Tomorrow the Last Day of the - Library of Congress · Seamless socks in black and colors....

SUUUSBnROtfiihTELEORIFR MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1919. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART Tomorrow the Last Day of the 41 st Anniversary SpeciaisThroughout Women's Shoes in the Birthday Sale Unequaled Values the Attractions Tomorrow SIO.OO pearl grey kid high cut _lace shoes with oak leather welted 'soles and high Louis heels. An- J Ipjgf? JhS, niversary Price $8.41 Jg SB.OO brown calf high cut lace fry bviVll ;/y ,-V j -phoes. with leather welted soles and k\ ' t Jjpv alk in g heels. Anniversary Price, Vm,, -/A--! $5.00 patent colt skin and black kidskin button shoes, with oak leather welted soles and Louis heels. Anniversary Price ... $4.41 '54.00 gun metal calf, button and lace shoes, with heavy welted soles and high military heels. Anniversary Price $3.41 $3.50 patent colt and black kidskin shoes, with light weight stitched soles and high Cuban heels. Anniversary Price $2.41 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear Men's and Boys' Shoes for Fall . Last Day Attractions in the Sale Men s $5.00 dark tan calf shoes, with blind eyelets; Good- year welted soles ,nnd English heels. Anniversary Price $4.41 Men's $4.00 gun metal calf shoes; button and lace style; Goodyear welted soles. Anniversary Price ." $3.41 Men's $2.75 black veal calf mill shoes, made on broad' toe lasts with heavy leather soles. Anniversary Price... .$2.41 Bovs' $3.00 dark brown calf and gun metal calf shoes; blucher lace style, with half double stitched soles; sizes 8 to 13 1-2. An- niversary Price $2.41 Boys $1.75 gun metal calf shoes with solid leather soles; sizes 9 to 13 1-2. Anniversary Price $1.41 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear Dress Goods: Serge and Gabardine Values Unexampled in the Sale Tomorrow 54-inch navy cloth suiting. Anniversary Price, vard, $1.41 41-inch navy serge. Anniversary Price, yard $1.41 $2.00 silk and wool crepes; 40 inches wide. Anniversary Price, yard $1.41 $4.00 broadcloth; 48 inches wide. Anniversary Price, vard, $3.41 $4.50 hrench serge: 50 inche swide, in navy and midnight blue. Anniversary Price, yard $3.41 $4.50 gabardine; 48 inches wide, in navy. Anniversary Price, yard $3.41 $6.00 French serge; 56 inches wide, in dark navy. Anniver- sary Price, yard $4.41 $4.50 mixed coating, 54 inches wide. Anniversary Price yvd $2.41 $1.95 plaids; 41 inches wide, in four good patterns. Anniver- sary Price, yard $1.41 $3.50 all wool navy serge; 48 inches wide, all wool. Anni- versary Price, yard $2.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Men's Fall Underwear: Save Tomorrow Values of Unusual Kind Are Ready $2.00 fall weight cotton ribbed union suits. Anniversary Pr | ce $1.41 $1.50 and $2.00 white cotton ribbed union suits; knee or ankle length. Anniversary Price $1.41 75c and SI.OO Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers. An- niversary Price, two garments $1.41 $2.00 black cotton ribbed union suits; short sleeves and ankle length. Anniversary Price $1.41 Men's 19c Socks; 3 Pairs 41c Seamless socks in black and colors. Anniversary Price, 3 pairs for 41$ 39c mercerized seamless socks; in black and colors. Anni- versary Price, 2 pairs for 41$ 65c thread silk seamless socks, in black and colors. Anni- versary Price 41$ Children's 50c fine ribbed lisle seamless hose, in black, white and cordovan. Anniversary Price, 4 pairs for $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor $2.00 Gloves for Women: 41c and $1.41 a Pair Women's $2.00 washable cape skin gloves, in tan and grey. Anniversary Price, pair $1.41 Incomplete sizes of $2.00 kid gloves. Anniversary Price 41$ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor 50 Pair Plaid Blankets: Pair, $3.41 yjfj Tn. Other economies in bedding items / I for Tuesday inclusive: / 66x80-inch grey wool blankets. Anniversary \ / 63x90-inch bleached sheets. An- A '? J niversary Price $1.41 / 45x36-inch bleached pillow cases. Anniversary Price $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement SSO Brussels and Velvet Rugs: $41.00 $50.00 and $52.50 Body Brussels rugs. Anniversary Price $41.00 $50.00 Roxbury Velvet Rugs, 9x12 ft. Anniversary Price . $41.00 $50.00 seamless Axminster rugs, 9x12 ft. Anniversary Price $41.00 $32.50 and $30.00 Tapestry Brussels rugs, 9x12 ft. Anni- versary Price $27.41 $20.00 Japan rag rugs, 9x12. Anniversary Price. .$15.41 $2.75 and $3.00 Colonial rugs; 30x60 inches. Anniversary Price $2.41 $1.75 mixed rugs. 27x54. Anniversary Price $1.41 $1.75 Wilton hassocks. Anniversary Price $1.41 75c Wilton hassocks. Anniversary Price 41^ 60c China matting, 36 inches wide. Anniversary Price, 41£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor Plaid Ginghamg and Other Dress Materials For Women's and Children's Apparel: Reduced W. M. Anderson's 79c fancy plaid ginghams, in six styles. Anniversary Price, yard 41$ 59c Irish poplin, solid colors. Anniversary Price, yd., 41$ 50c kiddie cloth. Anniversary Price, yard 41$ * 59c poplin, in silk stripe patterns. Anniversary Price, yard 41$ 59c dress ginghams, 32 inches wide. Anniversary Price, yard 41$ 75c colored voiles, 36 inches wide. Anniversary Price yd. 41$ Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor 50c to 65c Fall Curtain Materials Including Madras, Scrim Marquisette; yd. 41c Tomorrow promises big returns in curtain materials and cur- tains for home decorations. 50c cretonnes, in new Autumn colorings of pink, blue, yel- low and dark colors. Yard 41 $ $3.00 tapestry table runners. Each $2.41 $4.00 heavy tapestry couch covers. Each $3.41 $2.50 scrim curtains, with narrow lace edging; also net cur- tains in white and ecru. Anniversary Price, pair $2.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor A Regular $2.50 Quality Black Taffeta In the Last Day of the Anniversary Sale yd, $1.41 To buy a good black taffeta at so low a price is to share a value that scores of women will appreciate months hence. 35-inches wide, ?an opportunity. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewaj-t, Street Floor / Men's Shirts At Very Special Prices For the Last Day of the Anniversary Sale Men's $2.50 fine quality daucetine shirts in cluster stripes; band style, sizes 14 to 17. Anniversary Price, 2 for... .$3.41 Men's $1.50 corded madras and repp negligee shirts, with soft fold cuffs; sizes 14 to 17. Anniversary Price, 2 for $2.41 Men's $1.25 negligee shirts; sizes 16Yz and 17 only; counter soiled. Anniversary Price, 3 for $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store $4.98 Velvet Handßags $4.41 These velvet hand bags are shown in black and colors, with heavy chain handles. Regular $4.98 value. Anniversary Spe- cial $4.41 $3.75 velvet hand bags. Anniversary Special $3.41 $3.50 canteen boxes. Anniversary Special $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor $3.00 Crochet Bed Spreads, $2.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Women's Cape Skin Gloves $2.50 washable cape skin gloves, in tan, grey and pearl. An- niversary Special $2.41 $2.00 capeskin gloves, in tan and grey. Anniversary Spe- cial $1.41 Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor Anniversary Savings Tues- day in Bedding Supplies Bleached muslin, 36 inches wide. Anniversary Special, 10 yards for $2.41 Fine thread unbleached muslin, 36 inches. Anniversary Spe- cial, 10 yards for $2.41 Bleached pillow cases, inches. Anniversary Spe- cial '. 41$ Light outing cloth, 36 inches. Anniversary Special, yard 41$ $17.50 silk comfortables, wool filled, "assorted colors. An- niversary Special , $16.41 $20.00 silk comfortables, wool filled, assorted colors. Anni- versary Specials $18.41 Divea, Pomeroy A Stewart, Buement Men's and Boys' Wear: Specials Men's 20c all linen hemstitched handkerchiefs. Anniversary Price, 3 for 41$ Boys' 7c white hemstitched school handkerchiefs. Anniver- sary Price, 9 for 41$ Boys' $1.85 oxford grey coat sweaters, with roll collars. An- niversary Price $1.41 Men's 21c canvas gloves, with knitted wrist. Anniversary Price, 3 for 41$ GIRLS' TAM O'SHANTERS $1.95 plaid pattern tarns. Anniversary Price $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store 75c Fiction: Last Day of the Sale at 41c Any book of fiction on our 75c table is offered as an Anni- versary special for the last day of the sale. The Indian Drum The Little Brown Jug of Kil- Good Indian dare God's Country and the Woman The Border Legion In the Palace of the King Too Many Crooks Desert Gold The Long Patrol Mr. Brittling Sees It Through The Two-Faced Man Salt of the Earth Rugglers of Red Cap Christine The Harvester The Fourth Watch The Heart of Phllura The Secret of the Storm Country The Secret of the Night Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 41c Anniversary Specials Tuesday in Infant's and Children's Wear Infants' silk caps, trimmed with tucks, briar stitching, rib- bon rosettes and lace. Anniversary Special, Tuesday. .41$ Infants' caps, pink and blue linings. Anniversary Special, Tuesday 41$ Children's white corduroy hats. k Anniversary Special, Tues- day 41$ Children's $5.95 colored corduroy coats, in brown, green and black. Anniversary Special, Tuesday $3.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Skirts, Aprons and Petticoats Anniversary Specials for Tuesday Short knitted skirts in all white, grey and white with col- ored border. Anniversary Special 41$ Pink mesh bandeau brassieres, closed back, tape shoulder straps. Anniversary Special 41$ Percale aprons, white ground with black figures. Anniver- sary Special 41$ Bungalow aprons, in white percale and plaid gingham. An- niversary Special $1.41 Cotton petticoats in emerald gfcen with tailored flounce and black satinc with novelty flounce. Anniversary Special $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Women's Oxfords Specially Priced For the Last Day of the Sale For Tuesday only. Women's oxfords in the Market Street Shoe Section will be offered at these attractive prices: Black and brown kidskin, with Louis heels, Anniversary Specials $6.41, $7.41 and $8.41 Black and brown calfskin oxfords, with Cuban and military heels. Anniversary Specials, $5.41, $6.41, $7.41, $8.41 Black patent leather oxfords with Louis heels. Anniver- sary Special $6.41 and $7.41 Tan calf lace shoes, with imitation wing and straight tips, with Cuban and military heels. Anniversary Special, $8.41 $2.75 spats, in all the new shades. Anniversary Spe- cial $2.41 Dives, Foroeroy & Stewart, Market Street $5 and $7.50 Madame Lyra Corsets in Tuesday's Sale at $2.41 For the last day of the Anniversary Sale a group of broken sizes of regular $5.00 and $7.50 Madame Lyra corsets will be sold at $2.41 Models in pink and white Coutil for medium and medium tall figures, medium and low busts. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Second Floor Hand Mirrors and Toilet Goods White enameled hand mirrors. Anniversary Special, $1.41 25c Creme de Meridor. "Anniversary Special, 2 jars for 41$ 50c Luxor face powder. Anniversary Special 41$ 50c Luxor cold cream. Anniversary Special 41$ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Jewelry and Silverware : Specials Rogers' silver-plated teaspoons. Anniversary Special, half dozen $1.41 $1.50 long pearl bead necklaces. Anniversary Special, $1.41 $1.50 silvcrplated picture frames. Anniversary Special, $1.41 Direa, Pomeroy * Stewart, Street Floor Housewares That Promise Real Economies Rayo nickel lamps, complete with shade and chimney. An- nivcrsary Price $3.41 8-inch Nu-cut heavy pressed / \u25a0,/ glass bowls. Anniversary sets mixing bowls, set 10c gold band fruit or dessert dishes. Anniversary Price *" y* d° zcn 4ii 15c gold band lunch plates. Anniversary Price, dozen lor # 41^ 35c gold band cups and saucers. Anniversary Price 2 for 410 $2.00 aluminum double boilers, 2 cjts. Anniversary Price, 41 $7.15 brass fount Miller oil heaters. Anniversary Price ssi4l 98c fibre brooms. Anniversary Price 410 $3.25 bushel capacity galvanized ash cans. Anniversary Pn $2.4 i 4 $1.75 granite seamless tea kettles. Anniversary Price, $1.41 ' Mahogany finished carpet sweepers. Anniversary pr'" sl.4i $2.25 willow clothes baskets. Anniversary price $1.41 Liquid Veneer furniture polish. Anniversary Price, 410 50c size liquid wax oil polish. Anniversary Price .... 410 O'Cedar furniture polish. Anniversary Price 410 69c dustless long handle floor mops. Anniversary Price, 410 75c long handle sweeping brushes. Anniversary Price, 410 12 rolls 5c toilet papers. Anniversary Price 410 M Dives. Fomeroy & Stewart, Basement Women's 75c Cotton Ribbed' Vests: 41c $2.00 Union Suits to Go for $1.41 75c fall weight cotton ribbed vests and drawers. Anniver- sary Price, each 410 $1.50 and $2.00 fall weight white cotton ribbed union suits. Anniversary Price $1.41 50c and 59c white cotton ribbed union suits. Anniversary Price ' 410 g 39c and 50c white lisle ribbed vests. Anniversary Price, 4 for $1.41 Women's Stockings for Fall: Special Tuesday 39c lisle seamless hose, in black and cordovan. Anniversary Price, 2 pairs for 410 50c and 59c white cotton and lisle hose with fashion feet. Anniversary Price 410 59c fine black mercerized seamless hose. Anniversary Price 410 * Women's SI.OO fiber silk seamless hose, in white and colors. Anniversary Price, 2 pairs for ; 11.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Fountain Pens, Albums and and Stationery SI.OO Puritan fountain pen with filler. Special 410 65c loose leaf photograph album, 25 black leaves. Special 410 25c writing paper, dainty tints; 24 sheets, 24 envelopes, white, blue, pink, buff and violet. Special, 2 boxes for 410 65c stationery value 410 25c lb. package Cairo Linen and 4 ten cent packages en- velopes. Special 410 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor H 31, 38 and 50 Piece Dinner Sets $2.41, $4.41 and $8.41 the Price Tuesday The last opportunity of the season to buy dishes for every day use, at such savings. 31 pieces $2.41 ?* 38 pieces $4.41 50 pieces $8.41 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement Water Power Washing Machines American washing machines $16.41 National machines $18.41 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement 7 Bars of Babbitt's White < Naptha Laundry Soap Tuesday, 41c D. P. &S. Special Anniversary Pure olive oil, qt. cans,.. sl.4* coffee, lb 41c Mayonnaise salad dressing;, gal- California seeded raisins, 2 lon gi aS s $2.41 packages 41c Spaghetti Italian style, 4 cans. Vanilla, 2 qt. bottles, .. $1.41 41c \u25a0 Lenox soap, 7 cakes, ... 41c Lux, 4 packages, ....... 41c Baking soda, 6?loc packages, S'teero cubes, 2 dozen, ... 41c . 41 c Breakfast cocoa; 1 lb. . 41c * Dromedary washed flgs, glass. Cocoanut shredded, 4 packages 410 41c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement 1 r ? Women's Neckwear and Handkerchiefs 75c pique collar and cuff sets. Anniversary Price 410 Hemstitched handkerchiefs, regularly 60c a dozen. Annivcr- sarv # Price, dozen . .. 410 Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor 24

Transcript of Tomorrow the Last Day of the - Library of Congress · Seamless socks in black and colors....

Page 1: Tomorrow the Last Day of the - Library of Congress · Seamless socks in black and colors. Anniversary Price, 3 pairs for 41$ 39c mercerized seamless socks; in black and colors. Anni-versary


DIVES, POMEROY & STEWARTTomorrow the Last Day of the 41 st Anniversary SpeciaisThroughout

Women's Shoes in theBirthday Sale

Unequaled Values the AttractionsTomorrow

SIO.OO pearl grey kid high cut_lace shoes with oak leather welted'soles and high Louis heels. An-

J Ipjgf? JhS, niversary Price $8.41Jg SB.OO brown calf high cut lace

fry bviVll ;/y ,-V j -phoes. with leather welted soles and

k\ ' t Jjpv alk in g heels. Anniversary Price,

Vm,, -/A--! $5.00 patent colt skin and blackkidskin button shoes, with oakleather welted soles and Louis heels.Anniversary Price ... $4.41

'54.00 gun metal calf, button andlace shoes, with heavy welted soles

and high military heels. Anniversary Price $3.41$3.50 patent colt and black kidskin shoes, with light weight

stitched soles and high Cuban heels. Anniversary Price $2.41Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear

Men's and Boys' Shoes forFall .

Last Day Attractions in the SaleMen s $5.00 dark tan calf shoes, with blind eyelets; Good-

year welted soles ,nnd English heels. Anniversary Price $4.41Men's $4.00 gun metal calf shoes; button and lace style;

Goodyear welted soles. Anniversary Price ." $3.41Men's $2.75 black veal calf mill shoes, made on broad' toe

lasts with heavy leather soles. Anniversary Price... .$2.41Bovs' $3.00 dark brown calf and gun metal calf shoes; blucher

lace style, with half double stitched soles; sizes 8 to 13 1-2. An-niversary Price $2.41

Boys $1.75 gun metal calf shoes with solid leather soles;sizes 9 to 13 1-2. Anniversary Price $1.41

Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear

Dress Goods: Serge andGabardine

Values Unexampled in the SaleTomorrow

54-inch navy cloth suiting. Anniversary Price, vard, $1.4141-inch navy serge. Anniversary Price, yard $1.41$2.00 silk and wool crepes; 40 inches wide. Anniversary

Price, yard $1.41$4.00 broadcloth; 48 inches wide. Anniversary Price, vard,$3.41

$4.50 hrench serge: 50 inche swide, in navy and midnightblue. Anniversary Price, yard $3.41

$4.50 gabardine; 48 inches wide, in navy. AnniversaryPrice, yard $3.41

$6.00 French serge; 56 inches wide, in dark navy. Anniver-sary Price, yard $4.41

$4.50 mixed coating, 54 inches wide. Anniversary Priceyvd $2.41

$1.95 plaids; 41 inches wide, in four good patterns. Anniver-sary Price, yard $1.41

$3.50 all wool navy serge; 48 inches wide, all wool. Anni-versary Price, yard $2.41

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor

Men's Fall Underwear:Save Tomorrow

Values of Unusual Kind Are Ready$2.00 fall weight cotton ribbed union suits. Anniversary

Pr |ce $1.41$1.50 and $2.00 white cotton ribbed union suits; knee or

ankle length. Anniversary Price $1.4175c and SI.OO Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers. An-

niversary Price, two garments $1.41$2.00 black cotton ribbed union suits; short sleeves and ankle

length. Anniversary Price $1.41Men's 19c Socks; 3 Pairs 41c

Seamless socks in black and colors. Anniversary Price, 3pairs for 41$

39c mercerized seamless socks; in black and colors. Anni-versary Price, 2 pairs for 41$

65c thread silk seamless socks, in black and colors. Anni-versary Price 41$

Children's 50c fine ribbed lisle seamless hose, in black, whiteand cordovan. Anniversary Price, 4 pairs for $1.41

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor

$2.00 Gloves for Women: 41cand $1.41 a Pair

Women's $2.00 washable cape skin gloves, in tan and grey.Anniversary Price, pair $1.41

Incomplete sizes of $2.00 kid gloves. Anniversary Price 41$Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor

50 Pair Plaid Blankets:Pair, $3.41

yjfj Tn. Other economies in bedding items/ I for Tuesday inclusive:

/ 66x80-inch grey wool blankets.Anniversary

\ / 63x90-inch bleached sheets. An-

A '? J niversary Price $1.41/ 45x36-inch bleached pillow cases.

Anniversary Price $1.41Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement

SSO Brussels and VelvetRugs: $41.00

$50.00 and $52.50 Body Brussels rugs. AnniversaryPrice $41.00

$50.00 Roxbury Velvet Rugs, 9x12 ft. AnniversaryPrice . $41.00

$50.00 seamless Axminster rugs, 9x12 ft. AnniversaryPrice $41.00

$32.50 and $30.00 Tapestry Brussels rugs, 9x12 ft. Anni-versary Price $27.41

$20.00 Japan rag rugs, 9x12. Anniversary Price. .$15.41$2.75 and $3.00 Colonial rugs; 30x60 inches. Anniversary

Price $2.41$1.75 mixed rugs. 27x54. Anniversary Price $1.41$1.75 Wilton hassocks. Anniversary Price $1.4175c Wilton hassocks. Anniversary Price 41^60c China matting, 36 inches wide. Anniversary Price, 41£

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor

Plaid Ginghamg and OtherDress Materials

For Women's and Children'sApparel: Reduced

W. M. Anderson's 79c fancy plaid ginghams, in six styles.Anniversary Price, yard 41$

59c Irish poplin, solid colors. Anniversary Price, yd., 41$50c kiddie cloth. Anniversary Price, yard 41$

* 59c poplin, in silk stripe patterns. Anniversary Price,yard 41$

59c dress ginghams, 32 inches wide. Anniversary Price,yard 41$

75c colored voiles, 36 inches wide. Anniversary Price yd. 41$Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor

50c to 65c Fall Curtain MaterialsIncluding Madras, Scrim

Marquisette; yd. 41cTomorrow promises big returns in curtain materials and cur-

tains for home decorations.50c cretonnes, in new Autumn colorings of pink, blue, yel-

low and dark colors. Yard 41$

$3.00 tapestry table runners. Each $2.41$4.00 heavy tapestry couch covers. Each $3.41$2.50 scrim curtains, with narrow lace edging; also net cur-

tains in white and ecru. Anniversary Price, pair $2.41Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor

A Regular $2.50 QualityBlack Taffeta

In the Last Day of the AnniversarySale yd, $1.41

To buy a good black taffeta at so low a price is to share avalue that scores of women will appreciate months hence.

35-inches wide,?an opportunity.Dives, Pomeroy & Stewaj-t, Street Floor


Men's Shirts At VerySpecial Prices

For the Last Day of the AnniversarySale

Men's $2.50 fine quality daucetine shirts in cluster stripes;band style, sizes 14 to 17. Anniversary Price, 2 for... .$3.41

Men's $1.50 corded madras and repp negligee shirts, withsoft fold cuffs; sizes 14 to 17. Anniversary Price, 2 for $2.41

Men's $1.25 negligee shirts; sizes 16Yz and 17 only; countersoiled. Anniversary Price, 3 for $1.41

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store

$4.98 Velvet Handßags $4.41These velvet hand bags are shown in black and colors, with

heavy chain handles. Regular $4.98 value. Anniversary Spe-cial $4.41

$3.75 velvet hand bags. Anniversary Special $3.41$3.50 canteen boxes. Anniversary Special $1.41

Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor

$3.00 Crochet Bed Spreads, $2.41Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear.

Women's Cape Skin Gloves$2.50 washable cape skin gloves, in tan, grey and pearl. An-

niversary Special $2.41$2.00 capeskin gloves, in tan and grey. Anniversary Spe-

cial $1.41Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor

Anniversary Savings Tues-day in Bedding Supplies

Bleached muslin, 36 inches wide. Anniversary Special, 10yards for $2.41

Fine thread unbleached muslin, 36 inches. Anniversary Spe-cial, 10 yards for $2.41

Bleached pillow cases, inches. Anniversary Spe-cial '. 41$

Light outing cloth, 36 inches. Anniversary Special,yard 41$

$17.50 silk comfortables, wool filled, "assorted colors. An-niversary Special , $16.41

$20.00 silk comfortables, wool filled, assorted colors. Anni-versary Specials $18.41

Divea, Pomeroy A Stewart, Buement

Men's and Boys' Wear:Specials

Men's 20c all linen hemstitched handkerchiefs. AnniversaryPrice, 3 for 41$

Boys' 7c white hemstitched school handkerchiefs. Anniver-sary Price, 9 for 41$

Boys' $1.85 oxford grey coat sweaters, with roll collars. An-niversary Price $1.41

Men's 21c canvas gloves, with knitted wrist. AnniversaryPrice, 3 for 41$


$1.95 plaid pattern tarns. Anniversary Price $1.41Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store

75c Fiction: Last Day of theSale at 41c

Any book of fiction on our 75c table is offered as an Anni-versary special for the last day of the sale.

The Indian Drum The Little Brown Jug of Kil-Good Indian dareGod's Country and the Woman The Border LegionIn the Palace of the King Too Many CrooksDesert Gold The Long PatrolMr. Brittling Sees It Through The Two-Faced ManSalt of the Earth Rugglers of Red CapChristine The HarvesterThe Fourth Watch The Heart of PhlluraThe Secret of the Storm Country The Secret of the Night

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.

41c Anniversary SpecialsTuesday in Infant's and

Children's WearInfants' silk caps, trimmed with tucks, briar stitching, rib-

bon rosettes and lace. Anniversary Special, Tuesday. .41$Infants' caps, pink and blue linings. Anniversary Special,

Tuesday 41$Children's white corduroy hats.

k Anniversary Special, Tues-day 41$

Children's $5.95 colored corduroy coats, in brown, green andblack. Anniversary Special, Tuesday $3.41

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor

Skirts, Aprons and PetticoatsAnniversary Specials for Tuesday

Short knitted skirts in all white, grey and white with col-ored border. Anniversary Special 41$

Pink mesh bandeau brassieres, closed back, tape shoulderstraps. Anniversary Special 41$

Percale aprons, white ground with black figures. Anniver-sary Special 41$

Bungalow aprons, in white percale and plaid gingham. An-niversary Special $1.41

Cotton petticoats in emerald gfcen with tailored flounce andblack satinc with novelty flounce. Anniversary Special $1.41

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor

Women's Oxfords SpeciallyPriced

For the Last Day of the SaleFor Tuesday only. Women's oxfords in the Market Street

Shoe Section will be offered at these attractive prices:Black and brown kidskin, with Louis heels, Anniversary

Specials $6.41, $7.41 and $8.41Black and brown calfskin oxfords, with Cuban and military

heels. Anniversary Specials, $5.41, $6.41, $7.41, $8.41Black patent leather oxfords with Louis heels. Anniver-

sary Special $6.41 and $7.41Tan calf lace shoes, with imitation wing and straight tips,

with Cuban and military heels. Anniversary Special, $8.41$2.75 spats, in all the new shades. Anniversary Spe-

cial $2.41Dives, Foroeroy & Stewart, Market Street

$5 and $7.50 Madame LyraCorsets in Tuesday's

Sale at $2.41For the last day of the Anniversary Sale a group of broken

sizes of regular $5.00 and $7.50 Madame Lyra corsets will besold at $2.41

Models in pink and white Coutil for medium and medium tallfigures, medium and low busts.

Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Second Floor

Hand Mirrors and ToiletGoods

White enameled hand mirrors. Anniversary Special, $1.4125c Creme de Meridor. "Anniversary Special, 2 jars for 41$50c Luxor face powder. Anniversary Special 41$50c Luxor cold cream. Anniversary Special 41$

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor

Jewelry and Silverware: Specials

Rogers' silver-plated teaspoons. Anniversary Special, halfdozen $1.41

$1.50 long pearl bead necklaces. Anniversary Special, $1.41$1.50 silvcrplated picture frames. Anniversary Special, $1.41

Direa, Pomeroy * Stewart, Street Floor

Housewares That PromiseReal Economies

Rayo nickel lamps, completewith shade and chimney. An-nivcrsary Price $3.41

8-inch Nu-cut heavy pressed / \u25a0,/glass bowls. Anniversary

sets mixing bowls, set

10c gold band fruit or dessert dishes. Anniversary Price*"

y* d° zcn 4ii15c gold band lunch plates. Anniversary Price, dozenlor

# 41^35c gold band cups and saucers. Anniversary Price 2 for 410$2.00 aluminum double boilers, 2 cjts. Anniversary Price,41

$7.15 brass fount Milleroil heaters. Anniversary Price ssi4l98c fibre brooms. Anniversary Price 410$3.25 bushel capacity galvanized ash cans. AnniversaryPn $2.4 i 4$1.75 granite seamless tea kettles. Anniversary Price, $1.41 '

Mahogany finished carpet sweepers. Anniversarypr'" sl.4i

$2.25 willow clothes baskets. Anniversary price $1.41Liquid Veneer furniture polish. Anniversary Price, 41050c size liquid wax oil polish. Anniversary Price .... 410O'Cedar furniture polish. Anniversary Price 41069c dustless long handle floor mops. Anniversary Price, 41075c long handle sweeping brushes. Anniversary Price, 41012 rolls 5c toilet papers. Anniversary Price 410 MDives. Fomeroy & Stewart, Basement

Women's 75c Cotton Ribbed'Vests: 41c

$2.00 Union Suits to Go for $1.4175c fall weight cotton ribbed vests and drawers. Anniver-

sary Price, each 410$1.50 and $2.00 fall weight white cotton ribbed union suits.

Anniversary Price $1.4150c and 59c white cotton ribbed union suits. Anniversary

Price ' 410 g39c and 50c white lisle ribbed vests. Anniversary Price,

4 for $1.41Women's Stockings for Fall: Special Tuesday

39c lisle seamless hose, in black and cordovan. AnniversaryPrice, 2 pairs for 410

50c and 59c white cotton and lisle hose with fashion feet.Anniversary Price 410

59c fine black mercerized seamless hose. AnniversaryPrice 410 *

Women's SI.OO fiber silk seamless hose, in white and colors.Anniversary Price, 2 pairs for ; 11.41

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor

Fountain Pens, Albums andand Stationery

SI.OO Puritan fountain pen with filler. Special 41065c loose leaf photograph album, 25 black leaves. Special 41025c writing paper, dainty tints; 24 sheets, 24 envelopes, white,

blue, pink, buff and violet. Special, 2 boxes for 41065c stationery value 41025c lb. package Cairo Linen and 4 ten cent packages en-

velopes. Special 410 1Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor H

31, 38 and 50 Piece DinnerSets

$2.41, $4.41 and $8.41 the PriceTuesday

The last opportunity of the season to buy dishes for everyday use, at such savings.

31 pieces $2.41 ?*

38 pieces $4.4150 pieces $8.41

Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement

Water Power Washing MachinesAmerican washing machines $16.41National machines $18.41

Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement

7 Bars of Babbitt's White <

Naptha Laundry SoapTuesday, 41c

D. P. &S. Special Anniversary Pure olive oil, qt. cans,.. sl.4*coffee, lb 41c Mayonnaise salad dressing;, gal-

California seeded raisins, 2 lon gi aS s $2.41packages 41c Spaghetti Italian style, 4 cans.

Vanilla, 2 qt. bottles, ..$1.41 41c \u25a0

Lenox soap, 7 cakes, ... 41c Lux, 4 packages, ....... 41cBaking soda, 6?loc packages, S'teero cubes, 2 dozen, ... 41c .

41c Breakfast cocoa; 1 lb. . 41c *

Dromedary washed flgs, glass. Cocoanut shredded, 4 packages

410 41cDives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement 1


Women's Neckwear andHandkerchiefs

75c pique collar and cuff sets.

Anniversary Price 410

Hemstitched handkerchiefs,

regularly 60c a dozen. Annivcr-

sarv # Price, dozen . .. 410Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor