TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Implementation of the California English...

TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Implementation of the California English Language Development Standards Sandra Covarrubias, Education Programs Consultant, LPLO Gustavo Gonzalez, Education Programs Consultant, LPLO

Transcript of TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Implementation of the California English...

Page 1: TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Implementation of the California English Language Development Standards Sandra Covarrubias, Education.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Implementation of the California English

Language Development


Sandra Covarrubias, Education Programs Consultant, LPLOGustavo Gonzalez, Education Programs Consultant, LPLO

Page 2: TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Implementation of the California English Language Development Standards Sandra Covarrubias, Education.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

The California English Language Development Standards

Implementation PlanThe California English Language Development (CA ELD) Standards Implementation Plan is a live document that is frequently updated as new resources and information develop.

The CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan is posted online at:

Page 3: TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Implementation of the California English Language Development Standards Sandra Covarrubias, Education.

TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Purposes of the Implementation Plan

This document provides an implementation plan for integrating the new CA ELD Standards.

This document supplements the California Common Core State Standards (CA CCSS) for ELA/Literacy by detailing the English Language Development implementation activities.

The CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan is a guidance tool for local educational agencies (LEAs) that provides a structure to emulate when developing their own implementation plans that meet their local needs.

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Implementing the CA ELD Standards

Requires deep analysis of:•What is working? What is not?•What is needed to teach the standards?•How are teachers supported? How are professional learning communities reinvigorated?•How is technology used for instruction?•What instructional resources (print and electronic) are available?•What are the data management and assessment capacities?•How can English learner (EL) pathways to higher education and careers be expanded and supported?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Phases of Implementation Actions

The Awareness Phase- Build stakeholder awareness of the planned approach and its relationship to current practice.

The Transition Phase-Emphasize curriculum and instruction, instructional

resources, and instructional support as the CA ELD Standards need to be translated into teaching courses, units, and lessons.

The Implementation Phase-Finalize and implement a technology improvement plan, ensure that interventions are in place that support ELs lacking the early literacy or math skills to handle more rigorous instruction, and collaborate with other LEAs to learn together what is working.

Throughout implementation, ongoing assessment of how well the standards are working for ELs is essential for ensuring continuous improvement.

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Guiding Strategies and Areas of Activity

The seven guiding strategies for CA ELD Standards implementation act as a structural framework for these areas of activity:

1.Professional learning

2.Instructional resources


4.Early childhood and extended learning communities

5.Postsecondary and business communities

6.Disseminate resources to support stakeholders

7.Communication among stakeholders

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Elements of the Areas of Activity

We will have “Table Talks” about these interconnected elements within the areas of activity that LEAs focus on:LeadershipCommunicationCurriculum and instructionInstructional and electronic resourcesProfessional developmentStudent learning feedback systems and assessmentSupport and intervention programsTechnology supportFiscal and human resourcesStudent transitions

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Leadership Table Talk

• To what degree has all staff received a basic orientation on the CA ELD Standards?

• To what degree has a review of adequacy of instructional materials and electronic resources been conducted?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Leadership Considerations

• To what degree has professional development and other resources such as academic coaches been provided to support teachers with the materials selected or developed?

• How much decision making can/should be delegated to the school site level?

• To what degree has the LEA taken steps to address technology “gaps”?

• To what degree has a review been conducted of the progress of and existing supports for ELs in order to give guidance as to improvement steps needed to close the achievement gap?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Communication Table Talk

• To what degree has the board been briefed? How? Does each board member feel supported to answer basic questions if necessary?

• To what degree are the school principals prepared to explain the purpose of the standards, the major instructional shifts, and the new types of assessment, using specific examples, to staff and parents?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Communication Considerations

• Have presentations been planned with specific community organizations and groups?

• To what degree have students been assisted in understanding what the shift to the CA ELD Standards will mean for them?

• Is there a plan to explain to parents of ELs how CA ELD standards will improve their child’s English and academic performance and listen to their questions and concerns?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Curriculum and Instruction Table Talk

• To what extent do teachers and administrators understand how instruction will change when the CA ELD Standards are fully implemented? What else needs to be done to support them?

• To what degree are all ELs given access to the core curriculum?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Curriculum and Instruction Considerations

• To what degree is targeted instruction being maintained to ensure access for ELs?

• To what degree are teachers engaged in creating curriculum maps/scope and sequences? What do they need in order to be better supported for these tasks?

• Are there school district supports for ELs having trouble with foundational skills or with the more demanding curriculum?

• To what degree do all instructional staff understand the standards and expectations for ELs?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Instructional and Electronic Resources Table Talk

• To what degree have teachers and administrators reviewed curriculum instructional materials in terms of alignment to the CA ELD Standards?

• To what degree have appropriate curriculum resources been identified that support ELs having full access to the core?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Instructional and Electronic Resources

Considerations• To what degree have parents been given an opportunity

to review?• Is there a systematic textbook/technology adoption

process to determine which series/software has the strongest alignment with the CA ELD Standards?

• Is there a process and funding set aside for enhancing the collection of fiction and nonfiction books for classroom and school libraries to support the curriculum maps/units developed by the district and/or schools?

• What kind of feedback will be gathered and what kind of follow-through will be provided so that continuous improvement will be supported over time?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Professional Development

Table Talk

• How is ongoing support provided to teachers on the instructional shifts in the implementation of the CA ELD Standards, the level of student engagement desired, and the content knowledge for the standards?

• How will teachers be provided with frequent and structured opportunities to meet, share and work together at implementing the CA ELD Standards?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Professional Development Considerations

• Has a team of instructional leadership coaches been identified to support the ongoing provision of professional development?

• To what degree have strategies been identified and included in the professional development to address the specific needs of ELs with an eye toward closing achievement gaps?

• Does the professional development include strategies for the integrated use and practice of technology?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Student Learning Feedback Systems

and Assessment Table Talk

• Is there a system in place for the regular collection of interim/benchmark and summative assessment data to be made available to teachers that includes immediate feedback as well as weekly progress monitoring?

• How are the curriculum and assessments aligned across the proficiency levels?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Student Learning Feedback Systems and

Assessment Considerations• To what degree are benchmarks being utilized in tiered

instruction in order to determine effectiveness and to build into feedback systems?

• How will it be determined whether or not the needs of ELs are being met? What are the indicators of success?

• How will parents be kept informed of student progress?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Support and Intervention Programs

Table Talk• How will interventions need to be revised and/or expanded in

light of the CA ELD Standards?

• Does first instruction and subsequent intervention for ELs build upon home language, background, experiences, and their linguistic proficiency in both English and their home language?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Support and Intervention Programs Considerations

• How can the Response to Intervention framework be better utilized to support the CA ELD Standards?

• What steps are being taken to align and assist Pre-K and Transitional Kindergarten programs to prepare for the CA ELD Standards?

• How can the after school programs be brought into more purposeful alignment with the CA ELD Standards?

• How will EL parents be engaged in two-way communication about employment and post-secondary educational opportunities for ELs upon graduation?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Technology Support Table

Talk• Is there clarity about who is providing

technology leadership, and how technical, infrastructure expertise is combined with curriculum and instruction expertise?

• Has the district/site identified the professional development needs of teachers related to the integrated use of technology in the context of the CA ELD Standards?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Technology Support Considerations

• Does every school have sufficient connectivity?• Is technology access being addressed in planning to

ensure that EL students have the same opportunities for meaningful learning with technology?

• How will staff be able to use students’ facility with technology devices and social media positively?

• How will curriculum and instruction in every subject area be infused with meaningful, powerful, interactive, creative learning opportunities using technology?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Fiscal and Human

Resources Table Talk

• How will essential fiscal resources be directed and repurposed to support CA ELD Standards implementation?

• To what degree have provisions been made for the delivery of necessary professional development and for the purchase of aligned instructional resources and technology/software?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Fiscal and Human Resources Considerations

• Has the Board established budget priorities to support raising EL achievement and meeting success indicators?

• Have indicators of success been set so that CA ELD Standards implementation progress can be tracked?

• Are there ways identified that principals can work with teachers (and coaches) to discuss implementation progress and work together on problems encountered?

• Has the LEA considered career ladder strategies for teachers to support “growing” teacher leaders?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Student Transitions Table Talk

• Is there sufficient coordination for ELs with community agencies, both while in school and after leaving school, such that issues of poverty, health, and needed social services are addressed?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Other Student Transitions Considerations

• Is there sufficient feedback to determine remediation needs at the college level (both two-year and four-year)?

• Is there sufficient feedback from the business community to inform necessary changes in instructional practices to sufficiently prepare ELs to enter the workforce?

• Is there evidence of increased civic knowledge and engagement?

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Successful ImplementationAlignment of these elements is essential to effective implementation of the CA ELD Standards.

Within the context of a coherent and aligned instructional

plan, teachers should be critical partners in planning, decision-making, and continuous improvement, especially regarding: •Time needed to teach, prepare, collaborate, etc.•Necessary tools •Types of support that need to be available •Ensuring students experience 21st century learning (Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration) tied to the CA ELD standards and expectations•What instruction should/should not look like if students are to be critical thinkers•Essentials of unit design

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction


The implementation plan also includes appendices that provide resources to support LEAs through the phases of the implementation process:

•Appendix A: Local CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan Template •Appendix B: County Office of Education Service Offerings •Appendix C: California Implementation Partners

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TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instruction

Support to the Public

In the interest of providing support to the public as LEAs use this frequently updated guidance tool, an e-mail address has been established.

Questions or comments regarding the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan to: [email protected]