Top-5 points to guide your #Gamification effort

to guide your Gamification effort Roman Rackwitz [email protected] @RomanRackwitz 5 Points "Gamification is a - STRATEGY - so, treat it like one!" RomanRackwitz

Transcript of Top-5 points to guide your #Gamification effort

to guide your Gamification effort

Roman Rackwitz

[email protected]


5 Points "Gamification is a

- STRATEGY - so, treat it like one!"

Target for business resultsbut design for the user.

Of course, every company's project has to contribute toan overall performance, directly or indirectly.

Keeping this in mind, every Gamification project has twostakeholders & two success-factors: 1. There are business-metrics to achieve. Make sure youknow exactly what they are, how to measure them andwhen it will be counted as success or failure.

2. It is all about the user. Gamification targets theengagement & motivation of the users involved. Makesure that your approach is focused on improving &enhancing the experience for every individual involved.

Only if you can merge these two (sometimes evencounter-directional) views, Gamification can besuccessful.,


Engagement depends on the activity, not on rewards.

If there is a dull activity that has to be done and a rewardis offered for the user to perform it, the activity itself willstill be dull.As a consequence: As soon as you stop rewardingpeople, they will stop doing it.Gamification means enriching the people's journeyinstead of just waiting at the finish line to reward them.

Activities that are experienced as being engaging and fun,often share at least one common denominator:A task that has to be solved by the user. But this task hasto be challenging and solvable at the same time.Otherwise it would be either boring or frustrating.

This means that there always has to be an individual 'Pathto Mastery' for every user.


One of the most common misconceptions is that wealways love competitions. Of course, it can be satisfyingto see oneself at the top of a leaderboard but this is onlytrue for that single person at the top.

What happens when you earn your way up to the topjust because your opponents are a miserable failure?Not really a fact to be proud of.

No matter the context of an activity, the one and only facta person really cares about, is personal progress. If weknow we improved from the last time, even if atthe same time we lost against others, we know that weareon the right track. This is why we want to experiencepersonal progress, before being challenged bycolleagues/strangers.


Everything starts withpersonal progress.

There are two main categories of activities: 1. (blue) the repetitive one that has to be performed on aregular basis & always in the same way (like an assemblyline), and 2. (white) the individual one that depends onindividual requirements every time it has to be done andalso, often needs cognitive efforts to be performedcorrectly.

Depending on what type of activity has to be gamifiedyouhave to take its characteristics into account. On the leftyou can see four main differences.

Only if you know exactly if an activity is a WHITE or aBLUE one, or at which part is starts to change from onecategory into the other, you will be able to define theproper mechanics, dynamics, and more, to achieve thedesired gamified approach.

#Differentiate betweenwhite & blue activities.

The most powerful element of a game-like environmentis its realtime feedback. Only if something can bemeasured, it can be evaluated, communicated, and so,understood.Let me tell you what I mean by that: "Only if performance is measured it can be improved.And only if there is a prompt and intuitive performance-feedback provided, improvement can become efficientand effective.So, each activity that is completed and, at the same time,has its own impact on the overall context, must create ameasurable change within the system. An adequate feedback-loop has to provide the rightinformation for the user to see the relevance ofthis change. Only with this kind of feedback hewill be able to make decisions in the context of his ownprogress and the overall company-goals.

#Measure, analyze, andprovide feedback.