.Top4oìir SUPEL FOODS 'u -LADYA-TR...

I - SUPEL FOODS SCOTT T©DPT TIWS DEL MOTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 TIN WHITE Oil COLOI5 I ÇQQ SIfEETS . ROYAL GEr'1N - -.. ALL FlAVORS KOSHER FOB pAS$OVE PEANUT OIL ::- 49c . FAMOUS COOKIES --ASSORTMENT Pk 4 C for for ITOIVATPOPUL.42T P$!PES - MRs. ADIERS MOP!N PECIPS GEFILTiE U.S. No. IDAH POTATOES -10-Ib. REE- QUSST - MANISCHEWITZ ORMOTHEES GEFILTE FISW qs --- KL'$ i KRUP-©E POTATO !S 4 9 _L t1 $4 FLORIDA Seedless GRAPEFRUITS 4 or 29 M O R: N:G S t AIR ROOM DEOORAE1T S!IP.EQ FOOS - C -MEAlY - - MIITE - STS - - ICIOTS POS SSH C PrI. Sale-Tfrough 5--! Malch 2rd -LADYA-TR GRADE 'A" FRY[RS WHOLE cur- - V UP- LB 3UR. ORBU ' !HE PERIS YOU UKE -BES.1 - TENDER PLUMP LS F3 TS - SSEI SOSID - - --- - - S!I!0!0d rO !!V. J _____ , JPNT1N ¿t'A VORITES FANCY n REIJi SLAPPER : - osrs , flLLETS r HOMEMADE DELICATE.WSPE CIAL9 - CUSOWN 1-r ' Thsfr4s r '-r ' -u t CQrEsLnT !tJ. j 'P '._ PTnTOSflID - [- - AM icì gSlILD I MR CL1ES MI TOALL CRUI VSI : - RFCODDD oua C 2626 GOLa,, GLVIEW, -.tpSoWES1I - Open Mon. !h.. S5. Q . to SO p.m. SEE. lo E.n. t 6 p,. PA m322- CAU.1u EU O fl Fe] EUe.! VILRLS*inBoEUs SPEcIAlS si; 2E000EVOEI -- 'I COUPON ' - -SAUS 15' nt un oF - torn scoe rnr ruis - . E.S9, ibM ANN 5 SUPES OOD5 qlwqy I t e ! T h m.wITy wIo o ftkØE OVEE SEESØ!PEt by In yo.T °M1 EII!9 - wIll dá 1% 01 PErbC Eli yEr owd t fl!Y doØpptEd çco EOgflIQd lond hifl9O,5Eflitjfl. A oEmpIe of viit ThIs Ç!I 4o. l m Mb r p di O$2SOOPC otEINS IdeE fl$65OOISe!yaU grm.p ifl yCO. - - - The pIm b dmplE. AI ym. hmm dp ¡ qvE yOo!h ogIto.oIp oC $2.00o m,,c.Pkk on ofUçc from yo ØOEP to 0dIE tI çaIp .odemplIm th'EEOb m. fkø. YoE Eoy rodgom tho ç!coIts Ilmo theyhqvo $OO.00 m more Eu.orndEiod. Ev!lb49g b.,t ot ed I4qo (Io!o Ev.iIbIuviII b od1tod twa,d yçhok. Pea$ he - yOEr gOEpflkE EElçt m., offIo dotEI. - : itfN'S SUPIT OOISS - OFFER STAOTS WE ARCH 2Oh ' - -------- Don't Forget - ìssova COSTS LESS - T SELLING STAEUTSTHURS. MARCrIU 2st ATrpUR GOLF QAD !QE MONDAY. MASCK 25th Et 35OI4watNcE 3300 8ftTN MAPI : Take W4! -- -»esion To .Top4oìir : /UTT TtT TYP Fp!?/TcT AE TMOS'bY nlghcs UUSEeO meIEg oaly Truto, Jqljn Stapjey vowd CifltE p. pe wich vqEId COSE betwo. 2,OOO-$4OO. PAtyor!Isemi azoruey George I3eOcjns said they felt s honE obllgoUon to 4015er purspo this project, mid fett co,Iüdept rIley would n relve i favorable jolipg (coin the highrr court. Tite 1.2 1011. lion dollar construction was (q jit u joint sewer project and ari Ridge ivoald PY for 2O,, based on Iie proporriqp of u e. A JOtbIte beeiltE of .iboi,t 25D.00o would iieerease ihr c9sEof the aoscsspeiic to land.. qwipe(s. However, Judge S,d- ivat liad ruled litai ¡lie jsint special peqjeet wa tEl egal. Ageoriiing to Li se oqly a small i$norily of ipteristid PPdawners objected Io thepro- cet, aia$ (liai (he piajarity al tIpe people did iiol voice oh. erU017s. Attorney Ceocaris said lt isas likely a decision wqpld Jie reached ,y lbs SIaTe Cpqr within sia toeightqionfho. - -V - 11 «lice actions a kbepçs (qoflon Vas irnanhialqiisly ajo. ppivcd warviog feos for 111e pqrk 'qildjng qqd 0lIIII1IPIPS ligar caIistfllC1on at tile Oiiji- tap-.4llwaohce _.I3lqiic rcporfeøthalfllereis E great injersot byNI4esi1eo for the building nf q lIbrary. io- /cr4iig ÇIiaE the library hopad okopla take pote of tills 1.e151 anellI. ...Spapiqer jobo far yoaq4c. wIll he lrnodloi by the Nilco YO4ÇlI Coqpcll. ...Tae Aipecican Lio Co. received approval for M-1 ao; Ing at Oakwq aia Cidaisdl. Weine. wiqa borke for die Cqwaty1 votci4 agaiqste zopiog i4fter o(qaipg (oi the company woa4d accelerato their price to 111e copIy. when the whasieg of Pa5too Staeef took- plqce. pl4!4IpTlI nn ?agp 5 Maine Soub troundbeakiag nnday A bIe mid simple Gropqç/ Breping cecowooyoqkiogt1c bpgioaipg 01 soastaocç/op of Maqe Towoolap l-lig5 Soufa is oc5c41ded for Smplay ai(Crs000. 51ae5 31. at f50 SToles Souçil s/to beginning at S TSe poisic as cordially wv- tei( is alpeod fias al/ide. The Croonç Breaking Cero- o-psy was orglamJly sehedoled fpa Mapeb 30, 1963, ai lQiOO AhI.l(/s kopec that thehuogs lo date will ro-ko at po.sable for v/oub1jc paraselyatiso. M. Wa(er T. CaIgle, Pee. o-deo( of the Bpal( of Educe.- non, piii;l be io charge. and *leTe will be brief oddposses ST r. Ear5e 15. NiTse, So- pcpin5eodent, Mr. W. 8e Ball, ÇaIo,ioan o th BUI5IIOg Çoos- notee, mid M. flonSfillwanglt, ppçoçqtoUvo çf (4cçoughey. Eickoojt, 1Cisflpanq & Still- WE/git, Achi5ncts.PafliçiPaoto Ial the Çnuwtd Breakipas Cere- moEçy wll 1E41p1O rcres(nS- j aTço O odiaO5 aji4 cqmnpwt- l53 Qrganizooan. :s;ss, :. ---- u" EDPTOIAL5 or The -arJc 3oard V Schreiner, Peek, Miller We keieve. io chsqsaiig candi,Iatss io scj-vc'1) II IllIhile Sourds, Iliac we vote fur peupjo who tie respc,,Isiqe. tl1eIJecfoqfly crepi/vc and have oxperiences io titear 5tsaoe;5 .iqtt (soilpopify Jafe w5ici/ iilidicaie.. their filare cupirihopor1 lu file Saart/. Using citse pialo-es al, a lottie ls leileve LUI.i St:/jiEJN55, I /(FlTii l'ECK aloi JO/. hI//.L/I4E tre (Ile iles(-epl/p5etl randidajes i 105e ave oIl the /larK bard. In tite raec fur tile SIX ycar Ieru Schreiner lv oppq..sd by Jerry / Sullivan. Coring tije /Ittsf becky /pI/isaq boo keep (lie ugly coqd1dats ibornilaritiog .leco"atioo .if I/te lIbiaS tuant w/ae/i we ile/tese gd/cafes Ills lack of res /bui ahility. its ON/i-SiAN asso:. litons live left //le I 1111j1r55.blio,i /ilaL i be p.Ir/c itodid jodEs/tope st oJsi as lswp eflgagi I Jlap5y yanky. (iii page /5 SgJ/is.1p Clt/I/51 tosas i/h s tJiic pgd ppa grihtcisIls. liSifl5 lits Iqt-ai pewsilapecs 0.1 iI lIeoti$3ilL_nswssEqry forni I of llroIIagapda, wi/ic/b tue/hei-, lit llls/ tRiage. Jliu III'. .1fÇack on I tite Board are without proof, Opti flavo 5sep crea/ei honnit P,ltOpOiLll tuile /f lu' 5od proof of gf Isis crjoic/s/fls, li° wao/d llave .jiepti 'II Ipar/I l,oard 01cc/ipSo Osoptit.. before //ls pleelpop pflIl VII/sed it'i objectapgs, Tien hab did qo igtiicaiev 11111/ lis ast /110114/e easlpn;go lis 00-niocil politacal fodder. \Ve tvuidd iba sultry of eotigst/ig iii Jlldgcapent of sptgdtrtg IllilIft. (ois, ça a 111011 Isba rgekiessiy aftacks ailiers Isililsgf eqhqii/ttpg proof of itt., e/lItre es. !-is oppsgept parS iioqrcl Presid, pi /.at sfllreipsr. itas hosii ope Df Ils ili's/ por/o cllnup/v'iqners Ills erse tuis ÇsjOiflllpiIy, 5/e Isis lai triqpsly led the wqy fur file rpa/ly IIIlrh re/prelo/qWo presegied to Nalesileo. //e also wos p5.iÇrqIIjej/ia ip irip/agg lite Isfy far fur, sqcccsoÇgl par5 rscreagiop ipx reÇerepdqm respIting ip 0/Ii' present, recteiflop progritol. lcllreaners t4fqns oi 15e Iipaat/ /esevcs /1is bpaog rc-eected. I 'rIe /tsq year ;er;/I ho- i/pr cpgdid-Ileo Vielpg tnr ç/a/s Post. 5°/Ii i Iceitla Pech and Sitertsig Les/psop ftb wel/-qpql/fisti to spve Ol liii' Board. Pech, a MqrtIiletIo Ugivcrsijy grfdqa/e, PsIÇ/e a grcqg eo(qrl- I Il/ion f0 Çi/e cog1/lIoply wilell 5e 11coded 14 coqIan;tee qE clçiaeps. who Isor/sec/ Ç4reessy apd sgceeos/p4/y /p p/ding /ie pqsoage o/ 4psf I 0i0W0CS pork re/eropt/PW. /3051, g1e Sc/p-pIper ant/ Soil/Voji caqs5s , Cr/eli ça get Peck to mp IiiÇ5 151 sm/Ip, andlçqfaoy Sie 1/1(11 respect , Il/cy kogi1 Itose for /°eck. Ike olIare (his resyer/ agli /telieve Peck wquld be q000ts5ipd/og ftld4tiop io I/te Etqrk oqii. I V SSerwiII Livipsott, /I aiÇsrlt'y, is the iqollmilegl siniitipg 151v IerIn.I Levjqooq has beep n vapeh/e honrd gloinher dgrieg 5e IqsI Seqr and t oolt/ be ti worthy rellresealtative. We be/içve boI5 lis piid l'ecU V re two 0/ Ike best ce.pditlates rgppqtg tar Wc park 5oproi. Uj4u-1 IwIqtely, since filone "twa best" are Canadian for //le suele Çer/p. only ooewiil ho eiecfed. j Joe Miller is cIaiog agolpo; Steve C5otgeçski for 15e foor yeaç ;erm. Vi's believe Mi1s1' woi4d lopile lite greater cugfrlholil.q to titeb Hoard l,aoed on ill'. i'nst esperleoce. Miileç. a gradppte ai fforlii- western, is po..c ilcesident si iiie Pakioti Manor liutneawcs-rs Asso- cittiion. and cs nuls a oepsher o/ ii;s Zoing Esatti. Tite pas' ont Park hoard is io oct11 5f grenIer ereauve Slinking a; au execlIçave 4evs'i, optI MIller' L'aehgroaad t 1111M Ill/alliS qqs to tilts area. lo- comhent Steve l'kaIser k ti-alle of the hard'sç tsarkers atol de. I/IC lsd Illelllher sí 1111' Qrc.etit pori. ins.srd. Fh e/forte. in reereatisli ict., stade ilitIl a gsstl o 15111 11cr sí fill' fluaçd. /!asevcr. io tile teilt of LI.ssOtiVe 1001151/' 150 Usi it-ve hither tenidO ko f beret lite sollt- Ittootty. Smigiel- For judge Is Txcsdaye jstiicia4 ciTe//sIt nc h9po Niesi;çes nA/k ta/e few 1w/astes of 1110fr 1/IssT ast east s thogy ysu" vot lux- t\o-o Togy Sndgie NiTos presepI fIel/re lb1lg/s/rlw. Ile i;s çposed fat- the jvdgehitip îs-TJiiesVj1igeCsps-t by Eçi;a1-t/ Kpstççkj. - Sosigici, who has g/vç os nil;el 5/ 1415501f bu (it/S c°ninilrd/Y so any single resident. dexpes t5e catire cpnipai;pys saperf. Suive f/niT' hack wg iWti; QSCo-iOIp /9 Sçax wit/i aq assisMift sçftes uE5rIvy w bad bçv belorç wig/el'x flçiiec Ipv5s- tea/es epprt maoy Uancs; kl 'i;n5qTçocçd 5PT ÇTc nia/çS pqopswyd pffiçç hqp5o t5çy «lU aSnays gÇÇ p fpp 5cp/pg Iifi;/cs conc. We he5iewe lp Sc/TaT Tvxumpq3/ CÇÇIIi;15e ggçq pyQ( °cc'nss p idc5 çalav1gy. poring /fileo 5eaip Icaco, «hes hçr çgtp/atI5i pg /.c wiffagç kaff wow Sploel//ilaf fOiOltÇØ Siqogfçfs iWeçily ellYc fbfv pflfag SW poly P51W af cos5teçfabfiffy. t(hiie qcigf5qu'ipg wiffage pfffçlaJs oçoffçvf at Mlles village 5aff !p5icPUptt, E5Oy nfwsysp.ere5thafv$hiçe opb*Oii heat speaking of Sianglaf s cçprt. Dog'mg filfes aaft day Sínlge5 sas fufes pnv oy of 11gb/.fiffesffcx bf ipthis infegafpy çpiqllprfft4ly be pwyaldby thdll NaLalletc 1yçsday. - - us-, April 2-Ei t .JudjcjI PoUs- Qffical, ; - I, resalle t 03: Crenoan HeagltIs Pleld blouse, 82S (Ikefa ¡vveoae. All es/denaa 01 NIfes Ptiçk ElivIrict b;viog vsesc cl fIle ccii- 1er lane nf Hocicas Apenon lv the NUes Siedi L'IsWPcI b8mils and nadIa Of the çeaxe line p5 Oabçtoq SIeeI and naobl cl the ctsc hate pg MalusUsca. V V Çoubioagil q Enge g --J ¡J 'u 25. 59 444 vçies çpsç5pg gçf pp/pysÇcç VP/P 9/ 9qÇ nI5s 11I/r/Iwpce pg M4Iwpcc plIclp- I/IT/f Ç5iIrc5 Sfcwpf. - PPDllS For s%es'jj 2 - - /ng jlJaeob fOf 1/le iiIdilial p- 15cl/all. Aprl/ 2 1963; /115 fa/lawiptg x a //xf 5 Judge II Nibs//es eip ftti file/bpIis, Precinct 1 - Village (loll /5ey Will vp/e twice 'Ipa-day fe Il/reo 50r/l calSltl/vS/uqero Ali 5010E-i. residing SppIit I/f apti t judge. l),i/5011 Slanci (esgopdiclg ta V1/- Iai.e uan'lI Oli jie 095 We5 Boraqoe musc Nilo-/lev will or/ti Soolit) VO/e lE ViUpge IlnIl. ipvp w go ro twa 'leyprpto polls Miiwopkeo apd 'roai1y. - 19 COOl fitetr votes far tilo yea eleiw/aps che espeelapcy al a i1reciIIct 2 - Sn. Jolla tirelteuf 1150v5 xpto S. p0/ qWig/ppied, Ali vqteri. residIng lIe/beep In /5e Jettic/qj elecllsp Sp- (111(1011 agli 54-a/II, casI iS MII- 11115 IllagisIrule cI/un Sipigiol 0100(50 uniI ScIocco MilwqpKco w/5 gppste lidaq-xl 1(051cc/li .Vsenhls apd 15e V/lqge I/In/an (or I/lo gesIy clbapteti posi /0 PII tile OfCt, vpIi. ag 5. Jolip rido over fes vIlIdge cuorI. idreitttpi. Pci/I jolog ure a/borgeS SmI- fiel sto keep 5111es poilaI' /1l0 Precinct 3 - Tllalaas Jt'.ffer;t' gbs/rale (or /5e pavI seveg 6111111 yeqrv, ppd iiu onqlhosizod In /lls cpIppo/gping 1/lI/I 1111v Jild' All vocl'r'I rI's/Il/pg wc' 9/ idol esperlopge maSco itI M/iwtiqkee Avg5pe 9111/ 5ep-pep wpfl-qpofl/ljo/ lar /5° ppot. IInkçop tipil PeW/Ia/pr. VollI ql 1(nstocI4,. Icho is O 4as, pqrfner Thug/ps ,e//prvog Sc/loaf. in blip thrIll pl l(çI'4oçki qnd Eu- bsl cpgfogdo 5/v lcgul /lqd- /1recinct 4 - Notre l3ame Higl grqppd agO poper/ppcnqqalilaov Sciloal lilly 10V /ha /n000ohip. A/j volsrs rcxMcpg pl/sg pl Over Ip I//n Stick Sourd oleo- M/lwnu5ee Aveppe Segwcep cinq 11111 ni4ni' pop/ext lapins Mid5 OIt/ peips;er nani cil /5° pvcr cile s/s ygaç ferle, 1v/IS V/I!tcgc llantan oli Ilie cast, vntc lpçpp/5eg/ 1-aic Scilrplpor, pro- at N(qi-e papie iligli Sc5aa/. Sep/ pqrh bpqrti prosldsji/ vie- Ing agqlpsc Jerry St4llvqp, /qs; PiI.'eiIICt 5 - lIant Malee HartS. ((pr's i'iles ptys cliolrmqii. SIdilivall lupo maifo p/tI/if (19o- gos-t 089/gol If/It /lCO5Pff pqrk Itopril Coke /105ev lO ) vhich 5c/lcc/ne 5o cqlegarlçully pan swerod. TSe lpi;r pepr race p/Is 1g.. com/topl llpve CIlamoro/li, 5/110 miii apjlplttte Itt die 5aard 18 P19/0/Is 0k0 apaipslJoekliblor. pow n nigmho ai Nile' zoning board, 5963or /lqs nlsp /s/vsi p/ct a; tite park hopi'd. Iibapgil l'recmctfll: 5css veltetllepily lilao ha1/yao. fiiIe.i howlIng entcr. 7333 Milwaokee Abe. Çe.otlidtifvv is fleo Sstir IP- fIglIe IllealIbtIelIt Shervvip I All cesideol, of N/Ins l'qrk 111.511. WIllI 1501, ollyuipleti III lite LIisiç1sI living seitlit uf tfe ceta. beard last icor, Kehl1 cccl., /ar Itas- el OSbioll Sweet, fItti eit',l alIti Well Is Ik'5 Nibs who iloadod life Citizen-, cuitt- l'ark lItsIrist ballIate.. olilfot 1er parks lIt tis ia's y ',tr Polk refI'reoçittnt galli Precinct ?12t - 01/ It. ii 'rtIlOtt Gr 151051e. Il. t SI. situ Brelboul Schaut. 830/ Siamo I'oo 1115/b Rc:1thli 'ap Si. llaneo- Ave. 5eCtllC1 0.118010.311 l5iit.ePrsl,. Velb'llbO, i'rest jellS e Ntl -s -Ail revideatix s/ flilex Pork ierr,tge ('tx C lttlprovelttcet Districf livisg cavi 9f lit,e rea- As-teciotti,e, bile 01511gec- Ter litIo of Har/oni AI/çaI/v Otaf ittily ratt fur Vtil,l,,5' clerk 1 I'S i;sth of Ike coo/er Ilse uf Oak- 35er. eu Street io pi1g Nils's /'atk C/sir/cl fftsits. - BUGLE News Scheduh AU school. golly/sos. social aildpulIffca/ iions laust Wash- lIlI/lied I '531E NULS BUGLE, 8539 Miiwaglsce dAen5eiI/( Prf- slay prcçç'çiiag the week pl gob- tiçatipo. La/p oporto anti gen- cr05 news mpsÇ be iCsefVgti gp' oeec Ilion . A.M, the/ulixu-. lug mawiog loSZntSlatgthçvent, In 1g çanagg bp lascl,gdesiItp ISv 0505/e ncbçdga/e. ai. g ES ilotes -

Transcript of .Top4oìir SUPEL FOODS 'u -LADYA-TR...











::- 49c














--- KL'$ i


49 _L t1




4 or 29M O R: N:G St




-MEAlY - -


STS - -




Sale-Tfrough 5--! Malch 2rd


WHOLE cur-- V UP-





- SSEI SOSID - - --- - -S!I!0!0d rO !!V.

J _____



n REIJi SLAPPER : -osrs

, flLLETS r


CUSOWN 1-r ' Thsfr4sr '-r ' -u t CQrEsLnT !tJ.

j'P '._ PTnTOSflID - [- -

AM icì gSlILDI




2626 GOLa,, GLVIEW,-.tpSoWES1I

- Open Mon. !h.. S5. Q . to SO p.m.SEE. lo E.n. t 6 p,.

PA m322-CAU.1u EU O fl Fe] EUe.!



2E000EVOEI --



' - -SAUS 15' nt un oF- torn scoe rnr ruis

- .



ANN 5 SUPES OOD5 qlwqy I t e ! T h m.wITy wIoo ftkØE OVEE SEESØ!PEt by In yo.T °M1 EII!9 W° -

wIll dá 1% 01 PErbC Eli yEr owd t fl!Y doØpptEd çcoEOgflIQd lond hifl9O,5Eflitjfl. A oEmpIe of viit ThIs Ç!I 4o. l

m Mb r p di O$2SOOPC otEINS IdeE fl$65OOISe!yaUgrm.p ifl yCO. - - -

The pIm b dmplE. AI ym. hmm dp ¡ qvE yOo!h ogIto.oIpoC $2.00o m,,c.Pkk on ofUçc from yo ØOEP to 0dIE tI çaIp ¶.odemplIm th'EEOb m. fkø. YoE Eoy rodgom tho ç!coItsIlmo theyhqvo $OO.00 m more Eu.orndEiod. Ev!lb49g b.,t ot edI4qo (Io!o Ev.iIbIuviII b od1tod twa,d yçhok. Pea$ he -yOEr gOEpflkE EElçt m., offIo dotEI. -



OFFER STAOTS WE ARCH 2Oh ' - --------

Don't Forget -

ìssova COSTS LESS -



MONDAY. MASCK 25th Et35OI4watNcE 3300 8ftTN MAPI

: Take W4!-- -»esion To




AE TMOS'bY nlghcs UUSEeOmeIEg oaly Truto, JqljnStapjey vowd CifltE p.pe wich vqEId COSE betwo.2,OOO-$4OO. PAtyor!Isemi

azoruey George I3eOcjns saidthey felt s honE obllgoUon to4015er purspo this project, midfett co,Iüdept rIley would nrelve i favorable jolipg (cointhe highrr court. Tite 1.2 1011.lion dollar construction was (qjit u joint sewer project and

ari Ridge ivoald PY for 2O,,based on Iie proporriqp of u e.A JOtbIte beeiltE of .iboi,t25D.00o would iieerease ihr

c9sEof the aoscsspeiic to land..qwipe(s. However, Judge S,d-ivat liad ruled litai ¡lie jsint

special peqjeet wa tEl egal.

Ageoriiing to Li se oqly asmall i$norily of ipteristidPPdawners objected Io thepro-cet, aia$ (liai (he piajarity altIpe people did iiol voice oh.erU017s. Attorney Ceocarissaid lt isas likely a decisionwqpld Jie reached ,y lbs SIaTeCpqr within sia toeightqionfho.

- -V - 11 «lice actions a kbepçs(qoflon Vas irnanhialqiisly ajo.ppivcd warviog feos for 111epqrk 'qildjng qqd 0lIIII1IPIPSligar caIistfllC1on at tile Oiiji-tap-.4llwaohce

_.I3lqiic rcporfeøthalfllereisE great injersot byNI4esi1eo forthe building nf q lIbrary. io-/cr4iig ÇIiaE the library hopadokopla take pote of tills 1.e151anellI.

...Spapiqer jobo far yoaq4c.wIll he lrnodloi by the NilcoYO4ÇlI Coqpcll.

...Tae Aipecican Lio Co.received approval for M-1 ao;Ing at Oakwq aia Cidaisdl.Weine. wiqa borke for dieCqwaty1 votci4 agaiqste zopiogi4fter o(qaipg (oi the companywoa4d accelerato their price to111e copIy. when the whasiegof Pa5too Staeef took- plqce.

pl4!4IpTlI nn ?agp 5

Maine Soubtroundbeakiag

nndayA bIe mid simple Gropqç/

Breping cecowooyoqkiogt1cbpgioaipg 01 soastaocç/op ofMaqe Towoolap l-lig5 Soufa isoc5c41ded for Smplay ai(Crs000.51ae5 31. at f50 SToles Souçils/to beginning at S

TSe poisic as cordially wv-tei( is alpeod fias al/ide.

The Croonç Breaking Cero-o-psy was orglamJly sehedoledfpa Mapeb 30, 1963, ai lQiOOAhI.l(/s kopec that thehuogslo date will ro-ko at po.sablefor v/oub1jc paraselyatiso.

M. Wa(er T. CaIgle, Pee.o-deo( of the Bpal( of Educe.-non, piii;l be io charge. and*leTe will be brief oddpossesST r. Ear5e 15. NiTse, So-pcpin5eodent, Mr. W. 8e Ball,ÇaIo,ioan o th BUI5IIOg Çoos-notee, mid M. flonSfillwanglt,ppçoçqtoUvo çf (4cçoughey.

Eickoojt, 1Cisflpanq & Still-WE/git, Achi5ncts.PafliçiPaotoIal the Çnuwtd Breakipas Cere-moEçy wll 1E41p1O rcres(nS-


aTço O odiaO5 aji4 cqmnpwt-l53 Qrganizooan.

:s;ss, :. ----


or The -arJc 3oard

V Schreiner, Peek, MillerWe keieve. io chsqsaiig candi,Iatss io scj-vc'1) II IllIhile Sourds,

Iliac we vote fur peupjo who tie respc,,Isiqe. tl1eIJecfoqfly crepi/vcand have oxperiences io titear 5tsaoe;5 .iqtt (soilpopify Jafe w5ici/

iilidicaie.. their filare cupirihopor1 lu file Saart/.

Using citse pialo-es al, a lottie ls leileve LUI.i St:/jiEJN55,I /(FlTii l'ECK aloi JO/. hI//.L/I4E tre (Ile iles(-epl/p5etl randidajesi 105e ave oIl the /larK bard.

In tite raec fur tile SIX ycar Ieru Schreiner lv oppq..sd by Jerry/ Sullivan. Coring tije /Ittsf becky /pI/isaq boo keep (lie ugly coqd1datsibornilaritiog .leco"atioo .if I/te lIbiaS tuant w/ae/i we ile/tese gd/cafesIlls lack of res /bui ahility. its ON/i-SiAN asso:. litons live left //le

I 1111j1r55.blio,i /ilaL i be p.Ir/c itodid jodEs/tope st oJsi as lswp eflgagiI Jlap5y yanky. (iii page /5 SgJ/is.1p Clt/I/51 tosas i/h s tJiic pgd ppagrihtcisIls. liSifl5 lits Iqt-ai pewsilapecs 0.1 iI lIeoti$3ilL_nswssEqry forni

Iof llroIIagapda, wi/ic/b tue/hei-, lit llls/ tRiage. Jliu III'. .1fÇack on

Itite Board are without proof, Opti flavo 5sep crea/ei honnit P,ltOpOiLlltuile /f lu' 5od proof of gf Isis crjoic/s/fls, li° wao/d llave .jiepti 'II

Ipar/Il,oard 01cc/ipSo Osoptit.. before //ls pleelpop pflIl VII/sed it'i

objectapgs, Tien hab did qo igtiicaiev 11111/ lis ast /110114/e easlpn;golis 00-niocil politacal fodder. \Ve tvuidd iba sultry of eotigst/ig iiiJlldgcapent of sptgdtrtg IllilIft. (ois, ça a 111011 Isba rgekiessiy aftacksailiers Isililsgf eqhqii/ttpg proof of itt., e/lItre es.

!-is oppsgept parS iioqrcl Presid, pi /.at sfllreipsr. itas hosii opeDf Ils ili's/ por/o cllnup/v'iqners Ills erse tuis ÇsjOiflllpiIy, 5/e Isislai triqpsly led the wqy fur file rpa/ly IIIlrh re/prelo/qWo presegiedto Nalesileo. //e also wos p5.iÇrqIIjej/ia ip irip/agg lite Isfy far fur,sqcccsoÇgl par5 rscreagiop ipx reÇerepdqm respIting ip 0/Ii' present,recteiflop progritol. lcllreaners t4fqns oi 15e Iipaat/ /esevcs /1isbpaog rc-eected.

I'rIe /tsq year ;er;/I ho- i/pr cpgdid-Ileo Vielpg tnr ç/a/s Post. 5°/Ii

i Iceitla Pech and Sitertsig Les/psop ftb wel/-qpql/fisti to spve Ol liii'Board. Pech, a MqrtIiletIo Ugivcrsijy grfdqa/e, PsIÇ/e a grcqg eo(qrl-

IIl/ion f0 Çi/e cog1/lIoply wilell 5e 11coded 14 coqIan;tee qE clçiaeps.

who Isor/sec/ Ç4reessy apd sgceeos/p4/y /p p/ding /ie pqsoage o/ 4psfI 0i0W0CS pork re/eropt/PW. /3051, g1e Sc/p-pIper ant/ Soil/Voji caqs5s, Cr/eli ça get Peck to mp IiiÇ5 151 sm/Ip, andlçqfaoy Sie 1/1(11 respect, Il/cy kogi1 Itose for /°eck. Ike olIare (his resyer/ agli /telieve Peckwquld be q000ts5ipd/og ftld4tiop io I/te Etqrk oqii. I


SSerwiII Livipsott, /I aiÇsrlt'y, is the iqollmilegl siniitipg 151v IerIn.ILevjqooq has beep n vapeh/e honrd gloinher dgrieg 5e IqsI Seqrand t oolt/ be ti worthy rellresealtative. We be/içve boI5 lis piid l'ecUV re two 0/ Ike best ce.pditlates rgppqtg tar Wc park 5oproi. Uj4u-1IwIqtely, since filone "twa best" are Canadian for //le suele Çer/p.only ooewiil ho eiecfed.

jJoe Miller is cIaiog agolpo; Steve C5otgeçski for 15e foor yeaç

;erm. Vi's believe Mi1s1' woi4d lopile lite greater cugfrlholil.q to titebHoard l,aoed on ill'. i'nst esperleoce. Miileç. a gradppte ai fforlii-western, is po..c ilcesident si iiie Pakioti Manor liutneawcs-rs Asso-cittiion. and cs nuls a oepsher o/ ii;s Zoing Esatti. Tite pas' ontPark hoard is io oct11 5f grenIer ereauve Slinking a; au execlIçave4evs'i, optI MIller' L'aehgroaad t 1111M Ill/alliS qqs to tilts area. lo-comhent Steve l'kaIser k ti-alle of the hard'sç tsarkers atol de.I/IC lsd Illelllher sí 1111' Qrc.etit pori. ins.srd. Fh e/forte. in reereatisliict., stade ilitIl a gsstl o 15111 11cr sí fill' fluaçd. /!asevcr. io tile teiltof LI.ssOtiVe 1001151/' 150 Usi it-ve hither tenidO ko f beret lite sollt-Ittootty.

Smigiel- For judgeIs Txcsdaye jstiicia4 ciTe//sIt nc h9po Niesi;çes nA/k ta/e few

1w/astes of 1110fr 1/IssT ast east s thogy ysu" vot lux- t\o-o TogySndgie NiTos presepI fIel/re lb1lg/s/rlw. Ile i;s çposed fat- thejvdgehitip îs-TJiiesVj1igeCsps-t by Eçi;a1-t/ Kpstççkj. -

Sosigici, who has g/vç os nil;el 5/ 1415501f bu (it/S c°ninilrd/Yso any single resident. dexpes t5e catire cpnipai;pys saperf.

Suive f/niT' hack wg iWti; QSCo-iOIp /9 Sçax wit/i aq assisMiftsçftes uE5rIvy w bad bçv belorç wig/el'x flçiiec Ipv5s-tea/es epprt maoy Uancs; kl 'i;n5qTçocçd 5PT ÇTc nia/çS pqopswydpffiçç hqp5o t5çy «lU aSnays gÇÇ p fpp 5cp/pg Iifi;/cs conc.We he5iewe lp Sc/TaT Tvxumpq3/ CÇÇIIi;15e ggçq pyQ( °cc'nssp idc5 çalav1gy.

poring /fileo 5eaip Icaco, «hes hçr çgtp/atI5i pg /.c wiffagç kaffwow Sploel//ilaf fOiOltÇØ Siqogfçfs iWeçily ellYc fbfv pflfag SW polyP51W af cos5teçfabfiffy. t(hiie qcigf5qu'ipg wiffage pfffçlaJs oçoffçvfat Mlles village 5aff !p5icPUptt, E5Oy nfwsysp.ere5thafv$hiçeopb*Oii heat speaking of Sianglaf s cçprt. Dog'mg filfes aaft daySínlge5 sas fufes pnv oy of 11gb/.fiffesffcx bf ipthis infegafpyçpiqllprfft4ly be pwyaldby thdll NaLalletc 1yçsday. - -

us-, April 2-Ei t.JudjcjI PoUs- Qffical, ; -

I, resalle t 03:Crenoan HeagltIs Pleld blouse,82S (Ikefa ¡vveoae.

All es/denaa 01 NIfes PtiçkElivIrict b;viog vsesc cl fIle ccii-1er lane nf Hocicas Apenon lvthe NUes Siedi L'IsWPcI b8milsand nadIa Of the çeaxe line p5Oabçtoq SIeeI and naobl cl thectsc hate pg MalusUsca. V


Çoubioagil q Enge g



'u25. 59

444 vçies çpsç5pg gçfpp/pysÇcç VP/P 9/ 9qÇ nI5s11I/r/Iwpce pg M4Iwpcc plIclp-I/IT/f Ç5iIrc5 Sfcwpf. -

PPDllSFor s%es'jj 2 - -

/ng jlJaeob fOf 1/le iiIdilial p-15cl/all. Aprl/ 2 1963;

/115 fa/lawiptg x a //xf 5 JudgeII Nibs//es eip ftti file/bpIis,Precinct 1 - Village (loll /5ey Will vp/e twice 'Ipa-day

fe Il/reo 50r/l calSltl/vS/uqeroAli 5010E-i. residing SppIit I/f apti t judge.l),i/5011 Slanci (esgopdiclg ta V1/-Iai.e uan'lI Oli jie 095 We5 Boraqoe musc Nilo-/lev willor/ti Soolit) VO/e lE ViUpge IlnIl. ipvp w go ro twa 'leyprpto pollsMiiwopkeo apd 'roai1y. - 19 COOl fitetr votes far tilo yea

eleiw/aps che espeelapcy al ai1reciIIct 2 - Sn. Jolla tirelteuf 1150v5 xpto S. p0/ qWig/ppied,

Ali vqteri. residIng lIe/beep In /5e Jettic/qj elecllsp Sp-(111(1011 agli 54-a/II, casI iS MII-11115 IllagisIrule cI/un Sipigiol0100(50 uniI ScIocco MilwqpKco w/5 gppste lidaq-xl 1(051cc/li.Vsenhls apd 15e V/lqge I/In/an (or I/lo gesIy clbapteti posi /0PII tile OfCt, vpIi. ag 5. Jolip rido over fes vIlIdge cuorI.idreitttpi.Pci/I jolog ure a/borgeS SmI-fiel sto keep 5111es poilaI' /1l0Precinct 3 - Tllalaas Jt'.ffer;t' gbs/rale (or /5e pavI seveg6111111yeqrv, ppd iiu onqlhosizod In/lls cpIppo/gping 1/lI/I 1111v Jild'All vocl'r'I rI's/Il/pg wc' 9/ idol esperlopge maSco itIM/iwtiqkee Avg5pe 9111/ 5ep-pep wpfl-qpofl/ljo/ lar /5° ppot.IInkçop tipil PeW/Ia/pr. VollI ql1(nstocI4,. Icho is O 4as, pqrfnerThug/ps ,e//prvog Sc/loaf.in blip thrIll pl l(çI'4oçki qnd Eu-bsl cpgfogdo 5/v lcgul /lqd-/1recinct 4 - Notre l3ame Higlgrqppd agO poper/ppcnqqalilaovSciloallilly 10V /ha /n000ohip.

A/j volsrs rcxMcpg pl/sg plOver Ip I//n Stick Sourd oleo-M/lwnu5ee Aveppe Segwcep cinq 11111 ni4ni' pop/ext lapinsMid5 OIt/ peips;er nani cil /5°

pvcr cile s/s ygaç ferle, 1v/ISV/I!tcgc llantan oli Ilie cast, vntclpçpp/5eg/ 1-aic Scilrplpor, pro-at N(qi-e papie iligli Sc5aa/.Sep/ pqrh bpqrti prosldsji/ vie-Ing agqlpsc Jerry St4llvqp, /qs;PiI.'eiIICt 5 - lIant Malee HartS. ((pr's i'iles ptys cliolrmqii.SIdilivall lupo maifo p/tI/if (19o-gos-t 089/gol If/It /lCO5Pff pqrk

Itopril Coke /105ev lO ) vhich5c/lcc/ne 5o cqlegarlçully panswerod.

TSe lpi;r pepr race p/Is 1g..com/topl llpve CIlamoro/li, 5/110miii apjlplttte Itt die 5aard 18P19/0/Is 0k0 apaipslJoekliblor.pow n nigmho ai Nile' zoningboard, 5963or /lqs nlsp /s/vsip/ct a; tite park hopi'd. Iibapgill'recmctfll:5css veltetllepily lilao ha1/yao.fiiIe.i howlIng entcr. 7333

Milwaokee Abe.Çe.otlidtifvv is fleo Sstir IP-

fIglIe IllealIbtIelIt Shervvip IAll cesideol, of N/Ins l'qrk111.511. WIllI 1501, ollyuipleti III liteLIisiç1sI living seitlit uf tfe ceta.beard last icor, Kehl1 cccl.,/ar Itas- el OSbioll Sweet, fItti

eit',l alIti Well Is Ik'5 Nibs who iloadod life Citizen-, cuitt-l'ark lItsIrist ballIate.. olilfot 1er parks lIt tis ia's

y ',tr Polk refI'reoçittnt galliPrecinct ?12t - 01/ It. ii 'rtIlOtt Gr 151051e. Il. tSI. situ Brelboul Schaut. 830/ Siamo I'oo 1115/b Rc:1thli 'apSi. llaneo- Ave. 5eCtllC1 0.118010.311 l5iit.ePrsl,.

Velb'llbO, i'rest jellS e Ntl -s-Ail revideatix s/ flilex Pork ierr,tge ('tx C lttlprovelttcet

Districf livisg cavi 9f lit,e rea- As-teciotti,e, bile 01511gec-Ter litIo of Har/oni AI/çaI/v Otaf ittily ratt fur Vtil,l,,5' clerk 1 I'Si;sth of Ike coo/er Ilse uf Oak- 35er.eu Street io pi1g Nils's /'atkC/sir/cl fftsits. - BUGLE News

ScheduhAU school. golly/sos. social

aildpulIffca/ iions laust Wash-lIlI/lied I '531E NULS BUGLE,8539 Miiwaglsce dAen5eiI/( Prf-slay prcçç'çiiag the week pl gob-tiçatipo. La/p oporto anti gen-cr05 news mpsÇ be iCsefVgtigp' oeec Ilion . A.M, the/ulixu-.lug mawiog loSZntSlatgthçvent,In 1g çanagg bp lascl,gdesiItp ISv0505/e ncbçdga/e.




ilotes -

OWLAN?f5mp Qn SL



1ARCZAc $AUSAGg SHOP.8fl Mlv Ave.

#V'5 ROAS FOR LESSE:7224 Mbbwufto Ave.,,




Motor ficJ $a money reurn JìeIpi 'qibuHd no' itroctia-w.H ae mprovo od

. Qne.,

y eupporfln yourNtee Qq5 Sloflgne,etgte to mney spentthere e retirned PnperI TO $pLgS tobew504 br etreets, andsPdwaIke also'curblmprovemönts,

*5 AN EXAMPLE..OoktoMAenor udOrennen IlePhts re.sidente hth rocolvidobout 35% rctIo -

In their Qrct ossus.mQntheappIyn ol rr fueltax mqnv rQirns tothe cctE oftroone moro Qrnmpls 0*a

90 goodbuslne3 yourbusln000 In Nibsft Mtdioi Good 3IflSSI.L



WHEÑ yauoo au5i..NESS IN NU.E5

alos Ta'i Moneycoimi beck to corvoyou 1/2cntaføvary dlIar spent IN


NILES. li returno TONILES


Seles Tq roturna anpurchese new eldowolkeqnd u Street lIghtIng program for Mima.

,,.,one ro eaempio why 9*a good.buimos; to do your -

bualnone In MllesIt M* Good SinsAnd Cont.

ThQ Howee Of ri ith.4'y uion794 okton $t.

Nilesites41 FknèerGuild Meet'lM. FZwidM.

Je ow GjW4$;m io thø_ Ub wflJ .4n4

J,eop of i3 ckZQ PJ.aP_r FjuxGu14,tU&fe o lbe ufJU1,wf. ThJLW duica&ud

- 'o cc Lu £Suf'gJnspiap3 I fl1J dbflowe duIt

uxI-çIe. lu au:cu_z i ms Um

Uy.ur;*sDu,uØftuJd pJJe duufp a=vny tor

.w,,d øor e et

-- Tho Ruwot ggt om*oto, poJnscUcs jjJ -ci.rtou000l'no *th3by ooe000I fO t000 DoJ do.

ja cJdJdo Jo Lufd*c Io-uugloo. ow aou doWTh.u&.

lird.p lhorwpydos00000rIoto. Iwopdoto ood cdor IoiUo.gIoR.

RdIvcrIuZ ho3lé CZdd Iu.rb000 mor2JZ ouI ½Mro. cIorIo . WPLCCZIJ 1½JpnJ cto,. i eu.w tuo.Ioùdi,r 0tGod JiW..Wozgreon IC ½own 11½1y IoCbore zCdód1½IIoo re1½Guild ..1 ro tdCtZb &b tjoC1r

Moo. Z1½woM CILdHrIoacr oUI orluCZ ro llwlrtIi. wHh. a CZZ4*h Ct1o1 IIIfOCThZIIoZ CZOCdIC 1½Impugont jor oX 1½

- 3ufld which dCCgteZ øU ½VICo lu 11w ÇIoCZo SuOlo-fli01101 0114 JtoupItZ1OWGUJIdThdrinup InvIto oli mOulbeZ

of dio aOlcn club ro unorddosm0011115 with them. The d3CZIC Mob 28. II Md. IO MOo-01141 Flcll?o WCd$0000d Soum.

, -

u---.Jeffersos C

In Final Rhr4Thc J.ftorouia P.T.A. = by Mr, LonJne Vi-

cUlo MOOThe j*000 for 1½ OlZICeOIWW dio P.T.h. Iios mapa IheIivehcio ouo.i½ud.11.awocUl 1½½½ 11ucUetu-

- iI.loj E2r 1½ dlrec. The uhow will be prououOl11½-of Oluo 1101½ Moluuouo_ nlgIa MarcS 30th ouThu u,uuosi½ tow 1½ cci 000 4° CØOIOI OIUilo

COlCZ h,clouufAiul000uiOliJ!½u½IZCZdlp,rjfZAOlZCZOR. Thure OlJ ½ u A 11' L1 AWICZCZOl Cu .ir l&elloro- tiri ..Xuiipit ittlIon uf jfio. AIIICZ WICZOZ :

pli! ICZOou clos PCZerso ii. .0 T'i..VOl3 !id1miu ood Mro. Mio. II III I uel*ire£CZO lUiloo be p all . -j

: .ZZ½ cc r -

Ihe dirculou. at CZou. Vedo[loogoIZi.. cto.to oUI Icdieu by all iod lo loulou'11w dloucUoo ut. rloo. ltl&WloGplc. Thu CZrECZICZ fOlduruib cUl 1w weZd by Mrs.Jessie brl i*o is IoirsOlCIoltmrs colet theciOlor slw. Thiruisliloi$s ½ a msrsRo.w !.IJMEs.,AUlo Wlsier, oud u solo soue.io*dj½e oushurhyMrso.IDJOZ PCZIIO lifter 1½t!rmouierufreibjueirs ,; be

. Color This Cartoon Today'

GIody. Siegel wIll puesø.teu eùlblt et her palgo indie Ail Gallery ut the ColtMiti Thenire bixlng ihr month

lier cohIbir ai Ihe theao.oui foulure siM lite, ocrsery01M porrrslt ioth. Cotto. loourycU every eveuug U thejlIUwy unir TV lounge of theCalf MW The wWcf ohareodio spocjotjs lobbywith the ArsGallery. :


. . . Vote April 2

C1f elecied I pledgeto UptOId ed mtaintøinthe difliRy, respect, ç.

cn4 honesty f the.....

QÙ:LIFwò.tjltus Judge tMagisltou7 yours

toroyru 10 yoursinNUouÇiskWoil- -=L*e ...e April 2nd.Lwyer

..EnooCoouJo-lc JUDGE ANT.NndM0Aßs'!4 A. SMIGIELll WJl-QcUltied-tlptthious; . -

Sor 4sp . JUDGE..., VILLE::wdlQoollftedMhootuf CCURTOFNILES

The Hair Uunter .

repeats by pijntlardemand lus

1bnlroduetory OffrrWith Thin Ad

Shampoo & Set....,$2.00- . Good for one week only

Pygmalion Beauty Salon -

7542 Oakton St. 8256429-WCOk.IaV$&U*Y Th'thy»My-

Ï ,9;OOa.m.iu.Sp.m.' 9;llio,m,.lUthOlip.m,


. O1vert2..5 PR/lESCoipt Ih. picture in yost !nout oui&flql 10000cr. Deliver or mil to

. - NHou Savinqo i. Loon OlOCjUflOfl 0105 MHwukoo Avonuo Nilou,A committee or w.UI select the best picturo., wino-to will bo

:ntifjed apis prizes awarded at their offjc Solur4ay ApdI 13 at i I a.m,


JI Contest s open to any yonogiter under 4 yeeos of ogn luvIn n

North Subuçba areq. . -, .i .-2 EñIrla. II be 1udied on ftour OVlglflOI!$)q artuitic buouty nod n-- ival application of colors. : .

j 3 Any coorin0 mediummay be uou4, incIsdnjqyoo.. woter Cot-'j L OO oils, 5oquins, colored cloth, &it$°r or othof qerjàI,,

- 4. Qosic pcIore outline ,pu.f ho wed from th unvopaper ad or re-print. avflabIo at tite Nios Savings f. Loon office.It is not necessary lór a chHd or paient t.. be q Nibs Sosiego de.p051101 to enter this cooled.

AIl entries muit be 'n ho office of NUo. Soving. by Tuesdtuj after-fl000r April 9, 1963 at 2 p.m. .

Ptint nao-, address and phone nurnbqrçonleaIanf plainly iba -backofeachonfry.Deciojon of lite iudgeVs ina.

PRIZES"-l Prize: $50.00 account in bUle. Saying..

: t Prize: $25.00 account in Nibs Saving..d Price: $1.00 account in Nilei Saving.j.

; . . ,r, . 4th Hou 10th hize $5.00 owing. acc9u!ds plus q ift of 500 S&H' . - .-. - - Green Stoops. j . j-

ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN BY 2 P.M., APRIL 9, 1963 'its 1½uti. Prize: Certjficgtea for Ipecial Emsr ø.ko of goadio.NILES SAVINGS, 8105 M!LWAUKEE AVE., NILES, ILL keMihShecVìnu Csntou


QP Mi flU .iJSp -atoew LeßLer ';. Grjfrw IJìJ_ àuiuidiy C1thmao,

o.- ._ S,-.--.......utherogetioT.. '

Th WwuaI Es sa1 Fop-de J d 4gh pouffotfliecn. pagDwld* od Mard*7and

WW cwWme øxogh April 14.

'TheNues Bugle.


1963 ' p963_7 Ilif101S '


'Mch 28, ¿963 VoI. 6 No.38

An Indopondeo Commwüiymwopopo' SO&ViO thoVliloge4f E4Uo.

MoN oubgrjp&jop prico$3.75 per year.

Pubflshed oc Thiwsdaymuejilug b The NUes ßijgJe.8839 Møwaaket, Ave., Ndeo48, JJUio4o.

Povtd Içeocr. PubiMber.ScçoaI oboe mail priv&-

logea auffiorbied ai Cbio.IIflno*o.__-.. r

Lowrey OrgansProm

$595.004e44g 7G

Vc apf,LIo? FOR BEGIMEHSsi:° ('ne.) loateucuon MdPaotice Time In Our Studio

Barsius Io Uied RIOtLSSpu - Grtudo - Uprthta

5352MItwø. AvsR03-6134

-'ILU T*& OGlass'Ci

, 1321 MIwaukee AVIRQ3.IO


JiNS4- -'.-..'.. SAFETY ,



1. sor ii:






so A



' hoe NLedii l45 I ' ,,Ictit CoraaRc5' Wwwsg.i I .

1FioraiDcI58s I83Usu!!rd3- . . MUNUIVN[ wOKKI Mike's Floral Shoj'We Scritte Ali Cemt8eties ' ¡ I' O6 N Mflaukc Ale.. 65o N. Milwaukee Aoç j Jjen. w ouv


cíiPELslivate '

Disjlùy Room.ARKING


Koep ,

FIIÌerá on5844 - 48 MILWAUKEE AVE.

1(03 - 5111

SH$EDflZtu soi. $1155IT$UTZOS Pas. I





a 4 flA' pO.

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e9AT-.01'ea.o O,.


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.---, _\I\ I g I \





. 2626 GOLF RD.. OLv. tu000 wES


op. Moo.110,ea Sot. 9 o.m.to IO p.Elm. lØ0.tp''"I PA9ea2 I

I CAILlRsrztz:!n'-p


Ikusea Mai- 2s,i90




3 FOR&1*3ltd's







CHEESEu oz. oito




.." : ,. Ii.TENIo .


i LB. CO







CEILOPIMNETIWI000II0000U lUlea_pool To IO. VOL) _



Easter Seal M«lln Tflufi §y ifI NuesThe a000al Eastta$eai P'an. The Oblcago EasterSeolso..

ade loe the Crippled, a ioee- viety tareco Crippled persoos,W-doux- tntuestfofoudsIolhe regardj,so of jite cae.oIrfu.Cbicai&o Nooter Seal Soojety, piing The Soçicty does'nowill Lake 110e, Sowday, Me.-C1/ çl1cate ch, cerulce, of any

. Proceeds 01 the EasterSii_Ornons are treated abane °"PZ'Z compriAe tite bulk of

dInollilOes are caused by puNo be iocaißoc$et?s rereanl. O-Mr. Lester G. CrEO- is in arthriUs, ardiae lisease,cep. Y°z 90 % uf the funds raised

Eliojoess at 310 S. Misioigao EaJ 5aJsy, 110W1$e510, ntu. . here ramaio In (3tfrs0o for thea... ctdar diotroply, ajopf,aEj SOWOAI of Local cerotees. Theand many other orthupodiccon. conjoindre goes Lo support dindiUons. ProW-am of doe Na*Ienajlociety

for COWled cbilsren aOd ¡1-M the two Eo.turSeaiTrej- ' dulls uAíci, lad,,dnj the Nostra-

owat . . c;rasers, Ehe Oak Past 1,4 Research Fouodazio, andcenter ondtheKldgeceaxer,ro. PXUISSCI000I and

Duriez th parade, oser , give ply- ses-vises.Rdi5IvoJwttneta frem.Lbieago sis-ai,. occupatIonal aed.spehseiziibo,hoods oDd sthoebs will therapies fo erIWIed chills-an. 1?. Aask ISole ,ielgbborrrn held the V inc irrsEosrea Seal Society lo its ptu- ' Thtoib the Easter Ss-ai .=ta=w cOwled NOtudI000d Uro= Group Bring'

fs gainful empJoyu,rax weil as oThEguaJottheE9ElcampaJgo thes-ayeuUcbradis,. pera AO iiICBIs $272,000, based on the fl

metallos ttetd for Easttr SealServiras io Ile Chicago oree.

Guess Scout

lean to disAbled s-INdent andandiSto. Ja addEiw,, the San.cieiy presides aprug.amofoo-ctQatiQnai therapy' fur borna.loQuaI aduli and s-es-sages-S.

' OflboPeWe eqaipturna, anual On Tuesday, ,.pru 2, 18ES,by the SocIety, Is ovaflable en at 8:30 p,rn,, lije Ffle Arts

Society or NUes wIll bring aprogram of Opera w lbs-Ir neat

.' meeting at the Nil,. Village'Site And 88a11

Win 'Patch' '

Ail boy ss-sois and explorers Robert Goldberg will atabe theIn the Maine Rldgedistricrhays- pre,,a,m pJacIogparUcnI,ara chance ro win a ralos-fui emphasis on the manic andspring 1963 COJOfQfs-O pais-h by works at Giacomo Pas-s-lai.guessing the right sits- of themystery spring estupores-. These is no s-barge for ad.

rnlssíoo aol s-mils-ois 0E themo dar, will be April 21E village are roridaily Invited.27 and 28 and the sIte is Refreshments will be servalwithin a 65 miJe radias of the ds-ig the informal discussionscout se Ice cs-titer as 2500 followIng the yxogs-arn.Llenìpste S r, Lles Plaines.Forms for the cuotesi are 10 NUes Publie School Clods-a-Valiable and muas be subnilued gas-ten reglan-unensot later than Apt-li 2.

Registration for children ran.Is-ring Idrnlergsúieo alu beheldEighteen unito were rvpra Aped 5, 19ES, as the Nils-sPalt-senSed at a mrs-dog on March lIc sio,ai District 71 693513 and plans are beln Hiato. w Touby Ave, lu order co on.for 16 to 18 events. n-s- lindes-garreo liestber, a child must be five byLeI1e Dickes-lade, ßl4lOkgsu DeCernIIOr1, 1983.NEra, o mtxnberofTrxep6z ,

commEts-e, lo u member ut the p,s- tours for regisarixtion.cornPoree ares-ring s-omrnIUce. will be 9:93 turn. until None.

,PassOve WEslo For NSJC,Sà©c ¡j

The SlsterEud of tire Norus-soest Subss-ba Je.sisb Congre..ganen is piaaml.og a s-cry la.spiring and ..oclxisg evernogfos-its Mas-eh 25ES meeilcW to beCs-id it thosytagogue, 7269 W5Lyons, Morton Gxovs-, a 5g95.0'

Mark 30m- talon-ar and jdanro join e.. Everyone IS ses-S-come. Prpas-s- yçasrself forPassoyre alalalsofos-Ihenpringseason to follow,

be adiSilon to a l'assonerWonjxshxp whirl, seiN be held,thé Miriam cIrcle isdisplayjogand 'selling the latest casernionsin spring liais os a vray zone..onable ps-Ice. The selection Isfabulous and diedwks-wUIwkeyour breath away,

sjirniiErn ' All

NUes StiviEaster C

' A sentais-viol Easter ColoringContest for yosmgswrs lads-s-14resids-Uts In the NorloSuburbanarea, with over 125 valuableps-Inns for lbs- v,ljws-rs, is axe.,xouared by iieun'y L. Ford, es.enlose vice pronl.drnt or theNOes Savings b Loua Asnada.tino, lESS Milwaukee Avenue inNUs-s.

A basic pleins-e ouillas- of"Bunnyland" In ps-Inns-U in thisissue of the paper with ra.priula avyilable at the NUesSavings oNice, Youugsters mayuse any medium ofcolorlagtjg,spis-lus-e, Ins-Is-ding craòiin. sea.ter coloro. olis,acquinscojop.ed chalk os-cloth, gimes- orother materials.

PIclur will be judged, onfoda oygloallty, astlaucaxaI wjjsuai apPNcsttosl ofloro. Ranis-, SUds-ens ojidplwiienuniber of dir stratwxg nasebe plainly printad ca the bachof the cols-y. Entries swat

mlles be tsrtal is at this sees-..leg for thecubsinutioglw.daoonto be bald on Mats-b 31 at ile.Kimgehelrn Llastaurao ¡09Eons- Ontario Sirs-es-. Chicago,

A last s-s-minded Th;;;'esili sorneescdlentseaisavali..able for "A f4igls& sabE fleo..Aire Bibel" for those sebo wishId altead hin p,eforrnarnrs-íxxtheAvis Cs-ran Thesirs-, McConn.is-k Place, at 8:30 p.rn,, Sati'-day evaxio Muss-h 30, Djcketare belag sold as- regular boxOtilen ps-lees by fSts. LesilFISJIInaO, 7236 SslileldCxorr0NUs-toi, Groan, sei

After all bxrnlnrasiscoxxclud.ed at thin HIarlirfo lEe MiriamCadis-, chairs-d by bb, PIxiiJipRateo, 225 Valerie Cr.,.Civa..view, olin be bastonnes for Ile.social evealsg to .

iig Tdll Ofthvg Ctest


' be in Ike chis-es of NUes Sao.logs by Tuesday afteranon, AP-ri! 9 ai 2 p.m.

A speriairomrnius-eofjudgesseW select, 'the 12E wIjas-ru,These will be taillis-d and Ile.prizes awarded oulalurday,Ii..ps-Il is as li A.M. at Ile. NdaSavings ohicu, The derisionof Ilse jodges Is Usai.

First prias- is a ESOSO sae-logs acunaN in Siles Savings.Ss-remi prize is a 535.00 saw.InEs acco,mT,, lids-Il prize Is a515.69 savIngs as-cenes. . Thefourth than lush prize la anUOsavings arasai phis a gift ofSUO Sf05 Gros-u Stumps. The¡lib foro 25th ps-is-en are cm'.ilficares for a si's-cal Raists--

Basket of goodies fxom,da.Helixexiana's flalceeg asO-l[IUShopping contes-. fin l8theo526*6 pelzes axe free gIfts ofMiN Cremi'Staieps,' Cònthiued On Page 8

__r . ,-_=; ....-..: :=-:'- ' - :" . . . .. .

. 'Ike I1k e.5lc I.°.t-vh IZ',1963



45k ' '



2Sfk , 69t:FRESH



Ir' $AUSAGk , ] .




'.O. C






ernodel Your kjfchenIn Aztèc copper

L Frigidaire Deluxe Electric Rangew/automac cook.. Ing eed heat unit with new crvice :& exclujve

pull 'n clean oyen - uiiIimied heat settings for aft 4surface units. Complete hookup.

Z Frigidaire 12 cubic ft.refrigerBtor with 63 lb. freezer.

3. Puritron ductlesshood with lightAll in Aztec Copper.



, Buy that neE1ectric Range nowad get the wüing


::'- ecQ.



. Sig meal cookjngs map with2 Ovens and both re Pull 'NClean, world's eslest ovens toclean.

. Cook.Master Control mlnd ovenCooking fo yoû.

. SpeedHeat surface unit for in-stant heat up.

. Unlimited I1RatsettIngs fr allsurface units,Enjoy Frjgldal. depondabllltyl

)se1uUm ßaIe, Mareb 28. AH63

, { l t

Treat Yourself To A NewKitchen During his Campaig,,


sveHest range al tpo cauri Lsghsb14iN'in but insInuo p mineleur

, tyalevel Oven willi exclAAIye glidelip glass door rollot cooking topand lots morel

-41?' lIre1,1.

,Nmt0! 141120.62

. Frigidaire excICcIvel loflsHdeu sul lar easy slandepcleaning!

. speed-Heat carIaco evil-ietlnslI

. Coqk-Mno t--over cavIlo

Fdgldcfre Dep


Range ah

a taIIpq5lt Aplomnticatly. CoQ.Mgs1arencloblilty tagt alert and slop oven

. Bo4! la Perfection with

4 ññF!igkiale Dependobpps.,tmI

Rasp 15CN$ $


c L) TV & Appliances, Inc.7243.W.Touhy


- Results of 3/21/63 w LDoMs Mort. ' 12Nilvs Drugs 19 14LoacTrevim, 18 15

ScbmeFoservMeore 17 16Arlos Tool Svrv. 17 16 ,Bucker 14111 C.C. r , 16 17Boob Char. Rib 16. 17

of Nuco 15 18NUes Dew! 14 19

Nfle Sport Cor. 12 21

600 CLUBWofdovr, Bob

Bonk of Biles 31

Lamm Shoesl(oop Fac. Home 50 34

Peekau Drugs 48.2 35.5Tabor lee.LehjglAuto Coast. 46 38

Lelrikows ° 40 44

Suashfoes Rest. 7 7

JerfsCrIllRicbarda Solee 35 4P1 s

Nilo Bowl 33.5 50Rainbow Sigermort

Holy NameBowling League

Resides 3/22J6

o. Degeeter


L. Frd4esJ. Cidappella.1. Costa.J Panderas. IClukF. Lan.ansldT. LesolakT. PokeyF. Wloolowskl

Prm.skeR. Wilkins

frJ. Zahns. IYAgostinoP. ZlookIC. Piovecki

KeenerM. MarquisL. Wugeer



WHEREAS 32 rallias Amer.¡cous ho'e calablished hnwlhgaothe No. 1 pomc!pveios aperelu the United States

WHEREAS 15v raDon has cm-barkrel on a program al p6ys-lcal fithess io the civtlAaaranks. will. emphasis on sportin which abstuvo may be de..velopes! along soirS humas stoss.

WHEREAS cotuperirlouiu sportfosters the interest of Che issdrviduXl. the cominos foal ofhe reSe.. and the Lelloosohip oall.

WISERLAS o b0001!ug tourna-sonst oto she S,tdwidr Irvnloil1 Snag more ritan 12.teO


K.C. BowlingLeague

Ihesolts of3/19/83

ow L Domeelcoo Cenni. - 29.5 15.5Ifoop Pies Heme 23 13 Ceuta. 27.5 16.5Grineto Tesura 20.5 15.5 Loue Tree Jim 26.5 57.5Nifes SavIngs 19 17 Paul,au Drags 24 20Lebl Aete Count. 17.5 18.5 ßobs Liquors 23 21WoedeeSle , 57 Ip Coloidal Fret. Urne. 21.5 37.5Nibs. Spero Ctr. 06 20 Keep Fan. Borne 25 23Pa.*.oùonigs jo 20 LugirAuzoCoeor, 20' 24SeLliez Beer 55 21 Portuartyrs 4th Deg. 19 25

JClnla Pharmacy 18 2661E SERIES Att Melees Tat. 18 26WlootojPuit . ¡1 27


B. SawonkaT. CuruBoJ. PurcellG. ¡Catey


L llamaA. Krleoej. PerlocE. PuesteroC. ICleelerj. BolleL. hurlerSL. PuodiecuH. EulbergB. DoyleM SImmonsN. Nocchl

510 T. DiLorerzo509 , E Sier,aga504 ° B Abrumic502 Leo

J. Corojo

Grennan Heights b°bl

Mens League : OOp. Wiolelowokl -

. Niles

St0 JohñBrebeiifLadies Bowl

Restdts nf 3/21/63 L

pawfessloal almut crumb lo Ikearea ro dl'-'.eoo ath1cu will.the keys and droit talkers.

AU members ase urgedtaas.teed IbIs everS durO Is paul..clflaa'ly enjoyed by lilo boys.

Je aaueumdog the Polluer &Seo evd.t. Mr. Edwaod 'Fue-

- jar,. Director of the Peed Ralo..- 597 leg Coe.miuee also urged Ike

585 poe$e of Niles te perchase

A balanced attack arel nireegdefense enabled lIte Biles Pout5210101CC baskoIhall team Woap-flIrt the North SeSeaban PautoPest Season Basketball Town..amont.

The pack. dlotricro -of ParkEtdgo Peo Plaises ami Mes..too Greva aloopwithNlleo corn.pulsed iba celcies for rids afair. Park Eldga ploy4og entheir home floor, doweetfMor-tort llueve, M-50, la thb teillaI

Mixed League :ç gamo. Des PIaiuc,o hem-dEttes

fought back from a llpelutflrntResalto el 3/211/63 qnacter deficit to moe away

w L delta a 54-47 vIctory. ThsïèoClccoee Bros. the stage for Ike fleas heniI jLomo Accept. 50 37 locally Thursday eveniog at rhoj9eeo h Niensee 48 39 East Maleo Jester High Scheel

-=dc1. -

gymeonjum.Murphy eye. Sep. 39.5 47.5 Marree Grove ami Des235-605 -Sarcle Detour. I'1l5OO baBIed a hOOd first



r 524518





Niks Park.Ba4etball ..

Wins Tourney

Bilan Ba il I ?PF'5aeeal Fnlbey a Seo i3a illbe held oamS.mda Mord. 31,auB.mkorHilI.

There mllllrrsloostefgathebeedrs where boll. (allier aloi50e caD elflPT15e5. in alldideethere will ho Fdreskmom oraldeer prions. Thehsghlightofd.oday will ho a sbowio.g of lito of-foSal color movies of lIre1963Werld Socios. The 111m coversall of dra encloing gurney -oflast baseball classic be-'wails lIre Nosy Yerk Yaektíapand Sae Francisco Clams. -There also will be a stelibeewn

NUes Savings 30 57 IraIt for third place. MortonGrove held a 20-19 ¡stem-le-

T ues. Nite Sinn lead but couldn't cope withDee Drydse the Des Plalees

Ladies Handicap shas'I.slraotes'. .Ierlu the secondperSd. Den Plaines encedowayto a 59-43 fInal sonar. -of 3/19/63

w LGoIf-waukogee Shell 55 35Uelee HateS 53 37 The cba.ppioeobipgamvrase-NUes Sport Cri. - 52 38 wIth Park RIdge jumpIng toBallard Gardons 47 le un early 6pointadvanlage.NIlO5Lieber's Bowl Sup. 46.5 414S settled down aloi. with CharlieTows Shop 46 44 DavIs. JIm Powers and Wayneaunt Jtmlntao 45 45 Seovnnling doing the m-ring.Fosbmeeettelnu 41.5 48.5 took a first quarter 17-IO lead.Golf-Mil ShelF 34 56 'p. mereoned te 35.13 atTepo Big Bey 30 60 halftime. lIre teuaclees defeoso

- of the-Nibs teem peeving tor.strong 1er the Park Ridgers.

State Bowling, Tournamenti - At Classic Bowl

The Nies iiertplug jeck IhusSabeo.- cleaned both bexrls anthe local boyo coasted le theirSSc4fl4rWi63Qfl

Cerno.lsoloner jack Lenkewas se baed to preoern Ike

poeticipaeto .0 Morton Greve'sCLASSIC BOWL fer sever.weeks of championship comopelifloe.do singles, donbles andteam events.

WHEREAS flte uraugtorol week-red sill feOtolre the aBesdaeceof slfielulo from neighboringsebueban communities. tbesri-gisa600 of a live radio broad.cast. asd othenfestivities thatpersonify the conduct of a rotin-Oametit that has flaches! its66th yeor. -

Nojo thervfoee 1 do hviebyproejaron the opvoieg seats of o 2-2said eomperitioe. Aped 6 to Winmeovsjou IApril 12, uh:5BOWL1I'G WEEK ThodeIN THENOR1EH\YIjSTSUBURIIS Fraskeeheeg

Nicholas Il. Iliosc Total0 2ifl-19

totieeaerest truvelleg lreltl.y tothe stiles ream. Members oidorwinning squad weeealsoa actS.ed individeol, udniatrn-e geldhaskethj1s foe - their effects.

Champiosohip Game Box Score

J-fILES (55)


c:.ilisgSoberKayssoodLarson -



g- f p- 6 (-1 2

4 6-7 4-

6 0-1 -4 -

o 0-3 4o j-4 O

- 3 3-3 1

uto:cess refera. f,fa oogt us's - -t,a ..rnee .-wa. .eey -

- mum-dy .4l_ ----- - - - - 4sejgtse une porpescie odiela.oi drue lo te pinolde heIr

Mr. Trojau tend, °Wo mad OWlS d.thlh eqrllpmUlt andIke OfIglertof 0m- e'Ilbgeus olftertMeIl1l23 to ertige io themaneIlm-eTerIttfeaS f-on!er. 7'g"jESlims. BesIdes lIdo,

, - t.. irerdiaso core ssamree,sy eo çb l'ave lbe ca3lity- of unsq_ aod iltarum tar Ike sdlislmcuo, Thry arc irsodf..anteing year. I'ferrso do,ff one ini. le dro £1.50 - irird enroue_yfose o leap wIrer. ho trabo you W they devalo during Ike miuras'bray a decal for Ire is redly uoesdm .tOfMIWitJOIPCaUIrIItgII.easking yero to aflow blm and Ike eporolleeS of ¡he league tordue

- 0lIre beys uf Biles le play inIPou580iE hasduli senses.. -

lias annette eves- stopped w

f, 'flw boys er,OpSoro many StIrerai- -hafl dieem- Ire seillee She s menuisas., cr1eiialite Ineelinas..

-----.---- . end Se'63m- are caRmi. ------..*t djMaude4I pthp63li6Idrrywdroepe-.

ing of the-Bites Basdll L26.i ' th15 'OSL b3e-frr son¡Crie Mr. Edwoud ICeatechi, Df- There Is a gmmrol weeei.of

- recaer of Ike Pouy.'Ge.d Lhe Tall uy ÇOrOs of the bese.¡Clore 5POk of die Iems - boll léogto called esel. e.ontheecn.mltred 4e pooIdlog el- TIrer. dru Botiud et DirectoraSaBinad hasd'afl f05- lIra beys. -- mobzbt 1eog Onice p eworjIls Jr enelternohty between lIre to drferudrru dro futrcllenhrg of0g, of elgirt otid eighteen. thé Isogg. SenSe of ¡he cons-

Mr. Sosiecki ooId °°Moo -

Offiis lake the eajnreoce ofthe varions L,asefrall leaguesle ihr Village et Blies (orgreeted. We htrsw dIal heissprIng comes Uro boyd reboseages vary hum 8 m 18 milSbaye lIre opperleeity tO playbaseball le a welf-gram po.-e.

"Bei have any of es stop.pod to wunder who theo alluf the week behInd the scenesuntI bore much effort oral flore

9operlded ¡o Ike orgahlza- -

tiee'oud op-rodee nl the MLESBASEBALL LEAGUE.

,, S-Iloçosy rvell-orgaulzeojber.¡seos cooperafloe the leugnebas ion Board of Dircetoro,-aloI LaagueO03cero.fleecerne from all walks of lEe,bof-ver, all et dram boCconelras(c qulificaflee Io cuaterno,

eut elio year ore:l.Spoaoösss cerneriltee, 2. E-qrdpmasrr. 3. FIddo, Umpiring,ucd Sdrudollsrg. 4. ProgramCotumletetI. 5. Grievwu,e Corn.odtree 6 Sermonee Corn.miller, 7.ReglolcuflooarulPer..sepqgl,.8,Tee_pby,9.Fiwdcuhulog, IO. Pea.tet League. fl,PóeyLeogrro,lZPeeyGrudarolPrep,13. PublicIty.

: SiníiineLcàguesWilL -

j- - I Staning Soon' :Sigi-Up' In The League Of Ydr'Chl -

-We Hove Team & Individual OpeningS -- Classic Bowl -'

8530 Waukegan Rd. Y05-5300Site Of The'1963 Illinois Bowling Ass'n. -

- State Tournament .-;-

G0LFMRL -ir.STATE G- C 1 x

Imuc RiellIcLi coreruorue ticm Rata


_dT T.iedey . , iteesloy belog laleidey

9-2 9-2 - 9-29-2


'--i WAlK-UP WP0'15W 11(011122

24 J 2-5 I 9-2 I 2-5 I 2.5 - I 12r30-2Beehre Pelasti beau.. Sydo.. ' -

- R.md.m terSent Oei.odt Iseosos. Cs.peectje

2tas o:2*ßtterSc.&ia _ cfl28Alrant- u APL Pfljflt31,,instjuctic,i Ann stnormn

' McflthlytlwuFridtsy08KB 28 Bo11 A raity

Ak-COJldi!ii1ned Banqueg fl*H -

NU OWL - - -

,m33 MU..WAWCEE AVE. - - PH NlT-T300


ç r:iîJBDllu iaJI13

Th momh o Mrh mi*d th n*Jflh bisb. WnIuc Incwnb preßbleny, Mrs.of ffie Womofy yf Combining Jobì Zarnnjbn nod Jn prcsldenz Mro. Maxtlwlr blrffidny wlnhey for thn ronUnnnd yongcyy GlJardoo jr. (19W4962) PIjoW by BeneU.of tin niob nre.J. ro r. Mrn.Wm.D.Ifgan,

Woman's Club ReviewsiNme Year Historymy. - --n

- Tiro Womo,fo ClOD of MZeycommotnornred their ninth; çd ro the eidwroi devoleymen Cmb of Hiles nyearbeodea thebIrthOO, In Mnrrh 4 birthday the eommonfly and en the OrganIzation of tin rom0 cIolo nlwnyo an opproyrlaro lime clol?'o fty major project they i000$ Comudunn. Tho nolop remlnloelng ond po we pen. Undertook an ambilinno pro. mluee In now firmly entelo.rond ro fo ne we huRe to one from ro bring library rnniui. JioJthd In our tommindry and InqIIoiot eno' frlen4ewfth thentory ° NUCO. With the detono. highly weoyeeted for Ito nez-of the elnh'e eliO yno. nilnatlon et twenty once» wno vice In the zeidy or (octe o.greye. men nod the coontleen houez Corning Probleme affecting the

et werh Ir tenh ro colinot books Village of NUbe.end fnnçts The NUes PnbIicL4hrary wen ogenod April 11n '

The club ParUciyateoInNIleo19y7. In the Gt'cJf!lan Helylge Payo znnoiilly and their men).Pleldhouoe. In the fell ni that bery enthualonucally work anvene the J4hn'ary way leaved te volunteern on the many fundhe jireabno locatiun at 7944 rainIng driven, ouch an theWankegajz Rood. recent Jig Park YMCA comp.

alpi.Ao a fohUc nervIno PXOJÇCt

In l99 o.zd i9obn the niob ap. A peugreanive Ubriry ueednrouged to previde (reepetfo hie nnpporn et un cfiieenry rovenom to hnndrnde el NUca OWr 0WIh and becoUbeflerealdelUn and out up a reno. the une of Ito kclllileo. WithPurary clinle" at the NUco thIn yUrI*eeinmindthewnohznhllC l4hravy fur thin pun. mun'o Coib took otepn to (OEmpoye. Membero nino anoint in the FElends of the NUen PublicregIntentIcu when the IB Mo. Library. Thin neuve group InhUe Unito Itce Otelionnd In thu Currently working en a peu..Village each year. Jeun ro purchane u bookmobile

fo NUco.In Ibh9, thugh their cono.

meelty achIevement cony In Thu club!sthrnnegroup.ca..a unilonal content eponoorod led the "Tbenpluu Playern"by the General I°edoeatluu of have proncuted ucveraldelighz.Women'n CJiihy the Woniano (iii Comedy oblio beforevarlounloh of Nlle lrozocmhnryloylç..

oramaniloun in NUez.

Recognizing the need (on' an000fodonot noci phllontho'opleOrgtflleofjon a gzoop ut fifteenwomen met no March 2, l9dund OOtOJiUohed the WomanoÇIu» of NUco. They pz'omprty000ght and were granted od-mlotlen ro mombernhlp In theililuple yedepat0 of WonnnyCloho nndthe leneret ifedep.Ntlo.o Ql Wome,fn Cluhy. ThePedorotlon (a hlgbly Cyteoneedend lnflinnriel urganleatlon ap.gonizarton ofopprooimotefyxtvemIllion mombery lu the UnItedStotna) provldoo the çloh withonlimitud goldonee, oerviceondlníoO'mOtfoL In every programof worte they moy ondortohenod It opnhloo clidwomon toImite their offoeto to tcdeve(footer rtyulte. RemOto nochOn;

Iihoi' founding tite Womon'o

FinÁrExhjbji Sùñday oinu°inudoy, Morrh 3ml frumUQO

Tinkly doy io ninronç lirol

n.m. nul ;g p.m. everyonelo Invitef to view the oflOblegoof ll1eo froloto ni on eohlbiIn the Qrennon I1eighro hola.h000e teetering oil lofol ly1en

The 4gçy oh4bh i enoOy0000ref by WolWr Crog1ePlreçtor ol tire nov yhon ofrho new line 4'rrv Society ofNI4y end çtpo Wolger, neChilOvooC of the Womno'y ÇIMbof hUes. Thlo yhow lo the tiretotey toward the lormohon of an1it tW1f ay o lycal oohetfor eceifents lotereetod io thefraftite oreo. l (lit Otfipg

U© O tirllthere well by Colide othe çi4yn'yl development in thehelfe of inreratory, nioeir anO

The African Violet DistrictOrono ay proeçrs of the lion Council nf NonhernlUIls vi1larIo ociet.frescor frs spring show 'Vinolei Showers' ori Saluoday 4boRegistrants since (he last prit 20th trum lifM. to 0 P.M.news remove includo GUUttu

Tiizogfia. 8443 Corel. thilvin nsunaay. ApEU 21st trum ¡Uklolpèrn od LthbyCroep,7O42 tO C t.M. . at Lawrence-Cocenleaf and I(neo Reithocd W°0 Shoypitzgçezter,rernez'ofb92 ward. O 1h WaoIccgao Nood and Qal«ou SI.er eehfbttors tUls. Pone nl thu best grow.00'ot Monoy $iwon Caileucine ers from tizie area will be es-Çlsyui $iowo &t oud l(iry

tzthlUpg their plauto atilde limeooxoo$. Petty Dooth*er Map. and 4llhu*rustheypytoaoeweroho NuRh PoteRe nohe. Tlnany qoes*iops you niiglfçLmveWolter, Pbyltss Peterson,concerning the gruwg ofgeorge Cuid-rif. Mary PLouk; 011F mOslìgngnlarpjou,.ttinge Ucelcy, Mourice Chano.

tio!O, 411bC00 004 ifwnol Claren,thuloot)f4 îs fronCfwegl badi, jebznCoale,

- r weilnorgaulced Glee Club tothly Penhar,Mns'Inn Polen. ; in. NUco Pooh l2lntrlcr lu ordergelo Qhorardl ciregon'y Thorn. to encoufoge thu iormallòfl ofton onO Robert Weldeor. the NUeS Park Echoes eoztiho.

u uulty clnobos,Como see the foirez that

ohaundo In Nitey, after church Tino club nerds deleatez toservicon. before or toter Sou.. the meethign 01 the NUes Ci.day dintfer or on your way ro linen's Committee, Orcinoezithat weekly fnm4y cathezlng Ocho,I School Caucua. FriendsDoe archas are noiccitug the of the Library. Family Sez.best of thelz worin or creatIng Vice nod the nnoiy.foroeçdtzluenew Items foe line skuw nod allmay ho enjoyed ollh a bock-frooed of meical sclectlonn. "If Ieccd, pledge

to uphold and malntinth dignity, respect,and hanasty of theVillage Court of Nitos.

QUALIIIID.NUes Judge (Mogistranc)7yearsAeUve (or over ¡0 yeatslu lUes Civic Joth

-,BUolness Leader In theVlngo


nnoorsnd by Cook County jusliceund Mogintroto Aosu.


Fr@Lir ChaiuerskjGendcíi;

Ar the lUrk Lune meetinglast FrIdey Mr, Miller haddrene Chamerulnjy ar&ICieftunna local ueieejtaper, ami ruade aremank as to what ban benz-complinbcal lu the eighteenmouths on the board. If POr.Mil'er waft Idutijy read sweeourdeics In this weeks localizewnpapern, be will know. ltMr. Miller is sa atetlous tobe a Park Commissioner, whyhasn't he attended the juger-Ingo? 10e way nor present atthe meeting mien Ido awn po.riUøii wan approved. The oneand only meeting iltatheatteod.ed. I wan therc.tIghecamve.3,restless, au remarked,all these ufeetiugs late thIs¡Dogi" Answer ro bis ques-dun - yes Mr. Miller, loupand much lunger or times,

October 4, 1961. Steve re.ceaved o plague (rom the NuesLIons Cliii,, tie first and onlyof Ito blini in ten years fore'l1in untirlug and oincere ein

forts towards the furtheranceof lionism". This lcd to a"Steve Chameroki Night"..

. I attend ali the regidor boardfliectlngn.

Sincerely,Mrs. Ann Chomerohi000imlnslaner o Wife

Supports SmigielGeutlemeut

I for one would like fo standap and he counted lu commend.Ing Jnfgc Anton Smiglel for hinoportomanohlp In aoking Mr.Kuster ro withdraw bI objectalou petItion to the petitions ofjudge Smiglel'o opponent In theelection of April 2nd. Howcverit In o sod commentary Wheno mau wlohes ro run for a puarthin Important to nine villageand hon £6 petitions solicitedby nnrpreoldent eatery. lt iomy belief that It. should be eiutmost Importance to the peg-

pIedi NUes thor pôilticalworlt.cro ohnuld not be infilterod Intothin community to try to obtainvotes for auynno. The peopleof NUes ore Copoble of chnns.Ing their oiticlals witkout oat-olde Interference.

lien Pranhenboeg, Jr.7501 W. Main Street

NUes 40, IllinoIs

ßaeks SnnigielGourlemem

Thin letter is being WrIttenon u tributo te o nnn who on-dsubtodly boo donenluchropro.mote the Village ofNllesducIugthu ¡aol ton yearn through hinuuitring efforts during affilia-thino with monyui Nile? civicand villoge orgotilnounus.

Slate 5956 ho hon served ourVwago an Police Miglotraneend thu manner lnwbicbbopen..

: .

Vóte April 2ndJUDGE ANTON

A. SMIIGWLR Weil Qualiultdetlootlnwcsl

VILLAGESUllWbanflarAns'u. . .

RamdWllQnnWiçd.dvocurcs COURrOF NILES.SocicOy.

: ©__J T U©L

fonoI Io lige moody haSbrought respect atnI dignity ioeue cauce. His legalb.aelzguuwrdand JudiciozI temperomen hayoqualifIed 10m weil for the ito.otilan uf Villagejudge. His In-tegriW and relentlessly paw.grenoive efforts are qualitieswhich are difficult te dngllcate.

My trihnte and support Isro Aw.n 4. SangIel who innecking the judgeship at thevillage court of NUes in thelechan Dent Tuesday, April 1.

i hove lud the privIlegeofworking with Anton A. Smlgtelin conducting the affaIrs of.the NUes Ftremcjfs Beneyto.lent AssocIation and have al-ways known 1dm te be a cous.dotions man of Unqoeslion-able cbajacter.

Coatlnaod en Page 15












Anti you can havenil the otop-savingconveni1l'co of noextenui4n for onlypennies a day. leekyotortelephonenonn.or call your IllinoisBell business office.


Fèr Village Cowt ngeNeWs

the aesday eedpesn,pts pf Oho fftles y-

9eg w psdp» tg

greet Pe)icycF An fic-ecy Otd P5tWOp Judgrlawfr-

ci bps pggaegd fne casesbe fnegyw se fJmt e beers íwvsw 7$Q ha9es o PJey ¡eegrirwe ro°s WfÍe 'i9 fjaeiwp. o' cycintoify »o.hawz- Pzyctygr ocoec co pupae JeßDlz ape CvgrwtegTngothys. e sp hears olt ft1t waegcauQj WE WÇI .-epgrw4 ews,cs p Tpesthys, way ese e.heswoJpss seyjQus piegsesfwyçgv- deys. y fy past pgwWdeotUl f19 OCCdcPtOp gOd Opuirg#Ac offepdees yg-e eoï4 w.

tgygs. lercyfrpupfteegs, ,4eifyg Woke pa

pee-s te egege gç rcge2 wfghgftogrgr

gfe Pific boo pp4eeeedhin pupuf fpeg elle puceggppuy.Jgpups pf ife hat nsçcfa-D9i enol keoyes thor Pt eneo Pf e WQ5 eifcept pr

Po fqpd p ife çqOOt» fe wseere4 o nbc jo» Pf nnogis-tqte p the yfflape Pf. tif esla tOue og ws te-e1ee pi

ob wiflewp ap OpposftiQp.

Jq.dpe piipie sits tyler gPeel' es fee begc. The ltats gsgpy f4ed so eQth neyo,

ppq Une pses fegp will e-puck vihagy,

He fo elsq op 24-upon reifon f!plice piogistne yyq teenyPipies fas zeeg ç0lfez cyegin the middle of fee inflO, whentfiep fs epog of heebtogSPWep0? teme noeoPqo poPOW nssofep yptTaefs. fpp tifMv iph Cs p give thin tve offefol pdvipe wheg gecOed mythepomice doppigrepf.

He gfves ergeht itorniolly rothe very ef;fcienppphçelepgrr.-robot who pot-h ctqsely withhim, 00f cçeefli pfsq te bio nf-finirei helpers f- lOs JnoçcaoVirginlo pgey otro weofrothere pori-Urne. Virpigip hail-gipy mo o epoilidolo fot Cien'Pt the Yfilofe CJei*

thoigini's Treining onot hacia-'groimil

finigini kf-tenU io o WninrilIOWPCp Otiosool io thon he howcine hod npnoiileroi4u fiberPoulneOs espenienec os aug11,

ontfc fnrigicl fyys with hinIwo ilooghtens in 1111es obeot UYnono, lUi 0000hlcr muy or-,tennis fionib Poca Colic0; ppa4gflice is o bifh sehgnf sopit-propre or 1111cv Townohfp Went,

41e n p 00140e Ceogepg,who groiloreed iwnmf-oncTccli-nicol Iligia fehool. pinO Webpre-low winch of Croco Jpa-ion ColLege. l-le wprlaroi hie woethroogh cçaifogo Puttfehool by worfaipp at. the Cul.colo Poth' Ncwn gnf thee ocMeilip Peeofs nf Chicopu. ltsos tho; 15 yeors of basigeesespcnegce thot bon sernf hintWell so teeny times sonne, I-f-bceontc the Chicago DistrictOffice Manager for NewspaperMeIIo if-co'as at Cigeogo. Hisopeciofty os on otfce efliçf..ency expert helped taintizo toc wont ni bis collet, osN boo helped uit s o bpiaexecotivea ogd io neopy esiti-Woolly orgogizaif005 where bebps loben as active pont.

Jocige Sisigiel spetif ff-eyears os attorney fo ifac Li-feu Sovings h Loa0 Associ-orlon i-çoçed at Polletog on4Mul000kee and theo was 'o pri-Yole Iwo pCactiçe for teit yrens.

Poring tifs 10 years st owprocrice fe has tried coses IoJgsifçes Cuele. IdwaiciptICng ' st Chicago, SppforCçaert. Poohate Coart, Cf-çg1tCour; and Cooniy C.ogt. Hebus of-o heeit adwittnf teprpç.tino befoer the United Spites2lstrlcl Çoos- ajad the Suprente

Copet ut the Vuiied SWls.

. f-tige Sçnsigiçf tist b0ç'neunti-e Io Nifes abept; the ciadof I-949. wtu.n. tie Iwliacil *5


ciAfre fra fASes wAn )mfwwfi4.pntof tIroirrecinto .9» their fraomes m'»wer if. frtnfd. $p repos---

ated theta Aucutwe optI. el then' c1tfrmtg1y a.ftec f-roewegen o frmtlifappo ref-nie- fancies wfrthgtat o fss.

W0g'° f°9 »00 When a»OASYP oiitfe ig p»a»y woyn ionthe çppiuigy orneo. ffro hf-a-Pd ei ensopize pe Pfifes Pepe-WO» ifepteyÇfeptfrbSoÇcfMfriatiaitdag-yntJ as ferenideor for Dyeyears. ffe spfri eafraes osii-fennec fo a» 4yfsf-y caps--fly lo I-bat griaup thon ppis ayearly »opi-Dt cc penyideipegn-gonce fur NUco lireiWe, orad oftond of uperoy In ire gseafr fiat-o_ny of then' familles who ti-ph;he i» disit-eso.

Judpe 5f-i-cI- isopasfprescienr nf the filien Cf-pilier cfLopintet-ce ond nervi- foi niyotrntn iii 1927 onO jOff, i-fe tospiso hcen grUye io yonienis ap$retqno poil i-stiro ial the peoce


In tOPO he wos qge of if-ent-prosiness of the WanizoiNiles,oeil in Nnvembcr 1*50. he ayoselceted president psil chairmenof the Nuonil of Dft-ecrqrs ofthe hanta ql Hiles anal io Jon-tinny l0g1 he poye -op hie prf-ypye f-of practico in ChicopoW devote bis bill Proc W thebopia poi his doUes os yfliggempgistrgfe On Hiles.

in Met-nb of Pilo yeor, Jiidpeiomipici woo o rk-Der toetitberpoil won decibel the fiool pen-videon of ffie tqpit-p Chah of

s, Np »111 norve untIl Jonc

. Pon-cosed of o tepe oepanof howor, Jodgo fm,ptcicloinnpio hin oppc Urne to Ile on"oviilpoU nigifet- who will piny o; thedrop nf o guI-f boil."

. fpere timo woold scoot tolie o hit horn! to fiod4o, ligohiasy inno who tos cotonlizis-rod on pinch Io otte Hiles copu.monity in devoted oerviere ofoto», soçi noci done i; oilwith ciellpby owl Itoerey; inpecqoipliobmeot,

Ure Vote Fm'Smigiel, Badgley -

As the cooipi loo thy w-lenDing of Ji-ge ottheoewN,irnCotteS olores Into i;s tigol fpyo1AUbe-y Itoloed Lodo, corna-aire monager tor judge AntonA. Soiigic1, oeabpif-i- lo thevoters Posigici's. qoaliilcpponsatad izockonoonil. todo orti-oli yo yole tot- line "Nos Pox'-tison Jodiciot Pt-y" which al-so inelaniles Virginlo Bi-goy,wiaploseal conditi-tv lot cierk5f the Village Ciitwt.

Anyone wisiaiog tronspyrto--tizo W panai iroox ube ¡'cils orbolay sitters o; the ti-xe of thedeciso so Api- 2onl, nine ob-Win liais seni-co o; uo ci-rggby calling Yo 7-io4*5, 1-pdoadded.

Park PollsÇoi-ooed troto Pape i

Precinct 41Dala School, 7MO Malo Street

AU rçoafgf- gitoiles oehD,spyç; 'oyiez pes of litc cenolee kino of ilarleci Avennic Wncc buce kock 11f-trin ilo*.aOil teorig of th.e rezone ime ofle*ado Swç; s the Hiles Paf-.Disst-ac; laitsils,

Sewer -

ç9ed#oyialtopeWpete 4posdef yp Uteppwiog1 figitce pf ciLe penwonsep f-e compos/s reppesoia-failcey Ontit RIley 410 pytfçpuyt,Wente sigi- onloone f- f-Ac os-pontent, os ASowa peet grastepesaid Obere ayay pa le.gof Aroifsfoe- Wntate's xloppeads,

_Pinse epo f-e yiifogeji coop en-ct i-tb flac C4

Oboatfraossibie pshfrfrc trayt°piaretonan i-f- NOies5 -

hiri oiad faf-y, yf-q0 anDog nod fAfyyar4aee, o cgt-frausfee cewesis fçy »owzç»bOia the i-gape.. 114-, Yin-fr phdpreytcu$y geWicoced efprwf-t$f-e op*5eaye coceen IofofAien.Jfraot7ueedsy Mt-p. Yf-efwpeye»foirer pD$ecioop fo soeie,opeeaaa-Don.

.,.!7f pectigry oediesdlced npoi-fao to egte i-lape liegi-QectIpig to onuy con4-ptiare fothe puf- Iped f- their dt-ca regeof the f4ffrxf-oo-Dpf-g p»t-lasitc -

...Ocheef tgyptpe to prof-Pitiott*ei- tic-his i-ç the Depe.sgogd oeayet- ailed fiar inciagtgecaynd,

.,.Ocheeg rctnariaeil Pf illpoe"This ggy f-ofre Info effqgs to opady igeIseans f-i- niddiotp f-torehieb ayote not heeded. 11f-occoofeodeig tine fain; sf-gf-aysnoaly of this pruhfegy of whichHiles Ines cogcnlingte4 fpQ,0110014 guide the Booed ion- fIne

...fcheet oleo rOcottlisseoll-ed p cQOyWfPIeO sPi-y ontroer-lop Ititiosiry puai ofreotlotif pro-hieros rcgoniiinp school 01sf-ncr f2. Phase sf-nply spi- rhophat-d too beco worbiop titepas n year io ibis arep, p114queried whore fehegi hoy beepduring tht tItile,

.,.Ugticr the fitiewalia 4c thei-loge will igsfs; slilewuliashe ceosniOcreti ill WOJOt- areito,PoesebS's spffeollain, foe- 1er-nero foiereeos;eilpropersyoeso-.ero y4 insist they he liPID,either Pp the t-nef-colo onIhn viligge, with the loDen leU!-'ing the owners,

,,,Poeshl sppgeofIpn to gen'id of refuse by n-ocja, epthrthop by ceostopeling no Igel-ociaron- wIll be chocheO,Poeschl's recornrnendoilqay tnthove' Muiwootaee-illocbwppçl qlnley *rnpruvcti otO! feyigg14e neo-It-PI forgers he repolecil bey.wecit Horions and MtiwotiiaeeonO Polapio pod Howni- willhe upitlieti, 'lbe meeclep woood4aoçneil toPil 411cl! 0,

- ThiM Week's

. Gøif Mill Movie.-Tgpy COOIIO' f-loot OnO 1110W

goyppoly venturesome pcorhyo-lion, "IO Pgopdn pi Trophie,"opere l'ridoy n; Ihn PalI f-ifTheoW;

Tooy,Cog'tIoWhohon his stOreo! Ineovy ft-pont io recen; flitsclaies, toUtes p weiconge 4-guadIco copiecly with n drf-g tritito Pisneylond withSn-opnel'fo--

- shetic and C1aie Wilcog, PhilSilvers os "ile4-4e The Bnttch-er Icono Chicago", cutups thsthe if-p Ip his first scrcep colef- l0 peoro.

As op added necot for the hid-tOes, the CoU Miii otiD show-a pou boor cot-loop cuettival5nintrday teottpce o; i it,M,followe4 tay the regolor feofocefilm ofroclios.

NUes SavìngCotitigocti f-ow Ppg O -

"We are nt-clog Wrnpt-oss o.layo own cogornonity's cfailntoeothe vaitteof tooiaf-g regidor say-jogs o tObin," sajO iroftagPeepipt-. pscsidentoftniiesSay-ints, "By stocyitap tttenti oolat no early age0 toe hope iscreole for thent a wnrf-wf-ppanero whIch tiU lies-fig thoegoto diele lires thepogh" beciaw.

KsL' -i Ri

11iWiï/ief4 . bv l&74iigó


114. b,dst,l, glavIot sres. ,oboffr,4 Is ooo4 neloispu Ito jastd coo1. st M,.felnex',..PIaç-e 3ço .ytiacdssd dIet Iti,o st the encofro sI cinesi IO,. : Ils09551 ldo ssttysn, thtwsv.t.g oleti. sayosi. n dowse jeshil ut Jes 2hss,osd,rubtivege ts y Calesle ist ç,sjo,t nedocuioro Is tIle. - vi1 OOO .taiod exob,01o14 'od shy-el toni, liz, 01oat,s ilesOwd tss .0 --e ssaisni sot be east, ei-stYost IWoc!tiPt...aiw,,sn-Pçtxoso lido wçay4soc 015m Idas s Ildos Alit sos 'es it eto.t;n, uts est ocelo lasas t'esii3O .1er-ulvuos ea, te nwtI,0 sas si- eton toi-'ftI 'sO tisi-ta lisey s g.tle 'nose'o tose se .sO sf-ç, coo oath, atoo. 5vsllog oste steso tsdtol Il vesse ott of-i-lcdi-tIc ibIs dcvi- sto-e ,f-i-1,p to 'onorOosyl. totm cl 'tIldo no doto oid smctoasts aufl ho InOx ,clssand. Soi-5045m ii.5sot,atgti eucclayf- Si- noti, cf-sb ç;enocoovict loopods .


lfewsff-1ease) -

.frgw ccbOoJp te flotO fteesØoyed f'y 4cop9 0ife nondToy-f Cootywoy, pon onifjpiee; o,d I» the pag*5gngifepoyTheny 0f Porn Wilopwfdot-agte pe4 fffrpegce Ço4

!(esrcciti Petid, "I an» pn ngahcoreey i-f- Ut yceroo ott ewig»ceîrutltri- gefyole pygifjcp laohefepi- pcedooni-o» o-'epresonr-lap hi-e Pifo coil PoPen.44')P5. foi-PI oPLd JO yearsf phyc oereriocoot e» elo$oyee00 omero-i- iwy ilAfOfc Ocian»

lo1iop, I hoyo pupufIci- Inpfl nf Øo 414cc Coat-co p» meni!go die Pi-coi- jolget f2op;yof tIne Lf-Jfe4 dOlfoto, jUif»»lis otsy other field of ondeniwibero 1» no solestiwle for e»»pei-cdoen oteO enoei-eoceInon*oiS boye no oPerI'

I hove inni-vi- plie follots'lop cotlororosen!v front pm.mloeit; niemheip of lite fegofpPoiessfc who boye eotlocsedoie on we!f-tpofiff-4 fog- tite-nube of Village ¡lItige 0ff-leo;Mo, Poter Peysce. Pci-essor0f low Re POMI Vgr,, jors.mtf- Bgcjaley,Pcgfe000t-off#wDc Pool Duly,. Wolter tlq)ey,MoWer In Çpagreey, gsd At-eroi-0e» John Ninello. ofthek.owfit-nt of ll»11P0 fa Jtf-eif 1g).meDo eholaow pod Jo,oco Provean,Of the fp firm ofAsbow 5rno.coo h linrOn, Bere Weite»»'fcn,l, An-roc» Poi-O Pelihuwut -

of the Low firm cf PeDioiniiit PetOntono Horny toboroposbi,no-roen, AlIce Poltaicia.ouorm-op. Thozhteos. n,, Powttiolai, ala,net-nef0 Theodore 4, 15phor, Pt.,WEtter, Jahn P, tifleg pl-toro-fo f-loot-it Stopooworal, on.torsefe 11Po004 PlIttlttOt-Okl, Pl-tolitey Cnoltslr MUSI, PI-tOPI).el, pnaittiter gtescticiog PI-follo.eyo0 who totluesitof-gly ooPorgi- mc for Ji-ge,

If clerieti Jodgn, J will,. 1tp 111f payO devoto. -'

of my 11m; etpnflf-i--. Ouiengy tu rnpxtowpoo;osJtele..

Aboeg sil I urge PII oPPiorcohtetpo t PlIco to coet-elsethem froochipo onO vow on Ap-rU 2,


f 41igniq -:


Home MciIntenqne5oea.

POR puipp Wl1MATp citÇi.-

23-92QO -




(WIIf itcoeel OQDJ

Vuoi restlos oct405110050 loteo

uwe itt!4 'nseso t'y oat;Peina nude;,



cbud - woe lun man s w, iotiçogi , ono-_sws_.J

. ,ifdw o, Jf-.snt'*fr reno

i-date fgr gheiffAcenf yffi)f-peJuipe, ofW»osi-eecf-eYU!wrs

,IymOirtfrtlon f the oness

wi-nP i-A' fe )aesayd by thisç9w

cit oncquwontphemc*os ossth f-e

CotU! peO f-e fAW of cares

fwgt We)

Ois Opi- 2, fOfA, the lfgfet-oOti ifffes, will Poye th oppoo'-_y nfnfeCgf-giaVfIlagtejpOpecg f-e oei-y fOrmeti ygiogeCoot-c, This- Count roUf icor eUWPWI-Y on cafeonsgtto of theDiffee of fAsisce Hiogiogrofewhich is the reafobaiaPre 0114f-trep lonYolyf-p "DyASe i-i-e-Duos", Ti-pepcourf will effectevery rmfrileot Pf HUre, Theecca syfril hove pegoepel J0rio-df-roo ligyolytU! et-ut000af 04f-cet-s Pod 4f efyes I» both law- ehxgocery, pp well os syocreentry pgpe.edf-ps, 'Thfotneresthae petoog other 11514f-4! f-Cggy will licor gti-s piyof-ylOPi Penooteol 10100es (too1110110f-n so 11Pfr000» AP.fcWci-hIle occidepes po flosafopoonoit 0000ip); Dly9cce p114ppi-gfe Uplonnoonee; tiplts oitCO0irpCf5 WfZI Cootoyto Pan-fillon oltits,, 011O rneoy oilierlypes of coses, nope of whichwet-c heneiofoee wIthIn the jp,rfrsdf-iloo of the pt-coop; f'plice Mopiofrote, The new Conterwill hove eençtirreo; jpi-iotIlc'-thin plUt thon pi the CtrcotrCOot-n,

The mogioi*qü 004 Impon-nonce of this ness couru cototo;ho oyet-cnypboolceil, Dleecniopthe fqilowf-p slofe101etIr no titereafilenfo of Hiles, Nostoclafp44o;

"None of po desires to ho-entole o pon-re io o low-mD,either os Flolotlif o Pelen-tInto, Hpwover 000tellmco fi-einfc'ynpeo pgd we find f-e-celere involved os linigoips iolluigotiop M opch o Unte ayewill Woioteosioiny. f-ph .fotplost of-'olr temi uf the limneohtore o coospeteol nocI tpo.lUirai Jenife,' -

hdworil is,Nogçeef-, eepflecttfolly oohooint the following Into-gropigepi church of his toeD'geonoid ro Ike vi-oro of NUco10 ottlIdilluof their vote foi hisconctigocy, 1jfl

lie moyo he Io conning ou onf-ileitnztileol epodialole pith ngpot-tv of f-orlons wbolioovr,Ile eoottioo ou 7114 Çlcvclood

VOtt willi bio wife Pornihyondthir fays 5050 Ptlwotd W, ottOMichael J, both of whoororenowolleodiop Notre Pomp I-D,ltOçhopl, Tito Nostodici loudlyoro porishisoers of Su, JohnNt-ebrei -Cborch, l-le hos beengelive is Li-o 1-00gog Polo-hoP since muvtn 1g Nitos onOl yrcoestly Chgirgsop of ubePooy Drot OnO Pçop soi-gOof soit! l-.eggoe. I-te Oroficil theArticles of lttcoçpsrotjoo fogthe Plies hasetapil I-eogoe,

Pootocbl t-ceci-04 f-o Po,cJnolsr of Loos Poyete ft-sotDe Ppol Uglyorsity np lOOP peOiuooseçfgtg1y titereoflor ep;pee4the private larocttce of loto.Pt-lot lo f-s grodootlsp front

SIIjy I'cws Re1ose

:1 Sullivan AllTo "GLve U Tfln IF' cts"

gZThIrsthytath 28.96a Schir.

SuUivim News Reieso)of tho poposcd QUr p* .rdced,. wa ct ige

$!tOS wk wee VOed on ü D Pjth pond rofereadm I Mow of .. trOUIe areas. WHY R'OTopI, one wjdch bas been pr NHS?says Su1liv (caudA.. -

d.e ter the sIxyear w o the95QQßß w$h theaxk ConunisIoner.) i thiek park oaxd ece1yed fum dieft Is thee for my oppup lçiid r4e,endijn how much $Lo give us suee « the faci j wu we mve eeougii weuch as: picJiase ALL the pak eftes?Jfpot.wbV?WaymethosKoor.thoyoq1

Wdcb was propused OT the There s no quesuon e,oiefeiejidiue beep ed ü. $se die sect that veawi aed s o-from 5.3 acres w e swde oyez ecerce, smi diet ps*3ercsy sites sioidd e secuted so dieteu leSideis o NUes paVe eWhy mvcp'c the other Uuee pe hi their eea but whatsites beta purchgsed? about the partis that we al-

. ready hayo, slwidda't they bei lmdeTtwfld the federal Go- Improved? The people in thevenimept gives ea aiaWzed Oaiiwa Manoi area waetedPerk Baetd thirty peient of park so much that they heistedtheir bead roferesium ar die wgedier, bought oee. ajid do-puiehase of land. This woald Hated the land to the Park Dia-aisioiuit co iO8,OOO.00. When trict. Then they wanted a waterda ce get this money, atd why (cantate io die park. Did thelies nothing been asid aboat Jis Pk leite it Insiafled?toe? Will we be able to im- Na, again the ptoiie iad toprove other park sites with do lt themselves. Now theydita mea-y? wai4d Ube a warm-ap haoaeyor

the winter. Ae they paiag ta¡s lt or io it oat a fact that have to da this themselves,a deposit of lOOOO,tO has been Wo?made en an 89,OOO.00 poolWithont secaring a aMple competldye hid. house where yea ho'd year

Board meetlugs was belilhylheIeP'l lt a fact that the archi- borne owners i.. the area, Wlteetort lUred by the Park Bard da YOU tatead ta ¡inproveaame40 draw the plans (or the new of these parbs?pool was a landscape arcjltec,and he had to hire another sa- l closing, Sidlivan aays ifchifect ra draw Ehe baildiags? I am elected ta the Park baadWhy? - I will da everythiniemyppwer

W improve aU parks as taonAt s ra-cnt meetingyss gas- sa passible so that we may haveranteed the people of bJiiea that 'cijyo aetielifea iS alithey wasid be awimmtop Ip the parks. y year 'i-staid aciivb.new pool by Jaly Ivi. Is there a des i mesa ice-skating andpenalty elaase it the conta-oct other Winier SP5li i! wieler,with the bouder ta tesare that baseball. softball and concertsdate? 1f nat, why? iii sommer, spd (anStalt in faU.

I weeld work with tite yaard taTime and again the People, bave hidsar basTiethai? os asenliving arenad paint Perk have passible. I woald icy (a ylvecamplaüied shoal the speed daflar's warib al perk fatlimit io tht ares. EtU kipds af eye.y y dallar spent.eXcUsen have bent made os tawhy the speed limit co-nat be

Sullivan Accuses "Opponent'Of Being "Evasivé"

. In mind that this pani is aelyMy appopent has seen fitin lepfut with a divinyta once again became cyan- area set I the center ureaiVe.TrilehehaSansweredsumn cielaleg e 'T' (armeUec de-

tee-Iv overinoked o few im-partant nnea withaut even be-lag cancea-ned. Throofb hispress oyen; annOter memberof Ihn beard, this statementwas made: .l da nat hnowwhere sa aladtinam psal iv la-a-ted hat I believe they bavesame in Saatbern llitnsis". Letmn say this La the Park Basedmemhers, "1 dId nat have tatravel te Snathean litiasis tofind an abpninam pool. Withinatwent..five iilinato drive fromant viliaBe I faand net ONEbut THREE aluminato pools.in Melte-e Park, Broadviewaiiil the Park Ridge CaantryCmb.

a waald be the first to ad.mit ibat.the Melcese Pack io-Statleifon la Oatstandiug. How-ne-4 this is a falsify enclosed¡mal with year round tempera-titre central (76 degrees). Thispool Is drained tor necessaryroitelet. The Braadview ParkClsiaict pool is another pic.-tare. This pool has anderganeestteiisive e-pales in its threeyears of operatinn. This openinc pool, which is smiler thandie one proposed far oar parkdistrict, bas had ta have tasleeks repaired. The entire ceo-ter section et the posi was np-ped sut in an eifert ta clam-bate the roller coaster effectdiet weather and fruand shiftshave ceased ta the base of thepooL Walking on the bottome.g the posi gave me the senso-dan that I was on the rollercoaster at an amosemeot park.flie new seams are clearlyvia-hie as are the areas wheredie ia-ks. were repaired. Erar

The drnona eIghts Field..

g::.pool will be opproel

mately 165 ls length with udog leg ou each end. The Parishuard member who io actingas my epysneot's epokesmau,stated publicly ¡u the StmdayStar newspaper: kfter tnves..tigdtian I feel tisai no aun hotChester can make this panlthuogh I don't aetealiy knowthis ts be a fact". The repairsmade on the Broadview p001414oat eliminate the mUer cuan-ter effect un the float of theaai. i simply ask the hoard.'What do yac koow that Is fan-

My apponent boo nut yet sols.mitted any plans er specifica-titus pertaining lo Ihn nino.triest installation of the un-derwater lights. Au aleminamliest could be a potential mes.aille condonar in the eventan electrical aburO aecarred.Electricity sbowa od respectfor age.

My opponent stated ta dissein attendance at the March 19fbmeeting of Grena-n HeightsAus. that pruvisious were beide(or falune entiesare. When atospyer (Mrs. Jane Ao-ss)Cantacted the architect whodrew np the plans, regardingtise provisions fer tutore je-closer; this gentleman replieddiet It was the first time heb.d heard sbeat it. Now it ap-pears- that' we will receive, asomething or other type uf cas-erlag for this Z" olsapedpoal.Daring the Kirk Lane meetlog,(March 22) my- opponent dio- aplayed a number of eodorse- pmente fer Udo pani. He admit- A

F/iNn-u iieIeOOnI

QIIeSIIWI? i?oe $99.ß99 100: imim000l,oarmweneeMçF,dJiar esteciwwre çr thepool neon & ynoj)i, 5mmended. is )tQur poufiey.-.got th*s-. that we negstlate 1001g JUSTv'ngl Pact uf thutuisooieys PUWCllAS O A POO.fbef

0095. The bark ccWndoslaneru olenfly uaruep-Unthgptuutouiay meet )ust like you do, so been pretty gou *tecan-el

ltag çf din niunnysee spent was Salliyaifo diwnpt0 R4r. YavInvpGIWO. - . of the Amcudyne Q(Pm Wo-

qacted In lion 4nrcli 14 -!uaueQemBen? What enpecleosce 0g the Spnccstu0 se peine

-ejialIftan this heard An swIm.. 0g the Cbeotn puoi the Wlles'iliig p091 etpegta? WAS A t?OCi? P$ICP/ Be-Ausweis Six years age, I would aides0 chestee l°goducts is ehave neid none. Since thee. we wily dbn1catoe al elamiewpbeen leagued a lot. lt took han- uwlp-i41sg peels In die jeiddledeeds of pe cebe bwidtede weny the buad only eliWiostedlip hours spent In CheckIng wIth the nddd1esan by gobie dledo' otbep aa1fied pool experts. dy fo Cnster.Chec$4pg W*threcreaifondlreo. -

tore wod othei pech com9o- Qoesu.op? HOW -lqsg bayeolee-re. Driving iseem nue yffs. Cieetee Pguducgs khi. , beenlape to anuthe LueMug over ivaeeufacturfbg aiJsihu.pn-?theft pn-In, lindiog osi what bsusyer ey bave ei IntheIr problems ai-e a9d what buulneuc Por averlO yeans.sje-they especially like aboattbeir cedyye Coup. ban Itne In theInseln. Chechbip asking ojfljegflg pool busIness ofqueutiopu afld pewng the mm to 5 yenes. 1)eee receetip cono.petto answers ta aliiast eyegp pintad tJeir opi pnoj 4o dinpgobleuo we co-Id thluh et. ',Ye C4cagqJasd nona fot die 4-talked w architects azd pool icr, O'las,n Apegposests Io Rn-balideru o-d then oat dawn axid anile, iliinels Which he a emailamong the fIve nl as, we broke pogj, atacljeep- size. stich asdama ali dito lelot41aep and die epa In CbeuWn'4eld Gee'-dncfded that the aiio-ip-s pool dents.we- the beef er NUca.

QmiWa7 Will the tblee elQaeetiup? What facto side. he the taoet espnpolyn ayd diestafltiale their declsio? heel?Auuwen Writtep leut1mouias 4p-weii It will eat be tite 93051al paris distrier apd mej4cf- nopeeslve. Oar barcInan p4tepalillo- dial havebalit apd are la 3O a oqanre 9091 cbenperaperating alwplpuo p-alu. We than CIcee'a paid foe' tleeiW.have tbeee tesji93outals nyd Or price lo camp-gable Iaherewith uibndt these lar ase. the nrwyp puni, even cq-

olderijig 9ja the Z-shpn4 sqslQiiesflou? What are the tree has a larger pnrimetee' Iban

matuteo-pce end operatiap lap- Nen-p-'s. As rae' as balen dintoro involved in thIn caody eu- beat. not only die pqnl bt ditpenditiire? I-Jaw isapyalansipum - filtraLa uysteip wl4 be thepuolu re in servfce lu thin very heal in this area.area? What has been the topen..ence willi othe$ park districts QiiesUp ilow cap we havewith ulaininsm pso1? greuo4bneahieg 09 March 2??Anusveui In Ike Clifcagulo-dat. 4nowen: The bcar4 has neWe9-Cbeeler pouls have beve anPnapcarfle93s la all the bevibellI end operated far aven 5 papers5 sW1199 1493e, plac aqye-ns, fdn park district and dole al thecaolmmsltv recreation systems ceremonies. nd again Mn.Sob-pd ciobs The city of ilsm1i bV9P shsiibd Knewinsnp -

tan, OhIo. repented titeln main- st9nces. grenolhre9hfng c9p-ten5nce casts an paintacdlubor mofleo tobe place long be'Ine'e5iope were reluced 50%. City COlser9Cifap heglpsenpnojec3sof Dearborn repents; 1't itlu refreshing to eliitdp-te the

Offers Ridescpstly yearly patchiog, coello-113g etc. B E i CoostrgctfonCompany reports: FpIneUe saIt may suand, the upkeep fatdie pool itself bau heno the For -Park Voiepleasantly low ligare of 0157.00for 2 years of openatlen. Thisumuuot ws fan aew cl4pus.Instan Indicator. and resvin4-ing of o boniod nut pansy met-or. in tilia ares, Chester Cops.pony elomipI9ss Poole have beenbolli aud operated fon over 5years in Paris Ridge, MelnasePrk. Clyde Pork Distnlc(Broadview Park District andBenayp, Each ngd every icon-lcipoUty. ponb dIo-itt and prI-vate niob has natllng hntpnolsèfon the altimimips pools fontheIr low rest its maIntenancearid upkeep.

Qiteutlop? Fonn oUing pia-

Answer This istettbngtasoo-dlike au oid kreisen record. Wedecided an 4 pallIng places toaove taxpayers money. Patte'polling places wiflcost$620.fO.Twenty (25)pulllngplaces waojccost 93.100.00. A saving of$2.4u0.00. ThJs mouey cselsParchase two baoebaij bacs-steps un pay for24 1/2 weeksof uoperybsed iwcrnatl000lpcn-.

Qunstlsu? Gold plote4 bathtub?Anusyer Sodods nealalce.May..,be we should have the hep-mof lt manage'ammje tes. Bc..sides the main pontlou 0f poolIs 40 feet wide by lbS feetlong; this hardly classlifes ftas a bath tub.

Question? Why did we notdeentise publicly far a cam-etitive bid?nowne': Aftee' the beard bad



9" Hand Wired Portables $as.00.23" Hind Wired CosoIeG $179.95

Zenith Tab'e Radios $16.95 *Zenith Trnsstor Rodios $!9.95

40% II1II ri ITDES-

- MULL[ T.V.



HOUSE CALLS $3.95Vaccum Cleaner Sale on Hoover CleanersThe Lark $2T.95 - The Uprights $46.95

he Constellations $37.95The New $46.9

EIb5c_ ïI?Ati.yST4hl!s 4HlI' iAt(f Z9


EVEtY Pa\?(A'2i00. 4:90, 6i 5:011. 19:90

One'firtoon ShowSATUItpAY AT I k.M.

Kddfes - Sec The Cariaco-& 40 Lbs. Of TconbI-

at cse9a,. i fer callee -

Sm-id ae,sy ueeic9 5 es,Lsao.y CeIe TV Loasce


it li? Gladys Siegel

----Fridrgi lhru Thuro4uy

Ç9!. 2Rh Ibru r,! 4th

Waekdays 0:30Sauday 5:05, 91$undoy 0:90. 4:55, O:?

ÇiIdrcnsS9tudOy atinp- -

A Donchi isCbiId,euu EOte,tttinmest


Phis Color CorianosPeee1ees aelun n 1s19 9.14.

Wonkdays A3 1O!Sahaçday 3OO. ?:O5 fl:5O

indaiy 2:55. 440. o12a-D-

ALL cliltepa e the PIllesPorlo 0101ml aeshluf baby nit-eilig or tranuparnyio9 tq en-able them ta vote l the AppliNid l°anh 0eoni Eiecp-n shavidcall YO 7-5334, thu Gnepny -HeIghts Fiei4hose. is'oiilngpiace fnfermaifp0 ovoilOhin ;the shave telephone 000lbee'aioiat each of the Jodicbol 94 Park

- BoOrd Fofling Ploces.

-- Qunotin-7 W)sy ban the l99d.A dec theisavi ts4n41edçtfw°\ 5.3 orees 93aPIWeoyr-l.b

ye "aÇreS bad why was saeh'a -

kanve Actiosll, we 933n .9ocres. iu p159*1 9wbas cyisdessatlon pWiceedgaan 9in in cçert 49; 1ko pin-pep-If yupth o the maw pma-4ivand soo) $Ce. in-e e'nct$p.We sd PneaiWd by the Wuognon that thep one ennteenplai.- -

In aeng PIInbthe'çugh te l4ueynuhee /kyae.

- Wb, obould the ajs pniW9t3°9W hop iWs Piece 9 andgiye up a 9094 993l999#93yntOur pgiyaey 9ancllç9 in93hudand .41ntaii pse'iss ayd renFe-litio9 ocI9e9.fr.s IabiØepe'Iceptild. lido sgaIn was AGNPIEg1Upopi TSQI2?1 9NG97AwTQNe the ncual- day the a93003 90 sbir. The p-nee's badOFbaeaby anitndthe'$499,090.09the' the e'en acres. The PenItPInIcICI p9nab5ftqe4.59crgs9F O225OO9.OQ -#01 975.9Ç9.QQpee acre as 030934 In He'. 9i-.iivantu oatepset.

QioeeN4? 9Jtraty9 syeemOIQW 9lany holt?j'iRuWpii Chaulep Peq4ucis PianIn'#I 99en159. 1939e'pi9n's ny-poe'ence p9 99 11931104thnp pe'asn musI-pi thaWfr993 nthne enyre'ee.

TIte Jsp-p !pqjpnyny baabeen vibere4 a## 9Fa9991e4by ie PFPOaW Q93baeuiuoeaaJ-ni Scpe'appee' -

:rba 9ap - Vice Presi-Jjc l-asjsh - oWmi9aiqperSieve b.uionroPiI -iqpaI -

SPiee'wffi PAveny - Ç9WI9IS-

dPI PPis - Pqrçy cio.qqsbIW Pubten S;. 823-9995

- SÄV ©YTACE 'yOUll Ohankota

Draparico . SaIled DudaTo BI Wolendoifu-

Watertown SelfServceLaunc1ry- quais1 I

!4 Mi!waubán Nil«$23419!


-iWCP9WieicsWwnentbs, -.- cibent ruwiingf9 via-A.- eF93 Y°F. 'ao'k CosespOovionyr

o - ededsdo,lo- len apre iOIS, )ieo-Sa,,. " dbaaiub'iu' spe pny,

. -aan;eisds,Jr. nyd .ltidi, iye- ,ai82b Oscthloe?9rthe post

-- 2L$nena Pin..- a lyFn?luyi hs* rmste9eig


s an Pèa.,p:eke d?fratho» PIts.

..baB bnariye InPiIUIaPiesRaP- :° Pno ?.cenaeeibaiWeida a

'-, -th4Pw'g - 9,WiW1t . hut e-:- e'c thed?eeiiiW iba. FiebI

ha9sn 9314 ereQponCoaeJa:po4otS. J9p9pe'eheuf

iWcPi ain4 pias been an lishea--

Pio. Mnyy was sa5d a.d in vise

- ai-emhee'9the9laIqbaPle'n-P_i Hvi k993e Society.

e yap eecefl 93 die PIliW' ath Board Pi yeae's a99. threeo9 thus.i-ae'eiW see'ved as

. -PFC5iW9L l die past b ycae', -, Lou' bao leey paeyn( die fat.lowIng acc993plioiWeeS n EePatin Banydi \

Paosing of Recnealio9 Tax.Hiin a NeercaUqp Pinectan.

' ipsinomental-in seiug np 'l95l'* rdf-.Pippdl ltecnèlfo9 150-ax.

gax°°. having bdep 9ecreaheCbairpoSn 5 aud 6 years ago.Headed dfncc3 sctto9 by FarkBased and Village Trüsteev saasneo Cbf-Mil1 anca to theDioricf. In past, nerved onCejpiflfttecs andwonkcdto ajiacoOVer ItO acreo to the Pack Pie-tritt. Pbesldepl of Bs-rd tasiyear apd bot ul this year, when

. sqccesofql Peel and Comme-i-t? Bi9bdiny Refce'epdaeapasse4.

s',- Pqve4, so-y for Scheut and °arkCqugccatbeu, o°Ing taxpqyereca30stiess daliaCs by ani-g,sche9t94ear9 ago,--

Çurers1gi. Rub4wo Relcaue

l'e 944 ubpe'essihn i-.eiPpongp Do 1Ç' hIs beatiet 041 $les. tene lta poreIlbely to he "Let SPIve Dq iÇ.The Steen is SIeve Cqpersbi.Ql 7954 Snwqnd St n3e93her afPin nur4 o9 fo9393issineen alPIries Park p4snici seeking e-Ie'eiW'9ny ihn 4-year Çemalspilcli. - .-, .- -

9u9I3 CIncagatu por oid;Steve tyepsed St. JI8OJ3PiW5puenchiar a. biais seso-i. n4stsceflioe'h fur 19e penaren,eiep?oyei-, Cnan-e, -in- 1936.

5Wntin5040 the pting-raop-SWve a4ijced lie'sl tu plasm-scab. chaO uhipp9ng, e-9 an Wenthic9ua contxo. Sieve spfanc4nuu.ue o prodnçut çoq-le'olethetIter. Thelasool93np-,iWgeg«au an iWbisU9°di -occhitieni ware 2390 e9ougb sp keepSWyn lo'l-'af 'lie ntyy.ate s-Wr l°dil iiW°'F. Stava sasservite wth the iyed?cs, sudcaine ot 9 sergeicit. 90 reIsenW Crueaisp.

With endless nerg/n en.thesiosns. Steye was electedto Crvnaspes activIty Soaçd,a positbe be beM lelPiftnychs'-the list five e9 Whichhe served as ehsirmao.,He be-rowe c.ctireclur witbbe in-duste'fat0 e'ecreatiau h9ard ofgneater Chicago, vervisg fonloor years with ouch proas?-ocas mes as Robert Gelsi;president of Motarais, Ralphlsackoeo of Seeburg o-d EdwardMitchell of U.S. Siecl.Steverc-sIgned from the activities ft'55Psu Aogdot, 1961, when he wanselected to frn a vacancy onthe Niie Park Board, caosedby the reoigoxcou ofjoles Pau-dots as comminsfsuer. -

Steve escd ta hiles 93yearsage when his emplsen first

N. - . -


iLVilflllDfl E3nII nllliuL- w'' .

: : f4fl! 'llnjrrw.JLLe

IP ane?p-uwv?ma red3aadvigbbnow-

-':re. TeNsPenkpi-iWctthJ b°WpS.,nyny liespde4 . a-j -pse,nptosiup,,,. »y "'-'-"eppne ? O!yPIepic?enced,, s. e e'4po- -- ' 0 sures iepyes,, .e-p -vonep

-.-9ekt93dlc ' sTipodY Went lege ud Oe-v.nvbiWiW.'-',--'

1;TO4,.93viPOaen2?g eaire"

°0rirFo-, Was' ±evit cf eÓWWPed the urepeap menue 419411.5 bare niW a mary 1topon--.. yOc )°piçipr9k5.. ,

.sp9Fba Xen an ° erethenba-. blOiW 99 th4F'RWW71Pi93F ?ponytp3s 99 nl l9e -

- 9ry eü ponvise*e?9. P932?i93.,.,,,,,, - '_ - : °Wl9» W93m-tEY°2?ils pou 9OiSk anvilee Is pp- .Y#-9F ,, 9e- W'iW O#In93 b

.ud ee-ys9po,,. nyt,'sa has wbnth th eanoanvi°. cn .. 9Q.


SEFePii and oe-u '4th die ce 9314 Soepi ' the' baye und RIF1Stt ba4nln-

die es9'p9 Ibepo PiH° pry 994 W-WPi-i- ibe ile- al Imaunbenus,. s Ia9, noiiaybailapbysieaol fep'kffl -9ç_in!cts._ ,.. ..,- s-,ses,,-ss .5,,, '.,,-,,

1Ç9 aoos epe api b

Ibenagh the vdagea9d

_é pa Ia#WéTqiis nn000 IPO lilia twin, Ile epoiy . cd a93*ndIep achi-Ycicena

I d1ve P11th a9IbPen.9PenP9.eTh9 bali- In the 994i alL " ' 99 foe- ben-c p993ecp 91 the

gufi cenno - , lO309 o-11991 isqeIb.dH acumenny alte -

74 in Uçp,w3ie T30 Ibe usnybe-u sp-c4 ax ep Wuenee'e i-Pisor s ' os cil,i9 nf udsdie Ca9dn !-aeneeot(bIupcb icvis0pPynepicgdnlesIne'

- -l3 - -, ve 93lseIi

the 5iS paekpis- vi dIal Pie wee a ye9pbyc. hops and gie's, peanue-uc

d th,5IP, ye'ae'n Ile l=bas5 hhwh bedPIheevc.a, b3nI bJOeIPIIb P

- - - - .-.t -p "etff asse 'o 'SN t. °tf' f"4* SOP:L'.,.:-' , - , ti the huarts. The ParispQord'naitqpe- A all e'5viy nie-lb penriino:"iio-"!ia Jeit flç'sL9t0O. wadi 's vn uy b°° sWied 1h01 the kqdrd is 19e' M coisilef pach

ceupnaed fngsrove93e9tOpbelh i io 3-mit 1mo-d hy 300Cc aw to ail- 'Lles.pI9s dIfrci and sp-ppep

old ojal new parks 'itd dct0n,to.. gp-fe bene tu this rule. i sob von Iba . sapenviolco loe' these pen-IP ltPe'OVP the Rece'estsooal - tils VPIeF5l 'tWhy should tle odien gp-ese. Provide ejtflahierecps,Programs. Ileaisebelieves ihat sieB as rontp-cwns. who entyplied with opoexi pi-90 fon each Fach-when the po-pie ei-cted born to io any 4sis p-Ic, loe pepolizedpP lte site. Warmup huasos in theafjce, 6 years age0 ey bad

canfeo path board eotal41shed 9iese wi-len fur Ill lceebaiilgarcae.

es 5. A IXILLARS WORTH OFlaisind at9tere in the rule li,.............

yee ¿be ch!eycmeoic9rnth3,WsmyQeee0 aSedJOI1YIIYiWVIP!nycc99It

fatib en bue. lbat he woald da n- theiuselvho. Wheiswili the

- len Wbl'° onyvingPpartJ. Pile'. Lcvineo9 sogive ip tbe successand Cotnystaity Holidinendum and les9 acqqisthe Far. Disirlci as11cpively pacuicipatingeiid#lly3eetiegs 9nd

93e renIe-env st 930 sn-ape sue---?-'-'.-':- ccepjepg 91e pe49qs l caes- ueençvmauqme peqci ipicenia's$Iticricack'eai-nu'icl.-- Ms;, - Lenin-lW ae.?ulticillg a Ibd93es bee-use nt a lilisantlee- lg aeliciltIleli pqrl° nyppesli- -s,oL,ss',- , s' 2-nyny .lel-m an P8th Pe4eal. slading op the deadline tae' tqpco.

che type of ¡sI;, that they wasld 5oi5rosce93'tny,ijtsvrsene tewantlamlo ndh i trying " ''t " devi ?W.iith hordusk PIppppV4LlFlO9Fyb9y

TAX DOLLAR SPENTt1° dshfs beet Io plrnyetictlfafth °'°""° 5r-' ' 1k3 thepqliiic ti, e: ----- ' -thslpeelc ppaced 19 i-le. Gqd Mr. hevInsqp' apd his wifr, vi nbc celFeclore aeti che Theneitli peklic ee'e5 cull the'

w1lling. lie wi5 parve liai the Ahby usw Ike pocpo5 nf Ibree .

ni-quel nf their bIds? li wax scaled bids oe any e'opcndhIOe-6 yeae' lente, Il ro.eleçled. atd

ci1islv-e ' Jpe, ae 12 Ssap_ 9I4 Iwo yep- age-dial ois up- eacecciling b5l93,Pi1. hai-PII leelige 7ahl Me$e.Agt, 4. n-Ocnn enld in hivac ej nel l9i-c keqwlcdge s.

lithbg these pepp-no.. F 4 - - -My ePPeaeni b° When ai lv- i°cnylsle eyce'3lyÇ099iny495.,nning or r aT e,'m yqsiye ultiWde '3193e qnepe9e4 spc111009 e cppy el parlo lelucil

. - ' - ahnen loUlljpg Ike s9i yrny WiOtCW° el each yicct--

;r ; themtpIe30I1nape- i-i°ax. 309g eIeÇtç9 4099 o-tC4w-1 vi v '-'e"°. '-v wi4 s,ewjs the 9415 si- Yene'°.Te93epfoeç poq yenys. 9d tbu lisf f9Ç9 pe'o-nv per9fl .9 uin reply 559W "NO-I maghI

th°agIo-fII como :teci decode te wyc 1Pe1 nun


sli-;F.PibP"bsl° . elier of . ' these arga4Zat4ea5. sPielten.. the' die 9a!99°k9nyi rst....s. -d.h - (oea ice skaters-four er tipe mene

E4ldo ier'n isehs44ep-gaeleatiane were olCe I? the I4insths93-a tee9 c193n'pl gluey

otfn de'lve ovil vigor. a fact --Stcvy has ¶PIIcII W9 P-111191wInch n4 lo "Steve Chamen- of a pofa a11tI 4alightn, Culu!,sk4's Nlfltt' ill Oclltken pi 1965. Is 9Pi e311 bis civiceo,e1çsb-to-c41nliiati-g le theiae.Innlbe pp11sWln wanly ca-1icPIY 1° be'IFII 91.pe 4. ellI Yrec°. honore nieçean9u rewnusn9ene'. seng liis 93e19b9r5 anti-bpS cb be cny hump ne akepg ea

iones sad o-evite. 11 vicunant plise Io 13Yn 9114 se


wnyh pi 91se 9 lapoly.As pae'k cswm?sslelier. - . s

Steveis Pssiiioebasbeeerecma- Sleen in also 99Wh199W3tÇ4oliato and bis elth .1100915 pen cpny Ic'lllel the 9esas cOtetlsissln9ee' ai roçrpop-e Leagp.uliesi ta his s9ecess-fhç93a..flue of a cknral grenp(theNi1esEnhses'L Pen-school tots? euw--

gram. Ieee-age opi-ob p-ely atTam OShintce' (dic tArot of ils .etterskInd). Sieve haovcn teisee Con9ise4 1e'e93 Page 9a meeting, i'eg9lsr oc special. -

which hive been occliIning ei i o- . ni eir ie'iceiksan average of once a week even and neigl4tore Io faVe' Antissince he wss chosen. Owuing SOolelef oar vnte ej con-a pe'eoscsmcna. nnaihasingpba- fidence uexiTacnday.APni1204.tegrayky as a hobby have 15ko. diatbe con can000c 145 es-wise earned fer Steve doe tode cep49 wetk an the beechof Offocoal Pkotographee" fun his esimI creditable toonuer.the Park Distract. whicl hoe110cc ta thank fer taking. de- slnyerciy.vclapiag. and enlarging. no his C..s.ee.'ewa_ time whitest charge. the ' ' 0dmalls ybstos we have seos of C......vsrioos yarb xctivitovs. $eutor Lite SaversacceuoplisbtecntOtfhibaardhos Lt. Sam Bublev. -Lt. Lar-


made do-ieg his renac-aa5m- °°° an4, firematHlmthter,aSien ofCalf-Millaed sorrnand. ai ol the Miles lire depalu-fog acreage soto ti- dfsttiCLO ment,havc rereetly- complet-hao-dnyles. passage by e vote ed a tO-week course io seo-uf 3 to i et the bond fosse ria. ior life naviogaiMaiue Easi.Contluseol ou Page 11 made the decisIon dt the staus..



How w uiw 4flMJM!! ThQU MUM:K0 *y &l Ulula uhvd4uu ,uuk uyer wflJtm oumold' guvJuI lun aF000!' 11100 ljeclib,, thuof mofrhIp, IL ¡S ,duo u co-IrdimI! mo,ou4 dcoiplIou o!Wily 0$1Y000 ohould wop to ljavco FuRbo. Mo-I o! OU H ¡obSmP-000IPg boot, !o 11w onu-_ç guer, 11wgonkoor uullug ugulusJoçJ' o! thou, 004 11w wco*o,pkluF garlcucr 0uuglIpg a-gaio!! ¡44 u!physJc4rougth.

4OP FWWl!PJ HWoJ_OR. byPal4c1EoJeyuauidebuuJ !ur thu begluuu aR'fr;ouçc book ¡OrilloudiunnulgacF. UOF thu impurwnxguI-11011 flowuru au fsw wOÇgnu!4y colurod paiu-graph!. 4rFPth4 lu alP!laJH*-Icul anlur rol, flOdy r0!enKceach plarn Is *dul4*!Id amI lu-YOIlMl4c 1u14 ulmleqwfleç!4l-mrdl dirculluno givi ¡Or cacl4 !lucI4 occuon tdu l*aizzapPo, tcIl4o-rs, molqaI ¡T0lr4ICelWtthOl,c4wo 01011! anllu Onul4Qlu ¡Ois o gmoduu wJU Ill cicoflfloway the oiu!wur'! llflcur!0Iu-;5uu ulucç She cOrc!!dly ÇIQOfluwFnl llfl' lyU$4 u ¡Oosgc000 ¡u AmoUcH gprduua,

ommillull Ial' ganIu4lu-u whgl4vcUI OU 4luflu 01 thu cuuulry, ¡OtoUs how cuwlug$aut w pots,lu!s. 'ouco, pImguis wIndowImucS awl hsuglu asfr$ canIm on ubso-blug . Thu010cc pupujuc plamu--gcFoui-IUQ$, OlIlu0905 hVOld5S. !ucfr0*05, 0llI puluslosazw Ills-'causud ¡oIlividusUy. O4llcrdhaptcs c005lIluo thu acçcosand uccocalo- paoslbflIdco ut;rues, shoubs and vlues Umptuwl;tg o! porlumiuls, lIcols-mid coco yegetulIles, ucIl clui-lus-cc P15018 toc lus-lus-s plu.ces oId cIty bcaulstìnuinu, Thulobt Mou duoclibo- UIul0051et*!ccts w!Uch IlION buouch au cusllousus cIUor auocaso;l Iuu, OçbIcvvd wIthçllo (moo spiu pals-ious- stuns-er ms-mis n.

Icy ni ponhaueco 000iaica,

TAM May 18

utheran ehurébOf ReMu,reIjou

OuSuuUm. M,Lufr-t011 *lUtdh ulUwwill IndU Sea',ices at 9au. s-doy Sçtooi a; 1tlIIß with UIU'ety puYiçIcd tø botlI. l'asIsu

s,vltn Motys sawou tops-uu Ncoe Sue s,s--

is lIasedonjobu 8;SI,

Wud, s- ?3U I'.M, cas-lIs-s-dby thu pouws- -


cs-s-tcc0W is tcmpoasdy' t;uU Gado s,, W*u00 Musouovccau.

rTh'uu lapaI wnppa ¡ 01 ¡Ou ris-ui !lu

cuIds-aUos 11014 at Gu!t S MoU,h 3 uto w dlIl; s,UauUs, UlJou lI,frs, !!0, SoI'cmI os-I Mus, 4Ibux!thou,

Mu,s-Il !uVO, ¡pç po pouØu vms- puss-t W mofrII4 0mo'!wou* !,d thu ll iby q thu rl 0mo4 0WVlu1100! ID thiso!;;,,s,,s- 1u4 SOIWÇO! mol qfrj- !0001'! ps-wmpadThe sis poØpu4 ¡O 0qn çmnØug opaon,IdUpa '!!i WOO

ou- p! 1fr hIngcao omo'! nçUMUOO o! Um ycos,

Troop 279 Had Dale Willi hd¡OtspaI Frlip WOO

thu ¡Os-ou nf a 'Paw WIthPOII"Ilcawolo 000000!, glVw byTnmp 279 pu !'druary2atifrrcnpao Iad' Field flousp Pol-

lowing a ismily S!ylu diguejpoepasud by Mrs. Heleo Haha-bpdI!m, !'iss, Marlo UfldeMrs. Geapiide ¡-educar. molMoo, SYlVIa MislIy,1elcao-le! cltteozained Us-Ic pamodsand tcacfrrs WillI dp,cas aloi$00110 taillu Us-lues,Uwedes, ls-oc!, Musica au4Tes-o. Their pgr!onponcp old,s-150104 in the OWoUUngInthcDIthci; WprW PO*IOIdOJiIP pins bylhul, tniuploudnu,ls,o,HiaipaJouge pad bIcs, Caçpa,a Sru-Waw,

Qd;ec ocUvlIlcaisrTa'çoyi9hyç ¡Oplu4e4 thuie portIci,yaHoo In n window dIslIloy Inc

otmxjou rI4UUliNIHcl INPtrl MID UOLI!S, by Goorgc Police Ball AtToloumis io THE hgpl un gup

FvqluOwthllW ms- now bptigmde by the Mes ?rtul-man!o Bouevukwt 4asoda,lion toc Um 'uUmowon'u BaUro lIc ballI May

'lilo FOUls'! 010*0 U,uc u! ¡Oucaiupay club s-Ut !m u'po ¡OUm cacos- i4b auple sçs'!oaull dacin avcasSßhaaos-lu b sul Up lu ¡OCINIIflO ¡Oueapoeled cauwd aloI. s-astis-rpuiay0 1fr paiudu polnIs-c alci dancIcy noua 01*11 Is-opco Twa O'lllmnter ntUciaIbave npcsoted o'4th ¡Ou au-000*utiOO ai polrlty Ins¡Ou-lIns-alto tcasuszIldy

clIi;aullImoww' :- '' Statt auw waking ps,us¡O

oib, os-ve and yuuc faon.ily w pwxecting wuc lIcouantI paspaaoy

-ge; acquototuIl with the acatweU tar uboaiuingiuou,aopos-.

anembras ç'! Us- police lInUs-b,lomo, 1.11*0 btiu thelirotdau,relis- tmoiyfarnWd,loatlo,yumoi,

NSJC News!adUivaI Friday coeuiu

lurUmes 'alti be bold U30 FJ,l,Friday. hairdo 29. 1963. RaLid1:1. ÇhatuuywiU thu-oct thu oes--

Viceo, aud deliwer &oi sees-os."What is caçouss-imtiusjsu"(_luur MUDu S.. Puas-mao eillois-AI tilo Utlulfy. FaUowiuwas-lu'!. the caoseraoion s-lUPass-cipale b a rvceyUyol.

Sawlr WUXUius-_ al l&d Ms-da $&% *963, ThadIn

WIN h lod by3i_ by O

poop InulUcroIc lue hielWmUmN4Pis-uyWWlkeNafl Io wnl tInklunStreet In Nileo.

ou Wedoesday ofras,Macb 211, Um m' wau Uva!'ed ¡OnswprlsecyetW,be0thoyaWW4llIg O enlier 0haWi ponyut die Pa1jd inusrcaIl a! Uw,r ul Bcçnit

Ineolilif, ThO glOb cdTpooy 279Ors-; POI1OOrI Boros. [ancle

j'cwloI, P0b54id, Jleldá Jp,ldc Hortoeçw Howord,KdIUI Jis-ge, Debbie IedçvrPhyllis ¡Olas-les, jiilIiiss-;C41thy Hmobedu MopaQubmonaien-, Holly

O00 0OyS411!ta0UvII19..po Wllspii, pa4 Iiau '!lukU*o-

CII, ?olvalnmo'o #.oiildnolos Inhv4uy, pod ntqwn In

mmv wIN im l'O dOUl ludaaF OOIHuUDg oar will Umluloilleno p0Oo nINfleo be p'pro, Bahths- Will befilOd,cIl ¡O aU roulds-va olid aa'sacelse wislfrg to plircIcon luts-can cou 7-7167 oo 900-sial or ask say Nues '!aroi,n'un-

o fothos,j,çul,5ßgivIng eyçe asoldelu osoppat..tucity ¡O gçt oluuudou4uythwwuSoltau or the world rn'wwnod)'am O0luzottr,

lus-e iradIlivaal olçou,Marc, sow 0 M;, on'! MOO,Çbtui,çe lUssmu ld,MoUo9G0ote, will çe2luUm mn.olversaty o! blu Bac MiUvalIby chanting blu pas-ion al theThr;b oeadioy of Ins PaLlIaIt..

cavay, ne is otcoosily seevie s isuoud temo el areoIcuInoswUmo-o» thebai PaLos! Riende! t?03 1v '-79ie!malt!, utd w us-u-ØeOlp» o! a seneo o! ha¡osos us mOos! loOsed poseed.osos to ¡ocrasse Itis eunys-.r00c0 lu the doUes he p5.

-- - wecisdus. Jis

'Wca.BoUcU, au Us-os fl ltwt

la 9 vltal need (or Um bQaed luotuheoca the putdic' js-eu,0000&nIOe frir paubetno in acu0'eO0Ute spirit, and seaci.s-l*ual castlosinos wt.tcbsero,the bus! isweesis f OIs- $011901d'dOmo.,


I CO401KUf1 OOFIT6 CO,I oMi RIFAd SIRVII 3iOOF IEp& W 'L ,v-3 EV4-*!P

Sheily Nathansòn RunsFor Seho1 D.st 63 Board

(Nn'iw Release

Mr. heIky NOlhOs-,s, 7902 captive to she fu4s ofthecooi-Ppyi# Suvu, Morton svvehas °'!)' In uds-uI Puohlrnn'.OuuOlmced his cm.4j.py 05 5m_r of Um Bosad o! Sets-01 leoni 111e vs-y ls-pos..DIno, 02. Thu eleticn 0! two !allt Issue ! ¡mpeoveins-s-s inm_os of Um Board s-Ill fr the O.hIieIf, qv4uu,otSeJ,eqfheld pp Ipcii U, 1902. Mro Uv Haahaasau isHoffiml500 lImos-e ¡plurestad,u dfdWitOd to ils- sleelouheulnythe achsel busrd'n activities of Ieederyhlp ut 111e level oftwo poseo opa Poil 1159 5100e the Isp inctutteoshly o! thetIutilded most of their mees. schl board und Ihe enuilna-legs regolari. p, Ile Relu cuy auca of the posos-'! cfforto tocInrotoply thou Pies-lot f'3 needs physIcal s-passion qf 111e rano.RInce Indett voices on dic uiIl5lt$ edIlogliotlof focI1llie.Bged onO hao Indies-ed lusthe will buin to the Uap5t pot children In cts-nonoonly ou ludepetuleet apirI! bot tOi)' $t*uul now, saut Iwo loureUm obitity. to help develop o entarimo uchoul lu the Imar tu-huas-1 polIcy iltu, Is muro uP. lure. Mr. O Mu. Naffiansan

hove o ves-ui luteras! In Us-tirnir, o! Pisitict OP. 4 gouda.ateoflupCldasoupd'flçu 1

w ithd Mv. P4lshansda 'Idoraws Ueth,lo o! llcioueoDrgrocfrom Çhjtago1a R,9Ve1I U-

Jorn Sei1!41lue lIncean Woe, hsvlep as-woiVetulty. He In a vetaren of


Dht;63R nulace ald 1912. In 19P3 fr founded

Gamal Prsn us-I Uthugtoph.fowu lteloaon) ,t puti is preseluOp nerving

us President of Ildslcompauy.Uvoretj.Waovç,. flU Unto MruNathsnsuniacu*eauyaep.

00909 St., Murtos tIcove, lu, wing Ins second teem au l'co.hon ms-nuts-ad bIo WiI*OWOI o! lu, Ituvuevefa Uni-no o ociwni boss-I !OudidOtO VOTSIIOJ 4!blall4Iia$UOInUQn-ldafOr.Pinrtict 4d1. flu Will s-4$. uctIvIlico os-I luterais- Includepoet woo of lu' l'caos-tI Indvu VieOOdtOlflflafl oltIs-Lyric

tn; caothIlotso, Me, Shady Opaca CoUd of Ohicagv,foinulerRetheuun ucJ MOO,IreiIOImok, °s- chulcuton of Roosevelt U.Mr, Waster casoheul l'io de- n4ve49Ity Munmi FiuO. pasteloIsa oder dIocnvcring Us-1,11 illÇ1lIh ut thu o rolatluiio¡Orto oltztd ot.nllst' vies-o nitO corns-dIne 0f the AUtos-ls-nggol9. H io cppiç IbStIIDIIt '!P'OiOltY lIs-fUMa-. !lathansnn m,d Mou tool, 011O s-s-aLes- of the RQMCa

Nßwho,n,Me, onO luts-. Rvbonjanva

MuIons, Je, et 0019 teecokteufluo, 151001. hIlos", wofca.owIoos-s baby buy. Ud'et Joows0D Marçhll.1963. UotaovJanwsweIct,ed 7 lbs, 13 0e.

N;'!lt7 -JJgglle,? ))ÇJI

choel L teffeys flfu)

Sn W I.uwe ¡05 raadfdas- US S P5tl5bT0f Um Hiles PaLmo.IncelewIwo g, UmU01tpvJUpes-1 17' looseil asO is ipuue.Iiateo UflsUirt ß60 llfr. oiwo0as P55! l'rasoi'!'! of ¡lueloe p OOOfIls-ItIn00ìtS ¡Or SI,, Beiglgs Jupavausost Assoie-Poses st 9$ZoUuosUt; ofibllis SOlos. lie is UjIs-' r4vesew.

iIc'!Jois,aIel fOyasrd'2 so» Os-ive ful UmVL'luIJIPInJvOAmo

¡sto Its- cuis-selbdltico of theduais-escoldp of fUles MoyoIPIn sAs-u the origInoioOainuanfosd In ceeeweoey to ceslgws-ms-p Ums-000 of lbs. as-csl fes-icoJ.

Mr. Lowe says, "Piace dieprestos! pact of our wo do1er poas to lue luJiIdhlWspd op.

0Ip f,.wa lies a loop Ido- efodes of oIs- sels-ois, fillestory of ocasice ¡O lIts moo. nulds-t19 ols-tUd be wellropaw._ty. He Js ¡Or Um psot °5 Itje Schon!!W years buon aLois-sau of O!VlsIdtt//IP. i Will pVCUIOUIthe tOiles ÇÍ$17es-' fÇps-.DOouaO the best r.resouuillu» wIlls-uFuo' one yeas Jte hs sorts-I ls-jI P11IUt

Oro weu-Ñ; huuie Owners u559clauon,IDO Uv lIIØt OtIltItet' neededfar urshlp,

Mr. Wosvet' fee1 veq,sicotWit ahuut U.' 'teed forchanges on the preoent booed,ThIs bio viaroosuteg the Us; io!candIdates ottets a ittuolt bel.

_tve of eltecolup ¡On',

SALE3 Day8 OuIy'-1hurs rr., Sut.Mah23.a oSpu VuIiàQp.GWT 1EM$.PÄRTY GOODS



LIN Sùß2348S

;Uils- Buis. Morel, 28, bOO

Corn i ! i UthtyChurchNews

The ins-day Cts-job Sels-uil'radueao Will be bounced df Odis-mu- WJISOOIIIßb NItO$OQJ5.s-Is-in chausSons Eelduy. Mar,29700 ab iePIJ p.m. 'Ibey 101fIs-ar the LIeiercd Usascegisgi.beiao ¡O'eSJu about "TheCburd la UZas'!". Ile willsimm cs-toted olidos of Jira-cl'

Eoajulnßúwi of mrs-bees ofShe Cu,nmunlcantÇlaso of 191ßby Us- c2wrcofs Sisolun willhe on Friday, April 5 au O gas.This gwup s-iii be ocafirwodon Pains Ps-Idol', April Idi aia special wuesbip servIce at12:30 p.m.

The Westminster Youth Put-Isyiship Gis,'!. of Nifes Cono.mwllt, Cias-ch will Utliis theculufreSation s-lit. Iwotallons ut their plafl ' Ste thePast l'issU Past" at Il t.m.on SatUrday, March 3011I ouaal 4130 p.m. un Sunday, Mac.Plot, Mes-boro of the CroopwIll impersuasle mcnibers ofthe cuugregauun as s'the fautflashes pasI', Thr play wasweinen and dIrected by Mr.Rudy UlaLa. TIckets may bepurchaoed after servIras or atthe duet bofare the perform.

Hiles School

'flic Nflc I'blIc SchoolPar.rat-Tourber Aosoclaliun haddream. oid dial droam la us-wmalerlolIzIlU i'ls- a realIty,The acqoIoIIlun of El opinel ou.-gout by noviaS 710 Sfili Trod-Ing Stomp SurlIa, Is now Inalpin- Ua p79jct ItdheleO IoPad't.TcccIp A01UPAJiÖnpollcy In that the chIldren areaol lnsaIvd.

Over 109 i,ua11uhavebrtnro!-looted Inwards thIs goal In theshort upan of linie thIs projecthas beenouturway,audbccauseof the enthusiasm atol isteresIohown, lt IO Is-pod Ihal the hal-.once wIll follow just au.pllckly.

The presut mInie programat NUes Public School. wIthits uutModiIf oliscosos. handsand lois-tied soloists, has al-read beouglit 1up0r nnO oc-clälm tu«qur ranimuoity. TheddlUou .( an urfan sl,uvld turo

thur enhaufe lids prefriis, aawell as breados its eulturallutecosts'

Spinet urganA

If you ore In1eresttd ¡O thisoducallo,íaI profram, lCoIUri-btfllgtis o! hauls- or 'stampswuudd be ugst weltoHe. ForfIts-her lrfsnoadun call Mrs.G.ti. IIng1WId. P.T.A. etie-dtllt at YQiktowu 7-6878

JefersoiPTA MeetApril 8

Ils- Jofferos-, Sols-ui PIV..s-Ill ls-Id lt°s mts-1c2MattdsycYnalug Agli lIb in Uso uds-alalturIun au Is-Il P.M.

The u,pst t,! discessIna s-IIIbe un the ass- Us-al lasm. AtUas strIp v.111 be bitas-n ta eu-pialo Us- A50,Ç_'s as orInalfluanceu5 thun eas lustwhy thu ns-soy is tierdod asOwhat It Is tar. The JiwIrd ofEducaclun'wIu held0055tall. lasieQOO ¡Os-Ange theparents to ouate OCdI'555Ioipatein a m.slioopananbdlscussign-

5,AûoraLdWtellup Ihepaceuls

ore invited in came to the uo.us-tins- tanin s-boxe rotuesit-ululo will br uciwdd.

QaeryZino' 'Independence9 Groundbreakingilie-aw B'!ua'e)

!W1I3ATES FOE PEO. im the lites Township Coas.iRs5s s-lolo tu eaU afleerios uiZUrwOOs- l"uOi.m, Ya., hasew ihr s'utero of Hiles IbaS bee a loser i,, boibwls-é satocas-o-ros- made roperdiog d' luts-Soif thutollamisgones.controlled poli.fr4 system w flous:IJ,e Village is a big Is-ao,

s. lins- ran po. pars-a9 alteMr. Zimus falls to nIrullun role al a s-old, dog ou chu

thai the CA!OOIDAThS FOR 1'°°s- bawiog bes-u the Cons.PgOGgE are being helped by 501go Manager for tite New,Repubilasos and Democrats. Era Pas-y?The tics-erratic and Roptthli.

=rch= 2. lIn.. ran you avoid heIse

pie have eu s-glu to rake pantis Village electigus?

Ir is hemming apparent thatibIs So-Called lndeent isbeing tus-red ai,d backs-I by afilles Towuship MontOOrsi whoroos-illy lust the TowusldpCgmmll100nlan election, Cambestill classify himself os as la-doent7 , n'al u. Ls-jaro

This Joan UDIV talkIng abatSpolitically feue aud'lmJOpoedeOt

Usase yeti, es o-cviiwiIndepetolear, OIT CANVDATFS

gnVerwrwjb ¡s a HYPOCRITE. FOR PROCREOOpanyisha.jby bath Irmocrailc as-1 Reput.-

Mr. ZInos who so freely iban ratero, W have a Re.labels Mus-rIt as on iudeea pabfla. Canipalgo Chairs-au,donO Is really Just a frustrated alOI Demucrotic sud Republicanloser ¡u the rent Cunmtiutee. s-am lens-irs. We are pos-uiman Jilectiun. tu be represeur,ul by all lue-

. lIOns In ib Village of Riles.Bill ZIn,os, you were hod

to the apron Strings of ils- New Now MR. ZIMOS, wie LSEra Percy. '(au were Campalgo TIlE I5,gjoiychaIrman Io Jerome Lerneo

Stanky Lashes OutAt Ò Party Control

In an excluslvelotervlewwlibTrims-n John F. Sis-dey, s-lutIo ruttiulig for is--electIon unAprIl ld,puatedblo vJSwD.

Nc saId chat be b os-s-logcompletely ou his record b!eight yeses unlhaVlllageBoardund lutin luit ihr peopleNUes are by this tune awrcof Ihn many Improves-rote Iothe village us-t he has lush-gated and fuslered.

Mr, Spailey Bald, "I haveoamnny and carefully s-at.died and guarded the esfolo.Ulluco f the taopayer'u dol-lar and, during my term lit uP.fice. have successfully accote.pUshed various annexatlans ufproperty to the canunimitywhich have rtsulhed lo vastlyIncreased revenue to the Vil-lofe. \lthouj this rcv000e nurViUogecould never have alanced ¡Odget wIthoat Incres-lag laauitremcmlously,"

Mr. Manley farther oies-d,'.1 am Independent ofany political alliance In IbIsCompalffl and I am uf the firmbellX that the eltctlan of uni,,.dependent is the only methodchat can proverb a one ¡laicO,If stem and bass s-tie forNUes." :

He continued, uThe onIyfuUolaje flied for this election Issl'oosorcd. fostered and engato.dered by the jresenj admlnla.teatIno whirl. oeohs only titopower for the complete cots-1ml of the VIllage os s-lIeu.The bUI sIshe, labeled in then'ui, of progress, In, h. fact,a lois- 01 She presta: udndni.Us-eta,, arO is upsasdrodbyuta-=I otsoMarainilto

(John Stanley News Release)

Mr. Situley aal,"Many ofOVW 005IUatISASVO lanved hrwfrom OilcsgourOth0?bIged-les brouts-o Ikoy mere slubottodby the dictas-nUl aspacts andpower aases-ed by nooteluirtygoueaamrol.

Mr. Stsnley then made thIsos-temeul, "Rtnsla h0s Rheins.cile,, mito eumpIetly demis-ates his lu,rlIa011esi. dad cs-lessthe Voters of Riles awakenthemselves W the lioWSast pro.bostU,üIb'inIl fQIth115 the solls-as-ed "icogreus' rmvn'mnt,they ns-y well UsO thentsoken

swayed by Jerome Les-ocr ilyoa were Js-wrml W Sii 00 thehuard?'

3. How can you daIm yuin.-self as am ltzdels-tulent, Il pouare tIed tu a local Skukie l'o-llIlclai Jerome Leus-ra-, fauns.er asottldafe for lilIes Tuonoship Cas-sols-eus-au, s-Ire,, nuae presently being holpuil by

In the lieu. p.up of VillageWIoIIIafIIDISm.

Perlotbus Ibis ens- be os-tmousily unolerstood by people ofthe VIllage mis- bave ulteodedcoct vs-luge hoard meodugult. an uflemyt to be ls-oid *s-Ihave boul mId is oIns- op mutsIt down-"

"Tida is a dodIDIte teOVC5IYon the rights of any ellIs-ilany taspayer s-ks- desires toslat' hIs side of a problemto the vlllageboard should liebeard and listened out. Thsright Is provIded by State lawatid guaranteed by the constl-lotion." -

Thu duly method by 11.1Cl.the people of Pifies can rwi510010 0 complete one-partyrule and have a voice In theirown govertanent Is ta exercisetheir privilegrami duty ai thepolls on April litI,. gIve gravecouslderatlon In the isouev,audOben caàt their satesnot formathfl,ei, hut for IndOpeIUIeOtpeople.

Nues PTAMeets -


Aprii 21ie soul regular .s-etlngof

ube 1111e,, lIn Sels-al Purs-eTunct AanoeIa will b,hehl na lbastkn- Abs-Il 2 Inthe gym.

A olas-e los-lasos rwetleeluiu=uurm of IT,eAIs-II -a,.lles-. f the Muulrf os-sed s-IllIt, tuilas-eU by o silutu tulibe Ss-ce. Styles atol as-turnsof Has-all s-lu be noerwiostodby appeopelahehachgaozsal oua-sic provided by Miss Alice0111er of Lyon f. lIs-uy on adeuioosteadou Hammoudoagan.The ouun Is the goal of thePT,:w SIbil TradIng stm,phook project, oosu os-turs-ay.

Rndìámeols will be servedb, ürn*gra mtttv.


Garden Club EntryWins Award

' freto,,,, Heights CardenChAof Riles lo pensO to os-ounceIbat its entry in the Canje,,Club of IllInOIS Section of dieChIcago World FlaweratalCae.den Show placed second in the

,cJass Flguee of a Woman".

While the Carden Uob entrysours-I Idgit enoutj. ea win thecoveeod Blue ellduio 95 0010fa possible lilt) the EdIson Parkentry mooed 97 poInts to win'dig bbs- 0151 also the AcuosOUlsunculot.. one al the tdojiestawartis given to an entry lo the51,0w.

er show of this sian is rcwaadets-ogb."

Goes-ia,, UeIgiIS GardeuCIubmee.,burs aetedashustesse'!isrthe Gardes- h,b of Illinois naopes-0g day ami took theoppor..Amity tO os-dy the prize cullS.niob ar050gCmcnIs and tablesehdegs villI, on eye to theiros-n lins-ne skas-"VWagcVlgn-etIe' to be held on May lit-Uut filies CommunIty, (2strcl..AT tini nani, llore other nane.bers s-sieVed at ils, Ways undMeans booth atsl at the tines-.otdtnral magazine sitboceIpSonbonIlit moItit from s-blob will

Mrs L tOus-Jas-1M petotlxecardwnclithoflfll,u.Il_t,. w1ro : ci. seis-hAoiap Ftis-J n, aid


In aaten,lauce at the Gus-us-1 Breaking ceremony uf Hites itemCommunity Building and Pool isst .Sa!rs-lay wore bous ldt.toright: Corns-laloners look LeslIe, Ray flagon- Steve Chameeski,brusfre Bob Weste, Mrs. Sherwin Leolnoow (wife uf chI, Corn-missioner). Mayor filch Blase, Tees-tee Len Szyn.osski, PresidentLou Sehreiner Trustees Sam Iletmo and Jolis- Pacocid.

arraugerornit fexttlrlug!/Inceux worthY utsInits or hamis-dwreGhinoky's ucullilure of a poumg llonctdtusw. Those mete.wonton, agree that 'uiibeurj, cubo IrainIed In MoCurna-ceerpoun wants to s-i,, the e,o. Ick Place agreed it s-as a doypesience of COs-yetlogloaflosu- well sPent.

Ann's Offers 1% RefundTo Fund Raisers -

ANN-S SUPER Foods thisweek Wieeited a jOan ta helpcloirches, upuagogues,teu,ples,and other recugaisasi !s-lraio-log oegoaiaatiu,s by dooatisg1 per cent of its mes-bers,ases to any dooirnated

lov Silvers-an of Aoofs said50 members each spurs-ag 125u weak could earu$Oißforthelrbroil' In a year.


"Save 555W cash rsterrnorelias Of 92 or more," Oliveroman said, " utd have an officerhorn Ii.- gorap 155,511e ibas-demptioo anytime moni thanstati been acctmotbted.

More Iofoiseatioo moo beso.cured by rathac!isg the storeoNice. 2626'Colt Road, Oleo..view (129-2057) fur dotails.

Nues Çalendar Of Eventsl.Iarcb SI - l°ine Arts Soci-eofs Ast RoMbi! - lOds- n-sn.to fo p.m. Gram,,,, heightsfictUbatne.

Apoll 2 - Fln Arto SocietyMeookg - &ou p. - s-2esVliIcgeItsll.

Apes- 2 - Oak ScIstol P.T.A.flab Skai- Us-llp.nje

AprIl 5 - 7ummfs Atiolilaryuiffes Police Dept. &no n-rn.Fichue WorIn Bldg.

Apoll 8 - Plfles,Paok Eels-esdInr,is - .00 p.m. firers-tnHeIghts fleidhonse. To juin thismis-bcab gus-tip. -eau Viw Egs-.1823-2011. 1:,

Aprii 9 - Frlo9JoftheNulesPl*IIF LlhraCY r p.m.ut Lthroog. 2944 Wuukegan.Yoajare tailed to aiim.;.

April bU - -s-lien Publie 14.brary lOislrIet Board MceO-lug - 7li0 pa.,. at LIbrary,2944 Woukegss.

flds Is a stawice of ubelI2sCItizens Cas-nuits-e. To ls-ve,ouu. cIel?,, ce ilstett,ileuorucuri fljLa ulgce ab gy.BnBasekoll Lcngliu nests cven.hose Ebresiby cl the nuns-b.dies-s-so. Ifis. øeu.tmas, g5



Zoning Board meets everyfo.mth Thn,sthy at the Village'sILC0out of Comm.rce meeeetoLo, ueomlWs-5oos-day of ¡Oc1.0190th at 14JtS)'IOeImI.

The'Eluas clod, of lilt,o. us-ois;vo!ay Thirs-y at Ot the¡saeTeen is-je




J- £stte-a foe 8.



Nine room Th-Levei; 5 bedroomo. 2% bathe; km-uy room; 2 ear attached, heated garage. Eletdrlcheat; warher, dryer, dishwasher. 1'Ç .rom. Oneblock south of Et 45, East of Oakwood Rd. Call

Low 37e. Trade for smaller home.

. . . MUNDELEIN :$600 Down to Qualified Buyer- Teint prior $165OO; financing avaffabie.

3 bedroom ranch home, 5 years old. eiceUen!oondløon. Extra large living room. Economicalgas heat 2 car garage. On large landscapedJot. VaIk to ali orJtools shops. churches.

-LO 6-0489


$24,000 - 10% DOWNFor this 3 bedroom face brick rancit. Kitchenwith eating area. Pamied recreation ruomIn

. haasment Garage with sido toreen porch. Beau.ftfuliy landscaped.

. FOLZ REALTY1810 E. Northwest HWy. Arlington ileighis


Attractive frame mach. with partial basementeconomicat gas heat, Incinerator. Convenientlomn 3 bedrooms, lovely carpeted living coon-with Romàn Brick corner fireplace; attachedgarage, deep lot, completely fenced. dog run.This is an ideal home for couple or small famy

Priced at $72,480

FRED B. WIJITE REALTY344 N. Milwaukee. LiliettyvitieOrMundeletn office, 918 N. Lake. Rt. 45 LO 6-tEto



THOMASMt. Prospect!Jnussal 6 room brick ranch with attached ga.age. Pull basement. Large patio. Family rooman be converted lOtos bedroom. Sensibly prired

Des Plaines -

340,000 Reäders in Northwest Subwba- n Chig4nd


- mit'

in beautiful Cumberland section. t betroomranch. Attached garage. Full baSement. Lovolpatio with aluminum awnings. A rusto.h, builhome with plastered Walls and hardwood floors.tdealiy priced.

Outstanding 3 bedroom bl-leve; with 2 bathsSeparale dining room. Cabinet kitch.. withbuilt-ins. Attractive a.dsroping. Priceti rightforyou. 'J( -

3 bedroomrsnh. Utflutyoom. Air ron4!oninin 1. bedroom. Caragewkffi built-in work enrh- lan' attractive features. . Moderately rked.

Gi.AN1) l'1LL'1XANCIXflL 1

1784 lç l'lainca sit;W!

Look No Farther Than the Clamifitd- Igeaofthe-






0.11 2D611 (Dee PIaoes Area)mode-LThorin Area)

4 LmEB $2.60. Usah with order, $2.00

2-assi Eakt,-EouUa for sale

REIGN ALL ALONELike a Queen on a throne in yost own palacewith luxuriant carpeted liv. tm. and dining 't'that has glass wail io outdoor "courV'.- Threeregal sized bdrms. tit ceramic baths. Have br.4d.& honey in kit. with built-in oven and range.Your husband can count the money left 07crfrom this law price of 24,5Et. in either basementcounting room or attachcdgar4e.

Arlington Heights - Only $19,950Attractive and immaculate brk. .anch style liomcwith ideal -family layout. 3 rotmy .bdrms. 1%tiled baths, deluxe bin-h cabIn.t kit. 17x12 t. rand bdrms. carpeted with rieb w/w carpeting.Many extcas included. Owner sacrificing ilsyear old home below original cost.

- McT(AY - NEÄLTS. ReøItor

. Member of Not$hweot SuburbanMultiple Listing Scr,lre, Inc. -

l600OAKTON S 4-061:. OPEN 900 ASt. to 9st0 PM- ....: .! - dj14I


n. F. KNOX REAL ESTATE618 Codor tnkc.Road Rounti Lake, Ill.


K! 6-2135 BAS-5513Lake Area Homes óf All Kinds


- -Mortgage Money Avaiible

. -.- - miff

. NO MONEY DOWNNOw homes avoilahie fqrimmediate oceupanrv7

NO MONET DOWNWill build to soit yourtot Or outs.



Ji; 7-7920-

ml 3/26

BE22Minutes from O'Hare outHwy. 12. Ten minutes tofishing in the river. Fiveminutco to golf andesca closer to shopping.scooi. church andfriendly neighbersRedwood ranch homewith hic kitchen-diningarea. three bedrooms.wallt-in closets. and a

I OV one car garageattached. Lest than rentat $108 monthly includ-;.,s i.oacs. Smaii - dow,.payment. Ready NOW.


REALTOR liEiGltTs- - By ow,lcr. Moving in Eu.

On Hwy. 20 by Cull rope. Mimi sell 3 hdrm.Course roach. 2 haiho, sep. din:

Carpenterovilir. log rqom. large land.pen Sat. Sun. -ve.. scaped rnund, 923t00f:


2 bedroom, 2 c. garage,black top drive; neatn-bonis. Many extras.sisas,) -- CL 5-iDi;;

. dj4/2

Nooses fríSole

silo!' tTGObE' MiLi CENTERA Weil kept and spaciousranrh hume. 6 rooms. 3bedrooms. 2 foil baths.large closeln. Heated.finished garage used forree. room with w/w car.peting in LP., Dli. A lotof home! in the tow. low205. 10% down. FHA.termd.

CHOICE LOCATIONThis custom bulit ranehwith ptaatered walls &

-foil basement is tocatedin the conter of schools,churches & shopping. 6rooms. sep. dining room,3 bedrooms, i',, baths,ree. room in basement.Nicely landscaped. Oneof a kind. A home youwilt be proud to own.In the 375. 10 down.F.Ii.A. terms.. ltEAtTlt"!t

WOODED ARlATitis Welt kept att brickhome has separate din.ing room, 2 bedrooms,fuit basement. W/w car.Pe tipg. A large shaded55x185 lot fer . ploy 0erecreation. Fuli ,rice$18.500. -

'1131E TOSTET.JJl.Mil.ì

A iovety 'tog cabinstyle" sommer Cottage3 rooms of easy living.Completely furnished,rjtady for summer funeven t., the 22,ft. Chris.craft cabio cruiser withJ_30 H.P. Chryster Manteengine. .70 ft of Water-front. boathòulse and oli..tilmin.from Des Plaines,Fall price St6,ich, $1,720down. $119.00 month.

. 1'LN FOE -

st_i-i *KIR:iA year roufldpi0asueeto live in this lovely 3br. ranch. All hardwoodfloors win' carpeting.Beautiful panelled arc.room in baseroent hasgas fireplace & lovelybar. Lge. 16x32' poolruts from 3 tI. to 7 ft.deep. Filter f sr pool isin Spsciors 2 car go.rage. Dive into this eolat $25,600.

. ()t'EN lt)li4E.

S.TlTldFLt,\' 1-;;331 Radcliffe Ave.

Come see titis charminghome . in Cumhenlandarea. Scorned ceiling,krslty pine paneiiiog: bedrooms, J baths,family esom. Wood burn.ing firepiora. Walk tushoppio ..vhoots, trais5totiOn. $3,520 down svillhoodle lhis$2$,4lilhsrnr.Balance as rent.




'EIDAMÏLLER-_L & CO., tLTORL Team EfpltnlenreGaltl.ee St.,'DefpIalo

PHONEEtI4les. ro.zrnlyr ; ilfl/5- rtd -

. .


2-BI Estate-Moneen fur Sole

.Tl3ere.ISSomething New!

. Our ibredranch Witha

BWLT-tN f;Atl4GE$12,475 --

including- a lot with city.water and newer.

$375 DOWN .

and a PitA insured 55f.%mortgage with a towmontliiy payment of

$66.91principal and interest.

We welcome - the in-formed buyer whò teèog-fires qualify, such 'M........:°Atroa aluminons siding,°Kentile Vinyl ftoors.'Lennox gas furnace'Clfaseall copper plumb-ing °Formi.ta counter -

tops ttorgan sash. nddoors 'Kontourbirch rab-mets n120 amp circuitbreaker servire Ajnet-iean.Standard plumbingfixtures. Completely In-nulated and decorated. .


See Our stodri Ho.jme


95 $'alrtawn Drive.JflPUND LAKE, lLt.l .

.ütcihalt_.S.2186io. ;-,ì-r';..1ff


Attractive well ki.t 3bedrooù, ranch; 'lg hit.and ltving room, Washer.dryer,'ntorm, sr.ecs,s frawsi,jt5od lodafjor,rinse to schools shop-pitig, Rsnspont*tian.


»Rn, Otliet ¡Ipineov.1.

H,-on Reahr'SE.\LTClfl4' - -.r fj_T'. 3-Ill Kirchoff lfd.,

-itoltiug Meadowo.:i, Ct, t.O5O5

. OSambe of lijiop

Mullipie List1i3,


-NTÑCH4 room frame. 5 aCres.1',,, tskles from toWn otRoste 59, Extras. aestoftfr. PO 6-1631. - d4/2

TO SETFtE ESTATE.'. - .5 room. 2 bedroom/fouseBasement. 927.001). Call824,911 or Kid-9234. .

,,- .dj4/2

.'it'linglo;. Ilaigtits.py Own

3 1glroom. brick rneh.aiupinum s/s., ' rpet.,ing. attachefscréenef porch, fülTbash.Weist, . finished imUynomI. gas heat. .kkng ........distonee o chpdin. .y.'


t7-?oc Sale-Pote 17-Far Solo-pete


, - iIAL5 flU-COLOR COLLIE . ..

Be.átAiJly fagJred $11 $ots, louse 'Fraiged.CiA1fl'ION$MP ITOCKEceJfenf With CJiiId!gff

WOJTR-$l5. FIBST *7.5-rA«:ES .

3624927 . -

. Mil/JO1-Bom6d.Uag 21-Retnateiiog

- .



ColniflercfsJ Type Suttdlngo- f COneete Work

a Ait 'f'pes-RentodellngMI Very Competitively Priced - C514 Today

for Eme Estimates on All Your Bu!ldtng Nefs1922 Bethesda Blvd Zion, Jflhitoin

Phone TR 2-8519-

. . - colti22-Concróte

VANGUARD OOÑCR1TEDo you Seed a basement ustlec ysu exiotioghome' New and, old wOrk. ilnue calslnf In'eluded, 9dewsiitn -Paltos, tiaroge, Rlfprn,. ltlyerW679, - . . - .

Low Spring RatesFor ettimate call ELliot 65696 -

., 1511f

24.9-Hot Pinking

START YOUR EASTER& sprIng bonnets tact;;';Complete stork of latestsupplies. Instructions.


ces. Prired right, 9Í2 Gln Flora, Wsuke-1169 ParK Pl,pgt Plsies, CU 4-2335.

l.B-P,ulamoUvoSpqlrá 6 Servlcoo



VA -7-3111, 5th foc Bud ttl Iflobt. '. 17-Pow.. 8roh

'titiWE BUY AlfIl SELL -Piamonds, antIques, gldgold, jowelty, ralgtt mU-steal lltttetunes$s, 15AW5LOAN CO,, 10M flavim,£Vaflstsn, V5 9-3119,

diR9.-tønt ond Pound


*11 TRulte, . lixehongoti,Ropnit'eti, Atijiittoti -Fin,itirig Avouable


Mgi NlR'aul,eehuf


l'stir Local Piiinbeg-Aitti lIettju Expert

t Commercialt Nenidenilato ISdiatfialEt. 45 (E, of

Montlelels . 2t6-404t-titf

WIIITE blek & cowncalico Ost. Lacis LOfliond

-Us, Call days, LO 6.4 .34, evm. LO R0t64Mrs. Jacobsen,-u m13-2i

WILL CARE FOIl afontFor. rUitti ta -try homewert days.

Cati 827-lIts

I-Domi Carajor Salo


1963 JEEPS

Best Deal In Town


90-Fcs llstt-tte.

PUMP, PIPE ehI4 P51fS.$URE TANK. f Juive Aalzo lIt Deming cepwell pump-with 1 pbase,2 Sp., Us rpm - motor.Also 240 galion pres-007e tonIc and 360 ft. of2 inch lgstde diogm.eteg S5lysisized weil$pe. fhe pump wasUsed In our tOO ft. welland was woIcing eBrei-tenlly when we liad thewell pulled up beesuoecity water was connect.ed to our pmpetty. Weneed the room it's tek-Ing up in our garage,If you need this equip.ment you con get s realbatgaln. Take n look, orllsye your plube orwell driller go over It,theta Slake It0 an gilet,Call - VA 4-5633 atte5 7lIt.

»II7 Ii. P. TRACTOR .- 10speeds forward, 4 reverse.Hydraulic ilf( front andteac Attachments in-elude rotofillec with- 7up engine. hydrauliccontrol -rear msufltedBulldozer blade, plow,Iliac, drag, stable tvpeMower totary snowplow.'t'faller A misc items.Ese. rond, 824-2087.

bl/I39-For Sale-Itousehoiti

StILLING FURNITUR5irons fout 14i $10,000homes! At least 60% off!By cosa, hr piece. Coarrange terms. Deliveryfree, Phone 359-8210.

ml tI

uVItJST S4CFtCE-5sm.pie fqriture of 4 mode!tiomat, Will' sell by pieceor roo15. blAke offer. Wedeliver h ocronge termo.262.0119.-

Sewing Maçhine

- , Repairl

Call 362-2324912(0511 WIIITNÑECC1OI PF4FWIlING ELSA

Grand Ave, fluisce USED RUGS24-Swig os 2-6301 - 5EM5Af4TS, ROLLS,

We Buy, Sell anti Teade WAREHOUSE

J S E P S -

-SALES 5001,1

miti ; TIDY RUG1957 CHEVROLET hard. Jets. lit. 120 & City 14(op. Nerd tospsnsihle Woodstoel,, lii,party IO laite ovr last-a payments of $37.22. 815-Ml-1000

24'A-Upholatory 01 cash requited Is $25 ml 3/19do/Vn, Car may sees alTom Mashalt MotoCs, SELLING OUT SAMPLE6119 S. Oenrsee. Waoke- Xurnituce in S modelgsn, or phone Mc. WOloh, homes, Will tep. up OnMA 3.6201, mi if


Oft. Dei. 392.0910,ml U

.59 PLYMOUTH hardtop.Power steer. and brakes; SELLING OUT lurnituremiran; excellentcunnlng °'B 5 model homeq.cowdilion. Best,-odfec.-..... SqmottOn9* dis, Cash pr

- --YO 54295 - enB5. -Del. :543.8701.b412 . mitt

. SKIRTS ASE SHORTER-Have your clothes readyfor Spring. Wilt caIne- 10your home for fittings Sretucn garment ready toWear, JOan-TA 5-6392.

di ti

CUSTOM MADE. Slip Covetss Draperieae Upholstering. Bednpreàda


924 Çeenwned.Wau1iegan,, 662.2454




VACUUM IIEP4IRS500yec . Eufelln . 0.10.Weollughoune, I,ewyt, etc.


REPAIRSItoyal Re5ingion

Urtdertwisf ..

25 years' enperience- miff

HORSE SINQLE hatess,potty niggle harness, 4.Wheel horse buggy, ponybaggy, roadster pasypony cart and harnean.Call 166-6157. -

nU U

31-Por SolO-MOctho16S1-?or S6tt-hou1oheIdliFpr Soig-ifouØgi4CARPETS - RUGS

- . .AEEUAL 5AJg 4h' "5E ONLY WAI1EBOUSE $AI,ES ROOM', OF19aNJ9N5ORj348itttJwNO$, -

- EItER lfPOIf P7115100 - -

OVER 509 195W BUSS AND ROLl, ALAItC5S AT 10-20.30 frjjfl .59% 0F9tEE 50 Oz. RuRber4oated Pad With Purcbpre dI Any Ner R9

- of Carpet for These FOur pays Oply!'iiurodoy, Msrcb 28-9-5:30 7M.

- , F,tday, March 29-9 -959 P-ID.- - Saturday, -l'Sacchi 10-8. RIO 7.19.

- $uday, Il$arc9 31- 1 'B;$O PJ9.-- FREE PfrRKING. 80 DAYS SANg h$

TJPY CARPETS AND RUESJuprtops itO, 120 and -Cit7 14 - Wood$.tock, fl5qig

Phone 195/339-MEO -


RECREATION 9100M SPECX4!Decoiptoc CallIng Tile, Oc sq. 4. Ennfonh Hated

cousticel Ceiling T9le nq-o an 12e q. II.!AhI Fitst Line Zs.0ate;Iaa.AMERICAN MAP7Il -

P9'ee Delivery in Lake Caufly-



DII 6.0245

WILL TRADE osed Rein-ington noiseless partabletypewriter for used up.rigiD in wqrhtng artier.

LO 6-8864 evf s.- MIR

BROWN ilv;ng room outfit, couch & chair. Brandsew. $100. IVfen'o skates.all Precision Leiat5oa'sTraiter Park ori 'faultyAve. Lot 44-B. Mc. Kin-cade, d 3/28

6 REPOSSE9$ED COLORTSr's, $485 f, up. Ali inperfect ,on4ltton. hewwarranty with sets.


1197 N. Cedar Lake 54.Romad Latte peach.-

Kl 0-8124ml 2-28

BEDROOM SPITS. WhileFrench P.i'ovinol8l; amatufted oslo. Call 389-1882 after 6 l'Al. orSundays, rU 5/28

PHILCO REFRIIERATOII-$35.00. A4 rp4.; Easywashing achinc, $14.00;new bl-folti doom, Sait;apholstotef heatihsnrtio,$2.50. Altar 1;a0. VA 4.l'lOs. bU

L,OUJtliE CP1AIR-Uphot.stefeti in offwhite Nan-caliye. libo new. tOca-osnahle. 824-2057. 'ti 4/2USED TAPPAN f05 rfngnwith Vlsualite sVen' goodcond(tloa. 001V $l5


DINING 509M . SET -Takts, nix eitairs,,-bltffetTancOitionol walnut. Gondcondition. 175 (dO. Callaflac Thorn., .437-2806.

rl; 4/2

ll-'Mustcoi Inetrumenit



PLAYER PIANOSave Nepsir Bills

Ali neresoacy pacts avail.MASTER PIANO

761-51166549 N. Nothwest Hwy.

di 3/26

PIANOS WANTED. High.er prices, 50.3-6132.

kifTOP DISCOUNTS on allmakes new Pianos andOrgans. Get an honestopinion. We will not beundertold. Alto ¿molla.able: guaranteed usedSpinetn. Grands and Up-rights.


1252 Berna, Chltagodill

91 4/2


li-MutIrol intbumenla

S4YEA.Jtjuost Half

8nat4ttl ehpy P4 $1.. tan/attn Goflovef, 141ccnew, Gran4 Pinna,

Alno Vino 5 Vt.COBANPR ' D0I TTI

All rriinishvd R gsacon-tcd, Upright S nIadintopait, 9125.00 up.F.ttlt nizp 704 notavo newspitgis, $4h5 I-tP.


CI1IÌANS, r NI1W A IJSFJI)- Yttqmon, 8 Jtionllw 014

. WarItirst, l4#gnaypr- qnlbr5sr

Maria SCIÌRfCEMusic Store-

:1415 pmnwontia pos Ptalnen

VA. 4-4111di 4/2

PIANOS fr oiir,'tNs -New f. Utef, lIlt N. Mil-waflleo 4ve. -

, bU

CONSOt4B plans.Superb condition, Benchincluded, li montlia alci.solItO oc bes sffc. 860-7612. b4/2

14-MuoIvat InstructIon

Guitar - Organ-

Drutise Lestons

ve8 lIarnos forChildren

TI1P.1 EITRIG BOX33t . N. MitwaDhee Ave

Lib#rlyvilln; Ill,EMpire 2-2031

naltf20-Help Wanted-Mole

P6-Help Weated-Mol.

AJtp YOU BE2'WEES29. & 38?

We need a married prapfor psiablished tonte.

Gnpti Slatting Salary'Training With 7ay02 Annual Psyeherçs

All Co15pa8y Beneitin


155 Pole,nop 114. lIti. 12)Lbe4yville, Iii.

m14/2 -

MJJIOPELEIIci . LIBE11'f'f-VItRE - LANES 'ANEA-7ant ile, Local branchof a large Mfdwes(e;5maüueactnig Sonadanoelia 4 ep Ip oar Salenaid Servire Dept. towotic eveniagn. 92.10 perbouc. Call 244-2489 irant4-8 POil,, 5atcrayn 194P.M. Se;ylce 7ovogpIWelcome.




Wanted Sat. N, . i-Y. oltieaRment. Encollent wont.Ing condutlona, qn;tl p#s',- - -

Wh!te - 59 O 141, penPlaliies Intimai, 1169 -Webtotti till;

a 1hgine LatheOpero's

e Tqrret .Lsthe- Operatal's-a Assemblerss Inspector-Opettingo la mon williexpEdience. Uap't wages.EveIlent wonlci cnntil-llana,


OQRPORAq'ON001 S. Woli Rd..rita PlaltOes, ,ll.

YA 7-1171-ho Equal OppUçny




MACHINIST APPRENTICEMachinists 99. stt Up and opWate all standard -

shop eqtiipment, Must ho capabte of wockmne lvgenera) tolenatces of ± f54 anti light toincesof .082. Must have setved machinist appreio-ship. Second shift avatlble,

APPRENTICE PROGRAMYoung high school ggaduate with above avecagegrades in mathematics anti shop courses, with


an interest in serving a 4 year govefnme5*appro'ei8 apptentigesitip.

c91i Pensolinel Manegen $oc ÄPPointntent:

9to4Daily-2$9.4436, WARNECKE

LECTRON TUBES, INC,1m W, :Onktoa . -' lia. Pilttea, IlL--