Top 50 Goal FY 11 in Review For-Profit Region Jim Vastyan v2.

Top 50 Goal FY 11 in Review For-Profit Region Jim Vastyan v2

Transcript of Top 50 Goal FY 11 in Review For-Profit Region Jim Vastyan v2.

Page 1: Top 50 Goal FY 11 in Review For-Profit Region Jim Vastyan v2.

Top 50 GoalFY 11 in Review

For-Profit Region Jim Vastyan


Page 2: Top 50 Goal FY 11 in Review For-Profit Region Jim Vastyan v2.

Top Accounts FY 11 vs. FY 10

Account FY 10 FY 11 $ Variance % Variance

Laureate$167,115 $178,550* $11,435 7%

Strayer$130,374 $95,253** ($35,121) -27%

Grand Canyon$20,723 $41,694 $20,971 101%

DeVry$26,054 $36,858 $10,804 41%


$40,00 July 2011 $10,000 33%

Kaplan$5,491 $14,685 $9,194 167%

Globe$327 $29,450 $29,123 8906%

Totals$380,084 $436,490 $56,406 15%

*Late report months overdue for ~$20,000 **Recently changed their primary distributor.

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What Where/How/WhyRecruited 5 members for our FP Advisory Board. (No turndowns to date)

The 4 “school” people are intentionally from high-level, mid-size regional FPs—all with online MBA programs.

Website “tours” • Ones I am now able to conduct • Public and private demos that Andrew/Barbara have done• Our DeVry contact is very interested in learning more about Sims and is seeking help to get the word out to her deans and faculty.

Implemented a priority target approach to the FP sector

Currently have 16 FPs in that group, and probably will add another 2-4 over the next 6 months. Sales at the 10 schools in that group that are actively using HBP materials are up 17% FY 11 vs FY 10.

The Kaplan marketing management pilot.

Will provide valuable proof of concept info as to the viability of helping customers design “HBP-only” or “HBP-mostly” courses where the textbook is dropped or marginalized to recommended status.

Content suggestions/ RFP responses

All accounts value this highly

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Where Why/How

Sector at large • HMMv10 pilot for alumni at Rasmussen was very successful • All FPs have an alumni department and alumni director, so this concept is scalable to all.

Sector at large Webinars as cost effective and time efficient way to promote products and HBP

Large FP’s We’re at the early stages of engagement with 3 very large FPs — Bridgepoint, EDMC, and UOP.

16 priority accounts Starting from a small sales base and market share, so growth opportunities are good at every priority account.

Quality medium-sized regional FP’s

Sullivan, Harrison, Rasmussen, Grand Canyon

Sector at large Moving away from textbooks to a disaggregated content approach

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Where Why

Rasmussen, Kaplan, Laureate, Globe and Capella

• Much better understanding of the key contacts and key internal course development processes at several priority accounts (Rasmussen, Kaplan, Laureate, Globe/MSB, and Capella) Growth will follow…

Kaplan • Strong strategic relationship with Dean

Laureate • International expansion• Online MBA for Latin America• Univ. of Liverpool for Europe and Africa

Capella • Excellent fit with our materials • Only recently able to engage with them at right level

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What Where/How/Why

Difficulty in engaging key people when we want to see them

• Getting meetings, keeping them from being cancelled, establishing good relationships with some key accounts • Key Deans/staffers work remotely and only go to HQ quarterly for meetings • Managers act as gatekeepers for Deans, others• Deans, others are over-scheduled and don’t always see the HBP value prop due to unfamiliarity with us and their “habit” of working with the Big 3 pubs.

Opportunities for growth at accounts are not always immediate

• Large chunks of business are under contract to one or more of The Big 3—and courses at many FPs are “locked down” for 2-4 years.

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What Where/How/Why

Services portfolio • We offer course maps and ad hoc advice on popular cases, articles, books, Sims• The Big 3 offer program/curriculum design-build services and ID/SME services at the course level.• This is their quid pro quo for obtaining large multi-year (volume discounted) contracts at the larger FPs.

Protracted development time-line between RFP and/or course development phase and course launch.

• From the time we bid on RFP’s until we get the business often takesmonths