Top 10 skills for Online Success

Top 10 Skills for Online Success for Ebiz Moms Brought to you by


A quick reference guide of some necessary skills for moms to succeed online.

Transcript of Top 10 skills for Online Success

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Top 10 Skills for Online Success for Ebiz Moms

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Intro:As an aspiring Ebiz Mom, there are many skills you’ll need to develop as you build your online business. We’ll cover the top 10 skills and traits that are crucial to attaining success as an online marketer and entrepreneur.

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Get Organized!From files and folders to billing and invoices, you’ll need systems in place that allow you to find what you need when you need it.

Not only does a well organized enterprise run more efficiently and yield greater productivity, it also makes for a far more pleasant work environment.

And make sure to set up your systems right from the start, future Ebiz Mom, because having to go back and input data can be a mental hurdle that makes implementing a system after the fact seem like a dreaded chore – instead of a much needed step in the right direction for optimal organization.

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Build Your Site with WordPress

The pinnacle of power and functionality in an easy to use platform. WordPress has leveled the playing field for online entrepreneurs because they no longer have to be beholden to expensive web designers and developers.

WordPress can be installed easily via a C-panel or Fantastico install wizard. Once up, it is very user friendly and intuitive, which means a far shorter learning curve for you than with other content management systems.

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CopywritingCopywriting is simply a business term for the writing of your site’s content (referred to as ‘copy’ in the business world.)

And it better be good! Let’s face it … the vast majority of visitors to your website will be looking for information, and the quality of your content will help them decide whether they want to stick around, read more, click one of your links, or buy one of your products.

So make a point Ebiz Mom to learn about this skill that adds value to your website as well as to your bottom line.

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Photo Editing

A lot of people are visual learners, and what is deemed boring as plain written information comes to life with a relevant picture or photograph.

You can either take your own photos or purchase them through companies online. You’ll usually want to tweak the photo by enlarging it, cropping it, or enhancing the colors. This is easy to do with photo editing software, and will give your site a visually pleasing design.

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FTP: File Transfer ProtocolThis is how you transfer files from your computer onto your website. Use a free program like FileZilla to upload content to your website.

FTP can seem scary at first for a new Ebiz Mom, but once you get the hang of it it’s pretty simple. You’ll need some info from your hosting account to plug into the required fields.

The left side of the screen shows the files on your computer; the right side shows your hosting account’s server. You transfer the files simply by clicking your mouse on the file you want to upload, then dragging it across the screen to the files on the other side.

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Accounting SoftwareIf you find yourself stuffing receipts in an envelope or shoebox, you’re treating your enterprise like a hobby, not a business.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to turn this online endeavor into a real business by using accounting software to track your income and expenses (as well as to invoice clients and make quarterly filing much easier.)

Accounting software comes in an array of pricepoints and functionality, but Quicken is a favorite of many Ebiz Moms.

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Video ProductionVideo is a great way to get your message out because it is easily accessed and understood by your audience.

You can make a simple video by just taking a written article and breaking it up into chunks and inserting the segments into a PowerPoint presentation. Film your slide presentation with free screenshot video capture software such as Camstudio while you read the text. An easy peasy video with little technical know-how.

As you build your skills, you can create more sophisticated videos with software like Windows Movie Maker or i-Movie

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Niche-Topic Forums

Forums are a great way to get your name ‘out there’ within your industry, and can help promote your site and your reputation.

Always read and follow the rules of the forum you’re participating in, as well as always using proper forum etiquette.

Lastly, remember to be a giver, not just a taker. Offer advice to those less seasoned than you, and those more seasoned will take notice.

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OutsourcingIn today’s world of global communication, you don’t have to ‘do it all.’ In fact, trying to do so will cost you far more in time and money. You simply can’t be good at everything.

Spend your time on the things you are good at, and outsource the rest. As you build your profits, your budget will increase so you can outsource even more tasks.

Companies like oDesk, Elance, and Fiverr act as intermediaries to connect you with talented freelancers who can do the things you cannot.

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When you run your own online enterprise, there is no boss around telling you what to do.

Set a daily goal of tasks you need, then want, to get accomplished. Tackle your ‘must do’s’ first and without interruption.

Go on an ‘interruption diet’ and cut back or eliminate completely those things which drain your time. When in doubt about a task, ask yourself if it’s the most productive use of your time and is it MAKING YOU MONEY?!

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PerseveranceIn an age of instant-everything, you need to put on your reality glasses and see the online business world as it really is: It takes time to build a business; it doesn’t happen overnight.

Staying focused and motivated is perhaps the hardest part of being an online entrepreneur, and yet it is the most crucial to your success.

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't


Conrad Hilton

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