Top tips to help with planning permission applications


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You can now apply for planning permission easily online, but use our tips to ensure that you do not hit any unnecessary stumbling blocks when submitting your planning application.

Transcript of Top tips to help with planning permission applications

Page 1: Top tips to help with planning permission applications

Top tips to help with planning permission applications You can now apply for planning permission easily online, but use our tips to ensure that you do not hit any unnecessary stumbling blocks when submitting your planning application. Check if permission is actually needed Once you know what you want to do to your property, check if planning permission will be required. The government’s Planning Portal offers a range of guides and interactive facilities that can help determine if you need permission or have permitted development rights. There are constraints to these rights, however, and it is advisable to go to your local authority to carry out a constraints check. You will need to apply for a certificate of lawful development if you want a formal record of whether you need planning permission for a project. Pre-application advice Pre-application advice is vital if you want to maximise your chances of being granted permission. Contact your local authority and use its website to enable you to exploit development opportunities, and then pay a fee for formal advice. This should enable you to find out what the key issues are likely to be when deciding the outcome of your application and help you put right any potential difficulties before you submit. Steer clear of advice that is given in writing, even if it seems it will be positive, as this can actually complicate matters later on in the process. Talk to neighbours Speaking to the people in your area can help you minimise the chance of objections to your plans. It will give you the opportunity to allay any fears they have in an informal setting and may even give you ideas on how you could improve your proposals. Apply online One of the simplest ways to apply is online via the Planning Portal. It is possible to fill in all the forms on a computer and to attach all of your documentation, such as plans and planning application maps. The application is then submitted to the relevant local authority immediately.

Page 2: Top tips to help with planning permission applications

Think local If you want a greater chance of being granted permission, make sure that your design is in keeping with the rest of the area. This way, planners should look at your proposals more favourably from the outset. Also remember that you need to get your plans right before you submit your application. Legally, local authorities cannot accept any changes once you have been given a decision. If you do want to make changes at this time, a new planning application will have to be submitted. Common mistakes There are some very simple things that you can do at the stage of submitting your application to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible and your wait for a decision is not delayed. One of the most essential things to do is ensure that you have completed the description of your proposals as fully as you possibly can. This will minimise the need for time-consuming clarification requests later. Finally, ensure that any plans, drawings and maps are produced by professionals.