Top-Co Tech News Volume 1 Issue 4 - Flow Loop

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  • 8/13/2019 Top-Co Tech News Volume 1 Issue 4 - Flow Loop


    Top-Co as amanufacturer ofprimary cementingequipment relies onthe contributionsthat state-of the arttechnology tomature andinnovative testingpractices provides.

    The role ofcomprehensive,disciplined, creative,and even passionateproduct testing inthe pursuit ofexcellence of anymanufacturingcompany will beexplored at length inthis issue of Top-Cos Tech News.

    Comprehensivetechnical productinformation may bedownloaded inviewable format fromthe Top-Co website:

    July 2010

    Volume 1, Issue 4

    In this article we will share some of thelessons learned by first describing thestate-of the art facility, its benefits, someof the standard and more creative tests,and the way it has allowed Top-Co toclose the cycle from identifying a productrequirement to achieving complete cus-

    tomer satisfaction.

    Top-Cos new test facility went from adream in 2006 to a plan in 2008 and com-missioned in January 2009. The facilityallows testing of all the products Top-Comanufactures, from centralizers to floatequipment to concrete compressionstrength. One of the goals during the de-sign of the facility was to be able to con-duct all product tests in the same physicallocation. This objective was met through

    the design of the facilitys floor plan pre-sented below:

    The advantages of this centralized con-cept are:

    Systematic execution of a comprehen-sive test matrix.

    Development and maintenance of acentral test results database.

    Standardization of test procedures.


    T O P C O T E C H N E W S

    Testing in a clean, organized, andcontrolled environment.

    Ease of implementation of a 6S phi-losophy in the test facility.

    The facilitys flexibility and capabilitiesallow the execution of all areas of Top-

    Cos testing program:

    R&D: new product development andexisting product improvement.

    Quality control. Process verification. Failure analysis, or third party testing.

    In addition, the facility has proved instru-mental in the following two areas:

    Customer and personnel training.

    Technical customer support.

    In the last 18 months almost every Top-Co employee has visited the facility andwitnessed or demonstrated how our prod-ucts are tested. Additionally, we havebeen honoured to have a multitude ofrepresentatives from leading service andoperating companies visit the facility.These activities have become invaluablein exchanging information with our cus-tomers, receiving feedback on current

    field issues and requirements that consti-tute one of the pillars of our new productdevelopment program.


    The integral portion of the facility is theflow loop, shown in the left area of thefloor plan depicted on the left. The flowloop consists of a tank and pumps roomand a test bench.

  • 8/13/2019 Top-Co Tech News Volume 1 Issue 4 - Flow Loop


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    Alfredo SanchezSenior PetroleumEngineer

    Page 2

    The picture below shows the flow loops tank andpumps. The tank with a storage capacity of 160 bblscontains two agitators that in conjunction with thetanks shape avoid sagging of the weighting materialin the drilling mud.

    Mud is pumped with a centrifugal pump capable of

    delivering up to 22 bpm at approximately up to 140psi. Heat blankets in the pipes can be set to 600 Fwhile circulating the mud to increase its temperatureto the test requirements.

    A second triplex positive displacement water pumpcapable of delivering up to 5 gpm at 5000 psi is alsoinstalled. As shown in the following table, thesespecifications allows for testing beyond the conditionsdescribed in API Recommended Practice 10F Rec-ommended Practice for Performance Testing of Ce-menting Float Equipment.

    The picture below shows the flow loops test bench.

    The facility allows for simultaneous testing of up tofour test specimens.

    The flow rate is continuously measured by a flow me-ter installed at the exit of the test bench (installed ver-tically on the right side of the test bench), and is con-trolled by varying the speed of the centrifugal pump.

    The pumps motor speed is in turn controlled by avariable frequency drive that reacts to the flow me-ters measurement, adjusting the pump speed as re-quired to maintain the specified flow rate. This set-upallows for a stable constant flow rate to be maintainedduring testing.


  • 8/13/2019 Top-Co Tech News Volume 1 Issue 4 - Flow Loop


    T O P C O T E C H N E W SAlfredo SanchezSenior PetroleumEngineer

    The flow loop has three thermometers measuringmud temperature. One is installed in the tank and isused mainly during mud warm-up prior to starting atest. The other two are installed in the inlet and outletof the test bench and allow for full compliance withtest temperature requirements by API RP 10F, inde-pendently of heat loss due to a lower ambient tem-

    perature. This is of significant importance duringtests conducted in the cold winter season.

    A key parameter in the testing of float equipment iswhat API calls volume required to achieve valve clo-sure. The facility can accurately measure the vol-ume by collecting any back flow in graduated bucketssitting on calibrated weight scales, as shown in thepicture above. The weight measurement is used incombination with the latest rheological properties tocalculate stated volume. The combination of the leak

    weight and visual observation allows the operator toidentify even minimum amounts of back flow(dripping.) This is of most importance because in areal application there is a risk that a valve that is leak-ing a very small amount does not get detected imme-diately, but rather days or weeks later when the plugis found higher than expected.

    The flow loop is equipped with 22 pressure measure-ment locations connected to a data acquisition sys-tem capable of recording up to 100 readings per se-cond. The benefit of this system is the great flexibility

    in the type of tests that may beconducted, in addition to thestandard API tests. For example,testing the performance of astage tool requires a fast acquisi-tion rate as to not miss the actualopening or closing pressures.

    This is explained in more detaillater in this document. All instru-ments in the facility are subject toa strict calibration schedule that isalso part of the plants Quality Management System.

    The facilitys pumps and valves are actuated from thecontrol software, allowing for complete test to be runentirely from the computer. To minimize the impact of

    the operator on the test results, a significant invest-ment was done to build subroutines into the softwarethat guide the operator through the test procedure.This improves the speed at which tests are conductedand increases the repeatability of their results.

    The facility also includes a high pressure, high tem-perature test chamber capable of operating above400F and 10,000 psi. Additionally, simulating annu-lar pressure is also possible.


    Page 3

    Accurate measurement

    of back flow volume

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    Alfredo SanchezSenior PetroleumEngineer

    Page 4

    Recently live web broadcasting capabilities wereadded, allowing for tests to be witnessed and dis-cussed with Top-Cos customers. This manufactur-er use interaction has played an important role inrecent product developments. The webcams arealso used for giving virtual tours of the facility tocustomers that are unable to visit the plant in Ed-


    Lastly, the facility includes lab instruments used tomeasure and control the rheological properties ofthe drilling fluid used. The main instruments usedare:

    Standard field issue OFI Mud Balance. OFI 200 mesh Solids Screen with graduated

    flask. OFI Electronic Viscometer.

    Management System

    As it may be apparent from the description present-ed above, management of the facility and more im-portantly, of the testing program is essential to beable to benefit from the large amount of data gener-

    ated. A strategy and system were designed and im-plemented to schedule, prepare, execute, and gradeeach test and provide feedback to engineering. Acentral test results database for all product types wasbuilt that allows for both quantitative and qualitativeanalysis. The management system also includes pre-ventive maintenance and inventory control.


    Perhaps the most important benefit obtained from thefacility has been an improved understanding of prod-uct dynamics under miscellaneous operating condi-tions. For example, it has allowed us to study the ef-fect that plug bump speed has on the opening of ourstage tool. It has been instrumental in increasing theaccuracy and performance consistency of this tool. Itwill also allow us to study the effect that annular pres-sure has on the tools performance.

    The facility has also allowed for increased accuracyand repeatability of test results. As mentioned, it hasallowed us to collect all test data into a central data-base that allows for quantitative and qualitative analy-sis. For example, we maintain an extensive testingimage library that has proved fundamental in recentproduct developments. We have also obtained bene-fits in quality control.

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    Page 5

    During the entire duration of the test, the facilitiescontrol and data acquisition system continuouslymeasures and records relevant test parameters asillustrated in the following flow and back pressuregraphs:

    Flow Test

    Back Pressure Test

    Putting aside the initial capital investment in the fa-cility, the current operating cost is relatively low al-lowing Top-Co to perform extensive testing of evenminor design or manufacturing process changes.

    API Tests

    Another benefit the facility has provided is the capa-bility of executing tests by the book exactly as de-scribed in the corresponding API or other test pro-cedures. API RP10F describes three test catego-ries consisting of a number (I, II, or III) and a letter(A, B, or C.)

    The number is an indication of the durability flowtest. This test consists of flowing mud through thevalve for two hours and then performing a backpressure test to confirm the valve closes and com-

    pletely seals. This cycle or flow and back pressureapplication is repeated until the total test duration iscompleted, which can be up to a total of 24 hrs.The last part of the test calls for a final back pres-sure test conducted at high pressure and for 30minutes. A summary of the durability test catego-ries is shown in the picture below.

    Alfredo SanchezSenior PetroleumEngineer

    Durability Categories

    10 bbls/min for >3-1/2

    6 bbls/min for smaller

    110 F




    Max. PressureDurationCategory

    10 bbls/min for >3-1/2

    6 bbls/min for smaller

    110 F




    Max. PressureDurationCategory





















  • 8/13/2019 Top-Co Tech News Volume 1 Issue 4 - Flow Loop


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    Page 6

    Every two hours the rheological properties of thedrilling mud are measured to confirm they are within

    API specifications:

    1. Density: 12 12.5 lb/gal2. Plastic Viscosity: 10 50 cp3. Yield Point : 5 25 LB/100 sq ft

    4. 10-s gel Strength: > 4 lb/100 sq ft5. Sand Content: 2 4 percent by volume of

    70/200 mesh sand

    Properties at 120 Fahrenheit.

    Upon completion of the durability test as describedabove, the test piece is removed from the flow loopand inspected for signs of abnormal wear or perfor-mance.

    The second part of the test consists of a high pres-

    sure, high temperature test in which the test pieceis soaked at up to up to 400F for eight hours andthen back pressure is applied in 500 psi incrementsfrom zero up to 5,000 psi, holding each one for 15minutes and confirming the valve is not leaking. Asummary of the durability test categories is shownin the picture below.

    As in the durability test, pressure and temperatureis continuously measured and monitored during theentire duration of the test:

    Alfredo SanchezSenior PetroleumEngineer

    High Pressure / High Temperature Category

    8 hr soak time

    500 psi X 15 min increments

    5000 psi400 FC

    3000 psi300 FB

    1500 psi200 FA



    8 hr soak time

    500 psi X 15 min increments

    5000 psi400 FC

    3000 psi300 FB

    1500 psi200 FA




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    Page 7

    Beyond API Tests

    Furthermore, the flexibility built into the facility hasallowed for testingbeyond standard test procedures.For example, extensive testing was conducted to de-termine the effect of orientation and inclination onvalve performance.

    In anticipation of the longer reach and deeper wellsthat the industry will pursue in the coming years, Top-Co has also initiated tests under more demandingconditions, such as higher flow rates and longer cir-culating times. This is most relevant in extendedreach wells where fluid particle velocities required forappropriate hole cleaning may be as high as 3-5times those of vertical wells and which will take long-er to clean. For deeper wells, higher differentialpressure capabilities may be expected and thereforetesting above 5000 psi is also required. Top-Co is

    using this capability in testing to destruction and de-veloping new high pressure products.

    Top-Cos testing procedure for differential fill valvesis another example of going beyond standard proce-dures. In addition to following the steps indicated in

    API RP 10F for differential fill equipment, the flowloops flexibility also allows for testing the differentialaction of this type of valves.

    Similarly, generating performance curves of pres-sure drop vs. flow rates has also become a com-mon practice at Top-Co. This information is availa-ble to our customers and can be used for more ac-curate surge and swab calculations.

    Outside Tests

    Top-Cos in house testing program is complement-ed with specific tests performed outside of our facili-ty. Recently, drillout tests on three types of prod-ucts were performed at a leading manufacturersfacilities in the US. The information collected wasused to confirm operating procedures as well asfurther product development.

    Additionally, field tests are commonly performed.

    Alfredo SanchezSenior PetroleumEngineer



  • 8/13/2019 Top-Co Tech News Volume 1 Issue 4 - Flow Loop



    Alfredo Sanchez

    Senior PetroleumEngineer

    2. Certification that the flow loop facility is capable of per-forming tests on float equipment according to API Rec-ommended Practice 10F, Test Category IIIC.

    Customer Satisfaction

    Perhaps the ultimate benefit this facility has provid-ed is a more efficient path from identifying productrequirements, to designing and testing them, to im-proving them, and finally achieving our customerssatisfaction.

    Lloyds Certification

    Top-Cos Flow Loop attained two important certifications byLloyds Register:

    1. Certification of a successful test performed on the Top-Flo Valve per API Recommended Practice 10F, TestCategory IIIC.




    Quality Control


    Satisfaction Industry Requirements


    Test and Validation

    Incident and

    Failure Analysis



    Af ter Sale Suppor t