
TOOLFAIRY Once upon a time, on a very near kingdom called Youthlandia, there was this trainer called Minerva. She was a very important person in her kingdom, some say she was like a queen, others like a star, but most regarded her simply as a precious friend. She was a simple person, with a big heart and a nice owl tattooed in her shoulder. Minerva had a wonderful job, the most important one in the kingdom: she would give guidance, wisdom, training, arts and much more to all people in Youthlandia. She always did her job easily, mainly because she had a lot of friends who shared wonderful resources. She was fortunate because she never felt alone. In fact she was a member of the famous SALTO ROUND TABLE KNIGHTS (SRTK), the most prestigious legion of knights, who swore to protect and treasure all the wisdom of the non-formal education in the whole universe. But one day, something terrible happened. All people in Youthlandia was infected with a terrible virus, everyone got so bored, so terribly dull that nobody cared about nothing at all. People just stood quiet wherever they where, without thinking, without smiling, without moving, no reaction at all. Everyone but Minerva. She was somehow immune to all that like if someone wanted her to witness the infamous tragedy. But it only took her a little while to realize she had a precious amulet: a collection of five precious keys, all linked together in a special necklace. These keys represent the five stages of her pursuit of happiness, until now: she got them in Marly Le Roy, Antalya, Las Palmas, Évora and Venice, places universally known for their famous TOOLFAIRYS. A TOOLFAIRY is an amazing creature that lays an egg more precious than those from Fabergé. It’s an egg so big that needs the help and support of the best knights in the universe. These knights are almost invisible and live among common people without flashing out their incredible powers, but they are important, so important that no fun would ever be possible in the world. Among themselves they call each other trainers. And a trainer Minerva was. Once someone very wise told her she would need those keys to be stronger than everyone else, and that she could never take them for granted because each year a new key would be released to improve the overall abilities. This wise person was Bernardix Abrignanix, one of the most ancient knights and bearer of the magic potion that puts all


A tale about learning.

Transcript of Toolfairy

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Once upon a time, on a very near kingdom called Youthlandia, there was this

trainer called Minerva. She was a very important person in her kingdom, some say she

was like a queen, others like a star, but most regarded her simply as a precious friend. She

was a simple person, with a big heart and a nice owl tattooed in her shoulder.

Minerva had a wonderful job, the most important one in the kingdom: she would

give guidance, wisdom, training, arts and much more to all people in Youthlandia. She

always did her job easily, mainly because she had a lot of friends who shared wonderful

resources. She was fortunate because she never felt alone. In fact she was a member of

the famous SALTO ROUND TABLE KNIGHTS (SRTK), the most prestigious legion of knights,

who swore to protect and treasure all the wisdom of the non-formal education in the

whole universe.

But one day, something terrible happened. All people in Youthlandia was infected

with a terrible virus, everyone got so bored, so terribly dull that nobody cared about

nothing at all. People just stood quiet wherever they where, without thinking, without

smiling, without moving, no reaction at all. Everyone but Minerva. She was somehow

immune to all that like if someone wanted her to witness the infamous tragedy. But it only

took her a little while to realize she had a precious amulet: a collection of five precious

keys, all linked together in a special necklace. These keys represent the five stages of her

pursuit of happiness, until now: she got them in Marly Le Roy, Antalya, Las Palmas, Évora

and Venice, places universally known for their famous TOOLFAIRYS. A TOOLFAIRY is an

amazing creature that lays an egg more precious than those from Fabergé. It’s an egg so

big that needs the help and support of the best knights in the universe. These knights are

almost invisible and live among common people without flashing out their incredible

powers, but they are important, so important that no fun would ever be possible in the

world. Among themselves they call each other trainers. And a trainer Minerva was.

Once someone very wise told her she would need those keys to be stronger than

everyone else, and that she could never take them for granted because each year a new

key would be released to improve the overall abilities. This wise person was Bernardix

Abrignanix, one of the most ancient knights and bearer of the magic potion that puts all

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kingdoms in the Mediterranean talking the same language, no matter what religion or

cultural background. Somehow Minerva understood that she would need an extra key to

unveil all the mysteries behind her kingdom incredible deadly dullness.

Every SRTK had a special device that allowed them to communicate. This device

worked instantly if you gathered fifty young people clapping, laughing and jumping in one

leg, all at the same time. It never failed before, but how would Minerva do it, since

everyone was so frozen in that vicious dullness?

The first time in her life she cried. The first time in her life she felt the unquiet

mystery of impotence. But suddenly while she was sitting on the ground, completely sad

and miserable, a white dove landed on her lap. She was amazed by that lovely creature,

so white and perfect, as if it came from heaven itself, but no stranger creature it was. It

had a tiny message linked to one of her paws, simply saying “TO TALLIN YOU MUST GO.

NA.” NA? National Agency! Par Toutatis she shouted out loud. The National Agency

always supported impossible actions through out immemorial times, and this time it was no

surprise. So to Tallin she went.

Time was critical and she fled as quickly as an eagle, through mountains and

valleys, and strong as a lion fighting all the ogres and trolls and stacks of bureaucracy

papers. Minerva was a strong knight and pursued her goal with determination and

perseverance and soon she arrived at Tallin.

In every tale, happy endings don’t come easy. So she felt she had something very

intrepid to accomplish. Something that would mean she was up to anything, especially

since she was so far away, in a different kingdom full with unknown mysteries. Suddenly

arousing from the mist a legion of beautiful Elf came to embrace her. They were the most

famous Elf in Tallin and their secret mission was helping TOOLFAIRY lay down the special

egg. Minerva was so happy to be surrounded with such wonderful creatures, but they had

a terrible warning that made her heart beat as fast as never before. They told her that she

had a final test to prove that Minerva’s heart was still pure, after so many adversities. She

had to defeat Vanapagan, a terrible creature that was haunting these lands since the

ages of time. The Elf shared with Minerva an enchanted lyric that would turn Vanapagan

into a piece of stone, if only she would sing with all her heart.

So she faced this quest with courage and went up to an enchanted place called

Lauluvaljak, guided by her special friends. In one hand she had the lyrics and in the other

a special map, still empty, that in case of victory against Vanapagan, would turn into a

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booklet of wonderful surprises. And so she stood there, ready to beat the terrible

Vanapagan. She only waited for a second for him to appear, a big filthy creature, with

dark eyes and scaring moves. Then, suddenly, she felt like singing and she sang so loud

that her voice erased all the clouds from the sky and the lyrics just fled from her hand to


Vanapagan started to shiver and to scream and to move heaven and earth, really

troubled by Minerva singing such beautiful lyrics that immediately disappeared in to

nothing, leaving her with a shining map, suddenly becoming so much more precious.

While reading the map all her SRTK appeared to hug her and take her to the

TOOLFAIRY, where the sixth key was waiting for her. There she met again Bernardix

Abrignanix with his special friend Federica Mamma Mia, who always knows what’s in

everybody’s mind, so that it was no surprise for her that Minerva wanted to have the key

and return safe and unharmed to save her kingdom.

Everybody joined hands and in a very special communion all the knights swore to

protect and share all the knowledge and a big flash light coming from the sky stood in the

middle of them. It was the TOOLFAIRY whom everyone expected for so long. Then with

the help of the Elf and the knights TOOLFAIRY laid it’s egg. Bernardix Abrignanix, the first

one allowed to speak said solemnly: let’s open the egg and show the world how it can be

better! And everyone, repeating his words, took a special key from the egg and by

gathering them all, the six keys formed a magic box. Minerva, new that instant she would

save her kingdom when she used the box. And so she did. She opened the box, the box

turned into a special device with a shining door, she entered the door and in an instant

she was back in her kingdom, where everyone was still in the same terrible condition.

Behind her the door closed and it became again a box, a little box waiting to be

opened. She opened the box and closed her eyes and thought about all her adventure

and her special friends and even the big Vanapagan. She felt a big relief in her heart

when she heard singing. She opened her eyes and was surrounded by children, playing a

game around her. Youthlandia was alive again.

Thank you TOOLFAIRY!