Top 5 Errors in Email Marketing

Top 5 Errors In Email Marketing


Many people know the potential of email marketing as tool for improving businesses. But actually, few people know how to use it correctly and in their advantage to boost sales and profitability. That is why it's vitally important that a business owner fully understands the proper use of email marketing.

Transcript of Top 5 Errors in Email Marketing

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Top 5 Errors In Email Marketing  

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Top  5  Errors  in  Email  Marketing  


Many  people  know  the  potential  of  email  marketing  as  tool  for  improving  businesses.  But  actually,  few  people  know  how  to  use  it  correctly  and  in  their  advantage  to  boost  sales  and  profitability.  That  is  why  it's  vitally  important  that  a  business  owner  fully  understands  the  proper  use  of  email  marketing.  He  must  study  every  aspect  of  it  and  avoid  the  common  pitfalls  so  as  to  avoid  wasting  money.  If  taken  seriously,  email  marketing  is  an  invaluable  tool  for  online  businesses.  To  do  that,  the  business  owner  must  be  well  aware  of  these  pitfalls,  and  put  their  feet  down  on  steady,  safe  ground.  

The  following  are  the  top  five  email  marketing  errors  that  not  only  newbies,  but  experienced  email  marketers  tend  to  make:  

Error  1:  Poorly  written  subject  line  

People,  in  general,  have  the  tendency  to  avoid  email  messages  unknown  to  them,  fearing  these  may  be  spam  or  contain  viruses.  For  the  most  part,  the  spam  filter  will  do  the  job.  But  that  doesn't  make  prospects  any  less  reluctant  about  opening  email  messages.  Email  subscriptions  are  sometimes  even  marked  as  spam.  To  avoid  this,  the  email  marketer  must  comply  with  anti-­‐spam  filter  standards.  

If  by  far  the  email  hasn't  been  caught  by  the  filter,  there's  still  the  chance  that  the  person  will  mark  it  as  irrelevant,  flag  it  as  spam  or  not  read  it  at  all.  In  reference  to  this,  having  a  clearly  written,  concise  and  compelling  subject  line  is  necessary.  Neglecting  the  subject  line  though,  is  one  big  mistake  email  marketers  make.  

Error  2:  Demanding  feedback  

It's  all  right  to  ask  for  feedback  -­‐  occasionally.  Doing  it  every  time  an  email  message  is  sent  will  be  seen  as  demanding.  The  reader  will  not  want  to  spend  any  more  time  than  necessary  reading  the  email,  much  less  sign  up  coupons,  review  websites  or  send  feedback.  While  it's  good  to  consider  the  needs  and  wants  and  concerns  of  customers,  it's  also  important  to  be  humble  about  it.  


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Error  3:  Being  generic  

Email  marketing  has  become  a  monotone  as  of  late.  Readers  no  longer  want  to  subscribe  to  emails,  thinking  they  already  know  what's  written  in  there.  The  email  marketer  has  to  be  the  one  to  bring  about  change.  He  mustn't  simply  stick  to  the  old  conventions.  To  make  email  marketing  effective,  it  has  to  have  an  element  of  creativity,  humor,  wit  and  relevance.  

Error  4:  Webinar  -­  A  sales  pitch  gone  wrong  

If  you  are  going  to  send  an  email  out  to  ask  recipients  to  sign  up  for  a  webinar,  most  likely  they  will  not  be  interested.  The  common  reasons  are  that  firstly  as  a  sender,  you  are  not  promising  any  real  value  and  the  recipients  always  assume  that  the  webinar  is  going  to  be  a  sales  pitch.  Real  decision  makers  will  not  be  fooled  as  they  think  to  themselves.  You  have  to  establish  value  first  before  trying  to  peddle  your  wares.  

Error  5:  Poor  Use  of  PS  

If  there's  one  thing  readers  hate  more  than  sloppy  emails,  it  would  be  the  incorrect  use  of  the  P.S.  You  see,  P.S.  or  post  scriptum  in  Latin  (postscript  in  English),  is  used  to  denote  an  afterthought,  something  that  the  writer  wants  to  add  without  changing  the  flow  of  the  already  written  content.  Most  usages  of  PS  only  contains  a  concentration  on  the  company,  why  not  add  in  a  client  testimonial  to  spice  things  up?  

All  in  all,  if  you  can  avoid  these  common  errors,  you  will  stand  a  better  chance  to  impress  your  prospect  and  see  a  great  conversion  rate  translating  to  more  sales.  


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