Top 10 Big Data Applications in Various Sectors

Top 10 Big Data Applications in Various Sectors A very prominent word in the tech world, big data is exponentially growing and playing a crucial role in various businesses today. To define in the simplest form, big data is nothing but the collection of structured and unstructured data which is not in any specific format and originates from different sources. Big Data Applications hold an essential place in the priority list of the top-notch industries' operations. Here in this blog, we have highlighted some of the many domains which are implementing Big Data Technologies practically. 1. Healthcare- Earlier which was stored as hard copy, with the advent of big data, the professionals of the industry have been able to perform more efficiently in terms of providing personalized medicine, analyzing which treatment is more beneficial, make an informed health-related decision and so on. According to a report by Wise Guy Reports (WGR), the global big data in the healthcare market is on the verge of valued at USD 34.27 billion by 2022 along with witnessing 22.07% growth rate over the forecast period of 2016 to 2022.In a nutshell, Big Data Applications in healthcare are revolutionizing the way healthcare used to operate. 2. Banking- In a time, when digital banking is been practiced by a good population of youth, banks are also taking the plunge and leaving no stone unturned to offer comprehensive customer-centric services, with the help of Big Data Applications in banking. Further owing to this, the banking sector also gets the opportunity to know their customers in a better manner and meet their needs wholly along with delivering customized services. Considering this, Reserve Bank of India is all set to initiate a Big Data analytics division which can provide meaningful growth in its progression.


Big Data Technologies have impacted various sectors enabling them to utilize Big Data Applications which is proven to add revenues to their operations.

Transcript of Top 10 Big Data Applications in Various Sectors

Page 1: Top 10 Big Data Applications in Various Sectors

Top 10 Big Data Applications in Various


A very prominent word in the tech world, big data is exponentially growing and playing a crucial role in

various businesses today. To define in the simplest form, big data is nothing but the collection of

structured and unstructured data which is not in any specific format and originates from different

sources. Big Data Applications hold an essential place in the priority list of the top-notch industries'

operations. Here in this blog, we have highlighted some of the many domains which are implementing

Big Data Technologies practically.

1. Healthcare- Earlier which was stored as hard copy, with the advent of big data, the professionals of

the industry have been able to perform more efficiently in terms of providing personalized

medicine, analyzing which treatment is more beneficial, make an informed health-related decision

and so on. According to a report by Wise Guy Reports (WGR), the global big data in the healthcare

market is on the verge of valued at USD 34.27 billion by 2022 along with witnessing 22.07% growth

rate over the forecast period of 2016 to 2022.In a nutshell, Big Data Applications in healthcare are

revolutionizing the way healthcare used to operate.

2. Banking- In a time, when digital banking is been practiced by a good population of youth, banks are

also taking the plunge and leaving no stone unturned to offer comprehensive customer-centric

services, with the help of Big Data Applications in banking. Further owing to this, the banking sector

also gets the opportunity to know their customers in a better manner and meet their needs wholly

along with delivering customized services. Considering this, Reserve Bank of India is all set to initiate

a Big Data analytics division which can provide meaningful growth in its progression.

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3. Education- From traditional classroom education to now adapting to the interactive education

system, educational institutions of the country is giving much priority to students' overall learning

experience. In this scenario, Big Data Technologies immensely assist in understanding the students'

preferences as well as challenges and come up with helpful solutions to cater to those.

4. Media and Entertainment- This industry holds the responsibility of disseminating ample information

and entertainment among the common people. On that account, it becomes quite important for the

TV channel owners, media owners, gaming companies and video publishers to comprehend their

customers' consumption behavior and choices which big data real-time applications make possible.

For a matter of fact, Google processes 3.5 billion requests per day, Google stores 10 billion

gigabytes, Facebook collects and processes 500 TB of data every day and so on. This mammoth

amount of data surely can enable the media and entertainment industry to churn out more relevant

and useful content.

5. Transportation- With the growing population and economy, the uses of public as well as private

transportation is also increasing simultaneously. And if essential data such as the driver's

background, determining arriving times of buses and so on, is collected beforehand, the public's

transport experience can be turned into a smooth and safe one.

6. Sports- Big data is not a new name in the realm of the sports industry. Popular sporting events such

as FIFA world cup, Cricket world cup and so on, have already applied big data analytics to perceive

viewers' inclinations and choices coupled with tracking the performances of the players, leading to

increased viewerships and improvised player's efficiency. In ICC World Cup Cricket, Big Data

Technologies were used to collect information about 531253 cricket players in close to 540290

cricket matches at 11960 cricket grounds across the world.

7. Human Resources- Recruiting is not a hassle filled task anymore like it used to be, before the advent

of big data. By incorporating big data into the recruitment process, HR is capable of finding more

information about the candidates' background- both professional and personal. This immensely

helps them to end up with the right candidate that the company is looking for a certain job role.

8. Online Retail- In such a fast-paced life today, maximum people prefer to sit at the comfort of their

homes to shop, instead of going out and take the pain of commuting. It is estimated that there is an

online user base of around 100 million in 2016 leading to e-retail business in India to touch the $100

billion revenue mark by 2020. Taking this into mind, online retail leaders often utilize Big Data

Technologies to monitor the customers' shopping behavior followed by making attempts to

manipulate and persuade the prospective and existing customers.

9. Sales- Sales professionals are taking the opportunity to indulge in Big Data Applications to the

fullest. Right from tracking customers' purchases to their buying habits and their current

recruitment, the big data analyst can do it all, making it unchallenging for the salespeople to reach

out to the right customers and finding new leads.

10. Social Media – Social media with billions of users is known as a major big data generator. Countless

posts, photos, and videos posted every second on the various social media platforms, give the

marketers multiple chances to plan their social media campaigns accordingly and get in touch with

the potential audience. Hence, modern marketers make use of big data real-time applications for

doubling-up their marketing game.

Page 3: Top 10 Big Data Applications in Various Sectors

While Big Data is still in a growing stage, successful businesses and industries have already been

embracing the benefits of Big Data Applications to intensify their functioning.

Given this, there is an increasing demand for professionals who are skilled in Big Data Technologies.

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