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Topic 3 : Issues On Teachers Ethics Leaning Outcomes 1 . Explaining the issue of teachers ethics. 2 . Discuss issues on teacher politeness, teachers concern, teacher 's appearance, business in school part-time career, time management, and financial management in the context of the teaching profession. 3.0 Introduction In the teaching profession, teachers need to communicate with each other either in institutions or communities. Therefore, a system should be arranged as a guide to be followed by the teachers so that teachers have a mutual respect and politeness, concern for the profession and the ability to manage a good life. These guidelines help to protect their respective interests involved so that they are calm, serene, without harming its interests protected and secured so that it performs the act in accordance with the customs of the place and is not contrary to human rights generally. This would create an ethic teacher behavior rule, customs men in mixing and assertions about what is right and what is bad in our society. To protect the image of the profession, every teacher must adhere to professional ethics, teaching ethics, ethical behavior and ethical public service (Abd. Rahim, 2007). Nevertheless, the ethical issues are also a few teachers that exist because of certain factors that cause the teacher was guilty of unethical acts contrary to the principles of ethical practice as a civil servant. Sometimes these acts committed as

Transcript of Topic 3 Edu3108 Ppg

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Topic 3 : Issues On Teachers Ethics

Leaning Outcomes

1 . Explaining the issue of teachers ethics.

2 . Discuss issues on teacher politeness, teachers concern, teacher 's appearance, business in school part-time career, time management, and financial management in the context of the teaching profession.

3.0 Introduction

In the teaching profession, teachers need to communicate with each other either in institutions or communities. Therefore, a system should be arranged as a guide to be followed by the teachers so that teachers have a mutual respect and politeness, concern for the profession and the ability to manage a good life. These guidelines help to protect their respective interests involved so that they are calm, serene, without harming its interests protected and secured so that it performs the act in accordance with the customs of the place and is not contrary to human rights generally. This would create an ethic teacher behavior rule, customs men in mixing and assertions about what is right and what is bad in our society.To protect the image of the profession, every teacher must adhere to professional ethics, teaching ethics, ethical behavior and ethical public service (Abd. Rahim, 2007). Nevertheless, the ethical issues are also a few teachers that exist because of certain factors that cause the teacher was guilty of unethical acts contrary to the principles of ethical practice as a civil servant. Sometimes these acts committed as a result of the pressures such as the importance of family, religion and race. The teacher ethics refers to a matter concerning the behavior of the teacher thinks and discussed openly and this issue can be a problem or normal. Among the issues to be discussed ethics teacher is teacher politeness, caring teachers, teacher's appearance, trade schools, financial management, time management and career part- gum that can affect the smooth administration of the organization.

3.1 The issue of teacher politeness

Politeness is conduct or behavior that is able to establish a good relationship with each other that make a society that is in harmony and friendly. Politeness involves verbal or nonverbal behavior. For figures of language, they argue that politeness is speaking behavior that will create harmony when there is a communication. While Za’ba who has written about the Malays in the behavior and etiquette published in

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the Journal of the Malayan Branch (1950) lists a number of things to be strict rules in society to control behavior and etiquette. One of the mentioned behaviors is behavior in conversation. According to him, the voice control is very important, we absolutely should not scream and raise their voices as if they are angry or talking to the deaf. We are also reminded not clinched conference and talked too much else about yourself. Praising yourself is behavior that is unacceptable to the people who hear it. Noriati (2004) argues that the beginning of politeness is sincerity and honesty and will disclose whether the commission of verbal or non-verbal which allows all parties.

Based on such understanding, politeness can be seen in many ways in daily interactions. Reflect his unwavering containing the manners or etiquette in daily interactions. When people say manners, then in someone's reflected the manners or etiquette of the good that happens in communities where a person is a member or member organization. Modesty is always bipolar, which has bilateral relations, for example in case the relationship between teachers and pupils, teachers among teachers and headmaster and teachers.

Teachers have a very significant role in building the human capital necessary to appreciate that one man so mean when inside he has a good treatment that stems from the heart that is pure and clean. Each teacher must exhibit courteous behavior through his words and the ability to communicate using language rules and control his behavior.

Courteous language is verbal procedure. When communicating, the teacher should follow the norms of the culture and not just according to our procedure only. Code of language should correspond to the cultural elements that are in the community. If the procedure is not appropriate to speak of a cultural norms, then the situation would invite a negative value such as teachers perceived as arrogant, not cultured and well mannered.

Code language is very important to be noted among communicators and participants for smooth communication. So, it is essential procedures that this language given particular attention in the process of teaching and learning ( T & L ) that do not pose any problem . By knowing the languages setting hopefully people understand what is served in communications.

Procedure acting and speaking that should be done by the teacher must be in accordance with the norms of the society in which the teacher is serving.By understanding the local culture, the teacher will be honored by the local community and this facilitates the implementation of daily tasks effectively.Among courteous language that must be observed by every teacher is as follows:

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(i) The words contain meaning utterance honest, sincere and true.

(ii) Use appropriate voice intonation with the purpose of avoiding rising intonation that reflects pride and anger that unable be controlled.

(iii) Selecting the use of personal pronouns and calling system as well as the exact address of the honor of hearing (the invited talk).

(iv) No clinching the conversation, do not interrupt people talking and selfishness and his own views only.

(v) Use appropriate strategies in order to avoid the express purpose of listening offended, for example using words that implied (indirectness).

(vi) Comply with language that meets the community where the teachers are.

As for politeness involve nonverbal behavior such as style of dress, how to sit, how to connect with others like smiling, saying hello and greetings.

Teachers must wisely choose the style of dress to school because the style of dress for the people of Malaysia are associated with the Malaysian culture is closely related to cultural and religious beliefs. It is unbecoming of a teacher wearing clothes that are too tight, or rarely reveals her body as style is not only contrary to the religious beliefs but also effect concentration even bother students while studying. It also has to do with the image is that teachers should not dress like an entertainer. Teachers also need to control his behavior. A teacher should not be cruel and rude, getting mad with students in public with vulgar words because students would not be able to be educated with the behavior of teachers who are not courteous.

Gentle and caring attitude is the attitude that one teacher should have in themselves. Unfortunately when there are teachers who do not successfully demonstrate the supremacy of his character so much that not only the students unable to emulate even society as a whole lost trust and respect for the teacher. Hence, the following are set some etiquette teacher characteristics as a guideline:

(vii) Sincere, honest, kind, caring and willing to sacrifice.

(viii) Be grateful and thankful for the blessings and benefits derived (to say thanks to those who do good deeds to you).

(ix) Bold, assertive and able to correct the bad things from happening.

(x) Valuing and respecting others even among the younger, disabled, poor and less intelligent.

(xi) Using words for good things and not to hurt others.

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(xii) Friendly, generous and willing to improve their weaknesses.

3.2 Issues on Concern Teachers

'Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing Himself’

Leo Tolstoy (n.d)

‘No one cares about me.', a student’s complaint towards teachers in school. They feel nobody care about them, both at home and at school. Thus, it is the responsibility of teachers to know and care of their students.

What is the purpose of concern teachers? According to Hall, George and Rutherford (1977), caring is defined as a composite representation of the feelings, thoughts and attention given to a particular issue or task (p. 5). While Van den Berg and Ros (1999) concept it as concern to questions, doubts and possible resistance by teachers when facing new situations or challenging claims (p. 880). Thus, it can be concluded that caring teacher refers to a combination of feelings, thoughts and attention given by the teacher of the issues encountered during the execution of his duty .

Moreover, Havelock (1995) argue that the concern is the forces that will propel a process of change, a change that exists in some people caring about something is not right and no one else should do something about it. He suggested that the agents of change need to identify concern teachers when they begin a planned change as stated by Havelock (1995:12):

'The first task of the change agent is to develop some sense of what the concern is, a sense of where the system seems to be hurting, and where the need for change is most pressing ... The change agent needs to look around and to listen to what is being said by different members of the system before determining what the real concern is.'

To apply innovation and implementation in education, Hall et al. (1977) suggest Concerns -Based Adoption Model, which outlines seven stages of concern which provides guidance on how to understand and address the concern at hand. The seven stages are awareness, informational, personal, management, consequence, collaborative and focused again. At first, the teacher realized when an innovation is introduced, but he was not very interested or bothered him. By having an awareness of relevant respondents caring for innovation allows anyone could provide assistance to the teacher as appropriate. Ranked concern informational refers to teachers who are already beginning to be interested in some of the information about the change. Following this, the teacher might want to know the impact of the change on him. As a participant in this change, teachers also take care about how change can be managed during implementation. As a result of this management level, the teachers involved in the innovation interested on the impact of innovation on students or school. Once aware of the impact, the teacher will strive to work with colleagues to

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ensure the effectiveness of the changes made. The final step is to purify the innovation to improve student learning results.

Turning to the concern of teachers in the school context, teachers who care will focus their attention on the students. They do the actions to meet needs and requirements of students who have not met. Teachers who care emphasize the development of students in terms of physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual. Teachers understand that they form students holistically which means students can grow intellectually by capturing specific knowledge until they evolved into human capital through personality revered by all. Furthermore, teachers who care about the camaraderie with the students, as well as listen to the student concerned, creating a conducive environment, understand their students individually; empathy, and the academic and emotional needs of students.

Based on studies performed on concern teacher, there are seven categories of teachers identified concern, the concern is not involved in teaching, the role of teachers, content and discipline , personal relationships / social / emotional teacher and student, teaching methods and assessment of student learning, learning students for teaching and self improvement as a teacher (Fuller et al., 1972). Furthermore, Fuller, Parsons and Watkins (1974) classifies the concern of teachers to specific categories based on three levels, namely the completion of the self (self- adequacy), the tasks of teaching and teaching impact.

Concern in terms of self improvement more commonly referred to the concern of survival (survival) that are often faced by new teachers and one of the aspects included in the concern of teacher is consent supervisors, administrative support, relationships with other teachers, content and disciplinary problems. Concern has an influence on teachers' ability to teach and their effectiveness in the classroom (Adam & Martray, 1981).

Concern teachers in the teaching duties, teachers regardless of teaching materials / methods of effective and specific workload. Teachers are no longer worried about survival in the classroom. Instead, they are concerned about the feelings of their students and care about student learning assessment (Fuller, 1974).Concern about the impact of shifting the focus of teaching to the students as a whole. Teachers at this level are more confident about their ability to teach, the classroom environment and relationships with schools and students . Teachers are more focused on the needs of students and the improvement of education (Adams & Martray, 1981). Furthermore, teachers need to take care of themselves and professional enhancement of ethical issues in the education system which can have an impact on students. Teachers at all levels of experience concern throughout their profession. Teacher trainees need to take care of various aspects of teaching experience; observations by supervisors, maintaining good discipline, workload, contextual problems (where the location of the materials, how to take recognizance of other teachers and the movement in the new environment), research career

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options and the overall perception of teaching (Kyriacou & Stephens, 1999). Therefore, student teachers should discuss their concern with mentors and supervisors.

In summary, the issue of concern for teachers is an aspect that is often experienced by teachers when setting foot into the realm of teaching. All teachers will go through the stages of concern and aspects such as the tasks of teaching, classroom management and subject content as well as disciplinary problems will be taken care by the classroom teacher. One of the ways that teachers deal with the problem is to reflect on the daily caring and willing to accept feedback from other teachers as well as mentor or supervisor about the problem.

 3.3 Appearance of Teacher

Appearance of teachers referred to the personal characteristics of the teacher, including attitudes, beliefs, interests, appreciation and values. Stewart (2005) defines the appearance of the character traits and personality that are considered necessary for a person's success as a teacher. Traits include aspects of responsibility, dependability, creativity, empathy and professionalism. Hence, it's no wonder many studies indicating attitudes, values and beliefs of teachers about students, teaching and his influence and impact on student learning and development (Collinson et al., 1999). It is important for educators and teachers to know and understand the appearance of effective teachers so that they can create experiences that will help shape the characteristics of students and help students explore whether they have the appearance to teach (disposition to teach). Now, the appearance referred to as standard, that all teachers should know, act normally and can perform tasks responsibly regardless of subject matter or grade level taught (INTASC, 2005). Generally, the appearance includes a combination of past experience, social relations, values, attitudes and beliefs (Crick et al., 2004).Howard (2007) describes four key characteristics that stimulate appearance and personality of teachers that can produce significantly better outcomes. Those who adapt and exhibit these characteristics are those that will produce positive student. All four of these features consist of appearances for the difference, dialogue, disillusionment and democracy.

(i) Appearance of difference

For teachers who have to deal with different appearance suggests that teachers need to have a level of skill -based culture, an ability to identify and recognize certain realities created in the classroom with a variety of cultures. It was also shown that teachers are at a comfortable level of characteristic such as race, religion and gender. Teachers who can come in different cultural situations is a key element to be an effective teacher and a positive influence on the lives of students. Whether male or female students, white or black, religious or not, conservative or liberal, teachers

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need to know to stand up properly to deal with the differences. The ability to stand in the face of sensitive issues in a sincere, sensitive and meaningful yardstick of an educator is effective. Those who are unable to do so may affect the preparation of students to participate effectively in the world around students.

(ii) Appearance for dialogue

Appearance for dialogue is where teachers show passion and desire to know the other person and this refers to the willingness to explore the similarities and differences are between individuals. Howard (2007) identified two types of dialogue related to the teaching profession, the professional dialogue between colleagues and dialogue in the classroom between teachers and students.

Regular dialogue between teachers and their colleagues are able to deal with the way in which teachers' attitudes, beliefs and practices of their colleagues. This is an opportunity for teachers to make a comparison between them and learning from each other through the exchange of views.

Dialogue between teachers and students is very important for giving them the opportunity to communicate. In addition, students are given the opportunity to apply a variety of life experiences among students so that teaching and learning process more meaningful.


Teachers are able to come to face the frustration is showing openness teachers look outside of their own culture and the ability to examine beliefs and views beyond. According to Howard (2007) teachers can explore and set aside the illusion delusion is more responsive in terms of culture in various environments.

(iv) Democracy

Teachers who are effective in appearance represented those who are able to identify the importance of democracy which is all students have an equal opportunity to engage in all activities. Teachers are open and provide opportunities for students to engage in the process of T & L.

As a whole, students are educated in a multicultural environment will grow excellent if the teacher has the appearance of a difference, dialogue and disillusion. Such students will succeed and be better prepared for society changing towards a more democratic dialogue within the community that is always very important. It is not enough to know that whatever we think about is ourselves. However in this situation, is the first step in the exploration towards becoming an effective teacher. Furthermore, it has become a necessity to think about ways to change and improve the appearance / disposition or the perception of teachers in training and teachers in service. Powers (1999) noted that the appearance of a variety of standards outlined

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in the appearance can be taught to students. He also proposed an alternative to the appearance of teaching. His proposal is that student teachers should have awareness of appropriate appearance and use it as best as possible. In addition, pre-service teachers can be placed in certain situations in order to give them the opportunity to connect with teachers who exhibit the characteristics of a suitable appearance is modeled so as not to conflict with the teacher ethics.

3.4 Business in School

Business certainly has a space anywhere in the workplace or in the staff room. Staff room is commonly observed in the business. However, teachers are concerned about this have expressed concern that if the situation is not controlled businesses. Concerns and their worries are not without foundation because some teachers are enthusiastic business to forget and neglect their responsibilities.Teacher such actions effect the image of the noble profession in the past. The teacher should perform his duties as an educator in the classroom instead of doing business in school. Sometimes there are teachers who do business from car boot and the situation actually violated the ethics of public service and teachers are bound by the General Orders which will oversee the conduct and ethical behavior of employees in the public service. Therefore, the authorities should play a role by providing comments and take appropriate action against such teachers who tarnish the image of the teaching profession.

 3.5 Part Time Career

The educators classified as educational services officer and an integral part of government officials. But they are subject to the rules and laws of the civil service. As government officials, we are subject to the General Orders of the Government and conduct. Civil servants must obtain approval to do part-time work to supplement their income. Approval will only be given if the part-time job that does not conflict with regulations such as part-time work is not done in working hours and does not affect their work. Some teachers, including part-time jobs provide tuition classes or online classes to help students overcome difficulties in a variety of subjects using the expertise of outside work hours without affecting their performance. For example, the teachers held classes and lectures to give a speech or working part-time in private institutions to supplement their income. However, the government should take to monitor their performance will not be affected productivity while performing the task as public servants.

There are teachers who consider their careers as part-time and prioritize their activities in additional findings by conducting tuition classes in their home. They emphasize tuition compared to their role in the school. According to the ministry

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circular, prohibited teachers provide tuition and if teachers are to hold a class, he should not teach more than six hours a week. He must get permission from the Department of Education in advance.

Teachers who adhere to a Code of Ethics for Teachers should not accept student tuition fees, especially if he teaches his own students. If the teacher teaches his students, of course he does not concentrate on the teaching process in the classroom. Monitoring by particular authority is needed to ensure that teachers can carry out its responsibilities in the school and not the other way round.

3.6 Time Management

Time management is a personal process and must be appropriate to the style and condition of oneself. Time management is a discipline for the teacher. Effective time management depends on the person, which is the extent to which a firm is in managing to achieve desired.

In summary, time management is an effective time planning either on a daily, weekly or long term to allow time for the activities of lectures, learning, leisure, personal responsibility and break (Good, 1973).

Time management involves two dimensions, which are time management for teachers themselves and instill the importance of time management aspects in the minds of students. Quality teacher is the teacher who is willing to systematic planning time and will perform the duties prescribed time schedule.

In terms of time management for oneself, a teacher needs to plan the T & L over the period of time well in order not to waste student’s time. Teachers also need to be punctual when entering the classroom so that students can acquire the knowledge and skills fully. Teachers should not squander student’s precious time. This is because, every minute allocated only to be meaningful if the students are able to gain knowledge and skills given. Fulfilling the time required by the school, productivity will increase, while if the teacher late coming into the class, the teacher is accountable to its work. Students will face a loss of valuable time and wastage of time if not managed properly. The timeliness of entering the classroom, teachers can avoid mishaps, such as students who do noisy and naughty behavior in the classroom. Students will respect the teachers who has never been late in the classroom.

Turning to self-management of time, think about your time management too. Ask yourself, how much time do you spend doing tasks that are not important and the things that do not contribute to the success of your career? Do you know how much time you have to use to read your mail, chatting with colleagues, making coffee and lunch? Sometimes we think, 'I wish I had the extra half an hour a day and how many things I can do. Do you have long-term plans?

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In order to self- managing time well, all teachers should use the following activity log. By keeping this log for a few days will help you understand how you use your time and the time when you did a good job?

Record your activities in the log follows:

Time Desciption of activities Period Value

Based on the completed activity logs, you will aware of time management in your life. You will find out just how productive you in time management as a potential teacher. Log activity is a useful tool for auditing the way we use our time. Log activities also help us to determine changes in the energy and effectiveness of our all day. By examining the log, one can identify and reduce waste of time to produce something that is beneficial. A person can also outline the most effective time for him so he can do the important tasks at that time.

Case study:A history teacher enter the classroom twenty minutes late. He taught in haste because he wants to finish a topic that has been planned. Due to time constraints, he does not give students the opportunity to ask questions or make discussion on the topic being taught. Sometimes, he had to take the following period as necessary to complete the work and finish the syllabus..3.7 Financial Management

Financial management can be discussed from two aspects: first; how to manage finances while on the job at the school where the teacher is a teacher and second; ways a teacher himself and family financial management so as not plagued complexity in financial matters.

Among the issues around financial management is a problem in terms of the collection of Resources Public Money (SUWA) in the early years. Money leased a public collection and sources of finance that could be considered include student fees, donations, public donations, rental property such as school canteens, buses and the proceeds from the school projects (Abdullah Sani, 2005). For the classroom, teachers, they are responsible for collecting special fees and magazine fees. Teachers encountered problems producing a receipt for each item fee. This complicates the task of the teacher. Other problem is in terms of magazine fees as

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only a family of the bill. Therefore, teachers need time to locate family members. Sometimes teachers take some time to arrange finance students because there is a late payment fee should cause teachers to save money and later handed over the money to the office.

According to Shahril @ Chahril (2005), a major problem in the financial management of the school is the teachers make purchases without following the procedure of purchase. For example, there are teachers who make a purchase of goods or devices without using an order form, fill in addition there is also an order form after a few months. For example, some teachers simply submit a receipt or invoice in the following year.

This is a clear violation of the financial and principals have the right to refuse payment (Affandi Abdul Rahim, 2003 in Shahril @ Chahril, 2005).

In addition, there is also form teachers who collect special fees from students but not handing over the proceeds to the school. Instead, the teacher spends the money involved and it is only known to the school when a student complains of not receiving a receipt. Hence, there is also a classroom teacher who handed over the collection of special fees to the school a few weeks or months then it stands to reason to wait until all students have paid the fees (Wan Azman Wan Idris, 2002). This situation complicates the case of financial management by the school.

Even though external factors that complicate teachers financial management, teachers need to have accountability for the money collected and in charge. If stored and managed efficiently, the teacher will be safe. But if it fails to manage money properly collected, problems will arise for the school and he unable to deal with when the money collected from the student to the office.

Teachers should always practice virtues and wisdom moderate severity prudent financial management of self and family. Teachers need to be cautious when shopping, not practicing extravagant lifestyle and love to boast. Teachers should know the difference between needs and luxuries, spend wisely according to yourself and family. Teachers should know to save for future self and family.

3.8 Summary

This chapter has discussed the ethical issues that are constantly raised in the education field. Among them are courteous and concern teachers, teacher's appearance, business in school, part-time career, time management and financial management. The role of the teacher profession is tested when an image tarnished by a handful of teachers in terms of their behavior. Therefore, teachers must adhere to the Teachers Code of Ethics in order to protect the image of the teaching profession. On the issue of teacher politeness, he should exhibit politeness in terms of how to dress, how to act, how to talk and how to speak. In addition, concern

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teacher which is a combination of feelings, thoughts and attention given by the teacher of issues affecting the performance of his duties should be given attention. Teachers need to reflect on the daily caring and ready to receive feedback from other teachers as well as mentor or supervisor about the problem. As a competent teacher, his appearance in the classroom need to be addressed because teachers who exhibit the characteristics of a suitable appearance will be a role model to the students. .

In the teaching field, teachers must adhere to a code of ethics as a public servant when to run part-time work, in school and manage business finances either for school or himself. Teachers should be held accountable and have accountability based on his work to preserve and enhance the teaching profession. They have to manage time wisely so as to improve the performance and productivity of the organization.

Join activities

Teacher responsible with its own time management and emphasize the important of time management among students. Conduct research on your time management. What is the importance of managing time wisely?

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