Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff...

Toolkit for Supporting Businesses to Engage with Staff and Customers Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk. V2.0 June 2020

Transcript of Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff...

Page 1: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Toolkit for Supporting Businesses to Engage with Staff and Customers

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

V2.0 June 2020

Page 2: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Using this toolkit 01Introduction

What are the key things we 02 need people to do?

What can businesses do? 04

Understanding 05

Knowledge and skills 06

Environment 07

Ease 08

Acceptability 09

Remembering 10

Further links 11Resources


Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 3: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Larger businesses may have already received Coronavirus guidance from a head office or seen national guidance from central government, HSE or sector specific guidance from trade associations.

This toolkit for Norfolk businesses is not intended to replace or supersede other guidance; it is intended to help to give further detail on the aspects of behaviours that will be necessary to reduce / prevent the spread of coronavirus. It is intended to help businesses who need to have employees or customers on their premises find ideas that will work for them and their situation.


Using this toolkit

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

As businesses start to re-open and welcome back staff and customers, there are many things to consider in order to ensure the safety of workforces and customers as far as possible.

At the point of non-essential businesses re-opening, coronavirus is still being passed on within our community, and the actions of local residents, businesses and visitors are paramount to stopping the spread of the virus.

Employers are in a strong position to support the widespread adoption of behaviours that are known to interrupt transmission of the virus.


Page 4: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Some things that we can all do to reduce the spread of coronavirus are:


What are the key things people need to do?

Clean our hands

Work from home if possible

Use tissues to catch sneezes and coughs

Keep surfaces/touchpoints clean

Cover our noses and mouths where appropriate

Isolate if symptomatic or identified contact

Keep our distance from others*

Reduce hand to face contact

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

*current guidance is to keep 2m wherever possible. In circumstances where it isn’t then ‘1m Plus’ should be used. This means a minimum of 1m distance PLUS additional actions to reduce risk; these could include reducing

contact time, using a physical barrier, wearing face coverings, increased cleaning of hands and surfaces.

Page 5: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Infected person expels droplets (e.g.

in cough or sneeze)




DISCARD Droplets travel in air

for up to 2 metres

Contaminated hand touches surfaces and


Others’ hand remains contaminated

Others touch eyes,

nose ormouth

Droplets contaminate

infected person’s


Contaminated hand touches surfaces and


Others touch infected

person’s contaminated


Others’ hand becomes contaminated

Others touch

contaminatedsurfaces and


Others inhale










The diagram below shows The transmission pathway of respiratory viruses

and the actions that can be taken to block it.







Adapted from West, R. & Michie, S. 2020

Page 6: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

There are key principles that will determine how likely people are to undertake a behaviour or action. People are much more likely to do something successfully if:

1. They understand why they are being asked to do it – what is the purpose and how will they or others benefit from it

2. They know how to do what’s being asked, and it’s within their skill set

3. They have the right tools to hand, such as equipment and are in the right environment

4. The actions are as simple as possible

5. They see others doing the same things

6. They are in the habit of doing them or get useful reminders

This leaflet is intended to give businesses ideas to help bring these 6 principles into the business environment, so that there is the best chance possible for employees and customers alike to act in a way that will protect themselves and others and protect Norfolk.


What can businesses do?

Page 7: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

People are generally much happier to do something if they understand why. By this stage in the pandemic, many people will have gained a good understanding of the virus and how it’s transmitted, but never assume that people know. Some required behaviours may directly influence a business’s ability to operate (e.g. to contribute to COVID Secure status), and the reasoning may not be obvious to customers.

Some points for employers to consider are:

• Can you use staff meetings / newsletters / managers to make sure that staff have access to good quality information? (Take information from trusted sources such as or Is the information being shared with staff who may be working from home, self-isolating or shielding?

• Do staff have opportunity to ask any questions about coronavirus and what it means for them in the workplace? You could refer to the links at the end of the leaflet if you don’t have the answers to hand • Are staff aware of any ‘unintended consequences’ of seemingly helpful actions? e.g. wearing of face coverings could lead to a reducing of physical distancing; wearing gloves does not mean that hand hygiene doesn’t need to be practiced thoroughly and frequently as well

• Are posters giving useful information prominently displayed for staff / customers?

• Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that they can explain where necessary? The diagram on page 2 may be helpful.

• Do customers know and understand the potential consequences of non-compliance with local rules (e.g by moving furniture to sit in larger groups)?


1. Understanding

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 8: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

This is an area that is frequently overlooked. It can quite often be the case that we are doing something quite happily, fully unaware of the fact that we’re not doing it quite right.

Some points for employers to consider are:

• Do staff know how to wash their hands adequately, and have they had opportunity to practice?

• Do staff know what cleaning is expected of them (especially if it was not part of their role prior to lockdown)? If there is a rota, is everyone aware?

• Are staff physically able to do the cleaning that is required? Consider whether people may have restrictions due to mobility or height

- Consider whether additional equipment may be needed to overcome any ability issues.

• Are customers able to undertake the actions required of them? Do you have provisions in place to support customers who may have a disability / impairment?

• Do staff / customers know what the recommended physical distance looks like (2m / 6ft etc)?

• Do staff know how to correctly put on and take off any required protective equipment such as face coverings or gloves and have they had opportunity to practice the skill under supervision? If used incorrectly, they are unlikely to give the protection that they are designed for.

• Do customers know any locally imposed limits (e.g. maximum capacity in toilet areas)?


2. Knowledge & Skills

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 9: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Having the right environment and resources available is key to successful behaviours.

Some points for employers to consider are:

• Are handwashing facilities operational and kept stocked with soap and paper towels or a blow hand dryer?

• Is hand sanitizer available for people to use at points that you would want them to use it (shop entrance etc)?

• Are tissues available in staff areas?

• Are there convenient bins to dispose of used tissues / sanitizing wipes / gloves etc and are they regularly emptied?

• Can staff easily report issues with facilities?

• Are there sufficient contactless payment machines available?

• Are there any apps that could be promoted to customers (e.g. to make orders / payments)? If so, do customers know how to access / use them?

• Are staff able to use electronic communication between areas to reduce travel around the premises?

• Is it possible to set out customer furniture in such a way as to minimise close / face to face contact?

• Is it possible to remove activities that may discourage compliance with your local rules? E.g. if you are a pub with a rule of no standing indoors, could you temporarily remove standing activities such as dart boards, fruit machines etc?

• If your business has direct customer contact, can you minimise touching of surfaces such as encouraging contactless payments, propping doors open (where safe to do so), keeping goods behind display cases?

• Is it possible to stagger start, finish and break times to avoid crowding staff entrances or rest areas?

• Are any staff able to work from home?


3. Environment

Page 10: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

In general, the more convenient something is, the more likely people are to do it.

Some points for employers to consider are:

• Is any necessary equipment easily accessible e.g. if an area is to be wiped down between customers, are the wipes within easy reach?

• Is it possible to provide staff with personal use hand sanitizer for them to keep on their person?

• If you have one-way systems in place, are they are sensible (if people repeatedly breach then it may need to be reviewed) and obvious? Floor markings may not be sufficient in wider thoroughfares, so consider higher level arrows. When you design it, bear in mind the human tendency to take short-cuts.

• Are instructions simple and clear (e.g. ‘Keep left’)?

• In retail premises, are sections clearly marked at a visible height to minimise customers needing to search?

• In larger premises, could staff be available to direct customers?

• Could staff be available to disinfect basket handles between customer use?

• Could you make face coverings available to any staff who need to use public transport to get to and from work? Support could be in the form of staff training for people to make their own their own (as per Knowledge and Skills)

• Could you support staff who may be required to self-isolate because they have symptoms or are a contact of someone who has tested positive? Check whether they need support to access food or provisions, support to care for dependents etc? If you cannot directly support them, could you signpost them to agencies which can?


4. Ease

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 11: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

People will be more likely to do something if they see other people doing it, and they agree it’s a good thing to do. Also, if people are rewarded in some way for their efforts, they are more likely to keep going.

Some points for employers to consider are:

• Are staff visibly displaying all the actions that are required from customers, and are senior staff displaying the behaviours that are expected from staff? Leading by example can be very effective

• Can you thank people for acting in a responsible way (e.g. stepping aside to give people space)? This will help to reinforce the behaviour

• Do you understand any barriers people might have for not undertaking any of the actions and mitigate where possible? e.g. if staff complain of dry skin from additional handwashing, consider making moisturiser available. Staff with skin conditions such as eczema may want to bring in their own aqueous cream as a soap substitute – is there somewhere they can store it? If someone is reluctant to wear required protective equipment, try to find out why – different reasons will require a different response – Could you provide information to address any concerns? Are they worried about an allergy that may require a different product etc?

• Are the efforts of staff acknowledged and praised?


5. Acceptability

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 12: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Some of the desired actions are habitual for some people (e.g. washing hands after using the toilet), but research tells us this is certainly not the case for everyone. Open reminders or gentle nudges can be really effective at encouraging people to do things.

Some points for employers to consider are:

• Are there posters designed to prompt in key areas (e.g. ‘You can wash your hands here’ on entrance doors to toilet areas, or ‘STOP – Have you washed your hands?’ on exits from toilets)?

• Are regular touch points such as light switches, toilet flushes, door handles, tills, payment machines, kettle handles, keyboards, touchscreens etc included in a cleaning schedule?

• Are there markings to guide people to where you want them to go? Using nudges like floor transfers of foot prints placed where you want people to stand can nudge people to do so without them consciously thinking to do it.

• If your business is retail and has trolleys, could every customer be encouraged to use one? They can help to keep distance between people and if only a finite number are available, they can indicate how many customers are in store at any one time to help manage capacity.


6. Remembering

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

The above information was prepared by Norfolk County Council Public Health and was correct at the time of publishing.

Page 13: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Central Government Guidance

HSE Guidance

Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service remains available during Covid-19 to advise on fire safety issues. Find the latest fire safety advice for your business here:

Demonstration video for handwashing

In the pages that follow you will find a number of useful posters that businesses in Norfolk can use to help support the actions detailed in this toolkit.

You’ll also find images you can use on social media and much more on our coronavirus toolkit page


Further links


Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 14: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Infected person expels droplets (e.g.

in cough or sneeze)




DISCARD Droplets travel in air

for up to 2 metres

Contaminated hand touches surfaces and


Others’ hand remains contaminated

Others touch eyes,

nose ormouth

Droplets contaminate

infected person’s


Contaminated hand touches surfaces and


Others touch infected

person’s contaminated


Others’ hand becomes contaminated

Others touch

contaminatedsurfaces and


Others inhale










The transmission pathway of respiratory viruses and the actions that can be taken to block it.







Adapted from West, R. & Michie, S. 2020

Page 15: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Thank you for giving others space

to breathe

Please keep your distance to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

For more information on how to protect yourself, visit

Page 16: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Thank you for keeping away from meRegards, the customer in front

When you use your local shops, please keep apart from other shoppers.

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

For more information on how to protect yourself, visit

Page 17: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

For more information on how to protect yourself, visit

Thank you for keeping away from meRegards, the customer in front

When you use your local shops, please keep apart from other shoppers.

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 18: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

For more information on how to protect yourself,


with soap and warm waterfor at least 20 seconds

To prevent thespread of Coronavirus,

your handsregularly wash

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 19: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

For more information on how to protect yourself, visit

Have you washed your hands?Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus


Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 20: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

For more information on how to protect yourself, visit

Please wash your hands on entering this building

Staff will direct you to the nearest facilities. This will help prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Page 21: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Stay well

Catching coughsand sneezes

Not touching our face

Keeping our distance from others

Keeping surfaces clean

Wearing face coverings on public


Washing our hands

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Coronavirus is still with us. We can all help to prevent the spread by:

Staying at homeif we are unwell

For more information on how to protect yourself, visit

Page 22: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Protect Ourselves. Protect Norfolk.

Coronavirus is still with us.

Clean surfaces regularly and after any

possible contamination.

Door handles Light switches Appliances

For more information on how to protect yourself, visit

such as

Page 23: Toolkit for Supporting with Staff and Customers · 2020-07-01 · staff / customers? • Do staff have a full understanding of the actions that are being asked of customers so that

Coronavirus is still with us so we need to be ready for

a different experience

• We keep to the allowed group sizes, even when outside• We keep our distance from each other• We use contactless payments if available• We clean our hands when we enter / exit the premises• We are willing to provide contact details• We follow venue rules and respect the staff