Tom Prendeville reports - Page 2 Vaccine Fraud

IRELAND The Fake Opposion Exposed PAGE 23 Issue 5 People-Funded Paper THE LIGHT FREE Vaccine Has Killed More Than Northern Troubles Tom Prendeville reports - Page 2 IRISH RTÉ’s shameful derelicon of duty during the Covid era has guaranteed its inevitable demise It’s finally dawning on many Irish people that the state broadcaster has been feeding them a daily diet of lies and propaganda about the ‘virus’ to terrify them into submission. When they waken up in their hundreds of thousands, the Duffys, Byrnes and Tubridys of this world will no longer be able to walk down the street. The odious crimes they have committed in failing to fulfil their essential remit as publicly-funded journalists - to protect and defend the security, freedoms and values of the Irish people - amounts to nothing less than treason and must be regarded with commensurate gravity. Like low-life drug pushers, they have hawked the deadly needle night and day on behalf of criminal Big Pharma and are directly responsible for the countless deaths of those who foolishly took the poisonous soup. In a different era, and not that long ago, rogue journalists would have been hanged for placing Ireland and her people in grievous peril and playing a key role in the destruction of their lives. Those who abandoned the channel years ago had observed the creeping narrative which would serve to render Ireland unrecognisable to the country we once knew. At first the signs were subtle: a touch of political correctness here, a hardline man-hating feminist there, a Catholic-basher in the back row. Mostly, this was treated by the public with indulgence: ‘Political correctness gone mad!’ we would proclaim, not realising we were observing the early stages of the capture of our education system followed by the capture of our country. In fact, we were witnessing the early manifestations of Cultural Marxism, an ideology pledged to create dissension and division within the nations of the West with a view to rendering them amenable to ideological conquest. What we have observed emphatically in the past 19 months is the transformation of our ‘national broadcaster’ into a fully-fledged bridgehead of the New World Order dictatorship in Ireland not merely offering itself as an unquestioning conduit of the propaganda of those who would dispossess and enslave our people - but actively working to suppress and demonise anyone with the effrontery to question these drifts and raise their voices in defence of the right of the Irish People to their freedom. This reached its apogee recently with Joe Duffy (annual salary €400,000+) leading a vicious, highly personalised and defamatory attack on the editor of this newspaper, followed by the stalking of her in her home by RTÉ agents issuing spurious and infantile threats. Their manic behaviour is an indication that they know the game is up, their lies have been found out and they are cornered rats on a sinking ship. For decades, RTÉ has been in breach of even its own ethical charter which clearly states that ‘all relevant facts and available information should be weighed to provide the most accurate, fair and objective report,’ not to ‘present factual material in a way that will materially mislead the audience,’ and above all to approach its responsibilities in a spirit of impartiality and ‘not unduly favour one perspective over another.’ These undertakings have long since been abandoned. RTÉ no longer exists to serve the public but the interests of puppet politicians, Big Tech/Pharma and other powerful lobby groups and NGOs seeking to embed ‘One World’ totalitarianism, censorship and the destruction of all the values we associate with the free West. The channel reached a new low when globalist spin doctor Jon Williams, a Liverpudlian with no understanding of Ireland, was put in charge of News shortly after President Trump was elected in 2016. A former foreign editor at ABC and Vaccine Fraud EDITORIAL ___________________________________ Connued on page 2 >>> ENVIRONMENT Global Warming Lies Enemies Of The People: Pharma Propagandists Ryan Tubridy, Claire Byrne, Joe Duffy and Pat Kenny are responsible for countless deaths caused by the experimental vaccines NEWS Policymakers accused of crimes against humanity PAGE 5 WORLD How Japan avoided the ‘pandemic’ PAGE 15 PAGE 18

Transcript of Tom Prendeville reports - Page 2 Vaccine Fraud

IRELANDThe Fake Opposition Exposed


Issue 5 People-Funded PaperTHE LIGHT


Vaccine Has Killed More Than Northern TroublesTom Prendeville reports - Page 2


RTÉ’s shameful dereliction of duty during the Covid era has guaranteed its inevitable demise It’s finally dawning on many Irish people that the state broadcaster has been feeding them a daily diet of lies and propaganda about the ‘virus’ to terrify them into submission. When they waken up in their hundreds of thousands, the Duffys, Byrnes and Tubridys of this world will no longer be able to walk down the street.

The odious crimes they have committed in failing to fulfil their essential remit as publicly-funded journalists - to protect and defend the security, freedoms and values of the Irish people - amounts to nothing less than treason and must be regarded with commensurate gravity.

Like low-life drug pushers, they have hawked the deadly needle night and day on behalf of criminal Big Pharma and are directly responsible for the countless deaths of those who foolishly took the poisonous soup.

In a different era, and not that long ago, rogue journalists would have been hanged for placing Ireland and her people in grievous peril and playing a key role in the destruction of their lives.

Those who abandoned the channel years ago had observed the creeping narrative which would serve to render Ireland unrecognisable to the country we once knew.

At first the signs were subtle: a touch of political correctness here, a hardline man-hating feminist there, a Catholic-basher in the back row.

Mostly, this was treated by the public with indulgence: ‘Political correctness gone mad!’ we would proclaim, not realising we were observing the early stages of the capture of our education system followed by the capture of our country. In fact, we were witnessing the early manifestations of Cultural Marxism, an ideology pledged

to create dissension and division within the nations of the West with a view to rendering them amenable to ideological conquest.

What we have observed emphatically in the past 19 months is the transformation of our ‘national broadcaster’ into a fully-fledged bridgehead of the New World Order dictatorship in Ireland not merely offering itself as an unquestioning conduit of the propaganda of those who would dispossess and enslave our people - but actively working to suppress and demonise anyone with the effrontery to question these drifts and raise their voices in defence of the right of the Irish People to their freedom.

This reached its apogee recently with Joe Duffy (annual salary

€400,000+) leading a vicious, highly personalised and defamatory attack on the editor of this newspaper, followed by the stalking of her in her home by RTÉ agents issuing spurious and infantile threats.

Their manic behaviour is an indication that they know the game is up, their lies have been found out and they are cornered rats on a sinking ship.

For decades, RTÉ has been in breach of even its own ethical charter which clearly states that ‘all relevant facts and available information should be weighed to provide the most accurate, fair and objective report,’ not to ‘present factual material in a way that will materially mislead the audience,’ and above all to approach its responsibilities in a

spirit of impartiality and ‘not unduly favour one perspective over another.’

These undertakings have long since been abandoned. RTÉ no longer exists to serve the public but the interests of puppet politicians, Big Tech/Pharma and other powerful lobby groups and NGOs seeking to embed ‘One World’ totalitarianism, censorship and the destruction of all the values we associate with the free West.

The channel reached a new low when globalist spin doctor Jon Williams, a Liverpudlian with no understanding of Ireland, was put in charge of News shortly after President Trump was elected in 2016. A former foreign editor at ABC and

Vaccine Fraud


Continued on page 2 >>>

ENVIRONMENTGlobal Warming Lies

Enemies Of The People: Pharma Propagandists Ryan Tubridy, Claire Byrne, Joe Duffy and Pat Kenny are responsible for countless deaths caused by the experimental vaccines

NEWSPolicymakers accused of crimes against humanity


WORLDHow Japan avoided the ‘pandemic’



PAGE 2 Please pass the Light on when you’ve read it.

THE IRISH LIGHT OCT/NOV 2021Editor: Gemma O’Doherty -

Associate Editor John Waters - www.johnwaters.substack.comDistributed independently to remain fiercely free from the

establishment we seek to hold to account.


BBC, he proved a loyal slave to his warmongering masters concocting fabricated narratives of fear to justify their illegal invasions in countries they sought to subjugate.

Williams was sent to Ireland as a special saboteur to weaken our fibre and annihilate our culture rendering us a soft touch for the globalist neo-colonists. Doling out a toxic menu of fabricated stories about the benefits of vaccines, mass immigration, reaching zero carbon and the LGBT++ lifestyle, his function has been to create division and confusion in a once highly cohesive society and shatter it into pieces.

For many years, people like Joe Duffy and Ryan Tubridy have exhibited consistent contempt towards the claim of the Irish people to possess and to cleave to their own dear land, their birthright and their children’s birthright, disparaging and belittling the notion of a metaphysical bond between this island and its people. In recent times, Duffy has once again used his privileged public position to attack those who have shown him up for the blackguard he is, and Tubridy- who is supposed not to express political opinions in public - was recently heard to declare

that people who have declined the lethal Covid injection should be disinvited from family weddings.

So what might an actual public service broadcaster have looked like over the past 18 months?

From the outset, it would have conducted a robust challenge to what the government and health authorities were inflicting on our country. It would have questioned the legal and scientific basis of lockdown measures. It would have sent its journalists out daily to official press conferences to harry and assail those who claimed the right to paralyse our country and deliver its people into despair. It would have interrogated nightly the alleged mortality figures, the ‘case numbers’ achieved using a bogus test, the ludicrous projections of ‘scientists’ about future mortality. And it would have given a platform - as its own Charter requires it to do - to those voices seeking to raise questions of a scientific, legal, medical and humane character so as, at the very least, to ensure that the necessity, legality and proportionality of these measures was tested on a daily basis over the past approximately 600 horrific days.

Where have been the stories about the people who have lost everything because of the insane

lockdown policy? Where are the “national broadcaster’s” nightly reports of the businesses built up over several lifetimes that have been destroyed? Where were their reports of the old people who have died alone, without doctor or priest or the touch of a loving child or grandchild - many prematurely killed by orchestrated stress and inappropriate use of sedatives to bolster the Covid mortality statistics?

What about the brutalised citizens hounded and harassed by an out-of-control police force for trying to defend their freedoms or even maintain the merest fabric of their lives? Where, in recent months, have been their reports on the innumerable people dropping dead from vaccine injuries, or their interviews with the many families

left bereaved by these deaths?Where are they?Where are the national

broadcaster’s investigations into NPHET? Into the conflicts of interest of some of the key propagandists who have driven the bogus Covid narrative for the past 19 months?

The stuff of real journalism resides in standing up for those who are unable to stand up for themselves — not parroting the clichés and catchwords of the World Economic Forum and the would-be New World Order. Not mounting daily attacks on those few individuals, voluntarily and pro bono, who have tried to continue flying the flag of true journalism by highlighting the unbelievable attacks on humanity and human freedom in what will soon be known as the ‘Covid years’.

Joe Duffy, Claire Byrne, Miriam O’Callaghan and Ryan Tubridy

were given a sacred function, as the ringmasters of our public conversation. Instead of carrying out their roles with due solemnity and diligence, prioritising at all times the best interests of the Irish people who pay their lavish salaries, they abused their positions to attack the very fabric of our nation and recklessly endanger life by pushing the killer vaccine.

When the present era of rancid corruption comes to an end — and it will, sooner or later - they must be brought to justice and, as with the political class, be handed down life sentences without prospect of parole. And the Lie Factory in Donnybrook will be razed to the ground replaced by a memorial park dedicated to freedom and free speech so that generations to come might never forget the heinous crimes against truth and the Irish people that once took place there.

<<< Continued from page 1

THE staggering death toll from Covid vaccines has surpassed that of the Northern Ireland Troubles, which took 3,500 lives.

The killer injections are being linked to an extra 500 deaths a month in the Republic or an excess of 16 per day above normal. This represents an increase in mortality rates of approximately 20% for the year so far.

During the summer, deaths in Ireland surged at a time when they should be lowest with an estimated 800 surplus, during the season.

This wave began almost as soon as the vaccine rollout was launched in January. There was an excess of almost 1200 deaths above normal in the first two months of this year.

The horrifying figures come at a time when the genocidal needle is being brutally pushed upon children by the terrorist regime that has taken over the country.

The explosion in deaths tallies with what is happening world-wide.

An analysis of the UK’s Office National Statistics reveals 33,000 excess deaths in January and February 2021 alone.

The website is witnessing

an alarming rise in death notices using the terms ‘sudden’ or ‘unexpected’. This usually indicates that the deceased had no known serious illness.

If they were previously unwell, the notice typically reads ‘died peacefully’ or ‘after a long illness’. Likewise, the term ‘tragic death’ generally indicates events such as motor accidents or suicide.

In comparison to previous years, there has been a very marked increase in the use of terms such as ‘died suddenly’ in the past year.

A stark parallel can be found in Northern Ireland where the current death rate is running at 25% above normal.

For every death, there are also many casualties and victims of the vaccine who are left permanently disabled. The HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority) - the vaccine licensing authority in Ireland - has admitted that up to October 26, there have been 90 deaths and 15,705 injuries caused by the vaccine but this is believed to represent just

1% of overall injuries, which more often than not are unreported.

In recent months, hospital A&E’s across Ireland have been inundated with ‘vaccine’ injured patients. In early September during the warm late summer weather there were 460 people on hospital trolleys nationwide one morning.

The inescapable irony is that counties with the highest rates of ‘Covid’ such as Waterford and Carlow also have the highest rates of vaccination in the country - because vaccine adverse events are being recorded as Covid.

The most heinous aspect of this genocide unfolding before our eyes is the impact of the vaccine on children and youngsters in their 20s who are at much greater risk of injury.

A recent scientific study by University of Ottawa Heart Institute in Canada showed that Covid vaccines have, in just a few months, caused Myocarditis in 1 out of every 1000 children. The condition, which is extremely rare in children, can lead to heart failure and knock years of a child’s life expectancy.

Unfortunately, hundreds of

thousands of healthy children over the age of 12 have already been given the experimental injection with the younger children under 12 now being targeted by the State.

The boosters which are currently being offered to elderly and vulnerable people, will, in all likelihood, make the previous death figures look modest. Thousands more will die before the year is out.

The public is being softened up and conditioned to expect carnage, with a litany of fake explanations to cover up what is really going on and talk of bad flu on the horizon, so-called breakthrough cases and new variants - anything but the truth of this nightmare which is that the deadly injection is doing exactly what it was supposed to.

Vaccines have killed thousands in Irelandby TOM PRENDEVILLE______________________________________



The oldest trick in the Communist playbook is infiltration As Comrade Lenin said: ‘the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.’ And they will stop at nothing in doing so.

The lockdown in Ireland has uncovered a nest of vipers willing to sell their souls to the globalist devils: bad actors who prance around with the Tricolour, desecrating the hilltops of martyrs with foul language and threats of violence. Sadly there’s no shortage of those who should know better but are willing to stand beside them in this charade.

Their role is increasingly obvious to even tepid observers: in order to implement rigid controls over the population again, and eventual martial law, the state is desperate to turn the awakening public against the ‘anti-vaxxers’ and so has created this motley crew of criminals, drug/alcohol addicts, welfare dependents and committed Reds to do their dirty work.

They are sent to politicians’ homes to harass their families and neighbours proclaiming all manner of threats as robotic Gardai stand by, under orders to leave them alone in the hope that one of them will overstep the mark. It’s only a matter of time before that happens. The media is stoking the latest fake narrative that deputies are no longer safe on the street and something will have to be done about those who pose ‘a risk’ to them.

Garda shills like Andy Heasman and Dara O’Flaherty who blasted onto the ‘patriot’ scene from nowhere with a big hand up from social media (anyone still on any Big Tech platform is no threat to the cabal or is working for them) have let their masks fall badly. One of their latest acts of desperation was to organise a counter protest at the Australian Embassy on the day a journalist was facing jail for calling a

gangster Garda ‘a gangster’. The plan was to take essential support away from the courthouse in Bray but it backfired on them when people chose to stay put and not fall for the trap. The state has gone to extraordinary lengths to stop John Waters and me holding any meetings in public so our court hearings have provided the only opportunity to meet those who have faith in our ideas and our plan.

Glenn Miller has also been exposed for the establishment stooge he is. A Mr Nobody who mysteriously emerged from the Defence Forces and was able to conjure up thousands of protestors onto the streets. Who were these people that turned out in large numbers for a man who could barely string a sentence together, had his collection bucket always at the ready and was clearly working with the Gardai? Were they actual patriots who were awake to the New World Order and had randomly streamed onto the streets to fight for our freedom? Or had they come from the roaring red ranks of Sinn Fein, out of whose headquarters Miller based his Yellow Vest ‘office’ - the same rent-a-mob that turned up to the similarly controlled water charge marches and to celebrate the slaughter of the unborn in May 2019.

It’s well documented that Nazi collaborator George Soros - a SF backer - pays ‘protestors’ to turn up at public gatherings that suit

his twisted globalist agenda. Miller has crawled back under his

rock and into the ranks of the useless feeders as another ‘Homes For All’ Leftist walks straight into his shoes.

Before I was aware of his hard left convictions, I was taken by Diarmuid O Cadhla’s apparent passion for justice and accountability and invited him to speak at my Anti-Corruption lecture tour of Ireland in 2018/19, when I was still allowed to hold public meetings.

He seemed genuine, though I had a niggling doubt as to how he got elected to Cork Council. Real enemies of the corrupt regime don’t get through the rigged voting system. I also smelt a rat when he told me that issues such as abortion and LGBT - which are seminal to the Marxist modus in overturning a nation, destroying children and usurping the family - were off the agenda for him.

When I started to tackle Cultural Marxism, mass immigration and how the Irish people were becoming a minority in their own country, he tried to silence me.

What did I have against Karl Marx, he asked, and why did I have to criticise him?

Well, where do we begin? Communist death toll of 115 million, end of private property, total state control, mass surveillance, the end of freedom as we know it... Sounds like the Great Reset.

Again, we see crowds of new faces latching onto a man who is exactly the

sort of person the state want running the opposition. Several genuine patriots have commented they have never seen many of his followers before. Have they too been pulled from the Soros payroll to give the impression that OCadhla is the new saviour of the Irish people?

OCadhla uses language that is music to the ears of the globalist elite - everyone is welcome at his rainbow-friendly protests, he says, all races, sexualities, genders, creeds and colours. This is nothing more than a shameful attempt to satisfy his masters and distance himself from the ‘toxic’ ideas of the ‘far right’ who hold ‘outdated’ Pearsean beliefs and ‘notions of sovereignty’ like Ireland belongs to the Irish and Irish children should be housed ahead of Islamic and African migrants.

O Cadhla is just another Leftist leading the Irish further down the degenerate path of Socialism which always leads to totalitarianism and piles of dead bodies. Remember. Mice die in mouse traps because they do not understand why the cheese is free.

The saddest aspect of this is that he is misleading seemingly genuine patriots who believe he is the answer and don’t have the foresight to investigate who this man actually is and what he represents.

Unfortunately for the state, the quality of plant available to them in this current phase of history leaves a lot to be desired. When the mob attended Leo Varadkar’s house recently, one of them was sporting an

anti-lockdown sign written on an old Sinn Fein election poster. They don’t even try to disguise it any more.

If I were to identify the hardest aspect of our fight against the scamdemic, it would not be the corrupt, sleveen judges we have encountered, the thuggery of the Gardai or the relentless slander against me and John Waters, but it is the inability of so many, seemingly on the side of God and Truth, to see the obvious actors who have been put into this fight to lead people astray and deeper into the abyss. In giving them oxygen, they are only prolonging their own suffering and that of the Irish people.

No organisation or political party can fix Ireland because they either have been or will be infiltrated and destroyed as we have seen with every single grouping in Ireland in the last 100 years. We only get out of this mess when people realise there is no saviour coming to rescue them - bar One - and they need to get off their knees and help themselves by standing up to the state/Gardai/HSE/ at every turn, making them cower and redundant. That is the only way we can take our country and our freedom back - not going to meetings run by government agents whose only purpose is to spy on you and your family, and who cod you into thinking the words ‘I am a living man’ are your ticket to freedom.

Controlled opposition will lead Irish deeper into abyss

by GEMMA O’DOHERTY______________________________________