Top 10 Great Romanian Inventors

10 Great Romanian Inventors Faculty of Engineering and Management in Public Catering and Agritourism Bucharest 2013


10 Great Romanian Inventors

Transcript of Top 10 Great Romanian Inventors

Faculty of Engineering and Management in Public Catering and Agritourism
Bucharest 2013
Because e are /roud of our romanians e decide to tal in this /ro)ect about some of the most im/ortant /eo/le from 4omanian history. 5e67e chosen )ust 10 great romanian in7entors from a long list8 /eo/le ho ha7e contributed to the de7elo/ment of the hole orld.
Petrache Poenaru as a 4omanian in7entor of the Enlightenment era.
5hile a student in Paris8 Petrache Poenaru in7ented the orld:s ;rst fountain /en8 an
in7ention for hich the French o7ernment issued a
/atent on 2$ May 1,2*.
!enri Marie Coand<=* >une 1,,& ? 2$ +o7ember 1-*2@ as
a 4omanian in7entor8 aerodynamic s /ioneer and builder of an
e/erimental aircraft. !e in7ented a great number of de7ices8
designed a ying saucer and disco7ered the Coand< eDect of
uid dynamics.
!enri Coanda
oan C. Cantacu#ino =4omanian /ronunciation +o7ember 2$8 1,&3 ? >anuary 1"8 1-3"@ n
1-018 Cantacu#ino as assigned a teaching /osition in Bucharest8 here he became a
ma)or inuence on a generation of scientists. !is disco7eries ere rele7ant in
the treatment of cholera8 e/idemic ty/hus8 tuberculosis8 and scarlet fe7er. !e in7ented the notion of contact immunity.
oan Cantacu#ino
Anastase %ragomir
Anastase %ragomir8 born February &8 1,-&8 in Br<ila8 4omania8 as the sith child of his family. ssued on A/ril 28 1-308 the
in7ention as8 a ne system of /arachuting from the a//aratus for air locomotion8 each /assenger ha7ing his on
/arachute that allos8 in critical moments8 the assembly detaching from the /lane8 so the /arachute ith seated
/assenger /asses through an o/ening.
4omanian scientist8 one of the /recursors of cybernetics. !is
ma)or or8 Psychologie consonantiste8 ;rst /ublished in
1-3, and 1-3-8 in Paris8 had established many of the ma)or
themes of cybernetics regarding cybernetics and systems thining ten years before the ideas of the
famous )eish riter +orbert 5iener ere /ublished in 1-",.
'tefan (doble)a
Nicolae Constantin Paulescu (Romanian pronunciation: October 30, 186!  "ul# 1$, 131% &as a Romanian p'#sioloist, pro)essor o) me*icine, t'e *iscoverer o) pancreatine (later calle* insulin%+ 'e -pancreine- &as a cru*e e.tract o) bovine pancreas in salte* &ater, a)ter &'ic' some impurites &ere remove* &it' '#*roc'loric aci* an* so*ium '#*ro.i*e+
+icolae Paulescu
Ana Aslan =4omanian /ronunciation 1 >anuary 1,-* ? 20 May 1-,,@ as a 4omanian
biologist and /hysician ho disco7ered the antiGaging
eDects of /rocaine8 based on hich she de7elo/ed the drugs ero7ital !3 and Asla7ital.
Ana Aslan
rigore Anti/a =4omanian /ronunciation 2* +o7ember 1,&*8 BotoHani ? - March 1-"" Bucharest@ as a 4omanian %arinist biologist ho studied the fauna of the %anube %elta and the Blac 'ea. Beteen 1,-2 and 1-"" he as the director of the Bucharest +atural !istory Museum8 hich no bears his name.
!e is also considered to be the ;rst /erson to moderni#e the diorama by em/hasi#ing the 3d as/ect and ;rst to use dioramas in a museum setting.
rigore Anti/a
+icolae asilescuGar/en =+o7ember 2, I%ecember 10 =+.'.@8 1,*08 Craio7a ? March 28 1-&"8 Bucharest@ as a 4omanian engineer and /hysicist8 ho ored
in telegra/hy and tele/hony.
eorge Emil Palade =4omanian /ronunciation +o7ember 1-8
1-12 ? (ctober ,8 200,@ as a 4omanian cell biologist. Jhe /ri#e as granted for his inno7ations in electron microsco/y and cell
fractionation hich together laid the foundations of modern
molecular cell biology.
endo/lasmic reticulum ? hich he ;rst described in 1-$$.
eorge Emil Palade