Top 10 Patient Recruitment Tips for Clinical Trials - Pepgra

Copyright © 2021 pepgra. All rights reserved 1 How to Identify and Recruit Patients for Secured Clinical Trials Top 10 Tips Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Pepgra [email protected] In-Brief The best clinical trial recruitment strategies start by focusing on the patient perspective. From there, it helps to get creative. A reliable clinical trial patient recruitment plan incorporates a range of outreach methods designed to quickly and efficiently reach patients while providing them with the information they need to take the next step. Pepgra give tips to clinical trial patient recruitment in this blog and also offers patient recruitment for clinical trials or the patient recruitment companies Keywords: challenges in recruiting patients for clinical trials, patient recruitment for clinical trials, patient recruitment companies, clinical research patient recruitment, patient recruitment in clinical trials, clinical trial patient recruitment, clinical trial recruitment companies, clinical trial recruitment I. INTRODUCTION As you know, clinical trials drive medical research accelerative. But as experts in finding practical answers to the clinical trial business, we know it can take a lot of effort to get capable patients recruited for the work. Good results in patient recruitment rest on a matching act. Structure and flexibility, skill and personability, competence and thoughtfulness these are just some of the theoretical antonyms that make up the most effective patient enrolment process. II. TOP 10 PATIENT RECRUITMENT TIPS FOR CLINICAL TRIALS Understand what matters the most to patients In a perfect world, the patient voice is remembered for an examination's plan to guarantee that it meets open clinical research patient recruitment. On the off chance that a preliminary does exclude endpoints that are significant to patients, it makes enrollment considerably all the more testing. In case you're working with a patient recruitment organization, gets some information about how they separate their effort approaches relying upon the preliminary condition zone. An essential organization will keep these patient inclinations on top of the brain while making effort materials and choosing their focusing.


A reliable clinical trial patient recruitment plan incorporates a range of outreach methods designed to quickly and efficiently reach patients while providing them with the information they need to take the next step. Pepgra give tips to clinical trial patient recruitment in this blog and also offers patient recruitment for clinical trials or the patient recruitment companies. Continue Reading: Contact Us: Website : Email us: [email protected] Whatsapp: +91 9884350006

Transcript of Top 10 Patient Recruitment Tips for Clinical Trials - Pepgra

Page 1: Top 10 Patient Recruitment Tips for Clinical Trials - Pepgra

Copyright © 2021 pepgra. All rights reserved 1

How to Identify and Recruit Patients for Secured Clinical Trials

Top 10 Tips

Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head,

Technical Operations, Pepgra

[email protected]


The best clinical trial recruitment strategies

start by focusing on the patient perspective.

From there, it helps to get creative. A

reliable clinical trial patient recruitment

plan incorporates a range of outreach

methods designed to quickly and efficiently

reach patients while providing them with

the information they need to take the next

step. Pepgra give tips to clinical trial

patient recruitment in this blog and also

offers patient recruitment for clinical trials

or the patient recruitment companies

Keywords: challenges in recruiting

patients for clinical trials, patient

recruitment for clinical trials, patient

recruitment companies, clinical research

patient recruitment, patient recruitment in

clinical trials, clinical trial patient

recruitment, clinical trial recruitment

companies, clinical trial recruitment


As you know, clinical trials drive medical

research accelerative. But as experts in

finding practical answers to the clinical trial

business, we know it can take a lot of effort

to get capable patients recruited for the

work. Good results in patient recruitment

rest on a matching act. Structure and

flexibility, skill and personability,

competence and thoughtfulness – these are

just some of the theoretical antonyms that

make up the most effective patient

enrolment process.



Understand what matters the most to


In a perfect world, the patient voice is

remembered for an examination's plan to

guarantee that it meets open clinical research

patient recruitment. On the off chance that a

preliminary does exclude endpoints that are

significant to patients, it makes enrollment

considerably all the more testing. In case

you're working with a patient recruitment

organization, gets some information about

how they separate their effort approaches

relying upon the preliminary condition zone.

An essential organization will keep these

patient inclinations on top of the brain while

making effort materials and choosing their


Page 2: Top 10 Patient Recruitment Tips for Clinical Trials - Pepgra

Copyright © 2021 pepgra. All rights reserved 2

Share your trial with a local health care

provider Another patient-driven way to deal with

recruitment is to associate with essential

consideration suppliers and trained

professionals. Consider assembling effort

materials with relevant preliminary data

planned explicitly for specialists. On the off

chance that your site has associations with

neighbourhood medical clinics or other

medical care suppliers in the zone, utilize

your organization to get the message out

about your preliminary. You can likewise

arrive at patients at purpose of-care through

offices that give promoting in specialist's


Connect with nonprofit partners

Working with neighbourhood charitable

accomplices and other people who draw in

with support networks can help you arrive at

patients in your general vicinity who may

not be in your site's information base as of

now. Our exploration has found that patients

are likewise bound to believe data about

preliminaries they get through not-for-

profits associations contrasted and


The expense of working with accomplices

differs: a few associations might be keen on

advancing your preliminary for a charge,

while others may offer free or minimal

effort advancements. For instance, you

might have the option to join nearby

wellbeing reasonable or different occasions

to advance your preliminary. Or on the other

hand, a not-for-profit association might be

keen on elevating your primary to their

email list for an expense.

Work with patient-centric clinical trial


The meaning of "tolerant driven" can shift

from individual to individual; however,

while assessing clinical preliminary

recruitment organizations, have questions

arranged that get to the core of the

organization's relationship with patients. Do

outreach materials they've made in the past

mirror the patient populace? Do they react to

questions using web-based media stages or

email from patients about the preliminary

and how responsive would they say they

are? Does the merchant have associations

with understanding backers or different

gatherings? Understanding an enrollment

organization's relationship with patients can

help you determine whether their strategies

will associate you with connected patients.

Run digital recruitment campaigns

Computerized promoting offers preliminary

groups the chance to arrive at patients' past

site data sets and inform that best associate

with the intrigued individuals.

A significant all-encompassing advantage of

advanced patient recruitment is the capacity

to arrive at patients any place they are web

based, including Facebook, Twitter, Quora,

TikTok, Reddit, Pinterest, TikTok, and

search stages like Google and Bing. At some

random time, 3.5 billion web-based media

clients on the planet are looking through the

web's tremendous news sources. It's

straightforward why these advanced stages

bode well for drawing in patients around

clinical preliminaries.

Provide lab service options

During the COVID-19 pandemic,

discovering approaches to be creative with

clinical preliminary patient enrollment has

been the situation. One pattern we're seeing

is the ascent of virtual preliminaries, which

has made it simpler and more secure for

additional individuals to take an interest in

examination. On the off chance that an

analysis is generally virtual, the area turns

out to be less of an issue.

Contact patients who match the criteria

Arriving at patients who aren't equipped for

your preliminary isn't merely expensive – it

tends to be debilitating for patients, too.

Sadly, when patients are told they don't meet

all particular clinical trial recruitment

requirements, they may be reluctant to look

Page 3: Top 10 Patient Recruitment Tips for Clinical Trials - Pepgra

Copyright © 2021 pepgra. All rights reserved 2

for another primary. One approach to help

improve tolerant qualification is to work

with administrations to screen for testing

consideration and rejection rules ahead of

time. For instance, lab test and Electronic

Health Record (EHR) organizations

approach blood test data and other

information patients are probably not going

to know impromptu. Contacting patients

who effectively meet these prerequisites can

improve the patient experience and save

time at the site level for clinical trial

recruitment companies.

Screen for multiple trials

In case you're running numerous

preliminaries for a similar condition

territory, one approach to set aside time and

cash is to screen for the entirety of the

preliminaries without a moment's delay. It

should be possible by working with a patient

enrollment organization that makes online

pre-screeners and can coordinate patients

dependent on their area and reactions to

questions identified with consideration and

avoidance models. Screening for numerous

preliminaries on the double can help more

intrigued patients associate research

openings while accelerating the recruitment


Use patient follow-up

While clinical preliminaries are top-of-mind

for those running enrollment, for patients,

your preliminary might be only one more

email in their inboxes and thought in their

bustling lives. Automated follow-up

messages or instant messages can remind

patients to make the following stride. Some

patient enrollment organizations likewise

offer subsequent administrations at the site

level so that you can keep steady over the

advancement patients are making and

banner locales that are delayed to react. This

kind of follow-up can help lower costs by

lessening the number of patients who start

the cycle and don't finish, and save time by

proactively reminding patients and

destinations to make the following stride.

Consider patient's retention

Preliminary groups see understanding

enrollment and maintenance as independent

ventures, yet they can likewise be

considered a couple. For instance,

commitment through electronic patient-

revealed result devices can help patients feel

more dedicated to partaking in a

preliminary. Home visits to supplant

excursions to a site or the chance to chat

with specialists distantly can likewise help

improve maintenance. Since these highlights

can again help make it simpler to take an

interest in a preliminary, it can bode well to

feature them in effort materials to advance

your primary.


Challenges in recruiting patients for clinical

trials are not about one single thing. It's

about striking the equilibrium that works

best. You want your recruitment process to

be generous on the front end, and equally

efficient on the backend. Pepgra helps you

to improve the patient recruitment process in

clinical trials.


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2. Thoma, A., Farrokhyar, F., McKnight, L., & Bhandari,

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