Today's Digital Business transformation

Today’s Digital Transformation Claude Oggier Hi, I am Claude Oggier. A Marketer interested in reading, learning and sharing about today’s digital business transformation. Follow me @claudeoggier

Transcript of Today's Digital Business transformation

Today’s Digital Transformation Claude Oggier

Hi, I am Claude Oggier. A Marketer interested in reading, learning and sharing about today’s digital business transformation.

Follow me @claudeoggier Claude Oggier

Mission: “How do we do Marketing in today’s digital world?”

Objective: “Create Desire and Build Trust in a Human Way”

Marketers Goal has not changed Claude Oggier

“Reach prospects/customers at those moments that influence their decision making-process”

Social Media is the perfect tool for achieving that goal:

It’s the only form of marketing that can touch prospects/customers at each and every stage in the decision making-process, from when they’re comparing products/services right through to the period after a purchase.

And ultimately their experience with a brand and potential advocacy influences others. Source: Mark Schaefer: The Content Code

Online Influencers & Social Proof Claude Oggier

“Turn fans into advocates, evangelists, ambassadors.”

Chieftain of the social web's most unique blog, {grow}. Consultant, college professor, author of The Content Code, Return On Influence and Tao of Twitter. Social Media Bouncer.

Your Alpha Audience Claude Oggier

“You’ve got to know your customers better than they even know themselves.” – Mark Schaefer

Customer-Centric Influence Marketing Model Claude Oggier

I am looking for the best business school

Graphic courtesy: Influence Marketing Book by Danny Brown

Understand the Customer Journey through Analytics Claude Oggier

You want to measure the customer journey

•  BEHAVIOR Clickstream; Visits, Page views, Sources

•  OUTCOMES Outcomes; Orders/Leads/Revenue, Reduce cost, increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction / loyalty

•  EXPERIENCE Experimention/Testing; Let the customer tell us what works best

Voice of Customer; find out if our customers found the content they were looking for or not. First touch – Last touch

Competitive Intelligence; Learn about your performances vs your competitors

Source: Avinash Kaushik: Web Analytics 2.0

Because Today Claude Oggier Claude Oggier

Source: McKinsey

Maximize Marketing Potential – 360° Claude Oggier S


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Innovations Claude Oggier

Peer to Peer product innovation or customer service Crowdsourcing so that users support each other to resolve problems without charge Collaborative economy

Today’s Needs Claude Oggier

Cross-functional & agile teams Listening to the Voice of Customers Digitally enhanced customer experience

Thank you and you can connect with me @claudeoggier Claude Oggier