•"• u ^h';^"-^;;! ^^^^ <>^ ,,1^1,1,1,1,,-.^

Fruit .Market conducted bv the nm a tbndeceased and his wile at Cia- did his p"-'us and Post a vs., wluie they job. It™nducted a lucrative business, in ih, :,

1 . IIlpt „,,„, thl . (ll ,,,, but young The body is at .h, Stone * hioihets ai:dwa.d was not satisfied He "yrs mortuary. Kosary will Hie iiont,,o,e his fatiursome time ago •- he.d a, the mortua,,. chap, , and m ,h,

Engineer Issues

,'elock, at the Torraiiee Worn-id's club. The general pulilii

:;' L';',.;:!:!;,^':;;10,.;::!:;,,^1' 1 ": Deputy Assessor at

hat lie. wauled to go into IIrmy and do his bil to help de- •'"'« » i; '-^ s

•nlal consent In allow him lo •'""' 'ph I!: nli.-.l. The elder McCall replied, m, nl will ngmg his son to go on I., the "''> nil of the .semester wthen his

Cabrillo Paving Jobgoing overseas and hav- W<)rk RCSUHied After

uncle, I ul experiences. _ . n i. i i n , th, opportunity to Bemg Halted by Ram

minis, enabling planes on those mints to do a far greater and more effective job ill c.ariylngthe war to tin enemy, and prob ably helping !.• siioi leu the con

-Whe-ther it is iKJinbing Dei- blasting Jap warships out

i Truk, hef knows Ihis sup

of 100-

we are do,,,,; .M,,,,- Ihan II,;, they !• e| wi an one ol the hi lilies between them and Iheboys al ihe fighting Imnl- Th, are ipiick 1,1 piai.-e good w,,iand equally Olllck In cnndem lailllle. I.ef- l(e,-p oil! slan,m».. high:"

Deputy Assessor at , ""*. s,^,;,1, 111,',,,;;,:; 1 •;,,•„•';';•• 1 ";;-l "; 1 ,";r;!rV'u;"",:" i ;' -""• ....:.«..-•-•!."amifig.u The «;r,,,i,i, company, ,,,,,„. »; T,u,nr^sih,s•;„;;;:; tx-Gov. Merriam to Torrance City Hall llSi,,1 8̂; ,S,"B."."in!. •',.,:;; i;;^;:;;^>'^';;>^'r,1' 1- ''-" iy ""'""'y "' this W1"';""" ^^l^t^;"^"^. l^Z K1^^ l$Z' Attend Civic Meeting

... .... ..... .. ....... ti. r, p.m 10 a.-si,i laxpay11,111 h of Hum ,-r.s wiili properly asse'ssinent llemiclla aiiil|ie,r Ihe I1H-MIM5 fiscal year.

he will lie al the

Agapitn ha: for duty believed to hi wliere in the South ljaelfl, graduale'd from Tonance

c. A. Stcwart, 1314 Madrid live., to build ai: extension to u serv­ ice porch al an expense of $401).

hours on each Thin day nut April 13 inclusive, Ciiy BaitleU advises.


I with documents show- and I'la/a del Amo, move-el their will ,ni, ihat he had appioval of his equipment just before the storm he.e panin., Kdward waived Ills , of last week and had one sin,- ia,. . : -p,, d .n •iijnt f, di I, rmen, and went be- i of Ihe street huihen up when m aecooiplnbm. on ine eh aft hoaid at Wuco, j the rain arrived, when ope,a II, knows t|,.i,

ngisteiing Horn Ton.,lie.., his lions were' temporarily halted, i critical fighlei j

hie bombers to cambomb loads a, a fasi,

ere to j Work was refiimed when wealh-The Yemtli Cominission will i aoine ,own Th, p.,,mee, at the city hall, Ton-mice, | be forward,,! io local b aid 280, i er conditions changed and will next Monday evening, March 13, j which will have jurisdiction In ' he lushed I


his case. II is exp. cti'd ii'ceive his foinial call time next month.

bility, mole zip, higher alt, plelion Thi 'tildes and inen-a-. d -up. rim it>

II Clillith Mini was awarded ih, over anything tha< th. . m m;. ,•,„,,,act , n the low hid ol si:;. • ,n produn-i«:i.^n, • "The liiiiiiiiing 01 tins in.-'

igln II, plac. d ippll.-.e

executive sec- l'i irraiice Chajii- e. last Tuesday.