Topics for Project

Customer Relationship Management - Study of CRM practices for a whole seller / dealers. - CRM plan in electronic shop/Bank/Hotel/Retail Outlet. - Analysis of Scope for strengthening a CRM program in Organisattions. - Study of effectiveness of CRM system in IT / ITES companies - The CRM system in an organization a detailed analysis. - Role of IT in CRM practices of an organisation - Effectiveness of CRM measures of an manufacturing / service organisation - Customer Retention Strategies in a manufacturing / service organisation - Study /Analysis of CRM failure in an organization - A study of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Delight in XYZ organisation. - Data Mining tolls in CRM. - Role of Regain Management in CRM.


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Transcript of Topics for Project

Customer Relationship Management

- Study of CRM practices for a whole seller / dealers.- CRM plan in electronic shop/Bank/Hotel/Retail Outlet.- Analysis of Scope for strengthening a CRM program in Organisattions.- Study of effectiveness of CRM system in IT / ITES companies- The CRM system in an organization � a detailed analysis.- Role of IT in CRM practices of an organisation- Effectiveness of CRM measures of an manufacturing / service organisation- Customer Retention Strategies in a manufacturing / service organisation- Study /Analysis of CRM failure in an organization- A study of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Delight in XYZ organisation.- Data Mining tolls in CRM.- Role of Regain Management in CRM.