Top 10 holiday destinations For December

10 warm places to travel in december


Want to going for a vacation in December; but don’t know where to go for a mind blasting fun’ visit: here we have list of top 10 travel places’ that offer affordable rates and could provide amazing treats for any tourist or traveler who wants to enjoy their holiday experience’ Book today !!

Transcript of Top 10 holiday destinations For December

Page 1: Top 10 holiday destinations For December

10 warm places to travel in december

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1. Puerto Princesa, Palawan

Puerto Princesa Palawan has been named as the best island in the world. The Philippines is the home to some of the best islands in the world. Palawan is a subterranean river and has been considered as one of the best UNESCO World Heritage site in the world. Tourists can enjoy the warm weather, they can have lunch picnics, do snorkeling and non-stop swimming in the calm water and sandy Bottoms.

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2. Chiang Mai, ThailandPeople who are looking for a peaceful community while traveling can find solace in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The area is surrounded by beaches and farms, it is considered as one of the top destinations to live in Asia. Chiang Mai is the home of some of the best temples in the world. It is also the best place to be if travelers want to explore a number of bazaars and interesting artifacts during their December vacation.

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3. Hawaii Hawaii is the perfect spot for family vacations; it is also the perfect place to be when you want to have a meaningful historical tour. The area is filled with Natural Historical sites, park monuments as well as sacred places that still impart and show the Native Hawaiian customs. Hawaii is also the perfect place for people who just want to relax and unwind. The country offers many surfing spots, canoeing activities like in the Waikiki beach as well as boat tours, kayaking and mountain tubing in the irrigation ditches of Lihue in Hawaii.

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4. Laos During December time, there is very little rain and the present temperature in Laos is not too high making it an interesting place to go to. There are number of Temples and historical heritage sites that could be visited. Tubing in Laos is a top activity; tubing is very popular activity to tourists. The Mekong River is perfect for tubing, there are many bars that coat the river.

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5. Miami, USAThere are a lot of festive events in Miami during December. Christmas in Miami is considered to be really interesting. There are a number of events like the Art Basel Miami Bieach event, this event showcases world’s premier international art shows. Another interesting activity in Miami would be the Winter fest boat parade; this offers a magical moment and time for the kids. There is a festive mood all over the city.

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6. South AfricaSouth Africa is still considered to be a good spot to visit during December. The weather is just fair. This means that when tourists visit they can spot wildlife easier during this time, and they can explore rivers and waterholes. There is very little rain, most days are sunny giving enough time for tourists to go around if they like.

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7. CambodiaDecember would be a good time to visit Cambodia. The weather during December and January are the best times, rains are rare.Tourists can visit the Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital; it was once a pleasant French Indochina Town. They can also check the Emerald Buddha and the Gold Buddha while they are in the area

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8. AustraliaVisiting Australia in December would be a good decision, the weather would be sunny and fine during this month.Tourists can enjoy a number of open concerts while they are in Australia, they can also swim with dolphins in Rockingham bay.

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9. Siargao, PhilippinesThe weather in the Philippines is mostly warm all year round even in December. Siargao is considered to be one of the best islands in the world because it is not yet polluted and not yet too commercialized.There are a lot of hidden lagoons in small islands that could be discovered and reached by boats.

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