Tom's Performance Review - August 2011

Annual Performance Review Employee Information: Employee Name: Tom Crouch Job Title: Program Manager Department: Employment Ontario Hire Date: May 2005 Division: London Employment Help Centre Review Date: Aug. 5, 2011 Reviewing Supervisor: LEHC CEO Client Focus: Consider the employee's level of excellence in providing Superior Service to Clients and employees by meeting and/or exceeding their expectations. Rate the extent to which the employee responds to Client and employee needs with courtesy, friendliness, concern and accuracy. Characteristics to consider: shows enthusiasm and passion in performing job, exhibits caring and compassionate behavior in interactions with Clients and employees, has trust and respect of Clients/employees. Results to evaluate: observations of service provided, Client comments and/or letters, comments from others, internal recognition, awards, listening skills, and is comfortable with contact/interaction. Please check the appropriate box below: Far Exceeds Performance Standards: Always considers Clients to be the highest priority along with assisting the employees to provide the highest level of service excellence to the Clients. Frequently recognized for going above and beyond to meet the needs of the Clients and employees. Exceeds the expectations of Clients and/or employees. Exceeds Performance Standards: Considers Clients to be the highest priority along with assisting the employees to provide the highest level of service excellence to the Clients. Communicates with Clients and/or employees to meet and even exceed realistic expectations. Consistently goes above and beyond by demonstrating service excellence Meets Performance Standards: Considers Clients to be a high priority along with assisting the employees to provide the highest level of service excellence to the Clients. Ensures that Clients' and employees' needs and expectations are fully met. Assignments are adequately completed meeting the desired results. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements Needs Improvement: (NOTE: This option requires an explanation in the Comments Section below). In some instances does not fully meet realistic service expectations of Clients and/or employees. Unable to sufficiently anticipate and/or identify Clients' and employees' needs. Comments:

Transcript of Tom's Performance Review - August 2011

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Annual Performance ReviewEmployee Information:Employee Name: Tom Crouch Job Title: Program

ManagerDepartment: Employment Ontario Hire Date: May 2005Division: London Employment Help

CentreReview Date: Aug. 5, 2011

Reviewing Supervisor:


Client Focus:Consider the employee's level of excellence in providing Superior Service to Clients and employees by meeting and/or exceeding their expectations. Rate the extent to which the employee responds to Client and employee needs with courtesy, friendliness, concern and accuracy. Characteristics to consider: shows enthusiasm and passion in performing job, exhibits caring and compassionate behavior in interactions with Clients and employees, has trust and respect of Clients/employees. Results to evaluate: observations of service provided, Client comments and/or letters, comments from others, internal recognition, awards, listening skills, and is comfortable with contact/interaction.Please check the appropriate box below:

Far Exceeds Performance Standards: Always considers Clients to be the highest priority along with assisting the employees to provide the highest level of service excellence to the Clients. Frequently recognized for going above and beyond to meet the needs of the Clients and employees. Exceeds the expectations of Clients and/or employees.Exceeds Performance Standards: Considers Clients to be the highest priority along with assisting the employees to provide the highest level of service excellence to the Clients. Communicates with Clients and/or employees to meet and even exceed realistic expectations. Consistently goes above and beyond by demonstrating service excellence

Meets Performance Standards: Considers Clients to be a high priority along with assisting the employees to provide the highest level of service excellence to the Clients. Ensures that Clients' and employees' needs and expectations are fully met. Assignments are adequately completed meeting the desired results. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements

Needs Improvement: (NOTE: This option requires an explanation in the Comments Section below). In some instances does not fully meet realistic service expectations of Clients and/or employees. Unable to sufficiently anticipate and/or identify Clients' and employees' needs.


Maintained staff and collegial trust and respect through challenging transition period Consistently demonstrates commitment to client-centred and client-focused service delivery

Twice nominated and one-time winner of Pat Matthews Award

Consistently works towards developing new contacts in the community, targeting his efforts towards both potential clients and community partners

Development Plan:

Planning to have Team Retreat in Fall to continue development of internal team spirit and maintenance of positive working relationships

Annual Performance Review

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Committed to OrganizationConsider the extent to which the employee asks "What can I do for the company to make it better?" Characteristics to consider: professional ism, reliability, loyalty and dependability. Results to evaluate: attendance record, follow-through on tasks, reliability in complet ing assignments, participation in voluntary activities, meet ing individual and department goals, and alignment with culture, values, and mission of organization.

Please check the appropriate box below:

Far Exceeds Performance Standards: Sets a strong example of organization commitment, and inspires feelings of loyalty and commitment in others. Always demonstrates a very high level of concern for the organization, and for other employees Displays a strong sense of pride in the organization.

Exceeds Performance Standards: Sets a good example of organizational commitment, and inspires feelings of loyalty and commitment in others. Frequently demonstrates concern for the organization, and for other employees. Displays a sense of pride in the organization. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements.

Meets Performance Standards: Sets an example of organizational commitment, and inspires feeling of loyalty and commitment in others. Frequently demonstrates concern for the organization, and in other employees. Displays a sense of pride in the organization. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements.

Needs Improvement: (NOTE: This option requires an explanation in the Comments Section below). Does not display strong sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization. Has a negative impact on the feelings of commitment in others. Does not always demonstrate concern for the organization or for other employees. Does not frequently demonstrate a sense of pride in the organization.

Comments: - support for organizational mission and vision through participation and leadership in the following committees and associations: ESCLM Steering Committee, Literacy Link South Central (LLSC) Board Member, past Co-Chair and Awards Committee Chair for London Council for Adult Education (LCAE), current Secretary and founding member of Community Employment Assistance Services Committee (CEASC), member of Provincial Steering Committee for Ontario Skills Passport, past Chapter Chair and active member of Ontario Alliance of Career Development Practitioners (OACDP), acting representative for agency at ONESTEP, Purchase of Service, Second Career Operations meetings, and supervisor of placements from various training/education facilities and community partners.

Development Plan: - continue as Executive Committee member and Chair of Awards Committee for LCAE- continue to build and strengthen CEASC as a forum for managerial and inter-agency cooperation- maintain membership and level of participation with ESCLM, LLSC, LCAE, and OACDP- whenever required, represent the agency in a pro-active and positive manner at POS and ONESTEP

meetings- represents the agency for various collaborative and planning groups, including the External Working

Group- increase annual United Way contribution- back-up for provincial MTCU External Working Group in Toronto

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Annual Performance Review

Integrity / Trust

Consider the extent to which the employee delivers messages truthfully and in an appropriate manner and maintains effective core values during both good and bad situations. Also consider employee's ability to own mistakes, treat others fairly, and ability to demonstrate the company's values by his or her actions. Characteristics to consider: honesty, awareness of the perception of themselves to others, respectful. Results to evaluate: proactive in reporting own problems or errors and makes decisions based on the "right thing to do".

Please check the appropriate box below:

Far Exceeds Performance Standards: Exemplary sense of responsibility and commitment. Can always be relied upon to follow through on commitments and promises. Willing to admit to mistakes

Exceeds Performance Standards: Very strong sense of responsibility and commitment. Can be relied upon to follow throughOn commitments and promises. Willing to admit to mistakes

Meets Performance Standards. Good sense of responsibility and commitment. Usually follows through on commitments and promises, with a few small delays. When approached, is willing to admit to mistakes. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements.

Needs Improvement: (NOTE: This option requires an explanation in the Comments Section below). Does not display enough sense of responsibility or commitment. Often fails to follow through on commitments. Will often not admit to mistakes


- Tom’s values consistently mesh with the core values of the agency, both Mission and Vision- Treats all staff at all levels with equal consideration and fairness- Able to successfully deal with a variety of challenging internal personnel issues with consideration and care- Takes responsibility for errors and mistakes

Development Plan:

Tom has a very strong sense of integrity and what he needs to do in particular situations and, despite our differences in style, I know I need to give him space and freedom to work things out his own way re. staff conflicts/situations. Tom has a very calm and fair way of dealing with issues.

Tom is very committed to the agency, and represents it well in the community. I truly believe that someone with Tom’s character could not work for an organization if he did not believe in its core values – he is very much a man of integrity and principle.

When things go awry, as they often do through no fault of anyone’s, Tom is quick to own the responsibility, even if it is not his (just because it happened within his team). This is often where I need to point out that this is a much broader problem that could have surfaced within any team and is a “management issue”, not a “team supervisor” issue.

Tom manages with the largest team in the Agency (in two locations) and works very hard to keep everyone happy while at the same time preparing a schedule for both locations that will enable us to meet our targets. He takes every staff’s personality into consideration when doing up the schedule – no small feat!

Annual Performance Review

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Action-Oriented / Empowered

Consider the extent to which the employee identifies needs, finds creative solutions, welcomes change, defines problem and makes decisions in a timely manner. Also consider the extent to which the employee is sought out by others for advice and solutions, and makes appropriate decisions based on analysis, experience and personal judgment. Characteristics to consider: enthusiasm and excitement; professionalism and leadership. Results to evaluate: level of initiative exhibited in routine tasks as well as resolution of problems, responsiveness to requests from Clients and employees, positive response to change, proactive in addressing and identifying potential problems, and identifies hidden problems.

Please check the appropriate box below:

Far Exceeds Performance Standards: Excellent problem solving skills. Generates alternative solutions to reach the best resolution. Proactively anticipates and prevents problems from arising

Exceeds Performance Standards: Very good problem solving skills. Generates alternative solutions to reach the best solution. Anticipates and prevents problems from arising.

Meets Performance Standards: Shows ability to solve problems and generate alternative solutions. Often takes a proactive approach to anticipating and preventing problems. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements

Needs Improvement: (NOTE: This option requires an explanation in the Comments Section below). Does not have good problem solving skills. Does not typically proactively nor constructively anticipate problems, nor generate ideas for solving problems that arise.Self: N/A

Comments: - consistently and frequently demonstrates ability to problem solve, and proactively leads staff through

group and individual problem solving activities- maintained service delivery continuity and staff integrity during significant period of agency change and

transformation- primary responsibility for the design, renovation, construction, and implementation of programming and

staffing for new Northland location- oversaw and supervised the introduction of Second Career administration and service delivery over short

period of time and in reaction to rapid delivery demands from MTCU- attends Second Career Operations meetings, as well as implementation planning meetings for EOES

Development Plan: - meet with frontline service delivery staff in Fall to complete evaluation process and implement staff

Development Plans- complete rationalization of curriculum and workshop delivery guidelines and post to Knowledge

Management- recruit and integrate appropriate volunteers at both centres- work with Centre For Lifelong Learning to design and implement new programming for New Canadians in

area of Specialized Language Training

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Annual Performance Review

Highly Efficient / Resourceful

Consider the extent to which the employee takes ownership, works smart, and constantly seeks to improve and streamline. Characteristics to consider: organizational skills, time management skills. Results to evaluate: transaction volume or other productivity standards, error rate, quality of work, accomplishment of goals, ability to meet deadlines, and process improvement suggestions.Far Exceeds Performance Standards: Is very proactive in looking for new and more efficient processes and solutions. Has implemented outstanding new approaches that have greatly improved efficiency.

Please check the appropriate box below:

Far Exceeds performance Standards: Is very proactive in looking for new and more efficient processes and solutions. Has implemented outstanding new approaches that have greatly improved efficiency.

Exceeds Performance Standards: Proactively looks for new and more efficient processes and solutions. Has recommended new approaches that have improved efficiency

Meets Performance Standards: Will look for new and more efficient processes and solutions. Has recommended some new approaches that have improved efficiency. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements

Needs Improvement: (NOTE: This option requires an explanation in the Comments Section below). Prefers to stick to the status quo, and resists change. May sometimes refer to "it's not my job" or "we have always done it this way, so why change."

Comments: - facilitated and managed transition of agency from one centre to two, including re-design of job finding club curriculum, introduction of new computer lab modules, and organizing of administrative procedures related to transition to new Employment Ontario program- designed and implemented delivery of new general LEHC Information Sessions- designed and Implemented delivery of Transition to Training program- negotiated and implemented community partnership with Centre for Lifelong Learning to deliver job search workshop and voluntary placement component- works effectively with all levels of agency administration and service delivery to ensure accomplishment of agency goals and objectives in as efficient and effective a manner as possible- works effectively with all levels of government and other funding sources

Development Plan:

- continue to analyze and improve administrative procedures to enhance effectiveness of statistical reporting mechanisms to MTCU and internal databases (ongoing)- monitor and evaluate staff performances related to contractual obligations and agreements (Fall 2011)- organize schedules over next twelve months to maximize cross training opportunities and take further steps to reduce agency vulnerability to staff turnover (Fall 2011)- will be re-writing the procedure guidelines for CSPC/Facilitator staff (Winter 2011/Spring2012)

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Annual Performance ReviewCommunication Skills

Consider the employee's written and verbal communication skills and evaluate based on their relation to their position. Characteristics to consider: communication with supervisor/manager, patience in hearing other's viewpoints, and clearness in their communication to others. Results to evaluate: openness to receiving feedback and coaching, employee's communications, consistency in practicing active listening, and effectiveness in getting their message across to others.

Please check the appropriate box below:

Far Exceeds Performance Standards: Very strong ability to express facts and ideas clearly, in a credible and appropriate manner. Always uses an appropriate tone. Displays excellent judgment as to what information should be communicated. Always listens to others, and elicits feedback.

Exceeds Performance Standards: Strong ability to express facts and ideas clearly, in a credible and appropriate manner. Uses an appropriate tone. Displays very good judgment as to what information should be communicated. Frequently listens to others, and often elicits feedback.

Meets Performance Standards: Able to express facts and ideas clearly, in a credible and appropriate manner. Usually uses an appropriate tone. Displays good judgment as to what information should be communicated. Listens to others, and elicits feedback. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements

Needs Improvement: (NOTE: This option requires an explanation in the Comments Section below.) Unable to express facts and ideas clearly. This limits credibility. Often uses an inappropriate tone. Exercises poor judgment in determining information to share with others. Unwilling to listen to others or accept feedback.

Comments: - External and internal communications skills and contributions a primary strength- Contributes to effective management during discussions at weekly Management meetings- Verbal and written communication skills a very strong asset for Tom

Development Plan: - Continue to contribute in a significant manner to external and internal newsletters- Continue to effectively and diplomatically represent the agency at various levels of interactivity, including ESCLM, POS, and OACDP- Continue to act as Secretary for CEASC, and work towards improvement of relations with all community partners and funding sources by pursuing opportunities to present Information Sessions, deliver newsletters and brochures, and exchange programming information

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Annual Performance ReviewTechnical Skills

Consider the necessary technical skills for the position, and rate the employee's level in those skills. Characteristics to consider: expertise in position, knowledge/functionality in other related positions. Results to evaluate: time required to perform routine and other tasks, accuracy of work, appropriate use of resources, training completed.Please check the appropriate box below:

Far Exceeds Performance Standards: Has expert level technical skills and knowledge.

Exceeds Performance Standards: Has strong technical skills and knowledge.

Meets Performance Standards: Has sufficient technical skills and knowledge to perform the job very competently. Employees at this level accomplish the position requirements.

Needs Improvement: (NOTE: This option requires an explanation in the Comments Section below.) Does not possess sufficient technical skills and knowledge needed to perform the job competently

Comments: - Strong ability to deliver any element of agency services, including workshops, information sessions, one-to-

one counseling appointments, and administrative responsibilities when required- Trained extensively in a variety of competencies related to service delivery, including MBTI and Personality

Dimensions assessment tools, Mastery Level of HRSDC’s Assessment Component of Employment Counselling, and an active participant in the design and development of the Common Assessment process

Development Plan: - Performs administrative and data management responsibilities competently, but does not exceed

Performance Standard in this area- Will devote time to meeting with Information Technology and Data Administration to improve and

strengthen in this area- Take time to study and analyze MTCU data processing and administration and improve on efficiency of

agency to collect and deliver performance data to CaMS and MTCU, improve on agency ability to statistically represent activities and achievements

- Skillpath Seminar Social Media training – “Social Media Marketing Conference” Sept 26 Best Western $249

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Annual Performance Review

Employee Strengths and Accomplishments(Briefly describe at least three)


Tom has made himself a most valued member of LEHC and the management team. He is loyal, dependable, knowledgeable, committed, client-focused, extremely well-connected in the community, very flexible (willing to take on almost anything as long as it doesn’t interfere with his time with his wife – commendable!), and is very determined to making his team work, despite all odds (and there are many).

Employee Strengths and Accomplishments(Briefly describe at least three)

1) Ability to maintain high service delivery standards during periods of significant change and transition, including maintenance of staff morale and administrative competence.

2) Competent in the design, implementation and delivery of new and innovative employment assistance services.3) Strong ability to build, develop and maintain positive working relationships with various community partners,

both within the Employment Ontario sphere and outside the area of employment assistance service delivery.

Competencies:- Engagement and motivation of both staff and clients- Program design, implementation, evolution, delivery and maintenance- Maintenance of positive, efficient and effective working environment for clients for staff and clients on a

daily basis- Ongoing development and maintenance of positive communications and information exchange linkages

with internal staff and external partners and colleagues

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Annual Performance Review

Overall Employee Performance

(This is not an average of the above ratings since some performance areas are of greater significance than others. The overall rating should be the evaluation of the total overall performance.) Consider the overall performance of the employee in relation to his/her efforts to provide world class service in accordance with the mission and values of the organization.

Far Exceeds Performance Standards

Exceeds Performance Standards

Meets Performance Standards

Needs Improvement (NOTE: This option requires explanation in the Comments Section below


I admire Tom’s brilliance, his commitment to clients, to his team and to the agency. I am ever so grateful that he is part of this organization.

Thank you Tom for everything you have done and for your contributions thus far.

New Goals:- Social Media marketing training with Skillpath Seminars (Sept 2011)- Planning with IT Manager to increase Social Media presence and integrate activities into weekly ops

(Winter 2011)- Further training and skills enhancement in data processing and statistical reporting procedures by

allocating required time to meet with Information Technology and Data Administration personnel (Fall 2011)

- Rationalization and standardization of curriculum and workshop guidelines and posting to Knowledge Management (Fall 2011)

- Recruitment of appropriate volunteers to various levels of engagement at both centres (Ongoing)- Development of new Job Descriptions for CSPC/Facilitator position (Fall 2011)- Review and re-write CSPC/Facilitator Guidelines and replace binder manuals for all staff (Winter 2011)

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Annual Performance ReviewEmployee Comments(Does not apply to Self-Review)

I have reviewed this Performance Review and am in agreement with its contents. I am appreciative that my efforts to build and maintain a high standard service delivery model are recognized, and I am pleased to be able to continue with my work at the Help Centre. Our staff and Board are committed to making every effort to ensure the success of our clients, and I know that the stated Mission and Vision of the agency is in alignment with my own personal goals and career objectives. I feel very fortunate to be in this situation, and am very grateful to the agency for allowing me to continue to function is such a supportive environment.

Please check the appropriate box below:

My Manager has had a discussion with me regarding my performance. My comments are above.

My Manager has had a discussion with me regarding my performance. I do not wish to comment.

Manager Comments(Does not apply to Self-Review)

Please check the appropriate box below:

My Manager has had a discussion with me regarding my performance. My comments are above.

My Manager has had a discussion with me regarding my performance. I do not wish to comment.