Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk?...

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 1 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Tom Costello: Does someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes first, had an amazing result with my blood pressure, but I’m working on a lot of other things and not having amazing results. That’s kind of where I am. Tom Costello: Let me start this call officially and then we can maybe resume that conversation if you’re interested. This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is August 28, 2008 and everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a download from our website: *6 is what will mute and un-mute your telephone. When it comes time to talk and you want to express yourself, feel free to do that. At this point I normally talk that this is one of several ways in which we support our clients; Q&A, the recording, and I say the personal coaching that comes with the package, I believe, is one of the most powerful of all supports that we provide. We like this opportunity to answer questions, clarify things, deal with particular issues, and I’d be glad to create Custom Codes for you as we go along. We like to validate and hear success stories. People talk about that. All of this is really designed to encourage a person to continue on this path until they prove to themselves that this will, in fact produce the changes that they’re looking for in their bodies and their lives and their relationships and their finances and so on.

Transcript of Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk?...

Page 1: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 1Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: Does someone want to talk?

Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes first, had an amazing result with my blood pressure, but I’m working on a lot of other things and not having amazing results. That’s kind of where I am.

Tom Costello: Let me start this call officially and then we can maybe resume that conversation if you’re interested.

This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is August 28, 2008 and everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a download from our website:

*6 is what will mute and un-mute your telephone. When it comes time to talk and you want to express yourself, feel free to do that.

At this point I normally talk that this is one of several ways in which we support our clients; Q&A, the recording, and I say the personal coaching that comes with the package, I believe, is one of the most powerful of all supports that we provide. We like this opportunity to answer questions, clarify things, deal with particular issues, and I’d be glad to create Custom Codes for you as we go along. We like to validate and hear success stories. People talk about that. All of this is really designed to encourage a person to continue on this path until they prove to themselves that this will, in fact produce the changes that they’re looking for in their bodies and their lives and their relationships and their finances and so on.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions that I express, and I tend to express a lot of them, are my own opinion. If they serve you, that’s fantastic. If they don’t, just let them go flying by as just another person’s opinion.

I have a couple of points I would use as filler, but really what is more valuable in my opinion, is for us to deal specifically with thing of most importance to you on the call. Let me just say this, because I hear it pretty frequently. People who listen to this recording after the fact or people who are on the call but don’t ask a question almost inevitably find the questions asked by others to be their questions to the point of it being remarkable. “Wow, how did that person know that’s what I needed to ask?” People that listen to the recordings have sent me e-mails to that same effect.

You’re doing yourself a favor, other people on this call, perhaps a favor, and perhaps somebody listening to this recording some place else in the world. With that thought in

Page 2: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 2Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

mind, let me just go right to you, Marian, or whoever else joined the call or Char if you have something you’d like to pursue, let’s do that.

Participant: (Marian) I’ll just pursue this and then I’ll let somebody else come on. I’m having such a time with insomnia. I was taking sleeping pills when I lost my husband and then I discontinued them after two years because I didn’t want to get addicted. I’ve not really established a good sleeping pattern and I have a lot of insomnia where I wake up in the middle of the night. My mind isn’t racing or anything. It seems more connected with carbohydrates – if I’ve eaten carbohydrates at dinner. I just wondered if you might have some comments on insomnia, its cause, and if you would have a personal Code for me.

Tom Costello: Yes to all of that. Oftentimes when we’re dealing with a particular situation there some, I’ll call, structural issues that ought to be looked at first. If somebody says, “Hey, my foot hurts.” First order of business is are you wearing the right size shoes and is there a rock in your shoe? “Oh, no, I’m not wearing the right size shoe. Yes, there is a rock in there.” Well, I say deal with that structural stuff.

You already hinted at one of the structural factors related to insomnia is often the time that we eat and what we eat. Some people suggest that we stop eating by 8 p.m. in the evening. If we can do that, then of course that wouldn’t be chocolate and it wouldn’t be a cup of coffee. That would be other more mild – Some people, depending on your diet, I happen to like dairy. Dairy has a tendency to have a calming effect. A little teeny bit of ice cream, for instance, that tends to be a mellowing thing.

Participant: Except with me it keeps me awake.

Tom Costello: Okay, because there’s sugar. You’d really have to be aware of that sort of thing. Let’s assume your diet is not a factor.

Participant: It is a factor, but I’m aware of it. Sometimes I just have no choice. If I’m at somebody’s house do I eat what they’re serving or just sit there?

Tom Costello: Yep. I think you can do that. I would suggest to, I’m a great fan of saying grace or blessing the food as a means to harmonize the food with our bodies. If the situation is such that it would be uncomfortable for other people or yourself, then you could do it silently.

Participant: What would you suggest?

Tom Costello: What I like to do, and I had a salad for dinner tonight, is to bless the food and the earth that salad came from and, particularly the people, my wife went and bought it a few days ago, all the people that were involved in it showing up on my plate. It’s an organic salad with some bleu cheese, some walnuts, some millet, balsamic vinegar. Right? You can just imagine the stream of energy that went out. I like to say that.

Page 3: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 3Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

I think what it does is it aligns the body. In addition to that, I am – personally I’ve seen this in myself, and when I bring it up a lot of people go “that’s me, that’s me – is the chew, chew, swallow; chew, chew swallow. You know what, when I do that I recognize I am not getting the value out of that food. A scientist would say, “Of course not, you need to chew it more since that’s the first step in digestion.” Well, that’s not exactly what I meant. I meant I’m looking for the enjoyment value. I want to really, really appreciate what I’m eating right now. So I would go through that routine. See how many more times I could chew and enjoy this particular activity. Now, I think there’s a different relationship with our bodies and with that food; energetically, in terms of the digestive system and whether we accumulate body weight and whatever. I say that.

For insomnia there tends to be so many things on the to-do list and the to-do list for a lot of people is stored in their heads. They’re dealing with “should have done, gotta do, would’ve done”.

Participant: I don’t have that.

Tom Costello: Okay, let’s say right now. Right now it is 8:41 in the eastern time zone where you and I are. Everything that you needed to get done today you did?

Participant: No. In order not to think about unpleasant things I would keep working on my book or my painting ideas until midnight when I go to bed. In other words I work a lot. But, I do it in a relaxed sort of way.

Tom Costello: So midnight is your normal go-to-bed time?

Participant: Yeah.

Tom Costello: What time do you tend to wake up in the middle of the night?

Participant: Two o’clock and sometimes four.

Tom Costello: What is your normal day like? Do you work or are you retired?

Participant: I’m retired. I work full time on my book. I usually work about 10 hours a day. I have a social life with friends and do all my errands and stuff. I keep pleasantly busy. I’m grieving for my husband so that’s ….

Tom Costello: How long has it been since he died?

Participant: Two years about. This is about the second year anniversary. But I had insomnia when he was alive.

Tom Costello: Okay – hmmm…. I like the idea of planning the next day. This is from an old business management point of view is to structure the next day today.

Page 4: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 4Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Participant: I do that. I just finished it a little while ago.

Tom Costello: So you’re day is already lined out so you don’t have to think it about it tomorrow morning. You look at your list…

Participant: I know what I’m going to be doing. It’s an enjoyable day.

Tom Costello: It’s a recipe for an enjoyable day. Okay. I’m thinking if, when I wake up in the middle of the night and that’s pretty rare because I’m a good sleeper and always have been. We travel, sometimes I wake up and don’t know where I am. If we’re in a hotel room or where I am? However, if I turn over in the middle of the night and am wide awake I just look at the alarm clock. Then I am so grateful. Last night I woke up at something like 2:15. I was so grateful that I had another five or six hours to sleep. I went, “Ah, this is fantastic.” I snuggled into the blankets. My wife is traveling. It’s me and my puppy. “Ah, this is great. I’ve got more time to sleep.” I got rearranged. I fixed the pillow, snuggled in and went back to sleep.

Participant: Yeah. I’m usually awake 2 hours and it’s getting worse. It can be three now.

Tom Costello: What do you think of when you wake up? What is your attention on?

Participant: I’m tired and I think, “Oh, Good Lord, I’m too tired to do anything. I can’t just lie here.” I finally get up and do The Healing Codes or something like that.

Tom Costello: Let’s back up. You don’t wake up saying, “Oh, I’m waking up because I’m too tired.” Something has your attention.

Participant: I just wake up. I think, “Oh, Good Lord, here I am waking up again. Insomnia tonight.”

Tom Costello: I would be inclined at that point, without getting out of bed, to do a Healing Code. You don’t need to get out of bed.

Participant: I’ll try that.

Tom Costello: I recommend…

Participant: I’ll try it. My guess is it will not work because I’ve never had The Healing Codes work for insomnia, but I’ll try it and I’ll try it with an open mind.

Tom Costello: Do you know what the opposite of insomnia would be?

Participant: Sleeping too much.

Page 5: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 5Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: No, no. Let’s say you’re talking about a problem condition being insomnia. If you had a magic wand and you tap yourself on the shoulder, tell me what you would experience.

Participant: I would like to just have a nice night’s sleep and wake up refreshed.

Tom Costello: A nice, light sleep?

Participant: A appropriately deep sleep.

Tom Costello: Do you know what that feels like?

Participant: Occasionally I will have a good night’s sleep. When I was first doing The Healing Codes I had a couple of nights of good sleep. I thought afterwards it was probably because of all the energy it took me to do The Healing Codes. Since I’m used to it, it doesn’t work any more.

Tom Costello: It tired you out?

Participant: It tired me out the first couple of days.

Tom Costello: Do you exercise?

Participant: I’m extremely active. I don’t sit around.

Tom Costello: I don’t want to say this to you in the form of encouragement but there are certain people who believe about 4 o’clock in the morning is the ideal, most still, creative time on the planet. So people like the Thomas Edisons and ….

Participant: I don’t want that.

Tom Costello: Forget I even said it.

Participant: I’m so creative anyway it just doesn’t matter what time of day. My thing is creativity. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Let me give you a Code and we’ll see what happens. (Tom tests for Code) (Conscious conflict is indicated.) Just relax a second. Let’s just talk about that. Do you know what that means, conscious conflict…

Participant: I sort of do because I’ve studied it and talked with Alex about it and so forth. And I would say I might have conscious conflict. I may not want to be healed. I have faced that over the years. I’ve got all these problems. Maybe I don’t want to be healed. Maybe it’s not safe.

Tom Costello: So what would be the problem of being insomnia free?

Page 6: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 6Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Participant: What would be the problem?

Tom Costello: What danger would that, what risk is there?

Participant: The risk is I shouldn’t have things too good.

Tom Costello: Hmmm….

Participant: I’ve never thought about it. But it might be a problem.

Tom Costello: Any of that connected to your husband?

Participant: No. More likely it would be connected to my mother and dad. They had a hard life.

Tom Costello: Do you – you’ll retired so I’ll presume they’re no longer living. Is that accurate?

Participant: I’m 80. My parents have been dead a long time.

Tom Costello: Let’s just back up to this. Would it honor them or dishonor them if you had it easy?

Participant: It would honor them but there’s something in me that thinks it isn’t fair. It would honor them. They’d want it for me and that sort of thing. I’ve got through that a length. I don’t think that’s a street that will take me anywhere.

Tom Costello: You heard me early on saying I had some filler information that I use on these calls in lulls if there are no questions. The second point that I would have addressed tonight is the idea that we hold ourselves back from expressing. If you’re an artist and you’re a writer, you have this desire to express.

Participant: Yes. In words and in paint.

Tom Costello: You must be doing a great job of it because if you’re willing to stay up til midnight doing it, you’re experiencing the energetic reward of that. The joy –

Participant: Yes. It’s fun. It flows. I don’t get any rewards for it. I don’t have that success. I’ve had some but right not I’m not having any success with it.

Tom Costello: Success meaning financial success?

Participant: Success – I’d like to get my book published even if it didn’t mean financial success. I’ve been seeking a publisher without success.

Page 7: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 7Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: I would suggest the idea that you play a little game with yourself sometimes. “I’m not going to actually give up insomnia, but I’m going to take a brake from it for say 30 days.”

Participant: That’s a good idea. Let’s just take a little break. I’m not going to solve the problem. Let me have a couple of nights of sleep. I never thought about that. Thank you. That’s good.

Tom Costello: Okay, so hold the skin on your neck… (Tom tests for Code) You can use that in the LT3 format.

Participant: I will use the LT3. I like that.

Tom Costello: Thank you for being on the call with us, Marian.

Participant: (Paula) Would it be okay if I give her some sleeping tips because I have insomnia problems.

Tom Costello: As far as I am concerned. It’s okay with me. It’s really more of a question is it’s alright with Marian.

Participant: (Marian) I’m sorry. I didn’t hear that.

Tom Costello: Another caller says she’s experienced insomnia and she might have a few tips.

Participant: Oh, I would be most interested to hear them.

Participant: (Paula) Thanks. I appreciate it. I’ve got some issues with insomnia. You might want to get a book on insomnia and sleep hygiene. That’s what the doctor calls as well as some of the pamphlets and books. Keeping an environment that is extremely beneficial towards sleeping – quiet, the blinds down. I use ear plugs to sleep with. You can’t be too hot. You can’t be too cold. Your bed can’t be too hard. It sounds like Goldilocks, doesn’t it?

Participant: Yeah. I think that’s pretty well handled. I make sure I’m very comfortable temperature wise.

Participant: Do you have ear plugs that you sleep with?

Participant: (Marian) I don’t need them because there’s no noise. It’s very quiet.

Participant: One thing I learned is that if there is any kind of noise we become hyper-vigilant in the night.

Page 8: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 8Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Participant: (Marian) The only exception is the fan on my heat pump which occasionally malfunctions and then I really have trouble sleeping. Your point is well taken.

Participant: (Paula) What I learned is it’s a primitive thing that if we hear any noise in the night that we are to be alerted and woken up. We get an extra burst of adrenalin so that we can perform whatever safety measures that we have to in that hour. We become hyper vigilant.

Another is if there is some issue of the past that is subconscious you will heal it.

Participant: (Marian) That could be true. I’m working with a really good support group with the LT3. So they are supporting me on that aspect. Your point is well taken.

Participant: (Paula) Sometimes we don’t feel safe so we have to stay awake to make sure we are handling stuff. There are hormone changed in women even though we get older. Sometimes if we get those things addressed…. And adding melatonin before we go to sleep.

Participant: (Marian) I have to try that again. I tried it once and didn’t have much luck but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work now.

Participant: (Paula) What I’ve heard on my other conference calls is that if we have some carbohydrate and protein before we go to bed, because our blood sugar dips in the middle of the night…

Participant: (Marian) No, the carbohydrate causes me not to sleep. I think I’ve dealt with that as much as I can. There’s a limit to what I can do with that. I do try to have some protein.

Participant: (Paula) What they had suggested is to have peanut butter on a half piece of bread or whole wheat piece of bread so that you’ve got a complex carbohydrate plus the protein.

Participant: (Marian) The peanut butter sounds good.

Participant: (Paula) When the blood sugar dips in the middle of the night….

Participant: (Marian) I think you point is well taken.

Participant: (Paula) There is one other thing that is one of my favorite things. It’s very easy to use bridge and Adam’s apple, for the nervous system. You could say right on your side, on your right side and do the first position. Then you could turn over and do position two. If you lay there for 10 minutes and feel asleep or for a half hour and fell asleep.

Page 9: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 9Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

I find that sometimes when I’m just absolutely wired during the day I can get a 5-minute power nap after doing that. I go to sleep every single night with my hands in those positions. I can put one arm on the pillow right next to my chest and aim it towards my Adam’s apple. The other hand I put right on a pillow beside my face to aim at the bridge. It’s like almost made in heaven. It’s the easiest code for doing on your side and it’s the one that can easily put you right to sleep.

Participant: (Marian) I’ll try that.

Participant: (Paula) Good luck.

Tom Costello: Thank you, Paula.

Participant: (Paula) You’re welcome. My pleasure.

Tom Costello: So *6 mutes and un-mutes. If you’re interested in having a conversation un-mute yourself and make a comment, ask a question, give an answer. This would be a great time to do it.

Participant: (Char) What I’m dealing with, but I’m getting better at, the whole system that’s coming up on the 20th or 22nd. I keep listening. I know I’m definitely going to be a client. But then one day Ken called and said, “Well, are you going to…” I said no. But them I’m unsettled about it and thinking I’m missing something. I’m keeping doing the Codes. I think I’m breaking through. I’ve been doing a lot of the block breaker. I started two days ago working with Unforgiveness the whole day. Then today I worked with Self Control. That’s one of the unattractive… That sounds goofy, doesn’t it. I don’t get the deal what Self Control is supposed to be about. Except when I did it today all day I was like, “There’s something here.” I think in a way it’s something I need to do. This afternoon I really hit something. I had to stop working and really do some Codes of trust in God and all that. I settled right down.

My kid is coming home pretty soon. My husband is going to be here and I’m all cried up and stuff. I’m certainly dealing with something, pulling something out. It’s been interesting. I think it’s moving. I think I’ll make a decision at some point. I’m thinking if Spirit is telling me “no” I’ll just become a client.

Tom Costello: Just hang tight and let me fill in the blanks for people on this call and those listening later on. What Char is referring to is The Healing Codes Institute. The Healing Codes Institute is a new creation. It is a marketing arm for The Healing Codes. It is a way to get The Healing Codes out to more people. It has been designed by Larry Napier, a long time friend of Alex’, Alex and Ken Johnston. It is a marketing concept of a subscription program that provides The Healing Codes package, The Truth Technique, The Q Codes and PDF’s and teleseminars over the course of a year, delivered on a monthly basis for a monthly fee of $99, $99, $99.

Page 10: Tom Costello: - Dr. Alexander Loyd | Creator of The … · Web viewDoes someone want to talk? Participant: (Marian) I took the LT3. That’s very powerful. I did The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 10Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

If you totaled the information and the packages that are going to be delivered it is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $4000 worth of stuff if you were to buy it, cash money, one at a time. So that’s that program.

That program allows a person to be involved in The Healing Codes in several different ways. One is to become a customer, that is to buy The Healing Codes at $99 a month and get all the support including the coaching and so on. That’s one way to do it. Another way is for people who already have The Healing Codes, they can become what is called at this moment, “Gold Circle Members” where you would be able to partake in the teleseminars and other information over the course of that year. You wouldn’t get The Healing Codes packages and that sort of thing because you already own it. That would be $59.95, about $60 a month over the course of that year.

The third way to be involved is a person who says, “I want to help promote The Healing Codes. I want to help make this available to the world.” That is described as an Advocate. It’s a promoter. There’s no cost for that, and in fact there’s a money-making opportunity there. As part of that promotion you would end up getting paid. This is, as Larry Napier describes, this is a network marketing program, but not as you know it or have every experienced it. So those ongoing calls have just begun and will continue on a weekly basis if not more frequently to enable a person to be involved form a business standpoint.

I want to back up to indicate two of the forms of support that are included for both the customer at $99 a month and the Gold Circle people at $60 a month is a daily Q&A – this kind of call every day of the week – and in addition to that another call we call a Healing Circle where a group of people will be on the call at a given time doing Codes. That will occur daily, every day of the week as well. That’s open to Gold Circle as well as the $100 a month members as forms of support.

That’s not really for Advocates. Advocates are really promoters and it costs nothing to be an Advocate. I guess that’s really what you were speaking about, Char in your questions. Do I become an Advocate or do I not?

That’s a decision a person would need to make. Coaches, in our conversations say “Gee, I’m not a promoter. I don’t know how to do that. I’m not certain I want to do that. That sounds like sales. That’s not really my strength.” I say this. This applies to the coaches and it may apply to you folks as well.

If I walked into a cocktail party and had an opportunity to have a conversation that I was directing, I know I would be dealing with issues of the heart, beliefs, healing, energy, what the human mind and human body are capable of, spirit, relationship with God, all the stuff. That’s sounds like I’m promoting. If it were up to me, that’s what I’d be talking about 24 hours a day or at least those hours that I was awake. I think that’s true of the coaches, too. If you’re capable of doing that or interested in doing that, that’s the same thing we’re talking about. How to make your life better by dealing with energy and beliefs and issues of the heart. To me it seems like a pretty easy decision to be an

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The Healing Codes 08.28.2008 11Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Advocate. You can think that over, feel that over, use The Truth Technique and come to your own conclusions, but that is what The Healing Codes Institute is about.

Do you have other questions about that, Char?

Participant: I’m listening to all the calls for the whole week. I’ll have a definite answer when I have a definite answer. Keep looking and I feel movement. Again, I can’t explain it but I do. I think God will answer me when there is a definite answer. It will happen and I’ll know for sure. At this point I’ve done The Truth Technique. It works so well for me unless I’m really upset. Okay, I’ll just follow this. I was getting a little nervous. It’s really exciting to hear it. It really is. “Just take your time and honor that.” That’s where I’m at.

Tom Costello: I think what you said is perfect. End of story. But for other people’s benefit and unrelated to the Institute let me just talk for a moment about the idea of emotional state.

On previous call, a long time ago, I used to talk about emotional states as if they were a ladder. Imagine a ten-step ladder. On the first step, the lowest level, your view of the world is different than if you stand on the highest level. You’d understand that. It’s true emotionally as well as with a physical ladder that you were climbing. The ten emotional states that I use for convenience are; the lowest emotional state – Shame. Above that, Apathy. Above that, Greif. Above that, Fear. Above that Lust (meaning craving – that’s where you find addictions). Above that, Anger. Above that, Pride. Above Pride in this format is Courageousness. Above Courageousness is Acceptance. Above Acceptance is Peace. Now it’s very easy to remember SAG, FLAP, CAP.

When you make a decision about anything, a pair of shoes, a dress, a baseball glove, whatever, your emotional state will dictate the quality of the result. Let me say this slightly differently now. A decision made in anger is not likely to produce a joyous result. If I’m baking a cake and I’m using anger as the main ingredient, the idea that the cake is going to be sweet? I don’t think so. Same with decisions. Same with relationships. Same with actions.

So, when it comes time to make decisions, if you can (with a little teeny bit of practice you can do this) you can know where you are on that ladder. Your view of yourself, opportunity, people around you, God, life in general all change based upon the rung of the ladder you happen to be standing on. The view of the world that a person has in Courageousness “Oh, goody. I can’t wait to see what happens next. This is so interesting. Oh, boy, send me in, Coach. Let me do this.” You can almost hear that child-like innocence and excitement and eagerness to discover. If you’re going to learn something that’s a good place to be. If you’re going to start a business that’s a good place to be. If you’re going to hire somebody to help you, that’s a good tendency for them to be, particularly sales people. You want somebody more conservative if you’re going to hire them to be the CPA. That’s a different “Let me make sure. 2+4+…” You want somebody who is not quite so enthusiastic.

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You can notice your emotional state as you make decisions. If I make this decision in fear the chances of my being happy with the result, not too good. “Hold on a second. Let me go do a Code. Let me see if I can raise myself up.” Each one of these emotions in and of themselves are natural and good. It’s when we overdo it with any of them “Uh-oh, that’s a problem.” Anger at a particular point in time is a life-saving device. But in a traffic jam or angry at the weather or angry at the temperature or other stuff like that, that’s inappropriate. That’s mis-emotion.

Thanks for triggering that in me.

Is there somebody who has some other comment, question, answer, situation, desire for a Code?

Participant: (Eileen) Did you remember we were talking about – you gave me a Code to tune into my centeredness with God because I was just – I knew there was some kind of subconscious trouble with trusting God. My conscious level was finally willing to trust, but subconsciously I wasn’t.

Tom Costello: Yes. I recall that now.

Participant: My first question is when you’re giving Codes to other people, can we use those Codes or are they person-specific and we should not use them?

Tom Costello: No. You can use them if they resonate for you, they indicate. If you hear somebody describing a situation that you’re familiar with or you are experiencing, feel free. There is, our experience there is no such thing as a bad Code. There are some that are better than others. Feel free to use them.

Participant: It’s amazing. I came in right when you were saying that many times people will e-mail saying that something said by someone else is what they needed to hear. So actually everything you’ve been talking about is somewhat preparatory for my question. This week was interesting. I have come through so much from The Healing Codes that my usual response was almost like “Is this working because the weight still isn’t coming off.” But I had to look at it differently this week. I believe God showed me half-full versus half-empty. How many times he did save me. What he did prevent that I never thought about. Yes, it was bad what happened, but what could have happened that didn’t happen. It was a whole new perspective that I was looking at this week.

I can still physically feel conscious conflict. Somewhat what Marian was saying, “Would you have it too good? Is it okay to be healed? Will someone be jealous of you?” There are tons of stuff. I’ve read so much on all this. It triggered last night. You can see what response you get. I was doing great. I was trying to love myself and quit beating myself up about food choices and all that kind of thing. I got a book that I had requested called, “The Blue Zone” which is about staying young alive until you’re a hundred.

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They were studying places in the world that people live to be 100 and why is it. I didn’t know it until later, but I ate at 9:00 when I was not hungry. I knew I was doing it and I could not, I would not stop myself. Then I went on to put myself up all night. I had insomnia tossing and turn, where it used to be anxiety now it’s worry or beating myself up that I will never be able to figure this out with all the effort I have put in for the last 25 years and then heavily for the last 14.

I thought, what is this? It’s like I won’t allow it. I can’t seem to catch it. I can’t seem to get my hands on it. Someone said earlier she could feel things were moving and stuff was surfacing. What I journaled about after was, when I got that book what I realized was my subconscious thought, “I don’t want to be alive that much longer. This has been too hard, too tiring, too efforted.” I’m not necessarily a work-a-holic. I’m a heal-a-holic. I’ve over-tried, in my mind to heal. What was good about that was the severe abuse that I had repressed did surface five years ago or six years ago. What something about me doesn’t realize is that all that 25 years of work where it seemed like nothing happened because I actually gained 80 pounds through it all, it actually did work. It surfaced this huge repressed abuse that I am actually at peace about. I have forgiven the people. There is all this healing. Some part of me feels that life is just too dang hard. I’m exhausted. I don’t want to live another 50 years, because if it’s what I’ve had, forget it.

It’s not a suicidal thing or a death wish. It’s more like a “not living” wish. I didn’t say that right. I don’t want to die. I don’t have a suicidal thought. It’s more I’m just too tired. I don’t think I can go up another mountain. That was an interesting thought I never knew I had. That may be why the weight is there – I don’t know why. It’s exhausting.

Tom Costello: Thank you for bringing that up and sharing that, too, Eileen. It’s interesting that you touched upon the first point that I was going to bring up as filler. It dawned on me earlier this week, we struggle (I’m talking about me as well as anybody else), we work, we’re down in the trenches. We’re hitting our heads against walls. We’re slugging it out. Wait a minute! Isn’t this a game? Aren’t I playing a game? If it’s a game, like football, or baseball, or golf, or tennis, or swimming, or climbing a mountain or anything else, why don’t I see it as a game?

If you could see it as a game – this goes back to the emotional states – you can go into Courageousness. That’s a game-playing mode right there. “This is a game. What is my game?” For some of us the game is to overcome an illness. For others it’s to overcome “energetic bombardment” which could be a euphemism for abuse or dysfunctional families and so on. (Which frankly, most people that I speak to including myself come from.) Or the game could be trying to manifest money. Money is an illusive thing. “I run there and it runs away. I run over there and it runs away.” How can I manifest money. That’s the game. It’s kind of like the game of “One catch, all catch” that we played as a kid.

Love, I’m looking for love and I can’t seem to find it. It goes on and on. Well, if it’s a game, the reason we play a game is there are certain rules, there are opponents, there are certain conditions. There are boundaries. There is a playing field. It can be – we do it for

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fun. Also we do it for challenge. We would never play a game – nobody would ever play Solitaire if they won every single time. You do that three or four times and say, “This is unbelievably boring. I can’t do this.” The same with playing golf. If you hit the golf ball and it went in the hole every time you hit it, you’d throw your clubs into the lake and go, “I’ve got to find something more difficult, more challenging.”

We do look for these challenges, but then we forget that we looked for these challenges. “I can’t believe this is so difficult. How did it get that….? Oh, I created it.” If we can shift our attitude a little bit to go, “I am on this exploration, this game of discovery.” I’m trying to discover who I am, what my relationship to life is, what my relationship to other people is, primarily my relationship with my God, my Source. I want to be able to cause things to happen that I want to happen. Not, “Oops, I just dropped a glass of milk.” “I caused something that I feel embarrassed about or feel bad about or guilty.” I want to create what I want to create.

I think we can literally elevate ourselves, almost as if we’re floating, above the playing field that we have, up to this moment been enmeshed in. Battling the scale and battling the checkbook and battling traffic. We can just go “Let me elevate my point of view and see this as a game.”

Now I’m in this upper level looking at it. “I think I’ll see if I can’t wind my way through this obstacle course with more enjoyment, more fun.” We recognize the heavier we are, that is those lower vibrational states, the heavier it is. It’s harder to move that energy. If we could “Lighten up” (capital “L” and also lower case “l”) if we could lighten up and make it more fun it’s like, “That was easy to do.”

I think that we have a great opportunity to do it. As individuals if we say, “I have to spend the next 60 to 100 years doing it the way I’m doing, Yikes! I don’t want to play this game that long. However, if I can figure out a new way to play this game that is so thrilling, so exciting, so different from the way I’ve been doing it, the way I’ve been taught, the way I learned, the way I told myself it had to be, then maybe I’d be inclined to stay around for X number of years and really enjoy it and see what I could create.”

I think that opportunity exists. I, for one, think we should be living 120 and Healthy, no problem. But to do that, to be healthy we’ve got to be creating more joy and less struggle otherwise it’s like “I’m not doing this for 120 years. You’ve got to be kidding me. I want out.” I think that’s really the decision people make.

Participant: Let me say something. Everything you said makes sense. I think what’s always frustrated me is you can know something on a conscious level – we talked last week about conscious being slower than subconscious – but when you’re talking about Shame, Apathy, Grief, those levels, talking about being joyful, playing is a Courageous, when you’re looking at the graph (I make Peace on the top and go down from there). If a person can be courageous and have fun they can accept whatever situation they’re in and then have peace about it.

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I already know this “KNOW”, but I know that for the longest time I didn’t want to be grateful or happy or free or healed because if I was, (1) maybe other people didn’t know this had happened. I know there’s a conflict of being heavy lets other people know “There’s something wrong here”. At least that’s what I believe I did.

Also, I know this already, but it doesn’t seem to be changing the behavior. If I get healed then God is off the hook. Did God really understand what he allowed when free will allowed what happened to me? I can’t seem to get through this anger that even though I’ll be the good girl and say, “Okay, God. I understand free will, bad things happen. There’s wars, there’s famine and disease, etc., this is much more easy to deal with in my mind than some of the things other people deal with.” But there’s somewhere in me that just won’t allow that play because it almost seems irresponsible.

I know this sounds weird because all this stuff happened. If we just let it go, it’s almost like it can keep going. I’m talking in circles and I’m hoping you can intuit what I’m saying.

Tom Costello: I think I’m hearing you and I don’t hear you talking in circles. I hear you saying thing that are very valuable. This idea, you’re letting it go but you’re not letting it go.

Participant: Exactly.

Tom Costello: What you want to do, what we want to do, what all of us want to do, those assaults, those abuses we’ve experienced in our lifetime that cruelty or unkindness or whatever, instead of carrying that around on our backs we want to let it go. We want to take that heavy weight off our shoulders and set it on the ground.

But we don’t want to let it go. What I mean by that is we had those experiences. A tremendous amount of energy was involved in that. Not your circumstance, but if somebody were in a fender bender, even a little teeny one that caught you by surprise, that is a huge jolt of energy that we just took in. Now we’re sitting there like we’ve just got plugged into a socket of a couple of thousand volts. What are we going to do with that?

I don’t think we ought to let it go. I think what we do is we transform it. We transmute it. We translate it. I like the word “translate.” We translate it into a higher value. We translate it into a higher emotional state. We translate it more like light because I see us basically doing that.

In a kind of silly way to demonstrate that, all of us will sit down and eat a chunk of broccoli. We translate that broccoli. Marian would translate that broccoli into paragraphs in her book or paint strokes on one of her paintings. Others of us would do it in stuff that we express in other ways; talking, hugging, smiling, laying bricks, making shoes, baking cakes, building a house. We will use that broccoli energy in some form.

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What we don’t aspire to is “I can’t wait to eat something so I can turn it into a bowel movement.” There is not really a value add. There’s no translation upward in that case. Now physiologically we’re going to do that, but that’s the stuff that we couldn’t translate to a higher vibration as a result of that combustion in our body called digestion and assimilation. We’re going to move it out of our body. If it doesn’t serve us, let’s just move it out.

But I think these events that we’ve had in our lives serve as an inspiration to greatness, a spark, a flame. It’s the bump in the road that changes the trajectory of our lives. I oftentimes go to the situation as an example, “The tragedy of a girl being killed by a drunk driver.” Now you could look at that and go, “Man, that is a tragedy.” I guess she was a teenager. However, the mother took that energy and translated it into Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). That tragedy turned into a gift because the mother translated it that way and literally has saved thousands of children, thousands of families, thousands of drunk drivers, and thousands of families of drunk drivers of having to experience that unbelievable grief and pain and sorrow and guilt and on and on of being involved in a similar event. One child, one mother, -- that was an amazing gift of that child to that mother who in her wisdom and high vibration translated it in a life-enhancing, loving manner.

I think we all have that ability. Hopefully without that degree of pain and grief, be able to go and change this.

Sometimes I talk to clients who are very, very seriously ill. Actually that’s most of the time. And I speak to them about their PhD. They say, “What are you talking about?” I say you’re not telling me you’re going through this illness and healing, which is an intense curriculum that would qualify you for a PhD in any sane society, you’re going to get a PhD in healing from this particular set of circumstances and you’re not going to share? You’re not going to teach? You’re not going to write? You’re not going to speak about this? That doesn’t make sense to me. You’re the Lewis and Clark in your own life in this amazing journey. Take notes. Help other people who are stumbling along on that same path with less light on their path who are “I can’t go on.” Voices like ours, like yours, like mine, are what they hear when they’re ready to give up, ready to quit. Maybe that spark of hope gets rekindled because of something we say or do or we share.

You go, “Whoa! I’m not going through this just to practice suffering. I’m going through this to get a PhD and be of service to then have this consciousness, this Godness in my language, expressing through me that lights not only my path but other people who are so inclined, who resonate, who have similar circumstances. “I can really pay attention to this woman. She really is speaking in a way that I can hear and the way she speaks can help me find my path.”

Participant: When you’re saying all that, in fact I think you talked about it couple of weeks ago and I was not accepting it. Now I am. Part of my issue that the type of abuse, when we tried to confront who did it, it was all denied. We were excommunicated from the family. It was just this big mess. They still don’t believe it happened, but two of the

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family members have come forward about it. At this moment I don’t feel that I could publicly speak specifically about what it was because there is this whole huge family that thinks we’re the crazy ones. I had to let that go. If I’m ever going to write or speak about it, it would be specific but it was the specific nature of the abuse that was so traumatic. That’s what was so mind – what’s it called when someone has to be de-programmed? It was so bad that it took years to de-program my brain.

I have to let go of that. I know that maybe I’ll write or I’ll write a fictional story. I hear that now where I wasn’t able to hear that I could get a PhD and help other people in that. I think as I’m listening I can feel my spirit shifting about translating it, versus holding on to it so I make sure God knows exactly what happened. Translating it into something bigger is very wise.

The last little piece of this that I hope to get a Code to help me with is decisions. An example is on a conscious level I’ve done Codes for six months. Many memory pictures, over and over again, there are three particular instances of abuse where I made a decision to either move myself into a room thinking I’d be safer, or to go into this barn thinking I’d be safer or whatever, and ended up getting severely raped or abused. I’ve worked through the conscious level that I can make decisions, but the subconscious is like every decision you make is life and death. The Codes have helped with the conscious rearrangement of these memories, but like we talk about, subconscious is much more powerful.

I have tears in my eyes, I’m so exhausted trying to figure out if these decisions, whether they’re where I work or what I eat is going to cause some life-threatening situation because I made a wrong decision. If we have grace, and the ability to pray to God and connect to our higher power and those still happen then He really didn’t help me. I thought I was going to a higher source to make a decision and then that tragedy still happened. So why be connected to a higher power and pray for guidance and think you’re making a right decision and still these things happen? Does that make sense?

Tom Costello: Yes it does.

Participant: And trust. I’ve actually been able to do some Codes on trust. It’s not working. It’s like the subconscious is holding on so strongly to protecting against any more trauma from happening.

Tom Costello: This is a wonderful topic. This is a wonderful topic for a lot of people.

Participant: How would you label the topic, just to clarify? I’ve talked about different things. What would you call this topic?

Tom Costello: If I could only use two words I’d say “seeking peace”. I journal every day for at least a half-hour. I try to limit it to a half-hour but every once in a while it goes much longer. A half-hour of journaling which is me talking to me and me listening to me. For five and a half years I’ve found it to be fantastic. One of the things that I

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recognized earlier this week, I had about six clients in a row. Every subject was about peace. Creating peace. How do we create peace? I wrote a sentence questioning myself this morning. I’d like to read it to you. It’s kind of an elaborate sentence so I’ll read it a couple of times. Then I wanted to write about it and think about it. This is the sentence:

Do we hold back because we fear the discomfort of the reactions from ourselves and others as we present ourselves? (Tom reads this sentence a couple of times)

Man, that’s a complicated sentence. Do we hold back? That’s one concept. Fear, discomfort, reactions from myself, reactions from others, presenting and ourselves. There are seven concepts easily right there. I was thinking “presenting”. I just recently had a discussion about child birth. “How did the child present herself?” Head first, breach birth? That was the first presentation. I started to journal about that holding back. My first thought was how I express myself verbally, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But we express ourselves just by standing there. Just by thinking. Just by our posture. Just by the sitting there, the way we look, the way we smile, the way we think we transmits, the way we feel transmits. We’re not holding back in a lot of different ways, we are literally flowing energy even if we’re not saying a single word. I was looking at it in a very limited way.

Then it was this fear of presenting. Pretty soon I was on to the idea that some of us weren’t wanted. When we presented we weren’t wanted. “Oh, man. I didn’t want to be pregnant, didn’t want to have this child and here she is, or here he is.” The first thing I thought is “Wow, even our being can be threatened by us not being wanted. Just being.” You’d think I’m a 5 year old boy, you’re a 5 year old girl. I’m standing somewhere and it’s not safe to BE there because of what now happens. “Wow! My being is a problem.”

It occurred to me, based upon conversations this week, this Hawaiian concept of ho’oponopono. Are you familiar with that? Ho’oponopono, it has to do with a simple sequence – it’s a fascinating story. You can Google on it and read a little bit about it. It was developed in Hawaii. It has tremendous power. It’s basically four steps:

1. I’m sorry. 2. Please forgive me.3. I love you.4. Thank you.

As I was doing my Codes today, what I said to my parents, long dead, was “I’m sorry for being. That was a financial burden, an emotional burden. You don’t need a fifth child when you’ve got four that you can’t take care of. (Right, that routine?) Please forgive me for being. I love you. Thank you.

Do that multiple, multiple times. I could feel a shift. I personally think there is an energy that we can have around us that is almost magnetic. I’ve experienced this personally where – I’m not that tall, I’m only six feet tall, but I recognize shorter men have a terrible time with my energy. A terrible time. I must give out something that makes them unbelievably uncomfortable. So now they have all kinds of problems. I don’t actually know what it is. But I thought, you know what? This is a good thing. This is about

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being as much as anything. Being jumped by kids as a youngster and wanting to go beat up two kids that just jumped me, that sort of thing. That’s an energy that being is not safe.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there was an attempt at abortion before I was born. That kid could have some Being issues.

Then the next thing is I did the same routine about other people’s being, anything that I did to squash other people. I wanted that same thing, to dissolve this energy about “there’s a danger in being.” I want to dissolve anything related to that. I don’t want that to be true. I want it to be tremendously safe to Be. From that place where it’s safe to Be, now we’re able to Do different things. If you were to back up a little bit and say, “I’m Being right here, but I’m not safe being there.” Guess what, a lot of my doing now has to be “I’ve got to build a wall. I’ve got to get an alarm system. Are there any guns available. I’ve got to get a guard dog and 12 locks on the door.” That kind of thinking. I don’t want to go into that routine. That’s not appealing to me. I want to back up. I want to Be Safe and I want others to Be Safe around me. Any energy I have about that I want to heal it so I don’t trigger it in me or in others. I think that is so real and so powerful and so pragmatic.

In cases of abuse it wasn’t safe to Be. That stuff should never have occurred to us, but it did occur. It did occur. Now we either sling that over our shoulders and carry it around for the rest of our lives or we translate it into some higher value. First of all higher value for ourselves, and then secondarily for other people. Not the other way around. Not higher value for other people, but it’s still bad news for me. I don’t believe in that. I think charity begins at home. You and I, each of us is home. Then it overflows for the benefit of others after our cups are full. I think that’s a better way of doing it. I think that is there.

Participant: Would there be a Code different than the Peace Code? I can always figure out the emotion piece or anger, or whatever, but it just never felt like the Code was going to cover it.

Tom Costello: I would like to create a Code for you. (Tom tests for the Code) Here’s what you need to focus on. You’re doing it exactly right. Period. End of Story. “Should I do this….” Whatever you choose is perfect. You get 100%. Take that whole concept and consider it resolved. “I’m doing it perfectly. I love this.” There’s none of that stress. (Tom delivers the Code)

Whatever you do, do it because you want to. Not “have to. I have to.” You don’t need more have-to’s. You need more want-to’s.

Participant: With that, one final question. We talked about whether I was to get The Truth Technique or The Q Codes. There’s a fear in me. For instance, if I had not looked at The Healing Codes, I would not be where I am six months later. I’m incredibly thankful that I looked at The Healing Codes and they were the resource that I think the

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final step to all this. When I said decisions are difficult, I still feel like there’s something about The Truth Technique that would help me know better my decisions. I don’t even understand what they are, but I was told to start listening to these sessions to try to get more information about them. The Q Codes, again, I don’t know what they are. Are they just one Code for 8 minutes? I don’t know if I’m addicted to healing resources and I just need to believe that this is enough and learn how to just be and do more things because I want to, not because I have to, or if there is something I still need.

Tom Costello: The Q Codes use The Healing Codes. They’re just a higher intensity delivery. That would be valuable to you. And, because you mentioned a weight issue you recognize that – I’ve seen this recently – breathing is so underestimated.

Participant: You said that last week. I know what you mean. Somebody is doing Yoga and deep breathing, or if you’re stressed. I’m a teacher so if someone is freaking out I’ll say “take a deep breath. I want you to breathe or your brain won’t work.” Their brain settles down. Are you meaning it differently?

Tom Costello: You can make the case that we’re all going to be alive until we stop breathing. You go, “I want to be more alive.” Breathe more? You can see these renaissance kind of images of breathing the soul into --- “If I’m going to get Spirit, well I may get it through broccoli, but in the mean time I bet I get a lot more by breathing.” If you can see that and the combustion process which is what we call the ability to metabolize effectively and efficiently, and to recognize that we have the resources. We don’t need to store and stockpile. Now we go, “I notice since I’ve been breathing my weight is starting to…” Exactly. The “fires” if you will are burning more brightly. That’s really meaningful.

So of those two, if you feel compelled to buy one or the other, I would say buy The Q Codes.

Participant: Okay. Then, when you’re doing a Code, say on Truth, if somebody is having a problem with a decision like “Do I have an allergy to this food” or that kind of thing. Is there a Code that we could do to try to help us hear that truth better? The discernment ability. Is there a Code to help us overcome conscious conflict – that’s what they were describing The Truth Technique as “help yourself …. Reversing so the regular kinesiology doesn’t work – make it work better. Is there a Code?

Tom Costello: There is all kinds of information about reversed polarity. It’s called psychological reversal in other circles. It is a means for the body to process information. Frankly, I’ll overdo this. I haven’t had broccoli in a long while. Even processing broccoli, broccoli is information. It’s information that came out of mother earth. It’s green and it’s this and that. But it’s information. It’s vibration that ultimately will be used by our bodies more or less efficiently. How we process that is better if our bodies are fully functional energy wise, that is with correct polarity.

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There are ways to do that. Make sure you’re hydrated. Make sure your pH is good, you’re not so acidic. Breathe. Move. Rest. Eat decent food. Deal with stress in the form of The Healing Codes and that sort of thing. And, you have to become still. You have to become quiet. Quiet mind.

I was talking to a client the other day. He was talking about how much he’s growing and how things are starting to manifest. There was a storm. He lost a shingle and water was coming through the roof. He said, “What am I going to do now?” He looked out the window and there was a roofing truck at the next-door neighbors. He walked over. In response to his answer – he looked out the window and that was his answer. “Can you come over and take a look at my roof?” “Sure”. $20 later and a little bit of patching and a new shingle – problem solved. He went, “My life is like that.”

Participant: That goes with The Secret and quantum physics and vibration. It wasn’t a threat for his psyche to say “What do I need to do now” because he needed a solution. An example would be am I allergic to wheat? Do I have a food allergy? There’s been a history of punishing myself so part of me might not want to let go of that. Or, that’s been my addiction so I won’t let go of it for that reason. What I hear I don’t know I trust it. I don’t know if it’s a good or bad response.

Tom Costello: I’m thinking it’s not really whether you have an allergy to wheat or not. It’s more like “is this in my highest good? Is this better for me than foregoing it?” Is this a step in the right direction or am I backing up? Frankly, my political opinion is we’re not really allergic to wheat. We’re allergic to all the poisons they put on the wheat. I spent the summer in Virginia. There are a lot of tomato farms around there. My nephew said to me, “Uncle Tom, you have any idea what they do with these tomatoes?” I said, “Like what?” He said, “Fourteen applications of pesticides.” They drink well water. I didn’t drink the well water. It’s too nasty. Fourteen applications of pesticides goes into the water, goes into the soil, goes into the air. I’m thinking, I just could be a little weird. I think some of it might have gone into the tomato. Yikes! What are we allergic to? “I’m allergic to tomatoes.” Are you sure? Or are you allergic to some of that stuff in some of those 14 applications? Yeah. That stuff is designed for bugs to be allergic to. We want those bugs to be so allergic they fall dead. Then we turn around and go, “I feel like eating that.” That sounds yummy.

Really what you want to do is, “What is in your highest good.” “What advances you toward your highest self.”

Participant: I want to thank everyone for allowing me to ask you all of this. Because it has been one rough ride. I really appreciate that I got through again to finish from last week.

Tom Costello: Good for you.

Participant: Thank you to everybody and also to you, Tom.

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Tom Costello: You did us all a service. You were a gift.

Participant: Thank you.

Participant: (Paula) I just want to say I appreciate your sharing. Tom knows very well my story is very much like yours. I encourage you to stay on these calls. Probably if it wasn’t for Tom I wouldn’t be on the call talking right now. I just live to hear these calls every week sometimes and I’m just having a rough time. I’ve had a lot of stuff similar to you. I was on the prayer team. I was a prayer intercessor. I said my prayers and put the angels around me and still got assaulted. I couldn’t figure that out. There’s so much more to learn. I don’t think God is sitting there pulling strings and watching everything and taking out his aggression on us. “I’m going to let her get hurt today. I don’t like her.”

I think there’s something that I hang on to. We may never be the head of MADD, but we’re on a path, an energetic path. One generation’s evolves into our energy. This energy has fallen in our lap to heal it. In Psalms it talks about Solitaires -- It’s the person who gets a lot more stuff to deal with than the other people. Also the Solitaire is on the road to Jericho where the walls come tumbling down. The bones cried out. When the bones cried out it’s the ancestors telling us we could only emotionally and physically evolve to this point. We could only take with the information and the energetic uplifting and the intellectual resources. They didn’t have The Healing Codes 20 years ago. They say, “Now we pass the baton on to you.” When we heal we are healing their energy because we carry along a lot of generational energy over the DNA matrix on the hologram image. We’re given that opportunity to help heal that. Because we’re connected to our families in an energetic body we are healing stuff for our family and for the human family and The Healing Codes family. We heal it because there are just other people who are way to busy, not interested, and just not cut out to pull in extra light into the planet. Every time we do a Healing Code, every time we take a moment and try to think of something positive…

Dr. Loyd was on the call earlier this afternoon. He said, “Who is our God?” If your God is a God of peace and love and happiness and you think about that, then that is what can secrete from you and what can come from you. If we even take a moment and say, “I’m freaking out. Let me look around me. Is there one thing that’s nice?” Every time we do that we pull us so much more light into the planet, into our beingness. Sometimes this is just way beyond our intellectual capacity. To bring it down, we’re doing a service. “I could have done without being one of these people who were doing a service. I guess we had an agreement before we came onto the planet….

Tom Costello: Paula, I’m going to interrupt you. We’re past the top of the hour. I want to find out if there are any other questions that need to be addressed before we go. Thank you for your comments. East Coast we are 10:04. I would like to be able to open the call to anyone who has something to say or ask or make a comment about. Sometimes I make a point of it, but walking away with something that needs to be expressed, but you didn’t

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get a chance, you didn’t think it was right and you weren’t sure it was welcomed. It’s welcomed. So here’s your chance.

Well, I will take that as no comments.

Participant: (Pat)I’m here Tom. I’m new to this world of energy, but I’d like to share with these women. I’ve been on this call the last 30 minutes. I’m hearing these women who have been abused. I’d like to share one point with them. I was raped when I was 18. I was living by myself. It took me a lot of years to get to the point of forgiveness. The one thing that helped me get to a better healing point with this issue was I realized that within myself actually the rapist couldn’t hurt me any more than he had already hurt me. I don’t know if that makes any sense to anybody, but that started my healing. I realized he had hurt me all he could. I was just beating myself up thinking – I had the fears and all that. When I realized he really couldn’t hurt me any more than he already had because it was a mind thing at that point, that’s when I truly started healing.

Again, I don’t know if anybody understands that or if it helped anybody, but I just felt like I needed to share that.

Tom Costello: Pat, thank you. Thank you. I am certain that is valuable to more than you know. Thank you for stepping up and sharing that with us.

Participant: Thank you.

Tom Costello: Somebody else have something to say before we end the call?

Participant: (Eileen) I want to thank both of those women. Earlier when you were saying, actually it started with Marian where you said, “Translate this, make this into something that can be used for good.” Well, all the things I have done on the conscious level. Forgiven, …. Mine was definitely on a subconscious and you’ve addressed it. But more than any of it was when Paula thanked me for saying something and then the next woman gave her input. It’s validating that you’re not crazy. You’re not weird for trying to get some help. You’re not selfish because you’re going to ask a question. You’re going to grab for that life-saver and see if you can catch it and be a survivor. I think sometimes there is survivor’s guilt like “Why should I get better when other people don’t get better?” So I want to thank them for validating me in what I shared.

Tom Costello: Terrific. Thank you. That was quick feedback to you, Pat.

Participant: (Pat) We were looking at 1974 when this incident happened. I feel like I’m to the point where I can give back to someone. I feel like I have reached the point where I literally can help someone get beyond where they’re at.

Tom Costello: That’s fantastic.

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Participant: (Paula) I was wondering if you would test and see if Eileen’s Code would be good for me? I related to is so much I thought it might work for me, too.

Tom Costello: Yes.

I want to thank you folks very much for being on the call. I have a sense that people who listen to this recording will value this, will be in your debt for the gift that you gave them. So, thank you for that. As Paula said, every time we enlighten ourselves we enlighten the world. We contribute on all kinds of levels beyond which we’re not even certain of. You can recognize that if the subconscious mind is processing at 4 billion bits of information per second, you, lighter and lighter, standing next to somebody in the grocery store, you’ve got to be part of those 4 billion bits that they’re receiving and it’s got to be good for them. It’s probably as good as if they were eating broccoli.

With that thought I’d like to thank you again for being on the call and for your contributions to this great work and this great world. God Bless all of us.

Good night.