Top Ten Skill Gap Facts

10 FACTS That suggest the Skills Gap in the U.S. is REAL TM


The Technical Skill Gap is real ... here's 10 facts from various surveys that help outline the issues and needs. How is the skills gap affecting you? And do you have a STEM Jobs plan to address it?

Transcript of Top Ten Skill Gap Facts

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10 FACTS That suggest the Skills Gap

in the U.S. isREAL


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92 BUSINESS EXECUTIVESBelieve that a skills gap exists according to research performed by Adecco with 500 Fortune 1000 executives


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40 Fewer workers with required skillsA 2012 report by McKinsey & Co. predicts by 2020 that global skill gaps will reach 40 million jobs lacking qualified candidates


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4 UNFILLED JOBS MONTHLYIn the US, (2014) there are nearly 11 million individuals unemployed while more than 4 million jobs go unfilled month over month. 67% of these jobs require specific technical skills.


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93 IT SKILL GAP IN CURRENT WORKERSA CompTIA study indicated that 15 Million US businesses rate the aggregate skill levels of their IT staff as less than optimal and 93 percent indicated their employees at large had an overall skill gap for the work required.


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77 Lower Productivity77% of respondents to an ASTD survey indicated that the primary business impact of employee skills gap was lower productivity.


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27 COLLEGE GRADUATES HIRED FOR MAJORA recent study by Chegg indicated that only 27% percent of college graduates are hired in a job related to their major ... suggesting a mis-alignment between education and jobs.


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67 MANUFACTURING COMPANIESThe Manufacturing Institute published a survey of 1,123 manufacturing companies that indicated a moderate to severe shortage of available, qualified workers.


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50 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGERSIn a CareerBuilder poll conducted in 2013, Half of HR Managers indicated that they had long-term unfilled positions for which they could find no qualified candidates.


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26 BACK TO SCHOOL49 percent of employers are planning to hire and then train employees to meet their needs - a 10 point increase over the prior year and 26% are sending employees back to school and picking up the costs.


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27 BUILDING TALENT PIPELINES27 percent of hiring managers are starting new high school and middle school recruitment initiatives to increase the connection between skills and jobs


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