**TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the...

An Outreach of Ruth 2:12 reads: “May the Lord reward you for you work. May full pay be given to you from the Lord, the God of Israel. It is under His wings that you have come to be safe.” Ruth 2:12 General information The Embassy provides a program designed for women who recognize they have a life-controlling problem and desire to change their life beginning with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Embassy is a discipleship home that believes true recovery and freedom from our old life of self is only possible by the work of Jesus Christ and His transforming power. The only way to abstain from our old life is by the renewing of the heart of our mind by the Word of God and His fullness. The program consists of two areas of development: spiritual and life skills. Spiritual discipleship is designed to provide growth in a Christ-led life. The program strives to rebuild the women’s sense of self-esteem, self-worth, and promote independence. Once grounded in strong spiritual roots, the goal is to help them get a job, pursue a career, obtain a car, begin to work for a home of their own or stay connected with the ministry to turn around and give what they have received. Spiritual Development and Healing Curriculum During the first 42 days the women will be in “Dash Training” which is building an understanding of their life span from birth to death and discovering their purpose in Christ. The initial program is intensive and will require one to engage their own will so they can receive all that is to be learned about the Kingdom of God. After these 42 days students will look for employment. Pre-Dash Training This is a preliminary activity to lay some groundwork and get to know the women in regard to their course of life or “rut,” and express their desire to change, and what that will look like to them. They will complete a section on “Personal Faith” which helps us to know where they are in understanding the things of God. PHASE 1: “Dash Training”: discipleship foundations of understanding Christian faith, and understanding how their body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit participates in this faith. PHASE 2: Students will begin personal preparation for prayer ministry that focuses on healing soul wounds and begins spiritual freedom. PHASE 3: This phase of “Dash Training” is called Transformational Discipleship. The focus is freedom from spiritual oppression and renewing of the mind to the concepts and principals of the “Kingdom of Light”. Students are required to attend a Christ-Centered, Biblically-based church service each week. Students will attend other Bible studies during the week. There will be a weekly House meeting where students discuss house matters and report their adherence to the program standards as part of their accountability program. Students will be assigned mentors who will help guide them in their walk with Christ and their becoming a productive citizen in the community. **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM**

Transcript of **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the...

Page 1: **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it stopped to where you can exit the

An Outreach of

Ruth 2:12 reads: “May the Lord reward you for you work. May full pay be given to you from the Lord, the God of Israel. It is under His wings that you have come to be safe.” Ruth 2:12

General information The Embassy provides a program designed for women who recognize they have a life-controlling

problem and desire to change their life beginning with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The

Embassy is a discipleship home that believes true recovery and freedom from our old life of self is only

possible by the work of Jesus Christ and His transforming power. The only way to abstain from our old

life is by the renewing of the heart of our mind by the Word of God and His fullness. The program

consists of two areas of development: spiritual and life skills. Spiritual discipleship is designed to provide

growth in a Christ-led life. The program strives to rebuild the women’s sense of self-esteem, self-worth,

and promote independence. Once grounded in strong spiritual roots, the goal is to help them get a job,

pursue a career, obtain a car, begin to work for a home of their own or stay connected with the ministry to

turn around and give what they have received.

Spiritual Development and Healing Curriculum During the first 42 days the women will be in “Dash Training” which is building an understanding of

their life span from birth to death and discovering their purpose in Christ. The initial program is

intensive and will require one to engage their own will so they can receive all that is to be learned about

the Kingdom of God. After these 42 days students will look for employment.

Pre-Dash Training – This is a preliminary activity to lay some groundwork and get to know the women

in regard to their course of life or “rut,” and express their desire to change, and what that will look like to

them. They will complete a section on “Personal Faith” which helps us to know where they are in

understanding the things of God. PHASE 1: “Dash Training”: discipleship foundations of understanding

Christian faith, and understanding how their body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit participates

in this faith. PHASE 2: Students will begin personal preparation for prayer ministry that focuses on

healing soul wounds and begins spiritual freedom. PHASE 3: This phase of “Dash Training” is called

Transformational Discipleship. The focus is freedom from spiritual oppression and renewing of the mind

to the concepts and principals of the “Kingdom of Light”.

Students are required to attend a Christ-Centered, Biblically-based church service each week. Students

will attend other Bible studies during the week. There will be a weekly House meeting where students

discuss house matters and report their adherence to the program standards as part of their accountability

program. Students will be assigned mentors who will help guide them in their walk with Christ and their

becoming a productive citizen in the community.


Page 2: **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it stopped to where you can exit the

The first step… A SERIOUS SURVEY OF YOUR LIFE……. Do you feel like your life is in a rut? Sometimes it seems we just wander

around and around going nowhere, doing the same things, and for the most

part, being in despair, wanting to change but not knowing how and feeling


Swimming pool current analogy: If you walk around the outside edge of a chest high swimming pool you will create a current going in

one direction. This is the current that illustrates a lifestyle out of control. What would happen if you

turned around and went the other direction? There would be 3 major effects: a strong resistance,

splashing in your face, and losing your footing to fall back into the current. This is exactly what we are

suggesting for you when you make a step to get your life in order according to God’s ways. For some,

the ways of God may be a completely different culture or a much-needed adjustment. For some, the

changes may mess with engrained habits of lifestyle. The change will feel uncomfortable and you will

experience all the results as mentioned above. You may feel strong resistance, it may mess with your

mind (confusion, or fast negative narratives) and you may lose your footing and fall back. Knowing this

ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it

stopped to where you can exit the pool and begin to walk in the ways of God.

This is where we, The Embassy, come into play. We are here to encourage you and spur you on. But

you will have to be the one to pursue exiting the pool. Before you do, you WILL encounter resistance,

endure the splashing in your face, and will have to learn to regain your footing as soon as you realize you

are slipping!! Imagine there are handles (rungs) along the side of the pool. If your feet slip and you fall

back into the current you can grab those handles. We will be giving you teaching and tools that will help

you grab those handles, hang on, and pull yourself back up on your feet. When you get the current

stopped by pushing in the other direction, you can exit the “pool” and start to walk out your way to

freedom God’s way. Will it be easy? No, it will not. Will it be worth it? Absolutely! Learning to walk

in the ways of God are rewarding beyond understanding.

Watch the swimming pool whirlpool video (if possible), write what you observed: _______________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To get out of a “rut” or a strong current you have created, you need to recognize you are in one. Are you ready to begin the fight? What are you going to do when the current stops? ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________. 1) What 3 major effects will you feel when you turn the current? _______________, _______________, ______________________. 2) The change will feel ______________________ Why? ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) The teaching tools will be like _____________________________________________ to help you ________________________________________. 4) What tools for your life did you gain on this page? __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 3: **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it stopped to where you can exit the

What does a rut look like? This is one example of a rut. This may not be your specific rut, it is just an example. DRUG CULTURE RUT: I used, I got caught, I went to jail/prison, I signed up for treatment, I did treatment, I relapsed, stayed with anyone, floated from couch to couch, no direction, hopelessness……repeat, repeat, repeat……. Circle all the elements of the culture lifestyle you are familiar with: Hiding running fear stealing sick high hate strife filthy living quarters Storage units tax return broken phones taking stuff back to Wal-Mart jail prison Lost kids burnt bridges sleeping outside homeless court costs no license Lying manipulation staying in motels loose morality trash mouth no transportation List any others you can think of ___________________________________________________________ DEFINE YOUR RUT. Describe your current, or before prison/jail environment, lifestyle, feelings, relationships, habits, talk, dress, jobs, personal goals, and faith. (use the back of this paper if needed. The more you write and bring out the picture in your mind the more you will understand). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 4: **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it stopped to where you can exit the

The second step… Make the goals and do them…

So, you want areas of your life to change? Let’s start off by changing the word “want” to WILL! Put an x over the word “want” and write WILL above it. Does that word change the impact of change on your mind? You will be wanting to change 5 years from now unless you set your will. Write out what a change in your life would look like in ALL of these areas:

1) Environment - __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

2) Lifestyle _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3) Feelings _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

4) Relationships and family restoration _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5) Habits ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6) Personal goals you have set for yourself ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7) Spiritual changes _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

8) Employment ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9) The way you talk and dress _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

10) Social development _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11) Home management _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 5: **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it stopped to where you can exit the

If you are ready and you choose to take on the adventure, you are about to take a journey of understanding taken from a Biblical worldview regarding the meaning of your existence, the existence of God, and the existence of an enemy to your soul. You will begin to understand the resistance you may be experiencing when you attempt to make a change in your life. This is the resistance we talked about in the swimming pool analogy. Learn to feel it and keep a journal of it. More than likely you already experience “narratives” in your mind that are like tapes playing over and over. We will help you pay attention to those and keep a journal of them as well. As people of God, we are to be constantly observing, learning, changing, adjusting and growing in God’s revelation. Our motto is “We will teach to your understanding so you can adjust or change your own will.” We will encourage you to observe, ask questions, collect data, test the data, and make a decision about what you believe. You need to become the scientist in your own life. We are excited you have chosen to explore this journey. It is our desire to help you step back and ponder, examine, and evaluate your personal journey through what we call “life on the dash” up to this present point in your life. We will be “DASH TRAINING” you!! Would it be accurate to say you have picked up hurts and pain so far along this journey? We will be exploring the reasons and roots of those pains in order to bring healing and peace. There will be 4 sessions in the “Dash Training Discipleship.” In Session 1 you will be given the truth that you are on a journey from birth to death and that journey takes place on the “Dash” or “road of life”. The illustration of the “road of life” is found on a grave stone. The “dash” between birth and death is the “road of life” and EVERYONE travels it. You will learn you are presently an eternal spirit being and will live forever. The journey on the “road of life” is short compared to eternity. While you travel on this road, two kingdoms, The Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of darkness, are in a cosmic war over your life. It is our goal to equip you with the tools to travel this road safely. It is also our goal to teach about and lead you to the Kingdom of Light. We will only lead you to the truth, but it will always be your decision which kingdom to serve. You are responsible for your own decisions while you travel your “dash.” You will learn the makeup of your being, which we call a “mobile home.” Your “mobile home” has 3 parts; a body, a soul and a spirit. It is vital that you learn the function of each. In Session 2 you will learn there is only one true God in the midst of many gods (say little “g” gods). In the Biblical Worldview, the Bible is the objective (detached from all opinions) truth of God and the manual in which you are to follow if you choose to travel in the Kingdom of Light. You will be briefed on the understanding of the cosmic war. You will meet Jesus, the author of your life and you will meet your adversary, the enemy of your life. You will begin to understand your enemy has been setting up his Kingdom of darkness from the time of his fall from heaven to this present time. You will learn it is important to understand how your enemy works. You will be shown from the Word of God what each of the two kingdoms want for your life. You will realize from scripture that the kingdom of darkness is the source to all pain and hurts. In Session 3 you will learn God’s wonderful, original plan for mankind and how Satan deceived mankind and brought the whole creation into darkness. You will begin to understand God’s ways and how He magnificently saved mankind from this seemingly disastrous plan! In Session 4 we will focus on your personal journey on the “road of life” up to this point in time. You will be able to see where the enemy has worked in your life to bring you into spiritual bondage. Then you will be able to see for yourself the bondage in your life and the way you got there. We will offer ministry; and if you choose to receive it, you can then begin to get free.

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The purpose for this page is to help you explore your own personal worldview about life’s

journey on your “dash” with its events and circumstances. Maybe you have never given it any

thought. How would your “dash” be defined so far? You ALONE travel your own “dash” of

time. You have had people in your life that helped you and some that were not good for you.

Ultimately, you are responsible for your own journey. Above in the left-hand corner is a picture

of a young woman or an old woman. Which do you see? Who do you identify with in the

picture on the right upper corner? Below are some questions that will help us and you

understand your perspective on “life.” Your perspective is important to us and we truly value

your own insight. On another sheet of paper, write out these questions and answer them

according to your understanding. Don’t consult answers from someone else.

1) Why do you think there are so many heart-breaking tragedies?

2) Why would a compassionate God continue to allow suffering?

3) Why have things happened in your life that brings pain?

A worldview is what you understand about the world around you. How would you answer

these questions?

1) The question of origin: How did life begin? How did mankind come into existence?

2) The question of identity and purpose: Why does mankind exist? Why do I exist?

3) The question of morality and ethics: What is meant by right and wrong? How should I


4) The question of destiny: Is there life after death? What happens to me when I die?

5) We know you believe in the natural realm because you live in it every day. What about a

spiritual realm that you do not see? What understanding do you have of the spiritual world?

We are a faith-based, Christian ministry teaching a Biblical Worldview, which means we take our directions for life on the “dash” from the Bible, which is also called the Word of God. God, Creator of all things, has not left us in the dark to wonder and to guess about our purpose. He has clearly revealed His purposes for our lives through the Holy Bible. It is our “Traveling Manual”. In this amazing book He explains the origin of all things, how He interacts with people, how life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in the future. God is not just the starting point of your life; He is the source of it. To discover your purpose in life, we will encourage you to turn to God’s Word to build your life on God’s unchanging character and His eternal truth. When you do, you become grounded in His Truth and are not tossed around by every guess and idea from TV, psychology theories, ads, or motivational success seminars. The Bible is a “living”, supernatural book, written by a supernatural God. It gives revelation of reality not speculation.

Page 7: **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it stopped to where you can exit the

APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO “THE EMBASSY” ***Please print legibly. ***All information must be filled out.

PERSONAL INFORMATION Last Name/ First Name/ Middle Name _____________________________________________________________________________________

HOMETOWN INFORMATION: City: ____________________________________________ County: _____________________________ State: _________________________ Zip Code: _________________________ Social Security Number _____________________________ Driver’s License # __________________ Is your Current Driver’s license valid? ____________ If not, please explain: _______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married ________________ Divorced ____________________ Single ______________________ Children ________________ Names of children and ages: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Child support owed____________________ To whom __________________ How much _____________

WORK HISTORY: Type of employment and years worked in each: 1)__________________________________ ____________________ 2)__________________________________ ____________________ 3)__________________________________ ____________________ **ATTENTION: If you are removed from “The Embassy” for any reason, to what address will you want to be taken? This is not an option. You must have something in this space below. _____________________________________________________________________________________

LEGAL INFORMATION: Are you currently on probation or parole? ______________ If yes, please give the following information about your parole officer: Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ How often do you report? ___________________________________________________ Do you physically report, or email in report? ________________________ Do you owe court fines? _______________Amount ___________________ Date due_______________ DOC Number: ___________________________________ Out Date: ____________________________

Page 8: **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it stopped to where you can exit the

CHURCH/RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY Do you attend church or Bible Study? ________________ If so, where and what classes? ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Have you made a personal commitment of your life to Jesus Christ? _______________________

Here is an assessment called the FICA. It is questions for you to answer about your spirituality. F – Faith and Belief

Do you consider yourself spiritual or religious? ________________________________________________

Do you have spiritual beliefs that help you cope with stress? ____________________________________

What gives your life meaning? _____________________________________________________________ I – Importance and Influence

What importance does your faith or belief give in your life? ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

How do they influence you in how you take care of yourself? ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

What aspects of your faith or beliefs are helpful or not so helpful to you? __________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

C – Community

Are you a part of a spiritual or religious community? ___________________________________________

Is this of support to you and how? __________________________________________________________

Is there a group of people you really love or who are important to you? ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

A – Address in Care

How do you need us to help you address these issues in your recovery to freedom? __________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

MEDICAL INFORMATION Are you currently under a doctor’s care? _____________________ If yes, what for? ________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your Doctor’s name? _________________________________ Phone Number ______________ Medications: Life sustaining medications only. For example: Heart and Blood Pressure Medications. There will be a case by case determination on the need for psychotropic medication. Please list all life sustaining medications: List current medication and dosage: _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ *Do you have allergies? __________________ If yes, please list them: ___________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ *Do you have any physical limitations that would inhibit your ability to perform manual labor? For example: a history of herniated or slipped disc in the back, hip or knee injuries, and neck or shoulder injuries? If yes, please list them: __________________________________________________________ A doctor’s note, on their office stationery, stating the specific physical limitation (s) is REQUIRED before Admission to the program and should be submitted with this application. *All students are responsible for all medical or dental costs including medications and transportation. Therefore, let us know of any medical or dental problems you may have before entering our home. *Medical and dental emergencies will be attended to in the appropriate manner.

Page 9: **TOBACCO FREE PROGRAM** - The Embassy...ahead of time you can begin to prepare yourself for the battle of reversing the current so you can get it stopped to where you can exit the

PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Unit team, Counselors, Chaplain, Employer, or Sister’s in Christ ETC.) Attach a separate paper is needed. 1) Name: ________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________ Address: ______________________________________City: ___________________ State: ________ Relationship: _____________________________________________ Known for _______ years. 2) Name: ________________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City: __________________ State: ________ Relationship ____________________________________________ Known for _____________ years. 3) Name: _____________________________________________ Phone #: ______________________ Address: _________________________________________City: ___________________State: ________ Relationship ____________________________________________Known for _____________ years.

Ministry Relationship: I, ______________________________________________ understand the “The Embassy” is a Christ Centered program, Biblically based organization, and a ministry of the church. The purpose of “The Embassy” by the Word of God, is to present new creatures in Christ and people of honor, prepared to take their place, first of all, in the fellowship of believers (regular church attendance) and secondly, return to live and work, brush shoulders with the rest of the world while remaining clean. Clean means to abstain from alcohol, drug use, smoking and to seek holiness and purity in all areas of the inner life. Our mission is to grow women in their relationship with Christ Jesus. As they grow and mature in Christ it is our desire for them to turn around and share the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ with those people in this community and abroad and make disciples of all nations. Signature _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________

DRUG TREATMENT I understand that “The Embassy” is not licensed by the State of Missouri as a drug treatment program. Signature _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Note: After completely filling out this application mail it to:

111 North State Fair Blvd. Suite 20, Sedalia, MO 65301 ATTENTION: You must be approved before coming into the program! During the interview prior to entry, you will be asked if you have taken drugs or alcohol in the past 24 hours. Please note that circumstances may require you to go through a detox center before coming into the program. ***IMPORTANT NOTICE: All students will abide by all the rules and living agreements. They must also sign the rules and living agreement contract. I have read the above disclosure statement. I understand and agree to abide by these terms.

Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ___________________

Printed Name: _______________________________________________________

Reviewed by Director ____________________________________________ Date: _________________

FOR OFFICE ONLY: Date received ________________________ Date accepted _____________________

Date entered the Program _________________ Approved by: _________________________________