Top · Top 10 Foods ThaT Flush away Toxins &...


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Top 10 FoodsThaT Flush away

Toxins &GiVE you

ViBRanT hEalTh

By Anthony Alayon, CSN

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Top 10 FoodsThaT Flush away ToxINs &GIVE you VIBRaNT hEalTh

REad This sECTion ThoRouGhly BEFoRE GoinG any FuRThER!


• You should always consult a physician before starting any fat reduction and

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• If you are unfamiliar with any of the exercises, consult an experienced trainer to

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• The instructions and advice presented herein are not intended as a substitute for

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• The editors and authors disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the use of

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• These precautions should be taken under consideration with all of our products

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Top 10 FoodsThaT Flush away ToxINs &GIVE you VIBRaNT hEalTh

Top 10 Foods ThaT Flush away

Toxins & GiVE you ViBRanT hEalTh

Hey it’s Anthony Alayon here and I just wanted to say congratulations with going through the quiz and grabbing this special report…

Now before we begin, I’m sure you’re wondering, “what the heck does my toxic score even mean?”Is my body laced with harmful toxins?

Am I going to get cancer?

Is this the real reason why my body feels like it’s getting older faster than normal?

First, don’t worry and DO NOT panic. We all have some type of toxicity floating around inside of our bodies. But the great thing is that our internal systems and physiology are experts at detoxifying and processing these toxins naturally.

Everyday, your body detoxifies hundreds to thousands of toxins without you even realizing it.

That’s the beauty of the human body.

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The negative part is when we OVER-INGEST toxic ingredients from our foods. Sometimes, it’s just too much for our bodies to handle. Therefore, the only way to protect itself is to store them in your fat cells.

It’s the same issue with grain-fed animals like pork, beef, and chicken. There is a huge influx of toxic food ingredients in their feed, all in an effort to fatten them up fast.

Because of this, a lot of these toxic food ingredients get stored in their fat stores which then gets passed along to us.

Pretty sick don’t you think?

And no wonder why so many more individuals are turning to a vegan or vegetarian based lifestyle…

Or just making much smarter choices with their diet.

Anyways, like I said don’t worry because first I’m going to run through the basic food groups with a fine tooth combed and go over some of the major mistakes you might be making with your “healthy” food choices.

And what you can do to swap out some of these healthy food choices with better alternatives. Allowing your body to calm and ease the inflammation inside of your joints, boost your brain health, supercharge your metabolism, and give you all day, unlimited energy.

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Now back to your score…

Here is the breakdown:

Quiz Score

90 - 100 = Optimal Vibrant Health70 - 90 = Your Body Is Slightly Toxic0 - 69 = Severe Chance Your Body is Toxic

If you scored between 90-100, then you are in a PERFECT situation or what I like to call the “Hummingbird Effect.” There’s a good chance you have a healthy metabolism, rarely suffer from sleep problems, energy crashes and are generally a happy person. You have optimal vibrant health and are the envy of your friends and family.

If you score between 70-90, then there’s a slight issue with toxicity buildup inside of your body. You’re generally a healthy person, but you’re starting to feel the effects of aging in some parts of your body. Whether that’s your mental capacity or physical capacity. This is the time to reign in your health with just a few small changes to your overall diet that can have a lasting impact on your life, while even slowing down or stopping the aging process dead in it’s tracks.

And if you scored between a 0-69, well then I need to make a visit to your house and watch you like hawk to see what you eat everyday. In all seriousness though, if this were your score, then I would bet my bottom dollar that your body is secretly storing more and more toxic chemicals in your fat stores every single day.

And every single day that passes by with this phenomenon happening, you are making it that much harder to live the healthy, vibrant life that you desire

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and deserve. A total life change overall might need to take place. Everything from your drinking water, food choices and exercise plan.

But that’s not what this is all about so all I’m asking is just to take small steps. Baby steps is all you need to go from A to B in the fastest time frame possible.

And it starts with reading this free report….

So if you’re ready to get serious and banish these toxic food ingredients from your diet once and for all…

And ready to accept a life full of energy while turning back the hands of time, then pay attention and make sure you read every single word in this special report.

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ThE Food pyRamid: why iT Can makE

you siCkThe government has been involved or concerned about the diets of American citizens since around 1894. That was the year the first dietary recommendation was published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Nearly two decades later, the first food guide was written and compiled by a nutritionist named Caroline Hunt.

It was entitled “Food for Young Children.” This first simple dietary guide was broken into five categories of food choices: milk and meat, cereals, fruit and vegetables, fatty food and fats, and sugary foods and sugars.

During World War 2, Franklin Roosevelt commissioned an action group, The National Nutrition Conference. In 1943, the basic seven food groups were introduced to help families make healthy meals despite war-induced food rations.

After the war, the basic four food groups were finally settled upon and have continued for many generations as benchmark American dietary principle.

As American lifestyles changed, in the 1970s the USDA again made changes to the dietary recommendations to address the role of alcoholic beverages in the diets of citizens. Alcoholic beverages were added to level four foods, which meant they were to be consumed minimally. By 1988, the idea to compose the dietary guide as a graphic was developed and in 1992 The Food Guide Pyramid

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was released. The USDA food pyramid quickly became the recognized nutritional standard for most Americans; however, this nutritional standard coincides with the beginning of the American obesity climb.

The Food Pyramid was developed to be easily followed by anyone. The pyramid was divided into four levels, and both graphic size, text size, and size of the food were used at each level as guides to denote proportionality of choice.

Many Americans misunderstood the pyramid, which was meant to focus on the guiding points of a variety of foods, proportions of choices, and moderation at the appropriate levels.

More planning went into the food pyramid, but despite years and a long history of careful planning, The Food Pyramid would never be properly understood or utilized properly by most Americans.

Also, there are many that consider the graphic out of sync with modern understanding of healthy eating habits. It does a superb job of providing what could be considered complicated information in a more approachable and easily digestible format.

Where it falls short is on modern accepted science regarding food ingredients and healthy dietary choices. Some of the most noticeable problems with certain food groups is the overwhelming support of certain choices that can force one’s body to gain weight.

The pyramid also does not make any suggestions regarding exercise, which

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has been shown, cannot be neglected regardless of diet if you’re trying to be the healthiest version of YOU.

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lEVEl 1: swEET, dEliCious, and dECadEnT

CaRBohydRaTEs – aka sTaRChEs

I loveeeeee carbs. Who doesn’t right? I’m willing to bet you love your carbohydrates too?

Well, I have some good news and bad news…

First thing is if you followed the food pyramid recommendations of consuming 6-11 servings of carbohydrate rich foods (starches) per day, then there’s a good chance you’re making it really hard for your body to achieve optimal health and balance.


Well, numerous reasons can be at fault, however for most healthy adults and individuals, 6-11 servings of starches per day can absolutely wreak havoc on your insulin levels and blood sugar levels.

Causing your body (even if you’re relatively healthy and of normal weight) to become increasingly insulin resistant. Allowing more and more blood glucose to

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circulate around your body and do un-necessary damage to your cells.

Plus, your pancreas has to then produce more and more insulin in order to signal to your body’s cells to process the glucose floating around in your bloodstream.

Over time, if this phenomenon doesn’t get under control, you can and will become a Type II diabetic.

Studies are also showing that high levels of insulin resistance from an abundance of carbohydrates in your diet can also lead to fatty liver syndrome and arteriolosclerosis which is just a fancy way of saying clogged arteries.

Fatty liver syndrome happens because of the disordered handling of lipids in your diet, which can be associated with having high levels of insulin resistance and high levels of blood glucose.

Now, carbs are not necessarily evil, they are a great source of fiber, macronutrients, micronutrients and necessary in the optimal performance of your central nervous system and brain function.

But some are just flat out better than others and this is NOT what the food pyramid tells us.

Plus, it won’t tell you which foods contain high amounts of possibly deadly, toxic food ingredients found in some of the healthiest of carb sources.

A good rule of thumb that I always like to explain to loved ones, friends, and clients is if it came from a box, don’t eat it.

But without further ado, I’m just going to get right into it all and cut through the fluff.

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Bad Starches: ✓ Breads: Any type of bread that is commercially process, even wheat bread should be avoided like the plague. Most white flours are highly processed and full of chemical agents like azodicarbonamide, which is a stabilizing agent that in large quantities is a carcinogen.

✓ Refined grains have been stripped of their dietary benefits, and should be avoided because of their low nutrient score.

✓ This also includes all pastas and cereals since they’re made with the same exact ingredients pretty much.

Good Starches: ✓ Any breads made with full sprouted grains which are chock-full of fiber and higher in micronutrients. A perfect example is Ezekiel bread.

✓ Any breads or pastas made with rice flour provided that the ingredients are organic in nature.

✓ Spelt flour has fewer calories than wheat flour and it is a great source of protein.

✓ Brown rice flour is a great choice to combine with other flours or as a thickening agent for soups or gravies.

✓ Coconut flour has a naturally derived sweetness, which makes it a healthier choice for dessert selections.

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Recommended Daily Amount:

✓ This is really dependent on your goals, body structure, past diets, age, and metabolism.

✓ Start with 3-6 servings per day. ✓ Start on the higher end and see how your body responds and reacts. You might notice by dropping your carbohydrate intake just slightly, you notice better energy. Just don’t cut them all out. That can be a recipe for disaster.

Remember, you can still eat your carbs and be healthy. You just have to make better choices. Put down the box of Cheerios and go for some Ezekiel Toast with organic almond butter as a healthy alternative breakfast.

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lEVEl 2: FREsh FRuiTs

and VEGETaBlEsNow I have to come right out and say this…

They REALLY screwed up this level by only recommending most Americans consume just 2-4 servings of fruit per day and 3-5 servings of vegetables today.

In actuality, you should consume as many fruits and veggies per day as you want!


Because they’re the only food group that has the HIGHEST concentrations of micronutrients and phytonutrients anywhere on the food pyramid. The type of nutrients that protect your body from disease, kill cancer, reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, plus much, much more…

But yet again, you

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need to be careful.

Most fruits and vegetables are grown conventionally and are CHOCK-FULL of pesticides and herbicides that WILL damage your health and make it very hard for you to achieve what I like to call the “Hummingbird Effect.”

Well when I look at a hummingbird in nature, they are a graceful, very energetic looking animal; flapping their wings at 70 times per SECOND, yet it doesn’t look like they are breaking a sweat. That’s how I want your body to run and how I want you to feel. I want tasks to be easy for you. I want your metabolism and energy levels to be sky high. I want you to be able to move freely without pain in your joints. I want you to be like that hummingbird, graceful, energetic and healthy.

And this is all very possible no matter your age or situation. Even if you think you eat somewhat healthy, there are better alternatives

out there that can really take your health and your body’s ability to protect you from disease a step further.

Reasons some Fruits and Vegetables are Unhealthy… ✓ When buying Fruits and Vegetables out of season, they are grown using pesticides and growth agents that can damage your health.

✓ Specifically, as many as 99 percent of the apple samples tested were positive for one or more pesticides

✓ 98 percent of peaches ✓ 97 percent of nectarines ✓ Limit corn consumption, aside from fiber, they provide very little nutritional value and can create spikes in blood sugar.

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Alternatives to Unhealthy Fruit and Vegetables … ✓ Proactive shopping is important to avoid unhealthy fruit and vegetables. ✓ Eating organic produce reduces exposure to unhealthy pesticides ✓ Sweet potatoes are a healthy alterative to white potatoes because they have fewer effects on blood sugar and have tremendous nutritional value. They offer plenty of fiber and vitamins.

Also, please, please, do not worry about eating too much fruit and the possibility that it will make you gain weight or increase your fasting blood glucose levels because of the sugar content.

Like I said, fruit is one of the healthier food groups out there, regardless of some fruit’s sugar content.

A good rule of thumb is to eat accordingly to the rainbow.

Have a serving of red fruit, orange, yellow etc, to get a wide array of vitamins and micronutrients in your diet.

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lEVEl 3: milk, yoGuRT, ChEEsE,

mEaTs, Fish, dRy BEans, EGGs, nuTs

This is a big level that contains a lot of different food groups so I’m going to do my best to break it down for you to understand.

Basically, when you break this level down, the USDA was talking about your protein consumption. That’s why they included all of these food groups.

Milk and yogurt has been around for thousands of years and used as a food source for millions of individuals.

The same with cheese. It’s full of fat, protein and calcium, which is important for optimal bone health and muscular contraction.

Fish are another wonderful source of clean protein, but there are some drawbacks with

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fish that you need to know.

Beans, eggs and nuts are again, great sources of protein and healthy fats, but like I said before, there are some drawbacks which will cover right now.

First, any type of milk that is NOT organic, you must stay away from. Many of the toxic food ingredients that contribute to poor overall health in adults can be found in milk. These chemicals disrupt the endocrine system and serve as a catalyst to weight gain and obesity.

The USDA added milk to the food pyramid to encourage adults to consume calcium and vitamin D. The milk is a carrier for vitamins and nutrients that can be found in other places. In addition to many of the additives included in homogenized milk, there are also hormones added. Bovine growth hormone (BGH) is a hormone used to increase the milk production of cows, and that hormone is added to the milk as a result.

BGH increases IGF-1, which is an additive that has been linked to cancerous cells.

And this goes for any dairy-related products like yogurts and cheeses. You must eat these foods from milk that came from grass-fed cows because that is where you’ll get the majority of the health benefits from without the unnecessary steroids and hormones found in conventionally processed milk and milk products.

The same can be said for all of your meats and fish. (if you are a vegan or vegetarian please skip this part)

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Most meats and fish are fed a grain-based diet. The exact OPPOSITE of what these animals were intended to consume in nature.

Because of these grain-fed products that are fed to animals, which by the way are laced with their own toxic food ingredients, the animals immune systems become severely weakened. They aren’t getting the necessary amounts of health vitamins and minerals needed to grow and prosper.

Because of this, they are then pumped full of steroids, growth hormone, and anti-biotics to combat illness and to fatten them up.

This huge influx of toxins and drugs is then stored in their fat deposits and passed along through their meat when slaughtered and their milk.

Which of course, gets passed along to us.

A beautiful, toxic, circle of life don’t you think?

The easiest way to navigate around this is just buy your meats from grass fed cows, chickens and pigs. Also make sure to buy your fish from wild sources, not farm raised.

These animals would be raised naturally and taken care of. They’re better quality meat plus contain a ton of healthy vitamins and minerals and even fats like CLA and omega 3 fatty acids. Something most individuals are severely lacking in their diets.

And a big reason why heart disease and chronic inflammation is at record highs.

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If you want optimal energy levels, I would recommend you to consume 3-5 servings of this food group throughout your day.

If you want to substitute a serving of nuts for a serving of meat, by all means go ahead. Just make sure the nut or nut butter you choose is natural or organic. If you look on the back of the label for a lot of conventional nut butters like peanut butter and notice the words that say “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” that means the chemical nature of the fat was altered and is now full of trans fats.

Something that most individuals won’t realize until it’s too late. Trans fats are man-made fats. They are the worst type of fat and contribute to weight gain, cancer and the degeneration of brain health.

Seriously, do not eat anything that has those words on the back of a food label.

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lEVEl 4: FaTs, oils, swEETs

This is a tricky level because there’s no distinction between which fats and which oils to consume.

I can tell you that you should limit your intake of sweets because of the amount of processed sugar and chemicals found in these types of foods…

But you knew that already, right ;-)

Anyways, yes please limit your consumption of sweets. Feel free to enjoy yourself though once in a while. Remember, life is too short to be so rigid with a diet. Eat according to you and your goals.

So enjoy a treat once in a while.

Now back to fats and oils because they can be both harmful and helpful to your health and ability to protect yourself from disease, especially cardiovascular disease.

For example, according to a study out of Penn State and approved by the American Heart Association, omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to help you lose weight, specifically around your midsection while also improving your cholesterol levels.

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You can find this type of fatty acid in most fresh water and saltwater fish, walnuts and almonds in high amounts.

Eat plenty of omega 3 fatty acids even though they are at the top of the food pyramid where you’re told to limit your consumption.

Also you need to know that saturated fats and cholesterol are needed by the body to perform basic, essential functions and not all saturated fat was created equally.

Saturated fats… ✓ Make up as much as 50 percent of the membranes in our cells that provide rigidity and strength.

✓ Improve the operation of the immune system. ✓ Assist in the incorporation of calcium into bones mass. ✓ Provide protection against harmful microorganisms. ✓ Serve as a lining for the digestive tract.

Cholesterols… ✓ Make up as much as 50 percent of the membranes in our cells that provide rigidity and strength like saturated fats.

✓ Are used to create hormones that help humans cope with stress. ✓ Can be converted by the body into Vitamin D, which is used by the body to grow healthy bones and maintain a healthy central nervous system.

✓ Makes bile, which is a necessity for digestion of fatty foods. ✓ Can serve as an antioxidant that protects against cellular damage, which can prevent heart disease and cancer.

✓ Assists in the maintenance of a healthy intestinal lining, staving off diseases of the autoimmune system.

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The bad saturated fats and other types in high amounts like trans fats, omega 6 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats can do a lot more harm than good.

This happens when damaged fats are consumed in poor sources like processed dairy products such as ice creams and cheeses made from homogenized milk. Other sources of bad fats come from powdered milk non-organic eggs, fried meats, vegetable, and hydrogenated oils.

How Fats, Oils, and Sweets can be Harmful … ✓ Some fats are inorganic and have been made with a chemical additive. They are called Brominated Oils (BVO).

✓ Likewise, many sweets are made from brominated flour that has the same chemical added to strengthen the dough and reduce the baking time.

✓ Brominated additives interact with the iodine receptors in the body and can damage the thyroid and cause autoimmune diseases or cancers.

Alternatives to Unhealthy Harmful Fats, Oils, and Sweets … ✓ Healthy oil sources like coconut oils should be used for their heart healthy qualities and natural origins.

✓ Even butter from grass fed cows can be healthy for you since it’s packed with Vitamin D. A necessary vitamin for your immune system and over 200 biological functions inside of your body.

In terms of recommended amount of servings per day of these healthy sources of fats, and oil…

Just try and get them from a variety of sources and foods and don’t really worry

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about counting your grams of fats.

Just stick to the foods you see above and you’ll be set. It’s all about optimizing your health and allowing your body to detoxify itself WITHOUT shoving more toxic food ingredients into your system.

And that’s what brings us to the Top 10 list below.

The top 10 foods that will flush away toxins and give you vibrant health…

Top 10 Foods ThaT Flush away ToxiC FaT

#1: Organic raw apple cider vinegar:

There’s a good chance you have apple cider vinegar in your kitchen right now. But don’t go about downing half a bottle. It’s extremely acidic and can cause tooth and esophagus decay. All you need is 1 tbsp daily preferably in water or even a protein shake to get the necessary benefits of this powerful super food. The uses of organic raw apple cider vinegar are endless but one of the best uses for it when it comes to helping your body flush away toxins and increase your health is by improving your tolerance to carbs.

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According to an article from WebMd and Carol Johnston, PhD, who directs Arizona State University’s nutrition program, she states “Apple cider vinegar’s anti-glycemic effect is very well documented,” Johnston says by blocking some of the digestion of starches. “It doesn’t block the starch 100%, but it definitely prevents at least some of that starch from being digested and raising your blood sugar,” Johnston says. Again, a great way to also improve insulin resistance without really changing your diet.

#2: Greek yogurt

The biggest reason why I love Greek Yogurt, besides the powerful protein punch it delivers, is because of it’s effects on your digestive health. Your digestive health is often an overlooked component to an overall healthy lifestyle. In fact, most of your immune system is contained in your gut.

There’s a balance going on inside of your intestines, a balance of good bacteria vs bad bacteria. When you eat a lot of processed foods and toxic chemicals, this balance can go out of whack and cause you gastrointestinal stress such as IBS, diarrhea and a host of other issues. With Greek Yogurt, each serving provides your body with healthy probiotics (good bacteria) which an help tilt scales in your favor again.

#3: Ginger

Ginger is one of those natural cures and foods that have been around for thousands of years. It’s been used for everything from to reducing the common cold, boosting the immune system and treating gastrointestinal problems.

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By improving your digestion capabilities, your body won’t feel the need to have you consume more food in order to get enough nutrients in your diet. This improves satiety and reduces of your chances of eating junk and giving into cravings. Ginger is powerful and easiest to consume in its raw state, in a smoothie or even in a teas.

#4: Hummus

According to the Journal of Nutrient and Food Sciences, hummus is one of the front-runners of super foods for people looking to lose weight, especially around their waistlines. They found that individuals who regularly consumed hummus ate more fiber, more polyunsaturated fats and almost 20% less sugar.

These subjects were also found to weight less, about 8% less than individuals who didn’t eat hummus, although their caloric consumption was around the same. It’s imperative to try and stay slim around your waistline and belly area since more and more studies are proving this is the absolute worst type of fat to have on your body. It’s called visceral fat and severely accelerates your chances of developing Type II Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglyceride levels and heart disease. Have a little hummus in your diet everyday for overall better health.

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#:5 Quinoa

Quinoa is such an overall super food that I just had to include it in this list. Why? Well, here is the nutrient breakdown according to Authority on just 1 cup of quinoa.

• Protein: 8 grams.• Fiber: 5 grams.• Manganese: 58% of the RDA.• Magnesium: 30% of the RDA.• Phosphorus: 28% of the RDA.• Folate: 19% of the RDA.• Copper: 18% of the RDA.• Iron: 15% of the RDA.• Zinc: 13% of the RDA.• Potassium: 9% of the RDA.• Over 10% of the RDA for Vitamins B1, B2 and B6.• Small amounts of Calcium, B3 (Niacin) and Vitamin E.

It’s also a non GMO crop and also gluten free. Making it the PERFECT source of food for you if you’re trying to limit the amount of gluten in your diet. Also, according to Authority Nutrition, quinoa contains high amounts of a trace nutrient known as quercetin. This nutrient has been found in animal studies to have anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Top 10 FoodsThaT Flush away ToxINs &GIVE you VIBRaNT hEalTh

#6: Dark Chocolate

This super food is probably the most popular snack, treat and decadent dessert enjoyed by millions all over the world. Chocolate, in it’s natural form is chock full of antioxidants and polyphenols, plus very high in fiber, healthy fats and some protein. In one study from the University of L’Aquila in Italy, researchers found that individuals who consumed 100mg of flavonoids (which was the amount found in a dark chocolate bar), for 15 days straight, were able to increase their body’s metabolism of sugar and glucose from the blood stream. Plus, they also found these subjects reported a drop in resting blood pressure by around 8%. Now we’re not saying it’s the dark chocolate bar that’s doing this, but the extremely potent flavonoids contained within. Which is again, pretty neat. So if you’re chocolate lover, make sure to get your daily bars’ worth provided it’s dark chocolate made with at least 70% real cacao or more.

#7: Dandelion Root

Yes, the little yellow weed has been used as a powerful detoxing remedy for thousands of years. The most popular way to use dandelion root besides picking it from your grass or garden is through the use of tea bags. 1 cup 3x per day will help to cleanse your liver. The liver is the most important organ in your body. It is actually where fatty acids go to be burnt up and used for energy during exercise and normal activities. When your liver is not functioning properly,

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you can bet your high horses that your health will start spiraling out of control.

#8 Coconut Oil

This is my new favorite super food and something I recommend to all clients to take back their health and boost their immune system. Coconut oil is made up mostly fats so it’s very high in calories at around 120 per tbsp.

However, a lot of the fat is saturated fat in the lauric acid and medium chain triglycerides. MCT’s are quite interesting because when inside the body, they are not broken down and assimilated like a conventional fatty acid. Instead, they are broken and used for energy almost right away, just like a carbohydrate.

In fact, one study found that 15-30 grams of coconut oil per day, increased metabolic rate by 5%. Equaling around 120 calories per individual. Over 30 days, that’s an easy 1-pound of fat loss for doing absolutely nothing special ☺. And let’s not forget about coconut oil’s effects on your immune system.

Why? Because it contains anti-microbrial fats which is again the lauric acid, but also capric acid and caprylic acid. The human body then converts these fatty acids into what’s called monolaurin which research has shown to be effective in fighting off viruses and disease.

#9: Spirulina

This super green food is actually grown in fresh and saltwater ponds and is very high in phytonutrients. It’s

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Top 10 FoodsThaT Flush away ToxINs &GIVE you VIBRaNT hEalTh

popular to add it into shakes, especially for vegetarians and vegans looking to boost their protein intake since it contains about 4 grams of complete protein in just a teaspoon.

The main benefits that I love about spirulina is its ability to fight inflammation because of a component called phycocyanin. Studies have shown this component of spirulina to have the ability to suppress excessive inflammatory processes inside of the body. Aches, pains, heart disease all come from some form of inflammation. Reduce your total body inflammation and you’ll feel that much better.

#10: Walnuts

Are you nutty for nuts? Nuts have become one of the most popular snacks and health foods for good reason. They taste great, are portable and flat out healthy for ya. But not all nuts are created equally. When it comes to improving your ratio of omega 3 fatty acid intake versus omega 6 fatty acid intake.

Most individuals’ diets contain a ratio of around 20:1 omega 6 versus Omega 3 fatty acids. Promoting an a toxic, highly inflammatory environment inside of the body. Basically welcoming disease and destruction.

However, if you can fix this ratio, with the help of walnuts, you can easily improve your health, your energy, reduce the swelling of your joints and even reverse arterial plaque buildup. Walnuts, in just 1 ounce contain around 2.5 grams of omega 3 fatty acids, plus 2 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein.

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ConClusionAs you can see, when going through the food pyramid and listing out these top 10 foods, there can be a lot of contradictions and confusion going on, which is okay because in the end, it’s all about just making the right choices for your own personal tastes and goals.

As you discover more about these “health” foods that contain hundreds to thousands of these toxic food ingredients, you’ll gradually learn how to make healthier and better choices. And it’s these choices that will allow you reverse the grip that time might be having on your body.

And heck, if you don’t want to do all the work, then you’re in for a sweet surprise because in just a few days, I’m going to be releasing to the masses something I’ve been working on for the past year.

The first ever “Truth About Food Ingredients” decoder that tells you exactly which toxins and deadly food ingredients are in your everyday food items. You don’t have to do a thing. You simply just punch in a few bits of information and let the “Toxifact” decoder do all the work.

Plus, it also gives you plenty of healthier alternatives to use in place. Allowing you to finally flush away a lot of these toxins that have been plaguing your mind and body for so long.

Increasing your energy, health and longevity at just the flip of a switch.

Check your email inbox for updates over the coming days as I’ll be sending

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you tons of content and how you can fight back against what scientists are now calling “a toxic food epidemic.”


Anthony Alayon

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