Torah - Loudoun County Public Schools · Web viewDuring the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin,...

World History II- SOL Review Info Packet The Renaissance and Reformation 1. The term "Renaissance" refers to a A. Revolution against royal authority B. Repression of dissent C. Rebirth of art and learning D. Reformation of religion 2. Who started the Protestant Reformation? A. Martin Luther B. John Calvin C. Henry VIII D. Ignatius Loyola 3. Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses were a call for A. religious revolt against the German princes B. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church C. greater Papal authority D. crusades to stop the spread of Christianity 4. The Catholic Counter Reformation included all of the following EXCEPT? A. The Society of Jesus B. 30 Year War C. The Inquisition D. The Council of Trent 5. He dismissed the authority of the Pope in Rome by heading the national church in England? A. King Henry B. John Calvin C. Martin Luther D. Leonardo Da Vinci 6. Which of the following men founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)? A. Martin Luther B. John Calvin C. Ignatius of Loyola D. King Henry

Transcript of Torah - Loudoun County Public Schools · Web viewDuring the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin,...

World History II- SOL Review Info Packet

The Renaissance and Reformation

1. The term "Renaissance" refers to a

A. Revolution against royal authority

B. Repression of dissent

C. Rebirth of art and learning

D. Reformation of religion

2. Who started the Protestant Reformation?

A. Martin Luther

B. John Calvin

C. Henry VIII

D. Ignatius Loyola

3. Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses were a call for

A. religious revolt against the German princes

B. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church

C. greater Papal authority

D. crusades to stop the spread of Christianity

4. The Catholic Counter Reformation included all of the following EXCEPT?

A. The Society of Jesus

B. 30 Year War

C. The Inquisition

D. The Council of Trent

5. He dismissed the authority of the Pope in Rome by heading the national church in England?

A. King Henry

B. John Calvin

C. Martin Luther

D. Leonardo Da Vinci

6. Which of the following men founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)?

A. Martin Luther

B. John Calvin

C. Ignatius of Loyola

D. King Henry

7. His religion centers on a strict work ethic and on the idea of predestination?

A. John Calvin

B. King Henry

C. Innocent

D. Martin Luther

The Age of Exploration

1. This person founded a navigation school in Portugal

A. King Henry

B. Vasco Da Gama

C. Hernando Cortez

D. Prince Henry

2. What did Vasco Da Gama succeed in gaining for Portugal ?

A. control of the spice islands

B. a sea route between Portugal and India

C. a sea route between Portugal and China

D. profitable trade with the Philippine islands

3. The trading network, pictured to the right, used to trade slaves was (the)

A. Columbian Exchange

B. Triangle Trade

C. Cortez’s Revenge

D. Slave Triangle

4. He claimed Canada for the French?

A. Francis Drake

B. Hernando Cortez

C. Vasco Da Gama

D. Jacques Cartier

5. He was the first English man to circumvent the world?

A. Jacques Cartier

B. Vasco da Gama

C. Hernando Cortez

D. Francis Drake

6. He destroyed the Aztec Empire?

A. Jacques Cartier

B. Vasco da Gama

C. Hernando Cortez

D. Francis Drake


1. Which French Catholic changed the Thirty Year War from religious to political?

A. Gutenberg

B. Cardinal Richelieu

C. King Henry

D. Martin Luther

2. This ruling gave protestant Huguenots freedom of worship in France .It was later revoked.

A. Edict of Nantes

B. Act of Supremacy

C. Society Of Jesus

D. Inquisition

3.One similarity in the leadership of Peter the Great and the Catherine the Great was that they both-

A. actively sought to Westernize Russia

B. instituted important reforms that gave citizens a voice in the Russian government

C. ended feudalism and improved the lives of Russian peasants

D. supported ethnic nationalist movements within the Russian Empire

4. During the Age of Absolutism ( 1600s and 1700s), European monarchies sought to-

A. increase human rights for their citizens

B. centralize ( have all power) political power in their nation

C. develop better relations with Muslim rulers

D. encourage the growth of farms

5. Louis XIV and Peter the Great would most likely agree with the expression

A. “government should leave businesses alone”

B. “countries should settle differences without war”

C. “do not question government authority”

D. “all men are created with natural rights

6. Absolute monarchs believed God chose them to rule and that they only needed to answer to God, this is known as:

A. Divine Right

B. Heliocentric

C. Papal Edict

D. Patronage

7. The Age of Absolutism was a period of time when European monarchs increased their power. Frederick the Great was the monarch of

A. France

B. England

C. Prussia

D. Russia

8. The Thirty Years’ War was a conflict between

A. A England and Russia

B. B Christians and Muslims

C. C Protestants and Catholics

D. D France and Italy


48. The heliocentric theory of the universe is credited to

A. Nicolaus Copernicus

B. William Harvey

C. Isaac Newton

D. Andreas Vesalius

49. Which of the following individuals was responsible for the scientific discovery shown above?

A. Johannes Kepler

B. Galileo

C. Isaac Newton

D. Benjamin Franklin

50. All of the following were characteristics of the Scientific Revolution EXCEPT:

A. Formulation of the scientific method

B. Expansion of scientific knowledge

C. Emphasis on reason and observation

D. Philosophy based on religious thought

51. Isaac Newton explained the:

A. Law of universal gravitation

B. Anatomy of the human body

C. Chemical composition of water

D. Function of blood vessels

(“Man is basically evil and needs an absolute ruler to keep the peace.”)

52. The above quote would have been included in the book Leviathan written by:

A. John Locke

B. Thomas Hobbes

C. Baron de Montesquieu

D. Jean Rousseau

53. Thomas Jefferson based much of the Declaration of Independence on the ideas of:

A. John Locke

B. Thomas Hobbes

C. William Penn

D. Immanuel Kant


(Executive) (Judicial) (Legislature)

54. The government characteristic of separation of powers illustrated above was inspired by which Age of Enlightenment philosopher?

A. John Locke

B. Thomas Hobbes

C. Baron de Montesquieu

D. Jean Rousseau

11. In what way was the Enlightenment similar to the Scientific Revolution?

a. both focused on government and society

b. both highly valued reason and observation

c. both denied the existence of God

d. both emphasized the rights of the individual

12. Which of the following was NOT important to the Scientific Revolution?

a. there was emphasis on reason and systematic observation of nature

b. there was the use of the scientific method

c. there was a combining of classical knowledge and philosophy

d. there was expansion of scientific knowledge

13. During the Enlightenment, John Locke disagreed with the power of absolute monarchs. He believed that laws must be designed to do which of the following?

a. uphold the king and his power

b. protect the rights of the lower classes and the poor

c. protect the rights of the nobles and the rich

d. protect the rights of all people

14. Writers of the Enlightenment were primarily interested in

a. changing the relationship between the people and the government

b. supporting the divine right theory

c. debating the role of the church in society

d. promoting increased power for European monarch

15. John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau would be most likely to support

a. a return to feudalism in Europe

b. a government ruled by a divine right monarch

c. a society ruled by the Catholic Church

d. a society in which the people chose their ruler

16. Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers of the United States were influenced by Locke. What did Locke and Jefferson believe people should do if their government failed to protect their natural rights?

a. change their natural rights

b. appeal to the national religion to protect their rights

c. peacefully protest to a high authority

d. rebel against the government


60. What aspect of French society during the late 1700’s is depicted by the cartoon to the right?

A. Social inequality of the three estates

B. Modes of transportation in Revolutionary France

C. Inequality of women in French society

D. Extravagant lifestyle of Louis XV

61. All of the following led to the French Revolution EXCEPT:

A. French support of the American Revolution

B. the rise of Napoleon

C. influence of Enlightenment ideas

D. dissatisfaction with the French absolute monarchy

62. Which of the following puts the events below in the correct chronological order?

I. Rise of Napoleon

II. Storming of the Bastille

III. The Reign of Terror

IV. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen





63. Which individual imposed the Reign of Terror?

A. Napoleon Bonaparte

B. Maximilian Robespierre

C. Louis XVI

D. Oliver Cromwell

64. This device, pictured at right, was used to eliminate the “enemies” of the French Revolution:

A. the guillotine

B. the firing squad

C. the noose

D. the stake

65. What was one of the biggest changes Napoleon made while he was Emperor?

A. Forming a rigid social class

B. Making peace with other European countries

C. Returning to constitutional monarchy

D. Creating an orderly code of laws and a return to stability

66. Which of the following was an immediate result of the French Revolution?

A. King Louis XVI was restored to the throne

B. The French assisted the Americans to win independence

C. King Louis XVI was beheaded and the Reign of Terror began

D. The French conquered the Bastille, ending foreign domination of their country

67. Which of the following was an important goal of the Congress of Vienna?

A. to destroy France

B. to execute Napoleon by guillotine

C. to establish a balance of power in Europe

D. to establish Vienna as the new capital of Europe

68. Who was the most influential leader at the Congress of Vienna?

A. Czar Alexander I of Russia

B. Emperor Francis I of Austria

C. King Frederick William III of Prussia

D. Prince Metternich of Austria


10. Absolute monarchs in England disagreed with parliament about who should have control in England. What is parliament?

A. A group of local rulers who looked back at ancient text for ideas

B. The lawmaking body

C. A group primarily made up of King James’ family

D. The president and his cabinet

11. He is responsible for the death of Charles I

A. King James I

B. William and Mary

C. Elizabeth I

D. Oliver Cromwell

33. Charles II rule is known as The Restoration because he restored the

A. Parliament

B. Monarchy

C. Cabinet

D. Constitutional Monarchy

34. When the catholic, James II was overthrown in a bloodless revolution and William and Mary came to power, it was known as the

A. English Civil War

B. Restoration

C. Glorious Revolution

D. Wing and Tories

36. The English Civil War was fought over the ruling of

A. Charles I

B. Charles II

C. William and Mary

D. James I

37. The first 2 political parties in England were the

A. Democrats and Republicans

B. Whigs and Tories

C. Puritans and Cavaliers

D. Liberals and Independents

38. One way in which the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the Glorious Revolution are similar is that each

A. strengthened the power of the pope

B. led to the exploration of Africa

C. limited the power of the English monarchy

D. settled religious conflicts

39. Which of the following reflects the chronological order of events in English history?

A. The Glorious Revolution – the Restoration – the English Civil War

B. The English Civil War – the Restoration – the Glorious Revolution

C. The English Civil War – the Glorious Revolution – the Restoration

D. The Restoration – the English Civil War – the Glorious Revolution

40. By the end of 1600s, what had England’s system of government become?

A. an absolute monarchy

B. a military dictatorship

C. a constitutional monarchy

D. a constitutional democracy

The Industrial Revolution

1. The drawing to the right describes which system of manufacturing textiles?


B. Factory system

C. Cottage industry

D. Third World sweatshops

E. Mass production

2. Eli Whitney’s invention, pictured to the right, helped to increase demand for slave labor on American p Steam engine

A. Bessemer process

B. Spinning Jenny

C. Cotton Gin

D. lantations:

(Free market competitionLaissez-faire economicsThe Wealth of Nations)

3. The characteristics above describe the beliefs and accomplishments of which classical economist:

A. Karl Marx

B. Friedrich Engels

C. David Riccardo

D. Adam Smith

(Redistribution of wealthProletariat wrests controls the means of production from the bourgeoisieA classless society)

4. These beliefs of Karl Marx describe the economic system of:

A. Communism

B. Capitalism

C. Mercantilism

D. Utilitarianism

5.The Industrial Revolution began as a (an) ______________ Revolution?

A. Textile

B. Transportation

C. Commerce

D. Agricultural

6. A key difference between communism and capitalism is that in communism, factories and other means of production-

a. only benefit a select number of people

b. do not exist

c. compete against each other for consumers’ business

d. are owned and shared by the public

7. Which of the following terms does this picture relate to?
(a) Genocide (b) Child Labor (c) Slavery
(d) Revolution

8. What sentence would fit the best as a caption for this picture?
(a) Children were in charge of the businessmen 
(b) Children worked in harsh conditions in factories and businessmen exploited them
(c) Children enjoyed doing hard work
(d) Businessmen helped children

9. Match each innovator with the appropriate Technology

1. Spinning jenny: a. James Watt

2. Steam engine: b. Henry Bessemer

3. Cotton gin: c. Eli Whitney

4. Process for making steeld. James Hargreav

Rise of Nationalism

1) All of the following were legacies of the Congress of Vienna EXCEPT:

a. “Balance of power” doctrine

b. Restoration of monarchies

c. New political map of Europe

d. The rise of Napoleon

2) All of the following were associated with the unification of Italy EXCEPT:

a. Count Cavour unified Northern Italy.

b. Mussolini and the Fascist Party

c. Giuseppe Garibaldi joined southern Italy to northern Italy.

d. The Papal States (including Rome) became the last to join Italy

3) All of the following were associated with the unification of Germany except

a. Otto von Bismarck led Prussia in the unification of Germany through war and by appealing to nationalist feelings.

b. Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party

c. Bismarck’s actions were seen as an example of Realpolitik, which justifies all means to achieve and hold power.

d. The Franco-Prussian War led to the creation of the German state

4) The above picture represents which political philosophy?

a. Nazism

b. Fascism

c. Realpolitik

d. Communism

5) The above picture depicts the unification of which nation?

a. France

b. Germany

c. Austria

d. Spain


1. All of the following are forms of imperialism EXCEPT

a. Colonies

b. Protectorates

c. Spheres of influence

d. States

2. The Berlin Conference of 1884 divided up this continent?

a. Asia

b. South America

c. Africa

d. North America

3. The above picture depicts which imperialist project?

a. Suez Canal

b. Panama Canal

c. Erie Canal

d. Great Wall of China

4. Which European country was the driving force behind the above project?

a. France

b. Germany

c. England

d. Italy

5. What does the picture to the right represent?

A. Nationalism

B. Industrialization

C. Imperialism

D. Communism

6. The Sepoy Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion were reactions to

A. Rapid industrialization

B. Mongol domination

C. European imperialism

D. World War

7. British merchants made a lot of money in China by selling...

A. Opium

B. Rice

C. Gold

D. Diamonds

8. For British nationalists, the phrase “jewel in the crown” referred to the British Empire’s most valuable colony-.

A. Nigeria

B. Egypt

C. South Africa

D. India

The First World War

1. The area of Europe, indicated by the circle in the map above , which was known as “The Powder Keg of Europe” due to the extreme nationalism of some of its inhabitants is called:

A. Iberian Peninsula

B. Scandinavia

C. The British Isles

D. The Balkans

2. The newspaper headline above refers to the:

A. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist

B. Murder of Emperor Franz Joseph by one of his ministers

C. Execution of Czar Nicholas I and his family by Bolshevik soldiers

D. Assassination of Kaiser Wilhelm I by Austrian communists

Using the map below and your knowledge of the First World War, answer questions 3 and 4:

3. The Central Powers were made up of:

A. Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, and Italy

B. France, Great Britain, and Russia

C. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire

D. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

4. At the beginning of World War I, Italy was:

A. A member of the Allies

B. Neutral

C. A member of the Central Powers

D. A member of the Triple Entente

5. The picture to the left depicts what military tactic (or method of fighting) used during World War I:

A. Trench warfare

B. Tank warfare

C. Aerial combat

D. Calvary charge

6. What was the status of the United States at the outbreak of World War I?

A. It was neutral

B. It was part of the Central Powers

C. It was part of the Allied Powers

D. It was part of the Triple Entente

7. Which of the following titles best completes the diagram above:

A. Effects of World War I

B. Diplomacy of World War I

C. Tactics of World War I

D. Causes of World War I

Use the following textbox to answer question 8:

(Germany admits responsibility (i.e. “war guilt”) for starting World War IGermany has to pay reparations to the victorious Allied powersGermany’s colonies were named “mandates” and were given to the victorious Allied powers to ruleThe League of Nations is created)

8. All of the above are the effects at the end of World War I of the:

A. Treaty of Utrect

B. Bolshevik Revolution

C. Treaty of Versailles

D. Breakup of the Austrian Empire

(New York BugleSept 5, 1905 - RUSSIA LOSES!Disaster for the Czar! Russian Soldiers Ill-Equipped! Bread Prices Soar!)Russian Revolution:

1. The above newspaper headline depicts which of the following causes of the Russian Revolution:

A. Landless peasantry

B. Military defeats in World War I

C. Defeat in war with Japan

D. Invasion of Russia by Germany

2. During the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin, pictured to the right, was the leader of the:

A. Bolsheviks

B. Mensheviks

C. Royalists

D. White Army

3. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk of 1917 ended Russian participation in which war?

A. Russo-Japanese War

B. World War II

C. Russian Civil War

D. World War I

4. When the Bolsheviks took power under Lenin, they allowed limited capitalism in Russia by allowing private ownership of land by the peasants and private ownership of small businesses and factories. This was the result of Lenin’s:

A. New Economic Policy

B. Bolshevik Revitalization Plan

C. Capitalism for All! Plan

D. Soviet Union New Organizational Policy

5. What was an immediate result of the 1917 Russia Revolution?

A. The re-establishment of the Romanov Dynasty

B. The abdication of Czar Nicholas II

C. A victory over the Germans in World War I

D. An alliance with the United States against England

World War II

(Aggression by the totalitarian powers of Germany, Italy, JapanNationalismFailures of the Treaty of VersaillesWeakness of the League of NationsAppeasementTendencies towards isolationism and pacifism in Europe and the United States)


1. What phrase completes the diagram above?

A. Causes of World War II

B. Causes of the Rise of Nazism in Germany

C. Causes of the Neutrality of the United States

D. Causes of the Russian Revolution

2. A new form of government created prior to the start of World War II which was centered on ideas of extreme nationalism and loyalty to a single leader or dictator is known as:

A. Democracy

B. Liberalism

C. Socialism

D. Fascism

3. Which nations were members of the Axis powers during World War II?

A. Germany, Italy, and Russia

B. Italy, Britain, and France

C. Germany, Italy, and Japan

D. United States, Britain, and France

(Leader: Josef StalinCountry:Soviet Union) (Leader: Benito MussoliniCountry:France) (Leader: Adolf HitlerCountry:Japan) (Leader: Winston ChurchillCountry:United States)

4. Which of the leaders above is correctly matched with his country

A. Winston Churchill

B. Adolf Hitler

C. Benito Mussolini

D. Josef Stalin

5. The Holocaust against European Jews by Nazi Germany is an example of:

A. Enlightened despotism

B. Genocide

C. Democracy

D. Blitzkreig

6. On December 7th, 1941, this event occurred which brought the United States into World War II on the side of the Allies:

A. The invasion of Poland

B. The atomic bombing of Hiroshima

C. The bombing of Pearl Harbor

D. The defeat of Germany at Stalingrad

7. The map to the right depicts which significant military event during World War II which opened a “second front” in Europe against the Axis powers?

A. The Allied invasion of Japan

B. The D-Day invasion of France

C. The Allied invasion of Poland

D. The D-Day invasion of Russia

8. Which of the following events was the immediate cause of the end of World War II?

A. The Allied invasion of Japan

B. The Allied invasion of Germany

C. The surrender of Germany by Adolf Hitler

D. The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The Cold War

1. What was the name of the alliance established by European Communist nations in response to NATO?

A. Iron Curtain

B. Warsaw Pact

C. Second World

D. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

2. The Iron Curtain separated

A. NATO and Warsaw Pact Countries

B. Axis and Allied countries

C. Communist and Non-Communist nations in Asia

D. Communist and Non-Communist nations in Europe

3. Who made the famous "Iron Curtain" Speech:

A. Franklin Roosevelt

B. Winston Churchill

C. Harry Truman

D. Douglas MacArthur

4. He led the nationalistic movement in Vietnam to rid the French from Vietnam; he also led the communists during the Vietnam War?

A. Ho Chi Minh

B. Mao Zedong

C. Kim Jung Il

D. Jiang Jieshi

5. What described the fall of one Asian country to communism leading to the fall of its neighbors?

A. Anti-Aggression Act

B. Cold War Agreement

C. Domino Theory

D. Post-War Act

6. The Cold War was

A.a series of military skirmishes between the United States and Germany.

B.a technological war between the United States and Japan.

C.a conflict between the United States and Iraq.

D. a philosophical war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

7. Under which program did Gorbachev attempt to restructure the economic structure of the Soviet economy by allowing some private enterprise?

A. glasnost

B. shock therapy

C. perestroika

D. modernization

8. Which pair of leaders is most closely associated with the end of the cold war?

A. Hitler and Stalin

B. Roosevelt and Truman

C. Kennedy and Khrushchev

D. Reagan and Gorbachev

9. What nation began building missile sites on Cuba?

A. United States

B. France


D. Spain

10. The Marshall Plan was designed to stop the spread of communism by providing

A. government housing to refugees

B. military assistance to Vietnam

C. funds for economic recovery in war-torn European nations

D. nuclear weapons to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members

The Modern World

1. The policies of the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement

(NAFTA) have both resulted in

A. an increase in interdependence

B . the expansion of totalitarianism

C. an improvement in containment efforts

D. the support of isolationist practices

2. Since the end of the Cold War, what has been the primary cause of conflicts in Chechnya,

Azerbaijan, and Bosnia?

A. religious and ethnic tensions

B. adoption of capitalism

C. poor health care and starvation

D. efforts at Russification

3. A major goal of the Hutu-led regime in Rwanda in mid-1994 was to

A. eliminate the Tutsi minority

B. align with the Soviet Union

C. promote ethnic tolerance

D. strengthen ties with Belgium


· Organization of American States (OAS)

• European Union (EU)

• North American Free Trade Agreement


These organizations and agreements are examples of

A. political isolation

B. military alliances

C. regional cooperation

D. collective security

5. Which policy is most closely associated with the events on this time line?

A. nonalignment

B. containment

C. détente

D. apartheid

Religions of the World

1. Which of the following is the holy book for Hebrews?

A. Bible

B. Koran


C. Vedas

2. Which religion has the Eight Fold Path and Four Noble Truths?

A. Christianity

B. Islam

C. Buddhism

D. Hinduism

3. What do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have in common?

A. they are all polytheistic

B. they are equally found all over the world

C. they all teach the same thing

D. they are all monotheistic

4. Which religion believes in reincarnation, karma, and its holy books are the Vedas and Upanishads?

A. Judaism

B. Islam

C. Hinduism

D. Buddhism

5. Which religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama?

A. Judaism

B. Islam

C. Hinduism

D. Buddhism

6.Which of the following is the holy book for the Islamic religion?

A. Torah

B. Koran (Qur’an)

C. Bible

D. 4 Noble Truths

7.Who was the prophet or founder of Islam?

A. Allah

B. Asoka

C. Muhammad

D. Moses

8. Which two religions believe in reincarnation?

A. Judaism and Christianity

B. Hinduism and Islam

C. Hinduism and Buddhism

D. Islam and Judaism

9.Which 2 religions were concentrated in the Middle East and Europe?

A. Christianity and Hinduism

B. Buddhism and Hinduism

C. Judaism and Christianity

D. Buddhism and Judaism

10.The map at right illustrates the establishment and spread of which of the following religions?

A. Christianity

B. Judaism

C. Islam

D. Buddhism



