toDaidpate Fox REDONDO · THAT CAR OF YOURS II IF lU.JltMl__wllll'' IO.KI i.ii no.-,...

THAT CAR OF YOURS II IF lU.JltMl__wllll'' IO.KI i.ii no.-, liiim riilim)<:tlTiiiH »n your car I" imBiirft ft wuter- tloht fll. N"vi.- IINC HhHIiir. OI(fi6Ulty in H(i»nl"9 brnfcet djuttfil1 on your oar may be ofiuserl by wh«»ls, ««!« or brnk«(lrnmi biln() nut ol true. V\'ll''M r»r Mpnrk pliiK 4ii[i. If llir KIII i.j i.,.. wlOi Ilic motor will II Imifl I...' sliiil. iind It will ml on .|Ul,"k iicCMloriiMon. If to i losn. the motor will mlxH. o Mill illi..vMi|y ni Mllrn: SteertrTij Hiachonlsm, ipindleo/ ih««kl*t. 'Ontl b k« /|»tmnbly on your our should lubrioKt- tit odttner In mihy wnnlher. Continued «pln«h!ng of wntci on th«i« pnrt» hir.kei frequent llhpi's ii Mprlni.' Hhiick your C.M- will Mcvi Ion thill Kiounc "Will n cannot be n(l)i.«t»il properly In lo an: Hi.' holl onii-hiii Imn, or lo loop MI mil nml tlrlv I. ..II |.inl tviiy nul nod llo' drhc liiif.U III plilfi i'/nln TORRANCE THEATRE LAST SHOWING TODAY VICTOR McLAOLEN & EDMUND LOWE in "The Cock-Eyed World** A Fox Movietone Production All Talking FRIDAY nntl SATURDAY, MARCH 21-22 BASIL RATrtBONE nml LEILA HYAM8-in "Bishop Murder Case** A Metro-Qoldwyn-Mnyer All Talking Production Also THE JAZZ FOOL A Miokey Mouse Sound Cartoon SUNDAY and MONDAY, MARCH 23, 24 DOLORES COSTELLO in "Second Choice** A Warner Bros. Vitaphone Production All Talking TUES., WED,, THURS., MARCH 26-26-27 ZANE QREY'S "The Lone Star Ranger* With GEORGE O'BRIEN and SUE CAROL All Talking Hnwthorno, California Phone Hawthorne 222 FRI.-SAT., MARCH 21-22 All Talkie Fun Riot! RICHARD DIX 'seven keys toDaidpate SUNDAY-MONDAY MARCH 23-24 William Powell Jenn Arthtir, Regi« Toomey, Kay Frunoi* "STREET of CHANCE" ' AUo, "DON'T GET EXCITED," All Tnlkia Conmly TUESDAY, MARCH All Talking Sensation of Gangtter Life "WOMAN RACKET" With BLANCHE SWEET TOM MOORE 25 IS REVIVAL DAY Do You Remember~ "4 SONS" Mighty Epic Featuring JAMES HALL FRANCIS BUSHMAN Jr. CHARLtS MORTON Variety of Entertainment Is Booked for Week at Hawthorne TIM. UlllllMl-l. VlMI Hlllli I In- Inrn nl n I'nnl- lni|i|ili >vi>>illli. cM'iylhliiK llml' ynll HIT anil IIIMII- in " riniiHT.' vll tnliltuv' iiiii Mliin-liii; \\llhini I'nwrll. \vllh Kny I'-iiini'ln unit Ili iillii'Mi>niliiy. Mnirli :M a IM i-i'iilly line "I lie nnml ni nlnr iliaiiuilH' Hin-iiil.i'H or lh P,.n' A hllnilinl!) r "I ion'1 Hi'l KM'lli'il." l:< nl lni|»>rtiinl allnicllnii i,n Hi Kv at n-;iilm- ii.liiilti.loii PI-ICCH! fealiirlliB Wllilfi-i-d Wi'Hlover mid ii -tpli-iidld citHl ami which JUKI. c.ini'liiilcil a m ,-.-(.ii-uliii inn nt the UIM Alm.-I.H Hnllcil, Ihe- nlrc. I'M ..-iiinliiK o-i Weilnemliiy mul Thin-ialay. Miirch 211 mul 'J7. II In nlmnlillfly u n-n.iirkalilc. HH well nn highly i-iiiotloniil ilrainalU: Irl- nmpli! ,ln addition, on IhlH pro- miun. ii 'Mickey Minim.- Mouml unr- luiiii. a Inlklnu- Kpnrtlluhtii Uevlcw mul n l-'ox tnlkltiK newH will In- All "The Sl.y llnwl. il.iicn, IniiKlilmt ul Mil world than i." ill' li.lklim mi-l.i. ih-.-l.iilt. ' which It day mid Hnlurduy !U. Wiilch for II! Diversified Array of Talking Films Coming to Fox Granada JORDAN HI WINS EASY VICTORY Mmonce of Oaucho Stars lie- j BiiltH hi Poor Showing In; Friday's Meet . j BOWLING SCORES MERCANTILE LEAGUE Harbor Division m No. , W ,1'inliin un lib Narbonne limt l-'rldny on tho Jordan Held. Several <>f Nnr- honne'M best men were mlssInK In thlM.meot and the ritiuchoo'HIM- out fin- revenue who'll Jordan olid Ban- ning 'come here to perform on drlfflth field tomorrow nftcrnoon. TncHduy ilinil <*ncet with HnnnlnK WIIH cancelled on aceotint of tho rain. , Much Improvement ha« been shown by Home of the Oancho IracUalei-H, cnpcclnlly Daniel <>'- l.eniy In I he 11(10, Tom Poole In tlm mile and MoKwcn Wlmelnlcli nml Jelcr in the half mile. Irvlne. Kel- ley, Welboi-n Jeter, Hehmidt, Tawa. mid Whtuiuilin me all HhowInK Im- provi.ment: In their oventa In Clans C. Next '1'uonduy tho Kl HcRiimlo Iriickmn't'cumn to Narbonne for the. ftnul home mi el of-the Honmin, Ill-l-l week fi- it Ton m i or iin- H Friday, Narbonno flnnl dual In (In thu To Tin tin IIIK Ttius- hi. Marine. duy nil.I l-'rldny mime II U-IIKIIC preliminary iuul nniil tiiMl*. Coach SIR Nylumler oC Torrum-.e, wlui IK- Marine LOUKUO manager thin year HHS-H llmt It will bo un- doubtedly Hie Ki-iiuleiit meet ever held by the Mm-iuo lAiiRne. INSIDE OF BASEBALL IS TOLDKIWANIS llvmuiilii . III' KolllH ! WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY MARCH 26-2 That Powerful All-Talking Drama "LUMMOX" Al CA MICKEY MOUSE SOUND CARTOON ALOU TALKING SPORTLIQHTS REVIEW riiinry In Wall invulMc you with wo lulk- tt. "tho ictnrUii- '"Ph.- M,iirlii Ki. I'liiyKi.innn" him , n\.-llm i-in.l liirln.lliiM Miiry llrl- iii, l>'i iMh-i It- Miirch mid l.llyun one ,il Hlim-ms hum \lll i meil. - i be ,,lu Iliikc Until will pit USU.IMI iii-M year, nccordlnK t" I.OH AMUI-IIH I IIM-I.II (ll-.-HH.-.l till- Ton-Hill liutt l-'rlilnv. Iteli-l Itulh ri-celveil S7H.IIIHI hiMl yi-jif, and I In- -HIIW Ihi- coiitriiet with t'ol. Itupcrl ''or ixil.niiu . next ycnr. lloriiKby »e(H Jlii.iHMi uniiiinlly, the Hpcakur Hinted. The avimiKc (Hilary imhl lo pluy- I-I-H In the rni-ll'ic i'mini Ij-awim I* $0110(1, ililu to tin. Hinnller crowds ut Hie KHiWin and the luet that.the I'Bclflc CoiiHl 1,1-iiKUo cannot net thu ndiillHHloa pi-Ices that arc cliaiucd by the major ICUKHCH. With Itnlchow at I ho Ki l.hiy Kl- wa'nlH -lunchi-mi win. Jack l.i-llv.-ll. iniinuKcr ol (lie AiiKcli-H team, bill when ciillc.l tipon lor M talk I..-U- vi-lt Htnti-a Ihnl I here WIIM n clniiiie In hlH eontriicl Ihul In- would nul linvc lu Hpeali I'xcepl lo pla>er.i on 'llui.diamond. Tonionott. the llermuiili lleui-h KIwnnlH Ouh will pill on Hi* pro- Ki-mn al Ton mice, which wim nr- mused .iinli-i Hi,- elmlriimnxhlp <,i r, Hen l-'lyliiK Cloud ..................33 32 3 Two Mac.k»' Kleclrlc ........_51 33 n Mlnnt Hay ' Printing Co. ...46 38 I Schncldcr Italiy »eovei)........44 10 7 Torrance Me.rchnntH ............41 13 1 StlllwcirH MarkutH ....... ......89 15 2 l-'nllorton Hoiltcallon ......'.....39 4. r i H Clovor'H SporllnK UnodH ...M CO Individual Lenders Ten in No. I'inn (5. ................... 632 S I! <;. llen-y ..... 3 T. MvN'cll . S Jl. (liiHptu- .. I II. Heath ... 1 I-'. Windier il M. .Ionen . I M. Vnrner . 7 II. Hhimm" . (I rta.lpb Hmlth 17 ..........HDB1 <1S .......... 2,812 .IT, .......... -1402 21 .....;.... 3HBI! 21 ...........10352 !>f ..........11380 0! ..........10810 CO .......... 9190 51 JUNIOR LEAGUE Harbor Diviiion No. W t; -IIH' Cafu ............................50 'IB ll's l.imch .......................48 32 rnniy Oil Klntlon..............47 33 in l-'tirnltiiru' CV..............-14 - SO .................41 89 r> Hell No. 2 ..............................33 '47 Ii I'lacentia I'liib ......................33 -17 S I-'. II. Can-oil lMH-dH..........'....24 Dli Individual beaden Team No. Pins C1 .. r, a. llonmuiHon .................... (1070 51 I H. I-'ONH .........,...»............;......5842 38 3 J. It. Hci/tl ........-..;............. 2128 12 I l-'rvd HI-HOC ....................... U351 St I II. W. I'nttui- .................... Ii70li 3D :i i-'. sitiith ...........................I:M in 7 I'. Siiuli-CH ... w.................... 50711 311 !i J. McNcally ...................... 45(14 27 7 A. SchcelH ..........................100S-I 60 I A. l.overinif ....... .............. 9534 57 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LEAGUE Wott Coast Division Hawk," Wllllmn- l-'ox'» IUc ..I the iili- « llh un c.iincH In tin- l-'ox -.MI, i" \VtlniliiHtuti nn-l Thnih.lay.. ! "Second Choice," Gay Society Drama at Torrance Theatre W I. .....4!l 27 .....Id 30 Individual Leaders I J. . il \V. SOCMI r, V. it. ii Mnrtln 1 Al Sut ..,.11424 07 .... asuu is .... ;iis« -is ....Ulli^l 67 .... s«au 15 .... 1732 9 ....10NC6 r.7 .... sunn -iu ....1029:, r,f, ....11U23 at .... 7S71 12 IK; Ifle./rriorit cofoifurtuim Ift thcl cla«s in the milotry. They every eonleMl within tlielr « rnnite. They »ufft-rcd thfet rr«t:i hut in each cam- It wa* to-i heavier team. They appeared a tho Ohio Hlntt Unlvcrnlty >;rldlroi at Columbiw- in a preliminary t Die Ohio ntnte homccomlng Illlnolx and proved to Hon. The TV-areatM will play any lean on the Pacific, i.'oiwl which aver- »« « 1'MI ponndH In weight or less which doeM not 'nave any -playej wnlRltlne moiT than, lift ponndH and which can prove Ha right ti the Hectlonal - champlonMhlp. (Ic- ith ncnsa- Narbonne Wins Practice Game at Long Beach Nai bonne's junior vurslty Ijaaehnli team defeated I.onR Beach Poly junior vacuity, 14-11, In a tree hit- tlnR (tunic ut Ixjns Bench. Dallape, Carpenter, Hirat.i and Foster, led the Cmicho hitting attack with 2 hltH each., Murphy and Illtiincntlial each pitched two in- ninK for tho .UuuchoH and pcr- formea creditably. Other Oaucho pla>'erH were Qlay- ton, Day. the Vennywlth bfothcrs, Kloyd Carpenter, I,onue Bid,well, William Shepard and Ralph Aller- man. ywalu hit bOHt for Long Beach and 1'utnam and Caldwell looked Rood In the box. Today. Narbonne plays 131 ScKnndo on Gaucho Held.- Ulumcnthal probably pitch and Johnpon cutch. The rest of the Jlnetip is undet- mlned. Merch 1312 '_____ ..:...-,.,„..- .. ,. . ... ...,.. ............. .^OMgMC * TORRANCE BRIEFS k "* Mrs. C-jrrie. L.'t'crry of Hillsdale > Michigan, arrived In Toirancc re- cently and will be a. Riiest at tho homo of Mrs. O. C. B:ith hidefln- Hcly. Mrs. A. W. Joliiwon^ hn» as her hoiiKesiinHt, her mint. Mm. H. H. 1'ollok of LOH An'stlts for a conpli! of dnyH. Mrs. Al Woodyard of T^OB AngeliN. an old friend of Mrs. Johnson was Ijcr Kucst on Tues- day: Mr. and Mrs. E. I-'. Schmid of Tacoma, Wash., are BMcsts of Mr. Schm\d'u brother. Rev. C!. G. Schmld and family. A Sign of Spring ... IK robin reilbrr.nst . . thu sign that you need-a new sprint? . .suit or top' coal. And our sigh is a. pood one to follow 'tt you want your,suit or over- coat made to order, and inude (is it Bhould be. Wo suggest that yon look over our newly arrived spring .fubrlcu. J. LEPKIN Merchant Tailor SARTORI o.HNinn- -|-|M' bliselwll |>l, uriHUHed liy I'uul Voiule II he Narbonne High Baseball Schedule OHIO TEAM SEEKS GAME IN THE WEST Kent Bearcats, Sensational Lightweight Team from Bast, Challenges Pacific Coast Ni I tlltll plctlli I llllll'Klilile > !i, liiiidenii il Nnrbonnr iirlionne ill Cell: M«>.S in. Nuibmmv: Mn.v 2». in Itiln; Juno «. Toirn etl'MJ J*cU S llunnyh i wa-.i bun. picture, | mil mule Lt|l> If th» lUtring «M»mbly properly lubricated nod in ptr- feet ordtr, and your car *till - aiignm« j trouble may be mi th« front wht«U, ur< in front tirt KENT. Ohio. . Miich 10 TJw : K.-nt i;..ircutK., lasl UU ere- I .I-..-.I' .1 M-ns.»tion in football circles I in the middle »I.M : tnd cas-u 1^\v' vlmlleniji-d the Pacific Coiust t'j ', produce a "Iwntaai weight" looiliall j team ohii-li »!ll play Hrtm t»t-xt lall iw II.- c'.iampionshisj ut Hie L'cilKl) In a letter to Htl Reynold*, di- rector of the Tonrr^ro«*t of V.u*e* at PasHdenk. Coach Hurry JkCuUn' of the U aixutc lu« inuuiit-d mhrtli- j er the <-Uuraiilt.r>lvi' garot, if it | scheduled, nm be pUiytvi durios tUt! nf\i tournament, j H-^IA, vho ! v, Ihi you «v«r hod or your men«y b«ck. llollll , llllrl' HI) M.IU1' 01 Kl -II - K'lna Minphy. Clniihilii' M< WhlMu- Clalr, Kilvi-uiil Miii Jllliliu I'U'inmuni', lleni> lilWtgi- .in,! Aniiu t'liiiiu-*. "Hwitllil <'hot«.r" In IX\KI UllKul'Klli AKxuinU'i')- utorv. JlicliB. n ill.l ln>> 'iilHltlnllfilt. IU-0 Ml. 'II, !<M, ,n lllllK'tUll ully doM'loti mt. l.*. With ni-nwi tniiiH. illnlnK IV|lllfUtUHII< U lUt- cteinul iMilttHt wll 'Men Without Women' Is John Ford's Triumph Showing At Fox Redondo i 1 .. * mini; MM.I .,,-.'\ disUnd , ilianmlu- j.fiuuc, fctmiitl v.lurli oli.i'....-irriiu,iiiin in !-tMi-ui tltlk'r>.; tVrd Dttints his cliaruci*r» in kharii j vnl IIIIMI ill mi umiiuit iilcturu U'lllng MrDk*«. His nucoecs in in-; Ruiy worm u <titilcult Ihlng tu do. j tllcittott by the <mhu«iiLSttc prxiac : till John .Foul hot. jiccomiillnhed j which It >n tl\c Mtnum climux <il lilt tin-; !u>v, dfinoM drama. "Mvr. \Vlthmit \\<i ' »Wi.-. IHBI\," winch vivnieii nn .nun I .- ulirai-iton i.iid Tu«-i..liiv i.i.iln- l''" ««. V.ij; Ui'.Undo llicoll>-. , hviw . Tlu> HUHi tu-e linvrjMiin.',! In mi ! htu'rth oritlc nnJ Hi lino ciiiplvil >>y !!» i )»\i». Kivm this iiy.thvu- In ion».' xl ilttorlttiXH intt> Set ,V tcum miuV i II ! talking uctv.o l>y iu»i Ouwn mm-Jv S ANDY & SCOTT V Men's liood Clothes ear the Bank*, Torrance Ainei^iin niibmntlitu 'which U In Hi,- 01 tin- riHlm by » uolllM.iu »H,i it li-einhte In llltlHWvltile lur them lo tin- voMd nl to i-tiim- to tin finv l-> «.'\ ..i in- UKU»! Icii j Tilt .'),>:-II Mipl'l> llmUi.l I \mti-i i., ..i..i.iii> '-iiaiiii In through I j an iitac..wii.i. i .,k Thitr only { comes to Hit- i hop--, «n>l « t«MU -»e, te th« elwuio« 1 only, tlnti nwoue ulilp* may ruactt th.-m; Next \V. tn tvniy to KtHil dlvem down and (<J>*4u will .- clvur the J.amtK.I u>i|..-.lo nil...*,.' tone all. I.UK (huh illo«iiifc th« rvcn lo l><- D.IUI \ Th* Sky Ha' uul to the <.uil4u.-«. , lean, U4it4»U Tlus ..x-usuuiiuii tin. uiu^ | |,lanv». i celluloid lullc, wilt IK- IH-.IB uul li««rd t»- 8 Paramounf production which U. .loud... Sunday FOX GRAN ADA, WILMINGTON PHONE 1 FRIpAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 21-22 "The Lone Star Ranger" ZANE GREY'S Thrilling novel with GEORQE O'SRIEN AND"SUE'CAROL SUNQAY ONLY, MARCH 23 "Clancy in Wall Street" A~-comedy mirthquake with CHARLIE MURRAY MONDAY and TUESDAY, MARCH 24-25 (DOUBLE TALKING BILL) "THE MARRIAGE PLAYGROUND" With MARY BRIAN and FREDERIC MARCH Also HOOT CIBSON in "COURTIN' WILD CATS" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MARCH 26-27 William Fox's Stupendous Epic of the Air "The Sky Hawk" with an all star cast Fox REDONDO FRIDAY & SATURDAY .Mar 21-22 SUNDAY ONLY Mar. 23 MONDAY & TUESDAY M.H. 24,25 WEDNESDAY ONLY M.r. 26 ALL TALKIK COMHOY UH)T "The Cohens and The Kelleys In Scotland** With C'harlie Murray and (Jco. Sidney Alku TuHting I'omedy l''ov Muvirtimv Nuws WILLIAM HOWEL1, in ALL TALKIK "Pointed Heels** With IIKI.KN kANi: and TAY^WKAY \)MI TalkiiiK Comedy Mvtrulone Nev,.s All Talking Submarine Urnmu "Men Without Women** uitli UKNM-rilH MucKliNNA ^ AUo Talkinii foutrdy Mrtroloov New a TluilliiiK 'All TalkinK \vintion Drama "The Sky JHawk" Witli HEI.KN l AUu TulkinK t omedv >KNU CttK KIIUMKS Tt» MK'KKY MOl'SK. 1 1.1 « KVKRY SATVKDAY 12-S »'. M. J

Transcript of toDaidpate Fox REDONDO · THAT CAR OF YOURS II IF lU.JltMl__wllll'' IO.KI i.ii no.-,...

Page 1: toDaidpate Fox REDONDO · THAT CAR OF YOURS II IF lU.JltMl__wllll'' IO.KI i.ii no.-, liiim riilim)


II IF lU.JltMl__wllll''

IO.KI i.ii no.-, liiim riilim)< :tlTiiiH

»n your car I" imBiirft ft wuter-

tloht fll. N"vi.- IINC HhHIiir.

OI(fi6Ulty in H(i»nl"9 brnfcet

djuttfil1 on your oar may be

ofiuserl by wh«»ls, ««!« or

brnk«(lrnmi biln() nut ol true.


r»r Mpnrk pliiK 4ii[i. If llir KIII

i.j i.,.. wlOi Ilic motor will II

Imifl I...' sliiil. iind It will ml

on .|Ul,"k iicCMloriiMon. If to

i losn. the motor will mlxH. o

Mill illi..vMi|y ni Mllrn:

SteertrTij Hiachonlsm, ipindleo/

ih««kl*t. 'Ontl b k« /|»tmnbly

on your our should b« lubrioKt-

tit odttner In mihy wnnlher.

Continued «pln«h!ng of wntci

on th«i« pnrt» hir.kei frequent

llhpi's ii Mprlni.' Hhiick

your C.M- will Mcvi Ion

thill Kiounc "Will n

cannot be n(l)i.«t»il properly In lo an: Hi.' holl onii-hiii

Imn, or lo loop MI mil nml tlrlv

I. ..II |.inl tviiy nul nod llo'

drhc liiif.U III plilfi i'/nln




"The Cock-Eyed World**A Fox Movietone Production All Talking



"Bishop Murder Case**A Metro-Qoldwyn-Mnyer All Talking Production


A Miokey Mouse Sound Cartoon



"Second Choice**A Warner Bros. Vitaphone Production

All Talking

TUES., WED,, THURS., MARCH 26-26-27


"The Lone Star Ranger*With GEORGE O'BRIEN and SUE CAROL

All Talking

Hnwthorno, California Phone Hawthorne 222

FRI.-SAT., MARCH 21-22 All Talkie Fun Riot!


DIX'seven keys toDaidpate


William PowellJenn Arthtir, Regi« Toomey, Kay Frunoi*


AUo, "DON'T GET EXCITED," All Tnlkia Conmly


All Talking Sensation of Gangtter Life





Do You Remember~

"4 SONS"Mighty Epic Featuring



Variety of Entertainment IsBooked for Week at Hawthorne

TIM. UlllllMl-l. VlMI Hlllli

I In- Inrn nl n I'nnl- lni|i|ili

>vi>>illli. cM'iylhliiK llml'

ynll HIT anil IIIMII- in "

riniiHT.' vll tnliltuv' iiiii

Mliin-liii; \\llhini I'nwrll.

\vllh Kny I'-iiini'ln unit Ili

iillii'Mi>niliiy. Mnirli :M a

IM i-i'iilly line "I lie nnml ni

nlnr iliaiiuilH' Hin-iiil.i'H or lh

P,.n' A hllnilinl!) r

"I ion'1 Hi'l KM'lli'il." l:< nl

lni|»>rtiinl allnicllnii i,n Hi


at n-;iilm- ii.liiilti.loii PI-ICCH!

fealiirlliB Wllilfi-i-d Wi'Hlover mid

ii -tpli-iidld citHl ami which JUKI.

c.ini'liiilcil a m ,-.-(.ii-uliii inn nt the

UIM Alm.-I.H Hnllcil, Ihe-

nlrc. I'M ..-iiinliiK o-i Weilnemliiy mul

Thin-ialay. Miirch 211 mul 'J7. II

In nlmnlillfly u n-n.iirkalilc. HH well

nn highly i-iiiotloniil ilrainalU: Irl-

nmpli! ,ln addition, on IhlH pro-

miun. ii 'Mickey Minim.- Mouml unr-

luiiii. a Inlklnu- Kpnrtlluhtii Uevlcw

mul n l-'ox tnlkltiK newH will In-


"The Sl.y llnwl.

il.iicn, IniiKlilmt ul

Mil world than

i." ill' li.lklim mi-l.i.

ih-.-l.iilt. ' which It

day mid Hnlurduy

!U. Wiilch for II!

Diversified Array of TalkingFilms Coming to Fox Granada


VICTORYMmonce of Oaucho Stars lie- j

BiiltH hi Poor Showing In;

Friday's Meet . j



m No. , W

,1'inliin unlib Narbonne limt l-'rldny on tho

Jordan Held. Several <>f Nnr-

honne'M best men were mlssInK In

thlM.meot and the ritiuchoo'HIM- out

fin- revenue who'll Jordan olid Ban­

ning 'come here to perform on

drlfflth field tomorrow nftcrnoon.

TncHduy ilinil <*ncet with HnnnlnK

WIIH cancelled on aceotint of tho

rain. ,Much Improvement ha« been

shown by Home of the Oancho

IracUalei-H, cnpcclnlly Daniel <>'-

l.eniy In I he 11(10, Tom Poole In tlm

mile and MoKwcn Wlmelnlcli nml

Jelcr in the half mile. Irvlne. Kel-

ley, Welboi-n Jeter, Hehmidt, Tawa.

mid Whtuiuilin me all HhowInK Im-

provi.ment: In their oventa In Clans

C. Next '1'uonduy tho Kl HcRiimlo

Iriickmn't'cumn to Narbonne for the.

ftnul home mi el of-the Honmin,

Ill-l-lweek fi- it Ton m

i or iin- H

Friday, Narbonno flnnl dualIn (In

thu ToTin tin IIIK Ttius-

hi. Marine.duy nil.I l-'rldny mime II U-IIKIIC preliminary iuul nniil tiiMl*.

Coach SIR Nylumler oC Torrum-.e,

wlui IK- Marine LOUKUO manager

thin year HHS-H llmt It will bo un­

doubtedly Hie Ki-iiuleiit meet ever

held by the Mm-iuo lAiiRne.


llvmuiilii .III' KolllH !


That Powerful All-Talking Drama



riiinry In Wall invulMc you with

wo lulk- tt. "tho ictnrUii-

'"Ph.- M,iirlii K i. I'liiyKi.innn" him

, n\.-llm i-in.l liirln.lliiM Miiry llrl-

iii, l>'i iMh-i It- Miirch mid l.llyun


,il Hlim-ms hum\lll i

meil. - i be ,,lu

Iliikc Until will pit USU.IMI

iii-M year, nccordlnK t"


(ll-.-HH.-.l till- Ton-Hill

liutt l-'rlilnv. Iteli-l Itulh ri-celveil S7H.IIIHI hiMl yi-jif, and

I In- -HIIW Ihi- coiitriiet with t'ol.

Itupcrl ''or ixil.niiu . next ycnr.

lloriiKby »e(H Jlii.iHMi uniiiinlly, the

Hpcakur Hinted.The avimiKc (Hilary imhl lo pluy-

I-I-H In the rni-ll'ic i'mini Ij-awim I*

$0110(1, ililu to tin. Hinnller crowds

ut Hie KHiWin and the luet that.the

I'Bclflc CoiiHl 1,1-iiKUo cannot net

thu ndiillHHloa pi-Ices that arc

cliaiucd by the major ICUKHCH.

With Itnlchow at I ho Ki l.hiy Kl-

wa'nlH -lunchi-mi win. Jack l.i-llv.-ll.

iniinuKcr ol (lie AiiKcli-H team, bill

when ciillc.l tipon lor M talk I..-U-

vi-lt Htnti-a Ihnl I here WIIM n clniiiie

In hlH eontriicl Ihul In- would nul

linvc lu Hpeali I'xcepl lo pla>er.i on

'llui.diamond.Tonionott. the llermuiili lleui-h

KIwnnlH Ouh will pill on Hi* pro-

Ki-mn al Ton mice, which wim nr-

mused .iinli-i Hi,- elmlriimnxhlp <,i

r, Hen l-'lyliiK Cloud ..................33 32

3 Two Mac.k»' Kleclrlc ........_51 33

n Mlnnt Hay ' Printing Co. ...46 38

I Schncldcr Italiy »eovei)........44 10

7 Torrance Me.rchnntH ............41 13

1 StlllwcirH MarkutH ....... ......89 15

2 l-'nllorton Hoiltcallon ......'.....39 4.ri

H Clovor'H SporllnK UnodH ...M CO

Individual Lenders

Ten in No. I'inn (5.................... 632 S

I! <;. llen-y ..... 3 T. MvN'cll . S Jl. (liiHptu- .. I II. Heath ... 1 I-'. Windier il M. .Ionen .

I M. Vnrner . 7 II. Hhimm" . (I rta.lpb Hmlth


..........HDB1 <1S

.......... 2,812 .IT,

.......... -1402 21

.....;.... 3HBI! 21

...........10352 !>f

..........11380 0!

..........10810 CO

.......... 9190 51

JUNIOR LEAGUEHarbor Diviiion

No. W t;

-IIH' Cafu ............................50 'IB

ll's l.imch .......................48 32

rnniy Oil Klntlon..............47 33

in l-'tirnltiiru' CV..............-14 - SO.................41 89

r> Hell No. 2 ..............................33 '47

Ii I'lacentia I'liib ......................33 -17

S I-'. II. Can-oil lMH-dH..........'....24 Dli

Individual beaden

Team No. Pins C1..

r, a. llonmuiHon .................... (1070 51

I H. I-'ONH .........,...»............;......5842 38

3 J. It. Hci/tl ........-..;............. 2128 12

I l-'rvd HI-HOC ....................... U351 St

I II. W. I'nttui- .................... Ii70li 3D

:i i-'. sitiith ...........................I:M in7 I'. Siiuli-CH ... w.................... 50711 311

!i J. McNcally ...................... 45(14 27

7 A. SchcelH ..........................100S-I 60

I A. l.overinif ....... .............. 9534 57



Wott Coast Division

Hawk," Wllllmn- l-'ox'»

IUc ..I the iili- « llh un

c.iincH In tin- l-'ox

-.MI, i" \VtlniliiHtuti nn-l Thnih.lay.. !

"Second Choice," Gay SocietyDrama at Torrance Theatre

W I......4!l 27.....Id 30

Individual Leaders

I J. . il \V. SOCMI

r, V. it.ii Mnrtln 1 Al Sut

..,.11424 07

.... asuu is

.... ;iis« -is....Ulli^l 67.... s«au 15.... 1732 9....10NC6 r.7

.... sunn -iu....1029:, r,f,....11U23 at.... 7S71 12

IK; Ifle./rriorit cofoifurtuim Ift thcl

cla«s in the milotry. They

every eonleMl within tlielr «

rnnite. They »ufft-rcd thfet

rr«t:i hut in each cam- It wa* to-i

heavier team. They appeared a

tho Ohio Hlntt Unlvcrnlty >;rldlroi

at Columbiw- in a preliminary t

Die Ohio ntnte homccomlng

Illlnolx and proved to

Hon.The TV-areatM will play any lean

on the Pacific, i.'oiwl which aver-

»« « 1'MI ponndH In weight or less

which doeM not 'nave any -playej

wnlRltlne moiT than, lift ponndH

and which can prove Ha right ti

the Hectlonal - champlonMhlp.


ith ncnsa-

Narbonne Wins Practice Game

at Long Beach

Nai bonne's junior vurslty Ijaaehnli

team defeated I.onR Beach Poly

junior vacuity, 14-11, In a tree hit-

tlnR (tunic ut Ixjns Bench. Dallape,

Carpenter, Hirat.i and Foster, led

the Cmicho hitting attack with 2

hltH each., Murphy and

Illtiincntlial each pitched two in-

ninK for tho .UuuchoH and pcr-

formea creditably.Other Oaucho pla>'erH were Qlay-

ton, Day. the Vennywlth bfothcrs,

Kloyd Carpenter, I,onue Bid,well,

William Shepard and Ralph Aller-

man. ywalu hit bOHt for Long

Beach and 1'utnam and Caldwell

looked Rood In the box. Today.

Narbonne plays 131 ScKnndo on

Gaucho Held.- Ulumcnthal

probably pitch and Johnpon cutch.

The rest of the Jlnetip is undet-

mlned. Merch 1312

'_____..:...-,.,„..- .. ,. . ... ...,.. ............. .^OMgMC



Mrs. C-jrrie. L.'t'crry of Hillsdale >

Michigan, arrived In Toirancc re­

cently and will be a. Riiest at tho

homo of Mrs. O. C. B:ith hidefln-


Mrs. A. W. Joliiwon^ hn» as her

hoiiKesiinHt, her mint. Mm. H. H.

1'ollok of LOH An'stlts for a conpli!

of dnyH. Mrs. Al Woodyard of

T^OB AngeliN. an old friend of Mrs.

Johnson was Ijcr Kucst on Tues­


Mr. and Mrs. E. I-'. Schmid of

Tacoma, Wash., are BMcsts of Mr.

Schm\d'u brother. Rev. C!. G.

Schmld and family.

A Sign of Spring... IK robin reilbrr.nst . .

thu sign that you need-a

new sprint? . .suit or top'

coal. And our sigh is a.

pood one to follow 'tt you

want your,suit or over­

coat made to order, and

inude (is it Bhould be. Wo

suggest that yon look over

our newly arrived spring


J. LEPKINMerchant Tailor


o.HNinn- -|-|M' bliselwll |>l,

uriHUHed liy I'uul Voiule II he

Narbonne HighBaseball Schedule


IN THE WESTKent Bearcats, Sensational

Lightweight Team from Bast, Challenges Pacific Coast


I tlltll plctlli

I llllll'Klilile >

!i, liiiidenii il Nnrbonnr iirlionne ill Cell: M«>.S

in. Nuibmmv: Mn.v 2». in Itiln; Juno «. Toirn

etl'MJ J*cU S

llunnyh i wa-.i bun.

picture, | mil mule


If th» lUtring «M»mbly i»

properly lubricated nod in ptr-

feet ordtr, and your car *till-

aiignm«jtrouble may be mi

th« front wht«U,

ur< in front tirt

KENT. Ohio. . Miich 10 TJw :

K.-nt i;..ircutK., lasl UU ere- I

.I-..-.I' .1 M-ns.»tion in football circles I

in the middle »I.M :tnd cas-u 1^\v'

vlmlleniji-d the Pacific Coiust t'j ',

produce a "Iwntaai weight" looiliall j

team ohii-li »!ll play Hrtm t»t-xt lall

iw II.- c'.iampionshisj ut Hie L'cilKl)

In a letter to Htl Reynold*, di­

rector of the Tonrr^ro«*t of V.u*e*

at PasHdenk. Coach Hurry JkCuUn'

of the U aixutc lu« inuuiit-d mhrtli- j

er the <-Uuraiilt.r>lvi' garot, if it l» |

scheduled, nm be pUiytvi durios tUt!

nf\i tournament, j H-^IA, vho !

v, Ihi

you «v«r hod or your men«y b«ck.

llollll , llllrl' HI) M.IU1' 01 Kl -II -

K'lna Minphy. Clniihilii' M<

WhlMu- Clalr, Kilvi-uiil Miii

Jllliliu I'U'inmuni', lleni>

lilWtgi- .in,! Aniiu t'liiiiu-*.

"Hwitllil <'hot«.r" In IX\KI

UllKul'Klli AKxuinU'i')- utorv.

JlicliB. n ill.l ln>> 'iilHltlnllfilt.

IU-0 Ml. 'II, !<M, ,n lllllK'tUll

ully doM'loti mt.

l.*. With ni-nwi

tniiiH. illnlnKIV|lllfUtUHII< U

lUt- cteinul

iMilttHt wll

'Men Without Women' Is John Ford's

Triumph Showing At Fox Redondo

i 1 .. * mini; MM.I .,,-.'\ disUnd , ilianmlu- j.fiuuc, fctmiitl v.lurli

oli.i'....-irriiu,iiiin in !-tMi-ui tltlk'r>.; tVrd Dttints his cliaruci*r» in kharii j

vnl IIIIMI ill mi umiiuit iilcturu U'lllng MrDk*«. His nucoecs in in-;

Ruiy worm u <titilcult Ihlng tu do. j tllcittott by the <mhu«iiLSttc prxiac :

till John .Foul hot. jiccomiillnhed j which

It >n tl\c Mtnum climux <il lilt tin-; !u>v,

dfinoM drama. "Mvr. \Vlthmit \\<i ' »Wi.-.

IHBI\," winch vivnieii nn .nun I .-

ulirai-iton i.iid Tu«-i..liiv i.i.iln- l''"

««. V.ij; Ui'.Undo llicoll>-. , hviw .

Tlu> HUHi tu-e linvrjMiin.',! In mi ! htu'rth

oritlc nnJHi

linociiiplvil >>y !!» i

)»\i». Kivm this iiy.thvu- In ion».'xl ilttorlttiXH intt>

Set ,V tcum miuV i II ! talking uctv.o l>y

iu»i Ouwn mm-Jv

SANDY & SCOTT VMen's liood Clothesear the Bank*, Torrance

Ainei^iin niibmntlitu 'which U

In Hi,- 01 tin- riHlm

by » uolllM.iu »H,i it li-einhte

In llltlHWvltile lur them lo

tin- voMd nl to i-tiim- to tin

finv l-> «.'\ ..i in- UKU»! Icii

j Tilt .'),>:-II Mipl'l> l» llmUi.l

I \mti-i i., ..i..i.iii> '-iiaiiii In through I

j an iitac..wii.i. i .,k Thitr only { comes to Hit-

i hop--, «n>l « t«MU -»e, te th« elwuio« 1 only,

tlnti nwoue ulilp* may ruactt th.-m; Next \V.

tn tvniy to KtHil dlvem down and (<J>*4u will .-

clvur the J.amtK.I u>i|..-.lo nil...*,.' tone all. I.UK

(huh illo«iiifc th« rvcn lo l><- D.IUI \ Th* Sky Ha'

uul to the <.uil4u.-«. , lean, U4it4»U

Tlus ..x-usuuiiuii tin. uiu^ | |,lanv».

i celluloid

lullc, wilt IK- IH-.IB uul li««rd t»-

8 Paramounf production which U. .loud... Sunday




"The Lone Star Ranger"ZANE GREY'S Thrilling novel with



"Clancy in Wall Street"A~-comedy mirthquake with CHARLIE MURRAY








William Fox's Stupendous Epic of the Air

"The Sky Hawk"with an all star cast



.Mar 21-22



Mar. 23



M.H. 24,25



M.r. 26


"The Cohens and The Kelleys In Scotland**

With C'harlie Murray and (Jco. Sidney

Alku TuHting I'omedy l''ov Muvirtimv Nuws


"Pointed Heels**With IIKI.KN kANi: and TAY^WKAY

\)MI TalkiiiK Comedy Mvtrulone Nev,.s

All Talking Submarine Urnmu

"Men Without Women**

uitli UKNM-rilH MucKliNNA ^

AUo Talkinii foutrdy Mrtroloov New a

TluilliiiK 'All TalkinK \vintion Drama

"The Sky JHawk"Witli HEI.KN l

AUu TulkinK t omedv

>KNU CttK KIIUMKS Tt» MK'KKY MOl'SK. 1 1.1 «